
第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分)
1. Which person does the man want to follow
A. The man on the bus. B. The woman in the taxi. C. The man on the motorcycle.
2. Where should the man put used envelopes
A. In the biggest box. B. In the medium sized box. C. In the smallest box.
3. What record did the woman just break
A. Her personal record. B. The school record. C. The national record.
4. When will the flight take off
A. At 4 o'clock. B. At 5 o'clock. C. At 6 o'clock.
5. Where does the conversation most likely take place
A. At a cinema. B. At the speakers' home, C. At a restaurant.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22. 5分)
6. What time will the man use the car
A. At 3:00. B. At 4:00. C. At 4:30.
7. What does the woman have to do if she wants the car
A. Do some housework later. B. Drive her brother somewhere. C. Finish her schoolwork before leaving.
8. What are the speakers doing
A. Attending a party. B. Discussing a lecture. C. Working part-time at a hospital.
9. Which job has the woman applied for
A. Waitress. B. Volunteer. C. Salesgirl.
10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Father and daughter. B. Teacher and student. C. Classmates.
11. Why did the man's aunt and uncle leave their home
A. To visit family. B. To have a vacation. C. To escape the natural disaster.
12. How do the man's family find out what's going on in Hawail
A. They call their relatives. B. They read the newspaper. C. They watch news programs.
13. What do the man's aunt and uncle think about San Francisco
A. It isn't very fun. B. It's too cold. C. It's scary to visit.
14. What are the speakers talking about
A. Their trip abroad. B. Vacation plans. C. Cultural differences.
15. Why doesn't the woman want to go to Mexico
A. She's afraid of flying. B. She hates the food there. C. She went there with her cousin last summer.
16. What does the man say about Spanish
A. It's not easy to learn. B. He's been learning it for a year, C. He can only say a few words,
17. What probably makes the woman change her mind
A. The beauty of the beaches in Mexico.
B. The possibility of learning some Spanish.
C. Many people speaking English in Mexico.
18. In which year did Ritchie Valens make his first record
A. 1950. B.1958. C.1959.
19. What was Ritchie Valens 'S most famous song
A. La Bamba. B. American Pie. C. Dorna.
20. Who got a seat on the plane because of illness
A. Don McLean. B. Buddy Holly. C.J. P. Richardson.
第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37.5分)
Where to eat in Malaysia
Malaysia offers a wide range of food choices, ranging from fine dining to street food. Elsewhere, restaurants and food stalls are readily available.
Old China Cafe
Eating here is a little like dining in a museum as the walls are lined with photos and memorabilia of the local Chinese laundryman's association. Chinese and Asian dishes keep regulars and travellers coming back for more. The menu changes monthly.
San Pedro
This restaurant serves Portuguese cuisine. Try the baked fish (seabass or red snapper), curry debal chicken (can be quite spicy), fried brinjals and the black pepper crabs. Call ahead to reserve a table (and your fish), because once their fish runs out, they will close for the day.
The Bungalow
Facing the hotel pool and the beach, this restaurant has indoor and outdoor seating. At night, the atmosphere is very romantic. The Chinese menu concentrates on traditional Hainanese dishes, but includes dishes such as fish curry, chicken rice and filet mignon.
No. 7 Sup Corner
Even if you miss this buffet-style restaurant at the road bend, you will not miss the number of cars parked at the road shoulder or the locals heading to it during lunchtime. It serves Malay dishes. First get your plate of rice, and then take whatever you would like to eat. Present your food plate to the lady at the counter and pay for it. Closed on Fridays and during Ramadan. Come early as there's always a crowd outside.
21. What do Old China Cafe and the Bungalow have in common
A. They are based in hotels. B. They have seasonal set menus.
C. They have atmospheric settings. D. They adopt modern cooking methods.
22. Which restaurant serves western cuisine
A. Old China Cafe. B. No.7 Sup Corner. C. The Bungalow. D. San Pedro.
23. What do we know about No. 7 Sup Corner
A. It is inconveniently located. B. It is a self-service restaurant.
C. It requires a restaurant booking. D. It opens every day except the weekends.
It's 1:30 am in Kenya's populated north, and 50 people are lying on their backs on the shore of a dried-up river, staring up at the night sky. These stargazers have travelled 250 miles to Samburu to witness the Perseid meteor shower (英仙座流星雨). They are not disappointed: Every few minutes, arrows of light shoot across the sky like silent fireworks.
The Star Safari is organised by a Kenyan astronomer, Susan Murabana, who has brought a 50 kg, 170 cm- long telescope to allow the group to view Mars and deep sky objects. But here in Samburu, where light pollution is minimal, the Perseid meteors visible with the naked eye (裸眼)- steal the show.
Every two months, Murabana and her husband load their telescope on to the roof of their 4X4 and set off to rural communities, where they give up to 300 children a chance to view the planets and learn about constellations (星座) and the basics of astrophysics. They primarily targets schools in remote areas because of her mission to give girls an opportunity that she wishes had been available to her.
“When I started this work, I didn't see people who looked like me. I was a lone ranger and I wanted to change that,” says Murabana.
“There is a common misconception in Kenya that astronomy in general is hard, boring, and only for boys,” she adds. “I'd like to teach young girls that astronomy is neither of these things and that they, too, can become astronomers,” says Murabana. Murabana's passion for astronomy began in her early 20s when her uncle invited her to join a similar outreach session organized by the Cosmos Education.“That was a gamechanger. If an outreach group had come to me when I was a young teenager, my attitude towards a career in astronomy would have been positive. I ended up studying sociology and economics, but maybe I would have desired to be an astronomer," she says.
Inspired by the Cosmos Education, Murabana completed an online master's degree in astronomy with the James Cook University in 2011 and set up her own outreach programme. She looked to Dr Mae Jemison, the first black woman in space, as a role model. “I hope that one day, through this work, I will spark a chain reaction that leads to the first African woman
in space.
24. What do the underlined words “steal the show” in paragraph 2 mean
A. Ruin the effort. B. Face the challenge. C. Attract more attention. D. Keep the promise.
25. Why does Murabana target girl students in remote areas
A. To help them out of poverty. B. To inspire their love of astronomy.
C. To look for assistants for her work. D. To give them an edge over boys in studies.
26. What can we learn about Murabana from paragraph 6
A. She enjoyed playing games. B. She longed to be an astronomer.
C. She is an initiator of Cosmos Education. D. She regretted not taking astronomy earlier.
27. What s the passage mainly about
A. The birth of a Kenyan woman astronomer.
B. The prejudice against girls in rural Kenyan.
C. The Kenyan astronomer bringing astronomy to the people.
D. The Kenyan stargazers watching the Perseid meteors shower.
Often overlooked as a nuisance (讨厌),pigeons are actually highly intelligent animals. In a study, 24 pigeons were shown different stimuli, like lines of different width and placement, as well as sectioned rings. Each bird had to peck (啄) a button on the right or left to decide which category they belonged to. If they got it correct, they got food; if they got it wrong, they got nothing.
“Pigeons don't need a rule," said Brandon Turner, lead author of the study. Instead they learn through trial and error. For example, when they were given a visual, say“category A”, anything that looked close to that they also classified as “category A".
Over the course of the experiments, pigeons improved their ability to make right choices from 55% to 95% of the time when it came to some of the simpler tasks. Presented with a more complex challenge, their accuracy went up from 55% to 68%.
“Using more humble animals like pigeons, we can test how far they can go with a mind that is solely or mostly associative,” said Turner. “This paper shows how incredibly strong associative systems can be, how true cognition-like (认知) they are.
In an AI model, the main goal is to recognize patterns and make decisions. Pigeons, as research shows, can do the same. When not given food, pigeons have a remarkable ability to correct their errors. Similarity function is also at play for pigeons, by using their ability to find resemblance (相似) between two objects.
“With just those two mechanisms alone, you can define a neural network or an artificial intelligent machine to basically solve these categorization problems,” said Turner. “It stands to reason that the mechanisms that are present in the AI are also present in the pigeon.”
The researchers now aim to co-operate with scientists who study pigeons and their brains. They are hoping that these findings can have practical applications in better understanding human brain damage.“ Maybe we can get some further insight into what is going on in that little bird brain,” said Turner.
28. What task did researchers set for pigeons
A. Identify similarities. B. Select food. C. Tell right from left. D. Do simple calculation.
29. How did pigeons improve accuracy in the experiment
A. By working with fellow pigeons. B. By turning to AI technology.
C. By learning from consequences. D. By observing others' behaviour.
30. What's the finding of the study
A. Pigeons use toolset to complete complex tasks.
B. Pigeons may be able to decide on their reflection.
C. Pigeons problem solve similarly to artificial intelligence.
D. Pigeons can use AI to recognize resemblance between objects.
31. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about concerning the study
A. Its appeal to the public. B. Expectations for future studies.
C. Its underlying logic. D. Scientists with new perspectives.
We may weep for the dodo, but could and should we bring this lovely bird back from the dead De-extinction is the science of restoring lost species and it has been in the news for decades.
The story in modern times began in 1990 when Michael Crichton published his science fiction novel Jurassic Park, in which he imagined a world where scientists were able to bring dinosaurs back to life. Crichton imagined that polymerase chain reaction ( PCR) technology could be a way to amplify (放大) tiny quantities of dinosaur DNA and thus build a living embryo.
Sadly, biologists soon realized that DNA in fact breaks down super fast; even after 100 years, DNA from museum skins of dodos was decayed (腐烂) beyond repair. They could be sequenced (测定序列) using massive computational power, but then only with considerable uncertainty. And even if you capture a DNA sequence, there's still the problem of how you get living cells to read that sequence and express proteins that make the dinosaur or the dodo.
But why would anyone want to see mammoths, or something like them, roaming (漫游) present day Siberia Well, they were undoubtedly amazing beasts. As well as hunting them, our distant ancestors painted their likenesses in caves across Europe. Fascinating as they may be, there's some ecological justification for the project too.
It was this diversity of land surface, broken up by heavy limbs and randomly fertilized by faces (排泄物), that supported so much flora (植物群). Without the mammoths, that diversity disappeared. Return them and landscapes would once again be with a variety of species, including flowers and bushes.
True, it's not de extinction in the sense of bringing a long dead species back to life. Instead it's more like making a "dodo" by engineering a modern pigeon, its closest relative to become huge and lightless The result would be a big, fatty pigeon that, whether it looked like a dodo or not, would probably fulfil some of its ecological roles.
As a paleontologist, I would of course love to see living dinosaurs, mammoths and dodos. In some ways, though, I am relieved that the optimistic claims for cloning and genetic technologies have not been borne out. The slowdown gives us time to consider the outcomes and hopefully avoid some of Michael Crichton's more fevered imaginings.
32. What is paragraph 2 of the text mainly about
A. A science fiction review. B. The development of DNA.
C. An inspired guess of de extinction. D. The application of PCR technology.
33. What's the barrier to cloning a living embryo
A. DNA is hard to keep for long. B. Computational power is limited.
C. Biologists are opposed to it. D. Living cells can't be sequenced.
34. Why are people interested in cloning extinct species
A. They expect to seek hunt fun. B. They lack sources of modern art.
C. They need them for research. D. They want to see biodiversity.
35. What's the author s attitude toward cloning extinct species
A. Cautious. B. Unclear. C. Dismissive. D. Approving.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5 分,满分12. 5分)
One of the cores of emotional intelligence is self regulation, an important skill in the workplace. Like any skill, mastery of emotional self- control requires intentionality and practice. 36
Pause to Mentally Distance
When you notice your typical physiological experiences associated with strong negative emotion, what should you do Mentally step out of your immediate experience. Asking yourself any question, or imagining what you might look like to others right now, will do the trick. At that point, although still physiologically keyed up, you will be able to ask yourself, “What is the best course of action right now " or “What advice would I give someone else who is in my shoes ” 37 .
Take Control of Your Self-Talk
We're frequently unaware of how much self-chatter is going on in the background of our minds. Such self-talk might not be in fully articulated (铰接式的) words or phrases, but instead little flashes of thought. Becoming aware of your self talk can be difficult. Why is this an important skill to develop 38 . To genuinely ease a strong negative emotion requires tackling the source by examining the underlying belief and how accurate reasonable, or useful it is.
Seek Support from Partners
Ask others you trust to help you recognize when your emotions seem to be getting the best of you, 39 . Agree on a gesture or word that might serve as a signal that your trusted individual wonders whether you're riding the led by your limbic-system train. Of course, there will be times they re wrong. So, it's important not to respond defensively when you get that signal. Reacting with anything other than gratitude ensures that your partner won't take that risk again.
Cultivate (培养) Curiosity
Our brains are wired to draw conclusions and form judgments at lightning speed, and those are frequently the cause of our negative emotions. 40 , but we tend to run with them, sparking the self talk that follows. Generally working to be more curious about other people's experiences, including their self identified motives for their behavior, helps avoid making hasty judgments.
A. They are comfortable with all emotions
B. Those judgments are not necessarily accurate
C. Doing so provides you with choices as to how to act
D. Explain your developmental goals and sincerely ask for help
E. Stay focused on coming up with an answer and following through on it
F. Because it is those background beliefs that fuel our emotional responses
G. Here are four ways you can develop greater emotional self management
第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)
I'm obsessed (迷恋) with music. As a teenager, I couldn't leave the house without my 41 . My summers were filled with festivals, and my shelves with 42 .
But one day last year something changed. I became aware of a faint tapping sound in my left ear. It wasn't loud enough to be 43 , but the next day it turned into a whooshing sound. By the weekend it had started to become hard to 44 in my left ear.
I was then sent to see specialists. They said it was the mitochondrial disease that caused the 45 , but they couldn't say for sure. So 46 , I am still undiagnosed (没有确诊).
I was given hearing aids, but they didn't work. I've signed up for a lip reading course and am 47 British Sign Language. My friends have been 48 , some have offered to learn BSL, but I feel it's really me who has to 49 this new life.
Other deaf people have warned of feeling isolated (孤立) and I'm determined not to make that my 50 . I do get 51 when I have to go out of my comfort zone. Going to a bar and asking for a drink is fine 52 they start making small talk-at that point I'll declare I'm deaf.
I've always preferred to 53 ahead, but since this happened I take life day by day. The doctors have speculated (推测) that my 54 might come back. The future is 55 , but I'm at peace with that.
41. A. assignments B. headphones C. schoolbags D. uniforms
42. A. textbooks B. toys C. records D. flowers
43. A. annoying B. impressive C. pleasant D. heartbreaking
44. A. strike B. clean C. see D. hear
45. A. pain B. deafness C. awareness D. anxiety
46. A. technically B. gradually C. similarly D. confidently
47. A. teaching B. speaking C. promoting D. learning
48. A. great B. curious C. excited D. awkward
49. A. withdraw from B. leave behind C. break off D. adapt to
50. A. job B. hobby C. life D. aim
51. A. reward B. anxiety C. criticism D. pleasure
52. A. because B. if C. until D. when
53. A. plan B. contact C. depart D. write
54. A. memory B. appetite C. hearing D. sight
55. A. promising B. unbelievable C. predictable D. uncertain
第二节(共 10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填人一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Dazu Rock Carvings refers to all of the 102 cliffside carvings in Dazu district, Chongqing. The 56 (construct) of those rock carvings dates back to 650, and continued into the 17th century. The scenic area 57 (add) to the World Heritage List in December 1999.
So far, 50,000 statues and 100 ,000 carved Chinese characters 58 (identify) and over 75 cliff statue sites are under state protection. The cliff statues are large in size, well carved and among the best 59 ( preserve) of their similarities.
The Dazu Rock Carvings have 60 important position in the history of China's grotto art. Artisans created these rock carvings not simply by replicating (复制) images that their ancestors had made 61 by combining religious figures with ordinary life, 62 recorded the transition (过渡) of society. The statues show the evolution of carving and national features, 63 (break) new ground in religious art and creating dynamic figures full of life. They stand on the peak of Chinese rock carving art with their historical values and aesthetic (美学) quality.
According to the UNESCO description, the Dazu Rock Carvings are remarkable 64 their rich diversity of subject matter and the light they cast on daily life in ancient China. Their existence proved the 65 (harmony) synthesis (结合) of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism during that period.
第四部分写作(共两节,满分 40分)
The Fable Story in China
When I was a kid in Pennsylvania, my family rehabilitated (康复治疗) wild animals. I grew up with raccoons (浣熊) and a fox running around the house. We would go travelling to Bermuda and I would watch the whales off the shore. I fell in love with them and wanted to know more about what they got up to underwater. Now I've been studying whales for more than 30 years and am the president of the Center for Cetacean Research and Conservation.
In 2017, I was on a boat around Rarotonga in the Cook Islands, working on a film about whale conservation. The crew wanted to get more footage (镜头) of me in the water with the humpback whales -I often slip in quietly to record their behaviour for research. Seeing a couple of humpbacks in the distance, I slid off the boat wearing a snorkel mask and a GoPro, and swam towards them.
As I was approaching, one of the male humpbacks came right up to me, nuzzling (用鼻爱抚) me with his head and pushing me through the water. I felt a rush of pleasure mixed with fear. I tried to keep calm, never taking my eyes off him. Then the whale swam underneath me and lifted me out of the water on his flipper (鳍). I signalled to the boat, then-swoosh-I was pushed back under.
After seven and a half minutes of being pushed around by the humpback, I saw what I thought was a second, smaller whale. But then 1 noticed the tail- whales move theirs up and down, and this one was moving side to side. I realized with horror that it belonged to a huge, 18ft tiger shark! Tiger sharks are known to attack people, sometimes fatally (致命的).
The shark had arched its body in attack mode.
I told the whale that I loved him and thanked him as he was to swim off
2 / 2
1—5 CAACB 6—10 CAACB 11—15 CCBBA 16—20 BABAC
21—25 CDBCB 26—30 DCACC 31—35 BCADA  36—40 GEFDB
41—45 BCADB  46—50 ADADC  51—55 BCACD
56.construction  57.was added  58.have been identified  59.preserved 60.an 61.but  62.which  63.breaking 64.for 65.harmonious
The Fable Story in China
Long long ago, the Foolish Old Man, or Yugong, and his family lived in mountains that blocked their way in and out. To facilitate movement for themselves and the future generation, Yugong, approaching his 90s, was determined to remove the mountains, shovel by shovel. In the end, God was touched by Yugong s perseverance and sent two titans from heaven to help move the mountains away.
The fable Yu Gong Yi Shan has become a synonym for forging ahead while facing enormous difficulties and persevering to the end.
The shark had arched its body in attack mode. I yelled out to the boat but, before I knew it, the whale had positioned me on the front of his head and was gracefully racing through the water. It was terrifying and yet peaceful. Within 10 minutes, he had safely returned me to the boat and out of the shark s way. I think the whale had seen the shark and was trying to push me away from it. My emotions were high by the time I took off my mask and I felt love, concern and care from the whale.
I told the whale that I loved him and thanked him as he was to swim off. He looked me in the eye. I slid overboard and swam towards him; I rubbed his face and he extended his pectoral fin. I swam back to the boat and he stayed around for about 20 minutes after I got back on it. Then he disappeared underwater. It was a touching moment. I gasped in relief and then proceeded to sob, overcome. I felt more motivated than ever to protect these beings.
Text 1
M:I need to talk to that man. Let s grab a taxi and follow him!
W:Which man The one that just got on a bus
M:No. The one that rode away on a motorcycle. (1)
Text 2
M:How do I separate my recycling material again
W:The big blue box is for paper products, (2) the medium-sized one is for metal waste, and the small one is for plastic.
Text 3
M:Wow, Jennifer! You just ran a new personal record! (3) If you were three seconds faster, you would have broken this year s school record.
W:My time is 10 seconds slower than the national record. I still have a lot of work to do.
Text 4
W:It is already 4 o clock. My flight leaves in two hours. (4)
M:You d better leave now. Rush hour starts at 5 o clock.
Text 5
W:Can you turn off the light in the kitchen, please I can see the reflection on the screen.
M:No problem. Do you want me to make us something to eat for the movie (5)
Text 6
W:Dad Can I borrow the car (7) I need to go out for a little while.
M:Well, that depends on where you re going.
W:I m just going over to Melanie s house. We have to finish some homework that is due on Monday.
M:How long will you be gone I have to take your brother to his swimming lesson at 4:30.(6)
W:I ll only be gone for a couple of hours. I ll be home around 4:00, OK
M:OK, but only if you clean your room and sweep the kitchen floor when you get home. (7)
M:And be careful on the roads. It has been raining for the last three hours.
Text 7
W:How are you, Mr. Smith
M:Fine. It s nice to see you. So, are you enjoying the party (8)
W:Yeah, it s great. The music, the decorations, the food...everything.
M:How time flies! I can t believe all you kids are graduating. (10) I don t know when we can meet again.
W:Right. I will miss you. I ll never forget your lively lectures and your sense of humor. (10)
M:Thanks. Do you have any plans this summer before you go to college
W:I ve applied for a job at a store as a salesgirl. (9) Who else has plans for the vacation
M:Mary is applying for a part-time job at a restaurant, and Peter is going to volunteer at a hospital.
W:Wonderful! Oh, excuse me. Peter seems to be leaving. I just want to tell him something.
M:No problem.
Text 8
W:Have your aunt and uncle left their home yet (11)
M:Yes, they arrived in San Francisco two weeks ago. (13)It seems like they ll be staying with us for a while.
W:I hope it isn t too long before they can return to Hawaii. Is their community in danger
M:No, it isn t anywhere near the volcanic activity. It s actually on the other side of the island. They left just in case the volcano erupts in a very big way. (11) All the recent activity has been relatively slow. If the volcano explodes suddenly, it will be too late.
W:How long do your relatives plan to stay
M:I have no idea. Maybe another month, maybe two months... We watch the news every day to find out what the volcano is doing. (12)
W:They must be afraid!
M:Not my aunt and uncle! They ve lived in Hawaii all their lives. They ve experienced a few major eruptions, too. They think it s fun living with my family. They only complain that it s too cold.(13)
Text 9 (第14题为推断题)
M:Do you know what you re going to do for spring break
W:My parents want to take my brother and me to Mexico. But I don t really want to go outside the country.
M:Why not Mexico is supposed to be amazing! (15)
W:To tell you the truth, I m a little scared of flying. (15)
M:Have you been on a plane before
W:Yeah, a few times...and I hated it every time!
M:Well, maybe you can just listen to some relaxing music during the flight.
W:I guess so. But I also don t speak Spanish. How am I supposed to enjoy my vacation when I can t even communicate with anyone
M:I m sure you could pick up a few words. Spanish is a pretty easy language to learn. I ve only been taking it for a year, (16) and I can already have some simple conversations with people. But tons of people in Mexico speak English.
W:They do
M:Of course. Have you seen pictures of the beaches in Mexico
W:Uh, no...
M:Take a look at this. My cousin went to Cancun last summer vacation, and he had a great time.
W:Wow, those are some beautiful beaches. Maybe I would like Mexico after all. (17)
Text 10
Ritchie Valens is one of the most famous American rock and roll musicians from the 1950 s. (18) He was born in Los Angeles, California to Mexican parents. When he was little, he taught himself to play the guitar, which he played for many years later. He was originally left-handed, but taught himself to play with his right. He also learned two other instruments. In 1958, someone heard his song Donna and helped him make his first record. (18) One song, La Bamba, became an instant hit and is still considered one of the greatest songs of all time. (19) Sadly, on February 3rd, 1959, Ritchie Valens died in a plane crash, along with two other famous musicians, Buddy Holly and J.P. Richardson. After a concert, some of the musicians decided to fly home. Unfortunately, there was only one small plane and not everyone could fit. J.P. Richardson was given a seat because he was sick, (20) Ritchie Valens won a game with another musician, and Buddy Holly knew the pilot. That day is now remembered as “The Day the Music Died”. Another musician named Don McLean wrote a beautiful song for them called American Pie.
★ hit:风行一时的事物(如电影、戏剧、歌曲等)
21.C。根据设问定位到Old China Café的信息the walls are lined with photos and memorabilia of the local Chinese laundryman s association以及 The Bungalow的信息At night, the atmosphere is very romantic可知两家餐馆都有氛围布置。
22.D。根据San Pedro的信息This restaurant serves Portuguese cuisine可知该餐馆提供西餐。
23.B。根据No. 7 Sup Corner的信息Even if you miss this buffet-style restaurant at the road bend以及First get your plate of rice, and then take whatever you would like to eat. Present your food plate to the lady at the counter and pay for it可知该餐厅是一家自助餐厅。
本篇是记叙文,介绍了肯尼亚天文学家Susan Murabana致力于普及天文知识的情况。
24.C。根据设问定位到第二小节的信息The Star Safari is organised by a Kenyan astronomer, Susan Murabana, who has brought a 50 kg, 170 cm-long telescope to allow the group to view Mars and deep-sky objects. But here in Samburu, where light pollution is minimal, the Perseid meteors—visible with the naked eye可知以前是这架望远镜让大家观察天体,而这次因为污染少流星雨用裸眼可以看见从而抢了望远镜的风头。
25.B。根据设问定位到第三小节的信息They primarily targets schools in remote areas because of her mission to give girls an opportunity that she wishes had been available to her可知Murabana主要针对偏远地区的孩子尤其是女孩,为的是激发她们对天文学的兴趣。
26.D。根据设问定位到倒数第二小节的信息If an outreach group had come to me when I was a young teenager, my attitude towards a career in astronomy would have been positive. I ended up studying sociology and economics, but maybe I would have desired to be an astronomer 的信息可知她后悔当年十几岁的时候没有早点选择天文学。
27.C。本篇主要介绍了肯尼亚天文学家Susan Murabana致力于向人们普及天文学的故事。
28.A。根据设问定位到第一小节的信息Each bird had to peck (啄) a button on the right or left to decide which category they belonged to. If they got it correct, they got food; if they got it wrong, they got nothing可知研究人员给鸽子布置的任务是让他们把相似的物品归类也就是辨别相似的物件。
29.C。结合第一小节的信息If they got it correct, they got food; if they got it wrong, they got nothing以及第二小节的信息Instead they learn through trial and error和第三小节的信息可知鸽子通过是否得到食物来判断自己的对错从而不断提高自己辨别物体的准确性。
30.C。根据设问定位到倒数第二小节的信息“With just those two mechanisms alone, you can define a neural network or an artificial intelligent machine to basically solve these categorization problems,” said Turner. “It stands to reason that the mechanisms that are present in the AI are also present in the pigeon.”可知鸽子解决问题的能力和人工智能相似。
31.B。根据最后小节的信息The researchers now aim to co-operate with scientists who study pigeons and their brains. They are hoping that these findings can have practical applications in better understanding human brain damage. “Maybe we can get some further insight into what is going on in that little bird brain,”可知作者是在谈论对未来研究的期待。
32.C。根据设问定位到第二小节的信息可知整个小节描述了Michael Crichton对克隆的一个设想。
33.A。根据设问定位到第三小节的信息biologists soon realized that DNA in fact breaks down super-fast; even after 100 years, DNA from museum skins of dodos was decayed (腐烂) beyond repair可知克隆活胚胎最大的障碍是DNA难以保存久。
34.D。根据设问定位到第五小节的信息It was this diversity of land surface, broken up by heavy limbs and randomly fertilised by faeces (排泄物), that supported so much flora (植物群). Without the mammoths, that diversity disappeared. Return them and landscapes would once again be with a variety of species, including flowers and bushes可知人们热衷于克隆灭绝动物主要是想看到生物的多样性。
35.A。根据最后一小节的内容The slowdown gives us time to consider the outcomes—and hopefully avoid some of Michael Crichton s more fevered imaginings 可知作者对克隆灭绝动物持谨慎的观点。
38.F。本题考查段中句。根据前面的Why is this an important skill to develop 可知这里是解释原因,故答案选F。
39.D。本题考查段中句。根据段落主题句Seek support from Partners可知此处答案选D。
41.本题考查名词。根据前面句子I m obsessed (迷恋) with music可知作者迷恋音乐,出门都带着耳机,故答案选headphones。
43.本题考查形容词。根据前面句子I became aware of a faint tapping sound in my left ear可知作者的耳朵里有敲击的声音,但是还没有大到让人恼火的地步,故答案选annoying。
46.本题考查副词。根据前面句子but they couldn t say for sure可知医生也没有完全把握,也就是从技术角度来说作者的病还没有被诊断,故答案选technically。
47.本题考查动名词。根据前面句子I ve signed up for a lip-reading course可知作者是学习手语,故答案选learning。
49.本题考查动词短语。根据句意可知作者觉得真正要改变的是自己要去适应新的生活,故答案选adapt to。
57.was added。本题考查过去式被动语态。
58.have been identified。本题考查现在完成时被动语态。
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
第五档 (13-15分)  完全完成了试题规定的任务。完全达到了预期的写作目的。
第四档 (10-12分)  完成了试题规定的任务。 达到了预期的写作目的。
第三档 (7-9分)  基本完成了试题规定的任务。 整体而言,基本达到了预期的写作目的。
第二档 (4-6分) 未恰当完成试题规定的任务。 信息未能清楚地传达给读者。
第一档 (1-3分)  未完成试题规定的任务。 信息未能传达给读者。
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
档次 描述
第五档 (21—25) 1.与所给短文融洽度高,与所提供各段落开头语衔接合理。 2.内容丰富。 3.所使用语法结构和词汇丰富、准确,可能有些许错误,但完全不影响意义表达。 4.有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使所续写短文结构紧凑。
第四档 (16—20) 1.与所给短文融洽度较高,与所提供各段落开头语衔接较为合理。 2.内容比较丰富。 3.所使用语法结构和词汇较为丰富、准确,可能有些许错误,但不影响意义表达。 4.比较有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使所续写的短文结构紧凑。
第三档 (11—15) 1.与所给短文关系较为密切,与所提供各段落开头语有一定程度的衔接。 2.写出了若干有关内容。 3.应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求,虽有一些错误,但不影响意义表达。 4.应用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文内容连贯。
第二档 (6—10) 1.与所给短文有一定的关系,与所提供各段落开头语有一定程度的衔接。 2.写出了一些有关内容。 3.语法结构单调,词汇项目有限,有些语法结构和词汇方面的错误,影响了意义的表达。 4.较少使用语句间的连接成分,全文内容缺少连贯性。
第一档 (1—5) 1.与所提供短文和开头语的衔接较差。 2.产出内容较少。 3.语法结构单调,词汇项目很有限,有较多语法结构和词汇方面的错误,严重影响了意义的表达。 4.缺乏语句间的连接成分,全文内容不连贯。
0 白卷、内容太少无法评判或所写内容与所提供内容无关。

  • 江苏省百校联考2024届高三年级第二次考试英语试题(答案解析+试题+听力)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月27日  所属分类:作业答案