牛津译林版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 2 Be Sporty,Be Healthy Reading词汇同步训练(含答案)

牛津译林版必修二Unit 2 Be sporty, be healthy
1.__________ n. 蝙蝠;球棒;球板 v.用球板击球;挥打;拍打
2__________ .n汽油 3. soccer __________
4. tai chi __________ 5. carbohydrate __________
6. tissue __________
1.有共同之处;有相同特点 _______________
2.阻止某人做某事 _______________
3.长期 _______________
4.心理健康 _______________
5.减轻压力 _______________
6.平均一个半小时 _______________
7.避免受伤 _______________
8.热身 _______________
9. take the first step towards _______________
10. get over negative feelings _______________
11. exercise one's way to sth _______________
12. heart and lung efficiency _______________
13. aerobic activities _______________
14.encourage bone development _______________
15. stretch one's muscles _______________
16. improve one's body's range of movement_______________
17. keep up _______________
18. foods rich in protein _______________
1.sky + diving (n跳水;潜水) ----skydiving (n__________)
2. __________(v祝贺;向...道喜)----__________(n祝贺;庆贺;贺词)
3.__________(v假定;认为;承担)----assuming(conj 假定;假设)
----assumption(n 假定;假设)
__________(v往往会;趋向;照顾;照料)----tendency (n 趋势;倾向)
ease(n舒适;容易 & v减轻;缓解)----__________(n.疾病)
more + over ----moreover ( adv.__________)
__________(v缩减;减少;降低)----__________(n 缩减;减少)
__________(n &v.慢跑)----__________(n 慢跑运动)----jogger (n 慢跑锻炼者)
__________(v滑雪&n滑雪板 &adj雪的)----__________(n 滑雪运动)----skier (n 滑雪者 )
pull +up----pull-up (n.__________)
gym(n 体育馆;健身房)----__________(n体操;体操训练)
----gymnast (n 体操运动员)
move (v移动;搬动)----__________(n活动;运动)
__________(n.精力;能量;能源)----energise (v.使增添能量;使充满活力)----__________(adj.精力充沛的)-energetically (adv.精力充沛地)
14. through+ out---- throughout ( prep. & adv.到处;始终)
15.__________(n.汗;辛苦的工作& v.出汗)----sweaty (adj. 满是汗的;汗水湿透的)----sweater (n毛衣)
16.__________(n 伤害;损伤)----__________(vt 使受伤;损害)---injured (adj受伤的;有伤的)
1. Most people____________________________________________.
2.It has been proven that active people____________________________
and are____________________________。
3.When you____________________________ , ___________________
____________________________is what you expect to improve.
_________________________,choose activities you enjoy because, in this way, you're____________________________ .
______________________________________________________ .
6.________________________________________________________ .
1.I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it. _________
2. I don't like skating; in addition, the ice is too thin. _________
3. The price has been cut from $10 to $8. _________
1.The road stretched out across the desert into the distance _________
2. Freddy was an average student, but not an average person._________
3.The artistic (艺术的) movement called the Renaissance (文艺复兴)began in Florence. _________
4. Between Italy and France, there is a mountain range called the Alps.
5. Traditional sources of energy like oil and gas may someday run out.
6. I would like to tend the store for you while you're away. _________
7. The poor horse looked all skin and bone. _________
8.I thought we no longer do muscle labour in this technological era ( 时代 ). _________
9. Those words will stick with me for the rest of my life. _________
10.She was reduced to tears by their cruel (刻毒伤人的) words._________
1. __________________(平均) we have five classes a day.
2.He usually__________________(去慢跑) for half an hour after school.
3.There are__________________(很多设备)in the gym
4.College students come from__________________(各种各样的) social, cultural and economic (经济的)backgrounds. (range n)
5. I didn't travel much in my twenties but I'm certainly __________________ (弥补失去的时光) now.
______________________________________________________ .
I want to _______________________________________________ .
______________________________________________________ .
______________________________________________________ .
这个节目观众很多,从小孩子到爷爷奶奶一辈的都有。(range v)
The show had a large audience, ____________________________ .
八、阅读课文缩写,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式
Today, I'd like to talk about the benefits of exercise and how to do it safely and effectively. First,physical activity increases the 1.___________ (efficient) of your heart and lungs. People 2.___________exercise regularly have better immune systems and a lower risk of 3.___________ (disease). Moreover, exercising can help reduce stress and get over negative feelings. Different 4.___________(type) of exercise such as aerobic activities.strength training and 5.___________(flexible) training play different roles. Choose activities you enjoy so that you're more likely to stick 6. them. What and when to eat 7.___________(be) also of great importance. Wait about 8.___________ average of 1.5 to2.5 hours after your last meal before exercising. After exercise, wait at least 30 minutes and eat foods rich in protein. And don't forget to drink water throughout exercise. 9.___________(prevent) injury, you should wear proper clothes and 10.___________(equip) when exercising. You should also slowly work your way to a longer and harder exercise routine.Finally, remember to warm up before beginning a difficult activity and stretch at the end of your workout.
一、A.1.bat 2.petrol/gas /gasoline 3.英式足球 4.太极拳/太极
6.(人、动植物细胞的)组织 /( 尤指用作手帕的) 纸巾
B. 1. have (... ) in common 2. prevent / stop sb (from) doing sth
3. over / in the long term 4. mental health 5. reduce stress / pressure
6 an average of 1.5 hours 7.avoid /prevent/escape injury或avoid getting hurt 8.warm up 9.向……迈出第一步10.克服负面情绪
11.通过锻炼来..... 12.心肺功能 13.有氧运动 4.促进骨生长/发育15.舒展/拉伸肌肉 16.增大肢体活动范围 17.保持/继续 18.富含蛋白质的食物
二、1.跳伞运动 2.congratulate; congratulation 3.assume 4.tend 5.disease 6.此外/而目、7.reduce; reduction 8.jog;jogging 9.ski; skiing 10.引体向上 1l.gymnastics 12.movement 13.energy; energetic 14.遍及/整个...期间 15.sweat 16.injury; injure 17.prevent; prevention 18.equipment
三、1. assume that regular exercise does wonders for the body and minds
2. tend to have better immune systems; at lower risk of diseases
3. plan an exercise routine: the first thing to consider
4. Above all; more likely to stick with them
5.When to eat is also of great importance.
6. Remember to drink throughout exercise to make up for water lost to sweat.
四、1.take 2.moreover 3.reduced
五、1.延伸 2.普通的 3.运动 4.山脉 5.能(源) 6.照料/照看
7.瘦得皮包骨 8.体力活/力气活 9.留在···的记忆里
六、1. On average 2. goes jogging / goes for a jog 3. a lot of pieces of equipment 4. a wide range of 5. making up for lost time
七、1. She is always full of energy.
2.express my congratulations on your success
3. There were / are many ways to prevent this from happening.
4. Readers tended / tend to share articles that / which were / are exciting or funny.
5. ranging from children to grandparents
八、1.efficiency 2.who/that 3.diseases 4. types
5. flexibility 6.with 7.is 8.an
9. To prevent 10.equipment

  • 牛津译林版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 2 Be Sporty,Be Healthy Reading词汇同步训练(含答案)已关闭评论
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