Unit 5 What were you doing when…(Section B 1a-1d)单词短语专练(2课时含答案)

Unit 5 What were you doing when…同步练习
Section A 1a-1d第1课时
1.There is a lot of w_______ in front of the building.
2.To r_______her dream,the young went to Beijing with only a few dollars in his pocket.
3.We have to stay at home because of the s_______.
4.The l_______in the house is too poor.Please turn on the lights.
5.We raised money for the children in the poor a_______.
( )6. Don't ________ the chance when you can catch it,or you will regret.
A.guess  B.miss  C.remember  D.allow
( )7.________ we came back to school,Dale was playing the violin.
A.When B.While C.Until D.After
( )8. After a serious illness,he finally _____ the importance of health.
A.realized B.meant C.added D.impressed
( )9.—Were you at home at 9:00 last night —Yes,I ________ at that time.
A.take a shower B.took a shower
C.was taking a shower D.am taking a shower
( )10.—Sally,I'm going to drive all the way to Tibet from Nanjing by myself!
A.No problem B.Good idea
C.Have a good time D.You're kidding
三. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。
1. When Rose ________(认识到) her mistakes, she started to hate herself.
2. It took Miss Jones twenty minutes to explain the two ________(段落).
3. Like other ________(学生), Dave dislikes the uniform.
4. There isn’t any difference between the two ________(塔).
5. What was the ________(日期) yesterday
四. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。recently, shock, complete, terrorist
1. Many people think this event has something to do with those ________.
2. Everyone was ________ when they heard the bad news.
3. He’s a good boy. I trust him ________.
4. Jane ________ borrowed some books from Bill.
五. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。
1. 开始下雪时,我正在往学校赶。
When it started to snow, I was ________ ________ ________ to school.
2. 史密斯夫妇沉默无语地走了一会儿。
The Smiths walked for a while ________ ________.
3. 你能帮我把这个帐篷拆了吗?
Would you help me ________ ________ the tent
4. 那是史上最严重的事故。
That was the worst accident ________ ________.
5. 莫莉如此害怕以至于她都不能动了。
Molly was ________ ________ ________ she couldn’t move.
B:Yes,I was.
B:I was doing my homework. Where were you at that time
B:Did you have fun
A:Yes,of course. Guess!What did I see
B:I've no idea.
A:I saw an alien (外星人).
A:He invited me to have dinner. B:Ha ha... 5.____
A:No,no,no!It's true.
A. I was riding a bike in the park.
B.Were you at home at seven last night
C.What's wrong
D.What happened next
E.You should say hello to him.
F.What were you doing at that time
G.You're telling me a story,yes
Unit 5 What were you doing when…同步练习
Section A 1a-1d第2课时
1.Be careful when you drive on the ____(ice) road.
2.It's so noisy and crowded. Let's go to see what _____________(happen).
3.When mom ___(get) home,I was making a model plane.
4.It rained so __________ (heavy) that I was wet from head to foot.
5.He wanted to be over the hill before the sun ________(rise).
1. --Did Lucy_______the singing competition
--No,she didn’t.Mary_______her.
A.win,beat B.win,won C.beat,won D.beat,beat
2.My grandfather often reads books_______the window.
A.by B.in C.at D.from
3.It is impolite to keep others waiting_______a long time.
A.in B.for C.at D.on
4.I will take part in a math _______this Saturday.
A.competition B.conversation C.communication D.connection
5.It is impolite to keep others waiting_______ a long time.
A.in B.for C.at D.on
have fun,break...apart,make sure,fall asleep,feel like
1.She was too excited to__________.
2.Yesterday they__________at Mary’s party.
3.We need to__________they are well used.
4.The rainstorm in Jilin__________many buildings__________.
5.When she is on a plane,she__________ __________ a bird.
She _______ _______ _______ _______ _______school at the time of the rainstorm.
The accident happened while I _______ _______ _______.
3. 昨天学校发生了什么?
_______ _______at the school yesterday
4. 暴风雨来时,你正在做什么?
_______ _______ _______ _______when the rainstorm came
5. 我们的队击败了他们,并赢得了比赛。
Our team beat them and_______ _______ _______.
Unit 5 What were you doing when…同步练习
Section A 1a-1d第1课时
一、1.wood 2.realize 3.storm 4.light 5.area
6-10 BAACD
1. realized 2. passages 3. pupils / students 4. towers 5. date
1. terrorists 2. shocked 3. completely 4. recently
1. making my way 2. in silence 3. take down 4. in history 5. so scared / afraid that
Unit 5 What were you doing when…同步练习
Section A 1a-1d第2课时
1. icy 2. is happening 3. got 4. heavily 5. rose
1.fall asleep 2.had fun 3.make sure4.broke apart 5.feels like
1.was making her way to 2.was walking by 3.What were you doing
4.What were you doing 5.won the competition

  • Unit 5 What were you doing when…(Section B 1a-1d)单词短语专练(2课时含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月27日  所属分类:作业答案