河南省安阳市龙安区 2023-2024上学期九年级第三次月考英语试卷(含答案、音频)

1~ 5 CACAB 6~ 10ABCBB 11~ 15CBCAC 16~ 20BEADC
二、阅读理解(A)21-25CABDA (B)26-30 DBDCA
(C)31-35ACDDC (D)36-40DBECA
三、完形填空 41~ 45ABDBC 46~ 50BABAC 51~ 55DACCC
56. bought 57. with 58. sitting 59. my 60. took
61. surprise 62. third 63. strange 64. until 65. boy’s
66. to 67. which/ that 68. was 69. a 70. like
71. Is this your schoolbag/Is this schoolbag yours
72. Whose schoolbag is it
73. It can't be hers/It doesn't belong to her
74. It could/may/might belong to Sonia
75. Where is she
六、One possible version:
One possible version:
Life is boring without music. It’s good for us to listen to music properly. Well,is it good or bad for us to listen to music
when doing homework Here are some students,answers.
Some students think listening to music can make them excited, relaxed and clear-minded, so they like to listen to music as they do homework. But some students don,t think so. They think music affects their thinking. As a result,it just makes them feel more tired. It,s really a waste of time.
As for me, I like doing homework with music. Sometimes it can bring me some inspiration.2023—2024学年龙安区九年级第三次月考
英语试卷 (满分120分)
第一节: 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳答案,每段对话读两遍。
What does the man think is the most useful invention
A. The computer. B. The telephone. C. The TV.
2. What does Bob look like now
A. He is tall. B. He is short. C. He is fat.
3. Whose English book is it
A. Mike’s. B. Amy’s. C. Katie’s.
4. Where are the two speakers
A. In the classroom. B. In the teachers‘ office. C. On the playground.
5. What does the man think of the music
A. Great. B. Exciting. C. Quiet.
How will Frank go to Alex’s house
A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By bus
7. What’s the surprise for Alex
A. A birthday party. B. A new bag. C. A phone call
听下面一段对话, 回答第8至第9两个小题。
8 . What does Liu Tao think of grammar
A. Interesting. B. Difficult. C. Boring
9. How does Liu Tao often learn English
A. By listening to English songs.
B. By watching English programs.
C. By reading English newspapers.
Whom did the concert belong to
A famous singer. B. A great pianist. C. A movie star.
When did the concert begin
A. At 6:00 on Sunday evening.
B. At 7:00 on Saturday evening.
C. At 8:00 on Friday evening.
12 How old is the mother’s son
A. 3 years old. B. 6 years old. C. 8 years old.
13.What did Tom win in Grade 8
A. A football match. B. A baseball match. C. A basketball match.
14. What does Helen want to be in the future
A. An artist. B. A scientist. C. A violinist.
15. Why do Tom and Helen buy some cards
A. To paint pictures. B. To take notes. C. To thank their teachers.
第三节: 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
16. ______ 17. ______ 18._______ 19. _______ 20. _______
二、 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)
The four great inventions of ancient China are China ' s outstanding contributions to the whole world , and have had a great impact on world ' s scientific and cultural exchanges .
Paper - making During the Eastern Han Dynasty around 104 A . D ., a eunuch (太监) of the Imperial Court named Cai Lun invented a new type of paper . It was said that he used bark (树皮), rags (破布) and broken fishing nets as materials to make plant fiber(纤维) paper suitable for writing . In 105 A . D ., he presented this invention to He Di , the emperor at that time , according to Chinese history.
Printing In the Song Dynasty , Bi Sheng ( A . D .1004-1048), used clay to make rectangle cubes (长方体), carved a single Chinese character on each of them , and burnt them with fire . Then according to the article content , he arranged the words , put them in an iron frame (框架) to print . The printing skill is named the movable - type printing .
Compass The working people of ancient China invented the compass in their long - term labor practice . They found the characteristic of magnet (磁铁) showing the direction . The earliest compass , Sinan , firstly appeared in the Warring States Period(春秋战国) .
gunpowder The invention of gunpowder began with ancient alchemy (炼丹) in the Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty , In order to refine pills for immortality (永生), alchemists constantly update the methods of alchemy , which finally led to the invention of gunpowder In Tang Dynasty , the gunpowder began to be applied (应用) to the military affairs (军事).
根据材料内容选择最佳答案 。
( )21.Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage
A . Paper was firstly invented in the Eastern Han Dynasty .
B . Cai Lun invented a new type of paper in 105 A . D ..
C . Cai Lun presented his invention to the emperor about a year after he
invented paper .
D . Cai Lun used bark , rags and broken fishing nets and clay to make paper .
( )22. Who was the inventor of compass
A . The working people of ancient China. B. He Di.
C . Bi Sheng. D. Sinan.
( )23. Which is the latest of the four great inventions
A . Paper - making . B . Printing .
pass. D. gunpowder.
( )24. What was the initial (最初的) purpose of the ancient alchemy
A . To make gunpowder to apply to the military.
B . To make paper suitable for writing .
C . To find direction while working .
D . To make medicine that could help live forever.
( )25. Which part of a newspaper is the passage most probably from
A. Science B. Nature C. Sports D. Education
Bill,Mr. Brown’s friend, lives in the Palmy community on Green Street in London. Mr. Brown came to London to visit him for the first time. He didn’t know the way to get there. Just as he was standing anxiously(焦急地) at the exit of the railway station, he happened to see two young people and asked them for directions.
“Excuse me,”he said. “Can you tell me the way to the Palmy community on Green Street ”
“Of course. Go to the traffic lights and turn left. Go on and cross Center Street and turn right, then you’ll see Green Street,”said one of the young men.
“No,no,no,”said another young man. “You’d better take a bus. It’s a bit far from here. ”
The first man said, “The bus goes the farther way and it takes more time. Although you will be a little tired after walking, it is faster than taking a bus. If you are in a rush, you’d better walk there. ”
“Now I’m really tired after a day’s ride. I think the bus is a better choice for me. ”Mr. Brown said.
“But Green Street is under construction(施 工) . Why don’t you take the underground It’s convenient,”the first man suggested.
“Thank you,” Mr. Brown said. “I don’t have a subway card. I think I’d better walk. ”
“Wait a moment, sir. I can drive you to Green Street,and then you can walk,”the second young man pointed at the car beside him.
“Great. It’s very kind of you. ” Mr. Brown got into the car.
根据材料内容选择最佳答案 。
( )26. Why was Mr. Brown in London
To go for a trip. B. To meet the young men.
To go on business. D. To visit Bill.
( )27. Where did the story happen
A. At a bus station. B. At a train station.
C. On Center Street. D. On Green Street.
( )28. Which word can best describe the two young men
A. Honest. B. Hard-working.
C. Wise. D. Kind.
( )29. What’s the correct order according to the text
a. Mr. Brown was going to walk there.
b. Mr. Brown couldn’t find the directions.
c. Mr. Brown wanted to take the bus.
d. A young man advised Mr. Brown to take the underground.
e. A young man decided to give Mr. Brown a ride.
A. b-d-c-a-e B. a-d-c-b-e
C. b-c-d-a-e D. a-c-d-e-b
( )30. Which maybe the second man’s driving route(路线) to Green Street
A. B. C. D.
The Chinese first made paper about 2,000 years ago. China still has pieces of paper which were made as long ago as that. But Chinese paper was not made from the wood of trees. It was made from the hair-like parts of certain plants.
Paper was not made in southern Europe until about the year 1100.Scandinavia(斯堪的纳维亚半岛),which now makes a great deal of the world's paper, did not begin to make it until 1500. It was a German named Schaeffer who found out that one could make the best paper from trees.After that, the forest countries of Sweden, Norway, Finland, and the United States became the largest paper producers. Today in Finland, which makes the best paper in the world, the paper industry is the biggest in the land. New paper-making machines are very big. and they make paper very fast. The biggest machines can make a piece of paper 300 meters long and 6 meters wide in one minute.
When we think of paper, we think of newspapers, books, letters and envelopes. But there are many other uses. Only half of the paper that is made is used for books and newspapers, etc.
( )31.Which of the following is the first to make paper?
A.China. B.Scandinavia. C.Germany. D.Finland.
( )32.Schaeffer found out that .
A.the best paper was in the forest.
B.a German made the best paper.
C.wood could be made into the best paper.
D.the oldest paper was made 1,500 years ago.
( )33.What does the underlined word “industry” mean in Chinese?
A.国防 B.教育 C.农业 D.工业
( )34.According to the passage,paper is not used for
A.newspapers. B.envelopes. C.letters. D.food and drinks.
( )35.The second paragraph mainly talks about paper making .
A.in the United States. B.in Scandinavia.
C.in Europe. D.in all forest countries.
He used to cause(引起)a lot of trouble.
Martin Murray is a fifteen-year-old boy. He used to be a "problem child", but a recent conversation with his mother changed his life. He didn't use to give his mother many problems. However,after his father's death a few years ago, 36. His mother couldn't afford to pay (不能负担)her child's education. To do this,she had to work,and she was often not at home. His mother looked after him as well as she could. Unfortunately, Martin still caused problems for himself and his family. He was not interested in studying and he often got into trouble with(与........ 冲突)the police. Luckily,his mother was very patient (有耐心的)37. In the end,she made a difficult decision: to send him to a boys' boarding school. Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble. One day he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school.38. But the head teacher(班主任)said it was necessary for Martin to talk with his mother. Martin called his mother,but to his surprise,this phone call changed his life. "It was exactly what I needed." he said. "My mother helped me to understand how much she had given me. She also told me that even though my father was no longer(不再)with us,he was watching me and would always take pride in everything good I do. 39. I realize that since my father died,I have been afraid of being alone,and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to (多注意) me. Now Martin has really changed. He has been working hard and is now one of the best students in his class. 40. His mother's love helped him to feel good about himself,and as Martin himself says, "It's very important for parents to be there for their children. "
根据材料内容 ,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项 , 使文章意思通顺 、内容完整 。
A. How was he able to change
B. and she didn't give up(放弃)trying to help him.
C. That's when I decided to change.
D. Martin's life became much more difficult.
E. His teacher agreed him to leave and thought Martin was wasting his time(浪费时间).
My name is Arthur Hankins. The first fourteen years of my life were nearly perfect until my parents told me some terrible 41. that would change my life forever. But before I tell you the bad news, let me tell you about a 42. day in my life.
Every morning,my mom wakes me up softly and takes time to listen to my 43. . She laughs at the strange ones and pretends(假装) to be afraid when I 44. her the scary ones. Then the 45. of breakfast carries me downstairs. During the drive to school, I choose the music we listen to. Mom ,Dad,and I sing along 46. . At dinner,we eat and tell stories about our day happily.
Well,it,s the time for me to tell you the 47. news. A few months ago,my parents told me that I was going to 48. a little sister. Ugh! For fourteen years,I have been the center of 49. . I haven’t had to share my parents with anybody. One more person will make our house too 50. . I will have to share my room with the baby. Mom won’t have time to listen to my dreams anymore.
Today,Mom and Dad are coming home from the hospital with my new sister,and I’ve decided to tell them they should just 51. .
Well,here they are. Suddenly,Mom hugs 52. and kisses the top of my head. 53. I know it,Dad puts the baby in my lap(大腿部) . My baby sister 54. out and grabs(抓住) my finger! I think she knows that I’m her big brother and she likes me 55. .
Hey, maybe having a little sister won’t be so bad. I believe Mom and Dad have enough love for both of us.
( )41. A. news B. stories C. plans D. means
( )42. A. right B. great C. serious D. simple
( )43. A. excuses B. choices C. requests D. dreams
( )44. A. ask B. tell C. leave D. give
( )45. A. taste B. feel C. smell D. sound
( )46. A. clearly B. loudly C. patiently D. politely
( )47. A. bad B. local C. latest D. special
( )48. A. save B. have C. educate D. influence
( )49. A. attention B. expression C. examination D. conversation
( )50. A. old B. dirty C. crowded D. dangerous
( )51. A. let her down B. blow her away
C. wake her up D. take her back
( )52. A. me B. us C. her D. them
( )53. A. When B. Unless C. Before D. Although
( )54. A. cries B. rushes C. reaches D. gets
( )55. A. again B. finally C. already D. sometimes
四、 语篇填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
take strange I three sit boy with buy until surprise
Last Friday,after doing all the family shopping in the town, I wanted to have a rest before catching the train. I 56. a newspaper and some chocolates and went into the station coffee shop. It was a cheap self- service place 57. long tables to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor,put the newspaper and the chocolate on the table and then went to get a cup of coffee.
When I came back with the coffee,there was someone 58. in the next seat. He was a boy, with dark glasses and old clothes, and colored bright red at the front. He had started to eat 59. chocolate!
Naturally, I was rather uneasy about him ,but I didn’t want to have any trouble. I just read the newspaper, tasted my coffee and 60. a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me in 61. . Then he took a second piece of my chocolate. I could hardly believe it. Still I didn’t say anything to him. When he took a 62. piece,I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought,“Well, I shall have the last piece. ”And I got it.
The boy gave me a 63. look, and then stood up. As he left, he shouted out,“There’s something wrong with that woman!”Everyone looked at me,but I didn’t want to quarrel with the boy, so I kept quiet. I did not realize that I had made a mistake 64. I finished my coffee and was ready to leave. My face turned red when I saw my unopened chocolate under the newspaper. The chocolate that I had been eating was the 65. !
第二节 (共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
1 moved from Russia to China with my family 14 years ago . When I arrived , I couldn ' t speak any Chinese , and it was very difficult for me 66. adapt (适应) to this new way of life . But soon the difficulty was gone .
In 2008, I attended a Chinese primary school 67. was the place where I started my journey of studying Chinese . At first , it 68. not easy. I often find myself speaking Russian to my Chinese classmates when I tried to express myself . But somehow we understood each other and became good friends.
Now when I speak , many people think I sound like 69. local person . What impresses me most about China is traditional culture and long history. I ' ve learned things 70. Chinese calligraphy(书法) , paper cutting and even traditional Chinese medicine so I can truly experience Chinese culture.
(Sally finds a schoolbag on the playground. When she picks it up, she sees Linda coming to her.)
Sally:Excuse me.71.
Linda:No, it isn't. Mine is in the classroom.
Linda:I'm not sure.Maybe it's Kate's.She is looking for her schoolbag.
Sally:73. .Hers is red,but this one is blue.
Linda:Let's see what is in the schoolbag.Oh, there is a hair band in it.
Sally:74. . Sonia has long hair,and she always forgets things.
Linda:There's also a table tennis ball in the schoolbag.
Sally:Then it must be Sonia's.She is on the school table tennis team.
Linda:We'll give it to her.75.
Sally:She is in the library.
Linda:OK.Let's give it back to her.
音乐是另一种语言,在不同的场合会带给我们不同的感受。有的同学认为在写作业时听音乐可以让我们愉悦心情、放松身体、清醒头脑; 也有一些同学认为这样做会影响思路、感到困倦、浪费时间……请你围“中学生该不该写作业时听音乐”这一话题 ,展开思路谈谈你的感想。
要求: 1. 100词左右 ;
2. 不得使用真实姓名 、地名 、学校名 。
同意的观点 Enjoy oneself Relax the body refresh one’s mind
不同意的观点 1.waste time 2.have an effect on 3.feel tired……

  • 河南省安阳市龙安区 2023-2024上学期九年级第三次月考英语试卷(含答案、音频)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月27日  所属分类:作业答案