
What about you
they like freely.
gain and again.
All in all,education in the future will change()a lot.40 I think they will.
will be history for people at that time.What's more,students will choose the subjects
39 They will sit in a big classroom and study with the computers.The paper books
parents will only study when they don't work.
Second,the students are different.They are not only children,but also parents.38 But
ing()animals.They are also patient.When you have questions,they will teach you a-
you all the subjects.37 For example,they will teach you by flying to the sky or touch-
First,the teachers are different.There will be many robot teachers.They will teach
Will education in the future be the same as it is now answer is"No,it won't."36
D.The feelings and ideas in Xu's songs are common.
C.People saw Xu Song's first album in 2009
B.Xu Song never writes songs for himself.
A.Xu Song became famous on TV.
35.Which of the following is TRUE
C.sound like Jay Chou's
A.are easy to understand
D.When he became famous.
C.When he was a middle school student.
B.When he was 28 years old.
A.When he studied in a college.
32.The underlined word "concerns"means
C.A popular musician.
A.A popular actor.
31.Who is Xu Song
load his songs and learned to sing.
D.are poems
B.are very unique
you'll know if they are his songs."we can know Xu Song's songs
34.From the sentence"When you hear or read some songs that you haven't heard,
33.When did Xu Song begin to post his songs on the Internet
D.A famous dancer.
B.A famous poet.
know if they are his songs.In 2009,he owned his first album().
those of Jay Chou."The feelings and ideas in my songs are unique()."Xu says.
The young man is confident about his music.Some people say his songs sound like
songs are like poems.When you hear or read some songs that you haven't heard,you'll
sing and posted his songs on the Internet.He writes his songs himself.People say his
Xu Song became famous on the Internet.When he was a college student,he began to
Most of them told me that they liked Xu Song best.They also told me they liked to down-
people's concerns.I asked some middle school students who was their favorite singer.
He is Xu Song,a popular musician.His music attracts()more and more young八年级上学期第三阶段自测试题(A)
1.W:Hi,Jack!What are you going to be in ten years
M:Oh,I think I'll be a doctor.
2.W:Your grandmother looks young.
M:Yeah.I think she will live to be 120 years old.
3.W:There are so many houses here.
M:Yes,but there will be a park in two years.
4.M:Where will you go
W:I would like to buy some school things in the store next to the post
office.Can you with me
5.W:Can you play tennis with me after school
M:Well,I will have to write a letter to my uncle.
W:Why don't you send him an e-mail
M:I'd like to,but he doesn't have a computer.
W:What do you think of sports shows,Bob
M:I love them.They are exciting.What about you,Lucy
W:I don't mind them.But I don't like soap operas.
M:Does Mary like soap operas
W:She likes them very much.
W:What would you like to order,sir
M:I'm not sure yet.Uh...how much is a bowl of tomato noodles
W:Eight yuan a bowl,sir.
M:How about the rice
W:We have rice with vegetables for ten yuan a bowl,and rice with meat
for thirteen yuan.
M:I'd like a bowl of rice with vegetables.
Last Sunday,I made a banana milk shake for my 15th birthday party.Do
you want to know how I made it First,I peeled three bananas and cut them
up.Then,I put them in the blender.Next I added two spoons of honey into the
milk and poured the milk into the blender.After that,I turned on the blender
and waited for ten minutes.Finally,I poured the milk shake into a glass and
drank it.It was easy to make,and it tasted great.
W:Hi,Tom.What are you doing
M:Hi,Amy.I'm writing an e-mail to my English friend,Jack.
W:Do you write to him every week
M:Yes,sometimes twice a week.I'll visit him this holiday.He lives in
London.Can you tell me something about your friend
W:Yes!My friend,Jenny,doesn't write to me very often,only once a
month.She often does a lot of sports and she's always busy.
Last week,I asked some of my classmates about their favorite sports and
how often they do sports.Here are the results.Five percent of them like to do
morning exercises every day.Twenty percent of them enjoy playing ping-pong
twice a week.Thirty-five percent of them are fond of riding bikes and they go
to school by bike almost every day.Thirty percent of them love playing basket-
ball three to four times a week.And ten percent of them play tennis once a

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发布日期:2023年12月27日  所属分类:作业答案