Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains(Section B 3a self check)同步练习(2课时含答案)

Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains同步练习
Section B 3a-Self Check第1课时
as soon as, unless, if, until, that
1.Kate didn’t go to home she finished all the work.
2. You'd better return the book to the library you finish reading it.
3. I won't watch the movie it is a good one.
4. We will go fishing it doesn't next weekend.
5.The book was so interesting she enjoyed reading it very much.
6.You should finish your homework faster     we can play games together.
7.     she said sorry to me, I still felt very upset.
8.In this city, during summer, it doesn’t get dark     about nine o’clock.
9.Mice are afraid of cats. They will run away     they see cats.
10.Don’t take medicine     it’s necessary.
The State of Qin had a fight with the State of Zhao. Qin was very strong, so the king of Zhao ordered Lord Ping Yuan to go to the State of Chu to ask for help. When Lord Ping Yuan began to choose some men to go with him, Mao Sui recommended himself. He thought he was the right person and could do the job well. Lord Ping Yuan didn’t really believe in him but allowed him to go. In Chu, Lord Ping Yuan didn’t have a good start. However, Mao Sui finally made the king of Chu agree to help Zhao.
In the State of Qin, there was a famous person called Shang Yang. One day, Shang Yang made his people put a thin wooden pole(木杆) near the south gate(大门) of the city. He promised to pay 10 gold pieces to anyone who could move it to the north gate. It was such a simple job that all people thought Shang Yang was joking. No one wanted to have a try. Then Shang Yang added 40 more gold pieces. A man moved the wooden pole and Shang Yang gave him 50 gold pieces. After that, the people of Qin believed Shang Yang was a man of his word. And they all followed his new laws(法律) later.( )1.Mao Sui was from the State of     .
A.Qin B.Zhao
C.Chu D.Yan
( )2.The underlined word “recommended” means “    ” in Chinese.
A.推荐 B.原谅
C.说服 D.拯救
( )3.At the end of the first story, Lord Ping Yuan probably felt Mao Sui was     .
A.common B.dangerous
C.careful D.talented
( )4.Shang Yang finally gave the man who did the job     gold pieces.
A.10 B.40
C.50 D.60
( )5.The second story tells us that a man of his word can     .
A.have true friends
B.get people’s trust
C.protect his country
D.make much money
三、阅读下面短文, 然后根据括号内所给中文提示写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)
Once there was a poor woodcutter(伐木工). He lived with his 1    (妻子)in the forest. On Christmas Eve, the 2    (夫妻) were having dinner when they heard a knock(敲门声) at the door. There stood a child in dirty clothes. He looked quite 3    (虚弱的). The woodcutter invited the child in for food and let him rest on a bed although they didn’t have much to share. The next morning, they heard someone singing. It was the most beautiful 4    (声音) they had ever heard. They went to the window and saw the child. He was 5    (发光) and singing a Christmas song above a tree.
When the child saw them, he 6    (微笑) and said,“I am the Son of 7    (上帝). I have got your 8    (善意) and now this is my gift for you.” He broke a stick from the tree and planted it in the 9    (地). He told them,“It will grow food at Christmas and you won’t be hungry in cold winter.”
As they stood listening, the stick grew into a 10    (有魔力的) tree with different foods. The family wasn’t poor anymore.
At midnight yesterday, I was sleeping in my bedroom. Suddenly, a loud sound woke me 1    . The whole situation made me very 2    (scary). I didn’t know who or what made the sound. It sounded like 3    (nobody) was knocking(敲击) at the window, but I lived on the 4    (nine) floor.
“There it is again! It must be a ghost(鬼),” I shouted loudly. My mom came to my room quickly and asked me 5     was wrong. Then she heard the strange sound, too. She went into the bathroom. I wanted to stop her 6     I was afraid that something bad would happen to her. Then she started laughing and said, “It is OK, dear. It is just a strong wind that 7    (make) the curtain(窗帘) shake and knock at the window.”
I was very surprised. Then I 8    (realize) that I was kind of stupid, and that there were no ghosts. From then on, I began 9    (think) more scientifically(科学地). I believe if such things happen again, I will do what my mom did and find out the 10    (true).
名称 内容
《后羿射日》 ①从前,天上有十个太阳,天气酷热,万物无法生长;②箭术超群的后羿射掉九个太阳,只留下一个太阳;③人们从此安居乐业。
  参考词汇:heat 高温; live and work in peace 安居乐业
Dear Mary,Today I’d like to share a famous Chinese story with you. It is called Hou Yi Shoots the Suns.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Wang Fang
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains同步练习
Section B 3a-Self Check第2课时
1.计划做某事 2. the next day
4. put on the clothes
5. walk around the city
I. 用if, unless, as soon as或so/such... that, so that, although, until填空
1.The animals were     lovely     I spent a whole day in the zoo.
2.     it is cold tomorrow, he will stay at home and watch TV.
3.I sent some flowers to her     she finished speaking on the stage.
4.It was     an interesting story     everyone fell in love with it.
5.I won’t let you in     you get here on time.
6. Tom didn't go to school because his illness.
7. It's late. Please wake the children.
8. When did you get the bus stop
9. It's cold outside. Put your coat.
10. The young man sent the injured person the hospital.
( )11. The great writer has written many stories for children. It is said that a new one will at the end of this month.
A. go out B. come out C. look out D. run out
( )12 -Do you know our town
-No, this is I have been there.
A. for the first time B. the first time
C. first time D. at the first time( )13. The story was so that the children all listened in silence.
A. touching B. touched C. touch D. to touch
( )14. Mom, please remind me this letter. I must do it today.
A. posted B. posting C. post D. to post
( )15. Where did you go There a couple of girls waiting for you ten minutes ago.
A. was B. is C. were D. are
16. The story is about a little girl who loved dancing.(对画线部分提问
the story
17. I’ll email you soon after I get to Paris.(改为同义句)
I'll email you I get to Paris.
18. The old man is too tired to walk on.(改为同义句)
The old man is tired he can’t walk on.
19. You’ll be late for work unless you take a taxi.(改为同义句)
you take a taxi, you’ll be late for work.
20. When the moon is shining bright, they are able to see each other. (改为同义句)
When the moon is shining bright, they see each other.
One day Mr and Mrs Green drove to a shop. They stopped the car in front of the shop. An hour later they came back to the car with a lot of things. They wanted to put the things in the car, but Mrs Green could not open the car door. Then Mr Green gave the all the things to Mrs Green, he put the key into the lock and turned it, but he couldn't open it!
"Oh dear, "said Mr Green. " Whats wrong with it We can’t open the door!” “Let’s ask the policeman. "Mrs Green said.
The policeman came and helped them. Soon he got the door open. The
Greens thanked him. At that time a man came up and shouted angrily(怒吼), "What are you doing with my car "Mr and Mrs Green looked at the number of the car, and their face turned red. Their car is next to the man’s car!
( )21. The Greens went shopping .
A. by bus B.by car C. on foot D. by foot
( )22. They stayed in the shop and came back to their car .
A. in two hours B. more than an hour
C. in an hour D. less than an hour
( )23. opened the car door very soon.
A. Mrs Green B. Mr Green
C. The policeman D. Another driver
( )24. The man was angry because .
A. he couldn't find his car
B. the policeman drove his car away
C. other people opened his car
D. the man saw the policeman
( )25. The Greens didn't open the car because .
A. it wasn’t their car
B. there was something wrong with it
C. they had a lot of things in their hand
D. the lock broke
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains同步练习
Section B 3a-Self Check第1课时
一、plan to do sth. 2.第二天 3. shining moon 4.穿上衣服 5.绕着城市走
6.so that 7.Although 8.until 9.as soon as/if 10.unless
三、1.wife 2.couple 3.weak 4.voice 5.shining
6.smiled 7.God 8.kindness 9.ground 10.magic
四、1.up 2.scared 3.somebody 4.ninth 5.what 6.because
7.makes 8.realized 9.to think/thinking 10.truth
五、One possible version:
Dear Mary,
Today I’d like to share a famous Chinese story with you. It is called Hou Yi Shoots the Suns.
Once upon a time, there were ten suns in the sky. The weather was so hot that nothing could live on the earth. Many people and animals died because of the heat. A man called Hou Yi was very brave. He was good at shooting. To solve the problem, he went up to a very high mountain and shot down nine suns, leaving the last one in the sky. From then on, people lived and worked in peace.
Do you like the story What do you think of Hou Yi
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Wang Fang
(90 words)
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains同步练习
Section B 3a-Self Check第2课时
1. 1.so, that 2.If 3.as soon as 4.such, that 5.unless
I. 1. until 2. as soon as 3. unless 4. if 5. that
II. 6. of 7. up 8. to 9. on 10. to
III. 11-15 BBADC
IV. 16. What's; about 17. as soon as 18. so; that 19. If; don't 20. can
V. 21-25 BCCCA

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发布日期:2023年12月26日  所属分类:作业答案