Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains(Section A 2a-2d)同步练习 (2课时含答案)

Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains同步练习
Section A 2a-2d第1课时
1. 一点儿 _________________ 7. 放弃 _________________
2. 一...就... _________________ 8. continue to do sth. _________________
3. 拿开;拿走 _________________ 9. work on _________________
4. 努力去做某事 ______________ 10. once upon a time _________________
5. 例如;举例 _________________ 11. neither of _________________
6. 继续做某事 _________________ 12. instead of _________________
1.Don't make a promise.You can't keep it.(用unless合并为一句话)
2.Tom didn't take a bus to the library.He went there by bike.(合并为一句)
Tom went to the library by bike _____________taking a bus.
3.Jenny was too excited to express herself clearly.(改为复合句)
Jenny was ______excited __________she couldn't express herself clearly.
4.Somebody is waiting for you in the classroom.(改为否定句)
__________________waiting for you in the classroom.
5. We can see some pictures on the floor. (改为否定句)
We ___________ see ___________ pictures on the floor.
6.Long long ago, there was a man living in a village.(改为同义句)
_______________________, there was a man living in a village.7. You’ll be late for work unless you take a taxi. (改为同义句)
___________you___________take a taxi, you’ll be late for work.
8. The beautiful girl will marry a reporter next month. (改为同义句)
The beautiful girl will______________________ a reporter next month.
9. She was so weak that she couldn’t keep walking. (改为同义句)
She was ___________weak ___________ keep walking.
10.If she doesn't finish her homework,her teacher will be mad at her.(改为同义句)
____________she __________her homework,her teacher will be mad at her.
An earthquake(地震) happened in Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan Province in China on the evening of August 8th, 2023 . What were you doing when you heard the news. We asked some people about it and here are their answers.
That evening, I came back from the supermarket and then turned on my computer. Suddenly, I read the news saying an earthquake happened in Jiuzhaigou half an hour ago. Then I looked through a lot of information on the Internet. A few minutes later, I knew the news was true.
When my cousin told me that an earthquake happened in Jiuzhaigou. I was doing my homework in the bedroom. I was surprised and turned on my compute quickly to surf the Internet. On the Internet, I knew it was true. I was really worried about the local people.
I was playing the guitar when I got a text message(短信) from my classmate, Ted. He simply said,"An earthquake happened in Jiuzhaigou just now." I thought he was just kidding. Then I put my guitar down and began to surf the Internet. The result showed that the news was true. I soon walked into the living room and told my mother the news. She was very surprised.
AliceI usually don't watch TV on weekdays. That evening I finished my homework earlier than before, so I turned on the TV. I got the news about the earthquake from the reporters on TV.
1. Dave first got the news about the earthquake from _____.
A. the TV B. the radio C. the Internet
2. What was Sally doing when she got the news about the earthquake
A. She was playing the guitar.
B. She was doing her homework
C. She was surfing the Internet.
3. Who told Leo the news about the earthquake
A. His classmate. B. His cousin. C. His brother
4. Where was Leo's mother when Leo told her the news about the earthquake
A. In the bedroom.
B. In the living room.
C. In the bathroom.
5. What can we know from the above information
A. After Sally got the news about the earthquake, she went to the supermarket.
B. Leo's mother got the news about the earthquake earlier than Leo.
C. Alice watched the news about the earthquake on TV that evening.
During the Spring and Autumn Period, there lived a great musician named Yu Boya. He played the guqin very well. 1.     Zhong Ziqi was one of them.
One day, Yu Boya came back from a trip to the mountains. He played the guqin to express his love for the mountains.
2.     Zhong said, “How beauti-fully you're playing the guqin! When I listen to you playing the guqin, I can almost see the mountains in front of my eyes.”
3.     Then he played another tune(调子). Zhong clapped his hands and cheered again, “What a beautiful tune it is! When I listen to it, I seem to imagine hundreds of boats are sailing down big rivers.”
Boya was surprised at Zhong's comments. 4.     Whenever he played a new tune, Zhong could tell what Boya was thinking about when he played the tune.
“You appreciate(欣赏) my music and understand my mind. You know me like a true friend,” Boya said excitedly.
After that, Boya and Zhong became close friends. After Zhong's death, Boya was so sad that he broke his guqin and decided never to play it again.
This is the story about Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi. We can learn a lesson from the story:
5.     If you find your true friends, love them and cherish(珍惜) real friendships.
A.Boya was pleased to hear Zhong's words.
B.It is hard to find a true friend.
C.Many people enjoyed his music.
D.He decided to play more tunes for Zhong.
E.Zhong Ziqi stood beside Yu Boya as he was playing the guqin.
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains同步练习
Section A 2a-2d第2课时
1.In the supermarket, the little boy got __________(lose) and couldn't find his mother.
2.In China,noodles are the __________(tradition) food for one's birthday.
3.I was doing my homework. __________(sudden) I heard someone calling for help.
4.The shirt is expensive because it is ____________(make)of silk.
5.She has been ______ (marry)for ten years and now she has a lovely daughter.
6.____________ (somebody)in my class was late for school though it rained heavily yesterday.
7. The tiger     (quick) ran after him.
8. The___________(excite) children forg ot to take the presents to the party.
9. Tina and Peter got__________(marry) two years ago.
10.He__________(shoot)the bird but missed.
11.The little girl is much___________ (brave) than her elder brother.
1. The grandma lived a hard life after her son ______.
A.dead B.died C.death D.dying
2. ---Sorry, I didn't hear you come back just now.
---It doesn't matter. We tried ______ any noise because you were sleeping.
A.not make B.making C. to make D. not to make
3. I sleep with the window open ______ it's really cold.
A.unless B. because C.though D. because of
4. Her legs were beginning to ______.
A.tired B.tire C.tiring D.happily
5. ---Can you find a good way ______ the problem
---I am not sure, but I will try my best.
A.to solve B.solve C. solving D. solved
Wang Ming thinks the story of Yu Gong is really interesting. Yu Gong found a good way to
__________________ (解决他的问题). But Claudia thinks it’s__________________ (有点儿傻).
It doesn’t seem very possible to__________________ (移山). Wang Ming thinks the
story__________________ (试图告诉) us that__________________ (一切皆有可能) if you work
hard! Yu Gong __________________ (一直尝试)and didn’t (放弃). However, Claudia thinks Yu
Gong try to find other ways __________________ (而不是) moving the mountains. For example,
he could__________________ (修路). That’s __________________ (更好,更快) moving a
mountain! So there are__________________ (许多面) to a story and many ways to understand it.
1. 这个女孩一直在努力,从不放弃。(give)
The girl keeps trying and never __________________.
2. 她花了大约两年时间致力于写一本关于家庭教育的书。(work)
She spent about two years __________________ a book about home education.
3. 刚才他母亲让他把桌上的书拿走。(take)
His mother asked him to __________________ the books on the table just now.
4. 我不同意你的想法,除非它是正确的。(agree)
I don't __________________ you unless your idea is right.
5. 这张照片使我想起了我的英语老师。(remind)
The photo __________________ my English teacher.
Yumi is a very shy girl. we've been best friends 1 we were very young. She is like my sister. She wanted to make more friends but it was hard for her. I always made friends very easily so I always had her 2 my side.
One day I was absent and she had 3 to play with until Ulrich showed up. He asked if he could play with her She told 4 she was really shy. He said he didn't mind. So they played together and became best friends.
When I came back she was very 5 and she told me what had happened. I told Yumi l had to leave our little town and 6 a big city.Then both Yumi and Ulrich moved as well. We didn't 7
each other until I ran into Yumi one time. She told me both Ulrich and I had left and she was
8 . Until her family came to the city and both of us were together again.
We are best friends forever no matter what 9 . We haven't seen Ulrich for three and a half years now. Even in High School we are the 10 friends. Yumi is smiling and making lots of friends now and l am so happy for her. I am happy that she is happy.
1. A. since B.when C.before D. though
2. A. in B.on C.at D.by
3. A. someone B.no one C.others D.somebody
4. A. her B.me C.him D.us
5. A. sad B. worried C.happy D.angry
6. A. travel to B. move to C. get back to D.get to
7. A.find B.lose C.meet D.miss
8. A.only B. alone C.afraid D.nervous
9. A.happens B. makes C.comes D.appears
10. A. worst B.good C.closest D.quietest
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains同步练习
Section A 2a-2d第1课时
一、1. a little bit 2. as soon as 3. take away 4. try to do sth.
5. for example 6. keep on doing sth. 7. give up 8. 持续做某事
9. 从事,致力于 10. 很久以前 11. 两者都不 12. 代替,而不是
1.Don't make a promise unless you can keep it. 2.instead of 3.so,that 4.Nobody is
5. can’t,any 6.Once upon a time 7. If,don’t 8. get married to
9. too,to 10.Unless,finishes
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains同步练习
Section A 2a-2d第2课时
2.traditional 3.Suddenly 4.made 5.married 6.Nobody
7. quickly 8. excited 9. Married 10.shot 11.braver
三、solve his problems, a little bit silly, move a mountain, is trying to show, anything is possible, kept on trying, give up, instead of, build a road, better and faster, many sides
四、1. gives up 2. working on 3. take away 4. agree with 5. reminded me of五、ADBCC BCBAC

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发布日期:2023年12月26日  所属分类:作业答案