福建省厦门市同安区2021-2022五年级上学期期末英语测试卷(无答案 )

密 封 线 内 不 作 答
) (完卷时间:60分钟) 2022.01
Part 1 听力部分
Listen and choose. 听句子,选择符合内容情景的图片 (听两遍)
1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C.
3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C.
5. A. B. C. 6. A. B. C.
Listen and choose. 听简短对话,选择符合内容情景的图片 (听两遍)
7. A. B. C. 8. A. B. C.
9. A. B. C. 10. A. B. C.
11. A. B. C. 12. A. B. C.
Ⅲ. Listen and choose. 听简短对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片 (听两遍)
13.____ 14._____ 15._____ 16. _____ A. B. C. D.
2021-2022学年第一学期小学英语五年级期末测试卷 第1页 (共6页)
Ⅳ. Listen and choose. 听句子,选择听到的单词 (听两遍)
It’s a great . balloon cartoon bedroom
It’s a cat and a mouse. around about count
The cat is . The mouse is clever. funny sunny happy
They have lots of fun every . hey say day
Ⅴ. Listen and choose. 听简短描述,选择正确的图片 (听两遍)
21. A. B. C. 22. A. B. C.
23. A. B. C. 24. A. B. C.
Ⅵ. Listen and choose. 听问句,选答语 (听三遍)
25.( )A. I can watch TV. B. I often clean my room.
26.( )A. He’s strict. B. Mr Lin.
27.( )A. She’s kind and funny. B. She’s 60 years old.
28.( )A. I’d like some rice. B. I like drinking tea.
VII. Listen, judge and choose. 听一则短文, 判断句子正误,正确写A,错误写B (听三遍)
29. ( ) Yuan Longping is the father of hybrid rice.(杂交水稻)
( ) Yuan Longping often plays football on the weekend.
( ) Yuan Longping can’t speak English.
( ) Yuan Longping is the great people in the world.
第2页 (共6页)
Part 2 情景表达
I. Read and choose. 请选择合适的句子,补全对话
A. What do we have for lunch today C. What’s your favourite food B. It’s time for lunch. D. What’s this
33. (

s today

s menu.
) (
) 34. (
We have fish, chicken, vegetables and ice cream.
) (
35. (
My favourite food is fish
) (
I love ice cream. ______
) 36. (
et’s wash
hands first.
) (

s 12 o

clock. ________
II. Read and choose. 请根据情景对话,选择正确的答案
Today is Friday. Do you like Fridays
Yes, I do.
We have English, PE and music.
37. ( ) A. What would you like
B. What do you have on Fridays
C. Do you have an art class
What’s your favourite class
English class. It’s interesting!
Mr. Brown.
( ) A. Who is your English teacher
B. Who’s that girl near the door
C. What’s your English teacher like
Is Mr. Brown strict
____________ He is kind and funny.
That’s nice. I like funny teachers.
)39. ( ) A. Yes, he is.
B. No, he isn’t.
C. No, he can’t.
Tomorrow is Saturday.
Jack: Yes, weekend is coming.
I often read books in the library.
Me, too. Then we can read books together.
)40. ( ) A. What about you
B. Do you often read books
C. What do you often do on the weekend?
第3页 (共6页)
III. Read and choose. 根据所给情景,从方框中选择合适的句子填入空白处,使对话意思完整
Leo and Alice are talking about the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics(冬奥会) after class.
Me, too.
Yes, there is one.
Do you like sports
Can you go ice skating
I can speak English.
)Leo: Beijing Winter Olympics is coming! 41.
Alice: Yes, I do. I often watch CCTV5.
Leo: 42.
Alice: No, I can’t. But I want be a volunteer(志愿者).
Leo: What can you do for the Winter Olympics
Alice: 43.
Leo: That’s nice.
Alice: Are there any mascots(吉祥物) of the Winter Olympics
Leo: 44.____________ Look, it’s Bing Dwen Dwen(冰墩墩).
Alice: It’s so cute. I like it!
Leo: 45. ____________
Part 3 阅读理解
I. Read and choose. 读一读,选择正确的答案
( )46. _______is a kind of Chinese traditional drink.
A. juice B. tea C. coffee
( )47. —Is there a mountain in the forest —__________. There is a hill, too.
A. No, there isn’t. B. No, they are. C. Yes, there is.
( )48. Ma Long is a great ping-pong player. He can _______very well.
play basketball play football play ping-pong
( )49. Tuesday is my favourite ___________, because I have PE on Tuesdays.
week day food
( )50. If you want to know the time, you can look at the _________ on the wall.
clock photo water bottle
( )51. —The rooms are_________. Let’s clean the room together. —OK.
big B. nice C. dirty
( )52. —_______is my bike —It’s behind the door.
Where What Who
( )53. My mom is cooking in the __________. We’ll have a big dinner tonight.
study living room kitchen
( )54. We should eat 0.3kg~0.5kg vegetables every day. They are__________.
delicious healthy sweet
( )55. Zhong Nanshan is 85 years old, but he goes to work(工作)every day. He is___________.
第4页 (共6页)
) A. hardworking B. helpful C. kind
II. Look, read and choose. 读一读,请为张桂梅的故事选择正确的描述
范例( A ) 56.( ) 57.( ) 58.( ) 59.( )
Zhang Guimei is the head teacher of Huaping Girls High School.
She is strict. But she is kind, too. She helps lots of girls from the poor mountainous areas(贫困山区).
She teaches for many years. She is not young. She is 65 years old now.
In 2020, she was awarded the July 1st Medal (七一勋章).
She is hard-working. She often works day and night with her little loudspeaker(小喇叭).
III. Read and judge. 你想认识女航天员王亚平吗?请阅读短文,选择正确的答案
WangYaping, the first Chinese female taikonaut(女航天员) to spend(度过) 6 months in China’s space station(中国空间站). She is from a beautiful village in Shandong. She is 41 years old. She’s tall and thin. But she is strong. She has black long hair. She is hard-working. She trains(训练) every day. She is also a science teacher for many children in China. In the space station, she gave a science class for us. We are all proud of her.
( ) 60. Wang Yaping will spend ___________ in China’s space station.
A. five months B. six weeks C. six months
( ) 61. She is ____________.
A. short and thin B. thin but strong C. short and hard-working
( ) 62. She is from a ____________ in Shandong.
A. house B. city C. village
( ) 63. She gave children a ____________ class.
A. art B. science C. music
IV. Read and judge. 王亚平正在介绍自己的太空卧室,请认真阅读,判断对错,正确选A,错误选B
Welcome to my small room in space. There is a small bed in my room. There are many photos on the wall. They are my family’s photos. And there is a small round window. Sometimes, I can see the earth(地球) from it. Besides, there are some dolls(玩偶) on the wall. They are near the photos. They are cute. My room is small but warm(温馨的).
( ) 64. There is a big bed. ( ) 65.There are many photos on the bed.
( ) 66. The dolls are near the photos. ( ) 67. There aren’t any windows in the room.
( ) 68. Her room is warm.
第5页 (共6页)
Part4 写作部分
I. Read and write. 阅读短文,选择合适的单词将句子补充完整
delicious dance above park trees
Hello, my name is Chen Xia. I’m from Tong‘an , Xiamen. There is a 69.________ near my home. It’s the Yinhu Park. There are lots of 70._________and flowers everywhere. Many people 71._________ in the park after dinner. Beside the park, there is a long river. You can see a bridge 72.________the river. We call it Yinhu Bridge. It’s a sign of Tong‘an. Shacha Noodles are our local specialties. They are 73.__________. We all like it very much. I love my hometown.
II. Read and write. 陈夏在美国的笔友Tony给他写了一封电子邮件介绍了他这学期最喜欢的老师
Chinese, PE, English, art
kind, funny, clever,
cook, play basketball, sing songs, draw cartoons
Favorite Food
: salad, sandwich, ice-cream, beef noodles
healthy, delicious, sweet, fresh
She\He is........ She\He can......
My\Her\His favo
rite........ It

s\ They

) (
) (
Miss Green
Mr Ma
) (
Dear Chen Xia,
Sunday, Jan. 9

s it going I hope you are all well. This term I have many new teachers.
My favo
rite teacher is Miss Green. She is my Chinese teacher. She is kind. She can cook. Her favo
rite food is salad. It

s healthy
What about you
Dear Tony
, Tuesday, Jan. 18
Thank you for your email. I also have lots of new teachers
My favo
rite teacher is 74.________________
Chen Xia
第6页 (共6页)

  • 福建省厦门市同安区2021-2022五年级上学期期末英语测试卷(无答案 )已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月26日  所属分类:作业答案