江苏省南通市启秀中学 2023-2024上学期八年级第二次月考英语试卷(含答案)

第I卷 ( 选择题部分 共80分 )
二 、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21. -- I am sorry I made _____ mistake. But I won't make the same mistake for _____ second time.
-- Never mind. Nobody is perfect.
A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. a; /
22. -- Do you know that there are not many cranes _____ in the world
-- Yes, I do. And 40 per cent of them _____ in Zhalong.
A. leave; are B. leaving; is C. left ; is D. left ; are
23. -- The heavy rain _____ us from arriving at school on time yesterday morning.
-- Oh, that's too bad.
A. provided B. polluted C. preventd D. protected
24. You look tired. You'd better _____ a rest. Remember health comes first whatever happens.
A. stop having B. stop to have C. to stop having D. to stop to have
25. -- How do you come to school
-- By bike. Taking a bus may _____ much money. And walking _____ too much time.
A. cost; takes B. take; pays C. pay; spend D. pay; takes
26. -- _____ will Daniel go to France
-- To have a culture exchange with local students.
A. How B. When C. Why D. What
27. -- I want to have a trip to Nantong Botanical Garden(植物园). But I don't know the way.
-- Oh, you can use Gaud Map. It can _____ show you how to get there.
A. Quietly B. politely C. slowly D. clearly
28. There are _____ visitors to the wetland park, and the number is becoming _____ now.
A. thousand of; larger and larger B. thousands of; more and more
C. thousands of; larger and larger D. thousand of; more and more
29. -- Not all the people coming here are real bird lovers.
-- Yeah. Some try to make the place a better area _____ others just bring trouble.
A. however B. because C. while D. moreover
30. -- Did you take any photos of the baby giant panda
-- I took _____ . I only took some pictures of his mother.
nothing B. no one C. nobody D. none
31. -- Will it be sunny this afternoon
-- It _____ fine. Who knows The weather always changes quickly.
A. must be B. will be C. maybe D. may be
32. The volunteers at our community centre often help the old man _____ lights in his bedroom and _____ pictures on the wall before the Spring Festival comes.
A. put in; put on B. put in; put up C. put up; put in D. put up; put on
33. Parents shouldn't do all the things for their children because too much _____ stops children's development(发展).
A. protection B. pollution C. introduction D. application
34. -- What makes Peter _____ so sad
-- Oh, Miss Li asked him _____ behind for his unfinished homework.
A. to look; to stay B. to look; stay C. look; stay D. look; to stay
35. -- Why don't we go to the newly-open restaurant for a change tonight
-- _____ They say the waiters there aren't friendly enough.
A. Sounds great! B. Better not. C. Why not D. I can't agree more.
Never give up! That is one lesson I learned when I was very young.
At the age of four, not knowing a single word of ___36___, I started school. I felt ___37___ because I couldn't talk to other kids. Maybe I was ___38___ because I never got used to talking with others. I only know Spanish, and English is just a mixture (混合)of ___39___. When the teacher spoke English, the ___40___ became faster and faster and then became a tornado(龙卷风)ripping through my mind. I was unable to ___41___ I got so confused(困惑的)and I didn't know what to do. I sometimes felt like crying, but I kept telling myself never to ___42___
I started to learn English hard. At the end of the year I could understand, read, speak and write English. The next year I ___43___ my friend Jack. It was his first year of school and he didn't ___44___ English like me in the beginning, so I started to ___45___ him this difficult language. At first it was very ___46___, but at last he got used to English and picked it up quickly. We ___47___ learning more and more every year, and now we are both very good English ___48___
I also began to teach my younger sisters since I didn't want them to feel isolated (孤立的)and shy as I did
This year I am in the eighth grade and have got straight A's in every class since kindergarten. My ___49___ I never give up. Now I am learning Japanese. It may be a little ___50___, but I will keep on leaming it. No matter how hard something is, 1 never give up. I keep trying until I do it right.
Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it.
A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. French
A. afraid B. funny C. relaxed D. lonely
38. A. friendly B. shy C. smart D. humorous
39. A. sound B. subject C. voice D. language
40. A. phrases B. stories C. words D. music
41. A. hear B. think C. understand D. believe
42. A. give up B. end up C. look up D. get up
43. A. found B. met C. watched D. looked
44. A. know B. like C. see D. hear
45. A. show B. give C. teach D. send
46. A. exciting B. boring C. surprising D. interesting
47. A. stopped B. allowed C. decided D. kept
48. A. speakers B. listeners C. writers D. talkers
49. A. skill B. knowledge C. secret D. idea
50. A. easy B. difficult C. strange D. interesting
At the Rocky Academy After School Club, your children can play outside, try social activities and learn new skills.
Course hours
After school club session Time Booked sessions Pay as you go
Half session (no snacks included) 3:30 pm—5:00 pm $7.00 $8.20
Full session (including snacks) 3:30 pm—6:30 pm $12.00 $13.20
You can fill out booking forms in the office at the school gate.
To make payments, please visit www..
Fully trained and qualified(合格的). We have many years of experience in caring for children. Address
Rocky Academy, Queen Road, Red ditch, B129BD For more details, call 01012224536 or 05807303781
E-mail: info@
51. Students can't _____ at the Rocky Academy After School Club according to the
A. play outside B. try social activities C. learn new skills D. have dancing classes
52. Peter's mother wants him to try “pay as you go” at the club. How much should she pay
for full session
A. $8.20 B. $12.00 C. $13.20 D. $7.00
53. What do we know about the After School Club
A. Half session is from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
B. Parents can pay online if their children want to join the club.
C. The staff there are experienced teachers from famous schools.
D. The club provides lots of information except the telephone number.
In some parts of China, people eat qingtuan when spring comes. Qingtuan is a green rice dumpling made with mugwort (艾草). Online sales platform(平台)got record-high daily sales of 13, 000 qingtuan on the first day when it came out in early March.
The seasonal snack, which stands for the cultural symbols of many areas in China, is becoming a popular snack in the country. If the charm of zongzi lies in bamboo leaves and packaging, the charm of qingtuan lies in its green appearance and rich filling.
Similar to moon cakes, the taste of qingtuan has broken traditional limits and is becoming a creative snack. Besides traditional sesame(芝麻) fillings, there are also strawberry, sweet potato, rose, rice, noodles and beef. The new tastes are created to meet the needs of young customers with different tastes.
There are different ways for people to sell qingruan. Apart from restaurants, supermarkets and convenience stores, qingtuan makers are also exploring online methods to reach more young customers.
As the geographical characteristics of qingtuon are very strong and many customers outside the Yangtze River Delta area are not familiar with it. Some of the customers there buy the snack out of curiosiy. The supply chain(供应链)also faces challenges. Fresh gingtuon is the most welcome in the market, but it is sometimes unavoidable to sell them as quick-frozen products, which will naturally be refused by a certain group of customers. Therefore, to achieve higher sales, qingtuan sellers should improve their supply chains.
In a word, qingtuan is becoming a common snack and has achieved innovation(创新)in terms of tastes and diffcrent kinds of markets.
54. Why does qingtuan have so many new tastes now
A. To draw more customers’ attention. B. To keep up with the changing times.
C. To meet the needs of young customers. D. To stand out in a competitive market.
55. What does the underlined phrase “Apart from” in Paragraph 4 mean
A. Away from. B. Except. C. Besides. D. Close to.
56. Where do young customers mainly buy qingtuan
A. From local restaurants. B. From supermarkcts near home.
C. From convenience stores. D. From online shopping websites.
57. What is the structure of the passage
① ①②③ ①②③④ ①②③④
②③④⑤ ④ ⑤ ⑤⑥
⑥ ⑤ ⑥
A B ⑥ C D
Born in the 2000s, what do you think of your generation (一代人) Young, creative, connected, global, smart, maybe good-looking But what do other people think about your generation
Some adults worry that you're more interested in the phone than the world around you. They see you as the “face-down generation” and wonder how you will deal with school, friends, and family. Are today's teenagers too busy texting and taking selfies (自拍)to become successful in real life-or “IRL”, as you would say
Other adults worry that today's youth are spoiled and don't want to face the challenges of adult life. Many children born in the 1990s and 2000s were raised by “helicopter parents” who were always there to do everything for them. So today's young people seem to prefer to live like teenagers even when they are in their 20s or 30s.
Does the face-down generation need a heads-up Well, probably not. The fact is that many of today's teenagers are better educated and more creative than past generations. They also seem to be willing to become leaders. More young people than ever volunteer to serve their communities. There are also brave young people such as Malala Yousafzai, the teenager who won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for pushing girls' rights to go to school.
So if you are one of the them born in the 2000s, there's reason to be hopeful about the future. Things are looking up for the face-down generation.
58. How did the writer lead the readers to the passage
A. By asking questions B. By showing his ideas
C. By describing the situation D. By giving the reason
59. Why are young people born in the 2000s called “face-down generation”
A. Because they are always busy with homework with their heads down
B. Because they are not closely connected to the people around them
C. Because they show great interest in the phone and use it too much
D. Because they are not confident and feel shamed with themselves
60. In the writer's eyes, today's teenagers___▲__.
A. are not creative because of the educational problem
B. are willing to take part in many social activities
C. are smarter and more good-looking than their parents
D. are more successful and creative than their parents
61. What is the main idea of the passage
A. Parents should care more about their teenagers' life and study
B. Mobile phones are harmful to teenagers' growth and development
C. Teenagers don't need to change themselves to meet adults' standards
D. Though the young people have some problems, their future is full of hope
“They tell me that you'd like to make a statue(塑像) of me -- is that correct, Miss Vinnie Ream ”
The deep, gentle voice helped calm the nervous girl. Asking a favor of the President of the United States was no casual matter, especially for a seventeen-year-old girl.
“Yes, sir,” she replied, her dark eyes meeting his. “I wouldn't have dared to ask you, but my teacher, Mr. Mills, says I am ready. I plan to make it in an admirable manner.”
President Lincoln smiled, “Painters, sculptors -- they've all tried to make the best of this ordinary face, but I'm afraid there's not much hope. What did you have in mind, Miss Ream A bust(半身像) ”
Before Vinnie could say yes, the President hurried on, a shade of apology in his voice. “Of course -- I shouldn't have asked. A full-length pose would be much too big a project for a young woman your size.”
Vinnie's face turned red. She realized she looked like a child, with her tiny figure. “Small does not mean weak, sir,” she defended herself. “I was born in the country of Wisconsin. I've driven teams of horses and carried water. Making a full-length clay(黏土)figure would not exhaust my strength -- and that is what I intend to do!”
The President's eyes brightened at her show of spirit. “Sorry,madam, I have underestimated you as I didn't know your background.”
But his smile faded as he rubbed his beard with bony fingers, in thought. “Miss Ream,” he sighed, “I'd like to let you do it, but as you know, we are in the middle of a war. How could I possibly take the time to pose for a sculpture now I hardly have a minute to myself.”
Vinnie glanced around and noted the size of his office. “I work quickly,” she said. Her voice was soft but confident as she pointed to the corner near the windows. “If I were to bring my clay here and work for three hours every afternoon, I could complete most of the project while you are at your desk.”
The President seemed to consider her idea seriously. He got up and shook Vinnie's hand warmly, “I've heard that you are a talented young woman, and I have found you charming and intelligent as well. I cannot make my decision immediately, but you will hear from me soon.”
The very next day,Vinnie received an invitation from the President.
62. The meaning of the underlined word “casual” in paragraph 2 is most close to “__▲___”.
A. easy B. strange C. serious D. meaningful
63. Vinnie confirmed her ability to make a full-length statue by stressing __▲___.
A. her experience from other projects B. her happy childhood in the country
C. the heavy work she had done before D. the skill she picked up in Wisconsin
64. Vinnie wanted to choose the corner near the windows to__▲_.
A. achieve effects of natural lighting
B. keep all her tools within easy reach
C. watch the President in a right pasition carefully
D. avoid (避免) making the President's work in trouble
65. What message does the story express
A. Devotion requires great interest. B. Experience helps to be excellent.
C. A strong-willed heart can reach his goal. D. Ups and downs make one strong.
第II卷 共36小题请将答案按要求写在答题卡上。
五、词汇(本题共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
A. 请根据句意或括号中的中文提示、英文释义,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通 顺。
66. The highest temperature in Siyang is about 3__▲__(度数) today. It's cold outside.
67. The beauty of Nantong is so amazing that words can not__▲__(描述) it.
68. Please write down your email _▲_(the place where you live) here if you want to join the
club, my dear children.
Steven was a man with few words and he was completely__▲__ (quiet) during the visit.
70. If you don't have a good sense of__▲_ , you should take a map with you in order not to
get lost in Nantong.
B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。
they fisherman easy live twenty
71. He is such an excellent swimmer that he can swim across the river much __▲_ than any other member in Chaoyue Swimming Club.
72. Please write down the __▲_ names. I'd like to invite thcm to talk about the fishes.
73. The twins are eating the hamturgers and chicken happily. They seem to enjoy __▲_ meat in the KFC.
74. It will be a beautiful, warm day again today, with temperatures in the __▲_.
75. Please save the little cat. I think it is still__▲_.
feel give hide read shake
-- Who __▲_ us a talk on how to protect the environment next Monday
-- Mr Smith is.
Bob _▲_hands with me when we first met on a cold winter afternoon.
-- Hurry up! The World Cup final will start soon.
-- One minute. I __▲__ my e-mall and then I'm ready to watch TV.
Mum was walking towards the bushes quietly to see if her cat _▲___ there.
This pair of trousers __▲__ smooth because they are made of Chinese silk.
Helping people in need, giving your seat to an old person, thanking people..., these acts of kindness seem very (81)s__▲___. But students at James Middle School know that such small acts make the world a (82)b__▲_ place.
Eighth-graders from James Middle School, took part in the Random Acts of Kindness Week (83)f___▲___ March 31 to April. (84)D___▲___ the week, they tried their best to do kind things for others. Nancy, an English teacher at the school, started the activity. She believes small things can (85)c__▲__ the world. She is happy to (86)s__▲____ great changes in her class.
Before that, she always needed to ask her students to push the chairs in or turn off the lights before they left the classroom. Now, the students do those things by (87) t__▲___. “The teachers have a lot of work,” said Jordon, one of Nancy's students. He helped classmates in need and (88) c__▲___ more about others. Eliza, (89)a___▲___student, gave out more praises(赞扬)to others. “It makes them feel happy and successful,” she said. Hailey decides to continue to do at (90)l__▲___ one act of kindness every week, however busy she is. She believes her acts could encourage others.
_________ 82. _________ 83. _________ 84. _________ 85. _________
_________ 87. _________ 88. _________ 89. _________ 90. ___________
The new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict(巴以冲突)has lasted for some time, as a result, which can be traced back(追溯)more than 70 years ago.
Now, the conflict is happening in the Gaza Strip. Over 2 million Palestinians live there. In order to eat away at Palestinian lend and prevent Palestinians, Israel has built a long wall, which is 8 meters high. Anyone who breaks into the area will be shot to death.
In 1947, a group of Jews from Europe arrived at a port in Palestine. These Jews held up a sign, which read, “The Germans have destroyed our homeland, please do not destroy our hope.”
Arabs(阿拉伯人)took pity on the Jews' experiences during World War 2, they welcomed this group of newcomers who had come from faraway places. But they didn't expect that these
Jews came here to build a Jewish country.
After realizing what the Jewish people wanted, Arab leaders said, “We do feel sorry for the hardships that Jews experienced during the war(占领)our land ”
However, with the strong support of the United States and the Soviet Union, Jews built a state of Isracl though Arabs were against it. Later, Conflicts often broke out between the two sides.
It's worth mentioning that today, the area of Israel is far larger than Palestinian's. The Jewish people have seized most of Palestinian land.
The Palestinians received unfair treatment. They were forced to leave their own homes. Most of them can only live in refugee (难民)camps in the Gaza Strip. What's even worse, these Palestinians live a hard and hopeless life and are unable to make their voices heard by the outside world.
When was the first Palestinian-Israeli conflict
Who destroyed the Jews' homeland during World War II
What did the Jews want to build after they arrived in Palestine
Which country's area is smaller, Israel's or Palestine's
What do you think of a war (请自拟一句话作答)
我们向对方扔雪球,叫着,笑着。(throw ... at ...)
盐城自然保护区有各种植物和稀有鸟类。(be home to...)
厚厚的白雪覆盖了一切。(be covered in/with ...)
____________________________________________________________ 九、书面表达(本题满分20分)
某英文报社以 “The Earth is our home” 为题,举行中学生征文活动。请根据以下信息写一篇英语短文,内容包括:地球目前的现状、造成这种现状的原因、我们应该采取的措施。
The earth is our home. More natural disasters animals in dange ...
cut down too many trees hurt/kill animals ...
What should we do to make the Earth better ... ...
必须包括提示中的所有信息,并按要求适当发挥; 词数: 100词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)
The Earth is our home and we only have one Earth. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
All the best,
二、单项选择:(每题 1 分,共 15 分)
21—25 ADCBA 26—30 CDCCD 31—35 DBADB
三、完形填空:(每题 1 分,共 15 分)
36—40 BDBAC 41—45 CABAC 46—50 BDACB
四、阅读理解:(每题 2 分,共 30 分)
51-53 DCB 54-57 CCDA 58-61 ACBD 62-65 ACDC
五、词汇运用(每题 1 分,共 15 分)
A. 66. degrees 67. describe 68. adresses 69. silent 70. direction
B. 71. more easily 72. fishermen’s 73. their 74. twenties 75. alive
C. 76. is going to give 77. shook 78. am reading 79. was hiding 80. feels
六、短文填空(每题 1 分,共 10 分)
81. small 82. better 83. from 84. During 85. change
86. see 87. themselves 88. cared 89. another 90. least
七、任务型阅读:(每题 2 分,共 10 分)
91. More than 70 years ago.
92. The Germans have destroyed their homeland.
93. A Jewish country.
94. Palestine's.
95. The war is such a disaster.
96. People were running in all directions while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.
97. We throw snowballs at each other,screaming and laughing.
98. Yancheng Nature Reserve is home to different kinds of plants and rare birds.
99. The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife.
/The area provides a lot of wildlife with food and cover.
100. Everything is covered with/in deep white snow.
The Earth is our home and we only have one Earth.
However, our Earth is facing a lot of serious problems now. Firstly, there are more natural disasters than before, such as floods, earthquakes. Secondly, many animals are in danger and some of them even die
out. Thirdly, the areas of forests are getting smaller and smaller.
Several reasons lead to these problems. People cut down too many trees. As a result, a lot of wild animals have no place to live or food to eat. What's more, people kill or hunt animals for their fur or bones. Besides, more and more personal cars in the streets make air pollution worse and worse.
It's time to take action to make our Earth better. The government should make laws to prevent people from cutting down too many trees. Also, we students can tell the people around us to drive less and walk more.
In a word, everyone should know the importance of protecting our Earth.

  • 江苏省南通市启秀中学 2023-2024上学期八年级第二次月考英语试卷(含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月26日  所属分类:作业答案