Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth!Section A Grammar Focus-4c 同步练 广东省东莞市2023年-2024九年级英语全册(含答案)

Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!
Section A Grammar Focus-4c
( )1.-The air here is much fresher than before.
-Exactly! We_____a lot of trees in the past few years.
A. planted B. were planting C. have planted D.will plant
( )2.---Dad,Where's Mom
---She________in the kitchen now.
A. works B.worked C.is working D. was working
( )3.Train tickets ______online. It is convenient.
A. Sold B.were sold C.are sold D.have sold
( )4.- Is that Mary over there
-It_______ be her. She has gone to Kunming.
A.may B.must C.can't D.mustn't
( )5.I used to_______newspapers and watch TV after dinner. But now I'm used to_______a walk.
A.read;take B.read;taking C.reading;taking D.reading;take
Bike-sharing is a new choice for short journeys in cities. It is good for1____ healthy development of the big cities.
A report from a company 2 _____that shared-bikes started nation's love for bikes again. Now more and more Chinese people 3_____bikes instead of cars to make short journeys in cities.
An engineer in that company says that people now make few trips by cars, 4______ shared-bikes bring a lot of convenience(方便) to them.The 5______for shared-bikes is not only among young people, who were born in the 1980s and 1990s,but also among people over sixty.
At weekends,the 6_____ of the riders in Shenzhen reaches the top of all cities. On weekdays,the number of people who use shared-bikes to travel to work is going up in Shanghai.
It is said that a bike-sharing will 7 _____to improve the cities’environment. It not only helps 8 _____the traffic problems, but also will help to make more use of space in cities. Take Beijing as an 9______,if more people choose shared-bikes,an area of five Bird's Nest stadiums(体育场) will be saved. Since shared-bikes have so many advantages,let's go by bike and make our country a10______place to live in.
( )1.A.the B. a C.an D./
( )2.A.find B.finds C.found D.finding
( )3.A.chooses B.are choosing C.chose D.are chosen
( )4.A.but B.so C.because D.and
( )5.A.time B.love C.money D.water
( )6.A.end B.start C. number D.fall
( )7. A. getting B.got C.gets D.get
( )8.A.solving B. solved C.solves D.solve
( )9.A.way B.information C. advice D. example
( )10. A. better B. bigger C. busier D.shorter
Plants and animals are largely made of water. So are humans. They need to keep enough water inside them, or they could die
We get some of the water we need by eating food that has water in it. Drinks, such as milk and tea, are mostly water, too. A person needs water every day. If we go without water for three or four days, we will lose too much water from our bodies. In very hot weather, we could lose this water in just one day.
What does water do to help our bodies Water helps to take the nutrition(营养)from food to our bodies. It also helps to take the wastes away from different parts of our bodies.
In our homes, we also need water for many things. We need water for cooking, washing and flushing(冲水)the toilet. About three-quarters of the water is used in the bathroom and toilet. The rest is mainly used in the laundry(洗衣房)and kitchen.
It may come from a lake or a river. It may come from the sea, from the rain and snow or from the underground. Water rises from rivers and seas to make clouds,and then falls again as rain and snow. The water you dink has been around for millions of years. It just keeps being recycled.
Many people work hard to make sure we always have clean water in our homes.Water is very important for all living things, so we should use it carefully.
( )1. Living things could ______without enough water inside them.
A.grow B.die C.live D.develop
( )2. A person can get water that he needs by_______.
A. taking wastes away B. losing water quickly
C.changing water slowly D.eating and drinking
( )3. Water can take away______from our bodies.
A.nutrition B.food C.wastes D.drinks
( )4.A quarter of the water is mostly used in the ______and the laundry.
A.kitchen B. living room C.toilet D.bedroom
( )5. Which of the following can be put in“______”in the fifth paragraph
A. How do we save water B. What do we use water for
C.Where does water come from D.Where do we wash our clothes
Section A Grammar Focus--4c
1-5 ACBCB 6-10 CDDDA

  • Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth!Section A Grammar Focus-4c 同步练 广东省东莞市2023年-2024九年级英语全册(含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月26日  所属分类:作业答案