
(时间:120分钟 分值:120分)
题号 一 二 三 四 总分

班 级:

情景反应 根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。(5分)
( ) 1. A. He is fine. B. She is fine. C. I am fine.
( ) 2. A. You're welcome. B. I think so. C. Yes, please.
( ) 3. A. A red shirt. B. A new pencil. C. Music.
( ) 4. A. It's good. B. It's 30 dollars. C. It's green.
( ) 5. A. On July 8th. B. In English. C.An orange.
II. 对话问答 根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分)
( ) 6. A. On the desk. B. In the desk. C. Under the desk.
( ) 7. A.White. B. Yellow. C. Black.
( ) 8. A. Because it's difficult. B. Because it's boring. C. Because it's fun.
( ) 9. A.Yes, she is. B. No, she isn't. C. Yes, he is.
( ) 10. A.Yes,they do. B. No, they don't. C. Yes, he does.
Ⅲ.图片理解 看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。(下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关)(5分)
11._________ 12._________ 13._________ 14.________ 15._________
Ⅳ.短文理解 根据你所听到的短文内容,将所给信息进行匹配。(5分)
( )16.Tony A.January
( )17.Tony's mother B.March
( )18.Tony's father C.December
( )19.Tony's grandmother D.September
( )20.Tony's grandfather E.June
V. 根据所给句子,填入一个适当的单词,使句子完整、通顺、正确,每空一词。(5分)
21.I am Helen. Nice to __________ you.
22. __________morning, Bob and Amy. How are you today
23.-How __________ are you
-I am twelve years old.
24. He doesn't have time. He is very __________.
25. John is very healthy because he eats _________ food and he loves sports.
VI. 在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(10分)
( )26.I have _____ interesting English book.
A.the B. a C. an
( )27.We have Chinese _____8:00_____ Friday.
A.at, in B.in,on C.at, on
( )28.These socks are only ten dollars. Do you want _____
A.it B. them C. that
( )29.His sister has two_____ for lunch.
A. tomatoes B. carrot C.chicken
( )30.My brother thinks math is interesting, _____ I don't like it.
A.and B. then C.but
( )31.- _____ do you have a school trip
-It is in November.
A.How B.When C.What
( )32.Now, everyone, please turn to Page _____ and look at the_____ picture.
A. Twelve, fifth B. Twelfth,fifth C.Twelve,five
( )33. _____ your parents always take you to school
A.Do B. Does C.Are
( )34.I like playing basketball because it is _________.
A. not interesting B. boring C.relaxing
( )35.-Where is my book
A.On the chair B. Under the chair C. In the chair
VII. 从方框中选择正确的选项,其中有一个选项与对话内容无关。(5分)
A. My birthday is in August. B. See you! C. I'm twelve. D. When is it E. Thank you, Bill. F. Does he have a computer game
Bill: Hi,Alan. Happy birthday!
Alan: 36._________
Bill: So, how old are you, Alan
Alan: 37._________ How old are you
Bill: I'm thirteen.
Alan: When is your birthday
Bill: 38._________
Alan: Well, do you want to come to my birthday party
Bill: Oh, yes. 39.________
Alan: At three this afternoon.
Bill: OK, great. 40._________
Alan: See you then.
36.________ 37._______ 38._________ 39.________ 40._________
A: Hello,Lucy! Is it 41.________________ today
B: Yes, it is Tuesday. It's my 42._______________ day!
A: Why
B: 43.________________ we have science on Tuesday.
A: Really 44.______________ your science teacher
B: Mr. Brown.
A: Oh, he's a nice man. Do you like him
B: Yes, 45.______________. Because his classes are very interesting.
IX. 根据首字母提示补全单词,使短文意思完整、通顺、正确,每空一词。(5分)
Peter is my 46.f________. He is 13 years old. Now he is 47.i________ Beijing. He is in Class 3, Grade 7. His telephone 48.n________ is 57368.He has a Chinese friend. His first name is Lin and his 49.l________ name is Wang. His telephone number is 558-4022. Wang Lin 50.h________ a cat. Its name is Mimi. It is black and white and it's very lovely.
This is a picture 51 a classroom. The classroom is big 52 clean. You 53 see a teacher's desk, five desks and six 54 .You can see a girl and a boy, too. Some books are on the teacher's desk. A pencil case is on the desk. Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil case. A schoolbag is 55 a chair.
( )51.A.of B.to C.at
( )52.A.and B.of C.on
( )53.A.is B.can C.are
( )54.A.thing B.photo C.chairs
( )55.A.over B.under C.to
A. in B. have C. and D.it E. because F.from G. lunch H. our I. we J.so K.at L. school
Hi,friends! Let me tell(告诉) you something about my school day. I usually get up(起床) 56 6:30 57 the morning and go to 58 at 8:00.I have science at nine,and next I 59 math at 10:00. Math is my favorite subject. I like math very much 60 it is interesting.Mr. Zhao is 61 math teacher. We all like him 62 his classes.I eat 63 at 12:00,and then I have music at 1:00 p.m. Next, I have history at 2:00.I don't like history because I think 64 is boring.But I really like art and I want to be an art teacher. I have art 65 Monday to Friday.
56.________ 57._________ 58.________ 59._________ 60.________
61.________ 62._________ 63.________ 64._________ 65.________
Look at this. What's this in English, do you know Ah, it's a photo. Who's that in the photo It's Li Yan. Li Yan is my good friend. She is a beautiful girl. Who's that The boy in black It's Jim. He is an English boy. He is very cool. He is my friend, too. We are all in the same school. I like Jim and Li Yan.
( )66.What is this It's ________.
a school B.a friend
C.a photo D.an English friend
( )67.Li Yan is ________.
   A.a good boy B.a cool boy
   C.a beautiful girl D.an English girl
( )68.What color is Jim in ________.
   A.Red B.Yellow C.Orange D.Black

班 级:

)( )69.Who's English ________.
   A.I B.Jim C.Li Yan D.Jim and Li Yan
( )70.Who are in the same school ________.
   A.Jim and Li Yan B.Jim and I
C.Li Yan and I D.Jim, Li Yan and I
Peter and I are good friends. Peter is an American boy. I am a Japanese girl. He is thirteen. I am twelve. We are in the same class,Class Two.
Peter has a nice clock. He likes it very much. He puts it on his desk. Every morning it wakes him up(叫醒他). I have a new watch. It looks beautiful. I wear(戴)it every day. It tells me the time. It helps(帮助)me a lot in my daily life. I can not live without it.
( )71.Peter and I are ________.
friends B.teachers \
C.sisters D.brothers
( )72.Peter is ________.
   A.an English boy B.a Japanese girl
   C.an American boy D.an English girl
( )73.I have ________.
   A.a beautiful clock B.an old watch
    C.a new watch D.a nice clock
( )74.Peter ________.
wears his clock everyday B. likes his nice clock very much   C.wears his new watch every day D.likes his new watch very much
( )75.Peter and I are ________.
A.in different classes B. in the same row
C. in different schools D. in the same class
The Smith family like sports very much. They have a basketball,a soccer ball,two tennis rackets,four ping-pong bats,some ping-pong balls and some tennis balls. Mr Smith and his son, John, play basketball every afternoon. Mrs Smith and her daughter, Sally, play ping-pong every morning. The family play soccer or (或者) tennis on the weekends (周末).John likes soccer very much,but Sally doesn't like it. She likes tennis.
根据短文内容,判断下列各句正(T)、误(F)。 (5分)
( )76.The Smith family have a basketball,a soccer ball and a volleyball.
( )77.The Smith family play basketball and soccer every day.
( )78.The Smith family has four people (人).
( )79.Sally likes volleyball and John likes soccer.
( )80.Sally doesn't like tennis.
Bill, 15, is a sports star. Do you know what he likes to eat For breakfast, he eats two apples and two eggs. 81.________ And he has rice, chicken and vegetables for lunch. 82.________ He eats some bananas before lunch.
In the afternoon, he likes hamburgers and fruit salad. But his mother, Mary, doesn't want him to eat hamburgers. 83.________
In the evening, 84.________He doesn't like milk.
85.________ He loves watching volleyball games on TV.
he eats some strawberries and vegetables for dinner. He thinks the apple is healthy. He likes fruit very much. Hamburgers are not healthy food. He can play volleyball.
( )86. My name is May White.
( )87. My birthday is on July 3rd.
( )88. I like playing soccer with my friends after school. And I like reading books,I often read books before I go to bed.
( )89. I have healthy eating habits. I like having porridge, eggs and dumplings for breakfast. For lunch, I often have rice,chicken and vegetables. As for dinner, I like having noodles.
( )90. We have two ball games on October 21st . Next month, I have an art festival. And in December, I have an English test.
A.Name B. Hobbies(爱好) C. Eating Habits D.Activities(活动) E. Birthday
Information Form(表格)
Name 91.________ White
Birthday 92.________ 3rd
Hobby(爱好) Playing 93.________ and reading books
Eating Habits Having porridge, 94.________ and dumplings for breakfast Having rice,chicken and vegetables for lunch Having noodle for dinner
Activities(活动) Two ball games, an art festival and an 95.________ test
Come and buy your clothes at our Beautiful Clothes Store. We sell all clothes at a very good price. Do you like sweaters We have red and green sweaters for only$15! Yellow and white sweaters are only $12! Do you need trousers
For boys, we have black trousers for only $22. And shorts are only $16! For girls, we have skirts in red and purple for only $20. How much are our jackets Only $30! And we have black and brown shoes for only $28. Socks are only $2 for three pairs!
Come and see for yourself now!
What's the name of the store
How much is a pair of shorts
Does the store sell clothes at very good prices
Lucy buys a skirt and a jacket. How much are they
100. Can you buy school things(学习用品)in the store
101.根据表格内容,请你写一篇短文介绍一下你的好朋友Grace 的情况。
Name Grace Brown
Age 14
Telephone number 787-8269
Favorite subject Music
Favorite teacher Miss Zhang
Favorite food Hamburger
Favorite color White
Favorite sport Volleyball
21. meet 22. Good 23.old 24. busy 25. healthy
VI.26--30 CCBAC 31--35 BAACB
41. Tuesday 42. favo(u)rite 43.Because 44.Who is/Who's 45. we (I) do / of course/we(I) like him (very much)
46.friend 47.in 48.number 49.last 50.has
X.51-55 A ABCB
A.66-70 CCDBD
B.71-75 ACCBD
C.76.F 77.F 78.T 79.F 80.F
D.81-85 BCDAE
E.86-90 AEBCD
91. May 92.July 93.soccer 94. eggs 95. English(91-95题无0.5分,错误即扣1分))
Beautiful Clothes Store./Its name is Beautiful Clothes Store.
$16./16 dollars./ It is $16(16 dollars)./ A pair of shorts is $16(16 dollars).
Yes./Yes, it does.
$50./50 dollars./ They are $50(50 dollars).
100.No,I /we can't./ No.
Grace Brown is my good friend. Grace is her first name and Brown is her last name.She is 14 years old. Her telephone number is 787-8269. Her favorite subject is music. Miss Zhang is her favorite teacher. Hamburgers are her favorite food. Her favorite color is white. Volleyball is her favorite sport. We always play volleyball together on Sunday.

  • 吉林省白山市江源区2023-2024七年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案不含听力原文及音频)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月26日  所属分类:作业答案