
B 2,A 3. C 4. A 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C
B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.B
21 D 22.D 23.A 24.A 25.A 26.C 27.A 28.C 29.C 30.D
D 32.C 33.A 34.C 35.B 36.C 37.C 38.D 39.B 40.C
B 42.C 43.D 44.C 45.D
A 47.C 48.C 49.B 50.D
C 52.C 53.B 54.D 55.D
B 57.A 58.C 58.C 60.D
61 B 62. C 63.E 64.D 65.A
numbers 67.first 68.a 69.starts 70.the 71.has 72.To help 73.best 74.if 75.yourself
76.No./No, they can’t. 77.A special coat. 78.They should learn many different sounds. 79.When the dogs hear a fire alarm, they lay down near the deaf person’s feet to tell them the danger. 80.Some things about special dogs and how they help people.
81 working hard
82. much better
83. common raise
84.The more careful you are,the better your grade will be.
85.Nothing is more enjoyable than reading books.
作文。略八年英语学科质量监测试题 2023.11
听力部分 (20分)
I .听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)
( )1. A . Just so - so . B . Thank you . C . With my pleasure .
( )2. A . It ' s delicious . B . It doesn ' t matter . C . I want to go now .
( )3. A . I think so . B . I like reading . C . A book about robots .
( )4. A . That ' s great . B . Of course . C . You ' re welcome .
( )5. A . Me too . B . I got there by bus . C . Twice a week .
II ,听五段短对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)
( )6. Where did Li Ming go last Sunday A . Shanghai . B . Jinan . C . Tianjin .
( )7. What does Zhou Yang often do in his free time
A . He watches TV . B . He takes photos . C . He takes some exercise .
( )8. What did they do yesterday
A . They went shopping . B . They went swimming . C . They went fishing .
( )9. What are they going to do
A . They are going to see the street performers
B . They are going to see the trees and flowers .
C . They are going to see the street cleaners .
( )10. How does the boy know about the world news
A . By listening to the radio . B . By reading newspapers .C . By using the Internet .
( )11. When will the party begin A . At four this Saturday afternoon .
B . At four this Sunday afternoon . C . At five this Sunday afternoon .
( )12.What will they do after the party
A . Play games . B . Watch a play . C . Watch a movie .
( )13. What does Pete have to do this afternoon
A . Meet his aunt . B . Go to the park . C . See his friends .
( )14. What will Pete prepare for tomorrow
A . The meeting . B . The test . C . The party .
( )15. When will Pete be free A .This Sunday. B .Next Saturday. C .Next Sunday.
IV .听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)
( )16.How long did Lin Hong stay in Hangzhou
A . For one day .B . For two days . C . For three days .
( )17. How did they go to Hangzhou A . By train . B . By bus . C . By plane .
( )18. What did they do first when they got to Hangzhou
A . They had lunch .B . They went to the hotel . C . They went shopping .
( )19. What did Lin Hong think of the West Lake
A . Big . B . Famous . C . Wonderful .
( )20. Where did people sit to enjoy the beauty of the town
A . On the bridges . B . On the boats . C . On the buses .
一、单项选择 (每小题1分 共10分)
( )21.We need to read English aloud everyday to improve our _________.
A.grammar B.spelling C.vocabulary D.pronunciation
( )22.Writing is very important in tests. You see, the ________ you write, the ________ results you will get next time.
A.more careful; fewer B.more carefully; best
C.more careful; fewest D.more carefully; better
( )23.While Thomas ________ a movie, he ________ asleep and missed the ending.
A.was watching; fell B.were watching; fell
C.watched; was falling D.were watching; was falling
( )24.It was not ___ for us to solve (解决) the math problem. Few of us can even understand it.
A.easy enough B.enough easy C.difficult enough D.enough difficult
( )25.—Can you give me some advice on how to learn English well
—To learn English well, you’d better speak English as ________ as you can.
A.often B.many C.good D.possible
( )26.Joe, start exercising before it’s too late. Your health is ______ than anything else.
A.Important B.the more important C.more important D.less important
( )27. —This story is not funny at all. —OK. Now I’ll tell you ________ one.
a much funnier B.the funniest C.a more funnier D.much funniest
( )28.It’s very friendly ______ him ______ me when I am in trouble.
A.of; help B.for; to help C.of; to help D.for; helping
( )29.The little boy saved every coin ______ buy his mother a present on Mother’s Day.
A.in order that B.such that C.in order to D.so that
( )30.Tom has much difficulty ________ Chinese, so I often give him some ________.
A.to learn; advice B.to learn; advices C.learning; advise D.learning; advice
二、完形填空 (每小题1分 共10分)
We want to go on a trip to Beijing. But it is 31 our home. My father wants to go there by car, because it is 32 and we can stop anywhere to enjoy the sightseeing along the road. But my mother doesn't think so, it will take us a long time and my father will be very tired. She wants to go by 33 , because it's the fastest. My sister wants to go there by train, because it's easy and exciting. I don't know which is 34 , so I follow their ideas. At last, we all think we need to save 35 , but we need to get there faster, 36 we only have four days for the trip. We decide to go by train. When I get to the 37 , I feel happy, and I jump up and down, because I haven't taken the train 38 . We only buy three tickets. Why We have four people. Oh, you guess it! My sister is 39 than one metre, so she doesn't need to buy a ticket. After we 40 the train, we see some people standing. My mother tells me there are too many people and there are not enough seats for everyone, Maybe this journey will not be easy!
( )31.A.close to B.far of C.near from D.far from
( )32.A.expensive B.Interesting C.cheap D.boring
( )33.A.air B.train C.bus D.bike
( )34.A.good B.better C.the best D.well
( )35.A.water B.money C.time D.life
( )36.A.so B.but C.because D.or
( )37.A.underground B.airport C.train station D.bus stop
( )38.A.now B.last C.past D.before
( )39.A.taller B.shorter C.longer D.short
( )40.A.get to B.get down C.get on D.get out
三、阅读理解 (共30分)(选择,每小题1分 共20分,还原,每小题2分,共10分 )
Guangzhou is a big city in China. It has a history of over 2,200 years. People in Guangzhou love to eat. There is a saying: Eating in Guangzhou. Usually, there are three times for tea in a teahouse in Guangzhou. They are morning tea, afternoon tea and evening tea. People don’t have much to eat at teatime, but they love to go there to spend their time. You may think only old people have teatime, but in fact today’s young people go to the teahouse more often than before. The place is large enough for all their friends to sit in and the time is not limited. Also, the food in the teahouse is very healthy.
One of the most famous and popular restaurants in Guangzhou is Guangzhou Restaurant. It first opened in 1935. Its name was Southwestern Restaurant. In 1940, it changed the name to Guangzhou Restaurant. It means “all delicious food is in Guangzhou”. Now it has nine restaurants and more than 30 food stores across the city. One of the restaurants is in Shangxiajiu Street. Many people choose to have their weddings (婚礼), to celebrate birthdays or their new family members-babies there.
( )41.How many times are there for tea in teahouse in Guangzhou
Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.
( )42.The underlined word “limited” in Para 1 means “________” in Chinese.
A.有演变的 B.有对比的 C.有限制的 D.有范围的
( )43.Which of the following is NOT the reason for young people to go to a teahouse
A.The place is large enough for all their friends to sit in. B.The food there is healthy.
C.They can be there for a long time.D.There are many things to do in a teahouse.
( )44.Guangzhou Restaurant ________.
A.first opened in 1940 B.has only one restaurant and it’s in Shangxiajiu Street
C.is one of the most popular restaurants in Guangzhou D.has less than 30 food stores
( )45.Many people choose Guangzhou Restaurant in Shangxiajiu Street to ________.
A.have their weddings B.celebrate their birthdays
C.celebrate their new family members D.all of above
When you are learning English, you find it not clever to put an English sentence, word for word, into your own language. Take the sentence “How do you do ” as an example. If you look up each word in the dictionary, once at a time, what is your translation(翻译) It must be a wrong sentence in your own language.
Languages do not just have different sounds. They are different in many ways. It’s important to master(掌握)the rules for word order(顺序)in the study of English, too. If the speakers put words in a wrong order, the listener can’t understand the speakers’ sentences easily. Sometimes when the order of words in an English sentence is changed, the meaning of the sentence changes. But sometimes when the order is changed, the meaning of the sentence doesn’t change. Let’s see the difference between the two pairs of sentences.
“She only likes apples.” “Only she likes apples.”
“I’ve seen the film already.” “I have already seen the film.”
When you are learning English, you must do your best to get the spirit(精神实质)of the language and use it as the English speakers do.
( )46.From the passage we know that ________when we are learning English.
A.we shouldn’t put every word into our own language
B.we should look up every word in the dictionary
C.we need to put every word into our own language
D.we must read word by word
( )47.The writer thinks it is _______ in learning English.
A.difficult to understand different sounds B.possible to remember the word order
C.important to master the rules in different ways
D.easy to master the rules for word order
( )48.We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.the meaning of an English sentence always changes with the order of the words
B.the order of words can never change the meaning of an English sentence
C.sometimes different order of words has a different meaning
D.if the order of words is different, the meaning of the sentence must be different
( )49.“She only likes apples.” ________.
A.is the same as “Only she likes apples.”
B.is different from “Only she likes apples.”
C.means “She likes fruit except apples.”
D.means “She doesn’t like apples.”
( )50.Which is the best title for this passage
A.Different Orders, Different Meanings B.How to Speak English
C.How to Put English into Our Own Language D.How to Learn English
Something very special happened to Tamara. She never knew she had a twin sister until she started university!
Tamara was born in Mexico. Her parents could not look after her so she went to live with a family in Manhattan, New York, USA.
When Tamara was twenty years old, she started university in Long Island. She enjoyed her university life. But one day she was walking home from class, and a student smiled at her. “Hello, Adriana!” said the student. “I’m not Adriana,” said Tamara.
This happened to Tamara again and again. Tamara didn’t know why people kept calling her Adriana. One day, when a woman called her Adriana, Tamara asked, “Why do you keep calling me Adriana ”
The woman said, “You look like my friend Adriana. You have the same face and the same hair. Is Adriana your sister ” Tamara said that she did not have any sisters. But she was interested in the girl named Adriana. At last she asked someone for Adriana’s e-mail address.
When Tamara wrote to Adriana, she found out that they both had the same birthday, they looked the same and both of them were from Mexico. When Tamara went to live with the family in Manhattan, Adriana moved to Long Island to live with a family there. It had to be true! Adriana and Tamara were twin sisters!
( )51.When did Tamara know that she had a sister
A.Before she started school. B.After she visited a woman.
C.After she went to university. D.Before she moved to America.
( )52.How might Tamara feel when a student called her Adriana
A.Sorry. B.Scared. C.Surprised. D.Terrible.
( )53.What did Tamara decide to do after she talked with the woman
A.Have a talk with Adriana’s parents. B.Find something about her.
C.Give Adriana a telephone call. D.Buy Adriana a birthday gift.
( )54.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Tamara had two sisters all together. B.Adriana wrote an e-mail to Tamara first.
C.Adriana’s family moved to Mexico when she went to university.
D.Tamara and Adriana were both in Long Island when they were 20.
( )55.The passage is mainly about ________.
A.what twin sisters should be like B.the lucky twin sisters in different families
C.how two families change the twins D.how two sisters knew each other
This is a letter from a pet dog to his master(主人).
“Dear master, when you took me away from my mum, it was snowing heavily. You kept me in your arms, and that made me feel very warm and comfortable. I’ve been with you for about a year so far, but I’m afraid you don’t know me quite well, so I decide to write this letter to you.
I’ll live for ten to fifteen years before leaving this world. I enjoy every moment being with you. So I’m always sad when I stay away from you.
Please give me time to understand what you want me to do. Don’t lock me up if you are angry with me. Don’t leave me alone all the time. You have your work and your friends. But I only have you.
Talk to me sometimes. Although I don’t understand your words, I can tell from your voice whether you are happy or sad. Please don’t treat me badly when you are unhappy. Remember that: however you treat me, I will never forget it. And if you treat me terribly, it will have a bad influence on me for a long time.
Before you hit me, remember that I have sharp teeth that could easily hurt you, but that I choose not to. You are my master, I can never hurt you.
Take care of me when I get old. You will grow old, too.
One day I might leave you forever. However, everything will be easy for me if you are there. Please keep in mind: I love you, always.”
( )56.How long will the pet dog live
A.5-10 years. B.10-15 years. C.15-20 years. D.5-15 years
( )57 The pet dog doesn’t want its master to_______.
A.Lock it up B.understand it C.have his/her friends D.grow old
( )58.The pet dog will never forget______.
A.its master’s voice B.its master’s words
C.how its master treats it D.its master’s name
( )59.The underlined word “sharp” means “_____” in Chinese.
A.轮廓鲜明的 B.敏锐的 C.锋利的 D.闪亮的
( )60.Reading the passage, we can feel the deep love that______.
A.the pet dog shows to his parents B.the master shows to the pet dog
C.humans show to animals D.the pet dog shows to its master
E.阅读还原(每小题2分 共10分)
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文。
A new type of Fuxing high﹣speed bullet train (复兴高速动车) appeared in Beijing in January this year. The CR400 AF﹣G train will run on a new high﹣speed railway line, connecting( 连接)Beijing with Shenyang and Harbin.
The passengers from different places think it’s really great. Look! 61 The train with red lines on its body, looks very beautiful. It can run at a speed of 350 km/h and carry as many as 1, 080 passengers. 62 It can operate(运行)under temperatures as low as ﹣40 ℃。
63 With them, it runs safely in very cold weather. “For example, if the train stops in Harbin for an hour, the braking system(刹车系统) can easily freeze .” 64 “To prevent(预防) those pipes from freezing, the electric heating system covers the whole train.”
65 1, 036 Fuxing bullet trains have been put into operation since 2017. The trains have finished 827 million passenger trips and have covered 836 million km.
A.It has played an importance role in transportation. B.It has wide and comfortable seats. C.It has another difference from common bullet trains. D.The new system will make the brakes be able to move from time to time even if the train stops. E.The train has its own special braking and electrical heating systems(制动和电热系统).
四、语法填空( 10 分)
Counting 66 ___ (number) is one of the 67 ___ (one) lessons you begin to learn when you learn 68 _- new language. Most of the time, the counting _ 69 (start) from the number “1”.
However, the number “0” is also important. Unlike 70 _ other numbers in the English language, it 71 __ (have) several words to describe it. 72___ (help) you use the 73_ (good) word in the right context (语境), here’s a quick and easy guide on how to say “0” in English.
When to say “o”
In spoken English, the number “0” is often read as the letter “o”. This is especially true when “0” is included with a list of other numbers. This is most commonly used in phone numbers.
When to say “zero”
“Zero” is a word mostly used in Maths and Science. When you are measuring something, or 74 __ you are a fan of science, you will probably find 75 __ (you) using this word quite a bit!
五、阅读回答问题(每小题2分 共10分)
You may think that only children go to school but there are special schools for guide dogs! At school, of course, guide dogs do not learn mathematics and science like you. They learn how to help blind people. The dogs live at the school for six months and they learn about twenty words- words like “sit” and “no”. These dogs wear a special coat with a big handle on it for the blind person to hold.
Dogs can also go to school to learn how to help people who cannot hear. If a person cannot hear, we say he or she is deaf.
Dogs who help deaf people must learn many different sounds. Then they must be able to show the deaf person what is making the sound. When they hear a visitor at the door, the dog learns to walk to the deaf person and then walk to the door. And if a telephone rings, they walk to the deaf man or woman and then walk to the telephone.
These dogs can also help deaf mothers. If a baby is crying in another room, the dog walks to the mother and then to the baby. These dogs wear a yellow coat to show that they are special dogs that are helping a deaf person.
There have been many times when these dogs have saved a life. You may see in a newspaper that a dog heard a fire alarm and lay down near the deaf person’s feet. That is the sign for danger. The person knows that something is wrong and can go away from the fire.
Special dogs can also help people who are disabled in various ways. For example, dogs can pull off their gloves or socks! Think how difficult your life would be if you were blind, deaf or disabled! But if you had a special dog like this to help you, your life would be much easier.
76.Can dogs learn science in special schools
77.What do guide dogs wear when they help the blind, a special coat or special shoes
78.What should dogs learn if we want them to help the deaf
79.How do dogs help a deaf man if there is a fire
80.What is the passage mainly about
六、完成句子 (每题2分 共10分)
Our government is to save pandas.
My grandma is today than yesterday.
It’s very to money in Canadian schools.
七、话题作文 (20分)
2020年1月2日晚,白鲟(Chinese paddlefish)灭绝的报道被各大媒体转发,无数网友惋惜不已。然而,还有许多动物同白鲟一样,被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)列为“极危”等级,它们的出路又在何方?请你就此写一篇短文,谈谈你对动物保护的看法和建议。
(提示词: 污染pollute捕猎 hunt 保持多样性maintain the biodiversity )
76 (2分)
姓名: 学校: 班级: 座号:
77 (2分)
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78 (2分)
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2. 客观题答题,必须使用2B铅笔填涂,修改时用橡皮擦干净。 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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一.选择题(70分) 81 (2分)
1 A B C 6 A B C 11 A B C 16 A B C 21 A B C D 26 A B C D
2 A B C 7 A B C 12 A B C 17 A B C 22 A B C D 27 A B C D 82 (2分)
3 A B C 8 A B C 13 A B C 18 A B C 23 A B C D 28 A B C D
4 A B C 9 A B C 14 A B C 19 A B C 24 A B C D 29 A B C D 83 (2分)
5 A B C 10 A B C 15 A B C 20 A B C 25 A B C D 30 A B C D
84 (2分)
31 A B C D 36 A B C D 41 A B C D 46 A B C D 51 A B C D
32 A B C D 37 A B C D 42 A B C D 47 A B C D 52 A B C D
85 (2分)
33 A B C D 38 A B C D 43 A B C D 48 A B C D 53 A B C D
34 A B C D 39 A B C D 44 A B C D 49 A B C D 54 A B C D
35 A B C D 40 A B C D 45 A B C D 50 A B C D 55 A B C D
56 A B C D 61 A B C D E
57 A B C D 62 A B C D E
58 A B C D 63 A B C D E
59 A B C D 64 A B C D E
60 A B C D 65 A B C D E
66 (1分) 67 (1分) 68 (1分) 69 (1分) 请勿在此区域作答
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74 (1分) 75 (1分)
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  • 辽宁省营口市第二十九中学2023-2024八年级上学期期中考试英语试题(含答案含音频无听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月26日  所属分类:作业答案