河南省郑州市高新区2023-2024七年级上学期期中英语试卷 (含解析无听力)

二 阅读理解 阅读材料,然后按文后要求做题。
Lucy found a white watch under a desk in the music classroom.Is it yours?Please ask Mr.Green for it.You can e﹣mail him at marh@. I lost my schoolbag in the library.It's pink.A key,a red pencil box and an English book are in it.I am Lisa in Class 2.Please call me at 897﹣5278.
Alan,your baseball is on the table of our computer room.We found it under the bookcase.Please call897﹣6656 to get it. Where is my pencil box?It's green.A black pen and an ID card are in it.My phone number is 897﹣1679.Please call me.Thanks. Mike,Class 2.
(1)Where is the baseball?    
A.In the music classroom.
B.In the library.
C.In the computer room.
D.In Class 2.
(2)What can you see in Mike's pencil box?    
①A key ②A black pen ③An ID card ④A watch
(3)If you find a pink schoolbag,what can you do?    
A.Call 897﹣6656.
B.Call 897﹣5278.
(4)Who lost their things?    
A.Lucy,Lisa and Alan.
B.Alan,Mike and Lucy.
C.Mike,Lisa and Lucy.
D.Lisa,Alan and Mike.
(5)Where can you read this text?    
A.In a newspaper.
B.On a school notice board.
C.In a story book.
D.In a map.
12.(10分)Look at this room!It's Jim and Tom's room.It's big but not tidy.There is a big bed,two desks,two chairs and a bookcase in it.Their shoes are under the bed.A computer is on the desk.Their books are in the bookcase.Their school things are everywhere.Their books are on the desk,too.They always ask their mother, "Where's my pen?Where is my book?Where are my rulers?"Do you think they are tidy?
(1)Whose room is it?    
C.Jim's and Tom's.
D.Jim and Tom's.
(2)What can you see in the room?    
A.Two beds and a desk.
B.A desk and two bookcases.
C.Two desks and two chairs.
D.Three chairs and two bookcases.
(3)You can find    under the bed.
A.a computer
C.a schoolbag
(4)Where is Jim's pencil box?    
(5)What can we know about the room?    
A.There aren't any books on the sofa.
B.They can't find their school things easily(容易地).
C.A big bed,a piano,a chair and a bookcase are in the room.
D.Tom's keys are on the computer and the computer is under the desk.
13.(10分)Welcome to the New York City Lost and Found Office(办公室).People often lose things when they're traveling(旅行).They leave things on planes,on trains,on buses and in taxis.That's why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.
The New York City Lost and Found Office is very big.Over 1,000 people come here every day.They come here to look for their phones,watches,000 phones and 500 watches.
Now,there are also some funny things at the New York City Lost and Found Office.There are about 100 bikes and a big boat.There are also a lot of animals.This week there are three dogs,two ducks and a pig!Whose are they?Are they yours?We don't know!Are you looking for 15 kilos of sausages(香肠),too!
(1)When do people often lose things?    
A.When they're on buses.
B.When they're in taxis.
C.When they're traveling.
D.When they're at airports.
(2)What's the meaning of the underlined word "leave" in paragraph 1?    
(3)What funny things can you find at the New York City Lost and Found Office?    
(4)What can we know from paragraph 3?    
A.There are many animals at the office.
B.Over 100 people come to the office every day.
C.There are about 100 bikes and a big box at the office.
D.There are two dogs,three ducks and a pig at the office.
(5)Who may write the text?    
A.A school student.
B.A school teacher.
C.An office worker.
D.A city traveler.
14.(10分)In our classrooms,we learn things from our textbooks every day.(1)    Reading is a great way to learn.
But today,many people go on the Internet to have fun in their free time.They watch videos(视频) or play games.(2)   
Chinese people love reading.Today,we are calling on people to read books.(3)    In 2022,there were over 30,000 reading activities(活动)(百万) people went to the activities.(4)    She says, "It's the best to see and touch books."
To help students with reading,schools start reading classes.(5)    Some schools have their libraries in classrooms.Students can have a nice place to read.So let's read and have fun in reading!
A.So more and more people like to buy books.
B.A woman often takes her daughter to such activities.
C.And we should also read other books in our free time.
D.Maybe many of them forget the happiness of reading.
E.These classes help with students' school subjects(学科).
三 完形填空 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、 C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
15.(15分)Hello!My English name is Sandra.I am from the USA.I (1)    a middle school student.I can (2)    English very well.But my Chinese is not very (3)   .I like to(4)    my classmates with their English.And they often come to me and (5)   questions.I'm in Class Five,Grade Seven.I have (6)    friends now.One is a boy,and (7)    name is Tom Brown.The other is a(n) (8)    ,and her name is Lin Hong.We are in the same grade,but in (9)    classes.Tom Brown is (10)    years old.He is tall and has big eyes.His favorite color is (11)   .So he likes to be in a blue T﹣shirt and blue pants.Lin Hong is a nice girl.She has a round (12)   .She is thirteen years old,too.And (13)    favorite color is black.(14)    is the black schoolbag?It is Lin Hong's.I like my school and I like my (15)    .
(1)A.is B.am C.are D.be
(2)A.talk B.say C.speak D.tell
(3)A.good B.sorry C.new D.fun
(4)A.thank B.meet C.help D.let
(5)A.ask B.give C.teach D.see
(6)A.one B.two C.three D.four
(7)A.his B.he C.him D.her
(8)A.girl B.boy C.teacher D.actor
(9)A.round B.old C.right D.different
(10)A.ten B.eleven C.twelve D.thirteen
(11)A.blue B.red C.green D.yellow
(12)A.hair B.hand C.foot D.face
(13)A.my B.his C.her D.our
(14)A.Whose B.Who C.What D.Where
(15)A.uncles B.friends C.parents D.cousins
四 语篇填空 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
eating me star healthy vegetables so really first mom's sees
Cindy is my classmate and best friend.She likes ping﹣pong and she wants to be a ping﹣pong (1)   .We often play it together after school.It's (2)    relaxing.Cindy is very (3)    because her mom always cooks a good breakfast for her every morning.After (4)    breakfast,her mom often gives her an apple.Cindy knows her mom loves her very much, (5)    she wants to thank her mom.
It is her (6)    birthday today.In the morning,Mom (7)    Cindy in the kitchen.Cindy makes a salad with some (8)    for her.This is Cindy's (9)    time to make food."Dear mom,thanks for making breakfast for (10)    every morning.And this is the breakfast for you,"Cindy says.
What a nice girl Cindy is!
五 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
17.(5分)Frank and I are good friends.We are in (1)    same class.He likes sports and so do I.We often play soccer together.Frank gets the soccer ball (2)    his father,a famous soccer player.We often watch his games (3)    TV.Playing soccer is great fun for Frank and he thinks it (4)    easy.He hopes to be a soccer player one day just like his father.How's our schoolwork?He does well (5)    I don't.He always helps me with it.I am so lucky to have Frank as my friend.
六 补全对话 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。
18.(10分)A:Hey,Mike!Are you free this Saturday?
B:Yes.What's up?
A:Let's play tennis together this Saturday afternoon.
B:(1)   !
A:Oh,I lent my tennis rackets to Jenny.(2)   ?
B:Yes,I have two tennis rackets.
A:Can I invite Dave to join us?
B:Who's Dave?
A:He is my cousin.
B: (3)   ?
A:His last name is Smith.
B:(4)   ?
B:I want to know something about him.(5)    ?
A:Yes,he does.He likes playing tennis very much.
B:Great!Let's meet at 2:00 p.m.in the park this Saturday.
七 书面表达
19.(20分)你校英文报"健康饮食"专栏现面向全校学生征集英文稿件。请你以"My eating habits"为题,写一篇英文短文介绍自己的日常饮食习惯。
My eating habits
二 阅读理解 阅读材料,然后按文后要求做题。
Lucy found a white watch under a desk in the music classroom.Is it yours?Please ask Mr.Green for it.You can e﹣mail him at marh@. I lost my schoolbag in the library.It's pink.A key,a red pencil box and an English book are in it.I am Lisa in Class 2.Please call me at 897﹣5278.
Alan,your baseball is on the table of our computer room.We found it under the bookcase.Please call897﹣6656 to get it. Where is my pencil box?It's green.A black pen and an ID card are in it.My phone number is 897﹣1679.Please call me.Thanks. Mike,Class 2.
(1)Where is the baseball?  C 
A.In the music classroom.
B.In the library.
C.In the computer room.
D.In Class 2.
(2)What can you see in Mike's pencil box?  C 
①A key ②A black pen ③An ID card ④A watch
(3)If you find a pink schoolbag,what can you do?  B 
A.Call 897﹣6656.
B.Call 897﹣5278.
(4)Who lost their things?  D 
A.Lucy,Lisa and Alan.
B.Alan,Mike and Lucy.
C.Mike,Lisa and Lucy.
D.Lisa,Alan and Mike.
(5)Where can you read this text?  B 
A.In a newspaper.
B.On a school notice board.
C.In a story book.
D.In a map.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据表格左侧第二栏Alan baseball on table our room.(艾伦。)可知棒球在电脑室。
(2)细节理解题。根据表格右侧第二栏Where my box green.A pen an card in ?它是绿色的。)可知②③符合文意。
(3)细节理解题。根据表格右侧第一栏Please me 。)可知如果你发现一个粉红色的书包。故选B。
(4)细节理解题。根据表格右侧第一栏I Lisa Class call at897﹣5278.(我是二班的丽莎。)表格左侧第二栏Alan baseball on table our room.(艾伦。)表格右侧第二栏Mike 2.(迈克。)可知丢东西的是丽莎。故选D。
(5)推理判断题。根据表格右侧第二栏I my in library.(我在图书馆丢了书包。所以文章可能出现在学校的公告板上。
12.(10分)Look at this room!It's Jim and Tom's room.It's big but not tidy.There is a big bed,two desks,two chairs and a bookcase in it.Their shoes are under the bed.A computer is on the desk.Their books are in the bookcase.Their school things are everywhere.Their books are on the desk,too.They always ask their mother, "Where's my pen?Where is my book?Where are my rulers?"Do you think they are tidy?
(1)Whose room is it?  D 
C.Jim's and Tom's.
D.Jim and Tom's.
(2)What can you see in the room?  C 
A.Two beds and a desk.
B.A desk and two bookcases.
C.Two desks and two chairs.
D.Three chairs and two bookcases.
(3)You can find  B under the bed.
A.a computer
C.a schoolbag
(4)Where is Jim's pencil box?  D 
(5)What can we know about the room?  B 
A.There aren't any books on the sofa.
B.They can't find their school things easily(容易地).
C.A big bed,a piano,a chair and a bookcase are in the room.
D.Tom's keys are on the computer and the computer is under the desk.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据It's and room.(这是吉姆和汤姆的房间。故选D。
(2)细节理解题。根据There a big ,two ,two and a in ,两张桌子。)可知房间里有两张桌子和两把椅子。
(3)细节理解题。根据Their are the 。)可知你可以在床下找到鞋子。
(4)细节理解题。根据Their boxes on chair。)可知铅笔盒在椅子上。
(5)细节理解题。根据They ask mother, my ?Where my ?Where my ?"(他们总是问他们的妈妈?我的书在哪里?")可知他们不容易找到他们的学习用品。
13.(10分)Welcome to the New York City Lost and Found Office(办公室).People often lose things when they're traveling(旅行).They leave things on planes,on trains,on buses and in taxis.That's why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.
The New York City Lost and Found Office is very big.Over 1,000 people come here every day.They come here to look for their phones,watches,000 phones and 500 watches.
Now,there are also some funny things at the New York City Lost and Found Office.There are about 100 bikes and a big boat.There are also a lot of animals.This week there are three dogs,two ducks and a pig!Whose are they?Are they yours?We don't know!Are you looking for 15 kilos of sausages(香肠),too!
(1)When do people often lose things?  C 
A.When they're on buses.
B.When they're in taxis.
C.When they're traveling.
D.When they're at airports.
(2)What's the meaning of the underlined word "leave" in paragraph 1?  B 
(3)What funny things can you find at the New York City Lost and Found Office?  D 
(4)What can we know from paragraph 3?  A 
A.There are many animals at the office.
B.Over 100 people come to the office every day.
C.There are about 100 bikes and a big box at the office.
D.There are two dogs,three ducks and a pig at the office.
(5)Who may write the text?  C 
A.A school student.
B.A school teacher.
C.An office worker.
D.A city traveler.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段People lose when traveling(旅行).(人们在旅行时经常丢东西。故选C。
(2)词义猜测题。根据前文People lose when traveling(旅行).(人们在旅行时经常丢东西、火车上。所以划线词意为"遗忘"。
(3)细节理解题。根据第三段Are looking 15 of ?They're ,too?它们也在这里。故选D。
(4)细节理解题。根据第三段Now are some things the York Lost Found are 100 and a boat.There also a of ,纽约市失物招领处也有一些有趣的事情。还有很多动物。故选A。
(5)推理判断题。根据第一段Welcome the York Lost Found 。)及全文可知文章介绍了纽约市失物招领处的情况。故选C。
14.(10分)In our classrooms,we learn things from our textbooks every day.(1) C  Reading is a great way to learn.
But today,many people go on the Internet to have fun in their free time.They watch videos(视频) or play games.(2) D 
Chinese people love reading.Today,we are calling on people to read books.(3) A  In 2022,there were over 30,000 reading activities(活动)(百万) people went to the activities.(4) B  She says, "It's the best to see and touch books."
To help students with reading,schools start reading classes.(5) E  Some schools have their libraries in classrooms.Students can have a nice place to read.So let's read and have fun in reading!
A.So more and more people like to buy books.
B.A woman often takes her daughter to such activities.
C.And we should also read other books in our free time.
D.Maybe many of them forget the happiness of reading.
E.These classes help with students' school subjects(学科).
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据空前的句子we things our every ,可知还可以读其他类型的书籍。故选:C。
(2)细节理解题。根据空前many go the to fun their time.They videos play ,看视频。却忘了读书的乐趣。故选:D。
(3)细节推理题。根据空前Today are on to books.如今我们号召人们读书,买书。故选:A。
(4)细节理解题。根据空前出现了″activity″活动,可知应该是A often her to activities.一个女人带着她的女儿参加了这样的活动。
(5)细节推理题。根据空前schools reading ,学习开展了阅读课。故选:E。
三 完形填空 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、 C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
15.(15分)Hello!My English name is Sandra.I am from the USA.I (1) B  a middle school student.I can (2) C  English very well.But my Chinese is not very (3) A .I like to(4) C  my classmates with their English.And they often come to me and (5) A questions.I'm in Class Five,Grade Seven.I have (6) B  friends now.One is a boy,and (7) A  name is Tom Brown.The other is a(n) (8) A  ,and her name is Lin Hong.We are in the same grade,but in (9) D  classes.Tom Brown is (10) D  years old.He is tall and has big eyes.His favorite color is (11) A .So he likes to be in a blue T﹣shirt and blue pants.Lin Hong is a nice girl.She has a round (12) D .She is thirteen years old,too.And (13) C  favorite color is black.(14) A  is the black schoolbag?It is Lin Hong's.I like my school and I like my (15) B  .
(1)A.is B.am C.are D.be
(2)A.talk B.say C.speak D.tell
(3)A.good B.sorry C.new D.fun
(4)A.thank B.meet C.help D.let
(5)A.ask B.give C.teach D.see
(6)A.one B.two C.three D.four
(7)A.his B.he C.him D.her
(8)A.girl B.boy C.teacher D.actor
(9)A.round B.old C.right D.different
(10)A.ten B.eleven C.twelve D.thirteen
(11)A.blue B.red C.green D.yellow
(12)A.hair B.hand C.foot D.face
(13)A.my B.his C.her D.our
(14)A.Whose B.Who C.What D.Where
(15)A.uncles B.friends C.parents D.cousins
【分析】这篇短文主要介绍了一个来自美国的中学生Sandra,她擅长英语,但中文不太好。她喜欢帮助同学学习英语,有两个好朋友Tom Brown和Lin Hong,他们在同一年级但不同班。Tom喜欢蓝色,而Lin喜欢黑色。她喜欢自己的学校和老师。
(6)考查数词辨析。句意:我现在有两个朋友;B.二;D.四 is a other ,可知我有两个朋友。
(7)考查形容词辨析。句意:一个是男孩 Brown;B.他;C.他;D.她的 Brown可知此处用his。故选A。
(8)考查名词辨析。句意:另一个是女孩 Hong;B.男孩;D.演员 name可知此处指"女孩"。
(10)考查数词辨析。句意:Tom 。A.十;C.十二。根据She thirteen old。)可知此处指"十三"。
(11)考查名词辨析。句意:他最喜欢的颜色是蓝色;B.红色的;D.黄色的 he to in a T﹣shirt blue 。)可知他最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。
(13)考查形容词性物主代词辨析。句意:她最喜欢的颜色是黑色;B.他的;D.我们的 Hong是女孩。故选C。
(14)考查特殊疑问词辨析。句意:黑色书包是谁的;B.谁;D.哪里 is 。)可知此处询问"谁的"。
四 语篇填空 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
eating me star healthy vegetables so really first mom's sees
Cindy is my classmate and best friend.She likes ping﹣pong and she wants to be a ping﹣pong (1) star .We often play it together after school.It's (2) really  relaxing.Cindy is very (3) healthy  because her mom always cooks a good breakfast for her every morning.After (4) eating  breakfast,her mom often gives her an apple.Cindy knows her mom loves her very much, (5) so  she wants to thank her mom.
It is her (6) mom's  birthday today.In the morning,Mom (7) sees  Cindy in the kitchen.Cindy makes a salad with some (8) vegetables  for her.This is Cindy's (9) first  time to make food."Dear mom,thanks for making breakfast for (10) me  every morning.And this is the breakfast for you,"Cindy says.
What a nice girl Cindy is!
(3)考查形容词。句意:Cindy非常健康。根据because mom cooks a breakfast her morning(因为她妈妈每天早上都会为她做一顿丰盛的早餐)结合所给词可知,空格处在句中作表语,healthy"健康的"。故填healthy。
(6)考查名词所有格。句意:今天是她妈妈的生日 mom for breakfast every morning.(亲爱的妈妈 做早餐。)可知,根据空后的birthday可知。故填mom's。
(10)考查代词。句意:感谢您每天早上为我做早餐 says.(Cindy说,是"为我做早餐",后使用代词宾格形式的me。
五 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
17.(5分)Frank and I are good friends.We are in (1) the  same class.He likes sports and so do I.We often play soccer together.Frank gets the soccer ball (2) from  his father,a famous soccer player.We often watch his games (3) on  TV.Playing soccer is great fun for Frank and he thinks it (4) is  easy.He hopes to be a soccer player one day just like his father.How's our schoolwork?He does well (5) but  I don't.He always helps me with it.I am so lucky to have Frank as my friend.
六 补全对话 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。
18.(10分)A:Hey,Mike!Are you free this Saturday?
B:Yes.What's up?
A:Let's play tennis together this Saturday afternoon.
B:(1) Sounds good !
A:Oh,I lent my tennis rackets to Jenny.(2) Do you have tennis rackets ?
B:Yes,I have two tennis rackets.
A:Can I invite Dave to join us?
B:Who's Dave?
A:He is my cousin.
B: (3) What is his last name ?
A:His last name is Smith.
B:(4) How do you spell it ?
B:I want to know something about him.(5) Does he like playing tennis  ?
A:Yes,he does.He likes playing tennis very much.
B:Great!Let's meet at 2:00 p.m.in the park this Saturday.
【解答】(1)根据Let's play together Saturday 。)和感叹号可知。故填Sounds good。
(2)根据Yes,I have tennis ,我有两副网球拍,此处是在询问对方有没有网球拍。
(3)根据His last is 。)可知。故填What is his 。
(4)根据S﹣M﹣I﹣T﹣H.(S﹣M﹣I﹣T﹣H。)可知。故填How do you spell it。
(5)根据Yes,he likes tennis much.(是的。他非常喜欢玩网球,此处是在询问Dave是否喜欢打网球。
七 书面表达
19.(20分)你校英文报"健康饮食"专栏现面向全校学生征集英文稿件。请你以"My eating habits"为题,写一篇英文短文介绍自己的日常饮食习惯。
My eating habits
During lunchtime,I often choose a salad with grilled chicken or a wrap with hummus and vegetables as these options are typically low in calories and high in nutrients.
For dinner,I enjoy making sure to include a serving of lean protein,such as chicken or tofu.
分析:句子中应用了固定搭配enjoy doing sth,表示"喜欢做某事"。
My eating
As a student
I start my day with a nutritious breakfast.This usually includes a bowl of cereal with low﹣fat milk,and a glass of orange juice.During lunchtime,I enjoy making sure to include a serving of lean protein
Overall (总结全文)

  • 河南省郑州市高新区2023-2024七年级上学期期中英语试卷 (含解析无听力)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月26日  所属分类:作业答案