
1.There are some pencils ______ the computer. ( )
A.behind B.bike C.banana
2.I like grapes. _______ are sweet and sour. ( )
A.It B.We C.They
3.There are______ desk in the classroom. ( )
A.lots of B.a lots of C.lot of
4.He must ________ tall and strong. ( )
A.is B.are C.be
5.-- tall ( )
--Yes, she is.
A.is she B.Is her C.Is she
hot sweet delicious fresh healthy
6.The vegetables are for us. It’s good for our healthy (健康).
7.The carrots are . We just pick (摘)them.
8.The fish is too . I don’t like it. Now I want some water.
9.The ice cream is . Don’t eat too much. It’s not good for your teeth (牙齿).
10.The mutton is very . Can I have some more
11.I often on Sundays.
12.A: Is the boy hungry
13.I often wash my c on the weekend.
14.I love very much.
15.She is my English . She is very kind.
四、选词填空, 每空一词。
A.on B.English C. helpful D.kind E. young
My 16 teacher is Ms Huang. She is 24 years old. She is very 17 . She often helps us. So she is really 18 .She is strict, but sometimes she is 19 .I have English classes 20 Monday and Thursday. I like her very much.
21.Zhang Peng can do some kung fu. (改为否定句)
22.He can play the pipa. (改为一般疑问句)
23.I can speak English and Chinese. (改为一般疑问句)
24.There are many buildings in our city. (改为否定句)
There buildings in our city.
25.We can sing English songs. (改为否定句)
26.is bed and my there flowers room a in (.)
27.We beef have today noodles (.)
28.head, is, the, teacher, She (.)
29.is she very kind (.)
30.like, Mr Li, What, is ( )
Our family usually clean up together on the weekend. It’s boring, but we can turn it into fun. On the first day, Grandma and Mum like listening to music when they wash the clothes. Grandma likes Chinese songs and Mum likes English songs. But they both like Beijing Opera(京剧). Grandpa and Dad always do some kung fu when they sweep the floor. My brother and I draw cartoons on the windows when we clean them.
On the second day, we tidy our own bedrooms. There are three bedrooms. One is for my grandparents, one is for my parents. How about the third one Can you guess Look, this is my grandparents’ room. It’s not big. My parents’ room is next to it. And my room is next to my parents’. I share it with my little brother, Tim. There are two small beds in our room. Between the beds, there is an end-table. On the table, there are two water bottles. Toys are all over the floor. It’s a little messy. “Tim, hurry up! Let’s put them back home.”
31.When do Tom’s family usually do some cleaning ( )
A.On Friday. B.On Saturday. C.On Thursday.
32.Whose is the third bedroom ( )
A.Tom’s grandparents’. B.Tom’s parents. C.Tom and Tim’s.
33.What do Grandma and Mum both like ( )
A.Chinese songs. B.English songs. C.Beijing Opera.
34.Where is Tom’s parents’ bedroom ( )
A.It’s on the first floor. B.It’s between the two rooms. C.It’s in front of Tom and Tim’s room.
35.“Let’s put them back home.” Here, them refers to(指的是) ______. ( )
A.Tim’s toys B.Tom’s candies C.Two water bottles
在学校,你有很多老师。请以“My ________ Teacher”为题写一篇英语短文,描写你某一学科老师的体貌特征和性格特点。不少于五句话。
提示词汇:tall, strong, young, funny, kind, strict
提示句型:I have a(an) ... teacher. He’s / She’s …

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发布日期:2023年12月26日  所属分类:作业答案