【期末真题汇编】07 选词或短语填空 (含答案)–2023-2024五年级英语上册期末真题汇编(译林版三起)

期末真题汇编 07 选词或短语填空 (含答案)
A.turns B.always C. well D.see E. with F. looks G. behind H.sometimes
1.Does Ben swim
2.The hole is Billy.
3.Yo can bald eagles in the US.
4.In winter, water into ice.
5.She has dancing lessons.
6.Mr Turkey so sad.
7.I go to the park with my family.
A.show...around B.Don’t shout C. a short tail D.comes out E. watching films F. One... the other... G. just right
8.________. I’m afraid. ( )
9.When the summer sun ________, he carries an umbrella. ( )
10.The rabbit has ________. ( )
11.Wow! Nancy, your dress is not too long, not too short. It’s ________. ( )
12.Mr Brown likes ________. ( )
13.Miss Li is new here. Let’s ________ her ________. ( )
14.I have two pets. ________ is a fish, ________ is a dog. ( )
go to the cinema for dinner computer room cold and wet in Canada
15.Wang Bing is surfing the Internet (上网) in the .
16.I like watching films. Let’s .
17.Don’t go skating outside. It’s .
18.We can see polar bears .
19.It’s time . Let’s go home now.
so heavy a short tail show...around comes out one...the other
20.When the summer sun , the rubber duck carries an umbrella.
21.The rabbit has big red eyes and .
22.Sam is on the swing. He is . Bobby can’t push him.
23.I have two cute pets. is a fish, is a dog.
24.Miss Li is new here. Let’s her our school.
A.show ... around B.comes out C. so heavy D.on the tableE. just right F. Don’t shout G. computer room H. one ... the other
25.______. I’m afraid. ( )
26.I can’t push the box, it’s _______. ( )
27.We can see a glass of milk _______. ( )
28.Miss Li is new here. Let’s _______ her _______. ( )
29.When the summer sun _______, he carries an umbrella. ( )
30.Look at this bed. It’s not too hard or too soft, it’s _______. ( )
31.Wang Bing likes playing computer games in the _______. ( )
32.I have two pets. _______ is a fish and _______ is a dog. ( )
A.do Maths B.show her around C. watching cartoonsD.just right E. too hot F. a hard body
33.The monkey is very clever. It can .
34.A crab has eight legs. It has .
35.I’m very thirsty. But the water is .
36.Mike’s hobby is .
37.Helen is new here. Can you
A.some B.any C. in D.hard E. in front of F. the other G. on H. other
38.There aren’t cakes in the fridge.
39.One is yellow and is red.
40.A boy is running the girl.
41.Put the book the desk, please.
42.This bed is too .
A.US B.UK C. forest D.both E. afraid F. or
43.Lucy and Lily like reading story books.
44.There are a lot of trees and animals in the .
45.In the , we often call the ‘first floor’.
46.In spring, it’s not too cold too hot, it’s warm.
47.Don’t be so . The snakes are our animal friends.
A.both B.skates C. front D.all E. music rooms F. between
48.Mike and Nancy like playing table tennis.
49.We have some new in our school.
50.Helen very well.
51.I can see a bird in of the car.
52.Is there a swing the two trees
a new student so heavy on the third floor before dinner How many go and play wake up in the library
53.Jim is in our school.
54.Our music rooms are .
55.There are some storybooks .
56.Don’t Mike. Let him have more sleep.
57.This big bag of rice is . I can’t carry it.
58.—Do you do your homework
—No, I do it after dinner.
59.—Look! There is a swing.
—Let’s .
60.— teachers are there in your school
A.go boating B.great fun C. run or jump D.go fishing E. eat tangyuan F. eat noodles
61.Bobby likes eating fish. Let’s for him tomorrow afternoon.
62.People usually on their birthday. They wish for a long life.
63.The game is . Let’s play it again.
64.People usually at Chinese New Year. It is sweet and yummy.
65.Please walk with me. It’s not right to in the street.
A.in the ice B.push me C. eat turkeysD.go to the cinema E. speaks English F. just right
66.People on Christmas Day.
67.There is a hole .
68.My uncle is a policeman. He well.
69.I often with my little brother Tom.
70.The soup is . I can have it now.
71.Don’t . It’s dangerous(危险的).
A.just right B.is good for C. a lot of D.Look out E. the other F. is good at
72. ! A car is coming to you.
73.My little brother drawing. He can draw many beautiful pictures.
74.The shoe is not too big or too small. It’s for Cinderella.
75.The twins are both tall. One is fat, is slim.
76.In the library, we can read books.
A.a short tail B.show him around C. a glass of juice D.too heavyE. is good at F. big eyes and long nose
77.There is no milk. Have then.
78.Sam is on the swing, he is . Bobby is tired.
79.The rabbit has .
80.Tom likes sports(运动). He running.
81.Tim is new here. Can you
1.C 2.G 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.F
【解析】1.句意:本游泳好吗?所给选项 C. well 副词修饰动词swim符合语境,故选C。
2.句意:这个宾馆是在李丽后面。所给单词 G. behind在……后面,符合语境,故选G。
3.句意:你可以在美国看到白头秃鹰。所给单词 D. see 看见,符合语境,故选D。
4.句意:在冬天,水变成冰。选项A. turn into变成,符合语境,故选A。
5.句意:她总是有舞蹈课。选项 B. always 总是,符合语境,故选B。
6.句意:火鸡先生看起来如此难过。选项 F. looks 看起来,符合语境,故选F。
7.句意:我有时和我的家人一起去公园。选项 H. sometimes 有时,符合语境,故选H。
8.B 9.D 10.C 11.G 12.E 13.A 14.F
【解析】8.句意:______。我害怕。Don’t shout不要大喊大叫,符合题意,故选B。
9.句意:夏天的太阳_______的时候,他带着一把伞。comes out出来,符合句意,故选D。
10.句意:兔子有_______。a short tail一条短尾巴,符合句意,故选C。
11.句意:哇!南茜,你的连衣裙不太长,也不太短。它_______。just right正好,符合题意,故选G。
12.句意:布朗先生喜欢______。watching films看电影,符合句意,故选E。
14.句意:我有两个宠物。一个是鱼,另一个是狗。One... the other...一个……另一个……,符合句意,故选F。
15.computer room 16.go to the cinema 17.cold and wet 18.in Canada 19.for dinner
【解析】15.句意:王兵正在微机室里网上冲浪。in the computer room在微机室,故答案为computer room。
16.句意:我喜欢看电影。让我们去电影院吧。go to the cinema去电影院,故答案为go to the cinema。
17.句意:不要在外面滑冰。天气很冷很潮湿。cold and wet冷并潮湿的,故答案为cold and wet。
18.句意:我们在加拿大可以看到北极熊。in Canada在加拿大,故答案为in Canada。
19.句意:该到吃午饭了。让我们现在回家吧。for dinner晚饭,故答案为for dinner。
20. comes out 21. a short tail 22.so heavy 23. One the other 24. show around
【解析】20.句意:当夏天的太阳 _____,橡胶鸭带了一把伞。根据句意,comes out出来,表示太阳升起,符合题意,故答案为comes out。
21.句意:兔子有大的红眼睛和 ______。根据句意,兔子的尾巴是短的,a short tail一个短尾巴,符合题意,故答案为a short tail。
22.句意:Sam在秋千上。他 ______。Bobby不能推动他。根据句意,因为重,所以推不动,so heavy很重,符合题意,故答案为so heavy。
23.句意:我有两个可爱的宠物。_____ 是一条鱼并且 _____ 是一只狗。根据句意,one...the other 一个……另一个…… , 符合题意,故答案为One;the other。
24.句意:李小姐新来这儿。让我们 _____ 她 _____ 我们的学校。根据句意,show...around带某人参观,符合题意,故答案为show;around。
25.F 26.C 27.D 28.A 29.B 30.E 31.G 32.H
【解析】25.句意:______。我害怕。根据句意与所给短语可知此处指不要大喊大叫Don’t shout,符合句意,故选F。
26.句意:我推不动箱子,它是_______。根据句意与所给短语可知此处指箱子太重,选项Cso heavy 太重,符合句意,故选C。
27.句意:我们可以看到一杯牛奶_______。根据句意与所给短语可知此处指在桌子上看到牛奶,选项D在on the table桌子上,介词固定搭配,符合句意,故选D。
28.句意:李小姐是新来的。让我们_______她_______。根据句意与所给短语可知此处指带她参观,选项A show ... around带……参观,动词短语,符合句意,故选A。
29.句意:当夏天的太阳_______时,他带着一把伞。根据句意与所给短语可知此处指当太阳出来时,选项Bcomes out出来,动词短语,符合句意,故选B。
30.句意:看看这张床。它不太硬也不太软,它是_______。根据句意与所给短语可知此处指正好,选项Ejust right正好,其他固定搭配,符合句意,故选E。
31.句意:王冰喜欢在_______玩电脑游戏。根据句意与所给短语可知此处指在电脑室,选项Gcomputer room 电脑室,名词词组,符合句意,故选G。
32.句意:我有两只宠物。_______是一条鱼,_______是一条狗。根据句意与所给短语可知此处指一只是鱼,另一只是狗,选项H one ... the other一只……另一只……,其他固定搭配,符合句意,故选H。
33.A 34.F 35.E 36.C 37.B
38.B 39.F 40.E 41.G 42.D
39.句意:一个是黄色的,_________是红色的。F选项the other意思是两者中的另一个,符合句意,故选F。
40.句意:一个男孩在女孩的__________跑。E选项in front of是介词短语,意思是在……前面,符合句意,故选E。
43.D 44.C 45.A 46.F 47.E
45.句意:在_________,我们经常叫“一楼”。根据常识可知在美国,我们经常说一楼,美国是the US,故选A。
48.A 49.E 50.B 51.C 52.F
49.句意:在我们的学校里我们有一些新_____。根据句意可知,此处应填可数名词复数。music rooms音乐教室,符合句意。故选E。
51.句意:我可以看见一只鸟在汽车_____。根据句意可知,固定搭配in front of在……前面,符合句意,故选C。
53.a new student 54.on the third floor 55.in the library 56.wake up 57. so heavy 58.before dinner 59.go and play 60.How many
【解析】53.句意:吉姆是我们学校的新生。根据句意可知横线处缺少身份,a new student一个新生,符合句意,故答案为a new student。
54.句意:我们的音乐室在三楼。根据句意可知横线处缺少某一层,on the third floor在第三层,符合句意,故答案为on the third floor。
55.句意:图书馆里有一些故事书。根据句意可知横线处缺少某个地点,in the library在图书馆里,符合句意,故答案为in the library。
56.句意:别吵醒迈克。让他多睡一会儿。根据句意可知横线处表示叫醒,wake up唤醒,符合句意,故答案为wake up。
57.句意:这大包大米太重了。我拿不动。根据句意可知横线处表示很重,so heavy如此重,符合句意,故答案为so heavy。
58.句意:—你晚饭前做作业吗?—不,我晚饭后做。根据句意可知横线处表示晚饭前,before dinner晚饭前,符合句意,故答案为before dinner。
59.句意:—看!有一个秋千。—我们去玩吧。根据句意可知横线处表示去玩,go and play去玩,符合句意,故答案为go and play。
60.句意:—你们学校有多少老师?—二十三。根据句意可知横线处表示有多少,How many有多少,符合句意,故答案为How many。
61.D 62.F 63.B 64.E 65.C
【解析】61.句意:波比喜欢吃鱼。明天下午让我们为他_____。选项D “go fishing去钓鱼”,符合题意。故选D。
62.句意:人们通常在他们的生日_____。他们希望长寿。选项F “eat noodles吃面”,符合题意。故选F。
63.句意:这游戏_____。让我们再玩一次。选项B “great fun非常有趣”,符合题意。故选B。
64.句意:人们通常在春节_____。它又甜又好吃。选项“eat tangyuan吃汤圆”,符合题意。故选E。
65.句意:请和我一起走。在街上_____是不对的。选项C“run or jump跑或跳”,符合题意。故选C。
66.C 67.A 68.E 69.D 70.F 71.B
【解析】66.句意:人们在圣诞节那天___________。吃火鸡是圣诞节的传统,eat turkeys吃火鸡,动词短语,符合语境,故选C。
67.句意:有一个洞___________。该句主谓宾结构完整,in the ice在冰上,介词固定搭配,符合语境,故选A。
69.句意:我经常和我的小弟弟汤姆一起_________。go to the cinema去电影院。动词短语,符合语境,故选D。
70.句意:这个汤___________。我现在可以喝了。根据句意可知汤好了,just right正好,符合语境,故选F。
71.句意:不要___________。太危险。根据句意可知要填某个行为,push me 推我,符合语境,故选B。
73.F 74.A 75.E 76.C
【解析】72.句意:__________!一辆车向你开来了。根据句意可知此处是让对方小心,Look out小心,动词短语,符合句意,故选D。
73.句意:我的小弟弟_________画画。他会画许多美丽的图画。根据题意与所给选项可知此处指擅长画画,擅长is good at,固定搭配,符合句意,故选F。
74.句意:这只鞋子不太大也不太小。它______对于灰姑娘。根据句意可知此处指鞋子刚刚好,just right刚刚好,固定搭配,符合句意,故选A。
75.句意:那对双胞胎都很高。一个是胖的,________是苗条的。根据句意可知此处指另一个,the other另一个,符合题意,故选E。
76.句意:在图书馆,我们可以读_________书。根据句意与所给选项可知此处指读很多书,很多a lot of,符合句意,故选C。
77.C 78.D 79.A 80.E 81.B
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  • 【期末真题汇编】07 选词或短语填空 (含答案)–2023-2024五年级英语上册期末真题汇编(译林版三起)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月25日  所属分类:作业答案