【期末真题汇编】14 阅读选择 (含答案)–2023-2024六年级英语上册期末真题汇编(译林版三起)

期末真题汇编 14 阅读选择 (含答案)
Many animals do strange things before an earthquake(地震).
Some animals make much noise(噪声) before an earthquake. Dogs shout loudly before an earthquake. Horses on farms run around in circles. Mice leave their holes and run away. Cows give less milk. In a small town in Italy, cats raced down the streets in a group. That happened only a few hours before an earthquake. In a city in the US, a man kept some little pet frogs(蛙). One day, the frogs jumped around more than ever. They made loud noise, like big frogs. That night, an earthquake struck the city. People want to know when an earthquake is coming. Then they can get away safely. Right now, there is no way to know when an earthquake will happen just according to the animal behaviour(活动方式).
1.The writer talks about ______ kinds of (种) animals in the passage. ( )
A.6 B.5 C.4
2.Horses may _______ before an earthquake. ( )
A.make much noise B.leave their holes C.run around in circles
3.The story about the cats happened in ________. ( )
A.China B.Italy C.the US
4.The underlined word “strange” means ________. ( )
A.滑稽的 B.危险的 C.奇怪的
5.Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage ( )
A.Many animals are not as usual (和平常一样) before an earthquake.
B.There’s only one way to know when an earthquake will happen.
C.The writer thinks we can watch the animals to know the exact(精确的) time of an earthquake.
One day, Zengzi’s wife (妻子) was going to the market. Her son wanted to go with her. She didn’t agree (同意), “You can’t go with me. It is too far.” Her son was upset. He cried (哭) loudly. At last, Zengzi’s wife said, “Don’t cry. I’m going to kill (杀) a pig and then we can eat it tomorrow.” Her son was happy and told his father about it.
The next day, Zengzi’s wife didn’t kill the pig. So Zengzi started to kill the pig. His wife ran to him and said, “We don’t need to kill the pig.” Zengzi said, “Our son was wrong to cry. But we must keep our words. Parents must be a good example to children.” Zengzi’s wife agreed and killed the pig together with Zengzi.
6.Zengzi’s son cried loudly because ______. ( )
A.He couldn’t go to the market with his mum.
B.He couldn’t play with his mum.
C.He couldn’t eat the pig.
7.Why didn’t Zeng Zi’s wife kill the pig at first ( )
A.Because she was tired.
B.Because she wanted Zengzi to kill the pig.
C.Because she didn’t want to kill the pig.
8.Did they kill the pig at last ( )
A.Yes, they did. B.No, they didn’t. C.Sorry, I don’t know.
9.What does the underlined word “upset” mean ( )
A.开心的 B.兴奋的 C.沮丧的
10.Which of the following is NOT true ( )
A.The market was far from Zengzi’s home.
B.Zengzi’s son went to the market with his mum.
C.Zengzi set (树立) a good example for his son.
Twenty years ago, many families didn’t have mobile phones or computers. If they wanted to get information (信息), they read books or magazines in the library. If they wanted to connect (联系) with friends, they would use the telephone or write letters. But now, most families have mobile phones and computers. We can do many things on the Internet. We can watch films, listen to music, chat with our friends, do shopping and so on. The Internet makes our life simple and easy.
Every coin has two sides. Many students don’t do their homework, because they want to play games on the Internet. They surf the Internet, chat with their e-friends and so on.
We should make good use of the Internet. As a student, we can learn English and have lessons on the Internet.
11.Twenty years ago, we used the ________ to connect with friends. ( )
A.telephone B.mobile phone C.computer
12.What would we do if we wanted to get information twenty years ago ( )
A.Surf the Internet. B.Read books. C.Call people.
13.The first paragraph (段落) tells us ________. ( )
A.many families had mobile phones twenty years ago
B.the Internet makes our life simple and easy
C.all the students want to play games on the Internet
14.What does the sentence “Every coin has two sides.” mean in Chinese ( )
A.两边都有硬币。 B.一切事物都有两面性。 C.每个人都有两枚硬币。
15.The best title for the passage is “________”. ( )
A.Use the Internet correctly (正确地) B.Computers C.Mobile phones
When I was a little boy, I used to be shy. But now I can speak loudly in front of many people.
When I was a little boy, I used to cry. But now I learn to be tough(坚强的).
When I was a little boy, I used to think the world was unfair(不公平的). But now I can see the good aspects(方面) of the world.
When I was a little boy, I didn’t know how to love. But now I learn to cherish(珍惜) what I have.
The gone days prove progress(见证了进步) in my life. But now I’m living in the present. Forget the gone days, look at the present, and I will have a wonderful life.
16.When the writer was a little boy, he used to ______. But now he learns to be tough. ( )
A.laugh B.cry C.try
17.The writer thought the world was ______ when he was young. ( )
A.unfair B.fair C.try
18.The writer ______ how to love when he was a little boy. ( )
A.knew B.know C.didn’t know
19.The writer will have a wonderful ______. ( )
A.life B.school C.home
20.The best title(标题) for the article(文章) is ______. ( )
A.Then and now B.When I was a little boy C.The gone days
In the future, people will be busier(更忙碌的) than today. Don’t worry! The smart home facilities(智能家居设备) will help you.
21.From the poster(海报), we can see ______smart facilities. ( )
A.three B.four C.five
22.If we have 1,000 yuan, we can buy ______. ( )
A.a smart door B.a smart curtain C.a VR headset
23.The smart clock can tell us ______. ( )
A.the weather B.TV shows C.the price
24.We can ______ with a VR headset. ( )
A.wash clothes B.cook dinner C.shop online
25.From this poster, we know ______. ( )
A.we can go to the Smart Home Store at 7:00 a.m.
B.if you are 12 years old, you can use the VR headset
C.the website of the store is www..cn.
This holiday, Liu Tao went to Shanghai with his family. The holiday is so wonderful that he couldn’t forget it. They took a train to Shanghai. On the first day, they went to the Bund. There are lots of tall buildings there. Liu Tao saw the Oriental Pearl Towert(东方明珠塔). It is in Pudong and it is really high! On the second day, they went to the Century Park. They went boating on the lake and enjoyed the beautiful scene(景色). Then they saw a film. It was a happy day. On the third day, they came back. Liu Tao’s holiday was so great.
26.Liu Tao went to Shanghai with ______ this holiday. ( )
A.his parents B.his family C.his friends
27.On the first day, they went to the ______. ( )
A.Shanghai Museum B.Bund C.Century Park
28.The Oriental Pearl Tower is in ______. ( )
A.Pudong B.Puxi C.Beijing
29.On the second day, they ______. ( )
A.went boating B.saw a film C.A and B
30.Did Liu Tao have a lot of fun during his holiday ( )
A.No, he didn’t. B.We don’t know. C.Yes, he did.
Some children like to eat boiled(煮的) eggs. Do you know how to make boiled eggs It’s easy. Let me tell you.
First, you need to find the materials. You need hot water and one or more eggs. You need a pot too. Then please follow the steps.
·Step 1: Pour the hot water into the pot and let it boil on the stove.
·Step 2: Put the eggs into the boiling water. Don’t throw the eggs into the water. You should put them slowly.
·Step 3: Let them stay in the hot water for about 10 minutes.
·Step 4: Take the eggs out. Let them cool for about 5 minutes. If they’re still hot, let them cool for 3 more minutes.
·Step 5: Peel off the shells(壳) and eat the eggs.
This is how to make boiled eggs. Isn’t it easy
31.The underlined word "materials” means ______ in Chinese. ( )
A.步骤 B.方法 C.材料 D.麻烦
32.According to the passage, the first step is to ______. ( )
A.wash the eggs clean B.boil the hot water on the stove
C.put the eggs into the pot D.cool the eggs for about 5 minutes
33.Before taking the eggs out, let the eggs stay in the hot water for about ______. ( )
A.3 minutes B.5 minute C.10 minutes D.15 minutes
34.We shouldn’t put the eggs into the boiling water ______. ( )
A.quickly B.slowly C.carefully D.quietly
35.If we can read the passage in a book, the name of the book may be ______. ( )
A.Fun Reading B.Fine Picturey C.Easy Cooking D.Yummy
A little boy comes to a new town. His name is Mark. Of course he lives with his parents. His family is very rich(富有). They have a cook, a driver, and some other servants(佣人). Mark goes to a new school. On the first day, his mother says to him, “Mark, be modest at your school. Don’t say we are rich.” “Yes, Mum.” Mark says. So Mark goes to school. He meets his new teacher. And he sits down with the other children. The teacher says “Good morning, children. First, we will write a composition(作文) named My family.” So all the children write a composition. This is Mark’s composition: “My name is Mark. My family is very poor. My parents are very poor. Our cook is very poor. Our driver is very poor and all the servants are very poor.”
36.Mark lives with ______. ( )
A.his grandparents B.his teachers C.his parents
37.Mark’s parents are very ______. ( )
A.rich B.old C.poor
38.Mark’s family has some ______. ( )
A.teachers B.servants C.doctors
39.The teacher asks the students to write a composition about ______. ( )
A.the house B.the school C.the family
40.The Chinese meaning of the word “poor” is ______. ( )
A.快乐的 B.贫穷的 C.和睦的
It was sunny on Children’s Day. Jack was at home. He sat in front of the window, watching the people in the street. He saw many people with their kids. Parents talked and laughed cheerfully. Children also played happily. But Jack was sad and lonely. No one spent the holiday with him. His parents lost their lives in the earthquake(地震) last year. Jack was so sad that he wanted to cry.
Just at that time, the door opened and his neighbour, a 5-year-old girl named Dora, came in. She ran to him with a box in her hand and said, “Happy Children’s Day! Mum said every child should have a present. ______”
41.How was the weather that day ( )
A.Cloudy. B.Windy. C.Fine. D.Rainy.
42.What did many people do in the story ( )
A.They ran in the street. B.They talked and laughed happily.
C.They sat in front of the window. D.They stayed at home.
43.Why did Jack feel sad and lonely ( )
A.Because he didn’t have any presents. B.Because he lost his parents.
C.Because he wanted to cry. D.Because he wanted to get presents.
44.Why did Dora come to Jack’s house ( )
A.Because she wanted to give Jack a present. B.Because she wanted to get a present.
C.Because she wanted to play with Jack. D.Because she wanted to show Jack her presents.
45.文中“______”上的句子应该是“______”。 ( )
A.Let’s go outside to play. B.Let’s be friends. C.This is for you. D.Do you like it
Mr and Mrs. Jones never go out in the evening, but last Saturday Mrs. Jones said to her husband, “There is a good film at the cinema tonight. Shall we go and see it ” Mr. Jones was quite happy about it. So they went, and both of them enjoyed the film very much. When they came out of the cinema, it was already 11 o’clock. They got into their car and began driving home. It was quite dark. Mrs. Jones said, “Look, a woman is running along the road very fast and a man is running after her. Can you see them ” Mr. Jones said, “Yes, I can.” He drove the car slowly near the woman and said to her, “Can I help you ” “No, thanks,” said the woman, but she did not stop running. “My husband and I always run home after the cinema. Because whoever(不论谁) gets home late will wash dishes(碗碟).”
46.Mr. and Mrs. Jones ______. ( )
A.often stay at home in the evening B.often go out in the evening
C.often go out to have supper D.often go to the cinema in the evening
47.Last Saturday, they ______. ( )
A.went out for a walk B.went to see a film C.went to see a woman D.went to buy a car
48.______ enjoyed the film very much. ( )
A.Mr. Jones B.Mrs. Jones C.Both Mr. and Mrs. Jones D.The woman
49.On their way home, they saw ______. ( )
A.a man running after a woman B.two men running together C.a woman running after a man D.two women running together
50.—Why were the man and the woman running ( )
—Because ______.
A.the woman’s husband was angry with her B.they liked running
C.they didn’t wanted to wash the dishes D.they tried to catch the car
Book 1 Daily life in China in the Ming Dynasty(明朝)
Learn the daily life of people in China in the Ming Dynasty. Find out what they wore, what they ate, where they lived and how they travelled from one place to another. Read letters and poems about their life in this book.
Book 2 Buildings in ancient(古代的) China
Do you want to know where Chinese people lived in the past How many rooms were there in their homes Where did they sleep Where did they work In this book, you can see photos and drawings of buildings, furniture(家具) and tools in the past.
Book 3 Games children played 500 years ago
The games children played in the past were very different. Today children have computers and radio-controlled(控制) cars. Children in the past only had sticks and stones, but they had a lot of fun playing with them. Find out more from pictures and other records in this book.
51.What does the underlined word “they” in Book 1 mean ( )
A.The life. B.The Ming Dynasty. C.The people in the Ming Dynasty.
52.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “travelled” in Book 1 ( )
A.谋生 B.度假 C.出行
53.What can we read in Book 1 ( )
A.Some pictures about ancient buildings in China.
B.Some different games children played 500 years ago.
C.Some poems about the daily life of people in the Ming Dynasty.
54.In which book we can see pictures of furniture in the past ( )
A.Book 1. B.Book 2. C.Book 3.
55.What does the underlined word “them” in Book 3 mean ( )
A.Games. B.Sticks and stones. C.Computer and radio-controlled cars.
It’s a fine day. Mother takes me to the market. There’re many shops and people. First, we go to the ration shop. Mother buys wheat, rice, sugar and dal. Next, Mother stops at the vegetable shop. I ask: “Are you going to buy vegetables ” “No,” she says. Then, we come to an oil depot. The shop is filled with the smell of oil. Mother complains to the shopkeeper, he is not happy. We reach the fish market. I love fish, but Mother doesn’t buy the fish for me today. We stop at the dairy. Mother buys some ghee(印度酥油) and paneer(印度奶酪).
At last, we go to the cloth shop. Mother likes feeling cloth, but she doesn’t buy even one saree(纱丽服). I see many toys in the toy shop, I will not ask for a toy today.
56.How is the weather today ( )
A.Fine. B.Cloudy. C.Windy.
57.Where does Mother take me to ( )
A.The park. B.The zoo. C.The market.
58.Does Mother buy a saree(纱丽服) at the cloth shop ( )
A.Yes, she does. B.No, she doesn’t. C.We don’t know.
59.What does mother buy at the ration shop ( )
A.Wheat, rice, sugar and dal. B.Wheat and rice. C.Sugar and dal.
60.What does mother buy at the dairy ( )
A.Some fish. B.Some ghee and paneer. C.Some toys.
From Oct 3 to 5, more than 400 students across China took part in the China Daily “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition online. They gave speeches on different topics, such as their hometowns and China’s development (发展). Teens talk with the top three winners in the junior high school group. They share their ideas about making a good speech.
I think the best part of my speech was my stage manner, such as my confident smile, proper body language and the right pace when I spoke. These manners make my speaking more attractive(吸引). It’s a great way to share ideas and call on people to take action.
—Wang Siqi, 15, Nanjing International School.
First runner-up(亚军):
I see public speaking as an art. You need to combine logic with emotion(结合逻辑与感情). You need to have stories as well as opinions. A good story makes your opinion stronger and easier to be accepted by others. And how you do that is the charm of public speaking.
—Lan Yunjie, 15, Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School.
Second runner-up(季军):
I often start my speech with a question. It can easily draw people’s attention (注意力). I also like to make impromptu speeches(即兴演讲) in front of a mirror whenever I have any thoughts. This habit helps me collect (积累) lots of ideas. That’s why I did a good job in the impromptu speaking part during the competition.
—Yang Zihan, 14, Gaoxin Middle School of Shenzhen Nanshan Foreign Language School.
61.According to Wang Siqi, what makes others interested in her speaking ( )
A.Her speaking manner. B.Her English skills.
C.The topic of her speech. D.Her ideas about the topic.
62.Why does Lan Yunjie think a good story is important ( )
A.Because telling stories is an art. B.Because it shows his feelings.
C.Because it is the best part of a speech. D.Because it helps make listeners believe his ideas.
63.How does Yang Zihan usually start her speech ( )
A.By asking a question. B.By drawing a picture.
C.By jumping onto the stage. D.By talking about different ideas.
64.What is the meaning of “confident” in paragraph 2 ( )
A.完美的 B.甜美的 C.自信的 D.勇敢的
65.Which might be the most suitable title for this passage ( )
A.The importance of speaking. B.The winners of speaking.
C.The purpose of speaking. D.The art of speaking.
It is March 12th. It’s Tree Planting Day. There are many people on the hills. They’re planting trees. People plant many trees today. Plants are important to us. They can make food from the air, water and sunlight. But animals and people can’t do so. Animals and people can get food from plants. Without plants, life will not go on. Plants make the air clean. They can keep water from flowing away(流失). They can stop wind from blowing up sand and earth. But in some places people are cutting down too many trees. This brings about floods and sandstorm. Now more and more people know that plants are important.They will plant more trees and grow more plants. They will try to protect the trees.
66.Trees Planting Day is on _____. ( )
A.the twelveth of March B.the twelfth of March C.March 13th
67._____ can make food from the air, water and sunlight. ( )
A.People B.Animals C.Plants
68.Life needs _____ to go on. ( )
A.food from plants B.animals C.sand
69.What can plants do ( )
A.They can make the air clean and stop the wind.
B.They can keep the water from flowing away.
C.Both A and B.
70._____ will try to protect the plants. ( )
A.Some people B.More and more people C.No people
This happened about two years ago. I went to an art festival in France with my friends. The festival would last (持续) 5 days.
When we arrived, the weather was great. It was very cool and sunny, so we went to the mountains for camping. But in the mountains the weather change (变化) quickly. That night there was a terrible storm. At first we didn’t worry about it, but it started to rain heavily and there was a strong wind. Later, water started coming into the tent. In the end, we had to leave and take our things to a hotel. There weren’t any rooms available (可提供的), so they let us sleep in the dining room. The next morning, it was sunny again. But our tent wasn’t there. The wind blew it away last night.
71.The writer went to the mountains for camping because the weather was ______. ( )
A.sunny and hot B.sunny and cool C.windy and cool
72.The underlined word “storm” means ______. ( )
A.strong wind B.heavy rain C.heavy rain and strong wind
73.The writer and his friends have to go to the hotel because ______. ( )
A.their tent was wet B.they lost their tent C.their tent was too small
74.That night they slept ______. ( )
A.in the bedroom B.in the dining room C.in the tent
75.The bad weather in the mountains lasted ______. ( )
A.day and night B.all day C.all night
Mrs. Jones was a teacher. Her house was not far from her school, and she often walked there in the morning. All the students in the school were very young.
One cold and windy morning in October, Mrs. Jones walked to school. The cold wind went into her eyes and big tears (泪) began to run out of them. She reached (到达) the school, opened the door and went into the classroom.
It was nice and warm there and Mrs. Jones was happy. But then a small boy looked at her for a while, put his arms around her and said (说), “Don’t cry, Mrs. Jones. School isn’t very bad.”
76.Mrs. Jones was a teacher and she usually went to school ________. ( )
A.on foot B.by train C.by bus
77.________ when she went to school one morning. ( )
A.It was hot B.It was windy and cold C.It was sunny
78.Why did big tears begin to run out of her eyes ________ ( )
A.Because she was very cold.
B.Because she was very sad.
C.Because the cold wind went into her eyes.
79.The classroom was ________. ( )
A.cold B.cool C.warm
80.The small boy wanted to ________. ( )
A.make Mrs. Jones sad B.make Mrs. Jones happy C.make Mrs. Jones angry
(2022上·浙江温州·六年级校考期末)People go to work in different ways. Some people walk to work because they live not very far. Some people go to work by car because car is fast.
In Shanghai, many people like to take the subway. It’s very cheap and convenient (方便的). You only have to pay 2 to 9 RMB for one ticket, and you can buy it on your phone, it’s very easy. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work, there are many people in the subway. The subway is always crowded.
A red double-decker (双层) bus is carrying people to work in London. It runs across the village and the city from bus stop to bus stop. People like to go to work by bus. Taking a bus is very interesting in London.
In the USA, people often go to work by car, sometimes they go by bus. They like to go to work by taxi if they are in a hurry. Taking a taxi can save your time, but it can make traffic jams.
Different people have different ways to go to work. What about your city
81.There are _________ places in this passage. ( )
A.two B.three C.four
82.There are many people in the subway at ________. ( )
A.8:00 a.m. B.1:00 p.m. C.10:00 p.m.
83.“They like to go to work by taxi if they are in a hurry.” In a hurry means ____. ( )
A.等待 B.匆忙 C.悠闲
84.—What will make traffic jams in the USA ( )
A.Taking a taxi. B.walking. C.By bus.
85.After reading this passage, we know ________ ( )
A.you can buy a subway ticket with 1 yuan.
B.people always go to work by bus in America.
C.taking a bus is interesting in London.
“Did you know,” Randy’s teacher asked, “that many of the things we throw away can be used again Using old papers, cans, and bottles to make new things is called recycling.”
The class decided to set up their own recycling centre. They made some big boxes, painted them and set them out near the school. Red boxes were for bottles and blue ones were for cans. Others were for newspapers. Students and their families put garbage in the boxes. When the boxes were full, trucks came and took the garbage to factories. There, it was used to make new bottles, cans and newspapers. The factories even paid the class for the garbage.
86.The writer mainly tells us that ________. ( )
A.old things should be kept well
B.many old things can be used to make new things
C.red boxes are for bottles and blue ones are for cans
87.The underlined word “recycling” means _______. ( )
A.分类处理 B.收集归类 C.回收再用
88.Which of the following is true ( )
A.The class made some colour boxes for different kinds of garbage.
B.The class took the garbage to factories by themselves.
C.The class can reuse the garbage to make new things.
89.In which order did the following happen ( )
a. Painting the boxes. b. Setting up a class recycling centre.
c. Setting the boxes out near the school. d. Making some big boxes.
A.a-c-b-d B.c-a-d-b C.b-d-a-c
90.From this passage we know ________. ( )
A.how the students painted the boxes
B.how the class recycle the old things
C.how the factories did with the garbage
Happy thingsWent to my friend’s birthday party. Helping others Helped my friend with her English. PlanMake a poster about our school life.
Progress (进步)Went to the supermarket with my father and learned how to select (挑选) watermelons there. May 30, 2022Wednesday,Sunny FeelingTold Mum and Dad about my friends. I’m happy with them.
NewsOur city is going to build more schools. HealthFelt well because of a healthy diet (健康的饮食) DreamHave a big meal on Children’s Day.
You don’t have much time for your diary, but you really want to remember your important days in life. Nine Square Diary (九宫格日记) is coining to help you. And they mean nine different parts in life, such as plans, feelings and health. Writing this diary is just like filling the blanks (填空). This kind of diary is new and easy.
The above (以上) is Jason’s Nine Square Diary.
91.Jason wants to ________ on Children’s Day. ( )
A.go to his friend’s party B.go to the supermarket C.have a big meal
92.Jason helped his friend with ________. ( )
A.English B.Chinese C.Maths
93.How was the weather on the thirtieth of May in 2022 ( )
A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Cloudy.
94.“I felt a little tired because I ran a lot.” belongs to(属于) “________”. ( )
A.Progress B.Health C.Plan
95.Which of the following is TRUE about Nine Square Diary ( )
A.It can help you remember your important days.
B.This kind of diary is new but not easy.
C.You may spend much time on this kind of diary.
Garbage classification house(垃圾分类屋)
Time: 7:00 a.m. ~ 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. ~ 8:00 p.m.
You should classify(分类) your garbage first. Put it in the right bin.You shouldn’t leave your garbage on the ground outside of the house.
Recyclable waste Kitchen waste Harmful waste Dry waste
96.There are ______ bins in this garbage classification house. ( )
A.three B.four C.five D.six
97.You can put your garbage here at ______ ( )
A.8:30 p.m. B.9:30 a.m. C.7:30 p.m. D.6:00 a.m
98.You can put a plastic bottle in the ______. ( )
A.Recyclable waste B.Kitchen waste C.Harmful garbage D.Dry waste
99.You can put a banana skin in the ______. ( )
A.Recyclable waste B.Kitchen waste C.Harmful garbage D.Dry waste
100.Which one is NOT right ( )
A.We should leave our garbage on the ground outside of the house.
B.We should classify the garbage first.
C.We should put the garbage in the right bin.
D.We can go to garbage classification house at 8:00 a.m.
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A
2.句意:在地震前,马可能____。A发出噪音,B离开它们的洞,C转圈跑。根据“Horses on farms run around in circles.”可知农场上的马转圈跑,故选C。
3.句意:关于猫的故事发生在____。A中国,B意大利,C美国。根据“In a small town in Italy, cats raced down the streets in a group.”可知关于猫的故事发生在意大利,故选B。
5.句意:根据这篇文章,下面哪个是正确的?A在地震之前,很多动物和平常不一样。B只有一种方式知道地震将要发生。C作者认为我们可以观察动物来知道地震的精确的时间。根据“Dogs shout loudly before an earthquake. Horses on farms run around in circles. Mice leave their holes and run away. Cows give less milk.”可知在地震到来之前,这些动物的表现和平常不一样。故选A。
6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B
6.句意:曾子的儿子大哭是因为____。A他不能跟他的妈妈去集市。B他不能和她的妈妈一起玩。C他不能吃猪肉。根据原文“Zengzi’s wife was going to the market. Her son wanted to go with her. She didn’t agree, ‘You can’t go with me. It is too far.’ ”可知曾子的儿子是因为他不能和妈妈去集市而大哭,故选A。
7.句意:刚开始曾子的妻子为什么不杀猪?A因为她累了。B因为她想让曾子杀猪。C因为她不想把猪杀掉。根据原文“His wife ran to him and said, ‘We don’t need to kill the pig.’ ”可知她不想杀猪,故选C。
8.句意:最后他们把猪杀了吗?A是的,他们杀了。B不,他们没有杀。C对不起,我不知道。根据原文“Zengzi’s wife agreed and killed the pig together with Zengzi.”可知最后他们把猪杀了,故选A。
10.下列哪一个是错误的?A集市离曾子家很远。B曾子的儿子和她的妈妈一起去了集市。C曾子给他的儿子树立了好榜样。根据原文“Her son wanted to go with her. She didn’t agree, ‘You can’t go with me. It is too far.’ ”可知曾子家离集市很远所以儿子没跟妈妈去集市,故选B。
11.A 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.A
11.句意:二十年前,我们使用_____来联系朋友。A电话,B手机,C电脑。由文中“If they wanted to connect (联系) with friends, they would use the telephone or write letters. 如果他们想要联系朋友,他们要用电话或者写信。”可知选项A符合题意,故选A。
12.句意:二十年前如果我们想要获得信息我们要做什么?A上网冲浪。B读书。C喊人。由文中“If they wanted to get information (信息), they read books or magazines in the library. 如果他们想要获取信息,他们在图书馆里读书或杂志。”可知选项B符合题意,故选B。
13.句意:第一段告诉我们______。A二十年前许多家庭用手机,B网络使我们的生活简单又方便。C所有学生想要在网上玩游戏。由文中“The Internet makes our life simple and easy. 网络使我们的生活简单又方便。”可知选项B符合题意,故选B。
14.句意:这个句子“每个硬币都有两面。”在中文里是什么意思?“Every coin has two sides.” 在中文里的寓意是一切事物都有两面性,故选B。
16.B 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.A
16.句意:当作者还是小男孩的时候,他曾经经常________。但是现在他学会了坚强。A笑,B哭,C尝试。根据“When I was a little boy, I used to cry. But now I learn to be tough(坚强的).”可知作者曾经经常哭,故选B。
17.句意:当他年轻的时候,作者认为世界是________。A不公平的,C公平的,C尝试。根据“When I was a little boy, I used to think the world was unfair(不公平的).”可知作者曾经认为世界很不公平,故选A。
18.句意:当他还是小男孩的时候,作者________怎么去爱。A知道(过去式),B知道,C不知道。根据“When I was a little boy, I didn’t know how to love. ”可知作者小时候不知道怎么去爱,故选C。
19.句意:作者将会有一个美好的_________。A生活,B学校,C家。根据“Forget the gone days, look at the present, and I will have a wonderful life.”可知作者将会有一个美好的生活,故选A。
21.B 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.C
21.句意:从这张海报,我们可以看到 种智能设备。A三,B四,C五。由图中内容可知,有smart door,smart curtain,smart clock,VR headset四种智能设备。故选B。
22.句意:如果我们有1000元,我们可以买 。A一扇智能门,B一个智能窗帘,C一个VR头戴设备。由图中价格可知智能门是2880元,智能窗帘是899,VR头戴设备是5999元,1000能买智能窗帘,故选B。
23.句意:这个智能钟可以告诉我们 。A天气,B电视节目,C价格。由图中“Tell time, the weather and what to wear 告知时间,天气和穿什么”可知智能钟能告知天气,故选A。
24.句意:我们可以用VR头戴设备 。A洗衣服,B做饭,C线上购物。由图中“See films, play games, shop online 看电影,玩游戏,线上购物”可知VR头戴设备可以用来线上购物,故选C。
25.句意:从这张海报,我们知道 。A我们可以在上午7点去智能家居商店,B如果你是12岁,你可以使用VR头戴设备,C这个商店的网站是www..cn. 由图中内容可知选项C符合题意,故选C。
26.B 27.B 28.A 29.C 30.C
26.句意:刘涛这个假期和________去上海。A他的父母,B他的家人,C他的朋友。根据文中句子“This holiday, Liu Tao went to Shanghai with his family.”可知刘涛和他的家人去上海了,故选B。
27.句意:在第一天,他们去了________。A上海博物馆,B外滩,C世纪公园。根据文中句子“On the first day, they went to the Bund.”可知第一天,他们去了外滩,故选B。
28.句意:东方明珠塔在_________。A浦东,B浦西,C北京。根据文中句子“Liu Tao saw the Oriental Pearl Tower. It is in Pudong and it is really high!”可知东方明珠塔在浦东,故选A。
29.句意:在第二天,他们_________。A去划船,B看电影,根据文中句子“On the second day, they went to the Century Park. They went boating on the lake and enjoyed the beautiful scene. Then they saw a film.”可知在第二天他们去划船和看电影了,故选C。
30.句意:刘涛在假期玩得开心吗?根据文中句子“Liu Tao’s holiday was so great.”可知刘涛假期玩得很好,所以做肯定回答,故选C。
31.C 32.B 33.C 34.A 35.C
31.句意:划线的单词 "materials”的汉语意思是____。根据“First, you need to find the materials. You need hot water and one or more eggs. You need a pot too. ”可知热水、鸡蛋和锅属于material,这些东西属于材料,故选C。
32.句意:根据文章,第一步是____。A把鸡蛋洗干净,B把炉子上的热水烧开,C把鸡蛋放进锅里,D冷却鸡蛋5分钟。根据“Step 1: Pour the hot water into the pot and let it boil on the stove.”可知第一步应该把炉子上的热水烧开。故选B。
33.句意:取出鸡蛋之前,让鸡蛋在热水中浸泡大约____。A3分钟,B5分钟,C10分钟,D15分钟。根据“Step 3: Let them stay in the hot water for about 10 minutes.”可知取出鸡蛋之前,让鸡蛋在热水中浸泡大约10分钟,故选C。
34.句意:我们不应该____把鸡蛋放进沸水里。A快速地,B慢慢地,C细心地,D安静地。根据“Step 2: Put the eggs into the boiling water. Don’t throw the eggs into the water. You should put them slowly.”可知应该慢慢地把鸡蛋放进沸水里而不应该快速地放进去,故选A。
36.C 37.A 38.B 39.C 40.B
36.句意:马克和_______住一起。根据“Of course he lives with his parents.”可知马克和他的父母住一起。A他的爷爷奶奶/外公外婆,B他的老师们,C他的父母。C符合原文,故选C。
37.句意:马克的父母非常__________。根据“His family is very rich(富有).”可知他家里很有钱,A富有的,B年老的,C贫穷的。A符合原文,故选A。
38.句意:马克的家庭有一些________。根据“They have a cook, a driver, and some other servants(佣人).”可知他家里有一名厨师,一名司机和几个佣人,A老师,B佣人,C医生。B符合原文,故选B。
39.句意:老师要学生们写一篇关于_________的作文。根据“First, we will write a composition(作文) named My family.”可知老师要学生写一篇关于自己家庭的作文,A房子,B学校,C家庭。C符合原文,故选C。
40.句意:“poor”这个词的汉语意思是________。根据“On the first day, his mother says to him, “Mark, be modest at your school. Don’t say we are rich.” “Yes, Mum.” Mark says. so Mark goes to school. ”可知他的妈妈告诉他要他不要跟同学说他们家有钱,马克也答应了,所以可以推测出poor是贫穷的意思。B符合语境,故选B。
41.C 42.B 43.B 44.A 45.C
41.句意:那天天气怎么样?根据“It was sunny on Children’s Day.”可知儿童节那天天气晴朗,A多云的。B多风的。C晴朗的。D多雨的。C符合语境,故选C。
42.句意:故事中许多人在做什么?根据“ He saw many people with their kids. Parents talked and laughed cheerfully.”可知很多人和自己的孩子在一起,家长们在交谈,开怀大笑。A他们在街上跑。B他们在交谈,开怀大笑。C他们坐在窗户前。D他们待在家里。B符合语境,故选B。
43.句意:为什么杰克感到悲伤和孤独?根据“No one spent the holiday with him. His parents lost their lives in the earthquake(地震) last year. ”可知没有人陪他过节,因为他父母在去年的地震中去世了。A因为他没有礼物。B因为他失去了父母。C因为他想哭。D因为他想得到礼物。B符合语境,故选B。
44.句意:为什么朵拉来到杰克的家?根据“She ran to him with a box in her hand and said, “Happy Children’s Day! Mum said every child should have a present. ”可知朵拉来给杰克送礼物。A因为她想给杰克礼物。B因为她想得到礼物。C因为她想和杰克玩。D因为她想向杰克展示她的礼物。A符合语境,故选A。
45.根据“She ran to him with a box in her hand and said, “Happy Children’s Day! Mum said every child should have a present. ”可知朵拉来给杰克送礼物。A让我们出去玩。B让我们成为朋友。C这个给你。D你喜欢吗?C符合语境,故选C。
46.A 47.B 48.C 49.A 50.C
46.句意:琼斯先生和琼斯夫人________。A晚上经常呆在家里,B晚上经常出去,C晚上经常出去吃晚饭,D晚上经常去看电影,根据句子“Mr and Mrs. Jones never go out in the evening,”可知晚上经常在家里,故选A。
47.句意:上周六,他们______。A出去散步,B去看电影,C去看一个女人,D去买车,根据句子“but last Saturday Mrs. Jones said to her husband, “There is a good film at the cinema tonight. Shall we go and see it ” Mr. Jones was quite happy about it. So they went, and both of them enjoyed the film very much.”可知上周六他们去看电影了,故选B。
48.句意:______非常喜欢这部电影。A琼斯先生,B琼斯太太,C琼斯先生和琼斯太太,D那个女士,根据句子“So they went, and both of them enjoyed the film very much.”可知琼斯先生和琼斯太太都喜欢这部电影,故选C。
49.句意:在回家的路上,他们看到了______。A 一个男人追一个女人,B两个男人一起跑,C一个女人追一个男人,D两个女人一起跑,根据句子“Look, a woman is running along the road very fast and a man is running after her.”可知一个男人在追一个女人,故选A。
50.句意:—为什么一男一女在跑? —因为______。 A女人的丈夫对她很生气,B他们喜欢跑,C他们不想洗碗,D他们试图赶上汽车,根据句子“My husband and I always run home after the cinema. Because whoever gets home late will wash dishes.”可知他们不想洗碗,故选C。
51.C 52.C 53.C 54.B 55.B
51.句意:划线单词“they”在第一本书中是什么意思?A生命。B明朝。C明朝的人们。根据“Learn the daily life of people in China in the Ming Dynasty. Find out what they wore...”可知了解中国明朝人们的日常生活。发现他们穿什么等,这指代“明朝的人们”,故选C。
52.句意:划线单词“travelled”在第一本书中是什么中文意思?A谋生。B度假。C出行。根据“Find out what they wore, what they ate, where they lived and how they travelled from one place to another.”可知发现他们穿什么,吃什么,他们住在哪里,他们如何从一个地方出行到另外一个地方,故选C。
53.句意:在第一本书中我们能读到什么?A中国古代建筑物的一些图片。B500年前孩子们玩的一些不同的游戏。C明朝人们日常生活的一些诗歌。根据“Read letters and poems about their life in this book.”可知在这本书里可以读到明朝人们生活的信和诗歌,故选C。
54.句意:哪本书我们能看到过去家具的图片?A第一本书。B第二本书。C第三本书。根据“In this book, you can see photos and drawings of buildings, furniture(家具) and tools in the past.”可知在这本书中,看到过去建筑物,家具和工具的照片和画画,故选B。
55.句意:第三本书中划线单词“them”什么意思?A游戏。B棍子和石头。C计算机和无线电控制的汽车。根据“Children in the past only had sticks and stones, but they had a lot of fun playing with them.”可知过去的孩子们只有棍子和石头,但是他们玩这些很开心,故选B。
56.A 57.C 58.B 59.A 60.B
56.句意:今天天气怎么样?A很好。B多云的。C有风的。根据文章“It’s a fine day. ”得知天气是很好的,故选A
57.句意:妈妈带我去了哪?A公园。B动物园。C市场。根据文章“ Mother takes me to the market. ”得知妈妈带我去了市场,故选C。
58.句意:在服装店里妈妈买了一件纱丽服吗?A是的。B没有。C我们不知道。根据文章“ Mother likes feeling cloth, but she doesn’t buy even one saree(纱丽服). ”得知妈妈没有买一件纱丽服。故选B。
59.句意:妈妈在定量商店里买了什么?A小麦,大米,糖果和大豆。B小麦和打麻将。C糖果和大豆。根据文章“ Mother buys wheat, rice, sugar and dal.”得知妈妈买了小麦,大米糖果和大豆。故选A。
60.句意:妈妈在奶牛场买了什么?A一些鱼肉。B一些印度酥油和印度奶酪。C一些玩具。根据文章“ We stop at the dairy. Mother buys some ghee(印度酥油) and paneer(印度奶酪).”得知妈妈在奶牛场买了一些印度酥油和印度奶酪。故选B。
61.A 62.D 63.A 64.C 65.D
61.句意:据王思琪介绍,是什么让别人对她的演讲感兴趣?A演讲礼仪。B英语技巧。C演讲主题。D主题思想。根据“I think the best part of my speech was my stage manner, such as my confident smile, proper body language and the right pace when I spoke. These manners make my speaking more attractive(吸引).”可知自信的微笑、合适的肢体语言及说话的语速等这些舞台礼仪让她的演讲更具吸引力。故选A。
62.句意:为什么蓝云杰认为好的故事很重要?A因为讲故事是一种艺术。B因为它展示了他的情感。C因为它是演讲最好的部分。D因为它能帮助听众相信他的想法。根据“A good story makes your opinion stronger and easier to be accepted by others. ”可知好的故事能让你的观点更有力,更容易让他人接受。故选D。
63.句意:杨紫涵通常怎样开始演讲?A通过提问。B通过画画。C通过跳上舞台。D通过谈论不同观点。根据“I often start my speech with a question. ”可知她通常提问开始演讲。故选A。
64.句意:第二段中“confident”是什么意思?A完美的,B甜美的,C自信的,D勇敢的。根据“I think the best part of my speech was my stage manner, such as my confident smile, proper body language and the right pace when I spoke. ”可知舞台礼仪是她演讲最好的部分。故选C。
65.句意:本文最合适的标题是哪一个?A演讲的重要性。B演讲的赢家。C演讲的目的。D演讲的艺术。根据“They share their ideas about making a good speech.”可知本文主要是前三名选手分享如何发表好的演讲。故选D。
66.B 67.C 68.A 69.C 70.B
66.句意:植树节是在_______。根据“It is March 12th. It’s Tree Planting Day.”可知植树节是在3月12日,英文可以写成 March 12th或者the twelfth of March,故选B。
67.句意:_______可以通过空气,水和阳光中制造食物。A人们,B动物,C植物,根据“Plants are important to us. They can make food from the air, water and sunlight.”可知植物对我们很重要,它们通过空气,水和阳光制造食物,故选C。
68.句意:生命需要_______才能继续。A来自植物中的食物,B动物,C沙,根据“Animals and people can get food from plants. Without plants,life will not go on. ”,可知人类和动物都要从植物中获取食物,没有植物生命无法继续,所以生命需要来自植物中的食物来继续,故选A。
69.句意:植物能做什么?A它们能清洁空气,阻止风。B它们能阻止水流失。C A和B都正确,根据“ Plants make the air clean. They can keep water from flowing away(流失). They can stop wind from blowing up sand and earth.”,可知植物能净化空气,可以防止水流失,它们还可以阻止风吹起沙子和泥土,故选C。
70.句意:_______将会努力去保护植物。A有些人,B越来越多的人,C没人,根据“Now more and more people know that plants are important. They will plant more trees and grow more plants. They will try to protect the trees. ”,可知是越来越多的人们意识到植物的重要性,努力保护树木,故选B。
71.B 72.C 73.B 74.B 75.C
71.句意:这位作家去山上野营因为天气________。A天气晴朗并且炎热。B天气晴朗并且凉爽。C天气多风并且凉爽。根据“It was very cool and sunny, so we went to the mountains for camping. ”可知B选项符合题意,故选B。
72.句意:带下划线的单词“storm”的意思是_______。A强风。B大雨。C暴风雨。根据“At first we didn’t worry about it, but it started to rain heavily and there was a strong wind.”可知C选项符合题意,故选C。
73.句意:这位作家和他的朋友不得不去酒店,因为_____。A他们的帐篷是湿的。B他们的帐篷丢了。C他们的帐篷太小了。根据“But our tent wasn’t there. The wind blew it away last night.”可知B选项符合题意,故选B。
74.句意:那天晚上他们睡在了______。A在卧室里。B在餐厅里。C在帐篷里。根据“There weren’t any rooms available (可提供的), so they let us sleep in the dining room. ”可知B选项符合题意,故选B。
75.句意:山上的恶劣天气持续了______。A一天一夜。B整天。C整晚。根据“That night there was a terrible storm. The next morning, it was sunny again.”可知C选项符合题意,故选C。
76.A 77.B 78.C 79.C 80.B
76.句意:琼斯夫人是一名教师,她通常______去学校。A步行,B乘火车,C乘公共汽车,根据“Her house was not far from her school, and she often walked there in the morning.”可知是步行。故选A。
77.句意:当她去学校的一天早上,_______。A天气很热,B天气多风又寒冷,C天气晴朗,根据“One cold and windy morning in October, Mrs. Jones walked to school.”可知是寒冷又多风。故选B。
78.句意:为什么泪水开始从她的眼睛里流出来?A因为她很冷。B因为她很伤心。C因为冷风吹进了她的眼睛。根据“The cold wind went into her eyes and big tears (泪) began to run out of them.”可知是因为冷风吹进了她的眼睛。故选C。
79.句意:教室很______。A冷的,B凉爽的,C温暖的,根据“She reached (到达) the school, opened the door and went into the classroom. It was nice and warm there. ”可知是很暖和。故选C。
80.句意:那个小男孩想要_______。A使琼斯夫人伤心,B使琼斯夫人高兴,C使琼斯夫人生气,根据“But then a small boy looked at her for a while, put his arms around her and said, “Don’t cry, Mrs. Jones. School isn’t very bad.”可知是想使她开心。故选B。
81.B 82.A 83.B 84.A 85.C
82.句意:在_____地铁上有很多人。根据“In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work, there are many people in the subway. ”可知早上和晚上当人们上下班的时候,地铁里有很多人。故选A。
83.句意:“如果赶时间,他们喜欢乘出租车去上班。”in a hurry的意思是______。故选B。
84.句意:什么会造成美国的交通堵塞?A乘出租车。B步行。C乘公共汽车。根据“Taking a taxi can save your time, but it can make traffic jams.”可知是乘出租车。故选A。
85.句意:读完这篇文章后,我们知道______。A你可以用1元钱买一张地铁票。B在美国人们总是乘公共汽车去上班。C在伦敦乘公共汽车很有趣。根据“Taking a bus is very interesting in London.”可知C选项正确,故选C。
86.B 87.C 88.A 89.C 90.B
86.句意:作者主要告诉我们________。A旧东西应该好好保存,B许多旧东西可以用来制造新东西,C红色的盒子是装瓶子的,蓝色的是装罐头的。根据文中句子“Did you know that many of the things we throw away can be used again Using old papers, cans, and bottles to make new things is called recycling.”可知作者主要是要告诉我们旧的东西可以用来制作新东西,故选B。
87.句意:划线单词recycling意思是_________。根据文中句子“Using old papers, cans, and bottles to make new things is called recycling.”可以推断出recycling意思是回收再用,故选C。
88.句意:句意:下面哪一个是正确的?A这个班为不同种类的垃圾制作了一些彩色盒子。B这个班自己把垃圾带到工厂。C这个班可以重复使用垃圾来制作新的东西。根据文中句子“They made some big boxes, painted them and set them out near the school. Red boxes were for bottles and blue ones were for cans. Others were for newspapers.”可知他们制作了不同颜色的大盒子用来装不同的垃圾,故选A。
89.句意:下列事件是按什么顺序发生的?根据文中句子“The class decided to set up their own recycling centre. They made some big boxes, painted them and set them out near the school.”可知事件的顺序是先建立班级回收中心,然后制作一个大盒子,给它们涂上颜色,最后把它们房子学校附近,所以顺序是b-d-a-c,故选C。
90.句意:从这篇文章我们知道_________。A学生们是如何画盒子的。B班级如何回收旧东西。C工厂是如何处理垃圾的。根据文中句子“The class decided to set up their own recycling centre.”可知从文中我们知道了班级是怎样回收旧东西的,故选B。
91.C 92.A 93.A 94.B 95.A
91.句意:杰森想在儿童节那天________。A去参加他朋友的聚会,B去超市,C大吃一顿。根据文中句子“Have a big meal on Children’s Day.”可知杰森想在儿童节大吃一顿,故选C。
92.句意:杰森帮助他的朋友________。A英语,B语文,C数学。根据文中句子“Helped my friend with her English.”可知杰森帮助他的朋友学英语,故选A。
93.句意:2022年5月30日天气如何?A晴朗的。B下雨的。C多云的。根据文中句子“May 30, 2022 Wednesday, Sunny”可知天气是晴朗的,故选A。
94.句意:“我觉得有点累,因为我跑了很多。”属于“________”。A进步,B健康,C计划。根据文中内容“Felt well because of a healthy diet.”可知属于健康,故选B。
95.句意:关于九宫格日记,以下哪一项是正确的?A它可以帮助你记住你重要的日子。B 这种日记是新的,但不容易。 C你可以在这种日记上花很多时间。根据文中句子“You don’t have much time for your diary, but you really want to remember your important days in life.”可知九宫格可以帮助你记住重要的日子。故选A。
96.B 97.C 98.A 99.B 100.A
96.句意:这个垃圾分类屋里有______个垃圾桶。A三,B四,C五,D六。根据文中的“Recyclable waste, Kitchen waste, Harmful waste, Dry waste”可知垃圾分类屋里有四个垃圾桶,故选B。
97.句意:你可以在_________把垃圾放在这里。A晚上8点30分,B上午9点30分,C晚上7点30分,D早上6点。根据文中内容“Time: 7:00 a.m. ~ 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. ~ 8:00 p.m.”可知C选项的时间可以把垃圾房子这里,故选C。
100.句意:哪一个是不正确的?A我们应该把垃圾放在屋外的地上。 B我们应该先把垃圾分类。C 我们应该把垃圾放在正确的垃圾桶里。 D我们可以在早上8点去垃圾分类房。根据文中句子“You shouldn’t leave your garbage on the ground outside of the house.”可知你不应该把垃圾放在屋外的地上。所以A选项不正确,故选A。
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  • 【期末真题汇编】14 阅读选择 (含答案)–2023-2024六年级英语上册期末真题汇编(译林版三起)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月25日  所属分类:作业答案