江西省丰城市第九中学2023-2024高一上学期12月月考英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)

听力理解 1-5. CCBBA 6-10. BBCAC 11-15. CAABA 16-20. BACCA
阅读理解 21-23.CBA 24-27. DCCB 28-31. BDCA 36-40. BCDC
完型填空41-45 ABABC 46-50 BCDCA 51-55 DBDAD
语法填空56.was held 57.a 58.named 59.which 60.reflection 61.features 62.what 63.Representing 64.to 65.globally
Dear Jim,
Knowing that you are studying Chinese, I am more than pleased to invite you to join our optional course related to Tang Poetry.
As scheduled, we start at 10 a. m. every Saturday in our school library lounge. The topic will be Tang Poetry covering a wide range of themes, which can further enhance your understanding of Chinese literature. To fully prepare for the course, you had better go through the materials attached to this email. Also, please remember to read the history of Tang Dynasty, which would be helpful to understand the background of the poems.
I’d appreciate it if you could accept my invitation and have fun.
Li Hua
Suddenly, the weather took an abrupt turn. Dark clouds shrouded the sky, and it began to rain cats and dogs/a heavy downpour ensued. The comforting forest sounds quickly proved a terrifying symphony(交响曲) of thunder and wind. The trail that was once so clear became a muddy mess, making it impossible to go on. We tried to consult our map, but it was too late; we got lost in the wildness. Hours passing, our attempts to find the trail turned out to be in vain. With the cold creeping in, despair started to set in.
Just when we were about to give up, a faint light shone in the distance. Curiosity overpowered our fear, and we decided to follow it. When we drew nearer, we saw a small log cabin, lights shining from its windows. Knocking on the door, an elderly woman, Mrs. Evans, welcomed us with a warm smile. She was a retired ranger(护林人) who had chosen to live her twilight years(暮年) in the heart of the mountains. She offered us shelter for the night, and the next morning, guided us back to the main trail. This incident strengthened our friendship and taught us the importance of resilience and hope. The experience was beyond expectation, terrifying, but enlightening all the same.丰城市第九中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试卷
本试卷总分值为 150 分 考试时间为 120 分钟 12.15
第一部分:听力(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What type of food does the man dislike
A. Greek food. B. French food. C. Indian food.
2. What will the man do tonight
A. Go to a party. B. Pick up his parents. C. Have dinner outside.
3. What’s the time now
A. 7:30. B. 6:45. C. 7:15
4. How much should the man pay
A. $30. B. $75. C. $90
5. How does the man find the film
A. Fantastic. B. Imperfect. C. Just so so.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Visiting their parents. B. Seeing a play together. C. Booking tickets.
7. Who will take care of the child
A. The man. B. The man’s parents. C. The woman s husband.
8. What does the woman congratulate the man on
A. Gaining a job interview. B. Standing out in his class. C. Getting his dream job.
9. What keeps the man going
A. His love for bridges. B. His ambition to get high salary.
C. His desire to graduate from university.
10. What’s the man doing
A. Lying in the bed. B. Drinking coffee. C. Looking through his cellphone.
11. Why does the woman ask the man to go hiking
A. The man desires to appreciate the scenery outside.
B. The woman wants to update her Wechat moments.
C. The man is not in good health.
12. What will the man do next
A. Go hiking with the woman. B. Go to see a doctor. C. Do exercise alone.
13. How does Jack feel
A. Upset. B. Satisfied. C. Joyful.
14. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Former schoolmates. C. Parent and child.
15. What advice does the woman give
A. Call old friends when feeling depressed. B. Work hard on the study.
C. Start a serious topic with new friends.
16. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In the campus. B. In a store. C. In a restaurant.
17. Where is the Base located
A. 10 km away from the city center. B. Less than 30 km from the Airport.
C. No. 1357 Panda Road.
18. Which action is allowed when visiting the Base
A Feeding the animals using bamboo. B. Chatting loudly with friends.
C. Taking pictures for pandas without flashes.
19. What service can you get for free at the Base
A. Refilling a cup of hot coffee. B. Buying food for dinner. C. Using an umbrella when it rains.
20. Who are the target listeners of this article
A. Tourists visiting the Base. B. Volunteers taking care of pandas.
C. Scientists doing research at the Base.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B、 C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。
Boston University (BU) is test-optional for first-year international applicants applying for fall 2023.
Students will be required to submit the TOEFL, IELTS or DET test scores as the primary means for evaluating English language capacity. High school records, teacher evaluation and your financial documents shall also be included in applicant checklist. Applicants must decide for themselves whether to include standardized test scores with their BU application.
Standardized Test Scores
BU accepts self-reported standardized test scores on your application. You may also submit your official test scores by the testing agency, or through the self-report form on the My BU Applicant Portal.
Please note: If you submit self-reported standardized test scores, an official score report from the testing agency will be required before registering at BU. If the scores on those differ even slightly from the scores you self-reported earlier, your application will most likely be disqualified.
High School Reports
Official copies of your high school reports must be submitted by a school official. If you are admitted in an international course with national exams, please see our High School Credentials (资格证书) page for how to submit these official results.
For most BU programs, the recommended high school courses are as follows: 4 years of English, 3—4 years of mathematics, 3—4 years of laboratory science, 3—4 years of history and/or social science.
21. Which are optional in applying to BU
A. Financial documents. B. High school records.
C. Standardized test scores. D. Teacher evaluation reports.
22. What may cause a failure in your application
A. Updating applicant information. B. Submitting inconsistent test results.
C. Taking different English language tests. D. Reporting scores on the My BU Applicant Portal.
23. Who is the text intended for
A. International applicants. B. Primary students.
C. College professors. D. Test organizers.
For those who are deaf or have hearing loss, making and enjoying music can be a challenge. However, that hasn’t stopped Dame Evelyn Glennie from achieving success.
Scottish-born Dame Evelyn Glennie is one of the world’s most recognized percussionists (打击乐器乐手). However, she started going deaf at the age of eight due to a nerve disease. At 12, she totally lost her hearing.
At first, Glennie was desperate. But her percussion teacher at school taught her to feel particular notes. For example, she had to place her hands on a wall, and he would play two notes on two timpani. He would then ask her which was the higher note and where she felt the vibration. Through trials and errors, she managed to distinguish the pitch of notes by associating where on her body she feels the sound. Thanks to her perfect pitch and the fact that she performs barefoot, Evelyn “hears” the sound. Together with her lip-reading skills, and amazing musicianship, she has conquered any troubles and inconvenience caused by her impairment.
Till now, Glennie has performed with almost all the major orchestras (管弦乐队) globally. Besides classical music, she is famous for partnerships with pop and rock artists like Sting and Bjork. Glennie’s works has earned her over 100 music awards, including two Grammys. She even led 1,000 drummers in the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.
At the age of 58 this year, Glennie’s mission now is to “teach the world to listen” to improve communication by encouraging everyone to discover a new way of listening. “It’s important to grab on to any opportunity that comes your way, but you also need to create your own opportunities,” says Evelyn. “It’s a personal time to reflect on the impact you might have on other people as well. I don’t know if age plays a part in it, because I feel as though I haven’t really achieved very much and there’s still so much to do!”
24. How could Glennie identify different notes as a deaf person
A. By reading her teacher’s lips. B. By putting her hands on a wall.
C. By applying her amazing musicianship. D. By feeling the vibration through her body.
25. What does the underlined word “impairment” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Sorrow. B. Mismatch. C. Abnormality. D. Fear.
26. Which of the following best describes Glennie’s character
A. faithful and tolerant B. cheerful and practical
C. determined and kind D. considerate and dutiful
27. What can be a suitable title for the text
A A Dream Pursued by Evelyn Glennie B. A Deaf Musician Heard by the World
C. Evelyn Glennie: Teach the World to Listen D. Talented Percussionist: Say “No” to Age
Last year, 138,000 San Francisco residents used Airbnb, a popular app designed to connect home renters and travelers. It’s a striking number for a city with a population of about 850,000, and it was enough for Airbnb to win a major victory in local elections, as San Francisco voters struck down (否决) a debatable rule that would have placed time restrictions and other regulations on short-term rental services.
The company of Airbnb fiercely opposed the rule, Proposition F. It also contacted its San Franciscan users with messages urging them to vote against Proposition F.
Most people think of Airbnb as a kind of couch-surfing app. The service works for one-night stays on road trips and longer stays in cities, and it often has more competitive pricing than hotels. It’s a textbook example of the “sharing economy”, but not everyone is a fan.
The app has had unintended consequences in San Francisco. As the San Francisco Chronicle reported last year, a significant amount of renting on Airbnb is not in line with the company’s image. Middle-class families rent a spare room out to help make ends meet. Backers of Proposition F argued that this trend takes spaces off the conventional (传统的), better-regulated (监管更好的) housing market and contributes to rising costs.
San Francisco is in the middle of a long-term, deeply rooted housing crisis that has seen the cost of living explode. Located on a narrow land overlooking the bay, San Francisco simply doesn’t have enough space to accommodate the massive inflow of young, high-salaried tech employees flocking to Silicon Valley. Consequently, the average monthly rent for an apartment is around $4,000.
As the Los Angeles Times reported, some San Francisco residents supported the rule simply because it seemed like a way to check a big corporation. Opponents of Proposition F countered that the housing crisis runs much deeper, and that passing the rule would have discouraged a popular service while doing little to solve the city’s existing problems.
28. The intention of Proposition F is to ______.
A. place time limits in local election B. set limits on short-term rental
C. strike down a debatable rule D. urge users to vote against Airbnb
29. What negative effect does Airbnb have on San Francisco
A. It reduces the living space of middle-class families.
B. Users are taken advantage of by the service financially.
C. It helps regulate the house market effectively.
D. It indirectly leads to high house rental price.
30. What causes the housing crisis in San Francisco
A. Explosion of the living cost. B. Its historic characteristics.
C. Inflow of migrant population. D. Development of local economy.
31. What is the author’s attitude toward Proposition F
A. Objective. B. Optimistic C. Subjective. D. Indifferent.
Different ways have been applied to dealing with waste paper, specifically used newspapers. Some people put them in the recycling area, while others keep them as wrappers (包装纸). While these are both good measures, a Japanese publishing company had a better idea for their end use.
The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd. invented the “Green Newspaper”, which allows people to grow plants with it. This unique newspaper was published on Greenery Day, which is focused on environmental news and made of green paper with seeds placed into it. What makes it even more special is the ink (油墨) used to print words and photos, which is made from plants. The publisher advises readers to tear the used newspaper into small pieces and plant them in a container with soil. They should water them, like they would do for any plant. Within a few weeks, the seeds will grow into plants.
This brilliant concept was invented by Dentsu Inc., one of Japan’s most famous advertising companies, which works with the publishing company on the initiative (倡议). The publisher’s belief is environmental sustainability (持续性). As its mission statement says, “The Mainichi doesn’t take action only through information, but also by solving global issues.” With great efforts, this initiative has reached the corners of Japan and sold around millions of copies daily. Other such initiatives producing plantable paper are also seen in India and the US.
About 95 million trees are lost for producing newspapers every year. The Internet, the number of whose users stands for 62.5 percent of the population worldwide, has influenced how people read news and the print readership has dropped greatly. However, the reinvention and reimagination of this newspaper will bring about a change in the publishing industry as well as having an environmental influence.
32.Why was the Green Newspaper invented
A.To get newspapers cheaper. B.To make the most of waste paper.
C.To improve the printing. D.To advertise the publishing company.
33.What can be learned about the “Green Newspaper”
A.It uses high-tech materials. B.It provides energy for seeds.
C.It’s printed with plant-based ink. D.It’s published to celebrate Greenery Day.
34.What message does the publisher’s mission statement convey
A.It’s easier said than done. B.Everything comes to one who waits.
C.Many hands make light work. D.Actions speak louder than words.
35.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.The Internet has changed the way people read news totally.
B.About 95 million trees are lost for producing green newspapers.
C.The popularity of the Internet leads to the fall of the print readership.
D.The “Green Newspaper” will encourage more people to protect the environment.
Think back to the last time you shopped for fruits and vegetables. You may have noticed some items labelled with the word “organic”. ___36___
“Organic” refers to the way food is grown. To be labelled as “organic”, food production must meet strict guidelines. These can be different depending on where you live. In the United States, organic foods must be grown or raised without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
___37___ That changed after the Industrial Revolution. During the 20th century, many ideas that were used by factories and big businesses were put into action on farms. This helped some farms grow larger and produce more.
However, the organic movement was started to get back to the old traditional ways of farming. Why Many believe the chemicals and pesticides used in modern farming can be harmful to your health. ___38___ And those who support the organic movement also point to its benefits for the environment.
Have you ever compared organic and non-organic foods at the grocery store If so, you know that organic food tends to cost more. This happens for many reasons. Organic farming produces fewer crops. ___39___ Additionally, organic farms spend more money taking care of the animals they raise. These and other factors drive the cost of organic food up.
Is organic food worth the extra cost Some people believe it is. They may think it tastes better or just prefer to eat food that has not been grown using chemicals. ___40___ They are still trying to find a major difference between organic and non-organic food in terms of safety, nutrition, or taste. Still, others argue that the environmental benefits of organic food make it worth the price.
A. Are you wondering if organic food is right for you
B. So it costs people much more money to purchase organic food.
C. For most of history, almost all food was organic.
D. It is always best to choose organically grown foods if possible.
E. Some also think organic foods are naturally more nutritious.
F. Have you ever wondered what that means
G. Scientists have studied organic and non-organic foods for many years now.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
One evening, Paul O’Sullivan felt bored in his Baltimore apartment. So he got on to Facebook to find out just how many others on the social network ____41____ his name. Moments later, dozens of Paul O’Sullivans from around the world filled his ____42____. The then-27-year-old employee sent friend requests to them all.
Many of his fellow Paul O’Sullivans ____43____ him, but a few felt too curious to ____44____ his invitation. Paul O’Sullivan from Rotterdam in the Netherlands says, “My first ____45____ was ‘Who is this guy and what does he want from me ’ So I thought about it for a while.” Ultimately, he couldn’t resist the____46____ friend request. As Baltimore Paul scrolled through the profiles of the Paul O’Sullivans who accepted his invitation, he noticed something four of them have in common: They were all ____47____ . Wouldn’t it be funny if they ____48____a band called The Paul O’Sullivans The other Pauls all ____49____ and they created a sort of musical assembly line. They managed to ____50____ its first original song, “ Namesake, ” in March. It’s a passionate track about long-distance relationships. Not romantic ones, of course, but like the friendships they had____51____developed.
But just months later, Baltimore Paul began experiencing health issues that _____52_____ him to take time off from making music. The other Pauls didn’t _____53_____their friendship. To make sure Baltimore Paul never felt alone, the other Pauls chatted live on Instagram, and checked in on Baltimore Paul and on one another.
“What are the odds (机率)” says Baltimore Paul, “that a random Facebook _____54_____ would lead not only to new music but to _____55_____ as well Some things are just meant to be.”
41. A. shared B. called C. mentioned D. liked
42. A. mind B. screen C. apartment D. time
43. A. ignored B. tricked C. greeted D. praised
44. A. make out B. turn down C. ask for D. apply for
45. A. measure B. innovation C. reaction D. emotion
46. A. ordinary B. unusual C. precious D. formal
47. A. writers B. employees C. musicians D. workers
48. A. observed B. maintained C. explored D. formed
49. A. reflected B. aided C. agreed D. gathered
50. A. release B. imagine C. exhibit D.detect
51. A. suddenly B. generally C. frequently D. eventually
52. A. reminded B. forced C. taught D. allowed
53. A. get involved in B. take advantage of C. think highly of D. press pause on
54. A. request B. page C. account D. user
55. A. business B. success C. fame D. friendship
第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
The 19th Asian Games, also known as the Hangzhou Asian Games, 56 (hold) from September 23 to October 8, 2023 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. As 57 major sporting event, the Hangzhou Asian Games has its own official mascots, a group of robots 58 (name) “Memories of Jiangnan”. The mascots consist of three robotic figures, Lianlian, Congcong and Chenchen, 59 fully integrate the history and culture, natural ecology and innovation of Hangzhou. Lianlian is a 60 (reflect) of West Lake; Congcong symbolizes the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu(良渚古城遗址), while Chenchen stands for the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.
The design of the mascots was a long process. After fierce competition, “Memories of Jiangnan” finally stood out of more than 4000 candidates. The designer of the mascots, Zhang Wen, said: “Apart from the various cultural 61 (feature) conveyed by the mascots, 62 I also want to emphasize is the technological advance of Hangzhou, a digital and intelligent city.”
63 (represent) the spirit of the Asian Games as well, as the cultural heritage of Hangzhou, the mascots have received great concern since they were disclosed on April 3rd , 2020. In general, the public response 64 the mascots has been positive. With their unique design and inspiring message, the mascots have become popular in China and even 65 (global).
第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
假定你是李华,你得知你的交换生朋友Jim正在学习中文,请给他写封邮件邀请他来参加你们的唐诗选修课。内容包括:1. 上课的时间和地点;2. 课程的内容;3. 课前的准备。
注意: 1.写作词数应为80左右;2.参考词汇:optional course选修课
第二节 (满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Nature, while beautiful, could also be unpredictable and merciless. But most importantly we bear in mind that in the darkest times, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel, just like Mrs. Evans‘ cabin light.
One bright summer day, my friend Peter and I decided to venture into the unexplored trails of the Great Smoky Mountains. Blessed with rich biodiversity and fascinating landscapes, the national park seemed a perfect getaway. Little did we know that our casual hike would soon turn into an unexpected personal incident, forever engraved in our memories.
We set off early in the morning, equipped with our backpacks and a map that was supposed to guide us through the winding trails. The sun was up, casting long shadows on the forest floor as we set off on our journey. We trekked (艰难行走), laughed, and marveled at the beauty of nature around us.
As we trekked through the dense forests, taking in the natural wonders around us, we couldn’t help but feel a sense of adventure coursing through our veins. The trail was rugged (崎岖的) and uneven, but we persevered through the challenging landscape.
Midway through our expedition, we stumbled upon (偶然遇见) a breathtaking waterfall, its glistening waters cascading down the rocks in a quiet and peaceful melody. We sat down by the water’s edge, taking a moment to get lost in the beauty of nature. The cool mist from the waterfall enveloped us, and we felt refreshed and energetic.
As the day wore on, we ventured deeper into the wilderness, eager to explore every corner of this natural paradise. We were so absorbed in the beauty of nature that just didn't notice our way and it seemed that we could not find the way back to the familiar part of the forest. Panicking, we scrambled (攀爬) to find our way back but the dense vegetation and winding trails only served to confuse us further. We tried to remember any possible signs that might lead us back, No sooner had we celebrated our return to the clear trails than something worse happened.
注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Suddenly, the weather took an abrupt turn.
Just when we were about to give up, a faint light shone in the distance.

  • 江西省丰城市第九中学2023-2024高一上学期12月月考英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月25日  所属分类:作业答案