Unit 8 Natural disasters- Study skills分课时同步练习(2课时无答案)

Unit 8 Natural disaster- Study skills
1.覆盖整个路面 2.把某人送到医院 3.感觉寒冷和害怕
4. 伤了她的腿 5.到那时为止 6.变的更糟糕
7.读一篇关于...文章的报纸 8.撞向一棵树
9.用手机打110 10.因为
11.给某人写电子邮件 12.一个叫....的男人
1. The little boy ______________(burn) his hand while he was learning to cook.
2. He ran out of the _______________(burn) house quickly.
3. The star’s arrival made his fans very _______________(exciting).
4. He spoke _______________(loud) enough for everyone to hear him clearly.
5. We learnt a lot about ____________(keep) ourselves safe from fires, floods, earthquakes.
( )1. My desk was _______ fire and I put it out _______ cold water.
A. on; with B. in; using C. in; use D. on; use
( )2. Everyone should always _______ traffic rules.
A. keep B. protect C. follow D. prevent
( )3. ---Did you _______ the traffic accident
---Yes. I _______ my uncle and he told me about it in the letter.
A. hear about; heard of B. hear from; heard of
C. hear from; heard it from D. hear about; heard it from
( )4. ________ the earthquake happened, most of the people ________ at home.
A. While; were sleeping B. When; slept C. While; slept D. When; were sleeping( )5. ---Were you at home at 9:00 last night I called you but nobody answered.
---Sorry, I ________ at that time.
A. take a shower B. took a shower
C. was taking a shower D. am taking a shower
( )6. ---What was Jim wearing in the party
---Nothing ________. He was in his usual shirt and jeans.
A. special B. simple C. important D. interesting
( )7. Grandma had lost a library book. That was ________ she was sad.
A. because B. so C. why D. how
( )8. Everything begins to grow when spring ______.
A. reaches B. gets C. gets to D. arrives
( )9. She is listening to music ________ he is doing his homework.
A. when B. as C. while D. after
( )10. Every ______ thing needs air. Without it, nothing can keep ______.
A. living; living B. living; alive C. alive; alive D. alive; living
Have you gotten vaccinated You might hear this question a lot when you go back to school. A COVID-19 vaccination drive for kids aged 12 to 17 is under way across China.
“ The incidence rate among teenagers was not high when COVID-19 began last year. But more dates(数据)shows that they can still get COVID-19 and even die from it,” said Sun Xiaodong, the deputy director(副主任)of the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
To keep people safe from COVID-19, children and teenagers must get vaccinated to reach herd immunity(群体免疫). “ If we only vaccinate adults, it is hard to reach the 80-percent goal,” Sun added.
In Beijing, some districts started to vaccinate high school students on July 20 and middle school students in early August, Xinhua reported. As of August 17, Beijing had given out 38.09 million doses(百万剂)of COVID-19 vaccines and 571,300 were given to people aged 12-17, according to the city’s health department.
Some parents are worried about the safety of vaccination. Shao Yimin, a researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said most teenagers will get either the Sinopharm or Sinovac Biotech vaccine. Both are safe for people aged 3 to 17, Shao said.
( )1. According to(根据)Sun Xiaodong, we know that ____________________.
A. 80 percent of adults in China are vaccinated
B. more teenagers need to get vaccinated
C. teenagers have gotten more vaccinations than other groups
D. no teenagers have died from COVID-19
( )2. By August 17, how many teenagers had gotten vaccinated against COVID-19 in Beijing
A. 38.09 million. B. 571,300. C. 13 percent. D. 80 percent.
( )3. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. Parents should care more about the safety of vaccines.
B. Researchers are developing a new vaccine for teenagers.
C. Teenagers will get both the the Sinopharm and Sinovac Biotech vaccines.
D. There are safe vaccines for teenagers aged 12 - 17.
( )4. What is the text meaning about
A. How to keep a teenager safe.. B. Rising COVID-19 infections..
C. What COVID-19 does to teenagers.. D. Vaccinations for teenagers..
( )5. Which of the following is this article from
A. A notice. B. A guidebook. C. A novel. D. A newspaper
Last Sunday, I saw the worst storm in years. It came s__1__ and lasted for more than three hours. After lunch, I went into my room to have a r__2__. The air was hot, and all was q__3__.
The strong wind started b__4__ into my room. Pieces of paper on my desk f__5__ high into the air and some flew o__6__ of the open window. As I ran out to catch them, big drops of rain began to f__7__. After I came back into the room, it rained harder and harder. I tried very hard to c__8__ the window. Then I heard a loud crashing s__9__ from the back of the house. I ran out of my room to check what was wrong and it turned out that a big tree fell down and b__10__ the top of the back room.
1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________
6. ___________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10. ___________
Unit 8 Natural disaster- Study skills
1. Anyone couldn’t break the _________________(规则).
2. If our building is on fire, we should try to get out as soon as ______________(可能).
3. What a pity! He ___________(烧伤) his leg in the accident.
4. It’s dangerous to sit, walk or ride a bicycle on ________________(铁路).
5. Like China, the UK has a long history. Kings and queens were once its ________(统治者).
1.call(n.)________ 2.arrive(n.)__________3.serious(adv.)__________
1. 他的摩托车撞到了小汽车上.
His motorbike ________ __________ the car.
2. 大雪把整个路面都盖起来了.
The _________ _________ ________ the ________ road.
3. 警察立刻把受害者送到附近的医院.
The policeman _______ __________ _________ _______ the hospital _______ at once.
4. 110热线接到了张先生打来的电话.
The 110 ________ _________ a call ________Mr Zhang.
5. 那时他感到又冷又怕.
He _______ ________ ________ ________ at that time.
1. The car crashed _______ a big tree and it was trapped.
2. I left school early yesterday _______ the weather got worse in the afternoon.
3. Today I read a newspaper article ______ the big earthquake.
4. After the accident , the policeman arrived _____ the place.
5. They sent the victim _______ a hospital nearby.6. There was a heavy storm_________ thunder and lightning in Britain.
1.Natural disasters ________________________(会很危险).
2.He called for help ________________(用手机).
3.It was cold .The snow _____________________(真的很大).
4.Last night a car _______________(撞了他),but he ___________________(没受伤).
5. ---Where was the man at that moment
---He _________________(困在) in the car.
Sandy: Did you h_______ about the fire in Britain last week
Amy : No ,what h__________
Sandy: my e-friend told me about it. There was a h____ storm
With thunder and l_________.
Amy: Oh , r________.
Sandy : Yes . It was terrible. Her school c______ fire because lightning h_________ it.
Amy : Was she h________
Sandy : No . As it was a h_______ ,no one w_______ at school

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发布日期:2023年12月25日  所属分类:作业答案