Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section B 3a-Self check易错题专项练习(2课时含答案)

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 同步练习
Section B 3a-Self Check第1课时
1.We can't ________(说话)in class.
2.Do you have lunch at ________(家)or at school
3.What do you do on the ____________(周末)
4.Sorry,I'm busy and I can't go to see you ________(今天).
5.Our store is in the __________(中心)of the city.
二 单项选择
( )1. Ann is my best friend. She can play piano very well.
A . / B . a C. the
( )2. Alice is good art. And she can be good children in the art club.
A. at; at B. with; at C. at; with D. with; with
( )3. I can play the piano and I can play the violin.
A. also B. either C. too D. to
( )4. Julie, Paul needs you an English song on his thirteenth birthday.
A. singing B. to sing C. sing D. sings
( )5. —Can you my math, Tina
—Sorry, I can’t. Why not ask Jim for help. His math is good.
A. play with B. think about C. look at D. help with
1. 我哥哥会打篮球和踢足球。(can, soccer)
2. 他会弹钢琴或跳舞吗?(or)
3. 我会唱歌,但是我不会弹吉他。(can’t)
4. 我姐姐会说中文、英语和日语。(Japanese)
5. 他会用英语讲故事。(tell, in)
Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 同步练习
Section B 3a-Self Check第2课时
1. 我想和那些老人交朋友。
I want with those old people.
2. 我奶奶喜欢在晚上给我讲故事。
My grandma likes to me in the evening.
3. 在周末我的叔叔也很忙。
My uncle is also busy .
4. 史密斯太太喜欢和孩子们一起做游戏。
Mrs Smith likes to kids.
5. 你会弹钢琴还是会拉小提琴
you the piano the violin
1.Two old _______(violin)are on Lily's bed.
2.Can this small boy _________(speak)Chinese
3.Robert says his father ________(swim)very well.
4.In class Helen always _________(talk)with her friends.
5.Both my parents are good at __________(sing).
1.Laura is from England and she ____ English very well.
A.tells B.says C.speaks D.takes
2.— Can Zhu Zhiwen ____ English song
— No. I don't think he ______.
A.sing;can B.to sing;can C.sings;can't D.singing;can't
3.— Do you know Mr. Brown
— Yes,he's a teacher at Blue School. He ____ math there.
A.writes B.teaches C.plays D.helps
4.— How do you like Mike
— He is a good boy. You can ____ with him.A.look like B.tell stories C.listen to D.make friends
5.— We don't have much homework this weekend. Can we go out together
— OK. What about ____ a movie
A.to see B.seeing C.see D.sees
I'm Jenny. I have a twin brother. His name is Mike. We are twelve years__1__and October 11 is our birthday. Many people__2__we look the same. We both have big eyes,small noses and brown__3__.When we were babies,we always wore(穿)the same clothes,but different in color. His were blue and__4__were pink. Now we are in the same school,__5__in different(不同的)__6__.We like different things. I like music. I can__7__many English songs. I am__8__at all my subjects. Mike likes sports.He__9__play basketball and soccer. He can swim,too. But he doesn't study well. So I often help him__10__his study. We are good sister and brother.
1. A. tall   B.long   C.old   D.big
2. A. say B.talk C.tell D.speak
3. A. mouths B.hair C.ears D.hands
4. A. my B.myself C.mine D.me
5. A. and B.so C.or D.but
6. A. classes B.places C.cities D.seats
7. A. tell B.listen C.sing D.read
8. A. happy B.well C.bad D.good
9. A. can't B.can C.doesn't D.does
10. A. in B.for C.on D.with
Amy is my good friend. She is from New York and she is thirteen years old. Now she studies in Rizhao,Shandong.
She likes playing tennis and she can play it well. She often plays tennis with her friends on Thursday afternoon. She also likes singing and dancing,and she can sing many English and Chinese songs. So she joins the school music club. The students in this club often have a party on Friday afternoon. She has free time at weekends and she likes to watch the Voice of China(《中国好声音》).She wants to be a good singer like Li Qi.
Do you want to make friends with her?Please call her at 581 1296 or e mail her at Amy1258@.
1.Where is Amy from?____
2.Amy often plays tennis on ____.
A.Monday afternoon B.Thursday afternoon C.Friday afternoon
3.Amy is in the school ____ club.
A.English B.sports C.music
4.Jenny wants to make friends with Amy. She can ____.
A.call her at 569 1258 B.call her at 581 1296
C.e mail her at Amy1258@
Can you ________Lisa for a while
Who _________________with me this afternoon
Mr. Green _________________his students.
________________do you want to play__________ 5.他经常帮他妈妈做家务。
Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 同步练习
Section B 3a-Self Check第1课时
一、1. talk
2. home
3. weekend
4. today
5. center
二 1-5 CCABD
1. My brother can play basketball and soccer.
2. Can he play the piano or dance
3. I can sing, but I can’t play the guitar.
4. My sister can speak Chinese, English and Japanese.
5. He can tell stories in English.
Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 同步练习
Section B 3a-Self Check第2课时
一、1. to make friends 2. tell; stories 3. on the weekend
4. play games with 5. Can; play; or
1. violins2. speak
3. swims
4. talks
5. singing
1-4 CBCB
1. talk to
2. can play basketball
3. is good with
4. What sport today
5. helps with

  • Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section B 3a-Self check易错题专项练习(2课时含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月25日  所属分类:作业答案