Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section B 2a-2c易错题专项练习(2课时含答案)

Unit 2 What time do you go to schoo 同步练习
Section B 2a-2c第1课时
1.Many students do their ____________(作业) on the computer.
2.I don't like this picture,and my friend doesn't like it,_________ (也).
3.Mr.Brown always walks very __________(很快地).
4.The ice cream _________(吃起来)good.
5.____________ (有时)I go to the old people's home with my classmates.
( ) 6. Lily her room every day, so her room is very .
A. clean; clean B. cleans; cleans
C. clean; cleans D. cleans; clean
( )7. Mike eats a lunch and goes to work .
--I don’t like reading, I like watching TV.
A. quick; quick B. quickly; quickly
C. quick; quickly D. quickly; quick
( ) 8. Jane plays volleyball plays ping-pang. She never feels tired. (疲倦的)
A. not; or B. either; or C. from; to D. between ; and
( ) 9. The oranges look nice, but very sour(酸的)
A. feel B. taste C. sound D. look
( ) 10. The old man takes a walk in the park
A. some times B. sometimes
C. some time D. sometimes
11. 凯特不喜欢很晚起床。
Kate like to up very .
12. 汤姆通常在电视上看早间新闻。
Tom usually the news on TV.
13. 我通常晚上看半小时电视。
I usually watch TV in the evening.
14. 这些老年人每天吃许多蔬菜。 The old people eat vegetables every day.
15. 跑步有利于健康。
is good health.
A new year begins. Here 16 my New Year’s resolutions(决心).
First, I want to read 17 books. I like books about music, art and science. I think I need more(更多的)time to read in the 18 .
Second, I want to learn to play 19 piano. My best friend Cindy can play 20 well. She can teach me. I think it will be 21 .
Third, I want to do some sports every day. I always spend much time in the classroom and never play sports. That’s an unhealthy 22 . To live a healthy 23 , I need to exercise often.
Fourth, I want to help my parents to do the housework(家务). They work in the daytime, and in the evening they make dinner and clean the rooms. They are very 24 . I’m thirteen years old now and I can 25 them.
( )16. A. are B. is C. am D. have
( )17. A. a lots of B. lots of C. a lots D. a lot
( )18. A. sports center B. art club C. library D. station
( )19. A. / B. the C. a D. an
( )20. A. them B. one C. its D. it
( )21. A. interesting B. boring C. tidy D. difficult
( )22. A. subject B. lesson C. habit D. friend
( )23. A. story B. home C. life D. job
( )24. A. busy B. relacing C. fun D. dirty
( )25. A. teach B. write C. walk D. help
David usually gets up at around 6:00. 26. Then he has his breakfast at 6:15. 27. He thinks they are healthy food. After breakfast, he does his homework, and then he goes to school at 7:00. 28.
He finishes his lessons at 2:00 p.m. 29. He gets home at 4:30 p.m., and he eats dinner at ten to seven. 30 Then he goes to bed at 9:00 p.m.
A. After class, he often plays volleyball for two hours.
B. He brushes his teeth and takes a shower.
C. After dinner, he watches some cartoons on TV.
D. He eats lunch at school at 12:00.
E. He likes eggs, bananas and apples for breakfast.
F. The first class starts at 8:00.
Tim is in Beijing and he is seven. Do you want to know something about him today At 6:50 a.m., his father takes him to school after breakfast. Ant at about 7:30, they get to school on time. Classes begin at 7:40. He has Chinese, math and music. Each class lasts for 45 minutes. After class, he likes to go out of the classroom and play games with his friends.
The morning classes end at 11:00. He has lunch after that. He often eats rice, vegetables and eggs for lunch. The afternoon classes starts at 1:30. He has English and P.E. At 4:00 p.m., his father drives him home. He eats some ice-cream when he gets home and then does his homework on the computer. Then he listens to English tapes.
Dinner is ready(准备好的)at 7:00 p.m. He has vegetables and rice. After dinner, he plays chess with his father and watches TV. He goes to bed at 9:00 p.m.
31. When does Tim’s father take him to school
32. What does Tim like to do after class
33. Does Tim have bread for lunch at school
34. What class does Tim have in the afternoon at school
35. What time does Tim go to bed
Unit 2 What time do you go to schoo 同步练习
Section B 2a-2c第2课时
1.The food (品尝)great. Would you like some
2. He goes to work after he has breakfast (快速地).
3. (要么)English or math is his favorite subject.
4. I usually have (许多)of homework on weekends.
5. My sister (有时) eats ice-cream after lunch in summer.
二 选择题(每空2分,共20分)
1. She sometimes takes ______ walk at half past eight at ______ night.
A.the;the B./;/ C./;a D.a;/
2. —Did he find a ______ at the end of last year
—Yes, he works as a teacher in a primary school.
A.store B.job C.friend D.house
3. —What's the time
—It's 12:00.Let's go for______.
A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.dinner
4. Either I or Jim______ playing the piano.
A.like B.likes C.to like D.liking
5. The oranges look nice, but______ very sour( 酸的).
A. feel B. taste C. sound D. look
6. We should ________ after eating to have good teeth.
A.take a shower B.brush our teeth
C.get dressed D.do our homework
7. He ____ watches TV or reads stories in the evening.
A.either B.neither C.both D.don't
8. Mike eats a ______lunch and goes to work______ .
A. quick; quick B. quickly; quickly
C. quick; quickly D. quickly; quick
9. Linda ______ gets up early so she is ______ late for class.
D.sometimes;always10. _____ you _____ he can come in. One of you should stay outside.
A.Both;and B.Neither;or
C.Either;or D.All;of
A new year begins.Here__1__ my New Year's resolutions(决心).
First,I want to read lots of books.I like books about music,art and science.I think I need more(更多的)time to read in the__2__.
Second,I want to learn to play the piano.My best friend Cindy can play__3__well.She'll teach me.I think it will be__4__ and I'll like it.
Third,I want to do some sports every day.I always spend much time__5__the classroom and never play sports.That's a(n)__6__habit.To live a healthy__7__,I need to exercise often.
Fourth,I want to help my parents to do the housework(家务活).They__8__in the daytime,and at night they__9__dinner and clean the rooms.They are very busy.I'm__10__now and I can help them.
1. A.is  B.are  C.has  D.have
2. A.library B.art club C.sports center D.store
3. A.this B.her C.it D.that
4. A.tidy B.difficult C.late D.interesting
5. A.on B.to C.in D.for
6. A.healthy B.unhealthy C.old D.new
7. A.life B.job C.home D.story
8. A.work B.play C.eat D.talk
9. A.do B.make C.have D.like
10. A.thirteen year old B.thirteen years' old
C.thirteen years old D.thirteen year olds
Hello, boys and girls! I am a doctor. My name is Peter Brown. I am here to know something about your breakfast. Please answer my questions. “Do you have breakfast every day ” “What do you have for breakfast ”
“My name is Helen. I have breakfast every day. I have some milk, hamburgers, potatoes. And some ice cream. So I am not hungry at school.”
“My name is Dick. I have no time to have breakfast. You know, I get up very late. I only have a little bread and a bag of milk on the way to school.”
“My name is Alice. I have very little food for breakfast every day. I don’t want to eat any food after I get up. I only drink some milk.”
“I am Jack. I like food very much. I eat a lot for breakfast. I have three glasses of milk, some potato chips, four hamburgers, two eggs and a bottle of orange juice.”
Which boy has the healthiest habit for breakfast
1.Where is Peter Brown He is_______.
A.at home B.at school
C.at a food shop D.I don’t know
2.______ has ice cream for breakfast.
A.Helen B.Dick
C.Alice D.Jack
3.They four all have ______ for breakfast.
A.hamburgers B.ice cream
C.potatoes D.milk
4.Which is the right one
A.Helen is always hungry at school.
B.Alice eats a lot for breakfast.
C.There is no time for Jack to have breakfast.
D.Jack eats too much food for breakfast.
5.What is the best title for this passage
A.Different habits for breakfast.
B.The worst habit for breakfast.
C.It’s good to eat nothing for breakfast.
D.We’d better eat a lot of meat for breakfast.
1.Mary always ____________(eat) ice cream after dinner every day.
2.The bread tastes ___________(well) and I really like it.
3.Either my parents or my brother ___________(watch) TV at night.
4.Don't eat too many hamburgers.They're not ____________(health).
5.After getting up,Bob usually takes a shower ___________(quick).
I _________go to the cinema ________go to the library on Sundays.
We _______ ______after school.
Eating ice cream ______not ________ for your health.
Lisa eats _________fruit and vegetables for lunch.
I always make my bed first afte______ _______.
quick make half class after he sometimes never run get
Simon is my classmate.He is a good student in my class.Let's see how he spends (度过) his school days.Simon usually 1.______ up at 6:30 a.m. Then he does morning exercises for 2. _______an hour.He usually 3._____ in the park (公园) with his father.After that,he has breakfast at home.He goes to school at 7:45 a.m.He has four 4.________ in the morning.He usually has lunch at school,but 5.________ he has lunch at home.He has three classes in the afternoon.
The afternoon classes finish at 3:30 p.m.6._______ school,he plays either volleyball or basketball for an hour.And then he goes home.He usually helps his mom 7. _______dinner,and then they have dinner at about 6:00 p.m. Then Simon does 8.____ homework from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.He 9.______ watches TV in the evening.After finishing his homework,he usually brushes his teeth and takes a shower 10.________.And then he goes to bed at 9:35 p.m.
Unit 2 What time do you go to schoo 同步练习
Section B 2a-2c第1课时
一、1.homework 2.either 3.quickly 4.tastes 5.Sometimes
二、6~10: DCBBB
三、11. doesn’t; get ; late 12. watches ; morning
13. half an hour 14. lots of 15. Running; for
四、16~20: ABCBD 21~25: ACCAD
五、26~30: BEFAC
六、31. At 6:50 a.m.
32. He likes to go out of the classroom and play games with his friends.
33. No./ No, he doesn’t.
34. English and P.E./ He has English and P.E.
35. At 9:00 p.m.
Unit 2 What time do you go to schoo 同步练习
Section B 2a-2c第2课时
一、、1. tastes 2. quickly 3. Either 4. lots 5. sometimes
三、1-5 BACDC 6-10 BAABC
四、1-5 BADDA
五、1.eats 2.good 3.watches 4.healthy 5.quickly
六、1.either, or 2.play sports 3.is, good 4.lots of 5. getting up
七、1. gets 2.runs 3.half 4.classes 5.sometimes 6.After 7.(to) make 8.his
9.never 10.quickly

  • Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section B 2a-2c易错题专项练习(2课时含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月25日  所属分类:作业答案