江苏省扬州市梅岭小学2022-2023西区校五年级下册期末质量检测英语试卷(无答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)

(考试时间:60分钟 满分:100分)
( )1. A. tomato B. mango C. bread
( )2. A. twelve B. twentieth C. twenty
( )3. A. sweep B. sleep C. sweet
( )4. A. January B. November C. December
( )5. A. watching B. washing C. walking
( )6. A. train B. plane C. ship
( )7. A. places B. races C. rices
( )8. A. try on B. put on C. take off
( )9. A. get on B. get off C. get in
( )10. A. drink some water B. have a rest C. take some medicine
( )1. A. She’s singing. B. He’s sleeping. C. They’re eating fruit.
( )2. A. Because I’m ill. B. At the prince’s house. C. I can go to the party.
( )3. A. On the street. B. A policeman. C. This afternoon.
( )4. A. By ship. B. By plane. C. On foot.
( )5. A. The giraffe’s. B. The rabbit’s. C. The elephant’s.
( )1. A. Because she has a headache. B. Because she has a fever.
C Because she doesn’t like the party.
( )2. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it doesn’t. C. No, it isn’t.
( )3. A. Drink some warm water. B. Eat too many ice creams.
C. Take some medicine.
( )4. A. He’s eating cakes. B. He’s buying moon cakes. C. He’s in the shop.
( )5. A. On June 2nd. B. On July 2nd. C. On July 6th.
It’s the ______ of ______. I want to buy a cake by ______, because it’s my mother’s ______ today. I’m ______ the meat with ______ and the ______ soup. She ______ them very much. My sister is ______ a card for her. What a ______day!
1. I have a bad t______. I can’t eat anything.
2. In China, Beijing and Shanghai are big c______.
3. F_________ is the second month of a year.
4. —Look, they are c______ the table now. —They’re so helpful.
5. Su Hai has a headache. She is in ______ now.
6. When are your ______ (parent) birthdays
7. —What’s wrong with ______ (she) —She has a fever.
8. Look! The little child _____ (sit) under the tree.
9. There are ______ (five) people at the table. The ______ (five) one is my uncle.
10 You ______ (should) drink cold water because you have a cough.
11. Turn right ______ the third traffic lights. The bookshop is ______ your left. ( )
A. on, at B. at, in C. at, on
12. Yang Ling is ______ her new rubber, but she cannot ______it. ( )
A. looking for; find B. finding; look for C. look for; find
13. In _______, people ask “Where’s the toilet ” ( )
A. the UK B. the US C. China
14 —What’s Jill doing ( )
—He’s ______ his pictures ______ his friends.
A. show; to B. showing; to C. showing; for
15. People eat tangyuan at ______. ( )
A. the Dragon Boat Festival B. Father’s Day C. the Lantern Festival
16. —Where ______ your grandparents live ( )
—They ______ in Nanjing.
A. do; live B. are; live C. does; lives
17. —______ ( )
—You can take the bus.
A. Where is the zoo B. How can I get to the zoo C. Can I take the bus
18. —Who _____ lunch ( )
—My dad ______.
A. cooks; is B. cook; does C. is cooking; is
19. Look! There are thirty books in the study. They are my father’s. 画线部分读音不同的是( )
A. There B. thirty C. father’s
20. The giraffe ______ his neck. It ______. ( )
A. points to; hurt B. points at; hurts C. points on; hurts
A: Good morning, Mrs Black. ___21___
B: I feel dizzy(眩晕).
A: ___22___
B: I have a high fever too.
A: Let me check. ___23___
B: Ah…
A: You have a bad cold.
B: ___24___
A: You should have a rest at home. ___25___
B: Thank you, Doctor.
A. What should I do, Doctor
B. What’s wrong with you
C. Open your mouth and say “Ah”.
D. Anything else
E. You should also take some medicine and drink some warm water.
F. Do you have a cold
26. Uncle John walks to work every day. (改为同义句)
Uncle John goes to work ______ ______ every day.
27. The boy often runs in the playground after school. (用 now 改为现在进行时)
The boy ______ ______ in the playground now.
28. David gets to the park by bus. (对划线部分提问)
______ ______ David get to the park
29. My sister likes flying kites. (改为否定句)
My sister ______ ______ flying kites.
30. Nancy is watching TV in the sitting room. (改为一般疑问句)
______ Nancy ______ TV in the sitting room
31. 她每天在七点钟开始游泳。
She ______ ______ at seven o’clock every day.
32. 南希每天乘地铁上学。
Nancy ______ to school by ______ every day.
33. —你在你生日时做什么?
—______ do you do ______ your birthday
—I usually have a big ______ with my family.
34. 瓢虫们正在将害虫从花上赶走。
The ladybirds ______ ______ the pests ______from the flowers.
A fox is ___35___ food. He is very hungry. Now he is ___36___ near a wall. The wall is very___37___ . The fox is looking up. He sees ___38___ grapes ___39___ the wall. He smiles and says, “___40___ nice! I want to eat them.”
The fox is jumping. He jumps and jumps, ___41___ the wall is too high.
He ___42___ get the grapes. The fox says, “I must go now. I don’t like those grapes. ___43___ are green. They are not ___44___ to eat.”
35. A. seeing B. looking for C. finding
36. A. stands B. comes C. standing
37. A. high B. small C. strong
38 A. much B. a little C. a lot of
39. A. in B. on C. at
40. A. What B. What a C. How
41. A. or B. but C. and
42. A. can B. isn’t C. can’t
43. A. We B. They C. It
44. A. hard B. bad C. good
Tom is 7 years old. He and his parents go to Hongshan Zoo today. It’s next to the City Park on Mango Street. They are buying the tickets now.
Welcome to Hongshan Zoo. It’s big and beautiful. The kangaroos from Australia can jump very high. The pandas are fat and lovely. They are from China. The monkeys can play ball games with you. There are many other animals in e and make friends with them. Tickets(票): A grown-up(成人): ¥30 A child: ¥15 Opening time: 8:00-17:00 Parrot show: 9:30-10:30 Monkey show: 14:30-15:30 Keep the zoo clean! Don’t shout or feed the animals.
45. Where is Hongshan Zoo ( )
A. It’s next to the City Park. B. It’s on Grape Street. C. It’s far from the City Park.
46. Where are the pandas from ( )
A. The UK. B. China. C. Australia.
47. When can you see the monkey show ( )
A. At eight in the morning. B. At ten in the morning. C. At three in the afternoon.
48. How much should Tom’s family pay ( )
A. ¥30. B. ¥45. C. ¥75.
49. What should Tom and his family do in the zoo ( )
A. They should shout in the zoo. B. They should keep the zoo clean.
C. They should give food to the animals.
Troy(特洛伊) is a small city. The people of Troy have to fight the Greeks. One morning, the people of Troy wake up and find a huge wooden horse! It is standing outside the city gate. Some people come out to see the huge wooden horse. “What’s this How does it get here Where does it come from ” A soldier(士兵) of Troy stands on its back and taps its body. It doesn’t move. People think it is a big toy. So they open the gate and drag it into the city. The people come to see the horse. “How big it is! I want to ride that horse.” They don’t see what is coming. There are men hiding inside the horse!
Late, at night, the hidden(隐藏) door of the wooden horse opens! The men inside come out! It is a big surprise! The Greeks fool the people of Troy and win the fight, thanks to the wooden horse!
50. Troy is a small town. ( )
51. At first the people of Troy think the wooden horse is a toy. ( )
52. The Greeks drag the wooden horse into the city. ( )
53. The people hiding inside the horse come out in the morning. ( )
54. At last, the Greeks win the fight. ( )
55. 书面表达。
What’s your favourite festival
When is it
What do people usually do at this festival
要求:1. 语句通顺,表达正确。2. 不少于5句话。
My favourite festival

  • 江苏省扬州市梅岭小学2022-2023西区校五年级下册期末质量检测英语试卷(无答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月25日  所属分类:作业答案