安徽省宣城市重点中学2023-2024高二上学期12月第二次月考英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)

参 考 答 案
第一部分 听力
6-10 CBBAC 11-15 BBACB 16-20 CABCA
第二部分 阅读
21-23 CAD 24-27 DCBA 28-31 BCAD 32-35 ADDA
36-40 BDAEG
第三部分 语言应用
41-45 CAABD 46-50 BCDBA 51-55 DBACD
56. on 57. naturally 58. which 59. a bining
61. dates 62. to improve pared 64. had added 65. recognition
第四部分 写作
Last Friday witnessed an extraordinary activity organized by our school, whose theme was “Technology makes life better”.
In the morning, we set off for a technology company. An engineer there welcomed us and gave a lecture on 3D printing, introducing its history, development and application in various fields. After that, he showed us how the 3D printer works. We were amazed at the magic of technology and couldn’t wait to give it a try. Our group first designed a 3D model of a bike and then operated the printer as instructed. Watching the bike gradually taking shape, we felt more than excited.
Definitely, this was an educative and eye-opening activity in which I was impressed with the convenience and benefits brought by technology.
Then one night the phone rang. Not knowing what had happened, I just saw Dad’s face light up. “We’ll be right over,” said Dad. Immediately, we drove to a nearby farm. The farmer opened the barn door. A black and white cat ran out like a flash. I rubbed my eyes. “Checkers!” I cried. I scooped him up. And Checkers purred. “I miss you so much!” I said, rubbing noses with Checkers. The farmer smiled. “Good thing I saw that advertisement in the paper.”
I looked at Dad “You put an ad in the paper ” As Checkers jumped up and down around Dad, he patted Checkers gently. It was then that I realized Dad was not a little concerned about our cat. Checkers batted at him with his paw. Dad laughed, “That cat,” he said, “It’s good to have him back.” And I, then, warmed up by these two family members, stood up for a while, with tears welling up in my eyes.
(Text 1)
W:Hurry up.Danny.It'6:00 now.Are you ready for the party
M:Don't worry.The party begins at half past six. It only takes us 10 minutes to arrive there by taxi.I promise I’ll be ready within 5 minutes.
(Text 2)
W:Hi,Tom.What’s wrong with you You look pale.
M:Just a little stomachache.
W:Come on.I think you should ask the teacher for leave and go to the doctor.Later I'll send you my class notes.
M:Excuse me, I'm late.I have a reservation here.My name is Teddy Williams.
W:It's a pity. You planned to arrive at the hotel at 3:00p.m.today, but now it's already midnight, so we canceled your reservation.
(Text 4)
M:What do you like to do on Mother's Day See a movie
W:I usually just stay home and rest.
M:Why don't you eat at a restaurant with your kids
W:Well,I'm busy all year being a mother.I deserve my rest on Mother's Day.
(Text 5)
M:I know what to get Linda for her birthday.
W:A computer
M:No,even better.A dog.
W:That's a bad idea.Look outside.It's snowing.Do you think she wants to walk a dog in the snow
(Text 6)
W:Hello!Thanks for meeting me here today.This space seems perfect for your new office needs ,doesn't it
M:It does look great.What can you tell me about it
W:Well,the walls have all been recently painted.There are two separate bathrooms,one for men and the other for women.The main area is 300 square feet,and the private office is about 20 square feet.
M:Well,that does match what we're looking for,but my main concern is the rent.
W:1,000 dollars per month.
(Text 7)
W:What's wrong You don't look very happy.
M:Oh,I have to write a paper about the most important invention ever made.It's for my history class.
W:That's not too hard.There are lots of good inventions.
M:Yeah,but it's due tomorrow.
W:Well,what invention are you going to write about
M:Hmm,the computer,I guess.
W:Hmm.Isn't everybody going to write about that Maybe you should choose something older,like clocks or umbrellas.
M:No,I can't. I don't know anything about them,and I don't have much time to do research.
W:OK.Well,I'm sure you'll come up with something good.
M:Hey!What do you think is the most important invention ever
W:Me Let's see,uh,chocolate!
(Text 8)
M:How long did you live in the States
W:We were there for two years,in New York.We had a wonderful time there.What we liked best was that we could work and yet still lead a normal life.I mean,the shops are open till ten o'clock,such as food shops,chemists.And some supermarkets are open 24 hours a day. Most shops don’t open as early as in England.They don't open until about 10:00 in the morning.
M:Did you make many friends
W:Well,that's what's interesting.We made more friends in our two years there than we have after two years of living back here in London.I think Americans are more open. They speak their minds directly, not like the British,who might think one thing and say another.
(Text 9)
W:Yeah,the traffic was terrible and the rain, it took me ages to get here. I’ll just put my umbrella in the corner here, shall I Anyway,I'm really sorry I'm late.
M:Well,I’m glad you got here in the end.Now we should probably get going as fast as we can, because I’ve got another interview at 12:00.Why do you want to work for us
W:Well,I'm a bit bored where I’m working at the moment,so I'd really like a change.Your company is bigger,and the salary’s better than the job I’ve got.Most importantly,I like the unfixed working hours,because I find it really hard to get up in the morning!
M:And where do you want to be in five years' time
W:Australia,I hope!I don't want to leave my family in the long term.I'm planning to stay here in Britain for a year or two, but to be honest I really want to move somewhere hot and sunny,like Mexico.But my mom won't let me go.
(Text 10)
W:Bill Wales is a 23-year-old student in his third year at London University in Britain.His parents also live in London,but he left home when he was eighteen and has been on his own ever since.He works full time during holidays and takes odd jobs at weekends,on and off the campus,to pay for his tuition and support himself.After his second year at university he had to stop his studies at London for a year in order to earn enough money to take up his studying again.In the five years since he left home he's moved house twice.The first place he got was a room rented from a family with three young noisy children.After he started going to university he found he couldn't study at home so he moved to another place.He shared an apartment with two other students and paid for his own room.This place was good.But he was constantly short of money,so when his landlord raised the rent of his room by $10 two months ago,he again decided he had to find a new place.宣城市重点中学2023~2024 学年度第一学期高二年级第二次月考测试
本试卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
How soon will the party begin
A. In 5 minutes. B. In 10 minutes. C. In 30 minutes.
What does the woman offer to do
A. Help the man with his study. B. Send the man to the hospital.
C. Help the man ask for leave.
What do we know about the man
A. He arrived before 3:00 p.m. B. He didn’t make a reservation.
C. He can’t check in at the hotel.
What does the man suggest the woman do on Mother’s Day
A. Eat out. B. Stay in. C. Go to the movies.
What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The weather. B. A gift. C. Their friend.
第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
What has recently been done to the space
A. A new bathroom has been added. B. A private office has been built.
C. The walls have been painted.
What is the man most interested in about the space
A. The position. B. The rent. C. The size.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
What does the woman think of the man’s paper
A. It’s interesting. B. It’s easy to finish. C. It’s hard to understand.
Why doesn’t the man want to write about clocks or umbrellas
A. He knows nothing about them. B. He is unwilling to do research on them.
C. He thinks everybody is going to write about them.
听第 8 段材料。回答第 10 至 12 题。
How long are most shops open in New York
A. 9 hours. B.10 hours. C.12 hours.
Where are the speakers
A. In Paris. B. In London. C. In New York.
What is the woman’s opinion on Americans
A. Normal. B. Direct. C. Interesting.
听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
When does the conversation take place
A. In the late morning. B. At noon. C. In the early afternoon.
What is the weather probably like
A. Windy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
What does the woman like best about the new job
A. The salary. B. The working time. C. The working conditions.
Where are the woman’s family living now
A. In Australia. B. In Mexico. C. In Britain.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
When did Bill Wales leave his parents
A. At the age of 18. B. At the age of 20. C. At the age of 23.
How does Bill Wales pay his tuition
A. By asking his parents for money. B. By working in his spare time.
C. By borrowing from his roommates.
What did Bill Wales do after his second year at university
A. He moved to another place. B. He left London and found a job.
C. He left school and worked for a year.
Why did Bill Wales decide to move the second time
A. The rent of his room was raised. B. He couldn’t stand his roommates.
C. He didn’t get along well with the house-owner.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Donna Strickland was awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics jointly with Arthur Ashkin and Gerard Mourou. It was the first time in 55 years that a woman had won this famous prize, but why did it take so long We look at five other pioneering female physicists—past and present—who actually deserve the prize.
Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Perhaps the most famous snub( 冷 落 ): Bell discovered the first radio pulsars in 1967, when she was a PhD student at Cambridge. The Nobel Prize that recognized this landmark discovery in 1974, however, went to her male supervisor, Antony Hewish. Recently awarded a 2.3 million Breakthrough Prize, which she gave away to help under-represented students, she joked to The Guardian, “I feel I’ve done very well out of not getting a Nobel Prize.”
Lene Hau
Hau is best-known for leading the research team at Harvard University in 1999 that managed to slow a beam of light, before managing to stop it completely in 2001. Often topping Nobel Prize prediction lists, could 2023 be Hau’s year
Vera Rubin
Rubin discovered dark matter in the 1980s, opening up a new field of astronomy.
She died in 2016, without recognition from the committee.
Chien-Shiung Wu
Wu’s “Wu experiment” helped disprove the “law of conservation of parity”. Her
experimental work was helpful but never honored, and instead, her male colleagues won the1957 Nobel Prize for their theoretical work behind the study.
Lise Meitner
Meitner led groundbreaking work on the discovery of nuclear fission. However, the discovery was acknowledged by the 1944 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, which was won by her male co-worker, Otto Hahn.
When was the discovery of radio pulsars recognized by the Nobel
A. In 1944. B. In 1967. C. In 1974. D. In 1980.
Which woman is most likely to win a Nobel Prize later according to the text
A. Lene Hau. B. Vera Rubin. C. Donna Strickland. D. Jocelyn Bell Burnell.
What do we know about the five other females
The five female scientists did well in chemistry.
Vera Rubin had opened up a new field in geometry.
Lise Meitner’s teacher won a Nobel Prize for her work.
The five female scientists haven’t been awarded Nobel Prize.
I was in a new state at a new school and needed something solid to stand on: a place to feel grounded. I also needed to do laundry, so I walked to a nearby self-service laundry and stuffed a machine with my clothes. As I struggled to close the washer door, the woman working behind the counter told me to give it a good hit with my hand. The washer did its job, yet even after an hour, the dryer seemed to have barely warmed my clothes. I left, having decided to air-dry them on my car in the August heat.
A month later, I learned her name was Sandy, which she told me after I’d helped her stop a washing machine from moving across the floor. I was grading poems at a table when one of the washers broke loose and skipped an inch into the air. I jumped to the machine and held on while she unplugged it. The next week, Sandy told me dryer No.8 was the fastest.
It went on like this. I’d do laundry once a week, usually Thursday or Friday. Sandy worked Tuesday through Saturday and we’d talk small while I folded clothes. She told me about her son and his grades, the new dog they’d just adopted. She was fascinated that I was studying poetry. She teased(开玩笑) that it was harder making a living as a poet than as a laundry attendant. Even then I knew she was probably right.
I began to recognize others there: workers taking breaks by the door, a mother and her baby, and even some delivery drivers. But Sandy was the center of my community. For nearly three years and almost every week, I’d do laundry and talk with her. We checked on each other and expected the other to be there. We asked where the other had gone when we missed a week. There was a note of concern for the other’s absence, a note of joy at their return.
I’d found a place to stand on solid ground.
Why did the author leave with his wet clothes
A. He liked the August heat better. B. He had to go back to the class.
C. He wanted to show off his new car. D. He didn’t think the dryer worked well.
Why did Sandy tell the author to use dryer No.8
A. She was warm-hearted. B. She needed a volunteer.
C. She wanted to thank him. D She was sorry for the mess.
What did Sandy think of a career in poetry
A. It was harder to fulfill. B. It was really fascinating.
C. It was well-paid work. D. It needed a lot of effort.
What can be inferred about the author from the passage
He formed a close friendship with Sandy.
He expected Sandy to do laundry for him.
He made a lot of friends in college.
He often wrote to Sandy after graduation.
Humans are not the animal kingdom’s only fashionistas. Tits (山雀) can be fashion followers, too, apparently. A latest study shows that, given the chance, they decorate their nests with this season’s must-have colour.
Dr. Wild and Dr. Aplin were following up on a study published in 1934 by Henry Smith William, an American naturalist. He noticed that when he put various coloured balls of yarn (纱线) out in his garden, almost always one and only one became popular that season for being included into local birds’ nests. But which particular color was favoured varied from season to season. This suggested that the colour chosen by one of the early birds was spotted and copied by others.
William’s work was, however, forgotten until they came across it while following up on a different study, published by a team at the University of Toulouse, suggesting fashion-following, too. Dr. Wild and Dr. Aplin therefore set out to re-run William’s experiment, but this time to collect some actual numbers.
The birds they followed were part of a well-monitored population of blue tits in a wood near the institute. Most birds in this wood carried tracking devices fitted to them after their capture in mist nets. That allowed the institute’s researchers to keep track of a vast number of individuals by recording their arrival at food containers throughout the wood. Instead of food, these containers were loaded with wool of different colors. Interestingly, researchers soon found that most nests of blue tits included only the color of the wool first chosen by a nestbuilder.
Tits, then, do seem to be “on trend”, when it comes to nest-building materials. Why that should happen remains obscure. Dr. Wild and Dr. Aplin suspect the fashion leaders are older birds, and that evolution favours younger ones copying their elders since those elders have evidently survived what fortune has to throw at a tit. William’s original work, though, suggests such initial choices are at random-a bit like those of the leaders of human fashions.
What can we learn from Paragraph 2
Dr. Wild and Dr. Aplin contributed to William’s work.
Early birds’ color preference was copied by their fellows.
The yarn was the most popular material to decorate local birds’ nests.
The color of the yarn favored by local birds was fixed throughout the year.
How did Dr. Wild and Dr. Aplin improve William’s experiment
A. They observed the blue tits. B. They fitted tracking devices to food containers.
C. They adopted the data-collecting method. D. They studied the habits of blue tits.
What does the underlined word “obscure” in Paragraph 5 mean
A. Hidden. B. Evident. C Complicated. D. Shallow.
What is the main idea of the text
Birds favor certain colors in decoration.
Young birds follow their elders in fashion.
Young birds are just as intelligent as people.
Birds are just as fashion-conscious as people.
In the past several years, the use of social media has grown in a way that no one could have guessed. It has turned some teenagers into celebrities and turned the famous into the infamous overnight.
A key feature of social media, however, is its volatility. Trends come and go, disappearing almost as quickly as they appeared. So, what were the key social media trends of 2022
Short video apps such as TikTok and its Chinese equivalent (等同物) Douyin, took the world by storm. The Telegraph reported that TikTok was ranked 8th on Apple’s App store in April. And Douyin had more than 300 million domestic ( 国内的) monthly active users in June at home, CNBC said.
Why are these short videos-which are rarely longer than a few minutes—so popular Jiang Yige, Singapore-based analyst at FengHe Fund Management, has a theory. “Short videos are just right to fill in the little gaps in our busy schedules,” he told CNBC.
These videos—apart from being very convenient—are important to teenagers because they allow them to express themselves, according to Teen Vogue.
Liza Koshy, a user of the US app Musically who has over 2 million followers, said, “ The sense of community that users of short video apps get is another appealing feature.”
Live streaming is a feature of our social media life that now seems as natural as sunrise. It’s a pretty neat idea: You can watch anyone, anywhere, live. However, China has taken live streaming to a whole new level. In China, more than 100 million viewers monthly watch a live streaming video. Forbes thought that a number of factors had led to the popularity of live streams. Among them is viewers’ ability to interact with unknown names.
However, the quick development of social media may be having side effects too. Fake news is one serious problem it causes. Materials shared on these platforms are often not checked for accuracy. The most basic content can be false and can mislead users one way or another. We use social media all the time; that doesn’t mean that we understand the influence it is having on us. We should be mindful of both the time we spend on it and its impact on our minds.
What does the underlined word “volatility” in Paragraph 2 possibly mean
A. Being changeable. B. Being famous. C. Being promising. D. Being popular.
According to Liza Koshy, why are short videos very popular
A. They are very cheap. B. They allow people to express themselves.
C. They help people kill time. D. They provide a sense of community.
What do we know about social media
The information from social media is totally reliable.
When it comes to social media, people only know short videos.
People can’t communicate with each other without social media.
D .There is still much room for social media to make improvement.
What is the author’s attitude to the quick development of social media
A. Objective B. Subjective C. Supportive. D. Negative.
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
Advertisements are designed to persuade us, but which techniques are effective in talking us into buy things
36 Normalization can lead to higher sales of junk food as people start to see these habits as normal. This is like product placement—where products are shown or mentioned in TV shows and films. Beth, an assistant professor of marketing and advertisement, tells us that product placement is most effective when it is not too obvious. 37 It seems that a subtle ( 不 易 察 觉 的 ) approach can be more persuasive.
Appealing to our emotions is another strategy advertisers use. 38 Jannet, a senior lecturer in communication studies, explains that for fear to be an effective tool, we need to believe: when fears are raised, people tend to take action to make a difference, like buying something. But when fears are exaggerated ( 夸 大 ) or we feel helpless, we are likely to switch off.
Advertisements often show perfect-looking people because marketers believe that we will desire to be like them and buy the products they support. 39 The research that she mentions shows these ads can make people feel bad and put them off products. These studies say that seeing a more human side of people can lead us to believe them. 40
So, it seems that the best technique advertisers can use to persuade people is to fully understand the people they are selling to.
Some of them use fear to persuade us.
One way is simply to describe something as normal.
Superstars are gradually losing their commercial value.
We become defensive if we know that someone is trying to sell us something.
However, a researcher in marketing points out this may not be the best strategy.
A common technique to make an emotional impact is to create a memorable slogan.
And endorsements (代言) from characters who admit their mistakes can be more believable.
第三部分:语言运用 (共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
I’m not athletic. In high school, for example, I joined the soccer team for a year, ending up as a 41 .
In 2020, I was in a difficult stage of life and wanted something to fight for. Therefore, though I’d never run even 5 kilometers before, I entered the lottery (抽签) to run a marathon, a 42 where only a small number of people are randomly selected. Somehow, my name was 43 .
I figured the only way to finish the 42 kilometers was to start by running just one. But even one kilometer proved too hard, so I adjusted the 44 . I ran several minutes at a time, and then walked to catch my 45 . I repeated that for months. Besides, I read books, talked to friends and found coaches. Step by step, I became a 46 .
Then the 47 day came when I showed up at the starting line with other competitors. Did I win Certainly not! Did I run 42 kilometers, cross the finishing line joyfully and receive my medal proudly 48 !
Last year I decided to 49 my own business: a performing arts training centre for kids. I’ve always loved kids and arts, but I was 50 of business. Nevertheless, because of the marathon, I had a model for how to 51 it—step by step.
So, again: I read books, talked to friends and found 52 . Through it all, I became a successful entrepreneur. I keep my Marathon medal above my desk not to
53 my achievements but to remind myself every big goal can always be 54 into individual steps. When you combine enough steps, you will 55 to the finishing line.
A. storyteller B. bystander C. benchwarmer D. cheerleader
A. process B. progress C. platform D. position
A. drawn B. claimed C. adopted D. employed
A. stage B. strategy C. standard D. status
A. attention B. balance C. energy D. breath
A. walker B. runner C. player D. jumper
A. due B. last C. big D. large
A. Likely B. Entirely C. Necessarily D. Absolutely
A. distinguish B. establish C. engage D. explore
A. ignorant B. aware C. short D. capable
A. improve B. promote C. arrange D. approach
A. colleagues B. coaches C. competitors D. cooperators
A. show off B. take off C. call off D. put off
A. boiled down B. come down C. broken down D. torn down
A. get it B. take it C. name it D. make it
第二节 (共 10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Last month, 28–year–old model Huang Qian decided to add baduanjin (八段锦) to her daily routine. At first, she saw videos of people practicing 56 social media platforms. So she 57 (natural) associated it with the kind of exercise favored by the elderly because of slow movements. Nevertheless, now Huang enjoys practicing the exercise, 58 stretches and relaxes her whole body. Baduanjin, 59 form of qigong, is a set of traditional Chinese fitness exercises 60 (combine) physical movement with breathing and meditation. It 61 (date) back to the Song Dynasty(960–1279). Baduanjin uses breathing and concentration techniques 62 (improve) body and mind through eight well-designed sequences. 63 (compare) with other types of qigong exercise, such as tai chi and wuqinxi, baduanjin is more suited to beginners thanks to its simple, gentle movements. Huang was also excited to find out that one of her favorite fitness influencers German Pamela Reif, 64 (add)
baduanjin to her workout videos already. The video has received more than 900,000 views, 49,000 likes and 24,000 reports since it was posted on Bilibili on Aug 8. Like many traditions, such as hanfu and music, baduanjin is receiving a growing 65 (recognize) from people of all ages and is making a return to daily life.
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 (满分 15 分)
1. 活动时间、主题; 2. 参观过程(听讲座、观摩并体验 3D 打印技术等);
3. 活动感受。
注意:1. 词数 80 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
第二节 (满分25分)
Dad dipped his hand into my basket. “What’s that ” he asked. “Mew,”said the basket. “ Oh no,” he said. “ Not a cat. No way. ” I pulled Checkers from the basket. “ It’s not a cat. It’s a kitten. Can I keep him Please ” Dad frowned for a minute, thinking. Then he rubbed Checkers under the chin. “You’ll have to take good care of him. ” I hugged Checkers. “I will,” I promised. “He won’t be any trouble at all. ”
And Checkers wasn’t—until he grew into a cat. Sometimes he tripped Dad. “That cat!” Dad complained. Checkers climbed onto our roof. He had no trouble getting down. Usually he aimed for Dad. “That cat!” Dad yelled. Checkers flushed(冲水)the toilet, watching the water circle away. “That cat!” Dad groaned.
Checkers hid in strange places. He liked to surprise people. One day he hid under the couch. Dad walked by with a glass of orange juice. Checkers jumped out. He curled
( 蜷缩) around Dad’s ankle and attacked Dad’s toes. Orange juice spilt all over the floor. “Get out, Cat!” Dad roared. And he slammed the door.
Dad washed the scratches and peeled open bandages and wrapped them around his big toe and his ankle. I watched from the window. Checkers looked frustrated as he walked down the road. “I’m sorry. ” I said. “He was just playing. He didn’t mean to hurt you. ” “Don’t worry,” said Dad. “He will be back. ”
After supper I called for Checkers. But Checkers didn’t come. Nighttime came. I called and called. But still no Checkers. I left the porch light on. But the next morning Checkers still wasn’t there. I carried a picture of Checkers to all the neighbors. But nobody found Checkers. Days went by. Life wasn’t the same without that cat.
I was angry with Dad. I didn’t think he missed Checkers at all.
Para 1: Then one night the phone rang.
Para 2: I looked at Dad. “You put an ad in the paper ”

  • 安徽省宣城市重点中学2023-2024高二上学期12月第二次月考英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月24日  所属分类:作业答案