Unit 6 An old man tired to move the mountains Section A素养提升练习(含解析)

Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.
单元大观念素养目标 对应新课标内容
掌握本单元关于传说和故事话题的词汇,能在单元主题情境中简单运用 积累常用的词语搭配;理解和领悟词汇的基本含义,以及在特定语境和语篇中的意义、词性和功能(P6、P20)
掌握连词as soon as、unless和so ... that的用法,并在语境中运用 初步意识到语言使用中的语法知识是“形式—意义—使用”的统一体;从形式、意义和使用三个角度关注和学习语法,善于发现语言规律,并能运用规律举一反三(P21、P33)
读懂关于传说和故事话题的语篇,根据人物对白总结故事情节要点,理解关键信息 理解常见应用文语篇和其他常见语篇类型的主要写作目的、结构特征、基本语言特点和信息组织方式,并用以传递信息;了解和运用各种阅读技巧和策略(P22、P33)
运用本单元所学,就传说和故事话题做口头和书面表达 在书面表达中正确使用标点符号,用词准确,表达通顺,格式较为规范;了解和运用基本的写作技巧和策略;乐于参与课内外英语实践活动,积极沟通表达(P29、P33、P34)
Section A
1.【人与社会·文学作品】(2023四川眉山中考)The Monkey King can make 72 c    to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects.
2.(2023山东济宁邹城期末)This music   (使想起)me what has happened between us.
3.【思维品质·批判思维】(2023山东济宁邹城期末)I think Yu Gong is a bit s   . It doesn’t seem very possible to move a mountain.
4.(2023安徽芜湖无为期末)The bird fell onto the ground after the man
5.(2023浙江杭州市文理中学期中)The child h    himself behind a tree so that others couldn’t find him.
6.(2023吉林长春榆树期中)— I am afraid I might forget to buy the bread after work.
— Don’t worry. I will     you then.
A.talk   B.allow
C.remind   D.promise
7.【人与自我·抗挫能力】(2023安徽南陵期末)When we are in trouble, we should face it bravely     giving it up.
A.because of   B.in front of
C.instead of   D.such as
8.(2023吉林长春榆树期中)—Would you like to go shopping with me
—Sorry, but I’m     tired today.
A.a bit of   B.a kind of
C.little   D.a little bit
9.【人与自我·健康生活】(2023江苏宿迁中考)Miss Xu goes jogging in Huanghe Park every morning     it rains.
A.unless   B.till   C.since   D.as
10.(2022湖南岳阳中考) I will return it to the library     I finish reading Little Women.
A.no longer   B.as soon as
C.so that
I was     tired     I couldn’t walk on.
Joining a club is a good way to        .
You won’t get good         you study hard.
14.(2022四川达州中考) 电影中的这个人物形象常常使他想起他的爷爷。
The character in the movie often     him     his grandfather.
Little Tom               the art form as soon as he saw the paper-cutting.
A:What’s your favorite story, Jeff
B:The Little Match Girl.
A: 16 
B:Hans Christian Andersen, a famous Danish writer.
A: 17 
B:A little girl was selling matches in the street on Christmas Eve.
A: 18 
B:No, nobody bought her matches. She was hungry and cold.
A: 19 
B:She lit three matches and saw many beautiful things through the light.
A: 20 
B:She died from hunger and cold.
A:Oh, I’m really sorry to hear that.
A.What happened to her at last
B.Did anyone buy her matches
C.What did she do then
D.I like the story very much.
E.How does the story begin
F.Please come and read the story with me.
G.Who wrote the story
16.    17.    18.    19.    20.   
Ⅰ.1.changes 2.reminds 3.silly 4.shot 5.hid
Ⅱ.6.C 考查动词辨析。句意:——恐怕我可能会忘记下班后买面包。——别担心。到时候我会提醒你的。remind意思是“提醒”,故选C。
7.C 考查短语辨析。句意:当我们遇到困难时,我们应该勇敢面对,而不是放弃。instead of意思是“代替,而不是”,故选C。
8.D 句意:——你想和我一起购物吗 ——抱歉,但我今天有点累。a little bit意思是“有点”,后接形容词。句中的tired是形容词,故选D。
9.A 考查连词辨析。句意:徐小姐每天早晨去黄河公园慢跑除非下雨。这是一个含有条件状语从句的主从复合句。unless意思是“除非,如果不”,故选A。
10.B 句意:我一看完《小妇人》就会把它还到图书馆。用as soon as引导时间状语从句。故选B。
Ⅲ.11.so;that 12.make friends 13.grades unless
14.reminds;of 15.fell in love with
Ⅳ. 16.G 17.E 18.B 19.C 20.A

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发布日期:2023年12月24日  所属分类:作业答案