
班级 姓名 学号 分数
第一部分 选择题
1.I have ________ fever.
A.a B.an C.the D.\
2.My brother likes singing. It’s one of ________ hobbies.
A.my B.her C.his D.your
3.Watching too much TV________bad for your eyes.
A.is B.are C.was D.were
4. Sam spends two hours _______ his homework every day.
A.to do B.doing C.do D.does
5.—Would you mind ________ us in the game
—Not at all.
A.joining B.join C.join in D.to join in
6.This room is ________ than that one.
A.big B.biger C.bigger D.biggest
7.—Must I go to see a doctor when I have a headache
—Yes, you ________.
A.must B.may C.can D.could
8.—I have a ________.
—You should go to the dentist.
A.cough B.headache C.toothache D.backache
9.—There ________ a concert this evening.
—Exciting news.
A.are going to be B.is going to be C.is going to have D.are going to have
10.—How many students are there in your school
—_______ students, I think.
A.Thousand of B.Three thousands
C.Three thousand D.Three thousands of
从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。
I liked to eat at the restaurants. So I often took my children to ___11___ out. Then I found that they got heavier. I was really worried about ___12___ health. Last month one of my friends told me that I should try to ___13___ at home. I thought that maybe it was a(n) ___14___ idea. So I decided to do as she suggested (建议).
In the morning I need to get up early. In the evening I need to think about ___15___ we are going to eat next day. Then I go to buy the ___16___. I have a lot of work to do, ___17___ I am happy. This is because my children are getting ___18___. They eat more vegetables. And I get many great recipes (菜谱) ___19___ my friends. Then I make some great new dishes (菜肴) by following them. Now I ____20____ eat at the restaurants. Please try to cook at home. You are going to find that it is really good for your family.
11.A.eat B.get C.go D.live
12.A.my B.his C.her D.their
13.A.cook B.study C.rest D.work
14.A.bad B.surprising C.boring D.interesting
15.A.how B.when C.what D.where
16.A.drinks B.clothes C.food D.cookbooks
17.A.because B.but C.or D.so
18.A.heavier B.smarter C.healthier D.worse
19.A.in B.on C.of D.from
20.A.hardly ever B.usually C.often D.always
Here is a list of the television programs on CCTV International.
Asia Today Monday—Sunday (4:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m.) Travel in Chinese Monday—Saturday (3:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 3:15 p.m.)
News Hour Monday — Sunday (12:00 a.m.) Chinese Civilization Monday—Friday (3:55 a.m. 9:55 a.m. 3:55 p.m.)
Communicate(交流) in Chinese Monday—Saturday (3:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 3:15 p.m.) Sports Scene Monday—Sunday (10:15 a.m. 11:00 p.m.)
You’ll know something about ________ at 12:00 a.m. every day.
A.Asia B.culture C.travel D.news
22.If you want to watch a soccer match, the best program for you is ________.
A.Asia Today B.Sports Scene C.Travel in Chinese D.News Hour
23.Lily is learning about Chinese history, she can watch Chinese Civilization ________.
A.every day B.six days a week C.five days a week D.on weekends
24.My dad always watches Asia Today ________.
A.at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday B.at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday
C.at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday D.at 12:00 a.m. on Saturday
25.Communicate in Chinese is a program that _________.
A.teaches you Chinese B.tells you something about Chinese arts
C.lets you know Chinese news D.listens to Chinese music
Jay and Joan like to spend the winter holiday with their mum and dad. This morning they were all going sledding(滑雪橇). There was a heavy snow last night. The hill at the park was great for sledding. Jay and Joan asked their parents to take them out. Their parents agreed.
They all put on warm clothes and boots(靴子). They brought hot drinks, put the sleds in the car and drove to the park.
Jay and his dad went down the hill on one sled. Joan and her mum went down on the other sled. They went fast. The snow flew on their faces. They shouted and laughed. Sledding was fun.
After playing for two hours, they took a short break. They wanted to get out of the cold, so they went into a warm house and had a hot drink. They talked about their fun day there.
Soon it was time to go back home. Jay and Joan were very happy today.
26.When did the story happen
A.In spring. B.In summer. C.In autumn. D.In winter.
27.How did they go to the park
A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By car. D.By train.
28.Where did they have a hot drink
A.In their home. B.In the car. C.In a warm house. D.On their way back.
29.Which of the following is NOT true
A.There are four people in the family. B.The family bought the boots in the park.
C.Joan and her mum were on the same sled. D.The family went into the house to warm themselves.
30.What is the best title for the passage
A.A happy day B.Jay’s parents C.When to sled D.How to sled
There are three common questions about how to improve our English.
The first question is about real English. Some students say that they want to learn real English. But they don’t know what to do. Watching English films is a good way. When we are tired after studying for a long time, we can watch an English film to relax. While watching it, we can also learn real English at the same time.
The second question is about speaking, Most speaking. Most students feel too shy to talk with foreigners. “Where are you from ” What do you think of China ” There are both good questions to start a conversation. Before we begin, take a deep breath and smile! Smiling always helps.
The third question is about vocabulary. We want to remember all the new words. The problem is that we write them down but forget them soon. Write eight or ten words on a piece of paper and put it in our bedroom. Try to remember them. Spell the words whenever we see them, and change them every day. There is another way, when you’re shopping, counting the English words or saying the English names for everything you see as much as possible.
31.According to the second paragraph, what can we do to learn real English
A.Talk to foreign friends. B.Remember all words.
C.Watch English films. D.Write down words on paper.
32.In this passage, what’s the problem with most of the students speaking English
A.Too shy to talk to foreigners. B.Don’t know how to learn real English.
C.Can’t remember English words. D.Want to watch English films.
33.How can we start a conversation with foreigners
A.By taking a deep breath. B.By looking at them and smile.
C.By introducing ourselves to them. D.By asking some good questions.
34.If we want to remember new words, we can write them down and ________ whenever we see.
A.search them B.forget them C.spell them D.say them out
35.Which part of a magazine may the passage come from
A.Learning tips. B.English stories. C.Foreign culture. D.Students’ life.
第二部分 非选择题
36.If you put your heart into studying English, you ________(成功) in the future.
37.There are some great ________ (最初的) schools in our neighborhood.
38.When I was a child, I really hoped to try ________ (魔术师) hats that looked so funny.
39.Miss Li said her math teacher made a big ________ (差异) in her life.
40.Visiting the Huangguoshu Waterfall is an ________ (令人愉快的) trip.
41.The movie made us _____ (无聊的).
42.You can sit the most _____ (舒适地) in Sun Cinema since they have the biggest seats.
43.We’ll certainly feel worse _____ (除非) we talk to someone.
44.The doctor told me to take this medicine _____(两次)a day after meals.
45.It is very common for everyone to make some ________ (粗心的) mistakes sometimes.
46.How many ________ (tiger) are there in the wild now
47.The population of Beijing is much ________ (large) than that of Tianjin.
48.Don’t forget ________ (read) new words aloud every day.
49.Tom watches TV ________ (two) a week.
50.The underground is ________ with passengers during rush hour. (crowd)
51.The ________ of the computer and phone have greatly changed the business world. (invent)
52.She thinks a good friend must know her ________ (true).
53.They are just kidding. Don’t take it ________ (serious).
54.If you travel to another country, you can experience a ________ (difference) culture.
55.I’m very tired. I need to stop ________ (have) a rest now.
We need to set up plenty of ________ ________ to protect wild animals.
We think the best way to relax is ________ ________.
They try to ________ ________ the best singers.
If you don’t ________ ________ me, please shake your head.
Learning ________ languages ________ fun.
Nowadays the number of students who are studying online is ___61___ (increase). However, these are two sides about online schooling.
First, online schools usually cost very little. What’s more, it provides more ___62___ (free). You can study whenever you want. Some people who want to study further now can go to online schools instead of ___63___ (take) a break in their jobs.
However, the students with poor grades may not do ___64___ (good) at online school. When studying in a class, different topics about a given subject are discussed and students can study more ___65___ (active). It’s more interesting to practice dialogs with your ___66___ in a traditional class. But online schools can’t provide that. Also, many employers prefer students with a regular and traditional degree (学位) to those who have ___67___ online degree. The employers feel that students who go to full-time colleges have ___68___ (much) knowledge than those with online degrees.
In general, online schools are only good ___69___ some people. A person should see the situation he is in and then decide ____70____ or not to choose an online school.
71.美好的寒假生活即将开始了,每个人都有自己的假期计划。有的人准备旅行;有的人打算找兼职工作;还有的人决定在家好好休息……请以My winter vacation plan为题写一篇英语短文,谈你的假期计划。
写作内容:(1)寒假来临的心情; (2)寒假计划;(3)期望寒假过得愉快。

考查冠词辨析。have a fever“发烧”,固定搭配,故选A。
考查代词辨析。my我的;her她的;his他的;your你的。根据“My brother likes singing.”可知,此处指“他的”爱好。故选C。
考查be动词及时态。根据句意可知此句为一般现在时,且主语“Watching too much TV”是单数,因此be动词用“is”。故选A。
【详解】句意: Sam每天花两个小时的时间做家庭作业。
spend有两个结构。1、人+ spend 时间/金钱 (in) doing sth. 2、人+ spend + 时间/金钱 on sth.(花费时间在某事上),in可以省略。故选B。
考查非谓语动词。根据mind doing sth.“介意做某事”可知,此处要用动名词。故选A。
考查情态动词的用法。must必须;may也许;can能;could可以。根据问句“Must I go to see a doctor when I have a headache ”和答句“Yes, you...”可知,以“Must I... ”开头的一般疑问句,其肯定回答是“Yes, you must/have to.”。故选A。
考查名词辨析。cough咳嗽;headache头疼;toothache牙疼;backache背疼。根据下文“You should go to the dentist.”可知应是牙疼,用“toothache”。故选C。
考查there be句型的一般将来时。表示将来可用“be going to”结构,there be句型的将来时为“there is/are going to be”,因此排除选项C和D;主语“a concert”是单数,因此be动词用“is”。故选B。
【详解】试题分析:句意:--在你们学校有多少名学生?--我认为有三千名学生。具体的数字后单位不用加s,在表示数据不确定的时候才加s或联接of。比如在约有几千名学生:thousands of students,表示成千上万的同学。故选C。
11.A 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.A
eat吃;get得到;go去;live居住。根据“I liked to eat at the restaurants.”可知我喜欢在餐馆吃饭,因此经常带孩子出去吃饭。故选A。
my我的;his他的;her她的;their他们的。根据前一句“Then I found that they got heavier.”可知孩子们变重了,因此很担心他们的健康。故选D。
cook烹饪;study学习;rest休息;work工作。根据后文“Please try to cook at home.”可知是在家做饭。故选A。
bad糟糕的;surprising惊讶的;boring无聊的;interesting有趣的。根据“So I decided to do as she suggested (建议).”可知,“我”采纳了朋友的建议,因此这个想法是有趣的。故选D。
drinks饮品;clothes衣服;food食物;cookbooks烹饪书。根据后文“Please try to cook at home.”可知是在家做饭要买食材。故选C。
heavier更重;smarter更聪明;healthier更健康;worse更糟糕。根据后句“They eat more vegetables.”可知多吃蔬菜身体更健康。故选C。
in在……里面;on在……上面;of……的;from来自。get...from sb.“从某人那里得到……”,符合句意。故选D。
hardly ever几乎从不;usually通常;often经常;always总是。根据下句“Please try to cook at home.”可知是在家做饭,因此几乎不在餐馆吃饭。故选A。
21.D 22.B 23.C 24.B 25.A
21.细节理解题。根据“12:00 a.m.”对应的节目是“News Hour”可知,每天中午12点,是新闻时间,所以你会知道一些新闻,故选D。
22.细节理解题。根据题干中“watch a soccer match”可知,此处是对体育方面的节目感兴趣,文章中“Sports Scene”符合,故选B。
23.细节理解题。根据“Chinese Civilization”中对应的时间“Monday — Friday (3:55 a.m. 9:55 a.m. 3:55 p.m.)”可知,看《中国文明》是一周五次,故选C。
24.细节理解题。根据“Asia Today”中对应的时间“Monday — Sunday (4:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m.)”可知,观看《今日亚洲》的时间是周一到周日的早上4点和晚上8点,故选B。
25.推理判断题。根据“Communicate(交流) in Chinese”可推测,《中文交流》是一个教你中文的节目,故选A。
26.D 27.C 28.C 29.B 30.A
26.推理判断题。根据第一段“Jay and Joan like to spend the winter holiday with their mum and dad.”和“There was a heavy snow last night.”可知,应该是冬天。故选D。
27.细节理解题。根据第二段“put the sleds in the car and drove to the park.”可知,他们是开车去的公园。故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“so they went into a warm house and had a hot drink.”可知,他们是在一个温暖的房子里喝的热饮。故选C。
29.细节理解题。根据“They all put on warm clothes and boots(靴子).”可知,他们的靴子是从家里带的。故选B。
30.标题归纳题。根据“Jay and Joan were very happy today.”可知,这篇文章讲述他们外出滑雪橇并度过了开心的一天的故事,A适合做标题。故选A。
31.C 32.A 33.D 34.C 35.A
31.细节理解题。根据第二段“Watching English films is a good way.”和“While watching it, we can also learn real English at the same time.”可知,我们通过看英语电影能学习真正的英语。故选C。
32.细节理解题。根据第三段“Most students feel too shy to talk with foreigners.”可知,大多数学生太害羞了,不敢用英语和外国人说话。故选A。
33.细节理解题。根据第三段“ ‘Where are you from ’ ‘What do you think of China ’ These are both good questions to start a conversation”可知,我们可以通过问一些好的问题开始与外国人对话。故选D。
34.细节理解题。根据第四段“The problem is that we write them down but forget them soon…Try to remember them. Spell the words whenever we see them”可知,如果我们想记住新单词,我们可以把它们写下来,并在看到时拼写它们。故选C。
36.will succeed
【详解】句意:如果你用心学习英语,将来你会成功的。成功succeed,是动词。根据句意和时间状语in the future可知,表述将来发生的事情,要用一般将来时,其构成为will +动词原形。故填will succeed。
【详解】句意:我们附近有一些很好的小学。primary“最初的”,形容词修饰名词“schools”;primary school“小学”。故填primary。
【详解】句意:李小姐说她的数学老师对她的生活产生了很大的影响。“差异”英文表达是difference,make a difference to“对……有影响”。故填difference。
【详解】句意:现在野生老虎有多少只?tiger“老虎”,How many修饰可数名词复数,故填tigers。
48.to read
【详解】句意:别忘了每天大声朗读新单词。forget to do sth“忘记去做某事”,forget doing sth“忘记做过某事”。根据“Don’t forget...new words aloud every day.”可知,是别忘了去读新单词,用动词不定式作宾语。故填to read。
【详解】句意:汤姆一周看两次电视。分析句子结构可知,此空与a week一起构成的短语作句子的状语,容易联想到短语twice a week,意为“每周两次”,表频率,在句中充当状语;two对应的副词为twice,意为“两次、两倍”,频率副词短语一般放在句尾。故填twice。
【详解】句意:计算机和电话的发明极大地改变了商业世界。根据“the...of”可知,此处需要名词,结合“the computer and phone”,此处是名词复数,invent的名词形式是invention,其复数是inventions。故填inventions。
【详解】句意:如果你去另一个国家旅行,你可以体验一种不同的文化。difference “差别”,名词。这里修饰名词culture用形容词different“不同的”修饰。故填different。
55.to have
【详解】句意:我很累。我现在需要停下来休息一下。stop doing sth停下来现在做的事;stop to do sth停下来,做另一个件事。根据“I’m very tired.”可知很累应该停下现在做的事,去休息。故填to have。
56. nature parks
【详解】nature park表示“自然公园”,plenty of后接名词的复数,park用复数。故填nature;parks。
57. through#by exercise#exercising
58. look for
【详解】look for“寻找”,为固定短语。空前有不定式符号to,动词用原形。故填look;for。
59. agree with
【详解】agree with“同意”,助动词don’t后接动词原形,故填agree;with。
60. foreign is
【详解】foreign languages“外语”,foreign是形容词,作定语修饰名词;表达“是”用be动词,该句使用一般现在时,且主语是动名词,be动词应用is。故填foreign;is。
61.increasing 62.freedom 63.taking 64.well 65.actively 66.partners 67.an 68.more 69.for 70.whether
62.句意:更重要的是,它提供了更多的自由。free是形容词,根据“provides more”可知是提供更多的自由,应用不可数名词freedom。故填freedom。
66.句意:在传统的课堂上和你的搭档练习对话更有趣。根据“It’s more interesting to practice dialogs with your...in a traditional class.”可知是和同伴练习对话,partner“同伴”,名词, 此处应用复数,故填partners。
68.句意:雇主们认为全日制大学的学生比那些在线学位的学生拥有更多的知识。根据“than ”可知应用比较级。故填more。
69.句意:一般来说,网上学校只对某些人有好处。此处是固定短语be good for“对……有好处”,故填for。
70.句意:一个人应该了解他所处的情况,然后决定是否选择在线学校。根据“decide...or not ”可知是whether...or not“是否”结构,故填whether。
My winter vacation plan
The winter holiday is coming soon. I am very happy because I can have some time to do my favorite things. At first, I plan to finish my holiday homework in a week. Then, I wish to travel to Beijing. I’d like to visit Tian’anmen Square, the Great Wall and other places of interest. After the trip, I want to have a good rest at home. I hope to play computer games, watch TV and read interesting story books. I expect to have a great holiday.
① 题材:本文是一篇记叙文,为材料作文;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:根据所给内容提示完成写作,不能遗漏信息,可适当发挥,以第一人称为主。
①at first首先
②plan to do sth计划做某事
③would like to do sth想要做某事
I am very happy because I can have some time to do my favorite things. (because引导的原因状语从句)

  • 人教版八年级英语上册期末测试卷(含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月24日  所属分类:作业答案