2023年外研版(三起)六年上册英语 Module7 句子匹配强化检测卷(含答案)

2023年外研三起版六年上册英语 Module7 句子匹配强化检测卷
A.It’s a book.B.Yes, I do.C. No, I haven’t.D.I’m in Class Four.E. No, I can’t.
( )1.Do you like music
( )2.What is it
( )3.Can you speak English
( )4.Have you got any stamps
( )5.What class are you in
A.It eats grass.     B.I don't know. C. You are welcome. D.No, I don't. E. They like to sleep in winter.
( )1. What does it eat
( )2. Thank you very much.
( )3. Do you like reading books
( )4. What do bears like to do in winter
( )5. Why do cats like fish
三、 句子匹配
A.It is black and white.B.Well, I don't know.C. It is big.D.It lives in a tree.E. No, I can't.
( )1.Where does it live
( )2.What colour is it
( )3.Can you speak French
( )4.Is it big or small
( )5.Do snakes love music
四、 根据同学们的描述选择他们喜欢的动物。
A. B. C.
D. E.
( ) 1. Mike: They’re long and thin. They love the sun.
( ) 2. Lingling: They can swim. Cats like them.
( ) 3. Jim: They’re fat. They like to sleep in winter.
( ) 4. Sam: They can fly in the sky.
( ) 5. Laura: They’re naughty. They like bananas.
五、 给下面的问句选择合适的答语。
A.Yes, I have. B.It's red. C. Yes, they like. D.Yes, they can E. No, he doesn't.
( )1.What color is it
( )2.Can they sing songs
( )3.Does he like flying kites
( )4.Do snakes like music
( )5.Have you got a book about China
六、 给下列句子选择合适的图片。
A. B. C. D. E.
( )1.They are lovely. They like bamboo, and they eat a lot every day.
( )2.They are very big. They have got long noses. Their ears are big too.
( )3.They have got wings (翅膀). They have got feathers (羽毛). They can fly.
( )4.They are our good friends. They can help the blind cross the road.
( )5.They like peaches. They can climb trees. They are very clever.
七、 将句子的正确答语填在括号内
A.They like to sleep in winter.
B.It lives in the tree.
C.It's big.
D.Twelve hours a day.
E.It has many colours.
( )1.Where does it live
( )2.How many hours do the pandas eat a day
( )3.What colour is the chameleon
( )4.What do bears like to do in winter
( )5.Is it big or small
八、 句图匹配
A. B. C. D. E.
( )1.Sheep like grass.
( )2.Bears like to sleep in winter.
( )3.Pandas love bamboo.
( )4.Snakes love the sun.
( )5.Elephants like water.
九、 给问句选出合适的答语。
( ) 1. Why do the pandas like bamboo
( ) 2. What is this
( ) 3. Do snakes sleep in winter
( ) 4. Where does Mr Li live
( ) 5. Can snakes hear
A.He lives in this city.   B.Yes, they do. C. It’s a map of the world.  D.No, they can’t. E. I don’t know.
十、 给下列句子选择合适的答语。
( )1. Thank you very much. A.Yes, he likes swimming very much.
( )2. What is it B.I don't know.
( )3. Why do cats like fish C. You are welcome.
( )4. Do you like reading books D.No, I don't.
( )5. Does Sam like swimming E. It's a picture of the park.
一、 B A E C D
二、 A C D E B
三、 D A E C B
五、 B D E C A
六、 C D E A B
七、 B D E A C
八、 C E A B D

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发布日期:2023年12月24日  所属分类:作业答案