
一、第一部分 听力,第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What does the woman need
A.Shorts. B.A sun hat. C.Sunglasses.
2. How does the man want to travel
A.By car. B.By train. C.By plane.
3. When did the alarm go off
A.At 2:00. B.At 6:00. C.At 5:00.
4. What is the woman doing
A.Preparing to leave.
B.Calling a cab.
C.Checking into a hotel.
5. What is the conversation mainly about
A.Driving lessons. B.The weather. C.The man's work.
二、第一部分 听力,第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.Where are the speakers
A.At a fitness center.
B.In a sports field.
C.At a clinic.
7.What does the woman ask the man to do
A.Have a physical check.
B.Adjust his exercise program.
C.Offer the information of his injury.
8.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Classmates. B.Mother and son. C.Tutor and student.
9.What subject is the boy struggling with
A.Math. B.English. C.Geography.
10.Why does the school make the change
A.To have the food machines repaired.
B.To encourage students to have a healthy diet.
C.To encourage students to protect the environment.
11.What is the man concerned about at first
A.What he can eat.
B.Where he can get food.
C.How he can eat healthily.
12.What does the woman think the man should do
A.Eat in the lunch room.
B.Drink more water.
C.Lose some weight.
13.What does the man think of bringing food to school
A.Troublesome. B.Awesome. C.Impractical.
14.What is the man doing
A.Placing an order.
B.Selling insurance.
C.Conducting an interview.
15.What did Leaney study for a degree
A.Education. B.Finance. C.Public Relations.
16.What is the advantage of a smaller business according to Leaney
A.More flexibility in providing services.
B.Closer employer-employee relationship.
C.Greater contributions to the neighborhood.
17.What is Leaney's plan for the next two weeks
A.To visit her parents.
B.To call her relatives.
C.To finish her work.
18.How long is the museum open
A.For 6 hours. B.For 8 hours. C.For 10 hours.
19.What will the exhibition focus on this year
A.Food in the 18th century.
B.Clothes in the 17th century.
C.Transport in the 18th century.
20.What can we learn about Cornford Museum
A.It provides free hot drinks.
B.Its exhibits are all collected from the local area.
C.Special exhibition souvenirs are available there.
三、第二部分 阅读理解,第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Top 5 Activities For Fun Seekers
Ride with Ballooning Canterbury – tick it off the bucket list
There is nothing quite so exciting as Hot Air Ballooning and floating effortlessly over an ever-changing Canterbury Plains landscape. Join Ballooning Canterbury and enjoy great views of the Southern Alps to the Pacific Ocean. Flights 7 days a week, all flights are subject to weather.
Christchurch Adventure Park – New Zealand's longest zipline
At the Christchurch Adventure Park, experience the thrilling rush of racing through the forest while you fly down the longest zipline in New Zealand, all while taking in the incredible views around you.
Alpine Jet Thrills – rapid riding in the home of jet engines
Alpine Jet Thrills has launched a brand-new airboat operation, just like the "gator hunting" airboats in the Everglades of Florida USA. It is available at the Braided Shallows location at the Waimakariri Regional Park.
Hassle-Free tours – Lord of the Rings landscapes from an epic 4WD
Join Hassle-Free tours, a favorite among visitors to New Zealand. It is the unique Lord of the Rings Tour, which goes into the Canterbury high country for an exciting 4WD ride to the filming location.
Orana Wildlife Park – home to world-famous The Lion Encounter
Set in 80 hectares, Orana Wildlife Park is New Zealand's only open range zoo. The Park provides amazing child-friendly animal encounters: hand feed giraffe, meet rhino up close and travel through the lion habitat, etc.
21.What can we know from the text
A.Ballooning Canterbury Flights operate every day.
B.Christchurch Adventure Park possesses the longest zipline.
C.A new airboat operation is available in the Everglades of Florida USA.
D.The Canterbury high country provides some shooting scenes for Lord of the Rings.
22.Which might be the best destination for a couple with two kids
A.Canterbury Plains. B.Orana Wildlife Park.
C.Christchurch Adventure Park. D.Waimakariri Regional Park.
23.Where is the text probably taken from
A.A Geography textbook. B.An academic paper.
C.An official visitor guide. D.A science magazine.
A few years ago, I stood underneath a red overhanging cliff near my hometown. The weather was amazing. Deer chewed on the brown grasses by the river below. An eagle rode the wind. Townsfolk and visitors wandered in a nearby hot spring.
I was tied in, ready to climb. I was attempting to do a route first try, "onsight," as we call it, which means I didn't know what I was climbing into. It would have been a hard onsight for me to onsight hard climbs. You need clarity. No interference.
Just as I was about to climb, nerves in my body, which I hadn't felt yet, said hello. That's not good for any athlete. Desperate, I painted a coat of confidence on my inner walls of doubt. I visualized myself at the top, celebrating. "You can do this," I firmly told myself. "If you believe, success is certain."
It didn't work. I fell near the top. Defeated, I lowered to the ground and realized powerfully that the desire to climb the route had kept me from doing it. My self-worth was bound together by my success or failure at that moment, and that set off a chain reaction: unnatural desire, pressure, performance anxiety, anticipation, a mind fascinated with the top but a body struggling below, bad decision-making, irregular movement, distraction, frustration. All in that order, too.
In a flash, I told myself that on my next attempt, success or failure was irrelevant. "Make one move at a time. That's all." I gave myself a pass from whatever would happen. It worked. I floated to the top with self-control and clarity.
That moment got me thinking. At some point, I framed this experience for myself in terms of simple mathematics. When I added determination, courage, self-confidence and desire, I failed. When I took away the desire for success, I improved. I enjoyed it more as well, which, as an athlete of 30 years, I didn't think was possible. Eventually, I discovered the power of subtraction.
24.What can we infer from the author's first attempt
A.He managed to reach the top of the cliff.
B.He fully knew what he was climbing into.
C.He was confident in his own ability to get over obstacles.
D.He employed mental practice in order to overcome his nervousness.
25.What is the author's purpose in writing Paragraph 4
A.To list his shortcomings.
B.To give background information.
C.To describe a social phenomenon.
D.To explain the reason for his failure.
26.Which of the following can best describe the author
A.Determined and sensible. B.Optimistic and humorous.
C.Modest and conservative. D.Aggressive and stubborn.
27.What is conveyed in the text
A.Every dog has its day.
B.Sharp tools make good work.
C.Go into battle with a light pack.
D.Every cloud has a silver lining.
Feel exhausted after a party Rather see one close friend than a group of acquaintances Enjoy your own company In our world, that makes you an introvert (内向的人). However, there's another possible explanation—vertical attachment. If you are closer to your parents and family members than to your peers, you are vertically attached, which means you rely more on family for comfort.
If you are closer to your peers, then you are peer attached. We live in a peer-oriented world. We believe that having lots of friends means that we are well-adjusted. We put our kids in playgroups and daycare for peer interaction. We expect teenagers to want to hang out with their friends, thinking it is the natural way of things.
Result Generations often feel worlds apart. We use different language, dress, and technology apps. Even if multiple generations are invited to the same party, the kids go to the basement playroom while the parents stay upstairs.
Vertically-attached individuals can feel out of place in this context, demonstrating the traces of introversion. Will they be exhausted after a party with same-aged acquaintances Absolutely. Would they rather spend time with one close friend Sure. Do they enjoy alone time Yes, more than they enjoy time fitting in with peers.
It's normal that many people need alone time to recharge. However, vertically-attached people often label themselves as introverted. They feel insecure that others have more friends and live richer lives. They claim that their family attachments arise from their loved ones being stuck with them.
If you feel these insecurities, know that there is nothing wrong with you, and you are not missing out on anything. Your attachment style is just different from the culture where you live. Have confidence in the strength of the relationships you have, whether it is with a mom who feels more like a best friend, or a grandmother with whom you can share anything. They are meaningful, enriching relationships, even if they look different from the cultural norm.
28.Who is vertically attached according to the text
A.Mike, who feels at ease with his teachers.
B.Maggie, who enjoys film time alone at weekends.
C.Tom, who feels burnt out after a family get-together.
D.Lisa, who often turns to her dad when things are hard.
29.What is the popular belief among parents
A.Younger generations should be self-disciplined.
B.Being sociable is a desired quality for their children.
C.Their children need more friends than they themselves do.
D.Different generations should have different circles of acquaintances.
30.What advice is given to vertically-attached people
A.Be that as it may, just leave it as it is.
B.Never underestimate your inner power.
C.Hang out more with friends and adjust to it.
D.Treat others the way you want to be treated.
31.What is the author's attitude towards vertically-attached people
A.Sympathetic. B.Objective. C.Unconcerned. D.Critical.
A new study conducted by researchers from the University of Bath illustrates that flowering plants escaped relatively unharmed from the mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. While they suffered some species loss, the devastating event helped flowering plants become the dominant type of plant they are today.
Numerous mass extinctions have occurred throughout Earth's history, the most famous caused by an asteroid (小行星) hit 66 million years ago. The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) extinction event wiped out at least 75% of all species on Earth, including the dinosaurs, but until now it has been unclear what kind of impact it had on flowering plants.
Plants do not have skeletons (骨骼) or exoskeletons like most animals, meaning fossils are relatively rare compared to animals, making it very difficult to understand the timeline of evolution from fossil evidence alone.
Dr. Jamie Thompson of the Milner Centre for Evolution and Dr. Santiago Ramírez-Barahona of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México analyzed evolutionary "trees" constructed from changes in the DNA sequences (顺序) of up to 73,000 living species of flowering plants—angiosperms (被子植物). Using complex statistical methods, they fitted "birth-death" models to estimate the rates of extinction throughout geological time.
While the fossil record shows that many species did disappear, the ancestry to which they belong, such as families and orders, survived enough to flourish and then dominate. Evidence suggests that the vast majority of angiosperms families around today existed before the K-Pg event, of which some once shared Earth with the dinosaurs. Dr. Thompson said, "After most of Earth's species became extinct at K-Pg, angiosperms took the advantage, similar to the way in which mammals took over after the dinosaurs, and now pretty much all life on Earth depends on flowering plants ecologically."
So what made them tough enough to survive despite being immobile and relying on the sun for energy Dr. Ramírez-Barahona said, "Flowering plants have a remarkable ability to adapt. They use a variety of seed-dispersal and pollination (授粉) mechanisms. Some have copied their entire genomes and others have evolved new ways to make use of solar energy."
32.What does the underlined word "devastating" in Paragraph 1 mean
A.Depressing. B.Destructive. C.Degrading. D.Delicate.
33.How did the two scientists conduct their research
A.By studying fossil. B.By analyzing skeletons.
C.By building data models. D.By observing living species.
34.What can we learn from the passage
A.Flowering plants once coexisted with dinosaurs on Earth.
B.Mammals took advantage of the dinosaurs in the evolution.
C.Dinosaurs disappeared because of an asteroid hit 66 billion years ago.
D.Without fossil evidence, the timeline of the plants' evolution is unclear.
35.What can be the best title of the passage
A.Nature's True Survivors B.The K-Pg Event
C.The Plants' Narrow Escape D.Dinosaurs' Failure in Evolution
四、第二部分 阅读理解,第二节任务型阅读 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes or wildfires are typically unexpected, sudden and overwhelming. For many people, there are no outwardly visible signs of physical injury, but there can be an emotional damage.  36.   Understanding responses to painful events can help you cope effectively with your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, and help you along the path to recovery.
Luckily, most people are resilient (有适应力的) and over time are able to bounce back from tragedy. It is common for people to experience the immediate consequences. Within a few months, however, most people are able to resume functioning as they did prior to the disaster.
Give yourself time to adjust. Anticipate that this will be a difficult time in your life.  38.   And try to be patient with changes in your emotional state.
Engage in healthy behaviors to enhance your ability to cope with extreme stress. Eat well-balanced meals and get plenty of rest. If you experience ongoing difficulties with sleep, you may be able to find some relief through relaxation techniques.
Establish or reestablish routines. This can include eating meals at regular times, sleeping and waking on a regular cycle, or following an exercise program.  39.   For example, pursuing a hobby, or reading a good book is just among the recommended helpful routines.
 40.   Switching careers or jobs and other important decisions tend to be highly stressful in their own right and even harder to take on when you are recovering from a disaster.
A. Avoid making major life decisions.
B. Be brave enough to make critical life decisions.
C. Allow yourself to mourn the losses you have experienced.
D. Join those who have the similar experiences with you to relieve your pain.
E. Try to get involved in something you look forward to during these distressing times.
F. It is common for people who have experienced disasters to have strong emotional reactions.
G. It is of great importance to remember that resilience and recovery are the norm, not the lasting pain.
五、第三部分 语言运用,第一节阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
I'm not athletic. In high school, for example, I joined the soccer team for a year, ending up as a 41. .
In 2020, I was in a difficult stage of life and wanted something to fight for. Therefore, though I'd never run even 5 kilometers before, I entered the lottery (抽签) to run a marathon, a 42. where only a small number of people are randomly selected. Somehow, my name was 43. .
I figured the only way to finish the 42 kilometers was to start by running just one. But even one kilometer proved too hard, so I adjusted the 44. . I ran several minutes at a time, and then walked to catch my 45. . I repeated that for months. Besides, I read books, talked to friends and found coaches. Step by step, I became a 46. .
Then the 47. day came when I showed up at the starting line with other competitors. Did I win Certainly not! Did I run 42 kilometers, cross the finishing line joyfully and receive my medal proudly 48. !
Last year I decided to 49. my own business: a performing arts training centre for kids. I've always loved kids and arts, but I was 50. of business. Nevertheless, because of the marathon, I had a model for how to 51. it—step by step.
So, again: I read books, talked to friends and found 52. . Through it all, I became a successful entrepreneur. I keep my Marathon medal above my desk not to 53. about my achievements but to remind myself every big goal can always be 54. into individual steps. When you combine enough steps, you will 55. to the finishing line.
41.A. storyteller B. bystander C. benchwarmer D. cheerleader
42.A. process B. progress C. platform D. position
43.A. drawn B. claimed C. adopted D. employed
44.A. stage B. strategy C. standard D. status
45.A. attention B. balance C. energy D. breath
46.A. walker B. runner C. player D. jumper
47.A. due B. last C. big D. large
48.A. Likely B. Entirely C. Necessarily D. Absolutely
49.A. distinguish B. establish C. engage D. explore
50.A. ignorant B. aware C. short D. capable
51.A. improve B. promote C. arrange D. approach
52.A. colleagues B. coaches C. competitors D. cooperators
53.A. boast B. care C. dream D. discuss
54.A. boiled down B. come down
C. broken down D. torn down
55.A. get it B. take it C. name it D. make it
六、第三部分 语言运用,第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Kunqu Opera,  56.   (originate) in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties, first emerged as  57.   unique local melody in the eastern Chinese city of Suzhou. Thanks to reforms by a retired official named Wei Liangfu, it took a delicate form in the 1500s,  58.   it earned its reputation as "The Queen of the Chinese Operas".
Kunqu Opera is a  59.   (mix) of various art forms including songs, narration, dance and martial arts, with astonishing makeup, embroidered (刺绣) costumes and stage arrangements adding to its elegance.  60.   many traditional Chinese operas, the Kunqu style also has five main roles: Sheng, Dan, Jing, Mo, Chou.
Kunqu Opera performances are highly stylized. Traditionally, the stage is  61.   (simple) decorated so as not to steal the show from the production's most important element: the plot. The storyline  62.   (drive) by the songs, body movements and gestures of the performers on stage. To convey their emotions while performing,  63.   performers need to do is control their breath and tone with extreme carefulness, have full command of their  64.   (face) expressions and master the many ways to use their stares, smiles and frowns to convey their emotions.
The basic performance unit of Kunqu Opera, Qupai, is still in use in some traditional operas and is expected  65.   (use) in the future.
七、第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
假如你是李华,下个月你校将要举办以"体育与健康"为主题的校园体育节。请你写一封邮件给交换生Peter,邀请他参加体育节, 内容包括: 1.活动的时间和地点; 2.活动的内容和意义。
Dear Peter,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
I was a broke university student. I should have been going to university on a scholarship because I came from a low-income family, but a last-minute 100-a-year pay rise for my mum pushed my family over the threshold (门槛) for what defined "low-income" and I was suddenly no longer qualified for 15,000 a year in scholarship money. This news came after I'd been accepted by the university and signed the lease (租约) for my accommodation.
Despite my family not being labelled low-income anymore, I still wouldn't receive any financial support from my family as all the income went toward taking care of my disabled brother and paying their own bills. It would be tight, but because I had savings from my part-time job, I decided to go to university anyway. After paying my rent, I had 10.20 a week for everything else including food, toiletries, and school supplies.
As I was in a new city, I really wanted to make friends, which was difficult when most of the social activities were expensive. Therefore, I jumped at the chance to do a relatively cheap coffee shop trip with my roommates who were pleasant to me.
I had 20 with me to get a cheap cup of coffee and my food shopping for a few weeks. So I headed for the coffee shop. While paying, I pulled out the note and a handful of change and realized I could pay without breaking the note, so I put it back in my pocket. It wasn't until I arrived at the supermarket that I realized the note was gone. What should I do I was desperate as it was the equivalent (相等物) of two weeks of money. My roommates helped me look for the note. However, it was in vain. Finally, I went to school empty-handed.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150词左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
As a final attempt, I messaged the coffee shop's Facebook page asking if they'd seen it.
I said, "Oh ... This isn't mine; my note was an old worn one."
【解析】【听力原文】W: Do you have everything you need for the holiday I have a sun hat but I think I'll buy sunglasses at the shopping mall.
M: I need some new shorts and maybe a shirt or two. Other than that, I have everything.
【分析】题意:这位女士需要什么 根据听力内容 I have a sun hat but I think I'll buy sunglasses at the shopping mall. 我有一顶遮阳帽,但我想我会在购物中心买副太阳镜。可知选项Sunglasses.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句I'll buy sunglasses at the shopping mall.来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Where shall we go on holiday this year
W: Why don't we take a train down to the seaside Or we could borrow my dad's car.
M: Going to the seaside is a great idea, but I'd like to fly there to save time.
【分析】题意:男士想怎样去旅行 根据听力内容M: Going to the seaside is a great idea, but I'd like to fly there to save time. 去海边是个好主意,但我想坐飞机去,这样可以节省时间。可知选项By plane.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句I'd like to fly there to save time.来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】W: What time did you go to sleep last night, John
M: I went to sleep at eleven, but I woke up at two with a sore throat. I didn't get back to sleep until five, and then my alarm sounded an hour later.
【分析】题意:闹钟什么时候响的 根据听力内容I didn't get back to sleep until five, and then my alarm sounded an hour later. 我直到五点才重新入睡,一小时后我的闹钟响了。可知选项At 6:00.符合题意;故答案为 B。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句I didn't get back to sleep until five, and then my alarm sounded an hour later.来选出正确选项。
【解析】【解析】【听力原文】M: Hello, there. Can I help you with your bags W: Sure. I have a couple more up in the room. Can you look after them and call me a taxi please
M: Certainly, ma'am.
【分析】题意:这位女士在做什么 根据听力内容M: Hello, there. Can I help you with your bags 你好。我可以帮您拿行李吗 W: Sure. I have a couple more up in the room. Can you look after them and call me a taxi please 当然。我房间里还有几个。你能照看一下他们并帮我叫辆出租车吗 可知选项Preparing to leave.符合题意;故答案为 A。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句Can you look after them and call me a taxi please 来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Bring your umbrella to work today. It looks like there is going to be a storm.
M: I have my raincoat in the car, so I am not worried.
W: OK, but also remember to drive slowly if it starts to rain.
【分析】题意:对话的主要内容是什么 根据听力内容Bring your umbrella to work today. It looks like there is going to be a
storm. 今天带着你的雨伞去上班。天看来要有暴风雨了。可知选项The weather.符合题意;故答案为B。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句Bring your umbrella to work today. It looks like there is going to be a storm来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】W: If you could just fill in these forms about yourself, here's a ... Oh, you've got a pen.
M: I'm a beginner. And I'd like to start.
W: We have different kinds of classes every evening at 6:00 to help you burn off the fat. You could try one of our beginners group on Tuesday and Thursday to get you going.
M: That's great. Well, shall I tell the instructors about my shoulder injury or…
W: Write it down in the forms. Your instructor will adjust your program. Our doctor can do a full fitness check before you start if you like.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句We have different kinds of classes every evening at 6:00 to help you burn off the fat.来选出正确选项。
6.题意:说话的人在哪里 根据听力内容 W: We have different kinds of classes every evening at 6:00 to help you burn off the fat.我们每天晚上6点都有不同的课程来帮助你燃烧脂肪。可知选项At a fitness center.符合题意;故答案为 A。
7.题意:女士要求男士做什么 根据听力内容 W: Write it down in the forms. Your instructor will adjust your program. Our doctor can do a full fitness check before you start if you like.把它写在表格上。你的教练会调整你的计划。如果你愿意,我们的医生可以在你开始之前做一个全面的健康检查。可知选项Offer the information of his injury.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: David, have you finished your homework yet
M: Not yet, I need dad's help with one of the questions.
W: Well, maybe I can help
M: Thanks, but dad knows more about mathematics than you.
W: I am just as capable as your father. We both went to university.
M: But dad uses it all the time in his job. You write a lot in your job, so I come to you when I need help with my English tests.
W: That's very smart, but sometimes your father won't be able to help you. So if you need it, I'm here. I'm also good at geography.
M: OK then. Can you tell me the answer to this one
W: No, but I can show you how to find the answer yourself.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句dad knows more about mathematics than you.来选出正确选项。
8.题意:说话者之间的关系是什么 根据听力内容W: David, have you finished your homework yet 大卫,你做完作业了吗 M: Not yet, I need dad's help with one of the questions.还没有,我需要爸爸帮我解答一个问题。W: I am just as capable as your father. We both went to university.我和你父亲一样能干。我们都上过大学。可知选项Mother and son.符合题意;故答案为B。
9.题意:这个男孩正在努力学习什么科目 根据听力内容M: Thanks, but dad knows more about mathematics than you. 谢谢,但是爸爸比你更懂数学。可知选项Math.符合题意;故答案为A。
【解析】【听力原文】M: The school is trying to promote healthier food. Have you read this notice about the change they are making
W: Yeah. They say the snack food machines will be removed from the school at the beginning of next month. These machines will be replaced by those selling water, milk and fresh fruit.
M: So I can't buy potato chips or cookies at school.
W: Sure not. You know the garbage that is produced attracts insects, which does harm to the environment.
M: I agree with you. But I'm afraid they don't tell me what I can eat and can't eat.
W: Well, they are giving you the chance to eat healthier food. Also, you should lose a few pounds and this might help.
M: Well, I have been thinking of going on a diet. I may drink water instead of sweet drinks. But I need to eat some foods that I can't find in the school lunch room.
W: You can bring them from home.
M: Good idea! I couldn't have thought of that.
W: Sure you could.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句The school is trying to
promote healthier food. 来选出正确选项。
10.题意:学校为什么要做出这样的改变 根据听力内容The school is trying to promote healthier food. 学校正在努力推广更健康的食物。可知选项To encourage students to have a healthy diet.符合题意;故答案为 B。
11.题意:男士一开始关心的是什么 根据听力内容 I agree with you. But I'm afraid they don't tell me what I can eat and can't eat.我同意你的看法。但我担心他们没有告诉我什么可以吃,什么不可以吃。可知选项What he can eat.符合题意;故答案为A。
12.题意:女士认为男士应该做什么 根据听力内容Also, you should lose a few pounds and this might help. 此外,你应该减掉几磅,这可能会有所帮助。可知选项Lose some weight.符合题意;故答案为C。
13.题意:男士对带食物到学校有什么看法 根据听力内容W: You can bring them from home.你可以从家里带过来。M: Good idea! I couldn't have thought of that.好主意!我没想到这一点。可知选项Awesome.符合题意;故答案为B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hello, can I speak to Miss Leaney
W: This is Leaney. May I know who's calling
M: I'm Adam Watt from the Seven Star Insurance Company. Thank you for your interest in our company. I need some more information from your side.
W: Oh, sure, Mr. Watt. Please go ahead.
M: You've got a degree in finance. Why did you apply for this job
W: I read the job description and discovered a few interesting programs that I'd like to be a part of. They're challenging yet rewarding. Just the sort of things I consider to fit me best.
M: I see. But given your educational background, wouldn't you want to work for some bigger companies
W: I prefer smaller companies to bigger ones, because a smaller business has the ability to be more flexible in its service offerings. In a small company, we can provide our customers with the exact service that they need. By doing this, we can form a closer relationship with our customers as if they were our neighbors or relatives.
M: That's very interesting. When will you be available for employment
W: In two weeks. I've promised my parents a ten-day visit. I can start work immediately after I'm back.
M: Great. I will call you back in a couple of days about our final decision.
W: Okay. Thank you very much.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词be more flexible in its service
offerings 和关键句 I've promised my parents a ten-day visit.来选出正确选项。
14.题意:这个男士在做什么 根据听力内容 M: I'm Adam Watt from the Seven Star Insurance Company. Thank you for your interest in our company. I need some more information from your side.我是七星保险公司的亚当·瓦特。谢谢你来我们公司面试。我需要你那边的更多信息。可知选项Conducting an interview.符合题意;故答案为 C。
15.题意:莉尼的学位是什么专业 根据听力内容You've got a degree in finance. 你有金融学位。可知选项Finance.符合题意;故答案为B。
16.题意:莉尼认为,小企业的优势是什么 根据听力内容I prefer smaller companies to bigger ones, because a smaller business
has the ability to be more flexible in its service offerings. 比起大公司,我更喜欢小公司,因为小公司在提供服务方面更灵活。可知选项More flexibility in providing services.符合题意;故答案为 A。
17.题意:莉尼接下来两周的计划是什么 根据听力内容M: That's very interesting. When will you be available for employment 那很有趣。你什么时候可以受雇 W: In two weeks. I've promised my parents a ten-day visit. I can start work immediately after I'm back.两周后。我答应了我父母十天的探望。可知选项To visit her parents.符合题意;故答案为A。
【解析】【听力原文】 W: Thank you for calling Cornford Museum. This is a recorded message. The museum is now closed but it is open from 10:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. daily. The office is open, however, and phones are answered between 9:00 and 5:00 daily. Please ring between those times if you need to speak to someone. You will now hear some recorded information about the museum. Following the success of last year's special exhibition on clothes in the eighteenth century, we are pleased to announce that there will soon be another special exhibition at the museum. It will show the diet and eating habits of both the rich and poor members of eighteenth-century society. The exhibition will be open to visitors from the beginning of July to the end of September. It contains exhibits that have been collected from all over the world, although there is a special focus on the local area. The easiest way to reach Cornford Museum is by underground as the museum is right beside the underground station. You can also get here by bus or car. The museum has a popular cafe serving hamburgers and cold drinks. There is also a gift shop selling souvenirs about the special exhibition.
【点评】考查独白。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词between 9:00 and 5:00 daily和关键句It will show the diet and eating habits of both the rich and poor members of eighteenth-century society.来选出正确选项。
18.题意:博物馆开放多久 根据听力内容The museum is now closed but it is open from 10:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. daily. 博物馆现在闭馆,但每天上午10点至下午6点开放。可知选项For 8 hours.符合题意;故答案为 B。
19.题意:今年的展览重点是什么 根据听力内容It will show the diet and eating habits of both the rich and poor members of eighteenth-century society. The exhibition will be open to visitors from the beginning of July to the end of September. 它将展示18世纪社会中富人和穷人的饮食和饮食习惯。展览将于七月初至九月底向公众开放。可知选项Food in the 18th century.符合题意;故答案为A。
20.题意:关于康福德博物馆我们能了解到什么 根据听力内容 There is also a gift shop selling souvenirs about the special exhibition.还有一家礼品店出售有关特别展览的纪念品。可知选项Special exhibition souvenirs are available there.符合题意;故答案为C。
21.细节理解题。根据 It is the unique Lord of the Rings Tour, which goes into the Canterbury high country for an exciting 4WD ride to the filming location.这是独特的指环王之旅,进入坎特伯雷高地,乘坐令人兴奋的四轮驱动车前往拍摄地点。可知坎特伯雷高地为《指环王》提供了一些拍摄场景。 故答案为 D。
22.推理判断题。根据The Park provides amazing child-friendly animal encounters: hand feed giraffe, meet rhino up close and travel through the lion habitat, etc.公园提供了令人惊叹的儿童友好动物体验:亲手喂长颈鹿,近距离接触犀牛,穿越狮子栖息地等。可知这里很适合带小孩玩耍; 故答案为B。
23.推理判断题。根据标题Top 5 Activities For Fun Seekers 最适合寻找乐趣的5项活动;可知这篇文章属于官方游客指南; 故答案为 C。
24.推理判断题。根据I was tied in, ready to climb. I was attempting to do a route first try, "onsight," as we call it, which means I didn't know what I was climbing into. It would have been a hard onsight for me to onsight hard climbs. You need clarity. No interference.就在我要爬的时候,我身体里的神经,我还没有感觉到,向我打招呼。这对任何运动员来说都不是好事。绝望中,我在内心怀疑的墙壁上涂上了一层自信的外衣。我想象自己站在顶端,庆祝。"你能做到的,"我坚定地告诉自己。"如果你相信,成功是必然的。" 可知为了克服紧张,他进行心理练习; 故答案为D。
25.细节理解题。根据Defeated, I lowered to the ground and realized powerfully that the desire to climb the route had kept me from doing it. My self-worth was bound together by my success or failure at that moment, and that set off a chain reaction: unnatural desire, pressure, performance anxiety, anticipation, a mind fascinated with the top but a body struggling below, bad decision-making, irregular movement, distraction, frustration. All in that order, too.我被打败了,趴在地上,强烈地意识到是爬这条路的欲望阻止了我去做。我的自我价值与我在那一刻的成功或失败联系在一起,并引发了连锁反应:不自然的欲望、压力、表现焦虑、期待、对顶端着迷但身体在下面挣扎、错误的决策、不规则的动作、分心、沮丧。所有也都是这个顺序。可知解释他失败的原因; 故答案为D。
26.推理判断题。根据 In a flash, I told myself that on my next attempt, success or failure was irrelevant. "Make one move at a time. That's all." I gave myself a pass from whatever would happen. It worked. I floated to the top with self-control and clarity.刹那间,我告诉自己,在下一次尝试中,成功或失败都无关紧要。"一次只走一步。就是这样做。"不管发生什么事,我都不去管自己。这很起作用。我带着自制力和清醒的头脑到达了山顶。可知作者很坚定而明智; 故答案为A。
27.推理判断题。根据That moment got me thinking. At some point, I framed this experience for myself in terms of simple mathematics. When I added determination, courage, self-confidence and desire, I failed. When I took away the desire for success, I improved. I enjoyed it more as well, which, as an athlete of 30 years, I didn't think was possible. Eventually, I discovered the power of subtraction.那一刻让我开始思考。在某种程度上,我用简单的数学来描述自己的经历。当我加上决心、勇气、自信和欲望时,我失败了。当我去掉对成功的渴望,我就进步了。我也更喜欢它,作为一个30年的运动员,我认为这是不可能的。最终,我发现了减法的力量。可知心无旁骛轻装上阵; 故答案为C。
28.推理判断题。根据If you are closer to your parents and family members than to your peers, you are vertically attached, which means you rely more on family for comfort.如果你与父母和家庭成员的关系比与同龄人的关系更近,你是垂直依恋型的,这意味着你更依赖家庭来获得安慰。可知丽莎,她经常在遇到困难的时候向父亲求助,这是垂直依恋; 故答案为D。
29.细节理解题。根据We put our kids in playgroups and daycare for peer interaction. We expect teenagers to want to hang
out with their friends, thinking it is the natural way of things. 我们把孩子放在游戏小组和日托中心进行同伴互动。我们期望青少年想和他们的朋友出去玩,认为这是很自然的事情。可知善于交际是他们希望孩子具备的品质; 故答案为 B。
30.推理判断题。根据If you feel these insecurities, know that there is nothing wrong with you, and you are not missing out on
anything. 如果你感到这些不安全感,要知道你没有任何问题,你没有错过任何东西。可知不管怎样,就让它顺其自然吧;故答案为A。
31.推理判断题。根据 Your attachment style is just different from the culture where you live. Have confidence in the strength
of the relationships you have, whether it is with a mom who feels more like a best friend, or a grandmother with whom you can share anything. They are meaningful, enriching relationships, even if they look different from the cultural norm.你的依恋类型与你所处的文化不同。对你所拥有的人际关系的强度要有信心,无论是与感觉更像最好朋友的母亲,还是与你可以分享任何事情的祖母。它们是有意义的、丰富的关系,即使它们看起来与文化规范不同。可知作者对垂直依附的人的看法是客观的;故答案为B。
【点评】考查阅读理解。涉及词义猜测题 ,细节理解题和主旨大意题。解答词义猜测题要根据原文中的信息与选项信息结合起来进行正确推断,得出答案;解答细节理解题要完全符合原文,不能主观臆断;解答主旨大意题时需要根据文章的结构和选项来判断出正确答案。
32.词义猜测题。根据上文A new study conducted by researchers from the University of Bath illustrates that flowering plants
escaped relatively unharmed from the mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. 巴斯大学的研究人员进行的一项新研究表明,在6600万年前导致恐龙灭绝的大灭绝中,开花植物相对没有受到伤害。以While they suffered some species
loss, 虽然它们遭受了一些物种的损失,可知the devastating event指的是"the mass extinction",devastating的意思为"破坏性的,毁灭性的"; 故答案为 B。
33.细节理解题。根据Using complex statistical methods, they fitted "birth-death" models to estimate the rates of extinction throughout geological time.使用复杂的统计方法,他们拟合了"出生-死亡"模型来估计整个地质时期的灭绝速度。可知他们通过构建数据模型来进行研究; 故答案为 C。
34.细节理解题。根据 Evidence suggests that the vast majority of angiosperms families around today existed before the K-Pg event, of which some once shared Earth with the dinosaurs. 有证据表明,今天绝大多数被子植物科在白垩纪-古近纪灭绝事件之前就存在了,其中一些曾与恐龙共享地球。可知开花植物曾与地球上的恐龙共存; 故答案为 A。
35.主旨大意题。根据文章结构:分总,最后一段为中心段落 So what made them tough enough to survive despite being immobile and relying on the sun for energy Dr. Ramírez-Barahona said, "Flowering plants have a remarkable ability to adapt. They use a variety of seed-dispersal and pollination (授粉) mechanisms. Some have copied their entire genomes and others have evolved new ways to make use of solar energy."那么,是什么让它们在无法移动、依赖太阳提供能量的情况下依然顽强地生存下来呢 Ramírez-Barahona博士说:"开花植物具有非凡的适应能力。它们使用多种种子传播和授粉机制。一些已经复制了它们的整个基因组,另一些已经进化出利用太阳能的新方法。"可知大自然的真正幸存者;故答案为 A。
36.根据上文Disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes or wildfires are typically unexpected, sudden and overwhelming. For
many people, there are no outwardly visible signs of physical injury, but there can be an emotional damage.飓风、地震或野火等灾害通常是意想不到的、突然的和压倒性的。对许多人来说,身体上没有明显的受伤迹象,但情绪上可能会受到伤害。可知空白处需要说明一个事实:经历灾难的人会有情绪反应; 选项F. It is common for people who have experienced disasters to have
strong emotional reactions. 经历过灾难的人通常会有强烈的情绪反应。符合题意;故答案为F。
37.根据上文 Luckily, most people are resilient (有适应力的) and over time are able to bounce back from tragedy. It is common
for people to experience the immediate consequences. Within a few months, however, most people are able to resume functioning as they did prior to the disaster.幸运的是,大多数人都很有韧性,随着时间的推移,他们能够从悲剧中恢复过来。对人们来说,经历直接后果是很常见的。然而,在几个月内,大多数人都能像灾难发生前一样恢复正常生活。可知空白处需要结论:恢复很重要,不要持续保持痛苦; 选项G. It is of great importance to remember that resilience and recovery are the norm, not the
lasting pain.重要的是要记住,精神恢复和身体恢复是常态,而不是持久的痛苦。符合题意;故答案为G。
38.根据上文 Give yourself time to adjust. Anticipate that this will be a difficult time in your life. 给自己时间调整。要预料到这将是你人生中的一段艰难时期。以及下文And try to be patient with changes in your emotional state.试着对自己情绪状态的变化保持耐心。可知空白处需要:你可以为你所经历的伤心事进行回顾;选项C. Allow yourself to mourn the losses you have experienced
. 允许自己哀悼你所经历的损失。符合题意;故答案为C。
39.根据上文Establish or reestablish routines. This can include eating meals at regular times, sleeping and waking on a regular
cycle, or following an exercise program. 建立或重新建立例行程序。这可以包括定时吃饭,有规律地睡觉和醒来,或者遵循锻炼计划。以及下文For example, pursuing a hobby, or reading a good book is just among the recommended helpful routines. 例如,追求一个爱好,或者读一本好书只是推荐的有益的日常活动。可知空白处需要:你也可以在这段时间做你想做的事情; 选项E. Try to get involved in something you look forward to during these distressing times. 在这些痛苦的时刻,试着去做一些你期待的事情。 符合题意;故答案为E。
40.根据下文 Switching careers or jobs and other important decisions tend to be highly stressful in their own right and even
harder to take on when you are recovering from a disaster.转换职业或工作以及其他重要的决定本身就会给你带来很大的压力,当你从灾难中恢复过来时,就更难接受了。可知空白处需要主题句:不要在这段时间做出重大决定; 选项A. Avoid making major
life decisions.避免做出重大的人生决定。符合题意;故答案为A。
41.句意:我不是运动员。例如,在高中时,我参加了一年的足球队,最后成为了一名替补队员。根据句意"我参加了一年的足球队" 可知作者是足球队的成员,再根据选项A: storyteller说书人;B: bystander旁观者;C: benchwarmer替补队员;D: cheerleader啦啦队长;可知C: benchwarmer(替补队员)属于球队成员;故答案为C。
42.句意:因此,虽然我之前从未跑过5公里,但我参加了一个抽签(即随机抽取一小部分人的程序)来跑马拉松。根据句意作者报名参加跑马拉松,但因人数过多, 可知作者还要进入一个抽签决定能否最终参加包马拉松的程序;A: process步骤,程序;B: progress进步;C: platform平台;D: position位置;故答案为A。
43.句意:不知怎么的,我的名字被抽了出来。根据上文"因此,虽然我之前从未跑过5公里,但我参加了一个抽签(即随机抽取一小部分人的程序)来跑马拉松。" 可知因为只有小部分人会被抽到,作者很意外的也被抽中了;A: drawn拖,拉;B: claimed认领;C: adopted收养;D: employed受雇;故答案为A。
44.句意:但即使是一公里也太难了,所以我调整了策略。根据上文I figured the only way to finish the 42 kilometers was to start by
running just one. 我想完成42公里的唯一方法就是从跑一公里开始。可知作者要开始有策略地进行马拉松训练了;A: stage阶段;B: strategy策略;C: standard标准;D: status现状;故答案为B。
45.句意:我一次跑几分钟,然后走几步喘口气。根据上文句意"但即使是一公里也太难了,所以我调整了策略。"再根据本句句意"我一次跑几分钟,然后走几步" 可知跑步最不好掌控地是呼吸,作者走几步是为了调整自己地呼吸;A: attention注意力;B: balance平衡;C: energy精力;D: breath呼吸;故答案为D。
46.句意:一步一步,我成为了一名跑步者。根据上文Besides, I read books, talked to friends and found coaches. 此外,我看书,和朋友聊天,找教练。可知作者在理论知识和朋友教练的实践指导下,他成为了跑步者了;A: walker步行者;B: runner跑步者;C: player运动员;D: jumper跳高者;故答案为B。
47.句意:然后,重要的一天到来了,我和其他选手一起出现在起跑线上。根据对作者来说跑马拉松是一件他要完成的大事,可知他想证明自己的策略和努力是否成功,所以这一天是一个大日子;A: due预期的,B: last最后的;C: big大的,D: large(尺寸、范围、容量)大的;故答案为C。
48.句意:我赢了吗 当然不仅赢了! 我跑了42公里,高兴地冲过终点线,自豪地接过奖牌了吗 绝对的! 根据下文 I keep my Marathon
medal above my desk 我把我的马拉松奖牌放在桌子上方。 可知作者以绝对的优势跑完了马拉松;A: Likely有可能;B: Entirely完全地;C: Necessarily有必要地;D: Absolutely绝对地;故答案为D。
49.句意:去年我决定建立自己的事业:一个儿童表演艺术培训中心。根据句意"去年我决定……自己的事业:一个儿童表演艺术培训中心" 可知作者希望建立自己的事业,而不是参与自己的事业;A: distinguish区分;B: establish建立;C: engage参与;D: explore探究;故答案为B。
50.句意:我一直喜欢孩子和艺术,但我对商业一无所知。根据下文So, again: I read books, talked to friends……所以,再一次:我看书,和朋友聊天…… 可知作者又像上次跑马拉松一样,刚报名时自己根本不懂马拉松,这次他对经商也是根本不懂,无一点知识;A: ignorant无知;B: aware意识;C: short不够;D: capable有能力;故答案为A。
51.句意:然而,因为马拉松,我有了一个如何一步一步接近它的范例。根据作者在马拉松的策略上就是把大目标化小一步步去接近,实现, 可知作者也是仿效马拉松的成功来接近自己的目标;A:improve改进;B:promote促进;C:arrange安排;D:approach 靠近,临近;故答案为D。
52.句意:所以,再一次: 我看书,和朋友聊天,找教练。根据上文马拉松例子,Besides, I read books, talked to friends and found
coaches. 此外,我看书,和朋友聊天,找教练。 可知作者依然找了商业领域里的教练;A: colleagues同事;B: coaches教练;C: competitors竞争者;D: cooperators合作者;故答案为B。
53.句意:我把我的马拉松奖牌放在桌子上,不是为了炫耀我的成就,而是为了提醒自己,每个大目标都可以分解成一个个的步骤。根据上文 Through it all, I became a successful entrepreneur. 经过这一切,我成为了一名成功的企业家。可知作者已经是优秀企业家了,他不需要自夸跑马拉松的成绩;A: boast自夸;B: care担心;C: dream梦想;D: discuss讨论;故答案为A。
54.句意:我把我的马拉松奖牌放在桌子上,不是为了炫耀我的成就,而是为了提醒自己,每个大目标都可以分解成一个个的步骤。根据句意"而是为了提醒自己,每个大目标都可以……成一个个的步骤。" 可知作者马拉松的成功,他就是把大目标分解成一个个小目标去一步步实现;A:boiled down浓缩,概括;B:come down做出决定;C:broken down分解;D: torn down摧毁;故答案为C。
55.句意:当你把足够多的步骤结合起来,你就会到达终点线。根据句意"当你把足够多的步骤结合起来,你就会……终点线。" 可知每一步都走了那肯定就到达终点线了,A: get it明白;B: take it开始做某事;C: 命名;D: make it成功或达到目标;故答案为D。
【答案】56.originating;57.a;58.when;59.mixture;60.Like;61.simply;62.is driven;63.what;64.facial;65.to be used
56.句意:昆曲起源于元末明初,最初作为一种独特的地方旋律出现在中国东部城市苏州。根据句子结构空白处需要非谓语补充说明主语Kunqu Opera的诞生情况; 可知空白处需要动词originate 的现在分词形式originating ;故答案为originating。
57.句意:昆曲起源于元末明初,最初作为一种独特的地方旋律出现在中国东部城市苏州。根据名词 melody 是单数可数名词,再根据固定结构:as a +形容词+单数名词 (作为一种……),可知空白处需要不定冠词 a;故答案为a。
58.句意:由于一位名叫魏良夫的退休官员的改革,它在16世纪形成了一个精致的形式,当时它赢得了"中国戏剧女王"的声誉。根据句子结构空白处需要关系副词引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为the 1500s, 可知空白处需要关系副词 when;故答案为when。
59.句意:昆曲是多种艺术形式的混合体,包括歌曲、旁白、舞蹈和武术,令人惊叹的化妆、刺绣服装和舞台布置为其增添了优雅。根据 冠词后面要接名词,可知空白处需要动词mix 的名词形式 mixture;故答案为mixture。
60.句意:像许多中国传统戏剧一样,昆曲风格也有五个主要角色:生、旦、 净、末 、丑。根据句意"许多中国传统戏剧,昆曲风格也有五个主要角色:生、旦、净、末、丑。" 可知这里在把昆曲与中国其他戏曲进行比较,空白处需要介词Like(像……那样,好比) ;故答案为Like。
61.句意:传统上,舞台的装饰很简单,这样就不会抢了作品最重要的元素:情节。根据修饰谓语动词 is decorated要用副词, 可知空白处需要形容词simple 的副词形式simply ;故答案为simply。
62.句意:故事情节是由舞台上表演者的歌曲、肢体动作和手势驱动的。根据句子结构空白处需要谓语动词,再根据主语The storyline与动词 drive之间是被动关系,上下文时态一致上文 is decorated是一般现在时; 可知空白处需要动词drive 的一般现在时的被动语态is driven ;故答案为is driven。
63.句意:为了在表演中表达自己的情感,表演者需要做的是非常小心地控制自己的呼吸和语调,充分掌握自己的面部表情,掌握用眼神、微笑和皱眉来表达情感的多种方式。根据句子结构主语从句performers need to do缺少谓语need to do的宾语, 可知空白处需要疑问代词 what引导主语从句;故答案为what。
64.句意:为了在表演中表达自己的情感,表演者需要做的是非常小心地控制自己的呼吸和语调,充分掌握自己的面部表情,掌握用眼神、微笑和皱眉来表达情感的多种方式。根据修饰名词expressions 需要形容词, 可知空白处需要名词face 的形容词facial ;故答案为facial。
65.句意:昆曲的基本表演单位曲牌至今仍在一些传统戏曲中使用,并有望在未来得到使用。根据主语he basic performance unit 与动词 use 是被动关系,再根据固定搭配:expect to do sth 期望做某事,可知空白处需要动词use 的不定式的被动形式to be used ;故答案为to be used。
66.【答案】One possible version:
Dear Peter,
Given your keen interest in sports, I'm writing to invite you to participate in our annual Sports Festival scheduled to be held on December 1st in our school stadium, which you shouldn't miss.
The coming festival, with the theme of Sports and Health, will consist of various activities, ranging from the tug-of-war to Chinese martial arts. Subsequently, a relevant lecture concerning a healthy lifestyle will be arranged. Undoubtedly, it will serve as a platform to demonstrate our talent and stimulate our enthusiasm for sports.
Based on the above, it's bound to be a rewarding experience. Looking forward to your prompt reply to confirm your participation.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文邀请信。要求考生以李华 的身份写一封邮件邀请交换生Peter参加"体育与健康"为主题的校园体育节。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文。写这篇文章时,要注意文中给出的细节都要包括,不要遗漏。这篇文章对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。本文的人称是第一人称;时态是一般将来时;文章可以分为共分三段:
【点评】书面表达要求要点齐全,上下文连贯,并使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满Given your keen interest in sports, I'm writing to invite you to participate in our annual Sports Festival scheduled to be held on December 1st in our school stadium, which you shouldn't miss.(运用了非谓语结构和非限制性定语从句),同时能够运用一些高级词汇participate, subsequently,relevant和固定短语 invite sb to do, consist of ,look forward to,提高文章的档次,体现对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。
67.【答案】One possible version:
As a final attempt, I messaged the coffee shop's Facebook page asking if they'd seen it. I must have sounded over worried in the post as I was soon flooded with abundant kind reviews. All, acquaintances or strangers, were trying to offer some comfort, advice or even money. I was touched beyond words. Suddenly, one review caught my eye, saying that my note had been found. I rushed to the coffee shop in no time, unable to believe my good luck. Upon my arrival, the shop assistant handed me a brand new 20-pound note, at which I felt a bit surprised.
I said, "Oh ... This isn't mine; my note was an old worn one." Hearing my words, the assistant immediately took out another note, which apparently was still not my lost note. "Actually, we've received several more notes from customers." the assistant explained, spreading even more notes on the desk. I shook my head. Disappointed as I was, I couldn't accept what didn't belong to me. Despite the fact that I might suffer a tight budget in the following weeks, I felt the warmth out of the kindness. Never before had I believed so firmly that kindness was a ray of light, brightening up the day in the darkest time.
【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读文章可知,讲述了作者是一位来自贫寒家庭的大学生,在校期间作者做兼职自己挣生活费;但有一天作者在一家咖啡馆因为不小心弄丢了20英镑的钞票(这是他两周的生活费),他很着急的找结果在在咖啡店没有找到;于是他在网上发了一个帖子让大家帮他找,好心人感受到了作者的焦虑给咖啡店寄去了20 英镑的钞票,这不是作者丢的,作者感受到了大家的爱,他决定好好努力完成学业。段落续写:①由第一段首句内容"作为最后的尝试,我给咖啡店的Facebook主页发了信息,问他们是否看到了。"可知,第一段可描写作者急切地看着大家对帖子地评论,很快一条说钞票找到了的评论让作者高兴不已。②由第二段首句内容"我说:"哦……这不是我的;我的便条是一张又旧又破的。""可知,第二段可描写作者发现店主拿出来的钞票不是自己的,随后店主又拿了几张顾客寄来的,这些都不是作者的,作者虽没找到自己的钞票,但他坚定了前行的步伐。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:I must have sounded over worried in the post as I was soon flooded with abundant kind reviews. 运用了时间状语从句,虚拟语气;Suddenly, one review caught my eye, saying that my note had been found.运用了宾语从句;Upon my arrival, the shopassistant handed me a brand new 20 pound note, at which I felt a bit surprised.;运用了非限制性定语从句;Disappointed as I was, I couldn't accept what didn't belong to me. 运用了倒装句和宾语从句;Despite the fact that I might suffer a tight budget in the following weeks, I felt the warmth out of the kindness. 运用了同位语从句;Never before had I believed so firmly that kindness was a ray of light, brightening up the day in the darkest time.运用了倒装句和宾语从句。
一、第一部分 听力,第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What does the woman need
A.Shorts. B.A sun hat. C.Sunglasses.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Do you have everything you need for the holiday I have a sun hat but I think I'll buy sunglasses at the shopping mall.
M: I need some new shorts and maybe a shirt or two. Other than that, I have everything.
【分析】题意:这位女士需要什么 根据听力内容 I have a sun hat but I think I'll buy sunglasses at the shopping mall. 我有一顶遮阳帽,但我想我会在购物中心买副太阳镜。可知选项Sunglasses.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句I'll buy sunglasses at the shopping mall.来选出正确选项。
2. How does the man want to travel
A.By car. B.By train. C.By plane.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Where shall we go on holiday this year
W: Why don't we take a train down to the seaside Or we could borrow my dad's car.
M: Going to the seaside is a great idea, but I'd like to fly there to save time.
【分析】题意:男士想怎样去旅行 根据听力内容M: Going to the seaside is a great idea, but I'd like to fly there to save time. 去海边是个好主意,但我想坐飞机去,这样可以节省时间。可知选项By plane.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句I'd like to fly there to save time.来选出正确选项。
3. When did the alarm go off
A.At 2:00. B.At 6:00. C.At 5:00.
【解析】【听力原文】W: What time did you go to sleep last night, John
M: I went to sleep at eleven, but I woke up at two with a sore throat. I didn't get back to sleep until five, and then my alarm sounded an hour later.
【分析】题意:闹钟什么时候响的 根据听力内容I didn't get back to sleep until five, and then my alarm sounded an hour later. 我直到五点才重新入睡,一小时后我的闹钟响了。可知选项At 6:00.符合题意;故答案为 B。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句I didn't get back to sleep until five, and then my alarm sounded an hour later.来选出正确选项。
4. What is the woman doing
A.Preparing to leave.
B.Calling a cab.
C.Checking into a hotel.
【解析】【解析】【听力原文】M: Hello, there. Can I help you with your bags W: Sure. I have a couple more up in the room. Can you look after them and call me a taxi please
M: Certainly, ma'am.
【分析】题意:这位女士在做什么 根据听力内容M: Hello, there. Can I help you with your bags 你好。我可以帮您拿行李吗 W: Sure. I have a couple more up in the room. Can you look after them and call me a taxi please 当然。我房间里还有几个。你能照看一下他们并帮我叫辆出租车吗 可知选项Preparing to leave.符合题意;故答案为 A。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句Can you look after them and call me a taxi please 来选出正确选项。
5. What is the conversation mainly about
A.Driving lessons. B.The weather. C.The man's work.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Bring your umbrella to work today. It looks like there is going to be a storm.
M: I have my raincoat in the car, so I am not worried.
W: OK, but also remember to drive slowly if it starts to rain.
【分析】题意:对话的主要内容是什么 根据听力内容Bring your umbrella to work today. It looks like there is going to be a
storm. 今天带着你的雨伞去上班。天看来要有暴风雨了。可知选项The weather.符合题意;故答案为B。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句Bring your umbrella to work today. It looks like there is going to be a storm来选出正确选项。
二、第一部分 听力,第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.Where are the speakers
A.At a fitness center.
B.In a sports field.
C.At a clinic.
7.What does the woman ask the man to do
A.Have a physical check.
B.Adjust his exercise program.
C.Offer the information of his injury.
【解析】【听力原文】W: If you could just fill in these forms about yourself, here's a ... Oh, you've got a pen.
M: I'm a beginner. And I'd like to start.
W: We have different kinds of classes every evening at 6:00 to help you burn off the fat. You could try one of our beginners group on Tuesday and Thursday to get you going.
M: That's great. Well, shall I tell the instructors about my shoulder injury or…
W: Write it down in the forms. Your instructor will adjust your program. Our doctor can do a full fitness check before you start if you like.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句We have different kinds of classes every evening at 6:00 to help you burn off the fat.来选出正确选项。
6.题意:说话的人在哪里 根据听力内容 W: We have different kinds of classes every evening at 6:00 to help you burn off the fat.我们每天晚上6点都有不同的课程来帮助你燃烧脂肪。可知选项At a fitness center.符合题意;故答案为 A。
7.题意:女士要求男士做什么 根据听力内容 W: Write it down in the forms. Your instructor will adjust your program. Our doctor can do a full fitness check before you start if you like.把它写在表格上。你的教练会调整你的计划。如果你愿意,我们的医生可以在你开始之前做一个全面的健康检查。可知选项Offer the information of his injury.符合题意;故答案为 C。
8.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Classmates. B.Mother and son. C.Tutor and student.
9.What subject is the boy struggling with
A.Math. B.English. C.Geography.
【解析】【听力原文】W: David, have you finished your homework yet
M: Not yet, I need dad's help with one of the questions.
W: Well, maybe I can help
M: Thanks, but dad knows more about mathematics than you.
W: I am just as capable as your father. We both went to university.
M: But dad uses it all the time in his job. You write a lot in your job, so I come to you when I need help with my English tests.
W: That's very smart, but sometimes your father won't be able to help you. So if you need it, I'm here. I'm also good at geography.
M: OK then. Can you tell me the answer to this one
W: No, but I can show you how to find the answer yourself.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句dad knows more about mathematics than you.来选出正确选项。
8.题意:说话者之间的关系是什么 根据听力内容W: David, have you finished your homework yet 大卫,你做完作业了吗 M: Not yet, I need dad's help with one of the questions.还没有,我需要爸爸帮我解答一个问题。W: I am just as capable as your father. We both went to university.我和你父亲一样能干。我们都上过大学。可知选项Mother and son.符合题意;故答案为B。
9.题意:这个男孩正在努力学习什么科目 根据听力内容M: Thanks, but dad knows more about mathematics than you. 谢谢,但是爸爸比你更懂数学。可知选项Math.符合题意;故答案为A。
10.Why does the school make the change
A.To have the food machines repaired.
B.To encourage students to have a healthy diet.
C.To encourage students to protect the environment.
11.What is the man concerned about at first
A.What he can eat.
B.Where he can get food.
C.How he can eat healthily.
12.What does the woman think the man should do
A.Eat in the lunch room.
B.Drink more water.
C.Lose some weight.
13.What does the man think of bringing food to school
A.Troublesome. B.Awesome. C.Impractical.
【解析】【听力原文】M: The school is trying to promote healthier food. Have you read this notice about the change they are making
W: Yeah. They say the snack food machines will be removed from the school at the beginning of next month. These machines will be replaced by those selling water, milk and fresh fruit.
M: So I can't buy potato chips or cookies at school.
W: Sure not. You know the garbage that is produced attracts insects, which does harm to the environment.
M: I agree with you. But I'm afraid they don't tell me what I can eat and can't eat.
W: Well, they are giving you the chance to eat healthier food. Also, you should lose a few pounds and this might help.
M: Well, I have been thinking of going on a diet. I may drink water instead of sweet drinks. But I need to eat some foods that I can't find in the school lunch room.
W: You can bring them from home.
M: Good idea! I couldn't have thought of that.
W: Sure you could.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句The school is trying to
promote healthier food. 来选出正确选项。
10.题意:学校为什么要做出这样的改变 根据听力内容The school is trying to promote healthier food. 学校正在努力推广更健康的食物。可知选项To encourage students to have a healthy diet.符合题意;故答案为 B。
11.题意:男士一开始关心的是什么 根据听力内容 I agree with you. But I'm afraid they don't tell me what I can eat and can't eat.我同意你的看法。但我担心他们没有告诉我什么可以吃,什么不可以吃。可知选项What he can eat.符合题意;故答案为A。
12.题意:女士认为男士应该做什么 根据听力内容Also, you should lose a few pounds and this might help. 此外,你应该减掉几磅,这可能会有所帮助。可知选项Lose some weight.符合题意;故答案为C。
13.题意:男士对带食物到学校有什么看法 根据听力内容W: You can bring them from home.你可以从家里带过来。M: Good idea! I couldn't have thought of that.好主意!我没想到这一点。可知选项Awesome.符合题意;故答案为B。
14.What is the man doing
A.Placing an order.
B.Selling insurance.
C.Conducting an interview.
15.What did Leaney study for a degree
A.Education. B.Finance. C.Public Relations.
16.What is the advantage of a smaller business according to Leaney
A.More flexibility in providing services.
B.Closer employer-employee relationship.
C.Greater contributions to the neighborhood.
17.What is Leaney's plan for the next two weeks
A.To visit her parents.
B.To call her relatives.
C.To finish her work.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hello, can I speak to Miss Leaney
W: This is Leaney. May I know who's calling
M: I'm Adam Watt from the Seven Star Insurance Company. Thank you for your interest in our company. I need some more information from your side.
W: Oh, sure, Mr. Watt. Please go ahead.
M: You've got a degree in finance. Why did you apply for this job
W: I read the job description and discovered a few interesting programs that I'd like to be a part of. They're challenging yet rewarding. Just the sort of things I consider to fit me best.
M: I see. But given your educational background, wouldn't you want to work for some bigger companies
W: I prefer smaller companies to bigger ones, because a smaller business has the ability to be more flexible in its service offerings. In a small company, we can provide our customers with the exact service that they need. By doing this, we can form a closer relationship with our customers as if they were our neighbors or relatives.
M: That's very interesting. When will you be available for employment
W: In two weeks. I've promised my parents a ten-day visit. I can start work immediately after I'm back.
M: Great. I will call you back in a couple of days about our final decision.
W: Okay. Thank you very much.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词be more flexible in its service
offerings 和关键句 I've promised my parents a ten-day visit.来选出正确选项。
14.题意:这个男士在做什么 根据听力内容 M: I'm Adam Watt from the Seven Star Insurance Company. Thank you for your interest in our company. I need some more information from your side.我是七星保险公司的亚当·瓦特。谢谢你来我们公司面试。我需要你那边的更多信息。可知选项Conducting an interview.符合题意;故答案为 C。
15.题意:莉尼的学位是什么专业 根据听力内容You've got a degree in finance. 你有金融学位。可知选项Finance.符合题意;故答案为B。
16.题意:莉尼认为,小企业的优势是什么 根据听力内容I prefer smaller companies to bigger ones, because a smaller business
has the ability to be more flexible in its service offerings. 比起大公司,我更喜欢小公司,因为小公司在提供服务方面更灵活。可知选项More flexibility in providing services.符合题意;故答案为 A。
17.题意:莉尼接下来两周的计划是什么 根据听力内容M: That's very interesting. When will you be available for employment 那很有趣。你什么时候可以受雇 W: In two weeks. I've promised my parents a ten-day visit. I can start work immediately after I'm back.两周后。我答应了我父母十天的探望。可知选项To visit her parents.符合题意;故答案为A。
18.How long is the museum open
A.For 6 hours. B.For 8 hours. C.For 10 hours.
19.What will the exhibition focus on this year
A.Food in the 18th century.
B.Clothes in the 17th century.
C.Transport in the 18th century.
20.What can we learn about Cornford Museum
A.It provides free hot drinks.
B.Its exhibits are all collected from the local area.
C.Special exhibition souvenirs are available there.
【解析】【听力原文】 W: Thank you for calling Cornford Museum. This is a recorded message. The museum is now closed but it is open from 10:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. daily. The office is open, however, and phones are answered between 9:00 and 5:00 daily. Please ring between those times if you need to speak to someone. You will now hear some recorded information about the museum. Following the success of last year's special exhibition on clothes in the eighteenth century, we are pleased to announce that there will soon be another special exhibition at the museum. It will show the diet and eating habits of both the rich and poor members of eighteenth-century society. The exhibition will be open to visitors from the beginning of July to the end of September. It contains exhibits that have been collected from all over the world, although there is a special focus on the local area. The easiest way to reach Cornford Museum is by underground as the museum is right beside the underground station. You can also get here by bus or car. The museum has a popular cafe serving hamburgers and cold drinks. There is also a gift shop selling souvenirs about the special exhibition.
【点评】考查独白。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词between 9:00 and 5:00 daily和关键句It will show the diet and eating habits of both the rich and poor members of eighteenth-century society.来选出正确选项。
18.题意:博物馆开放多久 根据听力内容The museum is now closed but it is open from 10:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. daily. 博物馆现在闭馆,但每天上午10点至下午6点开放。可知选项For 8 hours.符合题意;故答案为 B。
19.题意:今年的展览重点是什么 根据听力内容It will show the diet and eating habits of both the rich and poor members of eighteenth-century society. The exhibition will be open to visitors from the beginning of July to the end of September. 它将展示18世纪社会中富人和穷人的饮食和饮食习惯。展览将于七月初至九月底向公众开放。可知选项Food in the 18th century.符合题意;故答案为A。
20.题意:关于康福德博物馆我们能了解到什么 根据听力内容 There is also a gift shop selling souvenirs about the special exhibition.还有一家礼品店出售有关特别展览的纪念品。可知选项Special exhibition souvenirs are available there.符合题意;故答案为C。
三、第二部分 阅读理解,第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Top 5 Activities For Fun Seekers
Ride with Ballooning Canterbury – tick it off the bucket list
There is nothing quite so exciting as Hot Air Ballooning and floating effortlessly over an ever-changing Canterbury Plains landscape. Join Ballooning Canterbury and enjoy great views of the Southern Alps to the Pacific Ocean. Flights 7 days a week, all flights are subject to weather.
Christchurch Adventure Park – New Zealand's longest zipline
At the Christchurch Adventure Park, experience the thrilling rush of racing through the forest while you fly down the longest zipline in New Zealand, all while taking in the incredible views around you.
Alpine Jet Thrills – rapid riding in the home of jet engines
Alpine Jet Thrills has launched a brand-new airboat operation, just like the "gator hunting" airboats in the Everglades of Florida USA. It is available at the Braided Shallows location at the Waimakariri Regional Park.
Hassle-Free tours – Lord of the Rings landscapes from an epic 4WD
Join Hassle-Free tours, a favorite among visitors to New Zealand. It is the unique Lord of the Rings Tour, which goes into the Canterbury high country for an exciting 4WD ride to the filming location.
Orana Wildlife Park – home to world-famous The Lion Encounter
Set in 80 hectares, Orana Wildlife Park is New Zealand's only open range zoo. The Park provides amazing child-friendly animal encounters: hand feed giraffe, meet rhino up close and travel through the lion habitat, etc.
21.What can we know from the text
A.Ballooning Canterbury Flights operate every day.
B.Christchurch Adventure Park possesses the longest zipline.
C.A new airboat operation is available in the Everglades of Florida USA.
D.The Canterbury high country provides some shooting scenes for Lord of the Rings.
22.Which might be the best destination for a couple with two kids
A.Canterbury Plains. B.Orana Wildlife Park.
C.Christchurch Adventure Park. D.Waimakariri Regional Park.
23.Where is the text probably taken from
A.A Geography textbook. B.An academic paper.
C.An official visitor guide. D.A science magazine.
21.细节理解题。根据 It is the unique Lord of the Rings Tour, which goes into the Canterbury high country for an exciting 4WD ride to the filming location.这是独特的指环王之旅,进入坎特伯雷高地,乘坐令人兴奋的四轮驱动车前往拍摄地点。可知坎特伯雷高地为《指环王》提供了一些拍摄场景。 故答案为 D。
22.推理判断题。根据The Park provides amazing child-friendly animal encounters: hand feed giraffe, meet rhino up close and travel through the lion habitat, etc.公园提供了令人惊叹的儿童友好动物体验:亲手喂长颈鹿,近距离接触犀牛,穿越狮子栖息地等。可知这里很适合带小孩玩耍; 故答案为B。
23.推理判断题。根据标题Top 5 Activities For Fun Seekers 最适合寻找乐趣的5项活动;可知这篇文章属于官方游客指南; 故答案为 C。
A few years ago, I stood underneath a red overhanging cliff near my hometown. The weather was amazing. Deer chewed on the brown grasses by the river below. An eagle rode the wind. Townsfolk and visitors wandered in a nearby hot spring.
I was tied in, ready to climb. I was attempting to do a route first try, "onsight," as we call it, which means I didn't know what I was climbing into. It would have been a hard onsight for me to onsight hard climbs. You need clarity. No interference.
Just as I was about to climb, nerves in my body, which I hadn't felt yet, said hello. That's not good for any athlete. Desperate, I painted a coat of confidence on my inner walls of doubt. I visualized myself at the top, celebrating. "You can do this," I firmly told myself. "If you believe, success is certain."
It didn't work. I fell near the top. Defeated, I lowered to the ground and realized powerfully that the desire to climb the route had kept me from doing it. My self-worth was bound together by my success or failure at that moment, and that set off a chain reaction: unnatural desire, pressure, performance anxiety, anticipation, a mind fascinated with the top but a body struggling below, bad decision-making, irregular movement, distraction, frustration. All in that order, too.
In a flash, I told myself that on my next attempt, success or failure was irrelevant. "Make one move at a time. That's all." I gave myself a pass from whatever would happen. It worked. I floated to the top with self-control and clarity.
That moment got me thinking. At some point, I framed this experience for myself in terms of simple mathematics. When I added determination, courage, self-confidence and desire, I failed. When I took away the desire for success, I improved. I enjoyed it more as well, which, as an athlete of 30 years, I didn't think was possible. Eventually, I discovered the power of subtraction.
24.What can we infer from the author's first attempt
A.He managed to reach the top of the cliff.
B.He fully knew what he was climbing into.
C.He was confident in his own ability to get over obstacles.
D.He employed mental practice in order to overcome his nervousness.
25.What is the author's purpose in writing Paragraph 4
A.To list his shortcomings.
B.To give background information.
C.To describe a social phenomenon.
D.To explain the reason for his failure.
26.Which of the following can best describe the author
A.Determined and sensible. B.Optimistic and humorous.
C.Modest and conservative. D.Aggressive and stubborn.
27.What is conveyed in the text
A.Every dog has its day.
B.Sharp tools make good work.
C.Go into battle with a light pack.
D.Every cloud has a silver lining.
24.推理判断题。根据I was tied in, ready to climb. I was attempting to do a route first try, "onsight," as we call it, which means I didn't know what I was climbing into. It would have been a hard onsight for me to onsight hard climbs. You need clarity. No interference.就在我要爬的时候,我身体里的神经,我还没有感觉到,向我打招呼。这对任何运动员来说都不是好事。绝望中,我在内心怀疑的墙壁上涂上了一层自信的外衣。我想象自己站在顶端,庆祝。"你能做到的,"我坚定地告诉自己。"如果你相信,成功是必然的。" 可知为了克服紧张,他进行心理练习; 故答案为D。
25.细节理解题。根据Defeated, I lowered to the ground and realized powerfully that the desire to climb the route had kept me from doing it. My self-worth was bound together by my success or failure at that moment, and that set off a chain reaction: unnatural desire, pressure, performance anxiety, anticipation, a mind fascinated with the top but a body struggling below, bad decision-making, irregular movement, distraction, frustration. All in that order, too.我被打败了,趴在地上,强烈地意识到是爬这条路的欲望阻止了我去做。我的自我价值与我在那一刻的成功或失败联系在一起,并引发了连锁反应:不自然的欲望、压力、表现焦虑、期待、对顶端着迷但身体在下面挣扎、错误的决策、不规则的动作、分心、沮丧。所有也都是这个顺序。可知解释他失败的原因; 故答案为D。
26.推理判断题。根据 In a flash, I told myself that on my next attempt, success or failure was irrelevant. "Make one move at a time. That's all." I gave myself a pass from whatever would happen. It worked. I floated to the top with self-control and clarity.刹那间,我告诉自己,在下一次尝试中,成功或失败都无关紧要。"一次只走一步。就是这样做。"不管发生什么事,我都不去管自己。这很起作用。我带着自制力和清醒的头脑到达了山顶。可知作者很坚定而明智; 故答案为A。
27.推理判断题。根据That moment got me thinking. At some point, I framed this experience for myself in terms of simple mathematics. When I added determination, courage, self-confidence and desire, I failed. When I took away the desire for success, I improved. I enjoyed it more as well, which, as an athlete of 30 years, I didn't think was possible. Eventually, I discovered the power of subtraction.那一刻让我开始思考。在某种程度上,我用简单的数学来描述自己的经历。当我加上决心、勇气、自信和欲望时,我失败了。当我去掉对成功的渴望,我就进步了。我也更喜欢它,作为一个30年的运动员,我认为这是不可能的。最终,我发现了减法的力量。可知心无旁骛轻装上阵; 故答案为C。
Feel exhausted after a party Rather see one close friend than a group of acquaintances Enjoy your own company In our world, that makes you an introvert (内向的人). However, there's another possible explanation—vertical attachment. If you are closer to your parents and family members than to your peers, you are vertically attached, which means you rely more on family for comfort.
If you are closer to your peers, then you are peer attached. We live in a peer-oriented world. We believe that having lots of friends means that we are well-adjusted. We put our kids in playgroups and daycare for peer interaction. We expect teenagers to want to hang out with their friends, thinking it is the natural way of things.
Result Generations often feel worlds apart. We use different language, dress, and technology apps. Even if multiple generations are invited to the same party, the kids go to the basement playroom while the parents stay upstairs.
Vertically-attached individuals can feel out of place in this context, demonstrating the traces of introversion. Will they be exhausted after a party with same-aged acquaintances Absolutely. Would they rather spend time with one close friend Sure. Do they enjoy alone time Yes, more than they enjoy time fitting in with peers.
It's normal that many people need alone time to recharge. However, vertically-attached people often label themselves as introverted. They feel insecure that others have more friends and live richer lives. They claim that their family attachments arise from their loved ones being stuck with them.
If you feel these insecurities, know that there is nothing wrong with you, and you are not missing out on anything. Your attachment style is just different from the culture where you live. Have confidence in the strength of the relationships you have, whether it is with a mom who feels more like a best friend, or a grandmother with whom you can share anything. They are meaningful, enriching relationships, even if they look different from the cultural norm.
28.Who is vertically attached according to the text
A.Mike, who feels at ease with his teachers.
B.Maggie, who enjoys film time alone at weekends.
C.Tom, who feels burnt out after a family get-together.
D.Lisa, who often turns to her dad when things are hard.
29.What is the popular belief among parents
A.Younger generations should be self-disciplined.
B.Being sociable is a desired quality for their children.
C.Their children need more friends than they themselves do.
D.Different generations should have different circles of acquaintances.
30.What advice is given to vertically-attached people
A.Be that as it may, just leave it as it is.
B.Never underestimate your inner power.
C.Hang out more with friends and adjust to it.
D.Treat others the way you want to be treated.
31.What is the author's attitude towards vertically-attached people
A.Sympathetic. B.Objective. C.Unconcerned. D.Critical.
28.推理判断题。根据If you are closer to your parents and family members than to your peers, you are vertically attached, which means you rely more on family for comfort.如果你与父母和家庭成员的关系比与同龄人的关系更近,你是垂直依恋型的,这意味着你更依赖家庭来获得安慰。可知丽莎,她经常在遇到困难的时候向父亲求助,这是垂直依恋; 故答案为D。
29.细节理解题。根据We put our kids in playgroups and daycare for peer interaction. We expect teenagers to want to hang
out with their friends, thinking it is the natural way of things. 我们把孩子放在游戏小组和日托中心进行同伴互动。我们期望青少年想和他们的朋友出去玩,认为这是很自然的事情。可知善于交际是他们希望孩子具备的品质; 故答案为 B。
30.推理判断题。根据If you feel these insecurities, know that there is nothing wrong with you, and you are not missing out on
anything. 如果你感到这些不安全感,要知道你没有任何问题,你没有错过任何东西。可知不管怎样,就让它顺其自然吧;故答案为A。
31.推理判断题。根据 Your attachment style is just different from the culture where you live. Have confidence in the strength
of the relationships you have, whether it is with a mom who feels more like a best friend, or a grandmother with whom you can share anything. They are meaningful, enriching relationships, even if they look different from the cultural norm.你的依恋类型与你所处的文化不同。对你所拥有的人际关系的强度要有信心,无论是与感觉更像最好朋友的母亲,还是与你可以分享任何事情的祖母。它们是有意义的、丰富的关系,即使它们看起来与文化规范不同。可知作者对垂直依附的人的看法是客观的;故答案为B。
A new study conducted by researchers from the University of Bath illustrates that flowering plants escaped relatively unharmed from the mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. While they suffered some species loss, the devastating event helped flowering plants become the dominant type of plant they are today.
Numerous mass extinctions have occurred throughout Earth's history, the most famous caused by an asteroid (小行星) hit 66 million years ago. The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) extinction event wiped out at least 75% of all species on Earth, including the dinosaurs, but until now it has been unclear what kind of impact it had on flowering plants.
Plants do not have skeletons (骨骼) or exoskeletons like most animals, meaning fossils are relatively rare compared to animals, making it very difficult to understand the timeline of evolution from fossil evidence alone.
Dr. Jamie Thompson of the Milner Centre for Evolution and Dr. Santiago Ramírez-Barahona of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México analyzed evolutionary "trees" constructed from changes in the DNA sequences (顺序) of up to 73,000 living species of flowering plants—angiosperms (被子植物). Using complex statistical methods, they fitted "birth-death" models to estimate the rates of extinction throughout geological time.
While the fossil record shows that many species did disappear, the ancestry to which they belong, such as families and orders, survived enough to flourish and then dominate. Evidence suggests that the vast majority of angiosperms families around today existed before the K-Pg event, of which some once shared Earth with the dinosaurs. Dr. Thompson said, "After most of Earth's species became extinct at K-Pg, angiosperms took the advantage, similar to the way in which mammals took over after the dinosaurs, and now pretty much all life on Earth depends on flowering plants ecologically."
So what made them tough enough to survive despite being immobile and relying on the sun for energy Dr. Ramírez-Barahona said, "Flowering plants have a remarkable ability to adapt. They use a variety of seed-dispersal and pollination (授粉) mechanisms. Some have copied their entire genomes and others have evolved new ways to make use of solar energy."
32.What does the underlined word "devastating" in Paragraph 1 mean
A.Depressing. B.Destructive. C.Degrading. D.Delicate.
33.How did the two scientists conduct their research
A.By studying fossil. B.By analyzing skeletons.
C.By building data models. D.By observing living species.
34.What can we learn from the passage
A.Flowering plants once coexisted with dinosaurs on Earth.
B.Mammals took advantage of the dinosaurs in the evolution.
C.Dinosaurs disappeared because of an asteroid hit 66 billion years ago.
D.Without fossil evidence, the timeline of the plants' evolution is unclear.
35.What can be the best title of the passage
A.Nature's True Survivors B.The K-Pg Event
C.The Plants' Narrow Escape D.Dinosaurs' Failure in Evolution
【点评】考查阅读理解。涉及词义猜测题 ,细节理解题和主旨大意题。解答词义猜测题要根据原文中的信息与选项信息结合起来进行正确推断,得出答案;解答细节理解题要完全符合原文,不能主观臆断;解答主旨大意题时需要根据文章的结构和选项来判断出正确答案。
32.词义猜测题。根据上文A new study conducted by researchers from the University of Bath illustrates that flowering plants
escaped relatively unharmed from the mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. 巴斯大学的研究人员进行的一项新研究表明,在6600万年前导致恐龙灭绝的大灭绝中,开花植物相对没有受到伤害。以While they suffered some species
loss, 虽然它们遭受了一些物种的损失,可知the devastating event指的是"the mass extinction",devastating的意思为"破坏性的,毁灭性的"; 故答案为 B。
33.细节理解题。根据Using complex statistical methods, they fitted "birth-death" models to estimate the rates of extinction throughout geological time.使用复杂的统计方法,他们拟合了"出生-死亡"模型来估计整个地质时期的灭绝速度。可知他们通过构建数据模型来进行研究; 故答案为 C。
34.细节理解题。根据 Evidence suggests that the vast majority of angiosperms families around today existed before the K-Pg event, of which some once shared Earth with the dinosaurs. 有证据表明,今天绝大多数被子植物科在白垩纪-古近纪灭绝事件之前就存在了,其中一些曾与恐龙共享地球。可知开花植物曾与地球上的恐龙共存; 故答案为 A。
35.主旨大意题。根据文章结构:分总,最后一段为中心段落 So what made them tough enough to survive despite being immobile and relying on the sun for energy Dr. Ramírez-Barahona said, "Flowering plants have a remarkable ability to adapt. They use a variety of seed-dispersal and pollination (授粉) mechanisms. Some have copied their entire genomes and others have evolved new ways to make use of solar energy."那么,是什么让它们在无法移动、依赖太阳提供能量的情况下依然顽强地生存下来呢 Ramírez-Barahona博士说:"开花植物具有非凡的适应能力。它们使用多种种子传播和授粉机制。一些已经复制了它们的整个基因组,另一些已经进化出利用太阳能的新方法。"可知大自然的真正幸存者;故答案为 A。
四、第二部分 阅读理解,第二节任务型阅读 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes or wildfires are typically unexpected, sudden and overwhelming. For many people, there are no outwardly visible signs of physical injury, but there can be an emotional damage.  36.   Understanding responses to painful events can help you cope effectively with your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, and help you along the path to recovery.
Luckily, most people are resilient (有适应力的) and over time are able to bounce back from tragedy. It is common for people to experience the immediate consequences. Within a few months, however, most people are able to resume functioning as they did prior to the disaster.
Give yourself time to adjust. Anticipate that this will be a difficult time in your life.  38.   And try to be patient with changes in your emotional state.
Engage in healthy behaviors to enhance your ability to cope with extreme stress. Eat well-balanced meals and get plenty of rest. If you experience ongoing difficulties with sleep, you may be able to find some relief through relaxation techniques.
Establish or reestablish routines. This can include eating meals at regular times, sleeping and waking on a regular cycle, or following an exercise program.  39.   For example, pursuing a hobby, or reading a good book is just among the recommended helpful routines.
 40.   Switching careers or jobs and other important decisions tend to be highly stressful in their own right and even harder to take on when you are recovering from a disaster.
A. Avoid making major life decisions.
B. Be brave enough to make critical life decisions.
C. Allow yourself to mourn the losses you have experienced.
D. Join those who have the similar experiences with you to relieve your pain.
E. Try to get involved in something you look forward to during these distressing times.
F. It is common for people who have experienced disasters to have strong emotional reactions.
G. It is of great importance to remember that resilience and recovery are the norm, not the lasting pain.
36.根据上文Disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes or wildfires are typically unexpected, sudden and overwhelming. For
many people, there are no outwardly visible signs of physical injury, but there can be an emotional damage.飓风、地震或野火等灾害通常是意想不到的、突然的和压倒性的。对许多人来说,身体上没有明显的受伤迹象,但情绪上可能会受到伤害。可知空白处需要说明一个事实:经历灾难的人会有情绪反应; 选项F. It is common for people who have experienced disasters to have
strong emotional reactions. 经历过灾难的人通常会有强烈的情绪反应。符合题意;故答案为F。
37.根据上文 Luckily, most people are resilient (有适应力的) and over time are able to bounce back from tragedy. It is common
for people to experience the immediate consequences. Within a few months, however, most people are able to resume functioning as they did prior to the disaster.幸运的是,大多数人都很有韧性,随着时间的推移,他们能够从悲剧中恢复过来。对人们来说,经历直接后果是很常见的。然而,在几个月内,大多数人都能像灾难发生前一样恢复正常生活。可知空白处需要结论:恢复很重要,不要持续保持痛苦; 选项G. It is of great importance to remember that resilience and recovery are the norm, not the
lasting pain.重要的是要记住,精神恢复和身体恢复是常态,而不是持久的痛苦。符合题意;故答案为G。
38.根据上文 Give yourself time to adjust. Anticipate that this will be a difficult time in your life. 给自己时间调整。要预料到这将是你人生中的一段艰难时期。以及下文And try to be patient with changes in your emotional state.试着对自己情绪状态的变化保持耐心。可知空白处需要:你可以为你所经历的伤心事进行回顾;选项C. Allow yourself to mourn the losses you have experienced
. 允许自己哀悼你所经历的损失。符合题意;故答案为C。
39.根据上文Establish or reestablish routines. This can include eating meals at regular times, sleeping and waking on a regular
cycle, or following an exercise program. 建立或重新建立例行程序。这可以包括定时吃饭,有规律地睡觉和醒来,或者遵循锻炼计划。以及下文For example, pursuing a hobby, or reading a good book is just among the recommended helpful routines. 例如,追求一个爱好,或者读一本好书只是推荐的有益的日常活动。可知空白处需要:你也可以在这段时间做你想做的事情; 选项E. Try to get involved in something you look forward to during these distressing times. 在这些痛苦的时刻,试着去做一些你期待的事情。 符合题意;故答案为E。
40.根据下文 Switching careers or jobs and other important decisions tend to be highly stressful in their own right and even
harder to take on when you are recovering from a disaster.转换职业或工作以及其他重要的决定本身就会给你带来很大的压力,当你从灾难中恢复过来时,就更难接受了。可知空白处需要主题句:不要在这段时间做出重大决定; 选项A. Avoid making major
life decisions.避免做出重大的人生决定。符合题意;故答案为A。
五、第三部分 语言运用,第一节阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
I'm not athletic. In high school, for example, I joined the soccer team for a year, ending up as a 41. .
In 2020, I was in a difficult stage of life and wanted something to fight for. Therefore, though I'd never run even 5 kilometers before, I entered the lottery (抽签) to run a marathon, a 42. where only a small number of people are randomly selected. Somehow, my name was 43. .
I figured the only way to finish the 42 kilometers was to start by running just one. But even one kilometer proved too hard, so I adjusted the 44. . I ran several minutes at a time, and then walked to catch my 45. . I repeated that for months. Besides, I read books, talked to friends and found coaches. Step by step, I became a 46. .
Then the 47. day came when I showed up at the starting line with other competitors. Did I win Certainly not! Did I run 42 kilometers, cross the finishing line joyfully and receive my medal proudly 48. !
Last year I decided to 49. my own business: a performing arts training centre for kids. I've always loved kids and arts, but I was 50. of business. Nevertheless, because of the marathon, I had a model for how to 51. it—step by step.
So, again: I read books, talked to friends and found 52. . Through it all, I became a successful entrepreneur. I keep my Marathon medal above my desk not to 53. about my achievements but to remind myself every big goal can always be 54. into individual steps. When you combine enough steps, you will 55. to the finishing line.
41.A. storyteller B. bystander C. benchwarmer D. cheerleader
42.A. process B. progress C. platform D. position
43.A. drawn B. claimed C. adopted D. employed
44.A. stage B. strategy C. standard D. status
45.A. attention B. balance C. energy D. breath
46.A. walker B. runner C. player D. jumper
47.A. due B. last C. big D. large
48.A. Likely B. Entirely C. Necessarily D. Absolutely
49.A. distinguish B. establish C. engage D. explore
50.A. ignorant B. aware C. short D. capable
51.A. improve B. promote C. arrange D. approach
52.A. colleagues B. coaches C. competitors D. cooperators
53.A. boast B. care C. dream D. discuss
54.A. boiled down B. come down
C. broken down D. torn down
55.A. get it B. take it C. name it D. make it
41.句意:我不是运动员。例如,在高中时,我参加了一年的足球队,最后成为了一名替补队员。根据句意"我参加了一年的足球队" 可知作者是足球队的成员,再根据选项A: storyteller说书人;B: bystander旁观者;C: benchwarmer替补队员;D: cheerleader啦啦队长;可知C: benchwarmer(替补队员)属于球队成员;故答案为C。
42.句意:因此,虽然我之前从未跑过5公里,但我参加了一个抽签(即随机抽取一小部分人的程序)来跑马拉松。根据句意作者报名参加跑马拉松,但因人数过多, 可知作者还要进入一个抽签决定能否最终参加包马拉松的程序;A: process步骤,程序;B: progress进步;C: platform平台;D: position位置;故答案为A。
43.句意:不知怎么的,我的名字被抽了出来。根据上文"因此,虽然我之前从未跑过5公里,但我参加了一个抽签(即随机抽取一小部分人的程序)来跑马拉松。" 可知因为只有小部分人会被抽到,作者很意外的也被抽中了;A: drawn拖,拉;B: claimed认领;C: adopted收养;D: employed受雇;故答案为A。
44.句意:但即使是一公里也太难了,所以我调整了策略。根据上文I figured the only way to finish the 42 kilometers was to start by
running just one. 我想完成42公里的唯一方法就是从跑一公里开始。可知作者要开始有策略地进行马拉松训练了;A: stage阶段;B: strategy策略;C: standard标准;D: status现状;故答案为B。
45.句意:我一次跑几分钟,然后走几步喘口气。根据上文句意"但即使是一公里也太难了,所以我调整了策略。"再根据本句句意"我一次跑几分钟,然后走几步" 可知跑步最不好掌控地是呼吸,作者走几步是为了调整自己地呼吸;A: attention注意力;B: balance平衡;C: energy精力;D: breath呼吸;故答案为D。
46.句意:一步一步,我成为了一名跑步者。根据上文Besides, I read books, talked to friends and found coaches. 此外,我看书,和朋友聊天,找教练。可知作者在理论知识和朋友教练的实践指导下,他成为了跑步者了;A: walker步行者;B: runner跑步者;C: player运动员;D: jumper跳高者;故答案为B。
47.句意:然后,重要的一天到来了,我和其他选手一起出现在起跑线上。根据对作者来说跑马拉松是一件他要完成的大事,可知他想证明自己的策略和努力是否成功,所以这一天是一个大日子;A: due预期的,B: last最后的;C: big大的,D: large(尺寸、范围、容量)大的;故答案为C。
48.句意:我赢了吗 当然不仅赢了! 我跑了42公里,高兴地冲过终点线,自豪地接过奖牌了吗 绝对的! 根据下文 I keep my Marathon
medal above my desk 我把我的马拉松奖牌放在桌子上方。 可知作者以绝对的优势跑完了马拉松;A: Likely有可能;B: Entirely完全地;C: Necessarily有必要地;D: Absolutely绝对地;故答案为D。
49.句意:去年我决定建立自己的事业:一个儿童表演艺术培训中心。根据句意"去年我决定……自己的事业:一个儿童表演艺术培训中心" 可知作者希望建立自己的事业,而不是参与自己的事业;A: distinguish区分;B: establish建立;C: engage参与;D: explore探究;故答案为B。
50.句意:我一直喜欢孩子和艺术,但我对商业一无所知。根据下文So, again: I read books, talked to friends……所以,再一次:我看书,和朋友聊天…… 可知作者又像上次跑马拉松一样,刚报名时自己根本不懂马拉松,这次他对经商也是根本不懂,无一点知识;A: ignorant无知;B: aware意识;C: short不够;D: capable有能力;故答案为A。
51.句意:然而,因为马拉松,我有了一个如何一步一步接近它的范例。根据作者在马拉松的策略上就是把大目标化小一步步去接近,实现, 可知作者也是仿效马拉松的成功来接近自己的目标;A:improve改进;B:promote促进;C:arrange安排;D:approach 靠近,临近;故答案为D。
52.句意:所以,再一次: 我看书,和朋友聊天,找教练。根据上文马拉松例子,Besides, I read books, talked to friends and found
coaches. 此外,我看书,和朋友聊天,找教练。 可知作者依然找了商业领域里的教练;A: colleagues同事;B: coaches教练;C: competitors竞争者;D: cooperators合作者;故答案为B。
53.句意:我把我的马拉松奖牌放在桌子上,不是为了炫耀我的成就,而是为了提醒自己,每个大目标都可以分解成一个个的步骤。根据上文 Through it all, I became a successful entrepreneur. 经过这一切,我成为了一名成功的企业家。可知作者已经是优秀企业家了,他不需要自夸跑马拉松的成绩;A: boast自夸;B: care担心;C: dream梦想;D: discuss讨论;故答案为A。
54.句意:我把我的马拉松奖牌放在桌子上,不是为了炫耀我的成就,而是为了提醒自己,每个大目标都可以分解成一个个的步骤。根据句意"而是为了提醒自己,每个大目标都可以……成一个个的步骤。" 可知作者马拉松的成功,他就是把大目标分解成一个个小目标去一步步实现;A:boiled down浓缩,概括;B:come down做出决定;C:broken down分解;D: torn down摧毁;故答案为C。
55.句意:当你把足够多的步骤结合起来,你就会到达终点线。根据句意"当你把足够多的步骤结合起来,你就会……终点线。" 可知每一步都走了那肯定就到达终点线了,A: get it明白;B: take it开始做某事;C: 命名;D: make it成功或达到目标;故答案为D。
六、第三部分 语言运用,第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Kunqu Opera,  56.   (originate) in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties, first emerged as  57.   unique local melody in the eastern Chinese city of Suzhou. Thanks to reforms by a retired official named Wei Liangfu, it took a delicate form in the 1500s,  58.   it earned its reputation as "The Queen of the Chinese Operas".
Kunqu Opera is a  59.   (mix) of various art forms including songs, narration, dance and martial arts, with astonishing makeup, embroidered (刺绣) costumes and stage arrangements adding to its elegance.  60.   many traditional Chinese operas, the Kunqu style also has five main roles: Sheng, Dan, Jing, Mo, Chou.
Kunqu Opera performances are highly stylized. Traditionally, the stage is  61.   (simple) decorated so as not to steal the show from the production's most important element: the plot. The storyline  62.   (drive) by the songs, body movements and gestures of the performers on stage. To convey their emotions while performing,  63.   performers need to do is control their breath and tone with extreme carefulness, have full command of their  64.   (face) expressions and master the many ways to use their stares, smiles and frowns to convey their emotions.
The basic performance unit of Kunqu Opera, Qupai, is still in use in some traditional operas and is expected  65.   (use) in the future.
【答案】56.originating;57.a;58.when;59.mixture;60.Like;61.simply;62.is driven;63.what;64.facial;65.to be used
56.句意:昆曲起源于元末明初,最初作为一种独特的地方旋律出现在中国东部城市苏州。根据句子结构空白处需要非谓语补充说明主语Kunqu Opera的诞生情况; 可知空白处需要动词originate 的现在分词形式originating ;故答案为originating。
57.句意:昆曲起源于元末明初,最初作为一种独特的地方旋律出现在中国东部城市苏州。根据名词 melody 是单数可数名词,再根据固定结构:as a +形容词+单数名词 (作为一种……),可知空白处需要不定冠词 a;故答案为a。
58.句意:由于一位名叫魏良夫的退休官员的改革,它在16世纪形成了一个精致的形式,当时它赢得了"中国戏剧女王"的声誉。根据句子结构空白处需要关系副词引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为the 1500s, 可知空白处需要关系副词 when;故答案为when。
59.句意:昆曲是多种艺术形式的混合体,包括歌曲、旁白、舞蹈和武术,令人惊叹的化妆、刺绣服装和舞台布置为其增添了优雅。根据 冠词后面要接名词,可知空白处需要动词mix 的名词形式 mixture;故答案为mixture。
60.句意:像许多中国传统戏剧一样,昆曲风格也有五个主要角色:生、旦、 净、末 、丑。根据句意"许多中国传统戏剧,昆曲风格也有五个主要角色:生、旦、净、末、丑。" 可知这里在把昆曲与中国其他戏曲进行比较,空白处需要介词Like(像……那样,好比) ;故答案为Like。
61.句意:传统上,舞台的装饰很简单,这样就不会抢了作品最重要的元素:情节。根据修饰谓语动词 is decorated要用副词, 可知空白处需要形容词simple 的副词形式simply ;故答案为simply。
62.句意:故事情节是由舞台上表演者的歌曲、肢体动作和手势驱动的。根据句子结构空白处需要谓语动词,再根据主语The storyline与动词 drive之间是被动关系,上下文时态一致上文 is decorated是一般现在时; 可知空白处需要动词drive 的一般现在时的被动语态is driven ;故答案为is driven。
63.句意:为了在表演中表达自己的情感,表演者需要做的是非常小心地控制自己的呼吸和语调,充分掌握自己的面部表情,掌握用眼神、微笑和皱眉来表达情感的多种方式。根据句子结构主语从句performers need to do缺少谓语need to do的宾语, 可知空白处需要疑问代词 what引导主语从句;故答案为what。
64.句意:为了在表演中表达自己的情感,表演者需要做的是非常小心地控制自己的呼吸和语调,充分掌握自己的面部表情,掌握用眼神、微笑和皱眉来表达情感的多种方式。根据修饰名词expressions 需要形容词, 可知空白处需要名词face 的形容词facial ;故答案为facial。
65.句意:昆曲的基本表演单位曲牌至今仍在一些传统戏曲中使用,并有望在未来得到使用。根据主语he basic performance unit 与动词 use 是被动关系,再根据固定搭配:expect to do sth 期望做某事,可知空白处需要动词use 的不定式的被动形式to be used ;故答案为to be used。
七、第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
假如你是李华,下个月你校将要举办以"体育与健康"为主题的校园体育节。请你写一封邮件给交换生Peter,邀请他参加体育节, 内容包括: 1.活动的时间和地点; 2.活动的内容和意义。
Dear Peter,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【答案】One possible version:
Dear Peter,
Given your keen interest in sports, I'm writing to invite you to participate in our annual Sports Festival scheduled to be held on December 1st in our school stadium, which you shouldn't miss.
The coming festival, with the theme of Sports and Health, will consist of various activities, ranging from the tug-of-war to Chinese martial arts. Subsequently, a relevant lecture concerning a healthy lifestyle will be arranged. Undoubtedly, it will serve as a platform to demonstrate our talent and stimulate our enthusiasm for sports.
Based on the above, it's bound to be a rewarding experience. Looking forward to your prompt reply to confirm your participation.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文邀请信。要求考生以李华 的身份写一封邮件邀请交换生Peter参加"体育与健康"为主题的校园体育节。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文。写这篇文章时,要注意文中给出的细节都要包括,不要遗漏。这篇文章对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。本文的人称是第一人称;时态是一般将来时;文章可以分为共分三段:
【点评】书面表达要求要点齐全,上下文连贯,并使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满Given your keen interest in sports, I'm writing to invite you to participate in our annual Sports Festival scheduled to be held on December 1st in our school stadium, which you shouldn't miss.(运用了非谓语结构和非限制性定语从句),同时能够运用一些高级词汇participate, subsequently,relevant和固定短语 invite sb to do, consist of ,look forward to,提高文章的档次,体现对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。
I was a broke university student. I should have been going to university on a scholarship because I came from a low-income family, but a last-minute 100-a-year pay rise for my mum pushed my family over the threshold (门槛) for what defined "low-income" and I was suddenly no longer qualified for 15,000 a year in scholarship money. This news came after I'd been accepted by the university and signed the lease (租约) for my accommodation.
Despite my family not being labelled low-income anymore, I still wouldn't receive any financial support from my family as all the income went toward taking care of my disabled brother and paying their own bills. It would be tight, but because I had savings from my part-time job, I decided to go to university anyway. After paying my rent, I had 10.20 a week for everything else including food, toiletries, and school supplies.
As I was in a new city, I really wanted to make friends, which was difficult when most of the social activities were expensive. Therefore, I jumped at the chance to do a relatively cheap coffee shop trip with my roommates who were pleasant to me.
I had 20 with me to get a cheap cup of coffee and my food shopping for a few weeks. So I headed for the coffee shop. While paying, I pulled out the note and a handful of change and realized I could pay without breaking the note, so I put it back in my pocket. It wasn't until I arrived at the supermarket that I realized the note was gone. What should I do I was desperate as it was the equivalent (相等物) of two weeks of money. My roommates helped me look for the note. However, it was in vain. Finally, I went to school empty-handed.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150词左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
As a final attempt, I messaged the coffee shop's Facebook page asking if they'd seen it.
I said, "Oh ... This isn't mine; my note was an old worn one."
【答案】One possible version:
As a final attempt, I messaged the coffee shop's Facebook page asking if they'd seen it. I must have sounded over worried in the post as I was soon flooded with abundant kind reviews. All, acquaintances or strangers, were trying to offer some comfort, advice or even money. I was touched beyond words. Suddenly, one review caught my eye, saying that my note had been found. I rushed to the coffee shop in no time, unable to believe my good luck. Upon my arrival, the shop assistant handed me a brand new 20-pound note, at which I felt a bit surprised.
I said, "Oh ... This isn't mine; my note was an old worn one." Hearing my words, the assistant immediately took out another note, which apparently was still not my lost note. "Actually, we've received several more notes from customers." the assistant explained, spreading even more notes on the desk. I shook my head. Disappointed as I was, I couldn't accept what didn't belong to me. Despite the fact that I might suffer a tight budget in the following weeks, I felt the warmth out of the kindness. Never before had I believed so firmly that kindness was a ray of light, brightening up the day in the darkest time.
【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读文章可知,讲述了作者是一位来自贫寒家庭的大学生,在校期间作者做兼职自己挣生活费;但有一天作者在一家咖啡馆因为不小心弄丢了20英镑的钞票(这是他两周的生活费),他很着急的找结果在在咖啡店没有找到;于是他在网上发了一个帖子让大家帮他找,好心人感受到了作者的焦虑给咖啡店寄去了20 英镑的钞票,这不是作者丢的,作者感受到了大家的爱,他决定好好努力完成学业。段落续写:①由第一段首句内容"作为最后的尝试,我给咖啡店的Facebook主页发了信息,问他们是否看到了。"可知,第一段可描写作者急切地看着大家对帖子地评论,很快一条说钞票找到了的评论让作者高兴不已。②由第二段首句内容"我说:"哦……这不是我的;我的便条是一张又旧又破的。""可知,第二段可描写作者发现店主拿出来的钞票不是自己的,随后店主又拿了几张顾客寄来的,这些都不是作者的,作者虽没找到自己的钞票,但他坚定了前行的步伐。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:I must have sounded over worried in the post as I was soon flooded with abundant kind reviews. 运用了时间状语从句,虚拟语气;Suddenly, one review caught my eye, saying that my note had been found.运用了宾语从句;Upon my arrival, the shopassistant handed me a brand new 20 pound note, at which I felt a bit surprised.;运用了非限制性定语从句;Disappointed as I was, I couldn't accept what didn't belong to me. 运用了倒装句和宾语从句;Despite the fact that I might suffer a tight budget in the following weeks, I felt the warmth out of the kindness. 运用了同位语从句;Never before had I believed so firmly that kindness was a ray of light, brightening up the day in the darkest time.运用了倒装句和宾语从句。

  • 江苏省苏州市2023-2024高三上学期11月期中考试英语试题已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月24日  所属分类:作业答案