
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.Where are the Park Apartments
A.We don't know.
B.On the 21st Street.
C.On the 12th Street.
2.What is the woman's attitude toward the man's forgetfulness
A.She is kind to him.
B.She is angry with him.
C.She is worried about him.
3.Why doesn't the woman like to have red wine
A.Because she prefers beer.
B.Because she doesn't like its taste.
C.Because she is afraid of getting drunk
4.How do the cat and the dog get along
A.In a friendly way.
B.They often fight against each other.
C.They don't seem to like each other.
5.What are the two talking about
A.How to use a dictionary.
B.Reading English newspapers.
C.Studying English with a teacher.
6.Who is going to New York at the weekend
A Kate.
B.Jack's brother.
C.Kate and Jack's brother.
7.What is the woman going to do in New York
A.To visit a friend.
B.To visit a teacher.
C.To visit a relative.
8.What are they talking about in the conversation
A.Tea production in Britain.
B.Betting on sports and games.
C.Some habits of the British people.
9.How many tea breaks are there in Britain every day
10.How much of the world's tea production do the British consume
11.Why did the woman want to talk to the man
A.She was interested in foreigners.
B.She wanted to be able to teach English better.
C.She planned to write about the evening school.
12.When did the conversation take place
A.In the morning
B.In the afternoon.
C.In the evening
13.What did the man think that he was poor in talking about his English
14.What had the two speakers planned to do
A.To go to the movies.
B.To go out for dinner.
C.To study for a math exam.
15.What does the girl ask the boy to do
A.To go without her.
B.To call Alice and Bill.
C.To help her with her math.
16.What does the boy think about missing the movie
A.He doesn't care.
B.He doesn't want to see it anyway.
C.He's unhappy about missing the movie.
17.What will the weather be like in the Northeast of England
A.Dry and cold.
B.Warm and windy
C.Misty and rainy
18.What will the temperature be in Wales
A.Around six or seven degrees.
B.Around three or four degrees.
C.Around ten or eleven degrees.
19.What will the weather be like in the Midlands
20.What will the lowest temperature be in Northern Ireland
A.Minus ten.
B.Minus five.
C.Minus four
Chocolate is delicious,we all know that.But it isn't just for eating,as these chocolate works of art clearly show.
Chocolate Mailbox
In 2011,chocolate company Godiva made a chocolate mailbox with white truffle hearts to celebrate Valentine's Day.The mailbox was on display at its shop on Fifth Avenue in New York City.Customers could post their love letters there,and the company would stamp and mail them for free during the three weeks leading up to Valentine's Day.
Chocolate Couch
In 2009,chocolate company Galaxy used 250 kg of their own chocolate to make a chocolate couch.
The couch was a part of their “I resistible Reads”campaign,which was designed to promote reading.It was put on display in Victoria Embankment Gardens in London.Photos were taken of British TV actress Emilia Fox sitting on the couch reading a book.
Chocolate Hotel Suite
In 2011,French chocolate Patrick Roger worked with fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld.The room,at the La Reserve hotel in Paris,had a chocolate carpet,chocolate bed and chocolate nightstand full of chocolate books.Sitting on the bed was a chocolate man eating a Magnum ice cream.
Chocolate Tree
In 2012,Patrick Roger made a five-metre tree from five tons of chocolate.The sculpture, which was at Roger's shop in Paris,even had chocolate monkeys hanging from chocolate branches. Roger wanted to raise awareness of the problems facing African wildlife.
21.How much chocolate was needed to make a Chocolate Couch according to the passage
A.600 kg
B.250 kg
C.5 tons.
D.12 meters.
22.Which of the following appeals to wildlife protectors most
A.Chocolate Wall.
B.Chocolate Hotel Suite.
C.Chocolate Tree.
D.Chocolate Mailbox.
23.In which column of a newspaper can the passage be found
Losing an eye might be an unthinkable thing,especially for a young woman,but not for Xintong.She chose to become an ocularist(义眼师)who makes prosthetic eyes(义眼)for herself and people in the same situation to help them get back their confidence.Xintong is the name that she gave to herself-which she prefers people to call her instead of her real name - because“xintong"in Chinese sounds like “new pupils”.Nearly 10 years after losing her right eye in a car accident,28-year-old Xintong from Beijing trans formed the hollow of her eye socket-a“flaw”she used to hide-into a fashion statement.She shared a short video online in which she wears a glowing prosthetic eye.As she waves her hand,the prosthetic eye begins to shine with red light.With another wave,the light changes to green and then purple and white.The video soon went viral on social media,with many comments praising her for being "creative",“beautiful”and“optimistic".But that wasn't the case 10 years ago.
“The prosthetic eye I wore at that time was torturing me,"Xintong said."It hurt and gave me a red and swollen eye socket,and it looked so dull and fake.I was young and I wanted to look attractive.”
She took matters into her own hands and began researching prosthetic eyes.Beginning in 2019,she dedicated about two years to mastering the production techniques and skills under the guidance of an ocularist.This journey led her to establish her own prosthetic eye studio, providing personalized services for those requiring them.
She produces prosthetic eyes as if she is creating pieces of artwork."The position, direction, and even stroke thickness of the blood streaks on the prosthetic eyeballs matter,"the ocularist said.Sometimes she also paints special patterns according to customers' needs: twinkling stars,cartoon characters like Cardcaptor Sakura and effects like colored contact lenses.
Now when Xintong hears her customers say words such as “Finally,I can accept myself"or “Now I feel free to take selfies”,she feels deeply moved.
24.Why did Xintong give the name "Xintong"to herself
A.To attract more people.
B.To forget her real name.
C.To look like new pupils.
D.To start a brand new life.
25.Why did the video gain much popularity on social media
A.The prosthetic eyes had various colors.
B.She cured her hollow by waving her hand.
C.Many comments praised her for her beauty.
D.She changed a“flaw”into a fashionable state.
26.What can we learn about Xintong from paragraph 5
A.She failed to set up her own prosthetic eye studio.
B.She began researching prosthetic eyes on her own.
C.She was able to offer some specific services on prosthetic eyes.
D.She paid no attention to grasping the production techniques and skills.
27.What can be inferred ffom the passage
A.Xintong is a woman with determination and creativity.
B.Becoming an ocularist helped Xintong gain much profit.
C.Xintong lost all her hopes in her life after the car accident.
D.Many customers are deeply moved by Xintong's artworks.
People's likelihood of being vegetarian seems to be influenced by several genetic variants, and two of the three most important genes found so far appear to be involved in fat metabolism (新陈代谢).
Genetic factors are known to influence aspects of diet,such as whether people like coffee or alcohol.To see if genes also affect vegetarianism,Nabeel Yaseen at Northwestern University in Chicago and his team turned to data on about 5300 strict vegetarians and 330,000 meat eaters. They found that three gene variants were more common in vegetarians.Two,called NPCl and RMC1,are involved in the transport and metabolism of cholesterol and other fatty molecules.The third gene,called RIOK3,has various functions,including affecting the immune system.
It isn't known how these genes may relate to vegetarianism.But one of the chief differences between animal-based foods and plant-based ones is the chemical make-up of their fats or oils,collectively known as lipids(油脂).Ya seen conclude that some people may function better on a vegetarian diet because they are more able to synthesize(合成)certain lipid molecules that are present in meat.
Some people who try vegetarianism but give up may be doing so because their body becomes deficient in the essential lipids,says Ya seen.“They decide that this diet is not for them or gradually go back into an omnivore(杂食)diet.Some people might think they just don't have the willpower.”
Another possibility is that the apparently vegetarianism--promoting gene variants affect people's taste.“A lot of information about genes is yet to be known,”Ya seen says.
Richard Mcllwain at the UK Vegetarian Society says the number of vegetarians has almost doubled in the UK between 2012 and 2019.“That would seem to suggest something other than potential genetic-factors are at play,”he says.“People go vegetarian because,more and more,they are concerned about climate,about animal welfare or about their health",he says,which are more important determinants than physiological factors.
28.What's the effect of RIOK3
A.To affect the metabolism of cholesterol.
B.To influence the immune system.
C.To shift cholesterol and fatty molecules.
D.To affect the diet of vegetarianism.
29.According to Ya seen's study,who are more likely to produce lipid molecules appearing in meat
30.What does the underline word “deficient”in paragraph 4 mean
31.Which of the following might Richard agree most
A.Genetic factors are the decisive reasons for being a vegetarian.
B.The popularity of vegetarianism has been on a sharp increase globally.
C.People choose to be a vegetarian mainly for ethical and health concerns.
D.Some people fail to be a vegetarian because they tend to give up halfway.
The rain forests are alive with the sound of animals.Besides the pleasure of the din,it is also useful to ecologists.If you want to measure the biodiversity of a piece of land,listening out for animal calls is much easier than digging about in the undergrowth looking for tracks.But such"bio-acoustic analysis"is still time-consuming,and it requires an expert pair of ears.
In a paper published on October 17th in Nature Communications,a group of researchers led by Jorg Muller,an ecologist at the University of Würzburg,describe a better way:have a computer do the job.Smartphone apps already exist that will identify birds,bats or mammals simply by listening to the sounds they make.Their idea was to apply the principle to conservation work.
The researchers took recordings from across 43 sites in the Ecuadorean rainforest.Sound recordings were taken four times every hour,over two weeks.The various calls were identified manually by an expert and then used to construct a list of the species present.As expected,the longer the land had been free from agricultural activity,the greater the biodiversity it hosted.
Then it was the computer's tum.The researchers fed their recordings to artificial- intelligence models that had been trained,using sound samples from elsewhere in Ecuador,to identify 75 bird species from their calls."We found that the AI tools could identify the sounds as well as the experts,"says Dr Muller.Of course,not everything in a rainforest makes a noise. Dr Muller and his colleagues used light-traps to capture night-flying insects,and DNA analysis to identify them.Reassuringly,they found that the diversity of noisy animals was a reliable proxy(指标)for the diversity of the quieter ones,too.
The results may have relevance outside ecology departments,too.Under pressure from their customers,firms such as L'Oreal,a make-up company,and Shell,an oil firm,have been spending money on forest restoration projects around the world.Dr Muller hopes that an automated approach to checking on the results could help monitor such efforts,and give a standardized way to measure whether they are working as well as their sponsors say.
32.Which of the following best describes Dr Muller's method of bio-acoustic analysis
33.What can we learn from the research of Dr Muller
A.The species in the rain forests have increased.
B.Agricultural activity negatively influenced the richness in species.
C.There are more reliable sound recordings in Ecuadorean rainforest.
D.Trained AI models can identify as many kinds of sounds as experts.
34.Why did the Dr Muller and his colleagues do the survey in Paragraph 5
A.To figure out the species of quieter animals.
B.To confirm the biodiversity of the quieter animals.
C.To emphasize the biodiversity of the noisy animals.
D.To compare the noisy animals and the quieter ones.
35.What's the main idea of the last paragraph
A.The investment in bio-acoustic analysis.
B.The importance of forest restoration projects.
C.The standard to measure the automated approach.
D.The research's impact on forest restoration projects.
There are two kinds of people climbing a mountain.The first,they are smiling,laughing and fully enjoying the journey no matter the effort they have taken.Another group ,however, they are struggling.They have to stop and catch their breath 10 times on the way up.__36__ It's their lifestyle choices.We'll give you three main reasons your pursuit of health and youth through lifestyle choices is an essential.
You should build a strong foundation now.You probably know people who've survived a horrific disease--and it was said that their preexisting physical and spirits strengthen their bodies for battle and made them better equipped to endure stresses.That's true with the recent COVID-19 pandemic:Severe cases are more likely for those with preexisting conditions,such as obesity,diabetes,heart disease,chronic lung disease and so on.__37__That is,healthy choices will help prevent chronic disease and set you up for a long life.
It's unclear how many reboots you'll get.Perhaps in a Utopian 25th-century world,there will exist some places that allows you to walk into a booth,press a few buttons,and erase every cigarette you've smoked,every couch you've potato,every potato you've ever fried. __38__ Your ability to maximize their effectiveness will depend on your commitment to improving your biology through proven means:nutrition,physical activity,sleep,not smoking, and stress management.
__39__The human brain remains the final biological frontier.So even if science ultimately allows us to correct our cells,genes,and other mechanisms that make our bodies work,when your brain goes,you will too.__40__And the steps are the same as those you can take to protect the rest of your body.
A.What's the difference between them
B.No matter what happens,your brain needs you.
C.You have the ability to change how your brain works and reacts.
D.The same thinking will apply when we're talking about longevity.
E.So you will definitely self engineer your DNA switches to protect your brain.
F.Your longevity depends more on the aggregate of what you do most of the time.
G.But for the near future,it's far more likely that your reboot chances will be limited.
I didn't really plan to learn percussion(打击乐器).I remembered the first time I came to the class,in which there were just four students,__41__that we would make a small percussion ensemble(合奏).I was__42 __to play just the bass drum(低音鼓),while my classmates needed to play multiple instruments.Even though the bass drum was regarded as the easiest part of the music piece,I found it very__43__The first class was my first time learning how to 44 bass pieces.I didn't do so well because I couldn't __45__what the teacher was talking about.I was used to reading music__46__in Chinese,so when they turned into English,I had no idea what they meant.The way they read the notes __47__from how I had learned before in China.
It was really hard.I cried a lot__48__I played some wrong notes.I was even too__49__to sleep during the concert performance week.Luckily,my teacher-the conductor-was really nice and__50__with me.“Just focus on your __51__,”he said to me.The performance wasn't bad.When I__52__the drums at a quick speed,I was relaxed.The sounds from the four of us percussionists were __53__
I didn't drop my percussion class,because I was__54__to the amazing sound.That feeling of everyone coming together to__55__something so beautiful is quite hard to describe.
41.A.implying 42.A.hired 43.A.rough 44.A.read 45.A.spell out 46.A.items 47.A.differed 48.A.but 49.A.frustrated 50.A.familiar 51.A.piece 52.A.practiced 53.A.striking 54.A.related 55.A.describe B.meaning B.warned B.adorable B.understand B.figure out B.terms B.separated B.because B.energetic B.strict B.behaviour B.touched B.annoying B.devoted B.support C.inferring C.assigned C.incredible C.assess C.bring out C.theories C.resulted C.until C.embarrassed C.patient C.words C.moved C.horrible C.addicted C.admire D.inquiring D.permitted D.tough D.write D.pick out D.performances D.learned D.so D.nervous D.satisfied D.audience D.hit D.rewarding D.committed D.create
Qipao,a traditional dress for females in China,is reputed as one of the traditional Chinese __56__(costume)and an irreplaceable cultural heritage in the fashion world.Though __57__ (debate)by experts about the exact time of its occurrence,it is believed that Qipao originated from a type of Manchurian female garment in the Qing Dynasty (1632-1912).
Qipao mainly__58__(feature)a stand-up collar,Chinese knotted buttons,and a tight-fitting waist, is usually made from silk or cotton.Two major styles of modern Qipao,__59__were established in the progression,are the Shanghai style and the Beijing style.__60__ former, absorbing western elements of design and tailoring,leads the fashion trend.
__61__is generally accepted by scholars that the craze for Qipao in the Republican Period is a __62__(nature)result of the rise of women's pursuit of freedom.Wearing Qipao, which is__63__(basic)a one-piece robe,carries a symbolic sense of promoting gender equality. Later on,the priority of Qipao shifted from a political expression to aesthetic(审美的) emphasis. It was chosen__64__the Republic of China's mandarin dress in 1929.Since the reform and opening-up policy__65__(adopt)in China,Qipao has been designated(命名)as the formal dress for female diplomats in foreign affairs activities.
参考词汇:汉字听写比赛Chinese Character Dictation Competition
Dear Jim.
Li Hua
It was a warm summer morning.I was reading the grocery specials in the paper when I found a particularly good deal—the bonus chicken packs:chicken quarters packed in family sizes.But if I drove over to the store for just one item,wouldn't the gas cost cut into the savings
Five minutes later,I was headed to the store on my bike:helmet on my head,and old backpack on my back.As I rode the two miles to the store,I noticed the temperature seemed to have gone up a little.When I entered the store,I headed straight to the chicken counter.I picked a package weighing slightly over ten pounds,and then headed for the checkout.
After getting outside,reality set in when the air hit my face.It was really hot.I realized I didn't have the car,so the chicken would be riding on my back.I put it into my backpack and thought to myself,“It's only two miles.If I concentrate,I will be home in no time."Actually the partially frozen chicken felt cold against my back but the rest of me was beginning to sweat.
As I approached a signal light,it turned yellow so I stopped.Suddenly,I heard a woman screaming.The light turned green but the cars didn't move.Maybe there had been an accident I looked behind me even though I never heard any cars crash.
What I saw was a small crowd of people coming up the road towards me.I heard someone yell,“I'm a nurse.”I looked around again and still,no accident.Moving faster,this crowd of folks started talking loudly in my direction.“Are you alright We're here to help." "Who are they talking to ”I wondered.“Can we help you "they all asked.Out of the corner of my eye,I saw traffic piling up.I was confused!“No!"I told the crowd.“I'm fine!”
Paragraph 1:It was their turn to look confused.
Paragraph 2:I pointed to the backpack as I started to laugh._
1-5.BABCB 6--10.CACAC 11-15.CCAAC 16--20.CABBA
第一节: (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
21-25.BCCDD 26-30.CABCA 31-35.CCBBD
第二节: (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
41-45.BCDAB 46-50.BABDC 51-55.ADACD
第二节: (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
56.costumes 57.debated 58.featuring 59.which 60.The
61.It 62.natural 63.basically 64.as 65.was adopted
One Possible Version:
Dear Jim,
Sorry to hear that you didn't perform well in the Chinese Character Dictation Competition.I'm here to offer comfort and encouragement during this challenging time.
Firstly,as a foreigner,you've already tried your best,and it's completely normal to feel disappointed. From my perspective,it seems like there might be a need for more preparations.Perhaps dedicating more time to practice and reviewing tough characters could make a significant difference.Besides,you can also try to watch Chinese films with subtitles to improve your listening skills.
I'm confident that with continued practice and a positive mindset,you'll see improvements in no time.Looking forward to hearing about your progress soon.
Li Hua
Possible version:
It was their turn to look confused.Someone spoke up,“You are bleeding all over!Why don't you get off your bike and check "I got off my bike.Willing hands held my bike and helped me get my backpack off“Were you in an accident Were you wounded ”I was peppered with strange questions.Then I looked down at my backpack,sitting now on the white concrete line of road.There was a red ring around it!I realized my arms and legs also had “blood”on them.
I pointed to the backpack as I started to laugh.“It's my chicken,”I told the frightened group of people.They opened my backpack not knowing what to expect.And they found ten pounds of chicken parts,the ice of which had seriously melted.The mixture of water and blood ran through my backpack and all over me.I looked like an accident victim.Suddenly,everyone was laughing out of relief.The tension from the sudden concern transformed into shared amusement.It was an unexpected moment of community,all sparked by a backpack full of frozen chicken on a hot summer day.
(Text 1)
W:Is the taxi taken
M:No.Where are you going
W:To the Park Apartments.They're on the 21st Street.
M:I know where they are.Get in.
(Text 2)
W:What's wrong with you
M:I forgot all about the two o'clock meeting!Tom's going to kill me.
W:Oh,I can see why you're sad.It can really be annoying when something important slips your mind.
(Text 3)
M:Would you like to have some red wine
W:No,thanks.I'd rather have tea.I drank some red wine last Friday when we were at my mum's birthday party.It was too sweet.
M:OK.A tea for you and a beer for me.
(Text 4)
W:The cat and the dog seem to get along well together.
M:They don't fight but they don't pay attention to each other.
(Text 5)
W:Did you understand English newspapers without help from your teacher
M:Yes,I did quite well,but I had to look up some new words.
(Text 6)
M:Hi,Kate.Mind if I join you
W:Not at all.Have a seat,Jack.
M:Have you got any plans for the weekend
W:Yeah,I'm really excited.I'm going to New York for a couple of days.
M:Oh,my brother is going there too.Are you driving Maybe you two could go together.
W:No.I'm going to take the train.I've already got my ticket.
M:So,what are you going to do in New York
W:I'm visiting a friend.Oh,here comes the bus.I've got to leave.Bye.
(Text 7)
W:Do you know what British people are fond of
M:I have some ideas.The British people love to bet on things.They mainly bet on horse racing and bingo.Horse racing is a gambling sport while bingo is a betting game.
W:Drinking is another habit of the British people.Most men have the habit of drinking beer,wine and other things.
M:There is another kind of drinking,the drinking of tea.Every day there are two tea breaks, which last fifteen to twenty minutes:one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Some factories have tea rooms for workers.
W:It is no wonder that the British are the biggest tea drinkers in the world,and consume a quarter of the world's tea
(Text 8)
W:Excuse me,I'm a student of this school during the day.I'm writing a report for the school newspaper.It's about the evening school.Can I ask you a few questions
M:OK.There are about ten minutes before my classes begin.
W:Thanks.Well,where are you from And when did you come to this country
M:I'm from Russia.I came here with my wife and children last year.
W:Did you know any English before you arrived in Washington
M:Yes,I did.I learned English in the middle school.W:How are you getting along with your English now
M:My reading,writing and grammar are OK,but I have some problems talking to Americans.It seems that they don't like to talk to people like me.
W:I'm sorry.I know some Americans don't try to understand foreigners.That's too bad. Err… Well, do you have a job
M:Yes,I do.I work in a shop.
W:I see.Well,I have finished my questions.Thank you very much for your help.
M:You are welcome.
(Text 9)
W:Aren't we supposed to go to the movies with Alice and Bill tonight
M:Yes.I told them we'd meet them at the mall at seven thirty.
W:Well,maybe you shouldn't have told them we could go tonight.I have all this homework to do.
M:I was really looking forward to seeing this movie.Can I do something to help you
W:That would be great!Could you help me with these math problems
M:I think so—if I can remember what I learned in school.It was a long time ago,you know.
(Text 10)
Here's the weather forecast for the next twenty-four hours.I'll divide the country into four, starting with the Northwest and the Northeast of England.Well,there'll be some early morning mist,and after that it'll be mainly dry and sunny,with a temperature of around six or seven.It should stay dry all day,but there'll be quite a wind.
And now the Southwest and Wales.You can expect some rain in the morning and in the afternoon.There might be some storms,as well,with thunder and lightning.The temperature will be lower than yesterday,around three or four degrees.I don't think you'll see much sun. Cloudy all day,I'm afraid.
The Southeast and the Midlands will see the best of today's weather.It'll be warmer than yesterday, no wind and sunshine nearly all day,with the temperature around ten or eleven,so it's quite warm for this time of year.
In Scotland and Northern Ireland,however,there'll be a heavy rain and maybe some snow during the afternoon,and on the hills the temperature will drop to below freezing,minus four or five,and on the highest spots it may drop to minus ten.And that's all from me.Thank you for listening.

  • 浙江省北斗星盟2023-2024高二上学期12月阶段性联考英语试题(含答案无听力音频含听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月24日  所属分类:作业答案