
一、单项填空(本大题共15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)
从下列每小题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. —Here is ________ interesting book. Whose is it
—Oh it’s mine. I bought ________ book this morning.
A. a; a B. an; a C. a; the D. an; the
2. There will be an ________ in noise when the new airports open.
A. increase B. accident C. umbrella D. earthquake
考查名词辨析。increase增加;accident事故;umbrella雨伞;earthquake地震。根据“in noise when the new airports open”可知有新机场时,会增加噪音。故选A。
3. Jack was talking on ________ mobile phone when the car hit ________.
A. him; his B. him; he C. his; him D. his; he
考查代词辨析。him他,宾格;his他的,物主代词;he他,主格。第一处作定语修饰“mobile phone”,用his;第二处作宾语,用宾格him。故选C。
4. It’s ________ to read the map when you can’t find the way.
A. harmful B. helpful C. colourful D. beautiful
考查形容词辨析。harmfu有害的;helpful有帮助的;colourful五颜六色的;beautiful美丽的。根据“read the map when you can’t find the way.”可知找不到路的时候,看地图是很有帮助的。故选B。
5. I didn’t like the weather in the mountain. It changed ________ and started to rain.
A. especially B. suddenly C. bravely D. loudly
考查副词辨析。especially尤其;suddenly突然;bravely勇敢地;loudly大声地。根据“and started to rain.”可知山里的天气突然就变了,故选B。
6. Some roads have a lot of rocks on them, but people are trying to ________ them quickly.
A. drop B. warn C. cover D. clear
考查动词辨析。drop下降;warn警告;cover覆盖;clear清除。根据“Some roads have a lot of rocks on them,”以及转折词“but”可知,此处是指快速清理石头。故选D。
7. Sometimes cars appear ________ the corner and do not stop. That’s very dangerous.
A. above B. except C. under D. round
考查介词辨析。above在……之上;except除了;under在……之下;round在周围。根据“Sometimes cars appear … the corner and do not stop”可知,此处指出现在拐角处,故选D。
8. Don’t open your present now! In China, you ________ wait and open it later.
A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t
考查动词辨析和常识。can能够;can’t不能;must必须;mustn’t禁止。根据“and open it later.”和常识可知,在中国拿到礼物,必须等待再稍后打开礼物。故选C。
9. My parents went to the market ________ some fruit and vegetables just now.
A. buy B. bought C. buying D. to buy
考查动词不定式作目的状语。结合选项动词buy及“some fruit and vegetables”可知买水果和蔬菜是“went to the market(去市场)”的目的,因此应用动词不定式作目的状语。故选D。
10. When you work with wild animals, you may be ________.
A. in danger B. in silence C. in peace D. in pain
考查介词短语辨析。in danger处于危险之中;in silence沉默中;in peace和平地;in pain痛苦中。根据“When you work with wild animals, you may be...”可知,跟野生动物在一起,是有危险的,故选A。
11. I ________ at the lights when I saw the old woman fall off her bike.
A. was waiting B. am waiting C. will wait D. wait
考查动词时态。根据“when I saw the old woman fall off her bike.”可知,此处是指正在等红绿灯的时候;when引导的时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句常用过去进行时(was/were doing)。故选A。
12. The population of China is about 1.4 billion. That’s almost one ________ of the world’s population.
A. five B. the five C. fifth D. the fifth
考查分数的表达。此处表示“五分之一”,英文表达为one fifth。故选C。
13. The town had a lot of pollution in the past, ________ it is not a problem any more.
A. so B. but C. and D. because
14. Last Saturday, from about 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Betty ________ a piano lesson in the Music Club.
A. has B. had C. was having D. will have
考查过去进行时。根据“Last Saturday, from about 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.”可知,强调在过去的某个时间段,动作一直发生,用过去进行时(was/were doing)。故选C。
15. —It’s snowing. What about making a snowman after school
—________. Let’s ask Tony to join us!
A. That sounds interesting B. Never mind
C. It’s bad luck D. Me either
考查情景交际。That sounds interesting听起来很有趣;Never mind没关系;It’s bad luck运气不好;Me either我也不。根据“Let’s ask Tony to join us”可知此处是赞同对方的提议,选项A符合语境。故选A。
阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Look at the picture! Why is the woman ___16___ with a pan (平底锅) She is in a ___17___ race (比赛) in the UK.
In the race, people have to ___18___ white aprons (围裙) and cover their heads with a white hat or a scarf. First, a bell (铃) rings twice for people to start ___19___ their pancakes. Then the bell rings again for them to gather (集合), with their cooked pancakes in a ___20___. There they wait for the ___21___ to ring again, and the race starts. People run and at the same time, they throw pancakes into the ___22___. They need to catch them in the pans and keep running. Sometimes one of the pancakes drops on the ground, but the ___23___ can pick it up and then keep on running.
The race usually starts in February or March every year. People do this to remember a ___24___ story. In 1445, a woman was cooking and was late for a gathering (集会). ____25____ she held a pan with a pancake inside, and ran all the way there.
In 1950, the USA also held a pancake race on the same day and at the same time. I wonder who runs better, the British or the Americans
16. A. jumping B. swimming C. running D. singing
17. A. pancake B. cooking C. singing D. selling
18. A. sell B. wear C. take off D. sell out
19. A. buying B. eating C. making D. selling
20. A. bowl B. box C. bag D. pan
21. A. bell B. phone C. clock D. mobile phone
22. A. river B. water C. basket D. air
23. A. runner B. actress C. singer D. pancakes
24. A. serious B. boring C. funny D. great
25. A. But B. So C. And D. Because
【答案】16. C 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. D 21. A 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B
jumping跳跃;swimming游泳;running跑步;singing唱歌。根据“People run and at the same time”可知,拿着平底锅在跑,故选C。
pancake煎饼;cooking做饭;singing唱歌;selling售卖。根据“their pancakes”可知,这是煎饼比赛,故选A。
sell售卖;wear穿;take off脱下;sell out卖光。根据“white aprons”可知,穿着白色围裙,故选B。
buying买;eating吃;making制造;selling售卖。根据“start …their pancakes”可知,开始做煎饼,故选C。
bowl碗;box盒子;bag包;pan平底锅。根据“catch them in the pans”可知,煎饼在平底锅里,故选D。
bell铃;phone电话;clock闹钟;mobile phone手机。根据“Then the bell rings again”可知,等着铃声再响起,故选A。
river河流;water水;basket篮子;air空气。根据“they throw pancakes into the ”可知,边跑边把煎饼抛在空中,故选D。
runner跑步者;actress演员;singer歌手;pancakes煎饼。根据“can pick it up and then keep on running”可知,跑步者要捡起掉下来的煎饼再继续跑,故选A。
serious严肃的;boring无聊的;funny搞笑的;great极好的。根据“In 1445, a woman was cooking and was late for a gathering…”可知,为了纪念这个搞笑的故事,故选C。
But但是;So因此;And和;Because因为。“she held a pan with a pancake inside, and ran all the way there”与前文是因果关系,遵循“前因后果”,故选B。
Jilin Province (省) lies in the northeast of China. It’s a good place to e and have fun!
“Red Trip” in Tonghua
Tonghua is a good choice to have a “red trip”. It is a place full of “red stories”. The well-known national hero Yang Jingyu once fought (战斗) here. Experience the “red spirit (精神)” !
Mount Changbai
Mount Changbai is a famous mountain at home and abroad (在国内外). There is a mysterious (神秘的) lake—Tianchi, a national park and some beautiful waterfalls (瀑布). Enjoy the beauty of nature!
Jilin Rime (雾凇)
The rime dresses up the winter of Jilin City. Tourists walk along the Songhua River to enjoy the fantastic rime. Leave your footmarks (足迹) on the wonderland!
Yanbian Food
Yanbian is famous for the local food. Tourists can find the special food like cold noodles and rice cake here. For foodies (美食家), Yanbian is the best place to visit. Just have a taste !
26. We will learn about the ________ in Tonghua.
A. special food B. “red spirit” C. fantastic rime D. beautiful waterfalls
27. There is a mysterious ________ in Mount Changbai. It is called Tianchi.
A. lake B. river C. field D. waterfall
28. If tourists want to enjoy the rime, they can go to Jilin City in ________.
A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter
29. For foodies, ________ is possibly the best place to taste the local food.
A. Jilin City B. Tonghua C. Yanbian D. Mount Changbai
30. The passage above probably comes from a ________.
A. medical report B. sports news C. travel magazine D. story book
【答案】26. B 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. C
细节理解题。根据“Tonghua is a good choice to have a ‘red trip’. It is a place full of ‘red stories’.”可知,通化是红色之旅的好选择,它是一个充满红色故事的地方。所以我们可以在通化了解“红色精神”。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“There is a mysterious lake—Tianchi,”可知,有一个神秘的湖——天池,所以天池是一个湖泊。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“The rime dresses up the winter of Jilin City”可知,雾凇装扮了吉林的冬天。所以如果游客想欣赏雾凇,可以冬天去吉林。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“For foodies (美食家), Yanbian is the best place to visit.”可知,对于美食家来说,延边是可以尝到美食的最佳地方。故选C。
推理判断题。根据“Jilin Province (省) lies in the northeast of China. It’s a good place to visit.”可知,吉林位于中国的东北部,这是一个旅游观光的好地方。下文接着讲述了吉林的名山、美食美景等内容。所以文章来自于旅游杂志。故选C。
If you believe that only grandmas enjoy crocheting (钩编) you will be surprised to know that even an 11-year-old boy loves it too! His name is Jonah Larson. He has become famous for his amazing creations.
Jonah Larson, from the US, took up crocheting when he was just five years old. He learned basic crocheting knowledge from the Internet, and soon began making all kinds of hats, bags, blankets and table runners—just anything he could think of.
The 11-year-old boy now crochets around five hours a day. He says it takes him less than an hour to make a hat and around six hours to make a full Afghan throw (针织软毛毯). “Some people who have crocheted their whole lives can’t come close to where he is now,” said his mother Jennifer. The little artist donated (捐献) some of his designs (设计). He also sells some of his products on the Internet and has made around $5,000 over the years.
However, Jonah’s life didn’t start out as happy as it is now. He was born in Ethiopia and was abandoned (遗弃) in a wooded area by his birth mother. A passer-by brought him into a children’s home, where he was adopted by the Larsons. Jonah said he was lucky to become a family member. And he often donates some of his goods and money to children in his home country.
For Jonah, crocheting is only a relaxing hobby. He is now taking the ninth grade algebra (代数) and is already looking towards the future. “I’m planning to attend West Point, and then become a surgeon (外科医生),” he said.
31. Jonah Larson took up crocheting when he was just ________ years old.
A. five B. six C. eleven D. twelve
32. Where was Jonah born
A. China. B. Egypt. C. Ethiopia. D. England.
33. Jonah spent ________ crocheting now.
A. an hour a day B. about five hours a day
C. seven hours or so a day D. over eight hours a day
34. How much money has Jonah earned over the years
A. Around $2,000. B. Around $3,000. C. Around $4, 000. D. Around $5,000.
35. What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “adopted” in Paragraph 4
A. 逃离 B. 拒绝 C. 接受 D. 收养
【答案】31. A 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. D
【导语】本文主要讲述了钩织天才Jonah Larson的人生经历。
细节理解题。根据“Jonah Larson, from the US, took up crocheting when he was just five years old.”可知,Jonah Larson在五岁时就开始从事钩针编织。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“He was born in Ethiopia”可知,Jonah在埃塞俄比亚出生。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“The 11-year-old boy now crochets around five hours a day.”可知,他现在每天钩针编织大约5个小时。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“He also sells some of his products on the Internet and has made around $5,000 over the years.”可知,他通过互联网上销售他的一些产品,这些年来已经赚了大约5000美元。故选D。
词义猜测题。根据“Jonah said he was lucky to become a family member.”可知,Jonah说他很幸运能成为一名家庭成员,由此可知,他是被这户家庭收养了。故选D。
Ply on a fair
Last weekend, my family went to a fair (露天游乐场). My brother is a cook and he works at the fair. My children and I went to meet him. When we arrived, the fair was very crowded, and it was hard to find my brother. We found my brother half an hour later. He was at the center of the fair and busy cooking delicious food.
Everyone at the fair was happy and having fun, just like how the children feel on their birthday parties. First, my children went on a 40-meter high Ferris wheel (摩天轮). They said they could see the town when they were at the top. I was truly nervous when they stopped at the top.
After that we each got something to eat. My son got a hamburger and a salad,my daughter got a cake and I ate an ice-cream.
We took part in some games and looked at lots of interesting things before we left. It was really a fantastic night.
36. What did the writer’s brother do at the fair
A. He sang songs. B. He sold tickets. C. He cooked food. D. He looked for a job.
37. Which of the following words can describe (描述) the people at the fair
A. Busy. B. Funny. C. Happy. D. Nervous.
38. What did the writer’s daughter eat at the fair
A. A cake. B. A salad. C. A hamburger. D. An ice-cream.
39. At the fair, the writer's children did NOT________.
A. play games
B. go on a Ferris wheel
C. look at interesting things
D. take part in a birthday party
40. When did the story happen
A. In the morning. B. On a Monday. C. On a Friday. D. At night.
【答案】36. C 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. D
细节理解题。根据第一段中“He was at the center of the fair and busy cooking delicious food.”可知,哥哥在做食物。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第二段首句“Everyone at the fair was happy and having fun…”可知,游乐场里的人们很高兴。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第三段末句“…my daughter got a cake and I ate an ice-cream.”可知,女儿买了一块蛋糕。故选A。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“We took part in some games and looked at lots of interesting things before we left.”可知,孩子们做游戏,看了很多有趣的东西;根据第二段中“First, my children went on a 40-meter high Ferris wheel (摩天轮).”可知,孩子们乘坐摩天轮,故A、B、C正确。根据第二段中“just like how the children feel on their birthday parties就像孩子们感觉是他们的生日聚会”可知,并不是真的参加聚会,故D不正确。故选D。
细节理解题。根据本文最末一句“It was really a fantastic night.”可知,这个故事发生在晚上。故选D。
A: Bruce, I saw a circus show (马戏表演) yesterday.
B: Really, Steve ___41___
A: No. I felt that all the animals were tired and weak (虚弱的). I had so much pity on them! ___42___
B: Do you have any ideas
A: Yes. I think the government should ban (禁止) the use of animals in the circuses!
B: Good idea. ___43___
A: That’s right. Circus shows will disappear if no one sees them. ___44___ That’s the best place for them to live.
B: I agree with you. ___45___
A: OK, let’s go!
A. The show was exciting
B. Did you have a good time
C. Now let’s write to the government.
D. Those animals should live in the wild.
E. Zoos are great paces for animals to live.
F. I really want to do something to help them!
G. We can also tell people around us not to see circus shows.
【答案】41. B 42. F 43. G 44. D 45. C
根据“No. I felt that all the animals were tired and weak (虚弱的).”可知,空处为一般疑问句,且是询问对方的感受,选项B“你玩得开心吗?”符合语境。故选B。
根据“I had so much pity on them!”及“Do you have any ideas ”可知,空处应表示想帮助这些动物,选项F“我真的想做点什么来帮助它们。”符合语境。故选F。
根据“That’s right. Circus shows will disappear if no one sees them.”可知,此处是表示建议人们不要去看马戏表演,选项G“我们也可以告诉周围的人不要去看马戏表演。”符合语境。故选G。
根据“That’s the best place for them to live.”可知,此处表示最适合动物们生活的地方,选项D“那些动物应该生活在野外。”符合语境。故选D。
根据“OK, let’s go!”可知,此处是我们采取的行动,选项C“现在让我们给政府写信吧。”符合语境。故选C。
46. 我们大家应该帮助动物们和平共处。
We should help animals live ________.
【答案】in peace
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,空处缺“和平地”的英文翻译。in peace意为“和平地”,修饰动词“live”。故填in peace。
47. 昨天,我的弟弟从他的自行车上摔了下来。
Yesterday, my brother ________ his bike.
【答案】fell off
【详解】 fall off“从……上摔下来”,动词短语;由“Yesterday”可知时态是一般过去时,fall的过去式是fell。故填fell off。
48. 稍等一会儿!我很快就来。
_____ _____ a minute! I’m coming soon.
【答案】 ①. Hang ②. on
【详解】“等候”为hang on,该句为祈使句,以动词原形开头,故填Hang;on。
49. 这家工厂三年前关闭了。
The factory ________ ________ three years ago.
【答案】 ①. closed ②. down
【详解】close down“关闭”,根据“three years ago”可知,此句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填closed;down。
50. 快点。五点半了。咱们回家吧。
________ ________. It’s five thirty. Let’s go home.
【答案】 ①. Come ②. on
【详解】come on“快点、快来”,为固定搭配,根据题干可知此处为祈使句,使用动词原形,置于句首,句首字母大写,故填Come;on。
This story is from China. A tiger has three cubs(幼崽). Two of them are girls. One of them is a boy. He is older than the sisters. Their mother stops feeding them. The cubs need a new mother. Their new mother is a dog. They are being raised by a dog mum.
The tigers are having a good time with their new family. They play a lot with their new brothers and sisters. The cubs love playing a game of the ball. The cubs are very clever. Everybody likes them. They have become stars at a safari park(野生动物园) in Zhejiang Province of China.
Sadly, everything has an end. The cubs will leave their new family. They will meet their real parents again soon.
51. This is a _________ story.
52. The tiger mum has _________ cubs, two girls and one boy.
53. _________ is the cubs’ new mother because their real mother stops feeding them.
54. The cubs _________ with their new family.
55. The cubs are very clever, so they are very _________ at a safari park in China’s Zhejiang Province.
【答案】51. Chinese
52. three/3
53. A dog/A dog mum
54. are having a good time
55. popular
根据“This story is from China”可知,这是一个中国故事,故填Chinese。
根据“A tiger has three cubs”可知,老虎有3个幼崽,故填three/3。
根据“Their new mother is a dog. They are being raised by a dog mum.”可知,幼崽被一只狗或一只狗妈妈喂养,故填A dog/A dog mum。
根据“The tigers are having a good time with their new family”可知,幼崽们在他们的新家里很开心,故填are having a good time。
根据“They have become stars at a safari park(野生动物园) in Zhejiang Province of China.”可知,他们很受欢迎,故填popular。
Dogs have been men’s best friends for t____51____ of years. Many stories are told about how brave dogs helped the people in t____52____. With the help of the dogs, many people l____53____in the snow were able to get home.
Dogs have also helped in the research work in many f____54____ of science. The first world’s space-traveler was a dog c____55____ Laika. It was sent up in a man-made earth satellite in 1955 by Russian scientists.
Dogs have been film stars, t____56____. A dog named Lassie was the star in quite a f____57____ American films. Dogs can hear, smell b____58____ than men, but they cannot see too well. A dog may l____59____ for about 12 or 13 years. A thirteen-year-old child is not y____60____ grown up, but a thirteen-year-old dog is a very old dog indeed.
【答案】51. (t)housands
52. (t)rouble
53. (l)ost 54. (f)ields
55. (c)alled
56. (t)oo 57. (f)ew
58. (b)etter
59. (l)ive 60. (y)et
句意:狗作为人类最好的朋友已经有几千年了。根据“for…of years.”可知此处应是指持续的时间,结合首字母提示可推知此处是指thousands of years“数千年”,故填(t)housands。
句意:很多故事都讲述了勇敢的狗如何帮助有困难的人。根据“helped the people in…”可知考查短语in trouble“处于困难中”,故填(t)rouble。
句意:在狗的帮助下,许多在雪地里迷路的人可以回到家。根据“were able to get home”可知是帮助迷路的人,be lost in意为“迷失在……中”,故填(l)ost。
句意:狗在许多科学领域也帮助做研究工作。根据“Dogs have also helped in the research work…”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是在许多科学领域,field意为“领域”,由空前的“many”可知空处填可数名词复数,故填(f)ields。
句意:世界上第一只太空旅行的狗叫作Laika。根据“The first world’s space-traveler was a dog…Laika.”可知“Laika”是狗的名字,此处应填过去分词called“被称作”作后置定语,故填(c)alled。
句意:狗一直也是电影明星。根据“Dogs have been film stars, …”及首字母提示,可知此处指“也是电影明星”,肯定句末尾表示“也”用too,故填(t)oo。
句意:一只叫Lassie的狗是相当多的美国电影中的明星。根据“quite a…American films”可知此处考查短语quite a few“相当多的”,故填(f)ew。
句意:狗比人类的听觉嗅觉都好。根据“than”可知此句为比较级,结合“but they cannot see too well”及首字母可知,此处指的是狗比人类的听觉嗅觉好,应用good的比较级better,故填(b)etter。
句意:狗可以活大约12或13年。根据后文“A thirteen-year-old child is not…grown up, but a thirteen-year-old dog is a very old dog indeed.”可推知,此处指是狗活的寿命,live“活,生存”,放在情态动词“may”后用动词原形,故填(l)ive。
句意:一个十三岁的孩子还没有长大,但是一只十三岁的狗却是一只很老的狗了。根据“but a thirteen-year-old dog is a very old dog indeed”及首字母提示可知,空处可填yet“仍然、还”,用于否定句和疑问句中,选项指十三岁的孩子还没有长大,但是一只十三岁的狗却是一只老狗。故填(y)et。
66. 澳门朋友Alan 得知你要去澳门旅游,请你以他的名义来介绍澳门的天气以及游览澳门的最佳时间。请你根据以下要点提示,用英语写一篇短文。
1. 1月至3月,虽然寒冷,但阳光普照;
2. 进入4月份,天气变暖,树叶开始变绿;
3. 5月至9月,天气炎热,经常下雨,有时候有台风吹袭;
4. 10月至12月,天气不是太热或太冷,人体感觉舒服;
5. 10月至12月是游览澳门的最佳时间。别忘了随身带一件外套!
1. 词数:80个左右。
2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
3. 要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。
参考词汇:台风 typhoon
The weather is fine all year round in Macao. The average temperature of Macao is 20 degrees. From January to March,__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I’m looking forward to seeing you.
The weather is fine all year round in Macao. The average temperature of Macao is 20 degrees. From January to March, though it’s cold, the sunshine is enough. In spring, the weather gets warmer and leaves start to turn green. From May to September, it’s usually very hot. It often rains. You should take an umbrella. There are typhoons from time to time. From October to December, it’s not too hot or too cold. People feel very comfortable.
So, if you come to Macao, I think the best time to visit Macao is from October to December. Don’t forget to take a coat with you.
I’m looking forward to seeing you
① 题材:本文是一篇材料作文;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:写作内容提示已给出,考生要注意不要遗漏内容提示中的信息,并且要在内容提示的基础上适当发挥,文章内容更加丰满。
① from time to time时不时,偶尔
② the best time to do sth.做某事的最好时间
① From January to March, though it’s cold, the sunshine is enough.(though引导的让步状语从句)
② Don’t forget to take a coat with you.(否定的祈使句)2023-2024学年度第一学期天津市期末考试模拟卷
一、单项填空(本大题共15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)
从下列每小题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. —Here is ________ interesting book. Whose is it
—Oh it’s mine. I bought ________ book this morning.
A. a; a B. an; a C. a; the D. an; the
2. There will be an ________ in noise when the new airports open.
A. increase B. accident C. umbrella D. earthquake
noise when the new airports open”可知有新机场时,会增加噪音。故选A。
3. Jack was talking on ________ mobile phone when the car hit ________.
A. him; his B. him; he C. his; him D. his; he
4. It’s ________ to read the map when you can’t find the way.
A. harmful B. helpful C. colourful D. beautiful
5. I didn’t like the weather in the mountain. It changed ________ and started to rain.
A. especially B. suddenly C. bravely D. loudly
6. Some roads have a lot of rocks on them, but people are trying to ________ them quickly.
A. drop B. warn C. cover D. clear
7. Sometimes cars appear ________ the corner and do not stop. That’s very dangerous.
A. above B. except C. under D. round
8. Don’t open your present now! In China, you ________ wait and open it later.
A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t
9. My parents went to the market ________ some fruit and vegetables just now.
A. buy B. bought C. buying D. to buy
10. When you work with wild animals, you may be ________.
A. in danger B. in silence C. in peace D. in pain
11. I ________ at the lights when I saw the old woman fall off her bike.
A. was waiting B. am waiting C. will wait D. wait
12. The population of China is about 1.4 billion. That’s almost one ________ of the world’s population.
A. five B. the five C. fifth D. the fifth
13. The town had a lot of pollution in the past, ________ it is not a problem any more.
A. so B. but C. and D. because
14. Last Saturday, from about 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Betty ________ a piano lesson in the Music Club.
A. has B. had C. was having D. will have
15. —It’s snowing. What about making a snowman after school
—________. Let’s ask Tony to join us!
A. That sounds interesting B. Never mind
C. It’s bad luck D. Me either
阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Look at the picture! Why is the woman ___16___ with a pan (平底锅) She is in a ___17___ race (比赛) in the UK.
In the race, people have to ___18___ white aprons (围裙) and cover their heads with a white hat or a scarf. First, a bell (铃) rings twice for people to start ___19___ their pancakes. Then the bell rings again for them to gather (集合), with their cooked pancakes in a ___20___. There they wait for the ___21___ to ring again, and the race starts. People run and at the same time, they throw pancakes into the ___22___. They need to catch them in the pans and keep running. Sometimes one of the pancakes drops on the ground, but the ___23___ can pick it up and then keep on running.
The race usually starts in February or March every year. People do this to remember a ___24___ story. In 1445, a woman was cooking and was late for a gathering (集会). ____25____ she held a pan with a pancake inside, and ran all the way there.
In 1950, the USA also held a pancake race on the same day and at the same time. I wonder who runs better, the British or the Americans
16. A. jumping B. swimming C. running D. singing
17. A. pancake B. cooking C. singing D. selling
18. A. sell B. wear C. take off D. sell out
19. A. buying B. eating C. making D. selling
20. A. bowl B. box C. bag D. pan
21. A. bell B. phone C. clock D. mobile phone
22. A. river B. water C. basket D. air
23. A. runner B. actress C. singer D. pancakes
24. A. serious B. boring C. funny D. great
25. A. But B. So C. And D. Because
Jilin Province (省) lies in the northeast of China. It’s a good place to e and have fun!
“Red Trip” in Tonghua
Tonghua is a good choice to have a “red trip”. It is a place full of “red stories”. The well-known national hero Yang Jingyu once fought (战斗) here. Experience the “red spirit (精神)” !
Mount Changbai
Mount Changbai is a famous mountain at home and abroad (在国内外). There is a mysterious (神秘的) lake—Tianchi, a national park and some beautiful waterfalls (瀑布). Enjoy the beauty of nature!
Jilin Rime (雾凇)
The rime dresses up the winter of Jilin City. Tourists walk along the Songhua River to enjoy the fantastic rime. Leave your footmarks (足迹) on the wonderland!
Yanbian Food
Yanbian is famous for the local food. Tourists can find the special food like cold noodles and rice cake here. For foodies (美食家), Yanbian is the best place to visit. Just have a taste !
26. We will learn about the ________ in Tonghua.
A. special food B. “red spirit” C. fantastic rime D. beautiful waterfalls
27. There is a mysterious ________ in Mount Changbai. It is called Tianchi.
A. lake B. river C. field D. waterfall
28. If tourists want to enjoy the rime, they can go to Jilin City in ________.
A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter
29. For foodies, ________ is possibly the best place to taste the local food.
A. Jilin City B. Tonghua C. Yanbian D. Mount Changbai
30. The passage above probably comes from a ________.
A. medical report B. sports news C. travel magazine D. story book
If you believe that only grandmas enjoy crocheting (钩编) you will be surprised to know that even an 11-year-old boy loves it too! His name is Jonah Larson. He has become famous for his amazing creations.
Jonah Larson, from the US, took up crocheting when he was just five years old. He learned basic crocheting knowledge from the Internet, and soon began making all kinds of hats, bags, blankets and table runners—just anything he could think of.
The 11-year-old boy now crochets around five hours a day. He says it takes him less than an hour to make a hat and around six hours to make a full Afghan throw (针织软毛毯). “Some people who have crocheted their whole lives can’t come close to where he is now,” said his mother Jennifer. The little artist donated (捐献) some of his designs (设计). He also sells some of his products on the Internet and has made around $5,000 over the years.
However, Jonah’s life didn’t start out as happy as it is now. He was born in Ethiopia and was abandoned (遗弃) in a wooded area by his birth mother. A passer-by brought him into a children’s home, where he was adopted by the Larsons. Jonah said he was lucky to become a family member. And he often donates some of his goods and money to children in his home country.
For Jonah, crocheting is only a relaxing hobby. He is now taking the ninth grade algebra (代数) and is already looking towards the future. “I’m planning to attend West Point, and then become a surgeon (外科医生),” he said.
31. Jonah Larson took up crocheting when he was just ________ years old.
A. five B. six C. eleven D. twelve
32. Where was Jonah born
A. China. B. Egypt. C. Ethiopia. D. England.
33. Jonah spent ________ crocheting now.
A. an hour a day B. about five hours a day
C. seven hours or so a day D. over eight hours a day
34. How much money has Jonah earned over the years
A. Around $2,000. B. Around $3,000. C. Around $4, 000. D. Around $5,000.
35. What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “adopted” in Paragraph 4
A. 逃离 B. 拒绝 C. 接受 D. 收养
Ply on a fair
Last weekend, my family went to a fair (露天游乐场). My brother is a cook and he works at the fair. My children and I went to meet him. When we arrived, the fair was very crowded, and it was hard to find my brother. We found my brother half an hour later. He was at the center of the fair and busy cooking delicious food.
Everyone at the fair was happy and having fun, just like how the children feel on their birthday parties. First, my children went on a 40-meter high Ferris wheel (摩天轮). They said they could see the town when they were at the top. I was truly nervous when they stopped at the top.
After that we each got something to eat. My son got a hamburger and a salad,my daughter got a cake and I ate an ice-cream.
We took part in some games and looked at lots of interesting things before we left. It was really a fantastic night.
36. What did the writer’s brother do at the fair
A. He sang songs. B. He sold tickets. C. He cooked food. D. He looked for a job.
37. Which of the following words can describe (描述) the people at the fair
A. Busy. B. Funny. C. Happy. D. Nervous.
38. What did the writer’s daughter eat at the fair
A. A cake. B. A salad. C. A hamburger. D. An ice-cream.
39. At the fair, the writer's children did NOT________.
A. play games
B. go on a Ferris wheel
C. look at interesting things
D. take part in a birthday party
40. When did the story happen
A. In the morning. B. On a Monday. C. On a Friday. D. At night.
A: Bruce, I saw a circus show (马戏表演) yesterday.
B: Really, Steve ___41___
A: No. I felt that all the animals were tired and weak (虚弱的). I had so much pity on them! ___42___
B: Do you have any ideas
A: Yes. I think the government should ban (禁止) the use of animals in the circuses!
B: Good idea. ___43___
A: That’s right. Circus shows will disappear if no one sees them. ___44___ That’s the best place for them to live.
B: I agree with you. ___45___
A: OK, let’s go!
A. The show was exciting
B. Did you have a good time
C. Now let’s write to the government.
D. Those animals should live in the wild.
E. Zoos are great paces for animals to live.
F. I really want to do something to help them!
G. We can also tell people around us not to see circus shows.
46. 我们大家应该帮助动物们和平共处。
We should help animals live ________.
47. 昨天,我的弟弟从他的自行车上摔了下来。
Yesterday, my brother ________ his bike.
48. 稍等一会儿!我很快就来。
_____ _____ a minute! I’m coming soon.
49. 这家工厂三年前关闭了。
The factory ________ ________ three years ago.
50. 快点。五点半了。咱们回家吧。
________ ________. It’s five thirty. Let’s go home.
This story is from China. A tiger has three cubs(幼崽). Two of them are girls. One of them is a boy. He is older than the sisters. Their mother stops feeding them. The cubs need a new mother. Their new mother is a dog. They are being raised by a dog mum.
The tigers are having a good time with their new family. They play a lot with their new brothers and sisters. The cubs love playing a game of the ball. The cubs are very clever. Everybody likes them. They have become stars at a safari park(野生动物园) in Zhejiang Province of China.
Sadly, everything has an end. The cubs will leave their new family. They will meet their real parents again soon.
51. This is a _________ story.
52. The tiger mum has _________ cubs, two girls and one boy.
53. _________ is the cubs’ new mother because their real mother stops feeding them.
54. The cubs _________ with their new family.
55. The cubs are very clever, so they are very _________ at a safari park in China’s Zhejiang Province.
Dogs have been men’s best friends for t____51____ of years. Many stories are told about how brave dogs helped the people in t____52____. With the help of the dogs, many people l____53____in the snow were able to get home.
Dogs have also helped in the research work in many f____54____ of science. The first world’s space-traveler was a dog c____55____ Laika. It was sent up in a man-made earth satellite in 1955 by Russian scientists.
Dogs have been film stars, t____56____. A dog named Lassie was the star in quite a f____57____ American films. Dogs can hear, smell b____58____ than men, but they cannot see too well. A dog may l____59____ for about 12 or 13 years. A thirteen-year-old child is not y____60____ grown up, but a thirteen-year-old dog is a very old dog indeed.
66. 澳门朋友Alan 得知你要去澳门旅游,请你以他的名义来介绍澳门的天气以及游览澳门的最佳时间。请你根据以下要点提示,用英语写一篇短文。
1. 1月至3月,虽然寒冷,但阳光普照;
2. 进入4月份,天气变暖,树叶开始变绿;
3. 5月至9月,天气炎热,经常下雨,有时候有台风吹袭;
4. 10月至12月,天气不是太热或太冷,人体感觉舒服;
5. 10月至12月是游览澳门的最佳时间。别忘了随身带一件外套!
1. 词数:80个左右。
2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
3. 要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。
参考词汇:台风 typhoon
The weather is fine all year round in Macao. The average temperature of Macao is 20 degrees. From January to March,__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I’m looking forward to seeing you.

  • 2023-2024度八年级第一学期天津市期末考试模拟卷(含解析)10已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月24日  所属分类:作业答案