江苏省连云港市新海实验中学2023—2024九年级上学期第二次月考英语试卷(含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)

九年级英语试题 听力原文
第一部分 听对话回答问题
1. W: Hi, John. How are you
M: I’m fine, but I hate this wet weather today. I prefer sunny days like yesterday.
2. W: Excuse me, taking photos is not allowed in the museum
M: I am sorry. I didn’t see the sign.
3. M: Would you like to go out for a hamburger
W: Yes, I’d like to. What time shall we meet
M: 7:45 at KFC.
4. M: What’s wrong with you, girl
W: My head hurts and I don’t feel well.
5.W:Did you get that mobile phone for your birthday, Jack
M: It was my Christmas present. I got some money from my mom for my birthday.
W: Oh great, what are you going to buy with that
M: I want to get a bike.
6.W: What a nice shirt! It must be expensive.
M:Yes, it is. It costs 50 pounds, but my sister works at a clothes shop, so we can get everything at half price.
W: You are very lucky. I bought a shirt too, but I paid 75 pounds.
7.W: Good afternoon. How can I help you
M:Good afternoon. I want to buy gifts for my wife and daughter.
W: How about the two white dresses
M: That’s a good idea.
M:Good morning. I need some information about your hotel. My flight arrives at 4:30 a.m. on Friday. What’s the best way to get from the airport to the hotel?
W: The bus is the best way to get here. There are two buses: the 98 and the 99. The 99 goes every thirty minutes. There’s a bus stop on London Road, near the airport.
M: Lucy, are you going to email your friends to invite them to your birthday party
W: Or do you think I should phone them
M: You will need a lot of time! Your sister sent her friends invitations by post —that was nice.
W: Your first idea’s best. I’ll do that.
M: Mary, I’m sorry I can’t give back your book now. I have left it in my grandma’s house.
W: No problem. You can keep it all the time. But do not lose it.
M: OK. I will bring it back next month.
第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题
W: Hi, Henry. How is your new music class
M: Oh, hi, Alice. I like it! My teacher is Mrs. Winter.
W: I know Mrs. Winter. She was my teacher last year. She’s great.
M: Yes, I play the piano, but my teacher has helped me to learn the violin. I love my violin classes anyway. Do you play an instrument
W: No, I’m not musical. I’m doing the math class this year. My teacher is Mr. Johnson.
M: Is he a good teacher
W:Yes,but he speaks too quickly. I can’t understand everything he says.
M: You should ask him to speak more slowly.
W: No, I don’t want to, because all the other students are very clever.
M: You are clever too. You can talk to your teacher after class.
W: All right.
M: Mary, what do you want to do at the weekend, when Carlos comes
W: Well, Eric, I must go shopping on Saturday morning.
M: He hates shopping. But we could go to the museum and then meet you for lunch.
W: Fine. What shall we do in the afternoon
M: There is a good football match on — Carlos will like that.
W: OK. Do you want to eat at home in the evening
M: What about going to a restaurant We haven’t been to that Italian one for months.
W: Or we could try that new Chinese one.
M: OK. Let’s do that. Now, what about Sunday
W: If we get up early on Sunday, we could go for a drive in the countryside.
W: Hi, my name is Sally. I live in America. From Monday to Friday I get up at 5:00 a.m. My children get up at 6:00 a.m. and we have breakfast. I leave the house at 7:30 a.m. and I go to work by bike.
My children take a bus to the school, I work in a car factory. I start work at 8:00 a.m. and I finish at about 6:00 p.m. I get home at 6:30 p.m. and then I have dinner with my family. We eat at about 7:30 p.m. and talk about the day. After dinner I work again, and I go to bed at 10:00 p.m. It’s really a long day. My husband doesn’t work because we have nine children! Seven children live at home. I still need to work on the weekend but on Saturday evenings I watch a film with my family. And we sometimes go out to play volleyball with friends. I live a happy and relaxing life when I’m not at work.
M: Mike goes to the Dallas School every day. There are classes for math, English and computer. Mike studies English in this school. This is his fourth year in the United States, but he doesn’t speak English. He only knows some easy words. There are another ten students in his class. Six are like him, and they are from Mexico. There are three students from Japan, and one from India. They are from different countries, but Mike gets along well with them. They learn a lot from each other. Mike’s class is from 9:00 to 12:00 every day. Three hours is quite a long time, but Mike never feels bored during the class. His teacher is only 24 years old. But she is a good teacher. He understands her words because she doesn’t speak quickly. Mike likes school. It’s not easy and they have a lot of homework. But he is happy to be back in school.2023—2024学年第一学期月考
九年级英语试题 参考答案
6—10 AAACC
11—15 CBBCA
16—20 ABCBC
21—25 CCDCB
26—30 CACCC
31—35 CABAA
36—40 DBCAC
41—45 BADBC
46—48 CBD
49—52 DAAC
53—56 ABDA
57—60 ADCB
61—65 FEGDA
66. concerts 67. local 68. traditional 69. cowboys 70. guitars
71. African 72. Musicians 73. lasting 74. control(l)ing 75. successfully
76. out of breath
77. interviews
78. mistaking…for
79. has a gift for
80. such…that
81. has been famous for
82. won’t find out
83. peacefully
84. dreamt of
85. to send a text message
86. Five.
87. Students from No.65 Middle School.
88. Robots, model cars and machines.
89. Students learn and have fun.
90. Meaningful; Interesting…
八、书面表达 (略)2023— 2024 学年第一学期月考
(考试时间: 120 分钟 试卷分值: 150 分)
一、 听力部分(共 30 分)
第一部分 听对话回答问题(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
本部分共有 10 道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前, 你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读题目; 听完后, 每小题你仍有 5 秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的答 案。
1. What was the weather like yesterday
2. What sign are they talking about
3. When will the speakers meet
4. Where does the conversation take place
5. What did Jack’s mom give him for his birthday
A. A mobile phone. B. A bike. C. Some money.
6. How much did the man pay for his shirt
A. 25 pounds. B. 50 pounds. C. 75 pounds.
7. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Shopkeeper and customer. B. Husband and wife. C. Father and daughter.
8. What is the woman
A. A hotel worker. B. A bus driver. C. An airport worker.
9. How will Lucy invite her friends to her birthday party
A. By post. B. By phone. C. By email.
10. Why does the boy say sorry to the girl
A. He lost the book. B. He lent the book to his grandma. C. He can’t return the book now.
第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)
你将听到两段对话和两篇短文, 各听两遍。在听每段对话和短文前, 你将有时间阅读相 关题目,每小题 5 秒钟; 听完后,每小题你仍有 5 秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的答案。
听第一段对回答 11 至 12 小题。
11. What does Mrs. Winter teach to Henry
A. Math. B. The piano. C. The violin.
12.What does Henry suggest Alice do
A. Speak slowly in class. B. Talk to Mr. Johnson. C. Get help from others.
听第二段对话, 回答第 13- 14 小题。
13. When is the football match
A. On Saturday morning. B. On Saturday afternoon. C. On Sunday afternoon.
14. Where are the speakers going to eaton Saturday evening
A. At home. B. At an Italian restaurant. C. At a Chinese restaurant.
听第一篇短文, 回答第 15- 17 小题。
Sally’s Daily Life
On weekdays Get up at 15. a.m. and leave the house at 7:30 a.m. Go to work by 16. Start work at 8:00 a.m. and finish at about 6:00 p.m. Get home at about 6:30 p.m. and have dinner at about 7:30 p.m. Work again after dinner and goto bed at 10:00 p.m.
On the weekend Still need to work Watch a film with her family on Saturday evenings Sometimes go out to play 17. with friends
15. A. 5:00 B.6:00 C. 7:00
16. A. bike B. car C. bus
17. A. basketball B. volleyball C. tennis
听第二篇短文, 回答第 18-20 小题。
18. What subject does Mike study in the Dallas School
A. Math. B. Computer. C. English.
19. How long is Mike’s class every day
A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Four hours.
20. What does Mike think of his school life
A. Easy. B. Boring. C. Good.
二、单项选择(共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分满分 10 分)
从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
21. Which underlined letter has a different pronunciation
A. warmth B. wealth C. whether D. through
22. —Have you seen TV series called Human World
—Of course. It’s most moving one that I have ever seen this year.
A. a; / B. a; the C. the; the D. the; a
23. Dance is not just a form of art, but also a language which tells stories body. A. towards B. over C. past D. through
24. Thousands of Chinese children play the piano at present. They think learning a musical guides a child to an understanding of music.
A. agreement B. development C. instrument D. achievement
25. My English teacher always asks us to conversations in our English classes to improve spoken English.
A. turn up B. makeup C. take up D. end up
26. People think of Tan’s music, because he has created a newtype of music.
A. hardly B. hard C. highly D. high
27. Learning to write is learning to think. You don’t know things clearly you can write them down.
A. unless B. if C. since D. whether
28. Father’s Day is coming. I’m thinking about .
A. what present I gave my father. B. if I planned a party for my father
C. how I can give my father a surprise D. where will my father and I have a big meal 29. —I lost my wallet last week. What’s worse, my ID card and my driving licence were in it.
— . We should learn the importance of avoiding risks with a Plan B. A. Every dog has its day B. It never rains but it pours
C. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket D. Amiss is as good as a mile
30. —Which do you prefer, the city or the country
— . I think it isn’t about where you live—it’s about how you live. A. It’s my pleasure B. I can’t agree more
C. It’shard to say D. I don’tthink so
三、完形填空(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
阅读短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
When my niece Jessica was only six years old, she came home from school one day very sad. It had finally been her 31 at the weekly show and tell of her class, and her teacher’s laughter at her presentation made her 32 .
“I talked about Uncle Steve,” Jessica cried in a low voice. “When I showed his 33 to the class, Mrs. Yates laughed at it.”
Being only 34 years old at the time and the product of my mother’s second marriage, Steve was more like a (n) 35 to Jessica than an uncle. Truly her best buddy and partner, Jessica always chatted about Uncle Steve. It was 36 great surprise that she’d make him the topic of her show and tell. What was a little more unclear was 37 Mrs. Yates would find his picture funny enough to make Jessica sad.
There was a parents’ meeting at the end of the month. 38 meeting with Mrs. Yates and discussing Jessica’s progress, my sister Lani smoothly turned the conversation around to her daughter’s turn at show and tell. Once again, the teacher 39 laughter.
“Oh, Mrs. DeDeo,” she laughed. “I had no idea Jessica was so 40 , but I must explain my laughter. Every Monday when Jessica comes into school, she talks about her weekends spent with her grandmother and 41 . She tells the other students how he sometimes hits her, takes her toys and steals her cookies. I was seriously 42 giving you a call to ask if you knew the 43 . When she brought in a picture of Uncle Steve and shared it
with the class, I was 44 to find a rude man. What I saw was a 45 , fat- cheeked, three-year-old boy. I couldn’thelp but laugh!”
31. A. topic B. title C. turn D. term
32. A. cry B. laugh C. stand D. sit
33. A. story B. picture C. name D. video
34. A. three B. four C. five D. six
35. A. brother B. sister C. son D. daughter
36. A. any B. some C. much D. no
37. A. how B. why C. where D. when
38. A. Until B. Before C. After D. By
39. A. broke into B. broke down C. broke through D. broke up
40. A. angry B. nervous C. sad D. frightened
41. A. father B. uncle C. brother D. cousin
42. A. considering B. suggesting C. remembering D. regretting
43. A. location B. condition C. position D. situation
44. A. choosing B. expecting C. deciding D. planning
45. A. careless B. rude C. sweet D. polite
四、阅读理解(共三节, 20 小题; 每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)
第一节:阅读短文, 从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A
The book festival is coming! Do you have any books you don’twant Your old love maybe someone’s new favorite. Bring one book to the Town Library; exchange a book with each other! When & How: March 2 — March 14 Bring one book for one book festival card. March 16 — March 31 Bring one card for one book you like to read. What books: All kinds of books EXCEPT schoolbooks, comic books, and dictionaries. Notice: 1. Your book must be in good shape, without any pages missing. 2. Your book must be clean, and nothing is written on it. Follow us on TownLibrary.com for more.
46. Why is the book festival held
A. To sell second-handbooks. B. To know what books are popular.
C. To exchange books with others. D. To tell people how to choose books. 47. Amy is preparing books for the book festival. Which might be a right choice
A. A comic book. B. A Chinese storybook.
C. A schoolbook. D. An English dictionary.
48. Where does the text probably come from
A. A diary B. A storybook. C. A guidebook. D. A website.
One day long ago, clever Rabbit was walking along the seashore. He heard Elephant and Whale having a conversation. “We are the greatest. You should rule the land. I'll be happy to rule the sea," said Whale. Rabbit decided to play a trick on them.
“I’m twice as smart as both of them," he said. “All I need is along, strong rope and a drum.” Late that afternoon, Rabbit found Elephant in the woods and asked him for some help.
“My cow is stuck in the sandon the beach. I'm not big enough to pull him out. Let me tie one end of this rope around you and the other end around my cow. When you hear me beat my drum, you'll know it’s time to pull hard.”
“It’sa good plan," said Elephant. “You are wise to come tome as I’m the strongest friend you have."
After that, Rabbit ran to the beach and found Whale sunning (晒) herself there. He asked her for help.
“It's my cow. He’s stuck deep in the mud in the woods. I can't get him out. I’d like to tie one end of this rope around your tail and the other end around my cow. I'll beat my drum so that you can know when to pull."
“Of course I’ll help," said Whale.
Rabbit found his drum and played hard and loud. Elephant and Whale both began to pull. Next thing they knew was that the rope broke!
One end flew back and beat Elephant on the ear. “Ouch!" he cried. The other end smacked (打) Whale on the tail. “Ouch!" she cried.
Rabbit began to laugh. Elephant and Whale discovered that when it came to cleverness, Rabbit was the strongest of all. Sometimes success can’t come because of our strong body but because of our clever mind.
49. Which was the excuse that Rabbit gave to Elephant
A. He wanted to play his drum well. B. His drum was lost in the woods.
C. He wanted to make a rope and tie Whale. D. His cow was stuck in the sandon the beach. 50. What was the real reason that Rabbit asked Elephant and Whale for help
A. To teach thema lesson. B. To pull an animal to safety.
C. To make his situation easier. D. To bring the animals closer together.
51. Where may this story happen
A. By the ocean. B. At the zoo. C. In the mountains. D. Near the desert.
52. What do you think of Rabbit
A. Shy and clever. B. Modest and organized.
C. Clever and naughty. D. Quiet and smart.
On July 20, 1866, the sailors on a steamship (汽船) saw a strange reef (礁) near Australia. The reef was not on the map. The captain decided to measure it. Suddenly, it sent two spouts (水柱) of water high into the air. Then, it disappeared. Three days later, another steamship saw it. It was 700 leagues away in the Pacific Ocean. Two weeks later and two thousand leagues further away,
another ship saw it. What was it
“It was about one hundred meters long," said one sailor.
"It was two hundred meters long,” said another.
“It made aspout of water like a whale (鲸).”
“I saw two spouts!”
“It made a whistling (鸣叫) noise.”
“It made a roaring (轰鸣的) noise.”
“I think it is a very large whale.”
"It's much too big for a whale. It must be a submarine (潜水艇) ship."
"It's a monster!"
“I think you've all been dreaming,” said a sailor who was asleep when the others saw it.
On March 5, 1867, a ship called Moravian hit a rock that was not on the map. It was damaged but did not sink. When it reached port, the sailors discovered that there was a lot of damage. On April 13, 1867, something hit a British ship called Scotia. It was not a big hit, but it made a large neat triangular (三角形) hole in the four-centimeter-thick hull (船身). The sailors could not
believe their eyes. Now, everybody began to talk about the danger of ships being hit and sunk (下 沉). Some ships did sink, and everybody blamed (责怪) the strange monster, although nobody
could prove anything.
At this time, I was a teacher at the Museum of Natural History in Paris, but I was studying animals in America. I had written some books about sea animals, so people asked me what I thought about the monster.
“Could it be a floating reef, Dr. Aronnax ” “Could it be the wreck of a ship ” I thought it could not be either of those because it traveled around too quickly.
“Is it a submarine ship, Dr. Aronnax ” I did not think so. Who could build it No government could build such a ship without other people knowing about it. It had to be an animal.
“It might be a large narwhal (独角鲸) with a horn (角)," I said. “It must be ten times larger
and stronger than usual. Perhaps an animal like this might have come from the deepest part of the ocean, where no man has ever been."
For scientists like me, it was a very interesting situation to investigate. For other people, it was much more than simply being interesting. They wanted to kill this mysterious monster because it was endangering human life. Passengers were too afraid to cross the Atlantic. This was bad for
The Americans prepared a steamship and added additional weaponry in order to hunt and kill the monster. They waited for somebody to see it again. Nobody saw it for over three months.
People made jokes about it.
“It can read the newspapers. It hides when it knows we are looking for it!”
“It can read the telegrams that we send on cables under the seas!”
Finally, another ship saw it in the North Pacific. The 10 Americans set off from New York. I had been invited to come with them, and I was onboard with my servant, Conseil. The ship was
the Abraham Lincoln under Captain Farragut. Captain Farragut was a good sailor. He was
determined to kill the monster. He said he would give$2,000 to the first person to see it. All the
sailors watched the sea carefully. One sailor, however, did not watch the sea at all. This tall sailor read books or slept in his room. His name was Ned Land, and he was a very good harpooner (鱼叉 手). "I don't believe in the monster,” he said.
We became friends because he could speak French. He told me many stories about whaling.
The Abrabam Lincoln sailed down the coast of South America. Early in July, we sailed around Cape Horn and into the Pacific. A few weeks later, we crossed the equator (赤道).
“We’ve been looking for almost three months. Perhaps it doesn't exist,” said one sailor to another sailor on duty with him.
"I agree with Ned,” said a third. Soon, Captain Farragut was the only person who still believed in the monster. The other sailors all wanted to go home.
“Give meanother three days,” said Captain Farragut. “If we do not see it, we will go home.”
The sailors agreed. They all began to look for it again.
53. Why did the Americans want to kill the monster
A. Because people thought it was dangerous and bad for business.
B. Because people wanted to kill it for fun.
C. Because people decided to sell its body.
D. Because people wanted to research it.
54. What did Dr. Aronnax think the monster was
A. A floating reef. B. An animal.
C. The wreck of a ship D. A submarine ship.
55. What was true about Ned Land
A. He was the captain of the ship. B. He watched the sea a lot.
C. He believed the monster existed. D. He was a good harpooner.
56. What does the underline word “port” mean
A. 港口 B. 集市 C. 车站 D. 机场
You stand in a garden. A low noise reaches your ears. You see a small insect flying near your head. You turn to look, and it flies out of sight. There it is again! You move slowly. You can see yellow and black stripes on it.
Is it a bee It lands on a flower, and you take a closer look.
Bees fold (折叠) their wings onto their backs when they stop flying. But this insect's wings reach out like a fly's. That's because it is a fly — a flower fly.
Many flower flies look like bees. This helps keep them safe from animals that may want to eat them. Insects with yellow and black stripes usually have stingers (刺). Insect eaters, such as some birds and frogs, need to get stung only once to know that stripes mean trouble. Flower flies can't sting, but insect eaters see the stripes and leave the flies alone.
Flower flies spend most of their time looking for food. Like bees, flower flies eat pollen (花 粉) and nectar (花蜜).This makes them easy to find in a garden full of flowers. They are helpful garden insects just like bees. Adult flower flies move pollen from one flower to another, which helps some flowers grow into fruit.
Flower flies can stay in one place while flying. Most insects move forward when they fly. But flower flies can twist their wings, much like hummingbirds do. Twisting keeps them in one place, so they can remain over flowers, leaves, or even you!
57. In which part of a magazine can we probably see this passage
A. Nature. B. Culture. C. Fashion. D. Health.
58. In which way are bees and flower flies different
A. The food that they eat. B. The colour of their stripes.
C. The way they help garden flowers grow. D. The shape of wings when they stop flying. 59. What does the underlined phrase “leave the flies alone” in Paragraph 4 mean
A. Make friends with the flies. B. Eat the flies up.
C. Keep away from the flies. D. Invite the flies in.
60. What might the writer of the passage agree with
A. People usually prefer bees to flower flies.
B. People sometimes mistake flower flies for bees.
C. People should stop birds eating bees and flower flies.
D. People should have beautiful gardens in their neighbourhood.
第二节: 阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项, 使短文通顺连贯,其中有两项是多余选项。
I once gave a lesson to a group of primary school students for a TV programme. I suggested that we create small gardens.
First, I asked the students to look for their favourite place in the school. 61 Then I had each of them describe their experiences of nature in a small garden.
In a box of about one and a half by two feet, they were free to organize— soil, stones, leaves and grass. Even as an active garden designer, I was impressed with their imagination. 62
One child created “water” that flowed into a “lake”; another child put grass in a way to represent “wind”; and yet another child tried hard to create shade… 63 That was why they took great interest when they created their small gardens. They spent a wonderful time together with nature.
64 If you notice a stone lying on the ground, pick it up and hold it. When you see beautiful flowers by the side of the road, stop and enjoy the pleasant smell.
Then, inside your mind, create a small garden of your own. 65
A. It will relax you. B. Flowers like these are all around you. C. The gardens were built many years ago. D. Try spending time with nature yourself. E. The gardens they made were really creative. F. Once there, I let them try hard to empty their minds. G. These children were often busy doing their schoolwork.
五、词汇运用(共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
Today we had a music show at the school hall. I attended all the (66) c to enjoy different kinds of music.
Folkmusic usually has strong (67) l colour. It is also in the (68) t style. Country music is about country life and (69) c . People usually use (70) g to play it. Jazz was first created by (71) A Americans. (72) M are great because they make up the music while playing. Rock music is exciting and uses drums a lot. Classical pieces, such as “Swam Lake”, are serious and have a (73) l value.
It is a great day because I have learnt about different kinds of music. By the way, Tan Dun is my hero. He is good at (74) c the speed of water flow to make sounds. He has (75)
s brought Chinese and Western music together.
六、选词填空(共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
have a gift for; be known for; such…that; send a text message; peaceful; mistake…for; out of breath; not find out; interview dream of
76. We hurried into the theatre, .
77.This week’s programmes are all about football. There area number of with famous players.
78. Because of the house a hotel, the traveller lost his way.
79. He music, so his father encourages him to play the piano everyday. 80. It was a beautiful village all the visitors forgot to return. 81. Tan Dun winning an Oscar since he played music in a film.
82. Murder in a Country House is a horror film. You the answer until the very end. 83. On 20 January 1993, Audrey Hepburn passed away in her sleep.
84. As a child, the girl loved dancing and becoming a ballet dancer.
85. My mother asked me to her after school.
七、阅读表达(共 5 题; 每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
阅读短文,根据短文阅读内容用英语回答问题,每题答案不超过 5 个单词。
Get ready! Five, four, three, two, one, blastoff (发射)! With the last words, five rockets flew up into the sky.
These were not real rockets taking off, though. They were model rockets made by students from Beijing No. 65 Middle School. Using the science knowledge they had learned in class, the students built the rockets all by themselves.
Last week, students also from different schools in Beijing came to No. 65 Middle School to showoff their good work at the opening of “Love Science Month”. It runs from the middle of
October to mid-November.
Besides rockets, students also showed off robots, model cars and other machines they had made.
“Love Science Month” is very popular, for students can learn and have fun at the sametime.
86. How many rockets flew up into the sky
87. Who made these rockets
88. What other things did the students show besides rockets
89. Why is “Love Science Month” popular with students
90. What do you think of the activity
八、书面表达(共 1 小题;满分 25 分)
91. 很多学生喜欢在休闲时看电视, 请根据以下信息, 以 TV Viewing Habits 为题写一篇短 文:
学生 最喜爱的节目 原因
Tom 访谈节目 对历史感兴趣; 有著名人士谈论人生; 可以了解历史和真实生 活事件;每周花两个半小时观看。
Millie 动物世界 动物爱好者; 可以近距离观察动物的生活; 认为和游戏节目一 样精彩;希望更多的人认识到动物们正处于危险之中。
I …… ……(至少两点)

  • 江苏省连云港市新海实验中学2023—2024九年级上学期第二次月考英语试卷(含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月24日  所属分类:作业答案