Unit 2 My week单元达标测试卷(含答案)

小学英语 五年级 上 第二单元达标测试卷 人教版PEP
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分
一、选出恰当的选项补全单词。 (每小题 2分,共 10分)
( )1. T sday(星期二) A. ua B. ue C. un
( )2. Fr day(星期五) A. a B. e C. i
( )3. W nesday(星期三) A. ed B. ea C. ei
( )4. w sh(洗) A. a B. e C. o
( )5. r d(读) A. ae B. ea C. ee
二、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(每小题2分,共 10分)
( )1. A. meet B. science C. feed
( )2. A. week B. Monday C. Friday
( )3. A. often B. football C. sometimes
( )4. A. sports B. does C. watches
( )5. A. strict B. music C. art
三、单项选择。 (请将正确答案的序号写在题前括号内)(每小题2分,共10分)
( )1. What's your favourite
—Monday. We have a PE class on Monday, and I love sports.
A. day B. colour C. subject
( )2. I like to read at home Saturdays.
A. in B. at C. on
( )3.—What do you have on Mondays
A. We have Chinese, PE and music.
B. We often play basketball
C. I have 5 Chinese books.
( )4. you often play the pipa after school
—Yes, I .
A. Do; am B. Do; do C. Are; am
( )5. Here is a new schedule you.
A. with B. on C. for
四、连词成句。 (注意字母大小写及标点符号)(每小题2 分,共 10 分)
1. it, Sunday, evening, is(.)
2. you, this, do, park, like( )
3. you, listen, music, do, on, weekend, to, the, often( )
4. I, play, often, on, football, Saturday(.)
5. do, often, what, you, do, the, on, weekend ( )
五、读句子,选择相应的句子,将其序号填入题前括号里。 (每小题2分,共10分)
( )1. I like Mondays because I like science.
( )2. I often play football on the weekend.
( )3. We often do our homework on Sundays.
( )4. We have Chinese, maths and music on Thursdays.
( )5. I often listen to music on Fridays.
六、情景交际。 (每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
( )1.当你想说“我不喜欢体育运动”时,你说:
A. I like sports. B. I don't like sports.
( )2.当你想知道别人星期四有什么课程时,你说:
A. What do you have on Thursdays
B. What do we have on Thursdays
( )3.当你告诉Mike 你周末经常打乒乓球时,你说:
A. Sometimes I play ping—pong on the weekend.
B. I often play ping—pong on the weekend.
( )4.当你问别人周末是不是常常洗衣服时,你说:
A. Do you often wash your clothes on the weekend
B. Do you often read a storybook on the weekend
( )5.你想告诉 Tom 琳达常常听音乐时,你说:
A. Linda often listen to music.
B. Linda often listens to music.
七、从方框中选出正确的句子补全下面的对话,将其序号填在横线上。(每小题2分,共 10 分)
A:Hello, John. 1.
B:Yes, it is Monday.
B:We have English, PE and a computer class.
B:Mr Li. He's very clever.
B:I often do my homework and wash my clothes.
B:Yes, I do.
A. Who's your computer teacher
B. Do you play sports on the weekend
C. Is it Monday today
D. What do you often do on Saturdays
E. What do you have on Mondays
八、按要求完成下列各题。 (每小题2分,共 10分)
1. I often listen to music.(改为一般疑问句)
to music
2. We have English and PE today.(对画线部分提问)
you today
3. I often watch TV on Sundays.(对画线部分提问)
you often on Sundays
4. Is it Friday (作否定回答)
No, .
5. What's that (用 basketball 作答)
九、根据表中的内容判断正(T)误(F)。(每小题2分,共 10分)
Activity Name do sports do homework read books watch TV play computer games
Chen Jie
( )1. Jim often does sports and plays computer games.
( )2. Chen Jie often reads books on weekends.
( )3. Amy often watches TV on weekends.
( )4. Mike often reads books and plays computer games.
( )5. They all do homework on weekends.
假如图片中展示的是你周末经常做的事情,你能描述一下吗 试一试。
I am busy on the weekend. I often

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发布日期:2023年12月24日  所属分类:作业答案