
一、第一部分,听力,第一节,听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. Where are the speakers
A.At home. B.In a store. C.In a cinema.
2. Who do the movie tickets probably belong to
A.The woman. B.The man. C.Susan.
3. What does the woman think of the story
A.Moving. B.Cheerful. C.Boring.
4. What color jacket does the woman suggest
A.Red. B.Black. C.Green.
5. Why did the man go online
A.To play games.
B.To find out the cost of a trip.
C.To get information for his homework.
二、第一部分,听力,第二节,听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分 22.5分)
6.What does the man want to eat tonight
A.Eggs. B.Dumplings. C.Noodles.
7.How does the man feel now
A.Angry. B.Tired. C.Hungry.
8.When did the woman get the news
A.On Monday. B.On Tuesday. C.On Friday.
9.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.At a restaurant. B.In an office. C.In a bank.
10.How many times did the man call Mr. Strong last week
A.Once. B.Twice. C.Three times.
11.What does the man want Mr. Strong to do
A.Wait in the office.
B.Leave a message.
C.Give a call back.
12.What is the man's phone number
A.37460. B.37640. C.36470.
13.What is the probable relationship between Mr. Strong and the woman
A.Husband and wife.
B.Customer and saleswoman.
C.Boss and secretary.
14.How old is Jane
A.21. B.24. C.25.
15.What is Beth
A.A teacher. B.A student. C.An engineer.
16.What can we know about Tina
A.She has got a new job.
B.She loves playing the piano.
C.She will graduate this June.
17.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.The weather.
B.Their travel experiences.
C.Their family members.
18.What was the temperature by mid-afternoon in southeast England
A.26℃. B.23℃. C.17℃.
19.What will the weather be like in Scotland for much of the weekend
A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Cloudy.
20.What is the speaker doing
A.Doing a survey. B.Giving a speech. C.Hosting a program.
三、第二部分,阅读,第一节,阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分 37.5分)
Cheapest Islands in the World to Visit
Grand Bahama Island, The Bahamas
As the northernmost of the 700 islands of the Bahamas, Grand Bahama dishes up plenty of cheap activities alongside its white-sand beaches. Visiting Lucayan National Park, which is home to both beloved Gold Rock Beach and one of the largest underwater cave(洞穴) systems in the world, is an affordable trip. There are hotel rooms at $80 a night.
Madeira, Portugal
Though closer to mainland Africa, Madeira is a part of Portugal known for its breathtaking natural beauty. Visitors can find hotels starting at $85 a night, and enjoy plenty of low-cost activities, like rowing a boat around the volcanic Porto Moniz natural swimming pools, and admiring the never-ending views around the island. No wonder it's been called the "Hawaii of Europe".
Dominican Republic
Looking for one of the least expensive Caribbean islands The Dominican Republic is full of affordable surprises. In Santo Domingo, walk around Zona Colonial, the historic heart of the country's capital, you'll find castles, cathedrals(教堂), cobblestone streets, and cafés around every corner. During the low season(summer), you can find hotel deals starting at$ 33 a night.
Sri Lanka
Do you want to spend just $25~50 a day Then go to Sri Lanka. Since the South Asian island country is one of the largest tea producers in the world, start with a tea factory tour on a peaceful hike. Taking a train ride through the hills from Kandy to Badulla or from Colombo to Gall e is an enjoyable and affordable way to see the countryside.
21.What can you do in Lucayan National Park
A.Visit a huge castle. B.Enjoy the beautiful beach.
C.Swim in Porto Moniz. D.Go on a tea factory tour.
22.What is special about Zona Colonial
A.It requires booking. B.It has historic sites.
C.It is famous for tea. D.It is closed in summer.
23.Which of the following would provide a hotel room at the lowest price
A.Dominica. B.The Bahamas. C.Portugal. D.Sri Lanka.
My husband, Dave, who teaches Botany(植物学), always plants things. He has planted trees anywhere we have lived and is proud to see they are flourishing and providing shade and beauty for whoever lives there.
I also love planting, especially the harvest. But I hate weeding(除草). I remember one of our first gardens in Kansas when I was attacked by the hugest grasshoppers(蚱蜢) I had ever seen while weeding our little garden.
Now, our growing efforts at our new home are vegetables. We are enjoying the garden we have created. It's large but manageable with daily care. We use methods to minimize weeds. We have the time to keep up with the watering and weeding. I find I don't hate that anymore.
There is something satisfying about pulling grass, and violets that are growing where we don't want them, and unnamed weeds that are affecting the growth of what we want. I find that my relationship with gardening is turning into a true romance that has a rosy future.
It's all about time, environment and attitude. Being in my eighties, I have the time to be patient for results, to enjoy the hope for future harvest, and I have the knowledge that comes from experience. I find a lot to love about growing things and about growing older.
24.What does the author's husband take pride in
A.Teaching. B.Weeding.
C.Planting trees. D.Growing vegetables.
25.How did the author feel when seeing grasshoppers from the weeds
A.Calm. B.Excited. C.Bored. D.Frightened.
26.What can we infer from paragraph 4
A.Weeds are growing wildly.
B.The author begins to enjoy weeding.
C.The author finds new ways to weed.
D.Weeds balance the garden.
27.What does the author say about growing old
A.It is a time to start work.
B.It is a stage of showing pity for the lost past.
C.It lets people become patient and wise.
D.It makes learning knowledge difficult.
Corcoran, a farming town of California, is slowly sinking(下沉) when drought has forced farmers to pump(用泵抽) amounts of water from the ground. Corcoran is struggling to make sense of the strangest thing: His already suffering town is sinking, ever so gradually, into the ground.
To water its large fields and help feed America, farm operators began in the last century to pump water from underground sources, so much so that the ground has begun to sink. Strangely, signs of this subsidence are nearly out of sight. There are no cracks(裂缝) in the walls of the typical American shops in the town's center, nor in the streets or fields.
This year's drought has changed this food-basket of America into a large field of brown dust, forcing the government to limit(限制) the use of water by farmers. So Corcoran now finds itself in the middle of a bad circle: With their water supplies limited, farm operators are forced to pump more underground water, which in turn speeds the sinking of the town.
Few locals have spoken out against the problem—not surprising, since most of them work for the same big agribusinesses pumping up groundwater. "They are afraid that if they speak against them, they might not work there any more," said Atilano, who has spent years working for one of the country's biggest cotton producers, J. G. Boswell.
On this summer afternoon, under a heat wave, some people stop to chat under a large wall painting. It describes a clear blue lake surrounded by snow-covered mountain peaks—for now, a far dream.
28.What does the underlined word "subsidence" in paragraph 2 mean
A.Coming upwards. B.Going down.
C.Becoming dry. D.Growing wide.
29.What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A.The cause of the drought.
B.The development of Corcoran.
C.The reason why Corcoran is in a bad circle.
D.Farm operators' way of dealing with the drought.
30.Why do few people mention the problem of pumping the underground water
A.It has nothing to do with them.
B.They are busy with their work.
C.They consider its effect is small.
D.They are afraid of losing their jobs.
31.What is the author's attitude towards the future of Corcoran
A.Worried. B.Hopeful. C.Admirable. D.Carefree.
Learn a new language with the world's most-downloaded education app! Duolingo is a fun, free app for learning 40+ languages through quick, bite-sized lessons.
Designed by language experts and loved by hundreds of millions of learners worldwide, Duolingo helps you prepare for real conversations in Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian, German, English, and more.
The program is based on crown levels which give you more difficult exercises at higher levels. When the skill is leveled up, the next row of skills is unlocked. The point of the leveling-up design is to allow you to see more challenging content without forcing you to go through it.
With Duolingo, you can enlarge your vocabulary, learn basic grammar structures, and have fun along the way. The app also offers a wide variety of exercises, and you can learn how to pronounce words as well as improve your writing and listening skills. You can learn different languages at the same time, which is really cool. There's a wide range of languages to choose from.
Duolingo becomes so popular because it's both fun and effective. And free, of course. But the app also has a paid version called Duolingo Plus, which removes ads, allows for lessons' downloads to mobile devices, provides chances for members to practise their former(以前的) mistakes and more.
There are a ton of education apps on the market these days, and it's not easy to stand out. But Duolingo manages to find the winning combination(结合): affordability, simplicity, and originality. But you shouldn't have unrealistic goals. As long as you don't expect to become fluent with Duolingo, you'll find the program very useful.
32.How does Duolingo allow learners to go further when studying
A.By offering all the skills unlocked.
B.By letting them finish leveling-up design.
C.By forcing them to create challenging tasks.
D.By showing them the answers to difficult exercises.
33.What can we know about Duolingo Plus
A.It is completely free.
B.It allows mistakes to be viewed again.
C.It includes ads.
D.Its lessons are unable to be downloaded.
34.What does the author suggest about using Duolingo
A.Having a test before use.
B.Giving up other apps.
C.Setting a goal to become fluent.
D.Not completely relying on it.
35.What is the best title for the text
A.Duolingo: A Wonderful App B.Duolingo Plus in Use
C.Duolingo: A New Invention D.Tools for Speaking
四、第二部分,阅读,第二节 (共5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
Living a healthy life is all about choosing to make health y choices each day. We've put together some good tips for starting a healthy life.
Create specific health goals
When you have specific goals you want to achieve, you'll be more encouraged to make changes in your life.  36.   . And then you can set smart goals that are specific and measurable to better
achieve your success.
It's no secret that eating healthy food is one of the keys to achieving a healthy life. When you follow a healthy diet, you reduce the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and other diseases. More than that, healthy eating can relax you and make you happy.
Drink plenty of water
Just like tasty food, water is necessary to keep your body healthy. Water helps you digest(消化) food, keeps you hydrated(补水), and protects your body.  38.  . This amount can change depending on your age, weight, and physical activity level.
Exercise regularly
Find a type of physical activity that's enjoyable for you.  39.  . Being active helps you lose weight, improves your cognitive function(认知能力), and lifts your spirits. Experts suggest that adults get at least 150 minutes of exercise each week.
Get enough sleep
A good night's sleep can help you avoid getting sick, keep a healthy weight, and start a good day. Most adults need at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night.  40.  .
A. Keep a healthy diet
B. Get into shape before school starts
C. Be positive about yourself and your body
D. The good point s of physical activity are endless
E. You should know what parts of your life you want to improve
F. Children need from 8 to 13 hours depending on how old they are
G. You should drink about 3.1 L of water a day to stay properly hydrated
五、第三部分,语言运用,第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
When Liam fell into the sea during a sailing lesson, he had no idea what he was in for. "I was shaking with 41. ,"said Liam in an interview. 42. , he was wearing a life jacket, but the water was 43. .
The experience left him wondering if he could 44. something that could help people stay warm in water related accidents. The following spring, Liam 45. his friend Fraser for a class science project. Together they got the 46. of "LifeHeat " a self heating life jacket that could one day help someone in a 47. situation.
After repeated tests, Liam and Fraser 48. calcium chloride a chemical(化学品) often used to melt(融化) snow and ice from sidewalks and driveways, which 49. the life jacket to remain warm underwater. Then they decided to self test their 50. by jumping into the sea. Their first 51. did not go as planned. "We put in more calcium chloride than we usually do," said Liam. "We were starting to overheat!" While it wasn't the result they expected, the test made Liam and Fraser feel 52. .
This year they 53. B. C. Science Fairs and won first prize. It was a special moment for Liam and Fraser as they could receive feedback(反馈) from experts to 54. their work. They hoped to turn their invention into business. "We believe that this 55. will be widely used to save more lives," said Fraser.
41.A. anger B. fear C. music D. help
42.A. Thankfully B. Undoubtedly C. Secretly D. Finally
43.A. salty B. dirty C. cold D. warm
44.A. buy B. borrow C. save D. create
45.A. caught up with B. looked for
C. teamed up with D. cared for
46.A. class B. idea C. exercise D. word
47.A. famous B. pleasant C. similar D. private
48.A. gave up B. came across
C. cleaned up D. went across
49.A. allowed B. warned C. invited D. accepted
50.A. trade B. mark C. agreement D. invention
51.A. rule B. race C. try D. sport
52.A. hopeful B. nervous C. strange D. lonely
53.A. failed B. entered C. managed D. prepared
54.A. lead B. copy C. record D. improve
55.A. product B. lesson C. machine D. method
六、第三部分,语言运用,第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
For the last two weeks, 32 women's football teams have been playing in stadiums(体育场)across Australia and New Zealand as part of the FIFA Women's World Cup. Along the way, there have been some  56.  (excite) matches, along with several surprises. Now there are only eight teams  57.  (leave).
This is the  58.  (nine) Women's World Cup. The competition  59.  (begin) in 1991and is held every four years. For the first time ever, the competition is being hosted  60.  more than one country. The first match took place in New Zealand. The final match will 61.   (hold) at Stadium Australia in Melbourne on August 20.
In another change, this year, for the first time ever, 32 teams were invited to compete. In the past, there were only 24 teams. For the eight  62.  (country), this was the first time they'd ever made it into the World Cup.
Some people criticized(批评) the move, saying the new teams were too weak. But several teams  63.   were included for the first time performed(表现) very well even beating teams that were expected  64.   (do) much better. Morocco beat both South Korea  65.  Colombia. Morocco is the only one of the new teams to make it into the final 16 teams in the competition.
七、第四部分,写作,第一节 (满分 15分)
66. 外教 Rose计划在下周五的英语课上开展英语学习交流会, 请你写一篇发言稿。内容包括:1. 你的学习方法; 2. 你的收获。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear classmates,
八、第四部分,写作,第二节 (满分 25 分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Yesterday I was in a bad mood because of losing my job. I tried to find something else to do to make myself feel better. I went shopping for a pair of trainers to replace the old pair I have been wearing for too long. I would have replaced them months ago but I am one of those women who hate shopping. I hate the crowds and the heat in the shops, but mostly I hate the waiting line.
I was happy as I found my trainers very quickly, but my happiness soon disappeared when I found myself in a very long line for the payment.
This line was long and snaking around a corner. I do hate waiting but I find the best way to pass the time is to talk to the person behind me.
So I turned around and told the woman behind me that the line was looking very long and joked that I hoped we could all hang on.
She laughed and agreed. I caught an English accent(口音) as she spoke, so being a person from Liverpool in England myself, I immediately asked her where she was from.
She rewarded me with a sharp look and said. "England."
Immediately I realized that I had accidentally offended(冒犯) her—she was black and thought I was referring to her colour. I told her I was from Liverpool and had noticed her English accent.
注意:1.续写词数应为 150个左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
She laughed then and continued chatting.
The line seemed to disappear slowly as we exchanged some information about our life.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Have you seen my purse, honey I put it on the bed a moment ago.
M: Isn't it right over there
【分析】问题:谈话人在哪里?根据"Have you seen my purse, honey I put it on the bed a moment ago."亲爱的,你看到我的钱包了吗?我刚才把它放在床上了。可推知他们可能在家,故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Here are two used movie tickets. Did you go to the cinema today
M: No. I did my homework all this afternoon. Susan dropped in just now. She must have left them here.
【分析】问题:这些电影票可能属于谁?根据"Susan dropped in just now. She must have left them here."苏珊刚才顺便来了。她一定是把它们留在这里了。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: What do you think of the book
M: It's not as interesting as it is said.
W: But I really love reading it. It tells such a moving story.
【分析】问题:女士怎么看这个故事?根据"But I really love reading it. It tells such a moving story."但我真的很喜欢读。它告诉了一个如此感人的故事。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】M: What about this jacket I bought it yesterday.
W: Well, it looks really nice, but I don't think red is the right color for you.
M: I agree with you. I'll have it returned tomorrow.
W: You'd better not. The design looks great. Try a black one. You look really cool in black.
【分析】问题:这位女士建议穿什么颜色的夹克?根据"Try a black one. You look really cool in black."试试黑色的。你穿黑色衣服看起来很酷。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W: You didn't take a rest after supper, did you
M: No. I surfed the Internet.
W: Were you searching for information for your school paper
M: No. I wanted to know about the cost of taking a trip to London.
【分析】问题:男士为什么上网?根据"I wanted to know about the cost of taking a trip to London."我想知道去伦敦旅行的费用。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: What are we going to eat tonight I'm tired of noodles and eggs. I want to have dumplings.
W: I'm going to cook chicken, dear. We can have dumplings tomorrow.
M: I'm afraid the chicken has gone bad. I forgot to put it in the fridge.
W: Oh my goodness! Now what can we eat
M: Why don't we eat out
W: But you've said it's too expensive to eat out.
M: Not when we're hungry!
6.问题:男士今晚想吃什么?根据"I want to have dumplings."我想吃饺子。故选B。
7.问题:男士现在感觉怎么样?根据"Why don't we eat out "我们为什么不出去吃饭?;"But you've said it's too expensive to eat out."但你说过在外面吃饭太贵了;以及"Not when we're hungry!"我们饿的时候不行!可推知男士现在饿了,故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hi, Mary, how are you doing Sorry, I'm late.
W: Ah, that's OK. I just got here. I haven't ordered yet. Are you hungry
M: Yeah, a little. How's work
W: Oh, pretty good. Guess what
M: What Go on. Tell me.
W: I got a raise.
M: Hey, that's great news. When
W: Just heard on Monday.
M: Congratulations!
W: Thanks. I'm really pleased. Let's call the waiter now.
8.问题:女士什么时候得到这个消息的?根据"Just heard on Monday."周一刚听到。故选A。
9.问题:谈话可能发生在哪里?根据" I haven't ordered yet. Are you hungry "我还没点。你饿了吗?可推知他们在饭店,故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: AST Sales Department. May I help you
M: Yes. I'd like to speak to Mr. Strong, please.
W: Oh, I'm sorry he's not in at the moment. Can I take a message
M: Well, if he's not in, um... it seems that I always have trouble contacting him. Well, I've phoned him twice last week. Look, I think the best thing to do is ask him to phone me. He's got my telephone number, but it's 37460. Tell him to phone me as soon as possible.
W: So if he comes back, I shall ask him to ring you at 37460. Is that right
M: Yes, before 5:00 pm.
W: And could I have your name, please
M: Mr. Ibson of Carlo s Enterprises.
W: Could you spell your name, please
M: Ibson, that's spelt I-B-S-O-N.
10.问题:男士上周给 Strong 先生打了多少次电话?根据"I've phoned him twice last week."上周我给他打了两次电话。故选B。
11.问题:男士想让Strong先生做什么?根据"Tell him to phone me as soon as possible."告诉他尽快给我打电话。故选C。
12.问题:男士的电话号码是多少?根据" He's got my telephone number, but it's 37460. "他有我的电话号码,但是是37460。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Oh, what terrible weather! The plane must be delayed. I can't wait to get home.
M: I know. I've been traveling on business for a month. I really miss my family.
W: A month is a long time to be away. Well, do you have any children
M: I have two, a boy and a girl. Would you like to see a picture of them
W: Sure. Oh, how nice! Now, who's this
M: This is Jane, my beautiful daughter. She's twenty-four. She is studying engineering at Cambridge University. She will graduate this June. And she has got a position with IBM.
W: What an excellent girl!
M: So she is! And this is my son, James. He is twenty-one. He's in college now. That's my wife, Beth, a college teacher.
W: Wow, you certainly have a lovely family!
M: Thank you. So, tell me about your family.
W: My husband and I have a daughter, Tina. She is a lovely girl and she likes playing the piano. But I don't have a photo with me.
M: Well, it seems that you miss your daughter very much.
W: Yes. I haven't seen her for nearly two weeks.
14.问题: Jane 多大了?根据"This is Jane, my beautiful daughter. She's twenty-four. "这是Jane,我美丽的女儿。她二十四岁了。故选B。
15.问题: Beth 是干什么的?根据"That's my wife, Beth, a college teacher."那是我的妻子,Beth,一位大学老师。故选A。
16.问题:关于 Tina ,我们能了解些什么?根据"My husband and I have a daughter, Tina. She is a lovely girl and she likes playing the piano. "我丈夫和我有一个女儿,Tina。她是一个可爱的女孩,她喜欢弹钢琴。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】 W: Hello. This is FM98.6. It's been another warm and fine day for most of us. Temperatures in southeast England reached 26℃ by mid-afternoon, and Brighton had fifteen hours of lovely sunshine. But the weather is already beginning to change, I'm afraid, and during the night showers will slowly move in from the Atlantic and reach southwest England by early morning. The rest of the country will have a very mild, dry night with temperatures no lower than fifteen degrees in the south, a little cooler—eleven degrees or so—in the north. And now, let's move on to the weather forecast for Friday and the weekend. Well, southern Europe will once again get the best of the weekend weather. Scotland and Northern Ireland will have heavy rain for much of the weekend and temperatures will drop to seventeen degrees. Across most of England the weather will be cloud y but mainly dry with sunny periods. And when the sun does come out, temperatures could rise up to twenty-three degrees.
18.问题:到下午三点左右,英格兰东南部的气温是多少?根据"Temperatures in southeast England reached 26℃ by mid-afternoon"截至下午三点左右,英格兰东南部的气温达到26℃,故选A。
19.问题:周末大部分时间苏格兰的天气会怎样?根据"Scotland and Northern Ireland will have heavy rain for much of the weekend"苏格兰和北爱尔兰周末大部分时间将有大雨。故选B。
20.问题:发言人在做什么?根据"Hello. This is FM98.6. It's been another warm and fine day for most of us."你好,这是FM98.6。对我们大多数人来说,又是一个温暖晴朗的日子。可推知发言人在主持节目,故选C。
21.考查细节理解。根据Grand Bahama Island, The Bahamas部分中的"Visiting Lucayan National Park, which is home to both beloved Gold Rock Beach and one of the largest underwater cave (洞穴) systems in the world, is an affordable trip."参观Lucayan国家公园是一次负担得起的旅行,这里既有备受喜爱的金岩海滩,也有世界上最大的水下洞穴系统之一。可知,在Lucayan国家公园可以欣赏美丽的海滩。故选B。
22.考查细节理解。根据Dominican Republic部分中的"In Santo Domingo, walk around Zona Colonial, the historic heart of the country's capital, you'll find castles, cathedrals (教堂), cobblestone streets, and cafes around every corner."在圣多明各,漫步在该国首都的历史中心Zona Colonial,你会发现城堡、大教堂、鹅卵石街道和咖啡馆遍布各个角落。可知,本文介绍的其他地方都是自然风光为主,而Zona Colonial尤以历史古迹著称,所以Zona Colonial的特殊之处就在于它的历史古迹。故选B。
23.考查细节理解。根据 Grand Bahama Island, The Bahamas部分中的"There are hotel rooms at $80 a night. "有每晚80美元的旅馆房间;Madeira, PortugalSri Lanka部分中的"Visitors can find hotels starting at $85 a night"游客可以找到每晚85美元起的酒店;Dominican Republic部分中的"you can find hotel deals starting at $33 a night."你可以找到每晚33美元起的酒店优惠;以及Sri Lanka部分中的"Do you want to spend just $25~50 a day "你想每天只花25~50美元吗 。可知,Sri Lanka可以订购最便宜的客房。故选D。
24.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"He has planted trees anywhere we have lived and is proud to see they are flourishing and providing shade and beauty for whoever lives there."他在我们住过的任何地方都种过树,很自豪地看到它们茁壮成长,为住在那里的人提供了阴凉和美丽。可知,作者的丈夫为他种的树感到自豪。故选C。
25.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"But I hate weeding (除草). I remember one of our first gardens in Kansas when I was attacked by the hugest grasshoppers (蚱蜢) I had ever seen while weeding our little garden."但我讨厌除草。我记得我们在堪萨斯州的第一个花园,当时我在给我们的小花园除草时,被我见过的最大的蚱蜢袭击了。可知,作者被蚱蜢袭击过,可推知作者看到蚱蜢时是害怕的。故选D。
26.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的"I find I don't hate that anymore."我发现我不再讨厌那样了;以及第四段"There is something satisfying about pulling grass, and violets that are growing where we don't want them, and unnamed weeds that are affecting the growth of what we want. I find that my relationship with gardening is turning into a true romance that has a rosy future."拔草、生长在我们不想要的地方的紫罗兰、影响我们想要的东西生长的无名杂草,有一些令人满意的地方。我发现我和园艺的关系正在变成一段真正的浪漫,有着美好的未来。可知,作者发现自己和园艺的关系正在变成一段真正的浪漫,有着美好的未来,可推知,作者开始喜欢上了除草。故选B。
27.考查细节理解。根据最后一段"It's all about time, environment and attitude. Being in my eighties, I have the time to be patient for results, to enjoy the hope for future harvest, and I have the knowledge that comes from experience. I find a lot to love about growing things and about growing older."这一切都与时间、环境和态度有关。在我八十多岁的时候,我有时间对结果保持耐心,享受对未来收获的希望,我有来自经验的知识。我发现成长和变老有很多让我很喜欢的东西。可知,作者认为变老可以让人收获耐心与智慧。关键词是patient和knowledge。故选C。
28.考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的"To water its large fields and help feed America, farm operators began in the last century to pump water from underground sources, so much so that the ground has begun to sink."为了灌溉大片的农田,帮助美国人吃饭,农场经营者从上个世纪开始从地下水源抽水,以至于地面开始下沉;以及"signs of this"可知, 这种迹象就是指前文的地面下沉,可推断划线词subsidence应表示"沉淀,下沉"。故选B。
29.考查段落大意。根据第三段中的"So Corcoran now finds itself in the middle of a bad circle: With their water supplies limited, farm operators are forced to pump more underground water, which in turn speeds the sinking of the town."因此,科克伦现在发现自己陷入了一个恶性循环:由于供水有限,农场经营者被迫抽取更多的地下水,这反过来又加速了城镇的下沉。可知,本段主要讲干旱迫使政府限制农民的用水,农场经营者不得不从地下抽取更多的水浇灌农场,这反过来又加速了小镇的下沉,即科克伦陷入恶性循环的原因。故选C。
30.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"They are afraid that if they speak against them, they might not work there any more"他们担心,如果他们反对他们,他们可能不能再在那里工作了可知,很少有人提及抽取地下水带来的问题,是因为他们担心失去自己的工作。故选D。
31.考查推理判断。根据最后一段"On this summer afternoon, under a heat wave, some people stop to chat under a large wall painting. It describes a clear blue lake surrounded by snow-covered mountain peaks -- for now, a far dream."在这个夏天的下午,在热浪下,一些人停下来在一幅大壁画下聊天。它描绘了一个清澈的蓝色湖泊,周围是白雪覆盖的山峰——现在,这是一个遥远的梦想。可知,作者认为壁画上的景象还遥不可及,他对科克伦的未来充满担忧。故选A。
32.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"The point of the leveling-up design is to allow you to see more challenging content without forcing you to go through it."升级设计的目的是让你看到更具挑战性的内容,而不必强迫你去浏览。可知,Duolingo应用程序是通过升级通关模式引领学习者。故选B。
33.考查细节理解。 根据第五段中的"But the app also has a paid version called Duolingo Plus, which removes ads, allows for lessons' downloads to mobile devices, provides chances for members to practise their former(以前的) mistakes and more."但该应用程序也有一个名为Duolingo Plus的付费版本,它可以删除广告,允许将课程下载到移动设备上,为会员提供练习以前错误的机会等等。可知,Duolingo Plus可以让学习者练习之前的错误。故选B。
34.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"But you shouldn't have unrealistic goals. As long as you don't expect to become fluent with Duolingo, you'll find the program very useful."但你不应该有不切实际的目标。只要你不想使用Duolingo就能让你语言变得很流利,你就会发现这个程序非常有用。可知,Duolingo并不能让学者学习的语言变得很流利,所以作者建议语言学习不能完全依赖于Duolingo应用程序。故选D。
35.考查标题归纳。根据第一段"Learn a new language with the world's most-downloaded education app! Duolingo is a fun, free app for learning 40+ languages through quick, bite-sized lessons."使用世界上下载量最大的教育应用程序学习一门新语言!Duolingo是一款有趣的免费应用程序,可通过快速、小规模的课程学习40多种语言。可知,本文介绍了一款语言学习应用程序——Duolingo,"Duolingo:一款出色的应用程序"适合做文章标题,故选A。
36.根据本段小标题"Create specific health goals "创建特定的健康目标;空前"When you have specific goals you want to achieve, you'll be more encouraged to make changes in your life."当你有了想要实现的特定目标时,你会被鼓励在生活中做出改变;以及空后"And then you can set smart goals that are specific and measurable to better achieve your success."然后你可以设定具体的、可衡量的目标,以更好地实现你的成功。可知,想要在生活做出改变,首先要知道自己想改善哪些方面,然后再设定具体的、可衡量的目标。 E. You should know what parts of your life you want to improve "你应该知道你想改善生活的哪些方面"承上启下,符合语境。故选E。
37.根据空后"It's no secret that eating health y food is one of the keys to achieving a healthy life. When you follow a healthy diet, you reduce the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and other diseases."众所周知,吃健康食品是实现健康生活的关键之一。当你遵循健康饮食,你可以降低患心脏病、高血压和其他疾病的风险。可知,本段主要讲述健康饮食。 A. Keep a healthy diet "坚持健康的日常饮食"适合作本节小标题。故选A。
38.根据本段小标题"Drink plenty of water "多喝水;以及空后"This amount can change depending on your age, weight, and physical activity level. "这个数量可能会根据你的年龄、体重和体育活动水平而变化。可推知,空处陈述了喝水的量。G. You should drink about 3.1 L of water a day to stay properly hydrated"你每天需饮水约3.1升以补充体内水分"承上启下,符合语境,故选G。
39.根据空后"Being active helps you lose weight, improves your cognitive function(认知能力), and lifts your spirits. "积极运动可以帮助你减肥,提高你的认知能力,振奋你的精神。可推知,体育运动有很多好处。 D. The good point s of physical activity are endless "体育活动的好处不胜枚举"符合语境。故选D。
40.根据本段小标题"Get enough sleep"保证充足的睡眠;以及空前"Most adults need at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night. "大多数成年人每晚至少需要7小时的优质睡眠。可推知,空处很有可能陈述相对于成人来说,小孩每天所需要的睡眠时长。F. Children need from 8 to 13 hours depending on how old they are"小孩因年龄差异,所需的睡眠时间为8至13小时"承上启下,符合语境,故选F。
41.句意:"我吓得发抖,"利亚姆在接受采访时说。A. anger"生气";B. fear"害怕";C. music "音乐";D. help"帮助"。根据上文"he had no idea what he was in for";以及空前"I was shaking"可知,他当时在水里很害怕。故选B。
42.句意:幸运的是,他穿着救生衣,但水很冷。A. Thankfully"感激地";B. Undoubtedly"毫无疑问地";C. Secretly"秘密地";D. Finally"最终"。根据空后"he was wearing a life jacket"可知,虽然他感到害怕,但穿着救生衣,没有生命危险,很幸运。故选A。
43.句意:幸运的是,他穿着救生衣,但水很冷。A. salty"咸的";B. dirty"脏的";C. cold"冷的";D. warm"温暖的"。根据下文"The experience left him wondering if he could 4 something that could help people stay warm in water related accidents."可知,这次他体验到了冰冷的海水促使他之后的发明。故选C。
44.句意:这次经历让他想知道他是否能创造出一种能帮助人们在与水有关的事故中保持温暖的东西。A. buy"买";B. borrow"借入";C. save"节约";D. create"创造"。根据空后"something that could help people stay warm in water related accidents"可知,他想创造能让人在水里保温的东西。故选D。
45.句意:第二年春天,利亚姆和他的朋友弗雷泽合作完成了一个班级科学项目。A. caught up with"赶上";B. looked for"寻找";C. teamed up with"与……合作";D. cared for"关心"。根据空后"his friend Frase"可知,他与朋友合作。故选C。
46.句意:他们一起想出了"LifeHeat"的主意,这是一种可以自我加热的救生衣,有朝一日可以帮助处于类似情况的人。A. class"班级";B. idea"想法";C. exercise"练习";D. word"单词,言语"。根据空后"of ‘LifeHeat '-- a self heating life jacket"可知,这是一个关于可以自我加热救生衣的创意想法。故选B。
47.句意:他们一起想出了"LifeHeat"的主意,这是一种可以自我加热的救生衣,有朝一日可以帮助处于类似情况的人。A. famous"著名的";B. pleasant"愉悦的";C. similar"相似的";D. private"个人的"。根据上文"The experience left him wondering if he could 4 something that could help people stay warm in water related accidents."可知,他们希望这种救生衣未来能够帮助那些困在冰冷的水的人,就像利亚姆在航帆课遇到的情况那样。 故选C。
48.句意:经过反复测试,利亚姆和弗雷泽发现了氯化钙。A. gave up"放弃";B. came across"遇见,发现";C. cleaned up"清洁";D. went across"穿过"。根据空后"calcium chloride"可知,经过多次测试,他们发现了一种有用的化学物。故选B。
49.句意:经过反复测试,利亚姆和弗雷泽发现了氯化钙,这种化学物质通常用于融化人行道和车道上的冰雪,它能使救生衣在水下保持温暖。A. allowed"允许";B. warned"警告";C. invited"邀请";D. accepted"接受"。根据空后"the life jacket to remain warm underwater"可知,这种化学物能使救生衣在水下保持温暖。故选A。
50.句意:然后,他们决定跳进海里来自测他们的发明。A. trade"贸易";B. mark"分数";C. agreement"同意";D. invention"发明"。根据上文"which 9 the life jacket to remain warm underwate"可知,他们发现了能使救生衣在水下保持温暖的化学物,成功发明了自热救生衣,之后需要在海水里测验他们的发明。故选D。
51.句意:他们的第一次尝试没有按计划进行。A. rule"规则";B. race"比赛";C. try"尝试";D. sport"运动"。根据上文"Then they decided to self test"可知,他们的第一次海水测验没有按计划进行。故选C。
52.句意:虽然这不是他们期望的结果,但测试让利亚姆和弗雷泽感到充满希望。A. hopeful"有希望的";B. nervous"紧张的";C. strange"奇怪的";D. lonely"孤独的"。根据上文"We were starting to overheat"及空前"While"可知,虽然测试没有按计划进行,但说明他们的发明是可行的,所以他们充满希望。故选A。
53.句意:今年他们参加了B.C.科学博览会并获得了一等奖。A. failed"失败";B. entered"进入";C. managed"管理";D. prepared"准备"。根据空后"B. C. Science Fairs and won first prize"可知,他们参加了B.C.科学博览会。故选B。
54.句意:这对利亚姆和弗雷泽来说是一个特殊的时刻,因为他们可以从专家那里得到反馈以改进他们的工作。A. lead"带领";B. copy"复制";C. record"记录";D. improve"改善"。根据空前"they could receive feedback (反馈) from experts"可知,专家的反馈有助于他们改善救生衣的设计。故选D。
55.句意:我们相信,该产品将被广泛应用,挽救更多的生命。A. product"产品";B. lesson"教训";C. machine"机器";D. method"方法"。根据上文"They hoped to turn their invention into business"可知,他们希望该发明能够进入市场,成为能够挽救生命的产品。故选A。
【答案】56.exciting;57.left;58.ninth;59.began;60.by/in;61.be held;62.countries;63.which/that;64.to do;65.and
57.句意:现在只剩下八支队伍了。eight teams和leave为被动关系,再由句意可知,此空应用过去分词作后置定语。故填left。
59.句意:比赛始于1991年,每四年举行一次。此处是谓语动词,The competition与begin为主动关系,结合时间状语in 1991可知,应用一般过去时。故填began。
61.句意:决赛将于8月20日在墨尔本的澳大利亚体育场举行。此处是谓语动词,The final match与hold为被动关系,结合空前will可知,这里应用被动语态的一般将来时。故填be held。
62.句意:对于这八个国家来说,这是他们第一次进入世界杯。由eight 可知,此空应用可数名词复数形式,在本句中作主语。故填countries。
63.句意:但首次入选的几支球队表现非常好,甚至击败了本应表现更好的球队。此处是限制性定语从句,先行词为several teams,为物,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which/that引导,故填which/that。
64.句意:但首次入选的几支球队表现非常好,甚至击败了本应表现更好的球队。be expected to do固定短语,"被期望做……",故填to do。
66.【答案】Dear classmates,
It is my great honor to stand here today to share my ways to learn English. Reading, listening and speaking, and writing are the basic requirements of mastering English well.
As far as I am concerned, I spend half an hour reading every morning, through which I not only build up my language sense but also expand my vocabulary. What's more, I actively join the school English club, where my listening and speaking skills improve. In the evening, I always write down the English sentence patterns and key words I met this day. Gradually, my writing level goes up.
I hope my English-learning ways are helpful to you. Thank you for your attention!
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文信件,要求考生以李华的身份写一篇发言稿。写作背景:外教 Rose计划在下周五的英语课上开展英语学习交流会。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括: 1. 你的学习方法; 2. 你的收获。 提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:It is my great honor to stand here today to share my ways to learn English.运用了it作形式主语; Reading, listening and speaking, and writing are the basic requirements of mastering English well. 运用了动名词作主语;As far as I am concerned, I spend half an hour reading every morning, through which I not only build up my language sense but also expand my vocabulary. 运用了非限制性定语从句;What's more, I actively join the school English club, where my listening and speaking skills improve. 运用了非限制性定语从句; In the evening, I always write down the English sentence patterns and key words I met this day.运用了限制性定语从句;I hope my English-learning ways are helpful to you.运用了宾语从句。
67.【答案】She laughed then and continued chatting. The woman said she was a high school teacher in Liverpool. She had a lot of naughty students in the school, and she had been under great pressure in her life recently as well, so she had decided to take these days off to escape from the school for a little while by visiting her friend here. I was able to understand her because we were under the same roof. I poured out all my pain in life, too.
The line seemed to disappear slowly as we exchanged some information about our life. In chatting, time is not as long as I first imagined, and waiting is not so boring. Soon it was our turn to pay the bill and say goodbye. I carried my trainers out of the shop happily. Never did I have a sense of relief like this time. Not because of getting my trainers, but because of the relaxation and freedom to chat with a stranger who I would never meet again. Talking to strangers can help bring us back down to earth. Why not seize the chance to be pleasantly surprised
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:The woman said she was a high school teacher in Liverpool.运用了宾语从句; She had a lot of naughty students in the school, and she had been under great pressure in her life recently as well, so she had decided to take these days off to escape from the school for a little while by visiting her friend here.运用了并列句; I was able to understand her because we were under the same roof. 运用了原因状语从句;In chatting, time is not as long as I first imagined, and waiting is not so boring. 运用了比较状语从句;Never did I have a sense of relief like this time. 运用了倒装句; Not because of getting my trainers, but because of the relaxation and freedom to chat with a stranger who I would never meet again. 运用了限制性定语从句。
一、第一部分,听力,第一节,听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. Where are the speakers
A.At home. B.In a store. C.In a cinema.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Have you seen my purse, honey I put it on the bed a moment ago.
M: Isn't it right over there
【分析】问题:谈话人在哪里?根据"Have you seen my purse, honey I put it on the bed a moment ago."亲爱的,你看到我的钱包了吗?我刚才把它放在床上了。可推知他们可能在家,故选A。
2. Who do the movie tickets probably belong to
A.The woman. B.The man. C.Susan.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Here are two used movie tickets. Did you go to the cinema today
M: No. I did my homework all this afternoon. Susan dropped in just now. She must have left them here.
【分析】问题:这些电影票可能属于谁?根据"Susan dropped in just now. She must have left them here."苏珊刚才顺便来了。她一定是把它们留在这里了。故选C。
3. What does the woman think of the story
A.Moving. B.Cheerful. C.Boring.
【解析】【听力原文】W: What do you think of the book
M: It's not as interesting as it is said.
W: But I really love reading it. It tells such a moving story.
【分析】问题:女士怎么看这个故事?根据"But I really love reading it. It tells such a moving story."但我真的很喜欢读。它告诉了一个如此感人的故事。故选A。
4. What color jacket does the woman suggest
A.Red. B.Black. C.Green.
【解析】【听力原文】M: What about this jacket I bought it yesterday.
W: Well, it looks really nice, but I don't think red is the right color for you.
M: I agree with you. I'll have it returned tomorrow.
W: You'd better not. The design looks great. Try a black one. You look really cool in black.
【分析】问题:这位女士建议穿什么颜色的夹克?根据"Try a black one. You look really cool in black."试试黑色的。你穿黑色衣服看起来很酷。故选B。
5. Why did the man go online
A.To play games.
B.To find out the cost of a trip.
C.To get information for his homework.
【解析】【听力原文】W: You didn't take a rest after supper, did you
M: No. I surfed the Internet.
W: Were you searching for information for your school paper
M: No. I wanted to know about the cost of taking a trip to London.
【分析】问题:男士为什么上网?根据"I wanted to know about the cost of taking a trip to London."我想知道去伦敦旅行的费用。故选B。
二、第一部分,听力,第二节,听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分 22.5分)
6.What does the man want to eat tonight
A.Eggs. B.Dumplings. C.Noodles.
7.How does the man feel now
A.Angry. B.Tired. C.Hungry.
【解析】【听力原文】M: What are we going to eat tonight I'm tired of noodles and eggs. I want to have dumplings.
W: I'm going to cook chicken, dear. We can have dumplings tomorrow.
M: I'm afraid the chicken has gone bad. I forgot to put it in the fridge.
W: Oh my goodness! Now what can we eat
M: Why don't we eat out
W: But you've said it's too expensive to eat out.
M: Not when we're hungry!
6.问题:男士今晚想吃什么?根据"I want to have dumplings."我想吃饺子。故选B。
7.问题:男士现在感觉怎么样?根据"Why don't we eat out "我们为什么不出去吃饭?;"But you've said it's too expensive to eat out."但你说过在外面吃饭太贵了;以及"Not when we're hungry!"我们饿的时候不行!可推知男士现在饿了,故选C。
8.When did the woman get the news
A.On Monday. B.On Tuesday. C.On Friday.
9.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.At a restaurant. B.In an office. C.In a bank.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hi, Mary, how are you doing Sorry, I'm late.
W: Ah, that's OK. I just got here. I haven't ordered yet. Are you hungry
M: Yeah, a little. How's work
W: Oh, pretty good. Guess what
M: What Go on. Tell me.
W: I got a raise.
M: Hey, that's great news. When
W: Just heard on Monday.
M: Congratulations!
W: Thanks. I'm really pleased. Let's call the waiter now.
8.问题:女士什么时候得到这个消息的?根据"Just heard on Monday."周一刚听到。故选A。
9.问题:谈话可能发生在哪里?根据" I haven't ordered yet. Are you hungry "我还没点。你饿了吗?可推知他们在饭店,故选A。
10.How many times did the man call Mr. Strong last week
A.Once. B.Twice. C.Three times.
11.What does the man want Mr. Strong to do
A.Wait in the office.
B.Leave a message.
C.Give a call back.
12.What is the man's phone number
A.37460. B.37640. C.36470.
13.What is the probable relationship between Mr. Strong and the woman
A.Husband and wife.
B.Customer and saleswoman.
C.Boss and secretary.
【解析】【听力原文】W: AST Sales Department. May I help you
M: Yes. I'd like to speak to Mr. Strong, please.
W: Oh, I'm sorry he's not in at the moment. Can I take a message
M: Well, if he's not in, um... it seems that I always have trouble contacting him. Well, I've phoned him twice last week. Look, I think the best thing to do is ask him to phone me. He's got my telephone number, but it's 37460. Tell him to phone me as soon as possible.
W: So if he comes back, I shall ask him to ring you at 37460. Is that right
M: Yes, before 5:00 pm.
W: And could I have your name, please
M: Mr. Ibson of Carlo s Enterprises.
W: Could you spell your name, please
M: Ibson, that's spelt I-B-S-O-N.
10.问题:男士上周给 Strong 先生打了多少次电话?根据"I've phoned him twice last week."上周我给他打了两次电话。故选B。
11.问题:男士想让Strong先生做什么?根据"Tell him to phone me as soon as possible."告诉他尽快给我打电话。故选C。
12.问题:男士的电话号码是多少?根据" He's got my telephone number, but it's 37460. "他有我的电话号码,但是是37460。故选A。
14.How old is Jane
A.21. B.24. C.25.
15.What is Beth
A.A teacher. B.A student. C.An engineer.
16.What can we know about Tina
A.She has got a new job.
B.She loves playing the piano.
C.She will graduate this June.
17.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.The weather.
B.Their travel experiences.
C.Their family members.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Oh, what terrible weather! The plane must be delayed. I can't wait to get home.
M: I know. I've been traveling on business for a month. I really miss my family.
W: A month is a long time to be away. Well, do you have any children
M: I have two, a boy and a girl. Would you like to see a picture of them
W: Sure. Oh, how nice! Now, who's this
M: This is Jane, my beautiful daughter. She's twenty-four. She is studying engineering at Cambridge University. She will graduate this June. And she has got a position with IBM.
W: What an excellent girl!
M: So she is! And this is my son, James. He is twenty-one. He's in college now. That's my wife, Beth, a college teacher.
W: Wow, you certainly have a lovely family!
M: Thank you. So, tell me about your family.
W: My husband and I have a daughter, Tina. She is a lovely girl and she likes playing the piano. But I don't have a photo with me.
M: Well, it seems that you miss your daughter very much.
W: Yes. I haven't seen her for nearly two weeks.
14.问题: Jane 多大了?根据"This is Jane, my beautiful daughter. She's twenty-four. "这是Jane,我美丽的女儿。她二十四岁了。故选B。
15.问题: Beth 是干什么的?根据"That's my wife, Beth, a college teacher."那是我的妻子,Beth,一位大学老师。故选A。
16.问题:关于 Tina ,我们能了解些什么?根据"My husband and I have a daughter, Tina. She is a lovely girl and she likes playing the piano. "我丈夫和我有一个女儿,Tina。她是一个可爱的女孩,她喜欢弹钢琴。故选B。
18.What was the temperature by mid-afternoon in southeast England
A.26℃. B.23℃. C.17℃.
19.What will the weather be like in Scotland for much of the weekend
A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Cloudy.
20.What is the speaker doing
A.Doing a survey. B.Giving a speech. C.Hosting a program.
【解析】【听力原文】 W: Hello. This is FM98.6. It's been another warm and fine day for most of us. Temperatures in southeast England reached 26℃ by mid-afternoon, and Brighton had fifteen hours of lovely sunshine. But the weather is already beginning to change, I'm afraid, and during the night showers will slowly move in from the Atlantic and reach southwest England by early morning. The rest of the country will have a very mild, dry night with temperatures no lower than fifteen degrees in the south, a little cooler—eleven degrees or so—in the north. And now, let's move on to the weather forecast for Friday and the weekend. Well, southern Europe will once again get the best of the weekend weather. Scotland and Northern Ireland will have heavy rain for much of the weekend and temperatures will drop to seventeen degrees. Across most of England the weather will be cloud y but mainly dry with sunny periods. And when the sun does come out, temperatures could rise up to twenty-three degrees.
18.问题:到下午三点左右,英格兰东南部的气温是多少?根据"Temperatures in southeast England reached 26℃ by mid-afternoon"截至下午三点左右,英格兰东南部的气温达到26℃,故选A。
19.问题:周末大部分时间苏格兰的天气会怎样?根据"Scotland and Northern Ireland will have heavy rain for much of the weekend"苏格兰和北爱尔兰周末大部分时间将有大雨。故选B。
20.问题:发言人在做什么?根据"Hello. This is FM98.6. It's been another warm and fine day for most of us."你好,这是FM98.6。对我们大多数人来说,又是一个温暖晴朗的日子。可推知发言人在主持节目,故选C。
三、第二部分,阅读,第一节,阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分 37.5分)
Cheapest Islands in the World to Visit
Grand Bahama Island, The Bahamas
As the northernmost of the 700 islands of the Bahamas, Grand Bahama dishes up plenty of cheap activities alongside its white-sand beaches. Visiting Lucayan National Park, which is home to both beloved Gold Rock Beach and one of the largest underwater cave(洞穴) systems in the world, is an affordable trip. There are hotel rooms at $80 a night.
Madeira, Portugal
Though closer to mainland Africa, Madeira is a part of Portugal known for its breathtaking natural beauty. Visitors can find hotels starting at $85 a night, and enjoy plenty of low-cost activities, like rowing a boat around the volcanic Porto Moniz natural swimming pools, and admiring the never-ending views around the island. No wonder it's been called the "Hawaii of Europe".
Dominican Republic
Looking for one of the least expensive Caribbean islands The Dominican Republic is full of affordable surprises. In Santo Domingo, walk around Zona Colonial, the historic heart of the country's capital, you'll find castles, cathedrals(教堂), cobblestone streets, and cafés around every corner. During the low season(summer), you can find hotel deals starting at$ 33 a night.
Sri Lanka
Do you want to spend just $25~50 a day Then go to Sri Lanka. Since the South Asian island country is one of the largest tea producers in the world, start with a tea factory tour on a peaceful hike. Taking a train ride through the hills from Kandy to Badulla or from Colombo to Gall e is an enjoyable and affordable way to see the countryside.
21.What can you do in Lucayan National Park
A.Visit a huge castle. B.Enjoy the beautiful beach.
C.Swim in Porto Moniz. D.Go on a tea factory tour.
22.What is special about Zona Colonial
A.It requires booking. B.It has historic sites.
C.It is famous for tea. D.It is closed in summer.
23.Which of the following would provide a hotel room at the lowest price
A.Dominica. B.The Bahamas. C.Portugal. D.Sri Lanka.
21.考查细节理解。根据Grand Bahama Island, The Bahamas部分中的"Visiting Lucayan National Park, which is home to both beloved Gold Rock Beach and one of the largest underwater cave (洞穴) systems in the world, is an affordable trip."参观Lucayan国家公园是一次负担得起的旅行,这里既有备受喜爱的金岩海滩,也有世界上最大的水下洞穴系统之一。可知,在Lucayan国家公园可以欣赏美丽的海滩。故选B。
22.考查细节理解。根据Dominican Republic部分中的"In Santo Domingo, walk around Zona Colonial, the historic heart of the country's capital, you'll find castles, cathedrals (教堂), cobblestone streets, and cafes around every corner."在圣多明各,漫步在该国首都的历史中心Zona Colonial,你会发现城堡、大教堂、鹅卵石街道和咖啡馆遍布各个角落。可知,本文介绍的其他地方都是自然风光为主,而Zona Colonial尤以历史古迹著称,所以Zona Colonial的特殊之处就在于它的历史古迹。故选B。
23.考查细节理解。根据 Grand Bahama Island, The Bahamas部分中的"There are hotel rooms at $80 a night. "有每晚80美元的旅馆房间;Madeira, PortugalSri Lanka部分中的"Visitors can find hotels starting at $85 a night"游客可以找到每晚85美元起的酒店;Dominican Republic部分中的"you can find hotel deals starting at $33 a night."你可以找到每晚33美元起的酒店优惠;以及Sri Lanka部分中的"Do you want to spend just $25~50 a day "你想每天只花25~50美元吗 。可知,Sri Lanka可以订购最便宜的客房。故选D。
My husband, Dave, who teaches Botany(植物学), always plants things. He has planted trees anywhere we have lived and is proud to see they are flourishing and providing shade and beauty for whoever lives there.
I also love planting, especially the harvest. But I hate weeding(除草). I remember one of our first gardens in Kansas when I was attacked by the hugest grasshoppers(蚱蜢) I had ever seen while weeding our little garden.
Now, our growing efforts at our new home are vegetables. We are enjoying the garden we have created. It's large but manageable with daily care. We use methods to minimize weeds. We have the time to keep up with the watering and weeding. I find I don't hate that anymore.
There is something satisfying about pulling grass, and violets that are growing where we don't want them, and unnamed weeds that are affecting the growth of what we want. I find that my relationship with gardening is turning into a true romance that has a rosy future.
It's all about time, environment and attitude. Being in my eighties, I have the time to be patient for results, to enjoy the hope for future harvest, and I have the knowledge that comes from experience. I find a lot to love about growing things and about growing older.
24.What does the author's husband take pride in
A.Teaching. B.Weeding.
C.Planting trees. D.Growing vegetables.
25.How did the author feel when seeing grasshoppers from the weeds
A.Calm. B.Excited. C.Bored. D.Frightened.
26.What can we infer from paragraph 4
A.Weeds are growing wildly.
B.The author begins to enjoy weeding.
C.The author finds new ways to weed.
D.Weeds balance the garden.
27.What does the author say about growing old
A.It is a time to start work.
B.It is a stage of showing pity for the lost past.
C.It lets people become patient and wise.
D.It makes learning knowledge difficult.
24.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"He has planted trees anywhere we have lived and is proud to see they are flourishing and providing shade and beauty for whoever lives there."他在我们住过的任何地方都种过树,很自豪地看到它们茁壮成长,为住在那里的人提供了阴凉和美丽。可知,作者的丈夫为他种的树感到自豪。故选C。
25.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"But I hate weeding (除草). I remember one of our first gardens in Kansas when I was attacked by the hugest grasshoppers (蚱蜢) I had ever seen while weeding our little garden."但我讨厌除草。我记得我们在堪萨斯州的第一个花园,当时我在给我们的小花园除草时,被我见过的最大的蚱蜢袭击了。可知,作者被蚱蜢袭击过,可推知作者看到蚱蜢时是害怕的。故选D。
26.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的"I find I don't hate that anymore."我发现我不再讨厌那样了;以及第四段"There is something satisfying about pulling grass, and violets that are growing where we don't want them, and unnamed weeds that are affecting the growth of what we want. I find that my relationship with gardening is turning into a true romance that has a rosy future."拔草、生长在我们不想要的地方的紫罗兰、影响我们想要的东西生长的无名杂草,有一些令人满意的地方。我发现我和园艺的关系正在变成一段真正的浪漫,有着美好的未来。可知,作者发现自己和园艺的关系正在变成一段真正的浪漫,有着美好的未来,可推知,作者开始喜欢上了除草。故选B。
27.考查细节理解。根据最后一段"It's all about time, environment and attitude. Being in my eighties, I have the time to be patient for results, to enjoy the hope for future harvest, and I have the knowledge that comes from experience. I find a lot to love about growing things and about growing older."这一切都与时间、环境和态度有关。在我八十多岁的时候,我有时间对结果保持耐心,享受对未来收获的希望,我有来自经验的知识。我发现成长和变老有很多让我很喜欢的东西。可知,作者认为变老可以让人收获耐心与智慧。关键词是patient和knowledge。故选C。
Corcoran, a farming town of California, is slowly sinking(下沉) when drought has forced farmers to pump(用泵抽) amounts of water from the ground. Corcoran is struggling to make sense of the strangest thing: His already suffering town is sinking, ever so gradually, into the ground.
To water its large fields and help feed America, farm operators began in the last century to pump water from underground sources, so much so that the ground has begun to sink. Strangely, signs of this subsidence are nearly out of sight. There are no cracks(裂缝) in the walls of the typical American shops in the town's center, nor in the streets or fields.
This year's drought has changed this food-basket of America into a large field of brown dust, forcing the government to limit(限制) the use of water by farmers. So Corcoran now finds itself in the middle of a bad circle: With their water supplies limited, farm operators are forced to pump more underground water, which in turn speeds the sinking of the town.
Few locals have spoken out against the problem—not surprising, since most of them work for the same big agribusinesses pumping up groundwater. "They are afraid that if they speak against them, they might not work there any more," said Atilano, who has spent years working for one of the country's biggest cotton producers, J. G. Boswell.
On this summer afternoon, under a heat wave, some people stop to chat under a large wall painting. It describes a clear blue lake surrounded by snow-covered mountain peaks—for now, a far dream.
28.What does the underlined word "subsidence" in paragraph 2 mean
A.Coming upwards. B.Going down.
C.Becoming dry. D.Growing wide.
29.What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A.The cause of the drought.
B.The development of Corcoran.
C.The reason why Corcoran is in a bad circle.
D.Farm operators' way of dealing with the drought.
30.Why do few people mention the problem of pumping the underground water
A.It has nothing to do with them.
B.They are busy with their work.
C.They consider its effect is small.
D.They are afraid of losing their jobs.
31.What is the author's attitude towards the future of Corcoran
A.Worried. B.Hopeful. C.Admirable. D.Carefree.
28.考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的"To water its large fields and help feed America, farm operators began in the last century to pump water from underground sources, so much so that the ground has begun to sink."为了灌溉大片的农田,帮助美国人吃饭,农场经营者从上个世纪开始从地下水源抽水,以至于地面开始下沉;以及"signs of this"可知, 这种迹象就是指前文的地面下沉,可推断划线词subsidence应表示"沉淀,下沉"。故选B。
29.考查段落大意。根据第三段中的"So Corcoran now finds itself in the middle of a bad circle: With their water supplies limited, farm operators are forced to pump more underground water, which in turn speeds the sinking of the town."因此,科克伦现在发现自己陷入了一个恶性循环:由于供水有限,农场经营者被迫抽取更多的地下水,这反过来又加速了城镇的下沉。可知,本段主要讲干旱迫使政府限制农民的用水,农场经营者不得不从地下抽取更多的水浇灌农场,这反过来又加速了小镇的下沉,即科克伦陷入恶性循环的原因。故选C。
30.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"They are afraid that if they speak against them, they might not work there any more"他们担心,如果他们反对他们,他们可能不能再在那里工作了可知,很少有人提及抽取地下水带来的问题,是因为他们担心失去自己的工作。故选D。
31.考查推理判断。根据最后一段"On this summer afternoon, under a heat wave, some people stop to chat under a large wall painting. It describes a clear blue lake surrounded by snow-covered mountain peaks -- for now, a far dream."在这个夏天的下午,在热浪下,一些人停下来在一幅大壁画下聊天。它描绘了一个清澈的蓝色湖泊,周围是白雪覆盖的山峰——现在,这是一个遥远的梦想。可知,作者认为壁画上的景象还遥不可及,他对科克伦的未来充满担忧。故选A。
Learn a new language with the world's most-downloaded education app! Duolingo is a fun, free app for learning 40+ languages through quick, bite-sized lessons.
Designed by language experts and loved by hundreds of millions of learners worldwide, Duolingo helps you prepare for real conversations in Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian, German, English, and more.
The program is based on crown levels which give you more difficult exercises at higher levels. When the skill is leveled up, the next row of skills is unlocked. The point of the leveling-up design is to allow you to see more challenging content without forcing you to go through it.
With Duolingo, you can enlarge your vocabulary, learn basic grammar structures, and have fun along the way. The app also offers a wide variety of exercises, and you can learn how to pronounce words as well as improve your writing and listening skills. You can learn different languages at the same time, which is really cool. There's a wide range of languages to choose from.
Duolingo becomes so popular because it's both fun and effective. And free, of course. But the app also has a paid version called Duolingo Plus, which removes ads, allows for lessons' downloads to mobile devices, provides chances for members to practise their former(以前的) mistakes and more.
There are a ton of education apps on the market these days, and it's not easy to stand out. But Duolingo manages to find the winning combination(结合): affordability, simplicity, and originality. But you shouldn't have unrealistic goals. As long as you don't expect to become fluent with Duolingo, you'll find the program very useful.
32.How does Duolingo allow learners to go further when studying
A.By offering all the skills unlocked.
B.By letting them finish leveling-up design.
C.By forcing them to create challenging tasks.
D.By showing them the answers to difficult exercises.
33.What can we know about Duolingo Plus
A.It is completely free.
B.It allows mistakes to be viewed again.
C.It includes ads.
D.Its lessons are unable to be downloaded.
34.What does the author suggest about using Duolingo
A.Having a test before use.
B.Giving up other apps.
C.Setting a goal to become fluent.
D.Not completely relying on it.
35.What is the best title for the text
A.Duolingo: A Wonderful App B.Duolingo Plus in Use
C.Duolingo: A New Invention D.Tools for Speaking
32.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"The point of the leveling-up design is to allow you to see more challenging content without forcing you to go through it."升级设计的目的是让你看到更具挑战性的内容,而不必强迫你去浏览。可知,Duolingo应用程序是通过升级通关模式引领学习者。故选B。
33.考查细节理解。 根据第五段中的"But the app also has a paid version called Duolingo Plus, which removes ads, allows for lessons' downloads to mobile devices, provides chances for members to practise their former(以前的) mistakes and more."但该应用程序也有一个名为Duolingo Plus的付费版本,它可以删除广告,允许将课程下载到移动设备上,为会员提供练习以前错误的机会等等。可知,Duolingo Plus可以让学习者练习之前的错误。故选B。
34.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"But you shouldn't have unrealistic goals. As long as you don't expect to become fluent with Duolingo, you'll find the program very useful."但你不应该有不切实际的目标。只要你不想使用Duolingo就能让你语言变得很流利,你就会发现这个程序非常有用。可知,Duolingo并不能让学者学习的语言变得很流利,所以作者建议语言学习不能完全依赖于Duolingo应用程序。故选D。
35.考查标题归纳。根据第一段"Learn a new language with the world's most-downloaded education app! Duolingo is a fun, free app for learning 40+ languages through quick, bite-sized lessons."使用世界上下载量最大的教育应用程序学习一门新语言!Duolingo是一款有趣的免费应用程序,可通过快速、小规模的课程学习40多种语言。可知,本文介绍了一款语言学习应用程序——Duolingo,"Duolingo:一款出色的应用程序"适合做文章标题,故选A。
四、第二部分,阅读,第二节 (共5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
Living a healthy life is all about choosing to make health y choices each day. We've put together some good tips for starting a healthy life.
Create specific health goals
When you have specific goals you want to achieve, you'll be more encouraged to make changes in your life.  36.   . And then you can set smart goals that are specific and measurable to better
achieve your success.
It's no secret that eating healthy food is one of the keys to achieving a healthy life. When you follow a healthy diet, you reduce the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and other diseases. More than that, healthy eating can relax you and make you happy.
Drink plenty of water
Just like tasty food, water is necessary to keep your body healthy. Water helps you digest(消化) food, keeps you hydrated(补水), and protects your body.  38.  . This amount can change depending on your age, weight, and physical activity level.
Exercise regularly
Find a type of physical activity that's enjoyable for you.  39.  . Being active helps you lose weight, improves your cognitive function(认知能力), and lifts your spirits. Experts suggest that adults get at least 150 minutes of exercise each week.
Get enough sleep
A good night's sleep can help you avoid getting sick, keep a healthy weight, and start a good day. Most adults need at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night.  40.  .
A. Keep a healthy diet
B. Get into shape before school starts
C. Be positive about yourself and your body
D. The good point s of physical activity are endless
E. You should know what parts of your life you want to improve
F. Children need from 8 to 13 hours depending on how old they are
G. You should drink about 3.1 L of water a day to stay properly hydrated
36.根据本段小标题"Create specific health goals "创建特定的健康目标;空前"When you have specific goals you want to achieve, you'll be more encouraged to make changes in your life."当你有了想要实现的特定目标时,你会被鼓励在生活中做出改变;以及空后"And then you can set smart goals that are specific and measurable to better achieve your success."然后你可以设定具体的、可衡量的目标,以更好地实现你的成功。可知,想要在生活做出改变,首先要知道自己想改善哪些方面,然后再设定具体的、可衡量的目标。 E. You should know what parts of your life you want to improve "你应该知道你想改善生活的哪些方面"承上启下,符合语境。故选E。
37.根据空后"It's no secret that eating health y food is one of the keys to achieving a healthy life. When you follow a healthy diet, you reduce the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and other diseases."众所周知,吃健康食品是实现健康生活的关键之一。当你遵循健康饮食,你可以降低患心脏病、高血压和其他疾病的风险。可知,本段主要讲述健康饮食。 A. Keep a healthy diet "坚持健康的日常饮食"适合作本节小标题。故选A。
38.根据本段小标题"Drink plenty of water "多喝水;以及空后"This amount can change depending on your age, weight, and physical activity level. "这个数量可能会根据你的年龄、体重和体育活动水平而变化。可推知,空处陈述了喝水的量。G. You should drink about 3.1 L of water a day to stay properly hydrated"你每天需饮水约3.1升以补充体内水分"承上启下,符合语境,故选G。
39.根据空后"Being active helps you lose weight, improves your cognitive function(认知能力), and lifts your spirits. "积极运动可以帮助你减肥,提高你的认知能力,振奋你的精神。可推知,体育运动有很多好处。 D. The good point s of physical activity are endless "体育活动的好处不胜枚举"符合语境。故选D。
40.根据本段小标题"Get enough sleep"保证充足的睡眠;以及空前"Most adults need at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night. "大多数成年人每晚至少需要7小时的优质睡眠。可推知,空处很有可能陈述相对于成人来说,小孩每天所需要的睡眠时长。F. Children need from 8 to 13 hours depending on how old they are"小孩因年龄差异,所需的睡眠时间为8至13小时"承上启下,符合语境,故选F。
五、第三部分,语言运用,第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
When Liam fell into the sea during a sailing lesson, he had no idea what he was in for. "I was shaking with 41. ,"said Liam in an interview. 42. , he was wearing a life jacket, but the water was 43. .
The experience left him wondering if he could 44. something that could help people stay warm in water related accidents. The following spring, Liam 45. his friend Fraser for a class science project. Together they got the 46. of "LifeHeat " a self heating life jacket that could one day help someone in a 47. situation.
After repeated tests, Liam and Fraser 48. calcium chloride a chemical(化学品) often used to melt(融化) snow and ice from sidewalks and driveways, which 49. the life jacket to remain warm underwater. Then they decided to self test their 50. by jumping into the sea. Their first 51. did not go as planned. "We put in more calcium chloride than we usually do," said Liam. "We were starting to overheat!" While it wasn't the result they expected, the test made Liam and Fraser feel 52. .
This year they 53. B. C. Science Fairs and won first prize. It was a special moment for Liam and Fraser as they could receive feedback(反馈) from experts to 54. their work. They hoped to turn their invention into business. "We believe that this 55. will be widely used to save more lives," said Fraser.
41.A. anger B. fear C. music D. help
42.A. Thankfully B. Undoubtedly C. Secretly D. Finally
43.A. salty B. dirty C. cold D. warm
44.A. buy B. borrow C. save D. create
45.A. caught up with B. looked for
C. teamed up with D. cared for
46.A. class B. idea C. exercise D. word
47.A. famous B. pleasant C. similar D. private
48.A. gave up B. came across
C. cleaned up D. went across
49.A. allowed B. warned C. invited D. accepted
50.A. trade B. mark C. agreement D. invention
51.A. rule B. race C. try D. sport
52.A. hopeful B. nervous C. strange D. lonely
53.A. failed B. entered C. managed D. prepared
54.A. lead B. copy C. record D. improve
55.A. product B. lesson C. machine D. method
41.句意:"我吓得发抖,"利亚姆在接受采访时说。A. anger"生气";B. fear"害怕";C. music "音乐";D. help"帮助"。根据上文"he had no idea what he was in for";以及空前"I was shaking"可知,他当时在水里很害怕。故选B。
42.句意:幸运的是,他穿着救生衣,但水很冷。A. Thankfully"感激地";B. Undoubtedly"毫无疑问地";C. Secretly"秘密地";D. Finally"最终"。根据空后"he was wearing a life jacket"可知,虽然他感到害怕,但穿着救生衣,没有生命危险,很幸运。故选A。
43.句意:幸运的是,他穿着救生衣,但水很冷。A. salty"咸的";B. dirty"脏的";C. cold"冷的";D. warm"温暖的"。根据下文"The experience left him wondering if he could 4 something that could help people stay warm in water related accidents."可知,这次他体验到了冰冷的海水促使他之后的发明。故选C。
44.句意:这次经历让他想知道他是否能创造出一种能帮助人们在与水有关的事故中保持温暖的东西。A. buy"买";B. borrow"借入";C. save"节约";D. create"创造"。根据空后"something that could help people stay warm in water related accidents"可知,他想创造能让人在水里保温的东西。故选D。
45.句意:第二年春天,利亚姆和他的朋友弗雷泽合作完成了一个班级科学项目。A. caught up with"赶上";B. looked for"寻找";C. teamed up with"与……合作";D. cared for"关心"。根据空后"his friend Frase"可知,他与朋友合作。故选C。
46.句意:他们一起想出了"LifeHeat"的主意,这是一种可以自我加热的救生衣,有朝一日可以帮助处于类似情况的人。A. class"班级";B. idea"想法";C. exercise"练习";D. word"单词,言语"。根据空后"of ‘LifeHeat '-- a self heating life jacket"可知,这是一个关于可以自我加热救生衣的创意想法。故选B。
47.句意:他们一起想出了"LifeHeat"的主意,这是一种可以自我加热的救生衣,有朝一日可以帮助处于类似情况的人。A. famous"著名的";B. pleasant"愉悦的";C. similar"相似的";D. private"个人的"。根据上文"The experience left him wondering if he could 4 something that could help people stay warm in water related accidents."可知,他们希望这种救生衣未来能够帮助那些困在冰冷的水的人,就像利亚姆在航帆课遇到的情况那样。 故选C。
48.句意:经过反复测试,利亚姆和弗雷泽发现了氯化钙。A. gave up"放弃";B. came across"遇见,发现";C. cleaned up"清洁";D. went across"穿过"。根据空后"calcium chloride"可知,经过多次测试,他们发现了一种有用的化学物。故选B。
49.句意:经过反复测试,利亚姆和弗雷泽发现了氯化钙,这种化学物质通常用于融化人行道和车道上的冰雪,它能使救生衣在水下保持温暖。A. allowed"允许";B. warned"警告";C. invited"邀请";D. accepted"接受"。根据空后"the life jacket to remain warm underwater"可知,这种化学物能使救生衣在水下保持温暖。故选A。
50.句意:然后,他们决定跳进海里来自测他们的发明。A. trade"贸易";B. mark"分数";C. agreement"同意";D. invention"发明"。根据上文"which 9 the life jacket to remain warm underwate"可知,他们发现了能使救生衣在水下保持温暖的化学物,成功发明了自热救生衣,之后需要在海水里测验他们的发明。故选D。
51.句意:他们的第一次尝试没有按计划进行。A. rule"规则";B. race"比赛";C. try"尝试";D. sport"运动"。根据上文"Then they decided to self test"可知,他们的第一次海水测验没有按计划进行。故选C。
52.句意:虽然这不是他们期望的结果,但测试让利亚姆和弗雷泽感到充满希望。A. hopeful"有希望的";B. nervous"紧张的";C. strange"奇怪的";D. lonely"孤独的"。根据上文"We were starting to overheat"及空前"While"可知,虽然测试没有按计划进行,但说明他们的发明是可行的,所以他们充满希望。故选A。
53.句意:今年他们参加了B.C.科学博览会并获得了一等奖。A. failed"失败";B. entered"进入";C. managed"管理";D. prepared"准备"。根据空后"B. C. Science Fairs and won first prize"可知,他们参加了B.C.科学博览会。故选B。
54.句意:这对利亚姆和弗雷泽来说是一个特殊的时刻,因为他们可以从专家那里得到反馈以改进他们的工作。A. lead"带领";B. copy"复制";C. record"记录";D. improve"改善"。根据空前"they could receive feedback (反馈) from experts"可知,专家的反馈有助于他们改善救生衣的设计。故选D。
55.句意:我们相信,该产品将被广泛应用,挽救更多的生命。A. product"产品";B. lesson"教训";C. machine"机器";D. method"方法"。根据上文"They hoped to turn their invention into business"可知,他们希望该发明能够进入市场,成为能够挽救生命的产品。故选A。
六、第三部分,语言运用,第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
For the last two weeks, 32 women's football teams have been playing in stadiums(体育场)across Australia and New Zealand as part of the FIFA Women's World Cup. Along the way, there have been some  56.  (excite) matches, along with several surprises. Now there are only eight teams  57.  (leave).
This is the  58.  (nine) Women's World Cup. The competition  59.  (begin) in 1991and is held every four years. For the first time ever, the competition is being hosted  60.  more than one country. The first match took place in New Zealand. The final match will 61.   (hold) at Stadium Australia in Melbourne on August 20.
In another change, this year, for the first time ever, 32 teams were invited to compete. In the past, there were only 24 teams. For the eight  62.  (country), this was the first time they'd ever made it into the World Cup.
Some people criticized(批评) the move, saying the new teams were too weak. But several teams  63.   were included for the first time performed(表现) very well even beating teams that were expected  64.   (do) much better. Morocco beat both South Korea  65.  Colombia. Morocco is the only one of the new teams to make it into the final 16 teams in the competition.
【答案】56.exciting;57.left;58.ninth;59.began;60.by/in;61.be held;62.countries;63.which/that;64.to do;65.and
57.句意:现在只剩下八支队伍了。eight teams和leave为被动关系,再由句意可知,此空应用过去分词作后置定语。故填left。
59.句意:比赛始于1991年,每四年举行一次。此处是谓语动词,The competition与begin为主动关系,结合时间状语in 1991可知,应用一般过去时。故填began。
61.句意:决赛将于8月20日在墨尔本的澳大利亚体育场举行。此处是谓语动词,The final match与hold为被动关系,结合空前will可知,这里应用被动语态的一般将来时。故填be held。
62.句意:对于这八个国家来说,这是他们第一次进入世界杯。由eight 可知,此空应用可数名词复数形式,在本句中作主语。故填countries。
63.句意:但首次入选的几支球队表现非常好,甚至击败了本应表现更好的球队。此处是限制性定语从句,先行词为several teams,为物,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which/that引导,故填which/that。
64.句意:但首次入选的几支球队表现非常好,甚至击败了本应表现更好的球队。be expected to do固定短语,"被期望做……",故填to do。
七、第四部分,写作,第一节 (满分 15分)
66. 外教 Rose计划在下周五的英语课上开展英语学习交流会, 请你写一篇发言稿。内容包括:1. 你的学习方法; 2. 你的收获。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear classmates,
【答案】Dear classmates,
It is my great honor to stand here today to share my ways to learn English. Reading, listening and speaking, and writing are the basic requirements of mastering English well.
As far as I am concerned, I spend half an hour reading every morning, through which I not only build up my language sense but also expand my vocabulary. What's more, I actively join the school English club, where my listening and speaking skills improve. In the evening, I always write down the English sentence patterns and key words I met this day. Gradually, my writing level goes up.
I hope my English-learning ways are helpful to you. Thank you for your attention!
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文信件,要求考生以李华的身份写一篇发言稿。写作背景:外教 Rose计划在下周五的英语课上开展英语学习交流会。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括: 1. 你的学习方法; 2. 你的收获。 提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:It is my great honor to stand here today to share my ways to learn English.运用了it作形式主语; Reading, listening and speaking, and writing are the basic requirements of mastering English well. 运用了动名词作主语;As far as I am concerned, I spend half an hour reading every morning, through which I not only build up my language sense but also expand my vocabulary. 运用了非限制性定语从句;What's more, I actively join the school English club, where my listening and speaking skills improve. 运用了非限制性定语从句; In the evening, I always write down the English sentence patterns and key words I met this day.运用了限制性定语从句;I hope my English-learning ways are helpful to you.运用了宾语从句。
八、第四部分,写作,第二节 (满分 25 分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Yesterday I was in a bad mood because of losing my job. I tried to find something else to do to make myself feel better. I went shopping for a pair of trainers to replace the old pair I have been wearing for too long. I would have replaced them months ago but I am one of those women who hate shopping. I hate the crowds and the heat in the shops, but mostly I hate the waiting line.
I was happy as I found my trainers very quickly, but my happiness soon disappeared when I found myself in a very long line for the payment.
This line was long and snaking around a corner. I do hate waiting but I find the best way to pass the time is to talk to the person behind me.
So I turned around and told the woman behind me that the line was looking very long and joked that I hoped we could all hang on.
She laughed and agreed. I caught an English accent(口音) as she spoke, so being a person from Liverpool in England myself, I immediately asked her where she was from.
She rewarded me with a sharp look and said. "England."
Immediately I realized that I had accidentally offended(冒犯) her—she was black and thought I was referring to her colour. I told her I was from Liverpool and had noticed her English accent.
注意:1.续写词数应为 150个左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
She laughed then and continued chatting.
The line seemed to disappear slowly as we exchanged some information about our life.
【答案】She laughed then and continued chatting. The woman said she was a high school teacher in Liverpool. She had a lot of naughty students in the school, and she had been under great pressure in her life recently as well, so she had decided to take these days off to escape from the school for a little while by visiting her friend here. I was able to understand her because we were under the same roof. I poured out all my pain in life, too.
The line seemed to disappear slowly as we exchanged some information about our life. In chatting, time is not as long as I first imagined, and waiting is not so boring. Soon it was our turn to pay the bill and say goodbye. I carried my trainers out of the shop happily. Never did I have a sense of relief like this time. Not because of getting my trainers, but because of the relaxation and freedom to chat with a stranger who I would never meet again. Talking to strangers can help bring us back down to earth. Why not seize the chance to be pleasantly surprised
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:The woman said she was a high school teacher in Liverpool.运用了宾语从句; She had a lot of naughty students in the school, and she had been under great pressure in her life recently as well, so she had decided to take these days off to escape from the school for a little while by visiting her friend here.运用了并列句; I was able to understand her because we were under the same roof. 运用了原因状语从句;In chatting, time is not as long as I first imagined, and waiting is not so boring. 运用了比较状语从句;Never did I have a sense of relief like this time. 运用了倒装句; Not because of getting my trainers, but because of the relaxation and freedom to chat with a stranger who I would never meet again. 运用了限制性定语从句。

  • 河北省沧州市2023-2024高一上学期11月期中考试英语试题已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月24日  所属分类:作业答案