
1. _____May 7 local time, Macron won France’s president election. ____ the age of 39, he will be the country’s youngest president
A. On, In B. On, At C. In; In D. In; At
2. --- After years of hard work, he finally got a high ______ in his company.
---Where there is a will, there is a way.
A. position B. situation C. production D. condition
3. --It is said another Yangtze River Bridge will be built to connect Jingjiang and Jiangyin.
---________ exciting news! I simply can’t wait to see it.
A. What B. How C. What a D. What an
4. --- ______ you take a close look at wild animals, you won’t know how much danger they will face.
---We should act together to protect wild animals.
A. Though B. If C. Because D. Unless
5.---You mustn’t swim here. Look at the sign. It ______ “No swimming.”
---Oh, I didn’t notice it. Thanks for telling me.
A. writes B. speaks C. says D. tells
6. ---The project my father put his effort into______ highly of.
---He sets a good example for you!
A. are thought B. thinking C. has thought D. was thought
7. ---As 2019 comes, what would you like to say to your 2018
---I’m happy that I didn’t ______ on the way and finally found what I truly want.
A. give in B. give away C. give up D. give out
8. ---What’s wrong with you, Eric You look tired.
--- I ______ to watch the football match between China and Korea last night.
A. picked up B. woke up C. stayed up D. put up
9. ---Has Tom returned the book to you ---Yes, he______ it for a week.
A. keeps B. has kept C. kept D. will keep
10. ----Linda, can you tell me something about Agatha Christie
---Sure. Agatha Christie was a female writer _____ is considered as the queen of crime novels.
A. which B. whose C. what D. who
11. --- It’s said that Sandy just returned from the USA.
--- Look! The girl in front of us ______ be Sandy, but she seems taller.
A. must B. needn’t C. may D. can’t
12. ---Ms Xu often uses the latest teaching tools in class ______ bring us more pleasure when we learn English.
---It’s smart of her to do so.
A. who B. what C. that D. /
13. Many people do not realize the importance of health __________ they have fallen ill.
A. since B. after C. while D. until
14We should try to __________ all our waste paper.
A. recycle B. protect C. produce D. reduce
15. ---I fail in my driving test again!
---______ Everything will become better soon.
A. Cheer up! B. Keep silent! C. Bad luck! D. Why not cry
“Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are...” Jimmy was singing happily with his friends. He laughed and then started to tell stories to them.
1 , this would never happen in real life. My eight-year-old brother, Jimmy, is an autistic (自闭症的) child. He doesn’t know how to chat with others and can’t even 2 by himself. He also has difficulty following his teachers in class. These things make him feel 3 at school.
Mom took Jimmy to the hospital to get more treatment. But it 4 very well. Jimmy still doesn’t know how to behave at school. He can’t listen to the teacher and doesn’t understand what to do. He always forgets to bring his things home and even loses his books. My mom is always worried, but when she talks about Jimmy, she still 5 —it seems that she is still 6 her son.
7 Jimmy’s sister, I am also worried about him. I heard that some students encourage him to misbehave and then laugh at him. The boys even stole 8 pencils and hid them in Jimmy’s bag. Then they told the teacher that Jimmy stole them.
Every time I hear about these things, I am very 9 , but my mom asks me not to. She says that Jimmy doesn’t 10 it at all. He is always smiling, even though life is hard for him. I love him and I hope things will get better soon and he will grow up happily.
1.A.Then B.However C.And D.Although
2.A.go to school B.stay with others C.do any things D.do many things
3.A.lonely B.disappointed C.worried D.happy
4.A.hasn’t done B.hasn’t worked C.got D.did
5.A.gets excited B.gets mad C.smiles D.cries
6.A.proud of B.thankful to C.hard on D.responsible for
7.A.With B.To C.For D.As
8.A.Jimmy’s B.his C.others’ D.their
9.A.upset B.puzzled C.strange D.pleasant
10.A.have a look at B.care about C.hide D.hate
A blockbuster with warmth If you’re a movie fan, why not come and enjoy the hoi movie-Hi, Mom. Date: June 25-28 Time: 9:30, 14:30, 19:30 Place: Guang Ming Cinema Price: Adult: 50. Teens with school ID card: half price. For more information: Tel: 0971-8666666 Viewing the Louvre on line Visiting Louvre without booking a trip to France can be an amazing experience. 480,000 works of art are available to look through. Date: June 26-July 2 Free viewing via computers and smartphones. Scan the QR code for logging in. Food Festival is on the way Come and taste hundreds of nice Qinghai local food for foodies all over the world. Date: June 25- July 24 Time: 2:00-24:00 Place: Tang Dao 637, Xi’ning Cool light show from 9:00 to 10:00 every night. Don’t miss the chance! For more information, visit www..
1.The price of the movie ticket for school teenagers is ______.
A. 50 B. 25 C.free of charge D.not mentioned
2.The purpose of viewing the Louvre online is probably to make people ______.
A.take a trip to France B.view the art works with surprise
C.go to the Louvre D.look through the art works at home
3.The on line art show will last for ______.
A.an hour B.three days C.a week D.a month
4.You can get more information about food festival by ______.
A.visiting the website B.asking the local people
C.calling the hotline D.scanning the QR code
5.If you are available on the morning of June 25, you can ______.
A.enjoy the light show B.go to the food festival
C.go to the cinema D.view the Louvre
A party for Jane!
Our friend Jane is flying back to the US next Monday.
We’ll have a party to say goodbye to her!
Who: Miss Martin’s class
When: Saturday, May 23rd at 9:00 a.m-11:00 a.m.
Where: Our classroom
Please don’t put our children’s presents to Jane in their schoolbags. The lunchbox bags may make them dirty. If it’s possible, please put them in small paper bags. Children will give them to Jane at the party. We have a big box for Jane to put all the presents in.
Please feel free to call me at 4032 6166 if you would like to give assistance! We need two parents to help. One will help set the tables, and the other will help cut the cake!
6.How will Jane go back to her homeland ______
A.By ship. B.By plane. C.By train. D.By bike.
7.How long will the party last ______
A.4 hours. B.1 hour. C.3 hours. D.2 hours.
8.After the party, the children’s presents will be put in ______.
A.a big box B.a small paper bag C.school bags D.the desk
9.The underlined word “assistance” in the last paragraph probably means ______.
A.present B.comfort C.help D.advice
10.Why are the children’s parents invited ______
A.To take part in the party. B.To help the children move presents.
C.To say goodbye to Jane. D.To help prepare for the party.
1 My family were celebrating my grandfather’s _______(九十)birthday the whole afternoon.
2David can’t answer the phone because he’s_______(连接) the computer to the Internet.
3The passport is that_______(德国人),please look after it.
4The police_______ (料想) that the victim knew his murderer after they checked the scene.
5. Our teacher often give us some _______(safe) tips.
6. The 19th Sports Games of Jiangsu was _______(success) opened in Yangzhou.
7. It’s not hard to see more than one street _______ (music) at the corner of the street.
8. I don’t think she can make an excellent teacher because she is ______ (patient) with children.
9 _______(careless) is just an excuse, you need to do more exercises.
10. Lily often doubts whether it is worth _______ (work) so hard.
Mobile phone history
Not long ago, mobile phones were used mainly by business people and government officers in society. In the US, mobile phone users were about 340,000 in 1985. Now there are 205 million mobile phone users in the US. Studies also show that over 50 percent of children in the US own their own personal mobile phones. The mobile phone explosion (激增) has led to a huge number of waste phones. The number of mobile phone users has also increased throughout the world. In the middle of 2005, the number of total users jumped to 2.4 billion worldwide.
Mobile phone waste
When people throw their mobile phones away, they usually end up in the open air. Mobile phones include some materials. They can go into public drinking water and food and do harm to people’s health. About 75 percent of mobile phone users don’t throw their phones away. Instead, they prefer to keep the waste ones sitting around the house as they are not worth very much. People are also afraid that others may know their information if they sell their waste phones. Less than 20 percent of them are recycled each year.
Benefits (益处) of recycling mobile phones
Mobile phones have valuable materials inside. The most valuable material is gold, which is used in the phone circuit (电路) boards. Recycling can reduce air pollution and keep natural materials like gold. If all of the waste phones in the US are recycled, it will save enough energy to offer over 194,000 U.S. families electricity (电) for one year.
How mobile phone recycling works
Many people do not know how mobile phone recycling works. One method of recycling mobile phones is to take the working parts of broken or used phones, then put them together to make one ready-to-use mobile phone. Another method of mobile phone recycling is to melt (熔化) down, getting the valuable natural materials, such as gold. Plastic and glass can also be recycled from used mobile phones.
The used mobile phones
Mobile phone history 1 with the condition in 1985, there are more mobile phone users at present. More than half of the children in America have their own personal mobile phones. It has 2 a huge number of waste phones because of the mobile phone explosion.
Mobile phone waste Some materials in the mobile phones are 3 to people’s health. Three-quarters of the users would rather keep the waste ones sitting around the house.
Benefits of recycling Some materials are of great 4 . They can be used again. It can provide plenty of electricity for American families if the waste phones are recycled.
How recycling works One way is to 5 working parts of broken or used phones. We can also get natural materials from the used mobile phones by melting down.
The sun was shining when I woke up. It was w 1 and I felt very lazy and comfortable on my bed of grass. I chose to hide on this i 2 because nobody ever went here. I walked to the woods and made a tent with some blankets.
During the next t 3 days, I explored the island. I found some fruit like strawberries and grapes, but they were g 4 and not ready to eat. On the fourth day I found a campfire. It was still s 5 . Somebody else was living on my island! Who was it I felt scared so I took my gun and c 6 a tree. I watched for a long time but I didn’t see anyone. I went to my tent and tried to sleep. I didn’t feel s 7 any more. The next day I went exploring. I kept my gun with me all the time. After a while I saw a fire t 8 the trees. I went up to it very slowly and very quietly. A man was lying on the ground near the fire. He was asleep but there was a blanket over his h 9 so I couldn’t see his face. I hid behind a bush and w 10 . I had to wait for a long time and it was starting to get dark when the man finally woke up. He stood up and took off the blanket. It was Jim! I jumped out and ran up to him. “Jim!” I said. “It’s me, Huck!”
A. 句子翻译 (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)
5 幼儿园的孩子一直被教育要防范身边的任何的危险。
B. 写作(计20分)
提示词:社区志愿者服务community voluntary services;生活技能life skills;责任感a sense of responsibility
李华参加劳动的情况 养成良好劳动习惯的重要性
在校 打扫教室…… 提高基本的生活技能 学会照顾自己 拥有责任感
在家 清洗餐具,洗衣服,做饭……
社区 做社区志愿者服务,如去养老院看望老人……
I’m Li Hua. As a teenager, I am supposed to form good working habits. It’s good for my development.
At school,

  • 江苏省扬州市江都区2023-2024九年级上学期期末考试英语模拟试题(无答案无听力原文及音频)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月23日  所属分类:作业答案