期末阅读选择专项突破2023-2024英语七年级上册Go For It !(含答案)

期末阅读选择专项突破2023-2024学年英语七年级上册Go For It !
Hi, Tom. I'm Jerry. Mom comes to our room. She says our room is not tidy. She tells me our uncle, Ben, is coming this evening. I think our room must be tidy. Let's see what we must do.
Your Things My Things
A dictionary: under the desk A jacket: on the chair
A tape player: on the bed A model plane: under the bed
CDs: on the sofa Tapes: in the bookcase
Books: on the bed, on the sofa and under the chair Computer games: under the chair
1.This is ____room.
A.Tom's B.Jerry's
C.Ben's D.Tom and Jerry's
2.____ are everywhere in the room.
A.Tom's CDs B.Jerry's tapes
C.Tom's books D.Jerry's computer games
3.Where is Jerry's model plane
A.Under the desk. B.On the sofa.
C.Under the bed. D.On the bed.
4.Where are Tom's CDs
A.On the sofa. B.On the chair.
C.In the bookcase. D.Under the chair.
Lost and Found
Found: Is this your computer game Please call Tom. My phone number is 7638- 8282. Lost: A red notebook. My name is Anna. Call me at7362- 2377.Thanks.
Found: Is this your blue pencil box Please call Mike. Phone: 7632- 3762. Lost: l lost my school ID card. I must find it! My name is David. Please call 7483- 3829.Thanks.
5.____found a computer game.
A.Tom B.Anna C.Mike D.David
6.Anna lost a(n) ____
A.ID card B.pencil box C.notebook D.computer game
7.Mike's phone number is____
A.7638-8282 B.7362-2377 C.7632-3762 D.7483-3829
Mary has a good habit. Her big things are all in the notebook. What does she do this week
October 14th, Monday ●Have the art lesson from 4:00 p. m. to 6:00 p. m. ●Buy a hat for the school trip. October 15th, Tuesday ●Go to the library with Cindy after School. ●Buy Alice a pen for her birthday. ●Ask Dad to buy the history book. October 17th, Thursday ●Have the English lesson from 5:00 p. m. to 6:00 p. m. ●Call Peter at 8:30 p. m. October 19th, Saturday THE SCHOOLTRIP October 20th, Sunday Emma's birthday party 3:00 p. m. -6:00 p. m. HAVE FUN!!!
8.Mary goes to the library____.
A.on Monday
B.on TuesdayD. on Saturday
C.on Thursday
9.On October 19th, Mary needs to____.
A.have an art lesson B.buy a history book
C.call Peter about the party D.go for a school trip
10.From the notes, we can learn that Mary____.
A.gives Alice a hat on her birthday
B.likes English very much
C.goes for a school trip with Dad
D.has an English lesson for an hour
It's June 12th. Paul's school has a soccer game on July 12th. Paul wants to be a great soccer player like his father Mr. Miller.
Mr. Miller comes to Paul's room and asks him to have breakfast. But Paul doesn't want to eat anything. He says, "Dad, I play soccer with my classmates every day, but I can't play it well. I don't want to play it. "
"Well, if you can't play it, I can help you. But if you give up, I can't doanything. "
"I like soccer. It's just too difficult. "
"Do you want me to be your teacher You know, I'm good at soccer, " says Mr. Miller.
"Yes. But, Dad, you are busy every day. "
"Yeah, but soccer is a relaxing sport. I need to relax, too. Now, let's go to have breakfast. After that, we can play soccer. ""OK. "
11.There's a(n) ____in July in Paul's school.
A.soccer game B.book sale
C.English party D.school trip
12.The underlined words "give up" mean " ____" in Chinese.
A.扔掉 B.捐赠 C.放弃 D.继续
13.Paul doesn't want to play soccer because____.
A.he doesn't like it B.soccer is difficult for him
C.he has no time to play D.it's boring to play
14.Paul may go to____ in the end.
A.play basketball with Dad B.buy a new soccer ball
C.ask his teacher for help D.eat some food
Look at the boy. His English name is Mike Smith. His Chinese name is Li Hai. He is from England. He is twelve years old. My name is Hao Gang. Jack is my English name.I'm from Shanghai. I'm thirteen.Mike and I are good friends. We are in Grade 7. I am in Class 3 and he is in Class 5.
These are our schoolbags. You can see two pencils, an eraser, a ruler and four books in Mike's schoolbag. In my bag, there are three pens, two erasers, a ruler and five books.
15.How old is Li Hai
A.He is ten. B.He is eleven.
C.He is twelve. D.He is thirteen.
16.What class is Li Hai in
A.Class 2. B.Class 3. C.Class 4. D.Class 5.
17.Where is Hao Gang from
A.Beijing. B.Hangzhou. C.Tianjin. D.Shanghai.
18.We can see ____erasers and ____pens in their schoolbags.
A.two; two B.two; three C.three; five D.three; two
19.Which is RIGHT(正确的)
A.Mike and Jack are in the same(同一的) grade.
B.Mike and Jack are in the same class.
C.Mike and Jack are of the same age.
D.Mike and Jack are from the same country.
Lost I lost my school ID card. The number is 4934679.My name is Lucy Brown. Please call me at 535-6375.
Found Is this your pen It's black and white. E-mail me at bob118@. Bob
Lost I lost my English dictionary. I must find it. Call me at 634-3369. Thanks. Gina
Found Susan, Your English notebook is in the library. Ask Mr. White for it. Eric
20.Lucy's school ID card number is ____.
A.4934669 B.4934679 C.5356375 D.5356475
21.The lost pen is ____.
A.red B.black
C.black and white D.white and red
22.If Jim lost his pen, he can ____.
A.call Lucy B.e mail Bob C.call Gina D.e mail Eric
23.____ is in the library.
A.An ID card B.A pencil box
C.A notebook D.A dictionary
24.Which of the following is true
A.Gina lost a dictionary.
B.Lucy's last name is Green.
C.Mr. White lost his notebook.
D.Eric's telephone number is 634-3369.
Hi, I'm Alan Brown. Here are three photos.
  Look at the first photo. Two boys are in it. They are my good friends Mike and Bill. They are my classmates, too. We are in the same school and in the same class.
  Who are they in this photo They are my aunt, my uncle and my cousins. My aunt is my mother's sister. Her name is Kate. The two children are her son Peter and her daughter Jane.
  The last photo is my family photo. These are my grandparents. My grandfather is 79. My grandmother is 76. These are my parents. The girl is my sister, Alice. Who's the boy Ha, it's me.
25.The first photo is a photo of Alan's ____.
A.family B.parents C.friends D.school
26.Mike, Bill and Alan ____.
A.are from the same city B.are in the same class
C.are from the same country D.live in the same house
27.Kate is Alan's ____.
A.sister B.mother C.cousin D.aunt
28.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Peter is Alan's friend. B.Alice and Jane are cousins.
C.Alan's mother has no sister. D.Alan has three cousins.
29.How many people are there in the last photo
A.Two. B.Four. C.Six. D.Eight.
Hello, I'm Linda. I'm in Jiaming Middle School. Here is a photo. These are my grandparents, Mike and Jane. They're my father's parents. My father's name is Jeff and my mother's name is Cathy. This is my aunt. She is my father's sister. Her name is Mary Green. That is Duoduo and it is her dog. It is brown and white. This is my uncle, Simon. He is my father's brother. These are my brother and sister. My brother's name is Paul, and my sister's name is Cindy. They are in Guangming Middle School. They are in this photo, but I'm not in this photo.
30.Jane is Linda's____.
A.mother B.cousin C.grandmother D.aunt
31.____ are in Guangming Middle School.
①Paul ②Linda ③Cindy
A.①② B.①③ C.②③ D.①②③
32.Duoduo is____ dog.
A.Paul's B.Cindy's C.Mike's D.Mary's
33.What color is the dog
A.Black and white. B.Brown and white.
C.White and yellow. D.Brown and yellow.
34.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Simon is Cindy's uncle.
B.Mary's last name is Brown.
C.Mike and Jeff are brothers.
D.Linda and her grandparents are not in the photo.
Do you like playingsports What's your favorite(最爱的) sport My favorite sport is football. Football is also many young people's favoritesport. English people call it soccer. Soccer is quite different from Americanfootball. Do you know the differences (不同) betweenthem
A soccer ball isround, but an American football is oval, like an egg. Soccer teams have elevenplayers on the field. American football teams have forty players, but only elevenplayers on the field at one time.
In a soccer team, thegoalkeeper(守门员) tries to stop(阻止) the ball from going into the goal. He's the only player to stopand pick up(捡起) the ball with hands.
American footballplayers can catch the ball with their hands. They can run with it and throw(扔) it to other players.
Both of them are veryinteresting. They can make you healthy and strong.
35.The word "oval" in the second paragraph means ________.
A.圆形的 B.椭圆的 C.无规则的 D.矩形的
36.Who can pick up the soccer with his hands in the soccer game
A.The goalkeeper. B.The coach.
C.Some players. D.All the players. .
37.Which one is the best title(标题) of this passage
A.Football B.Team C.Players D.Health
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项。
Sandra, Bill, Tommy and Sally are in the same class, but they like different(不同的) food . Here is a food list of their three meals.
Name Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Sandra milk hamburgers , Coke, ice-cream ice-cream
Bill eggs, milk, pears chicken , carrots, tomatoes, onions, melons rice, pears, bananas
Tommy eggs , bananas, milk chicken, carrots , onions onions , oranges
Sally eggs, apples, milk chicken, carrots , noodles bananas, ice-cream
38.The four students all have ________ for breakfast.
A.eggs B.milk C.fruit D.vegetables
39.________ eats some tomatoes for lunch.
A.Bill B.Sally C.Sandra D.Tommy
40.Tommy has ________ for dinner .
A.meat and fruit B.ice-cream
C.meat and drinks D.fruit and vegetables
41.Which of the following is TRUE
A.The girls like vegetables. B.Sally doesn't eat chicken.
C.They all have fruit for dinner. D.Bill eats lots of fruit a day.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)

  • 期末阅读选择专项突破2023-2024英语七年级上册Go For It !(含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月23日  所属分类:作业答案