山东名校考试联盟2024届高三上学期12月阶段性检测 英语(含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What is the man complaining about
A.The food.
B.The project
C. The noise.
2.How much change should the man get
3.How do the speakers feel now
4.Where will the woman probably go first
A.The city library.
B.The grocery store
C.The lawyer's office.
5.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.Jane's holiday.
B.Iane's cousins.
C.Jane's travel plan.
6.Where does the woman come from
7.What does the woman like about Spain
A.Having a long lunch.
B.Sitting close to people.
C.Taking a midday nap.
8.What will the man do this afternoon
A.Write a report.
B.Attend a meeting.
C.Organize a gathering.
9.Why is the man unable to ensure his arrival time
A.He has to pick up Mr.Brown.
B.He has to get his car repaired.
C.He has to deliver packages.
10.What does Jenny suggest the man do
A.Give Henry a call.
B.Skip the gathering.
C.Take public transport.
11.How often does Mrs.Watts shower
A.Once a day.
B.Twice a day.
C.Three times a day.
12.What is the man's advice
A.Avoid using body washes.
B.Choose good-smelling soaps.
C.Wash hair two or three times a week.
13.What do the speakers talk about at last
A.The way to keep the hair healthy.
B.The time spent on taking a shower.
C.The effect of water temperature on skin.
14.What did Jimmy bring from the library
A.A magazine.
B.A brochure
C.A book
15.Where will the speakers sit
A.At the front.
B.In the middle.
C.At the back
16.What will the woman probably do first
A.Answer a call.
B.Share the news.
C.Book the tickets.
17.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Boss and secretary.
B.Husband and wife.
18.What did Martin Nellen do last week
A.He hosted Talk Back.
B.He took a day off work.
C.He wrote to the speaker.
19.What was the speaker disappointed at about her trip
A.The food.
B.The weather.
C.The local people.
20.What advice does George give to the show
A.Invite fewer guests to the show.
B.Provide an after-show online program.
C.Answer more questions during the show.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Winter Solstice Celebrations From Around the World
The winter solstice(冬至),the longest night of the year,falls on December 21 or 22 inthe Northern Hemisphere and June 20 or 21 in the Southern.Since ancient times,people allover the world have recognized this important occurrence and celebrated the following“return”of the Sun in a variety of different ways.Old solstice traditions have influenced holidays we celebrate now,such as Christmas and Hanukkah.Here are some solstice traditions both new and old to help light your way to longer days.
Soyal is the winter solstice celebration of the Hopi Indians of northern Arizona. Ceremonies include purification,dancing,and sometimes gift-giving.At the time of the solstice, Hopi welcome the kachinas,some protective gods from the mountains.Prayer sticks are crafted and used for various blessings and other ceremonies.
The Persian festival Yalda,or Shab-e Yalda is a celebration of the winter solstice in Iran that started in ancient times.It marks the last day of the Persian month of Azar.Yalda is viewed traditionally as the victory of light over dark,and the birthday of the sun god Mithra.Families celebrate together with special foods like nuts and some stay awake all night long to welcome the morning sun.
Midwinter in Antarctica
Even Antarctica gets its share of solstice celebration,thanks to the researchers staying there over the long,dangerously cold season.While those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are enjoying the most daylight hours,in the Southern Hemisphere they are celebrating Midwinter. Festivities include special meals,films,and sometimes even handmade gifts.
21.What can be learned about winter solstice
A.It is a traditional Christmas celebration.
B.It is a big event only in Southern globe.
C.It has a great influence on the climate.
D.It enjoys global recognition.
22.How do Hopi Indians observe Soyal
A.By making prayers in the day.
B.By wandering the wilderness.
C.By dancing and sending gifts.
D.By staying up all night long.
23.Where can you expect films during winter solstice
A.In Antarctica.
B.In China.
C.In India
D.In Iran.
Shanya Gill,a 12-year-old middle schooler from San Jose,California,won the to paward in the Society for Science's annual middle school competition for designing a fire detection system that is superior to existing ones,according to a press release from the organization.
Shanya's inspiration came after a fire destroyed a restaurant in her neighborhood during the summer of 2022,reported Washington Post.“I had never really experienced something like that before,”she told Washington Post about the early morning fire at Holder's Country Inn, which started in the kitchen.“They had smoke detectors,and yet it still burned down,”she added.
After she studied fire statistics and saw how common fires are,Shanya decided that she was going to do something about it.She spent more than a year developing a fire detection system that she believes could prevent the fire.That's because smoke detectors sense active fires from the smoke in the air,while Shanya's thermal imaging device is designed to stop fires from occurring.
Her complex system has two parts,a thermal camera and a Raspberry Pi,a tiny computer.The device detects when a heat source has been left unattended for ten minutes and sends a text message alert.
Creating the prototype(原型)was difficult and the hardest part was the coding.“I had two designs, and the final device succeeded because it outperforms smoke detectors in speed and accuracy".Shanya wants to bring the costs down to $60 to make it even more affordable than hardwired smoke detectors.
“Shanya saw a problem and tried hard to solve it,and that's what we need to encourage with all young people,"said Ajmera,president and CEO of Society for Science.“Her remarkable research not only reflects her talent but also paves the way for an exciting new future.
24.What inspired Shanya to design the fire detection system
A.A neighbor's burnt kitchen.
B.A report on Washington Post.
C.A terrible restaurant experience.
D.A horrible fire in her community.
25.How can Shanya's fire detection system help prevent fire
A.By having people updated.
B.By sending a warning mail.
C.By controlling the water tap.
D.By putting out a heat source.
26.Why did the final device succeed
A.It was fast and precise.
B.It was cheap and simple.
C.It was complex and unique.
D.It was affordable and convenient.
27.What may Ajmera agree
A.Teenagers are the architect of the future.
B.A problem is a chance to bring out the best.
C.The thirst for knowledge is a never-ending one.
D.The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Comparison is the thief of joy,which has become more pronounced with the rise of social media.In the past,you may have envied your neighbour when they bought a new car.Today,the rise of social media has had many benefits but also given rise to social media envy when users perceive the perfect lives of others.
Research has shown that social media users post carefully chosen information to present a better image of themselves and social media allows them to do so.This can lead to social comparison,which is where we think about information about other people in relation to ourselves.Our own lives are for the most part ordinary,but social media can make it appear that everyone else's are not.This can make us feel different emotional responses.
These emotions can be positive or negative.For example,sometimes envy can lead to self improvement.Researchers have found that students studied for longer,and their academic performance improved,when they were envious of their successful peers.This is referred to as benign envy.But some envy can lead to negative emotions.You might feel low and have negative thoughts towards the envied person who you perceive to be in a better position than you.This is referred to as malicious envy.
As envy is a natural response,it is important to allow yourself to feel the emotion.The real trick is making sure you stop malicious envy and harness benign envy.By accepting that you are envious of someone when you have viewed a post on social media,you have made the first step to adopt a healthier response.You can then make the decision to use this feeling to fuel self improvement.
Therefore,try to identify role models as well as people to avoid or unfollow. Role models can be anyone that encourages a sense of benign envy and promotes wanting to improve.This could be friends,family or a celebrity.Identifying those that you feel malicious envy towards is equally as important.Unfollowing these people may be beneficial.
28.How does the author introduce the topic
A.By giving a definition.
B.By explaining a theory.
C.By making comparisons.
D.By justifying assumptions.
29.What does the underlined word"this"in paragraph 2 refer to
A.Freedom of expression.
B.Selected information online.
C.Social media users' preference.
D.Widespread use of social media.
30.What should you do first in making right response to envy
A.Post your envy online.
B.Acknowledge your envy.
C.Stop viewing harmful posts.
D.Reject this negative emotion.
31.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A.Comparison—the thief of joy
B.Stay away from social media
C.Envy—a barrier to progress
D.Get over social media envy
Many people are familiar with the horrible images of wildlife—including sea turtles, dolphins and seals—trapped in abandoned fishing nets.The main issue behind Nylon-6, the plastic inside these nets,carpet and clothing,is that it's too strong and durable to breakdown on its own. So,once it's in the environment,it exists for thousands of years, littering waterways, breaking corals and killing birds and sea life.
Now,Northwestern University chemists have developed a new catalyst(催化剂)that quickly, cleanly and completely breaks down Nylon-6 in a matter of minutes—without generating harmful byproducts.More importantly,the process does not require poisonous solvents (溶剂), expensive materials or extreme conditions,making it practical for everyday applications.
Current methods to dispose of Nylon-6 are limited to simply burying it in landfills.When Nylon-6 is burned,it produces poisonous pollutants such as nitrogen oxides.Although other labs have explored catalysts to degrade Nylon-6,those catalysts require extreme conditions (such as temperatures as high as 350 degrees Celsius),high-pressure steam (which is energetically expensive and inefficient)and/or toxic solvents that only contribute to more pollution.
To bypass these issues,the researchers looked to a novel catalyst already developed in the lab of Tobin Marks,the leader of the research.The catalyst takes advantage of yttrium—an inexpensive Earth-abundant metal.When the team heated Nylon-6 samples to melting temperatures and applied the catalyst without a solvent,the plastic fell apart—returning to its original building blocks without leaving byproducts behind.In experiments,Marks and his team were able to recover 99%of plastics' original building blocks.
“Our research represents a significant step forward in the field of polymer recycling and sustainable materials management,”said Marks.After filing a patent for the new process, Marks and his team have already received interest from many potential industrial partners.They hope others can use their catalysts on a large scale to help solve the global plastic problem.
32.What is Nylon-6 according to the text
A.A chemical that causes wildlife extinction.
B.The strongest plastic invented in history.
C.A material that is hard to degrade.
D.The net used to trap sea creatures.
33.What is a feature of the new catalyst
34.What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about
A.The use of yttrium.
B.The anticipated result.
C.The research objectives.
D.The experimental process.
35.What can we infer about the new catalyst from the last paragraph
A.It has been granted a patent.
B.It is in mass production now.
C.It is of great practical value.
D.It has been widely applied.
Anger is the most destructive emotion.When you are in a temper,you make ill-considered decisions that you will probably regret.__36__What can be done to prevent anger from ruining our lives Here are three ways that you can fight against the causes of anger.
You need to change your attitude to the way the world works.__37__Also,you need to accept that not everyone has the same standards as you,nor will they behave in the same way that you would in a given situation.
__38__There are occasions when anger can be directed in such a way as to achieve great things. Martin Luther King was angry about the lack of civil rights in the USA.Gandhi was angry about British domination in India.They both used that anger to motivate themselves to fight against injustice.
Reacting angrily is a hard habit to break.But habits can be broken.The trick is to avoid reacting when faced with a situation that is usually annoying.Anger is a negative reaction,but in this type of situation,there is no need to react by forming positive thoughts.You need to learn not to respond at all.__39__
In conclusion,you must recognize that anger is something you can control.__40__Make changes to your lifestyle and attitudes,and you will find that you will turn angry much less often.
A.How to stop being angry
B.What are the causes of anger
C.Don't dismiss anger as a bad emotion.
D.Learn to identify when you become angry.
E.You'll control your anger when you identify what causes it.
F.Realizing nobody is perfect is a good start to avoiding getting angry.
G.This way,your anger will not get the emotional food it needs to survive.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
One of the key experiences recommended during your time as an undergraduate is doing an internship(实习).Gaining work experience is important to__41__your employ ability.So I undertook a six-week internship at a famous__42__called HSBC during my second college year.I was one of the university-level interns—what they__43__as“academic interns”.Myself and my fellow academic interns were not there__44__getting a job with HSBC later,but __45__ we were there to learn and understand the inner functioning of it.
The first thing we had to do was to__46__agreements with HSBC to make sure that the __47__ of its clients was maintained.At the start of each week,we were sent to a new department where we were__48__about work process and given an employee to shadow. During the shadowing,we mostly took notes and were given small daily__49__such as check deposits,withdrawal slips and such.Thanks to the classes I had already taken at the college, I could quickly handle all of them.
Over those six weeks,I developed friendships with my__50__,dealt with frustrating clients,and was—for the first time—__51__like a fully-grown and responsible adult.My internship__52__me to grow personally.I also gained a better understanding of the banking industry and a few__53__from the bank managers,which later proved useful for my job hunting.But most importantly,I gained a new sense of professionalism and a clearer view of what it__ 54__to be in the professional world.
So,I would advise everyone to take the opportunity and__55__an internship.There is much to gain from it on both a professional and personal level.
41.A.boost 42.A.workshop 43.A.assessed 44.A.imagining 45.A.even 46.A.sign 47.A.privacy 48.A.inquired 49.A.examinations 50.A.classmates 51.A.admired 52.A.allowed 53.A.solutions 54.A.provided 55.A.offer B.recognize B.factory B.served B.suggesting B.rather B.reach B.balance B.briefed B.operations B.customers B.chosen B.expected B.achievements B.meant B.organize C.prove C.college C.looked on C.anticipating C.anyway C.draft C.control C.annoyed C.presents C.coworkers C.treated C.convinced C.references C.cost C.recommend D.show D.bank D.referred to D.practicing D.still D.break D.stability D.worried D.lessons D.employees D.defended D.required D,responses D.preferred D.undertake
Hangzhou,a medium-sized city of eight million people in Zhejiang Province,is home to China's green tea:longjing,known in English as Dragon Well.
__56__“Dragon Well”means exactly is a little confusing.In China,Xihu longjing refers to a specific tea variety__57__(dry)into a flattened feather shape and grown exclusively in the Xihu district surrounding Hangzhou's West Lake,__58__region with cool,moist air, rocky mountains, acidic soil,and dramatic temperature fluctuations(起伏).All of them is__59__ (practical) designed for growing good tea.But the green tea__60__(grow)and sold all over Zhejiang province and overseas,the regional distinctions are usually lost in__ 61__(translate). As a result,any green tea that is dried into a Dragon Well-like shape might be sold as Dragon Well.
__62__the source,all Dragon Well comes from the same plant as all other tea—camellia sinensis (野茶树).Dragon Well's green color and special flavor are the result of climate,good farming, and careful handling,not genetics,63 is why its range of quality is so wide.But that's not enough__64__(explain)its idolized status among tea drinkers.What makes Dragon Well so highly prized __65__(it)popularity stretches back to the Qing Dynasty,when emperor Qianglong declared it the official tea of the imperial court.
第四部分 写作(满分40分)
Martha and her husband Jeff had a fancy house in the countryside,where they spent almost every summer together with their boys Tom and Nathan.
Tom was 10 and Nathan was 8,the two of whom were closely bonded,unlike some other siblings who would often fight over small things.Except for one thing,cleaning!One sunny morning,Martha called out to her children,"Tom and Nathan,it's time to clean your room!”The kids sighed deeply.Cleaning their room was always a chore they disliked.
Unwillingly,Tom and Nathan made their way to their messy room.Toys were scattered all over the floor,clothes were piled up on chairs,and books were haphazardly(随意的)piled on the shelves.It was a complete mess!
Mom entered,“Oh,my!This room is a disaster zone!We need to work together to clean it up.”Tom and Nathan exchanged looks,clearly not pleased with the task at hand.They had a history of arguing,especially when it came to cleaning their room.
Mom,sensing their unwillingness,reminded the kids,"A clean room not only look snice but also helps us find things easily.It's important to take care of our belongings and keep our surroundings clean.”The boys didn't respond,seemingly thinking about something.
Jeff,who was passing by,overheard the dialogue and decided to lend a hand.He decided to take a different approach.He said,"I understand that cleaning can be boring,but what if we turn it into a fun challenge Let's see who can find the most interesting item hidden in this messy room.The winner gets to choose what we have for dessert tonight!"
Tom and Nathan's eyes lit up with excitement.They loved a good challenge,especially when there was a delicious reward involved.They eagerly accepted their father's proposal and began searching for hidden treasures.
1-5 CACBA 6-10 ACACA 11-15 CCBBC 16-20 BBABB
21-23 DCA 24-27DAA28-31 CBBD 32-35 CADC
第二节(共5小题 每小题25分,满分12.5分)
36-40 AFCGE
第三部分语言运用(共两节 满分30分)
41-45 ADDCB46-50 AABBC 51-55 CACBD
56.What 57.dried 58.a 59.practicably 60.is grown
61.translation 62.Despite 63.which 64.to explain 65.Its
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
One possible version:
Dear Mr.Brown.
I hope this email finds you well.I am writing to inform you that the English Drama performance scheduled for this Sunday has been postponed.
Taking into account the terrible weather conditions and ensuring the safety of the students, we have made this decision.The new date for the performance will be rescheduled next Sunday.We apologize sincerely for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and flexibility.We do hope you will still be able to join us as a judge for the rescheduled performance next Sunday.
Thank you for your understanding,and we look forward to seeing you next week.Yours,
Li Hua
One possible version:
They started by picking up the toys and organizing them into respective boxes.Tom started rummaging through a pile of clothes and discovered an old comic book that he had been searching for weeks.Nathan,on the other hand,found a missing puzzle piece buried under a stack of papers.The boys couldn't contain their excitement as they continued their search.As they explored the room,they stumbled upon forgotten treasures,like a shiny rock,a long-lost action figure,and a secret stash of candies.Each discovery brought laughter and joy,making the cleaning process more enjoyable than they had ever imagined.
Slowly but surely,the room began to look tidier.Father watched with delight as his planun folded. He saw her boys working together,helping each other find hidden gems,and laughing along the way.With each item they found,Tom and Nathan grew more motivated.After what seemed like hours of searching and cleaning,the boys finally declared their search complete. The room was now tidy,and their treasures were proudly displayed on the shelves.Mom entered the room,amazed at the transformation.As promised,Mom let the boys choose their favorite dessert for the night.They happily enjoyed their treats,savoring the victory that came from working together and turning a ordinary task into a memorable experience.
Text 1
W:What can I do for you,sir
M:I planned to discuss the project with my colleague here But all I can hear is other people's conversations.The food is up to its usual standard thought.
Text 2
M:How much do I need to pay
W:Let me see.Err…8 dollars and 7 dollars.That's 15 dollars,sir:
M:OK,here is a 20-dollar bill.
Text 3
W:I need to go out for a break.The loud music is killing me!
M:We've got to talk to our neighbor.He can't always throw these "surprise parties"on weekends just because he feels happy to do so!
Text 4
M:I'm going to the city library.Do you need a ride
W:Thank you!My appointment with my lawyer is three hours later and I think I'll finish the grocery shopping first.
Text 5
M:Did you have a good time with your uncle's family during Christmas,Jane
W:Yes.I had a really nice time with my cousins.We got on really well.I've invited them to come to our city for a trip.
Text 6
M:How long have you been in Spain
W:I'm here for my postgraduate program.I'm from Yorkshire,but I went to college in Seattle. Have you ever been to the U.S.
M:I went to Boston once.How do you like Spain
W:I love it!It's quite different,though.Here in Spain,people take time off in the middle of the day.It's so nice.Personal space is also very different.People here sit so close to me when we're having a conversation!
M:Well,I've never noticed that.
Text 7
M:Hey,Jenny.I can't attend the meeting this afternoon.I have a sales report to finish.
W:All right.But can you attend the gathering at the restaurant this evening
M:Well,do you know when we are supposed to show up at the restaurant
W:Henry told everyone to be there by 7:00.He also said if any of us was going to be late,just call him.
M:But I have been asked by Mr.Brown to drop off some packages at our head office.I'm not sure if I will be able to make it there on time.
W:If you are driving out to the head office now,you'd better call Henry.The traffic usually gets pretty heavy during the time you come back.
Text 8
M:Good morning,Mrs.Watts.What's troubling you W:I feel itchy all over;
M:How often do you bathe
W:I take a shower every morning after I get up,and after my daily workout at the gym.Then again before bed.
M:Actually,frequent showering/may do more harm than good.It can wash away the good bacteria that naturally exists on your skin.It's good to shower once or twice a day.
W:OK.I'll cut it down.
M:The way you shower is also important.Water should be warm but not too hot.
W:I use hot water a lot,and I like the scent of soap and shampoo.
M:Avoid any of those good-smelling soaps and body washes.You don't need to wash your hair every time you shower.Typically,shampooing two or three times a week will help keep your hair healthy.
W:What's the duration
M:Three or four minutes of showering is all you need If you prefer a slightly more relaxed approach,try to keep your shower under10 minutes.
W:Thank you,Dr.Hunks.
Text 9
W:Hi,Jimmy!Glad you're home.Your secretary called you several times.
M:Sorry,honey!I went into the library to subscribe to magazines and I came across something really interesting.
W:What A book
M:No,a brochure about a summer festival —mainly music.Look,I've got it here.
W:Wow!I really love the guitar.Let's have a look.So what's this group "Guitarrini"
M:They play fantastic instruments —drums,flutes and old kinds of guitars.I've never heard anything like it before.Shall we go then
W:Yes.let's go
M:The only problem is there aren't any cheap seats.It's one price for all.
W:Well,in that case we could sit right at the front.We'd have a really good view.
M:But I think that if we sit at the back we can actually hear the whole thing better.
W:Yes.The back then.
M:So will you book the tickets now
W:There's no hurry.I could hardly wait to tell the news to Susan.
W:Hi,you're listening to Talk Back,the show where you tell us what you think about Radio National.I'm sure you've all heard we have a new boss here at Radio National and his Miss Lip man pays much attention to your views.And we'll be speaking to a surprise guest who has sent a letter to us later in the show.I must start by saying a big "thank you"to Martin Nellen—judging from your letter,he did a great job of covering the show last week while I was away.Thanks Martin.And thanks for all the e-mails asking about my holiday.I had a long,rather boring flight home late last night but I must say I had a wonderful time.The food was delicious and the locals we spoke to were really friendly.Shame about the weather,which was disappointing,but you can't have everything I suppose.And the kids loved it,so everyone was happy.Anyway,on to the first of your letters…George from Glasgow writes,“as the programs end with guests getting rushed and many questions going unanswered.Why don't you offer some kind of after-show online program where the guest can continue answering listeners' questions "I think that's a good idea.We'll certainly pass this one up to management. I'm sure a service like this would go down really well on our website.

  • 山东名校考试联盟2024届高三上学期12月阶段性检测 英语(含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月23日  所属分类:作业答案