2023-2024福建省福州市重点中学高一上学期12月月考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版 含听力音频)

第一部分 听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)
1. What does the man think of Linda’s husband
A. Clever. B. Unfriendly. C. Quiet.
2. What will the weather be like on Friday
A. Rainy. B. Windy. C. Sunny.
3. What are the speakers talking about
A. A hotel. B. An airport. C. A hospital.
4. What does the man suggest doing
A. Going fishing. B. Staying at home. C. Buying some books.
5. What is in the man’s bag
A. Some CDs. B. Some bottles. C. Some books.
第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What does the woman usually do on Saturdays
A. She goes swimming. B. She plays basketball. C. She goes shopping.
7. When does the woman usually go to the cinema with friends
A. On Friday nights. B. On Saturday nights. C. On Sunday nights.
8. What was the relationship between the woman and Jim in the past
A Relatives. B. Classmates. C. Colleagues.
9. What is the woman
A. A film actress. B. An art director. C. A magazine editor.
10. Where does the woman live now
A. In Canada. B. In America. C. In Japan.
11. What language is the woman good at
A. Italian. B. French. C. Spanish.
12. What does the woman teach in a school
A. Medicine. B. English. C. Maths.
13. Where does the conversation take place
A. In a park. B. At a hotel. C. In the street.
14. What is the weather like today
A Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Cloudy.
15. How will the man probably go to Wrigley Field
A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By subway.
16. What time is it probably now
A. 3:00 p.m. B. 4:00 p.m. C. 5:00 p.m.
17. Where does the speaker have breakfast if the weather is fine
A. In the garden. B. In the kitchen. C. In the living room.
18. When does the speaker usually go to work
A. At 2:00 p.m. B. At 6:00 p.m. C. At 6:30 p.m.
19. How does the speaker usually go home from the restaurant
A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By train.
20. What do we know about the speaker
A. She is a violinist.
B. She often eats alone after work.
C. She often reads the newspaper at night.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Nobody expects a natural disaster to strike Neither does anyone know the impact it can have on life. The following measures can save your life in an emergency.
Typhoons occur in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, particularly in exposed regions like the Caroline Islands, the Philippines, and Japan. The best place to hide during a typhoon is a secure basement or a bathroom with no windows. A must-have device is a battery-powered weather radio, through which you will hear evacuation orders or in other cases, instructions on how to survive in your shelter and learn about the weather situation.
Floods occur more often than any other natural disaster and change the landscape dramatically. They are usually caused by intense rainfalls lasting for days. Don’t try to be the bravest person around and stay in your house. Once you hear the evacuation warning, leave for safer higher grounds with your important papers in a waterproof container.
An avalanche can hit when you are enjoying Alpine skiing in a dreamlike location. It is very fast and disastrous, burying everything in its way under tons of snow. When an avalanche starts, try to move to the side of the slope as fast as you can. If you get buried in the snow, dig an air pocket to be able to keep breathing. Wait for the rescue team to find you and don’t waste your energy shouting or digging frantically. Call out when you hear the team approaching.
Wildfires spread at an amazing speed and destroy everything in their way. If you are caught in a wild fire, use a wet cloth to cover your nose and mouth to ensure that you can breathe. Try to stay upwind of the fire at all times and get close to a pond or river. Stay low and cover yourself with wet clothing, a blanket, or soil until the fire passes.
1. Among the four natural disasters, which one requires people to hide indoors
A. Typhoon. B. Flood.
C. Avalanche. D. Wildfire.
2. What should those trapped in typhoons probably do when they hear the evacuation orders
A. Get to a basement or windowless bathroom.
B. Find something solid to hide under.
C Leave the place where they are.
D. Get a torch in case of a blackout.
3. What do we know from the text
A. Typhoons occur only in the exposed regions in the northwestern Pacific Ocean.
B. Floods cause the most frequent damage among the disasters mentioned.
C. Those who meet with avalanches are advised to call out the minute they’re trapped.
D. Getting clean air matters most in the case of wildfires, despite the difficulty.
【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B
细节理解题。根据Typhoon部分的“The best place to hide during a typhoon is a secure basement or a bathroom with no windows.(台风期间最好的藏身之处是安全的地下室或没有窗户的浴室。)”可知,台风时需要人们躲在室内,故选A。
细节理解题。根据Typhoon部分的“A must-have device is a battery-powered weather radio, through which you will hear evacuation orders or in other cases, instructions on how to survive in your shelter and learn about the weather situation.(一个必备的设备是电池供电的天气收音机,通过它你可以听到疏散命令,或者在其他情况下,关于如何在避难所生存的指示,并了解天气情况。)”可知,当听到撤离命令时,那些被困在台风中的人可能会离开他们所在的地方。故选C。
细节理解题。根据Flood部分的“Floods occur more often than any other natural disaster and change the landscape dramatically.(洪水比其他自然灾害发生得更频繁,并极大地改变了地貌。)”可知,在上述灾害中,洪水造成的破坏最为频繁。故选B。
Earthquakes are a natural disaster — except when they’re man-made. The oil and gas industry has forcefully used the technique known as hydraulic fracturing (水力压裂) to destroy sub-surface rock and free the oil and gas hiding there. But the process results in large amounts of chemical-filled waste water. Horizontal drilling (水平钻探) for oil can also produce a large amount of natural, unwanted salt water. The industry deals with this waste water by pumping it into deep wells.
Previously, the US Geological Survey published for the first time an earthquake disaster map covering both natural and “induced” quakes. The map and a report showed that parts of the central United States were facing a ground-shaking disaster equal to the famously unstable terrain (地形) of California.
Some 7 million people lived in places easily attacked by these man-made quakes, and almost all the risk of increasing man-made quakes was tied to companies that were pumping waste water from oil and gas production deep into the earth, the USGS reported. The list of places at highest risk of man-made earthquakes included Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Ohio and Alabama. Most of these earthquakes were relatively small, in the range of magnitude 3, but some were more powerful, including a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in 2011 in Oklahoma that was connected to waste water filling.
Scientists said they did not know if there was an upper limit on the magnitude of man-made earthquakes; this was an area of active research. Oklahoma had had prehistoric earthquakes as powerful as magnitude 7.
It’s not immediately clear whether this research will change industry practices, or even whether it will surprise anyone in the areas of newly estimated danger. In Oklahoma, for example, the rate of earthquakes was only one or two a year, but there have been hundreds since hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, with waste water filling, became common in the last years.
4. What can cause man-made earthquakes
A. The man-made waste water in the factories.
B. The process of digging deep wells in those poor areas.
C. The oil and gas industry’s work to harvest the oil and gas.
D. The way used by the oil and gas industry to deal with waste water.
5. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “induced” in paragraph 2
A. Man-made. B. Reduced. C. Newly-built. D. Controlled.
6. What’s the highest magnitude of man-made earthquakes according to the scientists
A. Magnitude 3. B. Magnitude 5.6. C. Magnitude 7. D. No conclusion.
7. What is the best title for the text
A. Natural Earthquakes in America Are Disappearing Now
B. About 7 Million Americans at Risk of Man-Made Earthquakes
C. Time for the Oil and Gas Industry to Change Its Working Practices
D. Earthquakes as Powerful as Magnitude 7 Happen More Often in America
【答案】4. D 5. A 6. D 7. B
细节理解题。根据第一段中“But the process results in large amounts of chemical-filled waste water. Horizontal drilling (水平钻探) for oil can also produce a large amount of natural, unwanted salt water.(但这一过程会产生大量充满化学物质的废水。水平开采石油也会产生大量天然的、不需要的盐水)”以及第三段中“Some 7 million people lived in places easily attacked by these man-made quakes, and almost all the risk of increasing man-made quakes was tied to companies that were pumping waste water from oil and gas production deep into the earth, the USGS reported.(美国地质调查局报告称,约有700万人生活在容易受到这些人为地震袭击的地方,几乎所有人为地震增加的风险都与那些将石油和天然气生产废水泵入地下深处的公司有关)”可知,石油和天然气工业处理废水的方法会引起人为地震。故选D项。
词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句“the US Geological Survey published for the first time an earthquake disaster map covering both natural and “induced” quakes”可知,美国地质调查局发布了一张地震灾害地图,其中,natural quakes指的是自然发生的地震,由此可知induced quakes指的是与natural quakes对应的人为导致的地震。故A项“人为的”最接近“induced”的含义。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第四段中“Scientists said they did not know if there was an upper limit on the magnitude of man-made earthquakes;(科学家们表示,他们不知道人为地震的震级是否有上限)”可知,人工地震的震级上限还是未知的、有待研究的。故选D项。
Standing on the ruins after the fire where his house had been, Peter Ruprecht admitted that he was not sure how or when to rebuild. He was still shocked by what Australia’s increasingly changeable climate had already delivered: first a drought, then a destructive bush fire, then a foot of rain from a storm.
“It’s unstoppable,” said Mr. Ruprecht, a former dairy farmer. “We speak about the warmth of Mother Nature, but nature can also be vicious and wild and frightening.”
Australia’s hellish (地狱的) fire season has eased (缓和), but its people are facing more than a single disaster. With floods destroying homes not far from where fires recently spread, they are facing a cycle of what scientists call “compound extremes”: one climate disaster strengthening the next.
Warmer temperatures do more than just dry out the land. They also heat up the atmosphere, which means clouds hold more moisture (水汽) for longer periods of time. So droughts get worse, giving way to fires, then to heavy rains that the land is too dry to absorb.
Many Australians in disaster zones complain that their government, after ignoring climate change for years, has not yet to draw up recovery plans that are clear and that take future threats into account.
At the same time, the economic costs of a changing climate are rising quickly. Philip Lowe, the governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, warned recently that Australia was already paying a price, and that it would only go up.
8. Why is Peter Ruprecht’ story mentioned in Paragraph 1
A. To lead to readers’ pity. B. To introduce the topic.
C. To stress the problem. D. To call on readers to help.
9. What does the underlined word “vicious” mean in Paragraph 2
A. Grateful. B. Advanced. C. Responsible. D. Cruel.
10. What is the main reason for “compound extremes” in Australia
A. No government action. B. Warmer temperature.
C. The lack of money. D. No recovery plans.
11. Where is the text probably from
A. A guidebook. B. A travel magazine.
C. A news report. D. A book review.
【答案】8. B 9. D 10. B 11. C
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“He was still shocked by what Australia’s increasingly changeable climate had already delivered: first a drought, then a destructive bush fire, then a foot of rain from a storm.(他仍然对澳大利亚日益多变的气候所带来的影响感到震惊:首先是干旱,然后是破坏性的丛林大火,然后是风暴带来的一英尺的降雨)”并结合下文陈述大火给澳大利亚带来的危害可知,第一段提到Peter Ruprecht的目的是引入话题。故选B项。
词义猜测题。根据划线词下文“wild and unforgiving(狂野无情)”可知,划线词与wild and frightening含义相似。结合文章讨论大火对澳大利亚的危害可知,划线词意为“残酷无情的”,与Cruel同义。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段“Warmer temperatures do more than just dry out the land. They also heat up the atmosphere, which means clouds hold more moisture (水汽) for longer periods of time. So droughts get worse, giving way to fires, then to heavy rains that the land is too dry to absorb(温暖的气温不仅仅使土地变得干燥。它们还使大气层升温,这意味着云层可以长时间保持更多的水分。因此,干旱变得更加严重,火灾接踵而至,然后是土地干旱无法吸收的暴雨)”可知,复合型极端气象事件是由气温升高造成的。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Standing on the ruins after the fire where his house had been, Peter Ruprecht admitted that he was not sure how or when to rebuild.( 彼得·鲁普雷奇特站在火灾后的废墟上,承认他不确定如何或何时重建)”、第二段““It’s unstoppable,” said Mr. Ruprecht, a former dairy farmer.(“这是不可阻挡的,”Ruprecht先生说,他曾是一名奶农)”、第三段“With floods destroying homes not far from where fires recently spread, they are facing a cycle of what scientists call “compound extremes(洪水摧毁了离最近火灾蔓延不远的房屋,他们正面临着科学家所说的复合型极端气象事件)”以及文章最后一段“Philip Lowe, the governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, warned recently that Australia was already paying a price, and that it would only go up.(澳大利亚储备银行行长Philip Lowe最近警告说,澳大利亚已经在付出代价,而且代价只会上升)”可知,文章对最近发生的事引用了大量的事实进行报道,最有可能是一篇新闻报道。故选C项。
Katherine Rooks, a Denver-based writer, had sent her son a text message about coming home from school “I could tell from his response that he became upset suddenly in our thread. And when he came home, he came over and said, ‘What did you mean by this ’ “Rooks was confused.” So we looked at the text together and I said, “Well, I meant, see you later, or something. I don’t remember exactly what it said.’ And he said, ‘But you ended with a full stop!
“I thought you were really angry!” Rooks wasn’t angry, and she explained to her son that, well, periods are how you end a sentence.
But in text-messaging — at least for younger adult periods do more than just end a sentence: they also can set a tone. Gretchen McCulloch. a linguist, said that when it comes to text-messaging, the period has lost its original purpose. But that doesn’t mean the period has lost all the purposes in text-messaging. Now it can be used to indicate seriousness or a sense of finality. “But caution is needed.” said McCullocb, noting that problems can start to arise when you combine a period with a positive emotion, like “sure” or “sounds good”.
A period can accidentally set a tone. A recent study conducted by Binghamton University psychology professor Cclia Klin confirmed this. Researchers asked undergraduates to evaluate a text exchange that included an innocent question and the answer “Yes”. Some saw “Yes” with a period and some saw the word without. They found consistently through many experiments that “Yes” with a period resulted in responses that were more negative. So people thought “Yes” with a period was less friendly, less sincere, and so on. “I really don’t like getting text messages that end in periods because it always feels so passive-aggressive,” said Juan Abenante Rincon, 24, a social media manager for Adidas. “Like, are you mad What’s going on Like, did 1 do something wrong ”
Klin said this demonstrates language is constantly changing. “Language evolution has happened; it’ll continue to happen, and isn’t it great that we’re so linguistically creative ”
12. Why does the text begin with Katherine’s conflict with her son
A. To show the way of communication. B. To show the power of words.
C. To show the misuse of punctuation. D. To show the misbehavior of kids.
13. How does Gretchen McCulloch explain the use of periods
A. By making contrast. B. By listing experiment figures.
C. By raising examples. D. By quoting research findings.
14. Why is Juan Abenante Rincon mentioned in the text
A. To raise doubts about the study. B. To confirm findings of the study.
C. To make prediction on the study. D. To show opposition for the study.
15. What does the use of periods in texting reveal
A. Changing language trends. B. Widening generation gap.
C. Developing online communication. D. Ongoing linguistic debate.
【答案】12. C 13. C 14. B 15. A
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“So we looked at the text together and I said, “Well, I meant, see you later, or something. I don’t remember exactly what it said.’ And he said, ‘But you ended with a full stop! (所以我们一起看了一下短信,我说:“嗯,我的意思是,回头见之类的。我不记得具体是怎么说的了。他说:“但你的结尾是一个句号!”)”以及第二段““I thought you were really angry!” Rooks wasn’t angry, and she explained to her son that, well, periods are how you end a sentence. (“我还以为你真的生气了呢!” Rooks没有生气,她向儿子解释说,句号是一个句子的结尾。)”可知,文章第一段提到了两人之间的冲突是为了引出主题——标点符号的错误使用。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Gretchen McCulloch. a linguist, said that when it comes to text-messaging, the period has lost its original purpose. But that doesn’t mean the period has lost all the purposes in text-messaging. Now it can be used to indicate seriousness or a sense of finality. “But caution is needed.” said McCullocb, noting that problems can start to arise when you combine a period with a positive emotion, like “sure” or “sounds good”. (Gretchen McCulloch,一位语言学家说,当涉及到短信时,这个句号已经失去了它最初的意义。但这并不意味着句号在短信发送中已经失去了其所有意义。现在它可以用来表示严肃或终结感。“但谨慎是必要的。”McCullocb说,他指出,当你把一个句号和积极的情绪结合在一起时,比如“当然”或“听起来不错”,问题就开始出现了。)”可知,Gretchen McCulloch通过举例子的方式来解释句号的用法。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章第四段“A recent study conducted by Binghamton University psychology professor Cclia Klin confirmed this. Researchers asked undergraduates to evaluate a text exchange that included an innocent question and the answer “Yes”. Some saw “Yes” with a period and some saw the word without. They found consistently through many experiments that “Yes” with a period resulted in responses that were more negative. So people thought “Yes” with a period was less friendly, less sincere, and so on. “I really don’t like getting text messages that end in periods because it always feels so passive-aggressive,” said Juan Abenante Rincon, 24, a social media manager for Adidas. “Like, are you mad What’s going on Like, did 1 do something wrong ” (宾厄姆顿大学心理学教授Cclia Klin最近进行的一项研究证实了这一点。研究人员要求大学生们评价一段短信交流,其中包括一个无辜的问题和一个“是”的答案。有些人看到了带句号的“是”,有些人看到了没有句号的“是”。他们通过许多实验一致地发现,“是”加上一个句号会导致更消极的反应。所以人们认为带句号的“是”不那么友好,不那么真诚,等等。“我真的不喜欢收到以句号结尾的短信,因为它总是给人一种被动攻击的感觉,”阿迪达斯社交媒体经理、24岁的Juan Abenante Rincon说。“比如,你疯了吗?这是怎么呢?我做错什么了吗?”)”可知,研究人员发现带句号的“是”不那么友好和真诚,然后提到了Juan Abenante Rincon的观点。由此可知,文章Juan Abenante Rincon是为了证实研究发现。故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Klin said this demonstrates language is constantly changing. “Language evolution has happened; it’ll continue to happen, and isn’t it great that we’re so linguistically creative ” (Klin说,这表明语言是不断变化的。“语言进化已经发生;这种情况还会继续发生,我们在语言上如此有创意,这不是很好吗?”)”可知,发短信时使用句号表明了语言趋势的变化,表明语言是不断变化的。故选A。
第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
How to Survive a Tsunami on the Beach
The word tsunami is from Japanese. It describes a series of waves that can reach over 100 feet tall and travel at speeds up to 600 miles per hour across the sea. A single wave in a tsunami can be quite long, as much as 60 miles, causing great damage.____16____
Your best chance for surviving a tsunami on a beach is to pay attention to the warning signs, stay away from the shore after an earthquake, and get to high land. Then wait for information from disaster response groups.
____17____With your family, discuss how you’ll reach the evacuation area (紧急疏散区) as soon as possible.
The sooner you know a tsunami is coming the better your chance of making it to higher ground.____18____
·Head for high ground, get at least 100 feet above sea level.
·Don’t swim against the current.
As you learn how to survive a tsunami, remember the first wave in a series of waves is the smallest and weakest.____20____ If you’re in a boat at the beach, head out into the ocean. You’ll stand a better chance away of survival away from the shoreline.
A. That’s why it’s crucial to know how to survive a Tsunami.
B. Grab something like a tree or something that float, like a raft.
C. The waves following an earthquake may continue for hours or up to a day.
D. That’s why it’s essential to learn the early warning signs to survive a tsunami.
E. If it’s too late, and the water’s already rising, here’s what to do in a tsunami.
F. Your best chance for surviving a tsunami on a beach is to pay attention to the warning signs.
G. Whether you’re visiting or living in a tsunami zone, learn where the closest place is out of the tsunami’s reach.
【答案】16. A 17. G 18. E 19. B 20. F
根据前文“The word tsunami is from Japanese. It describes a series of waves that can reach over 100 feet tall and travel at speeds up to 600 miles per hour across the sea. A single wave in a tsunami can be quite long, as much as 60 miles, causing great damage. (海啸这个词来自日语。它描述了一系列海浪,可以达到100英尺高,以每小时600英里的速度穿越大海。海啸中的单个波浪可以很长,长达60英里,造成巨大的破坏。)”可知,此处是指海啸非常可怕,所以学会如何在海啸中幸存下来非常重要,所以选项A“这就是为什么知道如何在海啸中生存是至关重要的。”切合文意。故选A。
根据后文“With your family, discuss how you’ll reach the evacuation area (紧急疏散区) as soon as possible. (和你的家人商量怎样才能尽快到达疏散区。)”可知,此处是指要事先了解海啸的紧急疏散区,所以选项G“无论你是在海啸灾区旅游还是居住,都要了解离海啸最近的地方在哪里。”切合文意。故选G。
根据前文“The sooner you know a tsunami is coming the better your chance of making it to higher ground. (你越早知道海啸即将来临,你就越有可能逃到高处。)”和后文“Head for high ground, get at least 100 feet above sea level. (前往高地,至少在海平面以上100英尺。)”可知,此处是指如果已经晚了应该做什么,所以选项E“如果太晚了,而海水已经在上涨,下面是在海啸中该做的事情。”切合文意。故选E。
根据前文“Head for high ground, get at least 100 feet above sea level. (前往高地,至少在海平面以上100英尺。)”和后文“Don’t swim against the current. (不要逆水游泳。)”可知,此处是指海水已经在上涨时在海啸中该做的事情,且应用祈使句,所以选项B“找一些像树或者像木筏一样可以漂浮的东西。”切合文意。故选B。
根据前文“As you learn how to survive a tsunami, remember the first wave in a series of waves is the smallest and weakest. (当你学习如何在海啸中生存时,记住在一系列海浪中,第一波是最小和最弱的。)”和后文“If you’re in a boat at the beach, head out into the ocean. You’ll stand a better chance away of survival away from the shoreline. (如果你在海滩上的船上,那就驶向大海。离开海岸线,你的生存机会更大。)”可知,此处是指如果在海滩上就要注意警报从而可以在第一波海浪中驶离海岸线,所以选项F“Your best chance for surviving a tsunami on a beach is to pay attention to the warning signs. (在海滩上躲过海啸的最好机会就是注意警告信号。)”切合文意。故选F。
第二部分 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Several months ago, a tornado fiercely hit our city without any signs before. We hadn’t ____21____ for it in advance, so we were just forced to go into our ____22____ actions. I happened not to be in the classroom when it attacked. Hearing the alarm screaming, I rushed ____23____ as fast as I could back to the classroom.
Never did I imagine that we would put our regular ____24____ to use. Never did I imagine that my students had ____25____against the wall and crouched (蹲) down on their knees. Their eyes were obviously filled with ____26____ as they asked if their parents, pets, and friends would be okay. I, along with other teachers, tried our best to ____27____ them, though we actually didn’t know what the ____28____ would be.
I couldn’t ____29____ the tornado any more. However, I’m very proud of my students who performed so well. In such a ____30____ and dangerous situation, they behaved beyond their ages. Never in my life had I seen them ____31____ instructions so quickly, without any hesitation. Though some tears were dropping and some hearts were beating fast, the kids were incredibly ____32____. I’m extremely proud that they struggled to calm down because of their ____33____ in me.
Because of the tornado, I realized that my job as a teacher meant a lot. Behind every well-behaved students are a long line of teachers who have made it their life’s ____34____ to educate them with safety, courage, calmness and trust. Though the tornado has presented ____35____, I’m sure we can handle them one by one.
21. A. paid B. searched C. accounted D. prepared
22. A. agency B. education C. emergency D. selection
23. A. suddenly B. finally C. secretly D. immediately
24. A. games B. trainings C. languages D. savings
25. A. mixed up B. stood out C. lined up D. spoken out
26. A. panic B. anger C. shame D. puzzle
27. A. encounter B. comfort C. satisfy D. praise
28. A. problem B. result C. success D. reason
29. A. hate B. expect C. see D. approach
30. A. simple B. ideal C. scary D. strange
31. A. follow B. provide C. repeat D. change
32. A. fortunate B. honest C. confident D. brave
33. A. trust B. pride C. interest D. growth
34. A. reward B. power C. wisdom D. goal
35. A. chances B. challenges C. adventures D. discussions
【答案】21. D 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. B 29. A 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. A 34. D 35. B
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们没有提前做好准备,所以不得不采取紧急行动。设空处与for构成短语,A. paid for支付;B. searched for寻找;C. accounted for导致;D. prepared for为……做准备。根据上文的“Several months ago, a tornado fiercely hit our city without any signs before. (几个月前,一场龙卷风猛烈袭击了我们的城市,之前没有任何迹象)”和下文的“in advance”可知,因为龙卷风来前没有任何迹象,所以没有提前做准备。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. agency机构;B. education教育;C. emergency紧急;D. selection选择。因为没有提前做出应对龙卷风的准备,所以只能采取紧急行动。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:听到警报声,我立即尽可能快地赶回了教室。A. suddenly突然;B. finally最终;C. secretly秘密地;D. immediately立即。龙卷风来袭,警报响起,由此语境可知,作者立刻跑回教室。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我从来没想过我们的日常培训会派上用场。A. games游戏;B. trainings训练;培训;C. languages语言;D. savings存款。根据下文学生们有序地靠墙避难的行动可知,他们平时进行过演练。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我从来没有想过我的学生们会靠着墙排成一排,跪下来。A. mixed up混淆;B. stood out突出;C. lined up排成行;D. spoken out说出。根据避难的常识及“against the wall靠着墙”可知,学生们靠着墙排成一行。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当他们询问父母、宠物和朋友是否会没事时,他们的眼里显然充满了恐慌。A. panic恐慌;B. anger生气;C. shame羞耻;D. puzzle谜。由龙卷风来袭及学生们担心家人朋友的语境可知,他们是感到害怕惊慌的。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我和其他老师一起尽力安慰他们,尽管我们实际上也不知道结果会是什么。A. encounter遭遇;B. comfort安慰;C. satisfy使满意;D. praise表扬。因为学生们感到恐慌,所以老师们对他们进行安慰。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. problem问题;B. result结果;C. success成功;D. reason原因。因为龙卷风正在来袭,老师们也无法得知会造成什么样的后果。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很讨厌龙卷风。A. hate讨厌;B. expect期待;C. see看到;D. approach接近。根据后一句中的However转折和“I’m very proud of my students who performed so well”可知,作者讨厌龙卷风,但为学生们应对龙卷风的表现感到自豪。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在如此可怕和危险的情况下,他们的行为表现超越了他们的年龄。A. simple简单的;B. ideal理想的;C. scary恐怖的;D. strange奇怪的。根据龙卷风的特性可知,它是危险可怕的。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我一生中从未见过他们如此迅速、毫不犹豫地遵循指示。A. follow遵循;听从;B. provide提供;C. repeat重复;D. change改变。根据下文的“instructions指示”可知,“follow遵循;听从”符合句意。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然有泪水在滴落,心跳紧张地加快,但孩子们都非常勇敢。A. fortunate幸运的;B. honest诚实的;C. confident自信的;D. brave勇敢的。根据后文“they struggled to calm down(他们努力冷静下来)”可知,面对龙卷风正在来袭,学生们是勇敢的。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我非常自豪,他们努力地冷静下来源于对我的信任。A. trust信任;B. pride骄傲;C. interest兴趣;D. growth成长。根据作者是一名教师的身份可知,“trust信任”符合句意,学生们能够冷静下来是因为对老师的信任,呼应第14空的后的“trust”。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在每一个品行端正的学生背后,都有许许多多的老师,他们把用安全、勇气、冷静和信任教育学生作为自己的人生目标。A. reward奖励;B. power能力;C. wisdom智慧;D. goal目标。根据下文的“to educate them with safety, courage, calmness and trust(用安全、勇气、冷静和信任教育他们)”可知,这是老师教育的目标。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然龙卷风带来了挑战,但我相信我们能够一一应对。A. chances机会;B. challenges挑战;C. adventures优势;D. discussions讨论。根据后半句“I’m sure we can handle them one by one.(但我相信我们能够一一应对)”可知,人们应对的是挑战,“challenges挑战”符合句意。故选B。
第四部分 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Five years ago, I began an exciting journey to learn Chinese. I ___36___(attract) by the beauty of the Chinese language. The characters seemed like intricate puzzles (复杂的拼图游戏). I spent countless hours studying tones, pronunciation, ___37___grammar. My love for Chinese was so great that I made the life-changing ___38___(decide) to enter Huanggang Normal University. However, the arrival ___39___COVID-l9 shattered (摧毁) my dreams. For two years, I hoped to set foot in the land, fearing that my wish would never come to fruition.
I finally had the chance ___40___(start) my long-awaited journey to China. I was so excited when I stepped onto Chinese land. Now I have been able to practice my Chinese skills daily, ___41___ (use) the language to experience daily life. Learning Chinese also helps me make ___42___ (friend) and explore the country’s rich history and traditions.
Living in China has given ___43___ (I) a deeper appreciation of the country and its people. I have made ___44___(wonder)friendships with locals. I have extended (延长) my stay for another two or three years. I’m looking forward to my future life in this amazing country ____45____has become my second home.
【答案】36. was attracted
37. and 38. decision
39. of 40. to start
41. using 42. friends
43. me 44. wonderful
45. which##that
考查动词语态。句意:我被汉语之美所吸引。这里为本句谓语动词,根据上文可知,本句时态为一般过去时;主语为“I”,单数,和动词“attract”之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填was attracted。
考查连词。句意:我花了无数的时间学习音调、发音和语法。连接名词“tones, pronunciation”和“grammar”,为并列关系,用连词and连接。故填and。
考查非谓语动词。句意:我终于有机会开始我期待已久的中国之旅。这里为非谓语动词担当名词“the chance”的后置定语,用动词不定式形式。故填to start。
考查名词复数。句意:学习中文也帮助我结交朋友,探索这个国家丰富的历史和传统。根据常识可知,交朋友应该为名词的复数形式,构成短语:make friends,意为“交朋友”,符合句意。故填friends。
第五部分 写作(满分25分)
46. 假设你是李华,自从上了高中后,发现自己不是很适应高中的学习生活,现在就目前的情况,给自己初中时最信赖的老师Mr. Wang写一封求助信,内容如下:
3.参考词汇: 压力 pressure
Dear Mr.Wang,
This is Li Hua.
Yours Truly,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Mr.Wang,
This is LiHua. Remember me How are you now I need your help because I find I’m not very used to the high middle school life.
We have nine subjects in all. Every day I have to spend at least three to four hours doing my homework, so there is little time left for activities after class. I hardly have any time to do what I want. Besides, I sometimes feel sleepy in class because I don’t have enough sleep. The great pressure of exams and the high expectations from my parents often make me even more tired. The biggest problem I meet now is my math study, which is much more difficult than that in Junior middle school. I don’t know how to improve it. so I hope I could get some advice from you.
All the best.
Yours Truly,
Li Hua
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生给自己初中最信赖的老师Mr. Wang写一求助信,因为自己不适应高中的学习生活向他求助。
除此之外:besides→in addition
原句:We have nine subjects in all.
拓展句:We have nine subjects in all, which means I have a lot of homework to do all day.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Every day I have to spend at least three to four hours doing my homework, so there is little time left for activities after class. I hardly have any time to do what I want. (运用了what引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】The biggest problem I meet now is my math study, which is much more difficult than that in Junior middle school.(运用了which引导的非限定性定语从句)
听力答案:1-5 BCCBC 6-10 CACBA 11-15 BABAC 16-20 AACBA福州十中2023-2024学年第一学期高一年级12月月考
第一部分 听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)
1. What does the man think of Linda’s husband
A. Clever. B. Unfriendly. C. Quiet.
2. What will the weather be like on Friday
A. Rainy. B. Windy. C. Sunny.
3. What are the speakers talking about
A. A hotel. B. An airport. C. A hospital.
4. What does the man suggest doing
A. Going fishing. B. Staying at home. C. Buying some books.
5. What is in the man’s bag
A. Some CDs. B. Some bottles. C. Some books.
第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What does the woman usually do on Saturdays
A. She goes swimming. B. She plays basketball. C. She goes shopping.
7. When does the woman usually go to the cinema with friends
A. On Friday nights. B. On Saturday nights. C. On Sunday nights.
8. What was the relationship between the woman and Jim in the past
A. Relatives. B. Classmates. C. Colleagues.
9. What is the woman
A. A film actress. B. An art director. C. A magazine editor.
10 Where does the woman live now
A. In Canada. B. In America. C. In Japan.
11 What language is the woman good at
A. Italian. B. French. C. Spanish.
12. What does the woman teach in a school
A. Medicine. B. English. C. Maths.
13. Where does the conversation take place
A. In a park. B. At a hotel. C. In the street.
14. What is the weather like today
A Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Cloudy.
15. How will the man probably go to Wrigley Field
A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By subway.
16. What time is it probably now
A. 3:00 p.m. B. 4:00 p.m. C. 5:00 p.m.
17. Where does the speaker have breakfast if the weather is fine
A. In the garden. B. In the kitchen. C. In the living room.
18. When does the speaker usually go to work
A. At 2:00 p.m. B. At 6:00 p.m. C. At 6:30 p.m.
19. How does the speaker usually go home from the restaurant
A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By train.
20. What do we know about the speaker
A. She is a violinist.
B. She often eats alone after work.
C. She often reads the newspaper at night.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Nobody expects a natural disaster to strike. Neither does anyone know the impact it can have on life. The following measures can save your life in an emergency.
Typhoons occur in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, particularly in exposed regions like the Caroline Islands, the Philippines, and Japan. The best place to hide during a typhoon is a secure basement or a bathroom with no windows. A must-have device is a battery-powered weather radio, through which you will hear evacuation orders or in other cases, instructions on how to survive in your shelter and learn about the weather situation.
Floods occur more often than any other natural disaster and change the landscape dramatically. They are usually caused by intense rainfalls lasting for days. Don’t try to be the bravest person around and stay in your house. Once you hear the evacuation warning leave for safer higher grounds with your important papers in a waterproof container.
An avalanche can hit when you are enjoying Alpine skiing in a dreamlike location. It is very fast and disastrous, burying everything in its way under tons of snow. When an avalanche starts, try to move to the side of the slope as fast as you can. If you get buried in the snow, dig an air pocket to be able to keep breathing. Wait for the rescue team to find you and don’t waste your energy shouting or digging frantically. Call out when you hear the team approaching.
Wildfires spread at an amazing speed and destroy everything in their way. If you are caught in a wild fire, use a wet cloth to cover your nose and mouth to ensure that you can breathe. Try to stay upwind of the fire at all times and get close to a pond or river. Stay low and cover yourself with wet clothing, a blanket, or soil until the fire passes.
1. Among the four natural disasters, which one requires people to hide indoors
A. Typhoon. B. Flood.
C. Avalanche. D. Wildfire.
2. What should those trapped in typhoons probably do when they hear the evacuation orders
A. Get to a basement or windowless bathroom.
B. Find something solid to hide under.
C. Leave the place where they are.
D. Get a torch in case of a blackout.
3. What do we know from the text
A. Typhoons occur only in the exposed regions in the northwestern Pacific Ocean.
B. Floods cause the most frequent damage among the disasters mentioned.
C. Those who meet with avalanches are advised to call out the minute they’re trapped.
D. Getting clean air matters most in the case of wildfires, despite the difficulty.
Earthquakes are a natural disaster — except when they’re man-made. The oil and gas industry has forcefully used the technique known as hydraulic fracturing (水力压裂) to destroy sub-surface rock and free the oil and gas hiding there. But the process results in large amounts of chemical-filled waste water. Horizontal drilling (水平钻探) for oil can also produce a large amount of natural, unwanted salt water. The industry deals with this waste water by pumping it into deep wells.
Previously, the US Geological Survey published for the first time an earthquake disaster map covering both natural and “induced” quakes. The map and a report showed that parts of the central United States were facing a ground-shaking disaster equal to the famously unstable terrain (地形) of California.
Some 7 million people lived in places easily attacked by these man-made quakes, and almost all the risk of increasing man-made quakes was tied to companies that were pumping waste water from oil and gas production deep into the earth, the USGS reported. The list of places at highest risk of man-made earthquakes included Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Ohio and Alabama. Most of these earthquakes were relatively small, in the range of magnitude 3, but some were more powerful, including a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in 2011 in Oklahoma that was connected to waste water filling.
Scientists said they did not know if there was an upper limit on the magnitude of man-made earthquakes; this was an area of active research. Oklahoma had had prehistoric earthquakes as powerful as magnitude 7.
It’s not immediately clear whether this research will change industry practices, or even whether it will surprise anyone in the areas of newly estimated danger. In Oklahoma, for example, the rate of earthquakes was only one or two a year, but there have been hundreds since hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, with waste water filling, became common in the last years.
4. What can cause man-made earthquakes
A. The man-made waste water in the factories.
B. The process of digging deep wells in those poor areas.
C. The oil and gas industry’s work to harvest the oil and gas.
D. The way used by the oil and gas industry to deal with waste water.
5. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “induced” in paragraph 2
A. Man-made. B. Reduced. C. Newly-built. D. Controlled.
6 What’s the highest magnitude of man-made earthquakes according to the scientists
A. Magnitude 3. B. Magnitude 5.6. C. Magnitude 7. D. No conclusion.
7. What is the best title for the text
A. Natural Earthquakes in America Are Disappearing Now
B. About 7 Million Americans at Risk of Man-Made Earthquakes
C. Time for the Oil and Gas Industry to Change Its Working Practices
D. Earthquakes as Powerful as Magnitude 7 Happen More Often in America
Standing on the ruins after the fire where his house had been, Peter Ruprecht admitted that he was not sure how or when to rebuild. He was still shocked by what Australia’s increasingly changeable climate had already delivered: first a drought, then a destructive bush fire, then a foot of rain from a storm.
“It’s unstoppable,” said Mr. Ruprecht, a former dairy farmer. “We speak about the warmth of Mother Nature, but nature can also be vicious and wild and frightening.”
Australia’s hellish (地狱的) fire season has eased (缓和), but its people are facing more than a single disaster. With floods destroying homes not far from where fires recently spread, they are facing a cycle of what scientists call “compound extremes”: one climate disaster strengthening the next.
Warmer temperatures do more than just dry out the land. They also heat up the atmosphere, which means clouds hold more moisture (水汽) for longer periods of time. So droughts get worse, giving way to fires, then to heavy rains that the land is too dry to absorb.
Many Australians in disaster zones complain that their government, after ignoring climate change for years, has not yet to draw up recovery plans that are clear and that take future threats into account.
At the same time, the economic costs of a changing climate are rising quickly. Philip Lowe, the governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, warned recently that Australia was already paying a price, and that it would only go up.
8. Why is Peter Ruprecht’ story mentioned in Paragraph 1
A. To lead to readers’ pity. B. To introduce the topic.
C. To stress the problem. D. To call on readers to help.
9. What does the underlined word “vicious” mean in Paragraph 2
A. Grateful. B. Advanced. C. Responsible. D. Cruel.
10. What is the main reason for “compound extremes” in Australia
A. No government action. B. Warmer temperature.
C. The lack of money. D. No recovery plans.
11. Where is the text probably from
A. A guidebook. B. A travel magazine.
C. A news report. D. A book review.
Katherine Rooks, a Denver-based writer, had sent her son a text message about coming home from school “I could tell from his response that he became upset suddenly in our thread. And when he came home, he came over and said, ‘What did you mean by this ’ “Rooks was confused.” So we looked at the text together and I said, “Well, I meant, see you later, or something. I don’t remember exactly what it said.’ And he said, ‘But you ended with a full stop!
“I thought you were really angry!” Rooks wasn’t angry, and she explained to her son that, well, periods are how you end a sentence.
But in text-messaging — at least for younger adult periods do more than just end a sentence: they also can set a tone. Gretchen McCulloch. a linguist, said that when it comes to text-messaging, the period has lost its original purpose. But that doesn’t mean the period has lost all the purposes in text-messaging. Now it can be used to indicate seriousness or a sense of finality. “But caution is needed.” said McCullocb, noting that problems can start to arise when you combine a period with a positive emotion, like “sure” or “sounds good”.
A period can accidentally set a tone. A recent study conducted by Binghamton University psychology professor Cclia Klin confirmed this. Researchers asked undergraduates to evaluate a text exchange that included an innocent question and the answer “Yes”. Some saw “Yes” with a period and some saw the word without. They found consistently through many experiments that “Yes” with a period resulted in responses that were more negative. So people thought “Yes” with a period was less friendly, less sincere, and so on. “I really don’t like getting text messages that end in periods because it always feels so passive-aggressive,” said Juan Abenante Rincon, 24, a social media manager for Adidas. “Like, are you mad What’s going on Like, did 1 do something wrong ”
Klin said this demonstrates language is constantly changing. “Language evolution has happened; it’ll continue to happen, and isn’t it great that we’re so linguistically creative ”
12. Why does the text begin with Katherine’s conflict with her son
A. To show the way of communication. B. To show the power of words.
C. To show the misuse of punctuation. D. To show the misbehavior of kids.
13 How does Gretchen McCulloch explain the use of periods
A. By making contrast. B. By listing experiment figures.
C. By raising examples. D. By quoting research findings.
14. Why is Juan Abenante Rincon mentioned in the text
A. To raise doubts about the study. B. To confirm findings of the study.
C. To make prediction on the study. D. To show opposition for the study.
15. What does the use of periods in texting reveal
A. Changing language trends. B. Widening generation gap.
C. Developing online communication. D. Ongoing linguistic debate.
第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
How to Survive a Tsunami on the Beach
The word tsunami is from Japanese. It describes a series of waves that can reach over 100 feet tall and travel at speeds up to 600 miles per hour across the sea. A single wave in a tsunami can be quite long, as much as 60 miles, causing great damage.____16____
Your best chance for surviving a tsunami on a beach is to pay attention to the warning signs, stay away from the shore after an earthquake, and get to high land. Then wait for information from disaster response groups.
____17____With your family, discuss how you’ll reach the evacuation area (紧急疏散区) as soon as possible.
The sooner you know a tsunami is coming the better your chance of making it to higher ground.____18____
·Head for high ground, get at least 100 feet above sea level.
·Don’t swim against the current.
As you learn how to survive a tsunami, remember the first wave in a series of waves is the smallest and weakest.____20____ If you’re in a boat at the beach, head out into the ocean. You’ll stand a better chance away of survival away from the shoreline.
A. That’s why it’s crucial to know how to survive a Tsunami.
B. Grab something like a tree or something that float, like a raft.
C. The waves following an earthquake may continue for hours or up to a day.
D. That’s why it’s essential to learn the early warning signs to survive a tsunami.
E. If it’s too late, and the water’s already rising, here’s what to do in a tsunami.
F. Your best chance for surviving a tsunami on a beach is to pay attention to the warning signs.
G. Whether you’re visiting or living in a tsunami zone, learn where the closest place is out of the tsunami’s reach.
第二部分 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Several months ago, a tornado fiercely hit our city without any signs before. We hadn’t ____21____ for it in advance, so we were just forced to go into our ____22____ actions. I happened not to be in the classroom when it attacked. Hearing the alarm screaming, I rushed ____23____ as fast as I could back to the classroom.
Never did I imagine that we would put our regular ____24____ to use. Never did I imagine that my students had ____25____against the wall and crouched (蹲) down on their knees. Their eyes were obviously filled with ____26____ as they asked if their parents, pets, and friends would be okay. I, along with other teachers, tried our best to ____27____ them, though we actually didn’t know what the ____28____ would be.
I couldn’t ____29____ the tornado any more. However, I’m very proud of my students who performed so well. In such a ____30____ and dangerous situation, they behaved beyond their ages. Never in my life had I seen them ____31____ instructions so quickly, without any hesitation. Though some tears were dropping and some hearts were beating fast, the kids were incredibly ____32____. I’m extremely proud that they struggled to calm down because of their ____33____ in me.
Because of the tornado, I realized that my job as a teacher meant a lot. Behind every well-behaved students are a long line of teachers who have made it their life’s ____34____ to educate them with safety, courage, calmness and trust. Though the tornado has presented ____35____, I’m sure we can handle them one by one.
21. A. paid B. searched C. accounted D. prepared
22. A. agency B. education C. emergency D. selection
23. A. suddenly B. finally C. secretly D. immediately
24. A. games B. trainings C. languages D. savings
25. A. mixed up B. stood out C. lined up D. spoken out
26. A. panic B. anger C. shame D. puzzle
27. A. encounter B. comfort C. satisfy D. praise
28. A. problem B. result C. success D. reason
29. A. hate B. expect C. see D. approach
30. A. simple B. ideal C. scary D. strange
31. A. follow B. provide C. repeat D. change
32. A. fortunate B. honest C. confident D. brave
33. A. trust B. pride C. interest D. growth
34. A. reward B. power C. wisdom D. goal
35. A. chances B. challenges C. adventures D. discussions
第四部分 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Five years ago, I began an exciting journey to learn Chinese. I ___36___(attract) by the beauty of the Chinese language. The characters seemed like intricate puzzles (复杂的拼图游戏). I spent countless hours studying tones, pronunciation, ___37___grammar. My love for Chinese was so great that I made the life-changing ___38___(decide) to enter Huanggang Normal University. However, the arrival ___39___COVID-l9 shattered (摧毁) my dreams. For two years, I hoped to set foot in the land, fearing that my wish would never come to fruition.
I finally had the chance ___40___(start) my long-awaited journey to China. I was so excited when I stepped onto Chinese land. Now I have been able to practice my Chinese skills daily, ___41___ (use) the language to experience daily life. Learning Chinese also helps me make ___42___ (friend) and explore the country’s rich history and traditions.
Living in China has given ___43___ (I) a deeper appreciation of the country and its people. I have made ___44___(wonder)friendships with locals. I have extended (延长) my stay for another two or three years. I’m looking forward to my future life in this amazing country ____45____has become my second home.
第五部分 写作(满分25分)
46. 假设你是李华,自从上了高中后,发现自己不是很适应高中的学习生活,现在就目前的情况,给自己初中时最信赖的老师Mr. Wang写一封求助信,内容如下:
3.参考词汇: 压力 pressure
Dear Mr.Wang,
This is Li Hua.
Yours Truly,
Li Hua
听力答案:1-5 BCCBC 6-10 CACBA 11-15 BABAC 16-20 AACBA

  • 2023-2024福建省福州市重点中学高一上学期12月月考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版 含听力音频)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月23日  所属分类:作业答案