
The teenage years are usually the most stressful years in a person’s life. As teens go through great changes in body, mind and so on, they are often easy to get angry and full of strong feelings. Teens of today face more challenges than before. Technological improvements and even climate change are bringing new changes and causing more trouble for teens to deal with.
One new challenge is about new technologies and ways of working, such as AI that will change the future jobs. The challenge for a teen today is preparing for an unknown future. In the past, a teen could prepare for only one career path and be quite certain to stay in the same area of work for a long time. The situation is different today as AI continues to take away jobs that depend on humans.Teens will have to meet this challenge by developing a sense of lifelong learning, being willing to learn skills that match real needs and keeping up with technology. Finally, teens will also have to prepare for career paths of more possibilities.
In addition, as the effects of climate change become more common in recent years, many teens around the world are in fear or anger. Disasters and the rise in sea levels have destroyed homes and taken away lives. Many people have been hurt by these terrible climatic events, and even if a teen has not suffered, he or she is often worried about what may happen in the future.
To manage the great challenges of the 21st century, teens should treat challenges as chances. To keep up with technological improvements, they should continue to learn new skills. As for dealing with the climate change, they can come together to think of new ways to accept changes and help create a more sustainable(可持续的)future.
The origins(来源)of the challenges ●One is from teenagers’ own changes. ●The others are from the improvements in 1 and climate.
The 2 brought by the new types of challenges ●The rise of AI makes teenagers unsure of their future. They have to develop the sense of lifelong learning, be willing to learn skills that match real needs. They also have to give up the idea of preparing for a 3 career path.
●The effects of climate change lead teenagers to be afraid or angry. Paying too much attention to them makes teenagers 4 stay peaceful.
The solutions to the new challenges ●Teens should treat challenges as chances to 5 technological improvement. ●They should work together to accept changes and create a more sustainable future.
How can I become a better person This question has been in my head for long. As students, we spend most of our time studying. I know learning at school, of course, makes us better persons, but I always dream of doing more.
Last year, I got to know a group of autistic(患自闭症的)children. We called them “the Snails(蜗牛)”. It was hard to communicate with them at first, because they wouldn’t like to. After a two﹣week training, I became more skilled. I got closer to them day by day. To my surprise, I found that every one of “the Snails” had his or her own talent; And their colorful pictures on the wall attracted my special attention, though it was difficult to tell what they were trying to express.
Moved by their pictures, I decided to hold a charity sale. We walked on the busy street, selling their creative pictures. We sold 60 pictures that day. People thought their pictures were full of imagination.
Back to the question about how to become a better person, I think I am lucky enough to get my own answer.
6.How many pictures did they sell that day
7.What is the writer’s answer to the question “how to become a better person”
8.Is selling pictures on the busy street a very good way to help “the Snails” Why or why not
During the time of Three Kingdoms, there lived a man called Meng Zong. He lost his father when he was a child. When his mother was old and sick, the doctor said that fresh bamboo shoots could save her life. But it was winter, Meng Zong had no idea how he could get them. He went into a bamboo field and cried. His love moved heaven and earth. The ground cracked open. Many bamboo shoots came out. Meng Zong carried them home and made them into a soup for his mother. As soon as she had the soup, she felt much better.
This is one story from the Twenty-four Examples of Filial Piety (孝顺) stories. The stories were chosen and edited by Guo Jujing during the Yuan Dynasty. All the stories are about family conduct (行为) in Chinese history.
In Chinese tradition, filial piety was a very important duty. To be a filial son, one has to completely obey one’s parents during their lifetime. As they grow older, one has to take the best care of them. Today the form of filial piety is a little different from ancient times. People don’t stay in one place for a lifetime. They might study, work and live far away from their parents. The young have their own opinions, which may be different from those of the older generation. But the nature of filial piety remains the same. That is to love our parents and respect the old.
9.In which season did the story of Meng Zong happen
10.What could save Meng Zong’s old and sick mother
11.How many examples of filial piety stories were chosen and edited by Guo Jujing
12.In Chinese tradition, one has to completely obey one’s parents, doesn’t he
13.Is the nature of filial piety to love our parents and respect the old, in ancient times or modern times
Clark can often be found sitting in front of a building at his university, for a few hours at a time. He always holds up a handmade poster that reads “Free Listening”.
Rana is a student at the same university. One day, she decided to sit down and talk to Clark. She said later that she feels relaxed every time she talks to Clark. Now they have been good friends.
Clark is 27 years old this year. He has been doing this for about two years.“I believe that listening plays an important role in our life,” he said. When someone talks to Clark, he lets them decide what to talk about. Conversations can be light or serious. Sometimes, people just want to talk about what they make for dinner. Other times, conversations are serious. The person might be emotional or stressed. Whatever they want to talk about, it does good to them, he said. Listeners can also learn more about things outside themselves in this way.
Andrew Wolf is a professor at the university. He encourages what Clark is doing. Wolf said that listening helps people deal with their challenges that they are going through.
14.Where can people find Clark listening to others
15.How does Rana feel after she talks with Clark
16.How old was Clark when he started “Free listening”
17.Why does Andrew Wolf encourage Clark to continue his free listening
18.What do you think of Clark
Yu Boya was a music master who played the qin. He had been learning from nature to create beautiful music.
Once, he took a boat trip to the state of Chu. Along the way, the river water rushed toward the east, leaving the high mountains behind. Inspired by this, Yu took up his qin and began to play. After a while, he noticed a woodcutter standing on the riverbank, enjoying his music quietly.
Yu happily invited the man to the boat. The woodsman introduced himself, “My name is Zhong Ziqi.” After that, Yu would play the qin for Zhong. He played music that described the high mountains. Zhong said “How wonderful it is! I seem to see the great Taishan Mountain.”
He played music that described the flowing water. Zhong said “How wonderful it is. I seem to see the rushing river.”
Yu was surprised by the woodsman’s words “You really understand my music.”
So the musician and the woodsman became good friends. They decided to meet each other again at the same place the following year. When that time came, Yu arrived on time, but did not see Zhong. He visited the village where Zhong lived and heard that his friend had died of an illness.
Yu felt very sad. He took out his qin and once again played the music of the “high mountains and flowing water”.
“My best friend has passed away,” he said, “No one in the world understands my music anymore.”
He then broke his qin and never played it again.
19.How could Yu Boya create beautiful music
20.What did Zhong Ziqi do for a living
21.How did Yu Boya feel when he found Zhong Ziqi could understand his music
22.Why did Yu Boya break his qin
23.What does “high mountains and flowing water” represent
Some people succeed, while others may not. This is because some people own certain qualities, which others don’t have. If you want to be successful, you should have the following qualities at least.
The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, you must be optimistic(乐观的). If you do not expect to win, you will not try as hard as those who do expect to win. You also need to have a clear purpose and a reason for doing something. If you do not have a purpose, you will not do your best to work hard and make sure that every detail you have done is right.
Reading is another thing to success, as it will help you learn about how other people have achieved success. If you want to learn how to set up a successful business, you should read books about like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang, who have achieved amazing success in their areas of business.
Another quality that helps people succeed is creativity—thinking about things differently and wondering how others will do the same thing. Think about some successful people you know. They might be successful with a little creativity, but the most successful people are the most creative ones.
Practicing is equally important if you want to succeed because practice makes perfect. Practice every day at any career you are in, and by doing so, you will see yourself, your business and your self-confidence begin to grow. If you feel confident about what you do, this confidence will make other people believe in you more as well. Your workmates will be happy to work with you, and your boss will give you more important things to do. Finally if you succeed, you can look people in the eye and smile confidently.
Success is yours for the taking! Cheers!
24.Some people can succeed because they own , while others have.
25.To be is the first thing you must remember in order to succeed. People who expect to win will try than those who don’t.
26. is another thing to success. You should read books about people like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang to learn how to set up .
27.Creativity means people should wonder how the same thing by others. And the more successful people are, they are.
28.A man who succeeds should have at least qualities and if you are confident, you will also get others you more.
Space exploration is getting more and more popular and more money is spent on it. So what do you think—is space exploration a waste of money or is it worth it
Yes—exploring space brings many advantages
It might sound very expensive but space exploration only takes up a tiny part of government spending in the case of US space agency NASA, about 0.4%. Space exploration has helped us to learn more about the universe and brought different countries together. Space programmes actually help create jobs and drive the inventions of new technologies. Above all, space encourages special feelings of awe(敬畏) and satisfies human curiosity. Climate change(气候变化) makes it necessary for people to find another planet to live on instead of depending only on the Earth.
No—it wastes much-needed resources
The cost of space exploration can only be described as huge. The cost of NASA may have gone down since the 1960s, when humans landed on the Moon, but it’s still not exactly small—$24 billion for 2022. It’s not wise to spend billions on space when there are still many people without enough money to live on. Moreover, new inventions of technologies surely would have been invented no matter what happens. The best way to deal with climate change is spending as much as possible in protecting the Earth. Moreover, with 95% of the world’s oceans yet to be developed, there’s more than enough to satisfy human curiosity.
Space exploration is a hot topic. Many people discuss 29 we should spend so much money exploring space or not. Some people believe that space exploration is worth the money. First, space exploration isn’t actually as 30 as it sounds — it takes up only a small part of government spending. It helps us learn more and brings countries together. Second, it helps create jobs and leads to new inventions. Third, humans can not depend on the Earth forever because of climate change. They n 31 to find another planet to live on. However, people are not in 32 . Some consider that it’s not wise to spend so much on space when so many people are in need of necessities. What’s more, many inventions of new technologies would have happened anyway. Finally, humans should put resources into protecting 33 and the Earth instead of giving it up. So what’s your opinion—is space a waste of money or is it worth it
It’s midnight and the room is dark and quiet. You are struggling to fall asleep when you hear some strange sounds from upstairs or somewhere in the building—tapping or even marbles(弹珠)dropping and bouncing on the floor! Are there ghosts making noise Luckily, science can explain.
Andy Piacsek, a scientist with the US Acoustical Society, told the sounds could change as they spread through buildings, meaning the early sound could be very different from the final noise of “marbles”.
“Plumbing(管路系统)is a good cause,” Andy suggested. When water floods through a pipe, it compresses(压缩)the air in the pipe and creates the first sound of a dropped marble. As the water flows away, the sound it makes grows more loudly, which may be similar to the sound of a dropped marble bouncing on the floor.
Another possible cause is a common phenomenon(现象)in physics—objects become larger when heated and smaller when cooled. During the day when the temperature rises, buildings take in heat. At night, the air inside a building’s pipes becomes cold. The warm and cold air within buildings leads to strange sounds.
However, knowing such sounds can be explained by science does not usually stop us from being scared. When scared, we may have an increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and even a blank mind.
At midnight, you may hear strange sounds from upstairs or somewhere in the building. When scared, you may have a 34 heart rate, rapid breathing and even a blank mind. Scientists explain that there are many reasons for the problem. The sounds could 35 as they spread through buildings. When water floods through a pipe, it compresses the air 36 and creates the sound like marbles dropping. As the water flows away, it makes 37 sounds. There is a common phenomenon in Physics—objects expand when heated and contract when cooled. The mixture of the warm and cold air within buildings, we may hear such strange sounds. Although such sounds can be explained by science, it doesn’t 38 our feeling of scare. Under such conditions, it’s common for a frightened person to react like this.
1.technology 2.trouble 3.possible 4.hardly 5.follow
1.根据第一段中“As teens go through great changes in body, mind and so on, they are often easy to get angry and full of strong feelings. Teens of today face more challenges than before. Technological improvements and even climate change are bringing new changes and causing more trouble for teens to deal with.”可知,青少年的挑战一方面来自自己,一方面来源于科技进步和气候变化。故填 technology。
2.根据第一段中“Technological improvements and even climate change are bringing new changes and causing more trouble for teens to deal with.”可知,科技进步和气候变化是两种给青少年带来麻烦的新型挑战。故填trouble。
3.根据第二段中“Finally, teens will also have to prepare for career paths of more possibilities.”可知, 青少年还必须为更多可能性的职业道路做好准备,即放弃为一条可能的职业道路做准备的想法,要发展多种可能性。故填 possible。
4.根据第三段中“In addition, as the effects of climate change become more common in recent years, many teens around the world are in fear or anger. ”可知,气候变化导致青少年恐惧或者愤怒,几乎不能保持平静。故填 hardly。
5.根据最后一段中“To manage the great challenges of the 21st century, teens should treat challenges as chances. To keep up with technological improvements, they should continue to learn new skills.”可知,青少年要把挑战视为机遇,他们应该继续学习新技能,跟上技术的进步。故填 follow。
6.60./They sold 60 pictures that day. 7.Learning at school. 8.Yes, it is. Because it can help to raise money and make more people know about “the snails”.(本题是开放性题,答案合理即可)
6.根据“We sold 60 pictures that day.”可知,那天卖了60张作品,故填60./They sold 60 pictures that day.
7.根据“I know learning at school, of course, makes us better persons, but I always dream of doing more.”可知,在学校学习可以让她成为一个更好的人,故填Learning at school.
8.根据“Moved by their pictures, I decided to hold a charity sale. We walked on the busy street, selling their creative pictures. We sold 60 pictures that day. People thought their pictures were full of imagination.”可知,在繁忙的街道上卖画是帮助“蜗牛”的好方法,因为这筹集到了钱,让人们看到他们的天赋,从而了解了他们,故填Yes, it is. Because it can help to raise money and make more people know about “the snails”.
9.(In) winter. 10.Fresh bamboo shoots. 11.24. 12.Yes. 13.Both.
【导语】本文通过孟宗哭竹救母的故事,引出了“孝顺”的话题, 并对古今的孝道进行了阐述。
9.根据第一段“But it was winter,”可知故事发生在冬季。故填(In) winter.
10.根据第一段“the doctor said that fresh bamboo shoots could save her life.”可知鲜竹笋能救母亲。故填Fresh bamboo shoots.
11.根据第二段“This is one story from the Twenty-four Examples of Filial Piety (孝顺) stories.”可知是“二十四孝”的故事。故填24.
12.根据第三段“To be a filial son, one has to completely obey one’s parents during their lifetime.”可知按照中国传统,要想成为一个孝顺的儿子,必须在父母的一生中完全服从父母,因此答案是肯定的。故填Yes.
13.根据最后两句“But the nature of filial piety remains the same. That is to love our parents and respect the old.”可知虽然时代不同,孝顺的方式不同,但是无论现代还是古代,孝顺的本质是一样的。故填Both.
14.In front of a building at his university. 15.She feels relaxed. 16.He was 25 years old. 17.Because listening helps people deal with their challenges that they are going through. 18.He is a kind and helpful person.
14.根据第一段“Clark can often be found sitting in front of a building at his university, for a few hours at a time.”可知人们能够在大学的一栋建筑前发现克拉克,故填In front of a building at his university.
15.根据第二段“She said later that she feels relaxed every time she talks to Clark.”可知她觉得和克拉克说话很放松,故填She feels relaxed.
16.根据第三段“Clark is 27 years old this year. He has been doing this for about two years.”可知克拉克开始”免费聆听”是在25岁时,故填He was 25 years old.
17.根据最后一段“Andrew Wolf is a professor at the university. He encourages what Clark is doing. Wolf said that listening helps people deal with their challenges that they are going through.”可知安德鲁 沃尔夫鼓励克拉克正在做的事情。是因为倾听可以帮助人们应对他们正在经历的挑战,故填Because listening helps people deal with their challenges that they are going through.
18.开放性试题,言之有理即可。根据第三段“Clark is 27 years old this year. …he lets them decide what to talk about.”可知他倾听人们的故事,说明他是乐于助人的,也是一个善良的人,故填He is a kind and helpful person.
19.By learning from nature. 20.He lived on cutting wood. 21.Surprised./He felf surprised./He was surprised. 22.Because no one could understand his music./Because he was sad. 23.Friendship./Valuable friendship.
19.根据“Yu Boya was a music master who played the qin. He had been learning from nature to create beautiful music.”可知,俞伯牙一直在向大自然学习创作优美的音乐。故填By learning from nature.
20.根据“The woodsman introduced himself, ‘My name is Zhong Ziqi.’”可知,钟子期以伐木为生。故填He lived on cutting wood.
21.根据“Yu was surprised by the woodsman’s words. ‘You really understand my music.’”可知,当俞伯牙发现钟子期能听懂他的音乐时,他感到很惊讶。故填Surprised./He felt surprised./He was surprised.
22.根据“‘My best friend has passed away,’ he said. ‘No one in the world understands my music anymore.’ He then broke his qin and never played it again.”可知,俞伯牙摔断他的琴,是因为他最好的朋友去世了,世界上再也没有人理解他的音乐了,他很伤心。故填Because no one could understand his music./Because he was sad.
23.通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了俞伯牙和钟子期“高山流水遇知音”的典故,表现了他们之间珍贵的友谊。由此推断“高山流水遇知音”代表珍贵的友谊。故填Friendship./Valuable friendship.
24. certain qualities don’t 25. optimistic harder 26. Reading a successful business 27. will be done the more creative 28. 4/four to believe in
24.根据“This is because some people own certain qualities, which others don’t have.”可知这是因为有些人拥有一定的品质,而其他人则没有。故填certain qualities;don’t。
25.根据“The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, you must be optimistic(乐观的). If you do not expect to win, you will not try as hard as those who do expect to win.”可知你必须记住的第一件事是,为了成功你必须要乐观;如果你没有期待胜利,你就不会像那些期待胜利的人那样去努力。第二空根据连词“than”可知此处应用hard的比较级harder。故填optimistic;harder。
26.根据“Reading is another thing to success”和“If you want to learn how to set up a successful business, you should read books about like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang”可知阅读是成功的另一个品质,如果你想学习如何创办一个成功的企业,你应该读一些有关Bill Gates和Jerry Yang的书。故填Reading;a successful business。
27.根据“Another quality that helps people succeed is creativity-thinking about things differently and wondering how others will do the same thing.”可知另一个帮助人们成功的品质是创造性—用不同的方式去思考问题,想想别人会怎么做这相同的事。根据“the same thing…by others”可知此处应用一般将来时的被动语态,故第一空填will be done;根据“Think about some successful people you know. They might be successful with a little creativity, but the most successful people are the most creative ones.”可知,想想你认识的一些成功人士。只要有一点创造力,他们可能会成功,但最成功的人是最有创造力的人,由“the more successful”可知第二空应填“the+比较级”的结构,故第二空填the more creative。故填will be done;the more creative。
28.根据通读全文可知,想要成功必须具备四个方面的品质,故第一空填4/four;再根据“If you feel confident about what you do, this confidence will make other people believe in you more as well.”可知,如果你对自己的工作充满信心,这种信心也会让其他人更加相信你,第二空应填to believe in。故填4/four;to believe in。
29.whether 30.expensive 31.(n)eed
32.agreement 33.oceans
29.根据第一段“Space exploration is getting more and more popular and more money is spent on it. So what do you think—is space exploration a waste of money or is it worth it ”可知,许多人在讨论我们是否应该花这么多钱探索太空。whether or not“是否”,固定搭配。故填whether。
30.根据第三段“It might sound very expensive but space exploration only takes up a tiny part of government spending in the case of US space agency NASA, about 0.4%.”可知,太空探索实际上并不像听起来那么昂贵。as+形容词原形+as”和……一样”,固定搭配。故填expensive。
31.根据第三段“Climate change(气候变化) makes it necessary for people to find another planet to live on instead of depending only on the Earth.”可知,由于气候变化,人类不能永远依赖地球。他们需要寻找另一个可以居住的星球。结合首字母可知应该是need“需要”,全文为一般现在时,主语是复数。故填(n)eed。
32.根据第五段中“It’s not wise to spend billions on space when there are still many people without enough money to live on.”可知,有些人不同意花这么多钱探索太空。in agreement“同意,一致”,固定搭配。故填agreement。
33.根据第五段中“The best way to deal with climate change is spending as much as possible in protecting the Earth. Moreover, with 95% of the world’s oceans yet to be developed, there’s more than enough to satisfy human curiosity.”可知,人类应该把资源用于保护海洋和地球,而不是放弃它。故填oceans。
34.growing/rising 35.change 36.inside 37.louder 38.stop
34.根据“When scared, we may have an increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and even a blank mind.”可知当听到害怕的声音时,你可能会心跳加快,呼吸急促,甚至大脑一片空白,此处应填形容词growing/rising表示“上升的,增加的”,故填growing/rising。
35.根据“the sounds could change as they spread through buildings”可知这些声音在建筑物中传播时可能会发生变化。change“变化”,动词,位于情态动词后,应用动词原形,故填change。
36.根据“When water floods through a pipe, it compresses the air in the pipe and creates the first sound of a dropped marble”可知当水通过管道时,会压缩管道内的空气,发出弹珠掉落的声音。此处是表示“压缩里面的空气”,应用副词inside。故填inside。
37.根据“As the water flows away, the sound it makes grows more loudly”可知随着水的流动,它发出更大的声音,此处应填形容词比较级修饰名词sounds,louder符合语境,故填louder。
38.根据“However, knowing such sounds can be explained by science does not usually stop us from being scared”可知虽然这样的声音可以用科学来解释,但它并不能阻止我们的恐惧感。stop“阻止”,动词,助动词后用动词原形。故填stop。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)

  • 2023-2024江苏中考英语专项特训:任务型阅读(含解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月23日  所属分类:作业答案