
The English cultural and tourism magazine “Jiangsu Glimpses” has published a new one. It recommends beautiful museums, d 1 food, fun routes and spring folk customs in Jiangsu.
What winter takes from here, spring will give it b 2 . After a winter of resting, the flowers in Jiangsu are budding(含苞待放) and the ducks can also f 3 the warmth of the spring river.
It has become a habit for Chinese t 4 to come to Jiangsu to see flowers in spring. The city flower of Nanjing, plum blossom, now is all around on the Meihua Mountain. “Fure Flower Sea” in Zhenjiang i 5 many flower fields which are like a colorful blanket. Spring comes and shines on the branches of these flowers in the south of the Yangtze River.
Tea is another g 6 that comes with the spring of Jiangnan. Many teas with poetic and beautiful n 7 are all from Jiangsu, such as Suzhou’s Biluochun tea, Nanjing’s Yuhua tea and Zhenjiang’s Jinshancuiya tea. During this period, the tea field provides nice teas and p 8 places for people to have fun. The tea has special taste b 9 different tea trees are planted in different planting sites. Nowadays, people can look for tasty tea and enjoy the best s 10 in Jiangsu, including transportation, accommodation(住宿), sightseeing, and food. In addition to the tea fields, tourists can also walk into the tea houses and museums or picturesque villages around them.
In 2011, a tsunami hit the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (福岛第一核电站) in Japan, l 11 to big nuclear damage (损害). To stop further problems, Japan d 12 to use water to cool the damaged reactors (反应堆).
Now, more than 1.3 million tons of water—enough to fill 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools have been used since t 13 . It’s still going up with more than 100 tons every day. The water is p 14 by radioactive (放射性的) materials and is kept in storage tanks.
Without enough space to store the tanks, Japan said that it would release the wastewater into the Pacific Ocean this spring. On March 17, part of the equipment to release the wastewater started operation for the f 15 time, according to Japanese media TV Asahi.
This decision has caused a number of hot d 16 . The Japanese government insisted that the radionuclides (放射性核素) in the wastewater will have been mostly cleared. So it is safe to release the water into the ocean and it won’t be bad for the environment.
H 17 , not everyone agrees with this decision. Japan’s environmental groups and f 18 worry about the sea life and the fishing industry there, the BBC reported.
Some neighbouring countries, s 19 as South Korea, are worried about the possible problems brought on their own fishing industries and the environment. China, along with Russia, asked Japan a list of technical questions on the plan in May 2022. But the Japanese side was unable to answer these questions or talk f 20 about the matter.
On March 14, the Chinese Foreign Ministry once again denounced (谴责) Japan’s decision to release the wastewater into the sea.
How would you feel if moving to a new town meant losing track of your friends What if the only way of getting news from faraway friends was writing letters that took ages to be delivered This was how things worked not very long ago. Thanks to advances in technology, how we make friends and c 21 with them has changed significantly.
Nowadays, we can move around the world and still stay in t 22 with the people that we want to remain friends with. Social media t 23 let us see what our friends are up to and maintain friendships. All you need is a wi-fi connection.
The digital age also enables us to find people who share our interests, such as collecting model cars or p 24 an unusual instrument. Whatever our hobbies, the Internet can c 25 us with others who also enjoy doing them, even if they live on the other side of the world.
But when you “friend” people online, does this mean that they really are your friends It depends. If people always e 26 true personal information online, then yes, these friendships can be real and meaningful. But we need to keep in mind that what we see on social media is often not the whole t 27 about a person.
On social media sites, people tend to post only positive updates that make them appear happy and friendly. But smiling photos can h 28 real problems. Remember the saying: on the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog. A young person could be old; a woman could be a man; we could even be s 29 our information with criminals.
But this doesn’t mean that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater. A 30 technology has changed the way we acquire friends, the meaning of friendship and our longing for friends remain the same. As Aristotle said, no one would choose to live without friends, even if he had all other goods.
When I was a child, I didn’t hear the words “I love you” from my father. In fact, I n 31 said those words to him, either.
A few years ago, I decided to take action. After some thought, I called my father on the phone and said, “Dad, I love you!”
There was a moment of s 32 at the other end of the line. “Well, same back at you!” he then replied quickly.
“Dad, I know you love me. When you’re ready, you’ll say it, too,” I said with a smile.
Fifteen minutes later, my mother called and asked if everything was “OK”. She seemed n 33 .
A few weeks later, Dad e 34 our phone conversation with the words: “Son, I love you.” Tears came to my eyes as I finally “heard” the love. This special moment took our father-son r 35 to a new level.
The Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum is located in Yangzhou’s Sanwan Park and i 36 a four-story building in the shape of a ship, and a 100-meter-tall pagoda.
D 37 by architect(建筑师) Zhang Jinqiu, who is a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the museum is o 38 by Nanjing Museum and has been open to the public since July 16, 2021.
“The museum will make the most of the Grand Canal’s long h 39 and views,” said Xu Rong, chief engineer of the China Northwest Architecture Design and Research Institute.
The museum c 40 over 130,000 square meters with an exhibition area of 18,000 square meters. It has 11 themed exhibitions, t 41 the history of the Sui-Tang Grand Canal built during the Sui and Tang dynasties (581-907), the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and the East Zhejiang Canal. These canals connect southern and northern China, which c 42 to be used for transport, irrigation and flood control.
So far, the Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum has 10,000 exhibits, including 20 groups of large ones, making it the b 43 collection to show the huge scale(规模) of the canal and h 44 people changed nature.
In these unique exhibitions,we can understand the past and present of the canal. At the same time, we can enjoy the wisdom of ancient Chinese people. This is the best place for people to feel the c 45 of the canal.
Reading Lu Xun’s articles has been common memories of Chinese students. Some of his articles, such as From Baicao Garden to Sanwei Study and My Old Home, are i 46 in Chinese textbooks. From his articles, we get to know classical characters like Runtu and Kong Yiji.
Lu Xun was born on Sept 25, 1881 and his r 47 name was Zhou Shuren. When he was young, Lu Xun went to Japan to study m 48 as his father died of illness. But later he decided to write articles to show the dark side of the s 49 , trying to enlighten(启蒙)common people. A 50 many years has passed, people still remember and talk about this great writer.
The year 2021 was the 140th anniversary(周年)of LuXun’s b 51 . A young singer named Chen Yan wrote a song—Daxiansheng to show respect for this great writer. Chen i 52 his grandson Zhou Lingfei to join the singing. Moreover, Chen a 53 creativity and imagination to the MV. For example, Chen imagined Lu Xun had traveled to m 54 times, and he even had a smart phone. In the MV, Chen has a face-to-face chat with him on the phone.
“People often say that Lu Xun’s works are hard to be u 55 . So I want to bring him alive with a song,” said Chen. “I believe that it is a good way to help more young people learn about Lu Xun and his works and spirit.”
It was a cold and rainy day. I finished my work late and dragged home. I threw myself deep into the sofa. I was too tired to c 56 anything for myself, so I ordered a pot of chicken upon my phone.
Half an hour later, a delivery worker c 57 me that he’d arrived. I went out to pick up the food. I walked s 58 because I thought he would leave the food at the gate of my community and leave in a hurry.
As I went to the gate, I saw him w 59 in the pouring rain without an umbrella. The rain kept falling down on his face, his foot, and his y 60 uniform. He was in his twenties. He looked tired.
“Chicken soup ”he asked.
I nodded and he handed the f 61 to me with shivering(颤抖的)and watery finger.
“Why didn’t you leave earlier to find some s 62 from the rain ” I asked.
“I work to bring food safely to our c 63 . For us, one of the most things is to satisfy their needs.” he said with a smile on his face. Then he turned around and d 64 in the rain.
The cold rain kept falling, but a wisp(缕)of w 65 rose in my heart. Around us there are many common people like him who do their jobs every day, even when their work is really tough. They never forget to bring us convenience and kindness.
Every year, when the Dragon Boat Festival comes, Chinese people hang a kind of plant on the door. It is c 66 wormwood (艾草). It tastes unpleasant b 67 smells very good. It can be used as a medical treatment. People can see wormwood in Compendium of Materia Medica(《本草纲目》). This book is w 68 believed to be the classic of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM). It is written by Li Shizhen who was a very famous TCM expert during the Ming Dynasty.
Wormwood can treat a great number of illnesses. H 69 of years later, in Qichun, central Hubei Province, where Li Shizhen was born and raised, it is still serving local people. And it has become the main industry in this area. The life of local people is getting better and better by g 70 wormwood. At the same time, it’s famous around the world as a kind of traditional Chinese medicine.
1.(d)elicious/(d)ifferent 2.(b)ack 3.(f)eel 4.(t)ourists 5.(i)ncludes 6.(g)ift 7.(n)ames 8.(p)leasant/(p)erfect 9.(b)ecause 10.(s)ervice/(s)ervices
2.句意:冬天拿走了什么,春天会还回来的。结合首字母分析可知,give back“归还”符合。故填(b)ack。
7.句意:许多有着诗意和美丽名字的茶都来自江苏,比如苏州的碧螺春,南京的雨花茶,还有镇江的金山翠芽茶。设空处需填名词作beautiful的中心词,根据“such as Suzhou’s Biluochun tea, Nanjing’s Yuhua tea and Zhenjiang’s Jinshancuiya tea”可知,下文列举的都是茶叶的名字,所以name“名字”符合语境,此处指很多名字,所以应使用复数形式。故填(n)ames。
9.句意:茶有特别的味道,由于不同的茶树种植在不同的地点。设空处后内容为“The tea has special taste”的原因,所以连词because“因为”符合语境。故填(b)ecause。
11.(l)eading 12.(d)ecided 13.(t)hen 14.(p)olluted 15.(f)irst 16.(d)iscussions 17.(H)owever 18.(f)ishermen 19.(s)uch 20.(f)urther
11.句意:2011年,海啸袭击了日本福岛第一核电站,造成了巨大的核破坏。根据“to big nuclear damage”可知是造成了很大的损害,lead to“造成,导致”,句中已有谓语动词hit,此处用非谓语,和主语之间是主动关系,用现在分词。故填(l)eading。
12.句意:为了阻止进一步的问题,日本决定用水冷却受损的反应堆。根据“to use water to cool the damaged reactors”可知是决定使用水冷却受损的反应堆,decide“决定”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(d)ecided。
13.句意:从那时起,已经使用了130多万吨水,足以填满500个奥运会规模的游泳池。根据“enough to fill 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools have been used since”可知是自从那时起,since then“从那时起”。故填(t)hen。
14.句意:这些水被放射性物质污染,并被储存在储罐中。根据“by radioactive (放射性的) materials”可知水被放射性物质污染,pollute“污染”,此处用过去分词和be动词构成被动语态。故填(p)olluted。
15.句意:据日本媒体朝日电视台报道,3月17日,部分废水排放设备首次开始运行。根据“release the wastewater started operation for the...time”可知是第一次开始运行,for the first time“第一次”。故填(f)irst。
16.句意:这一决定引起了许多热议。根据“This decision has caused a number of hot...”以及下文可知,这个决定引起了很多议论,discussion“议论”,此处用名词复数。故填(d)iscussions。
18.句意:日本环保组织和渔民担心那里的海洋生活和渔业。根据“worry about the sea life and the fishing industry there”可知渔民担心海洋生活以及渔业,fisherman“渔民”,此处用名词复数。故填(f)ishermen。
19.句意:一些邻国,如韩国,担心本国渔业和环境可能带来的问题。根据“Some neighbouring countries, ...as South Korea”可知是举例说明一些邻国,such as“例如”。故填(s)uch。
20.句意:但日方无法回答这些问题,也无法进一步讨论此事。根据“answer these questions or talk...about the matter”可知是无法进一步讨论此事,用比较级further“进一步”。故填(f)urther。
21.(c)ommunicate 22.(t)ouch 23.(t)ools 24.(p)laying 25.(c)onnect 26.(e)xchange 27.(t)ruth 28.(h)ide 29.(s)haring 30.(A)lthough
21.句意:由于科技的进步,我们交朋友和与他们交流的方式发生了重大变化。根据“we make friends and c...with them”可知是指和朋友交流,communicate with sb“和某人交流”,动词形式和and前的make一致,故填(c)ommunicate。
22.句意:如今,我们可以在世界各地移动,仍然与我们想要保持朋友关系的人保持联系。stay in touch with“和……保持联系”,为固定短语,故填(t)ouch。
23.句意:社交媒体工具让我们可以看到朋友在做什么,并维持友谊。根据“Social media t...let us see what our friends are up to and maintain friendships.”可知能让我们可以看到朋友在做什么,并维持友谊的是社交媒体工具,too“工具”,可数名词,此处用复数表示泛指,故填(t)ools。
24.句意:数字时代也使我们能够找到与我们有共同兴趣的人,比如收集汽车模型或演奏一种不寻常的乐器。根据“p...an unusual instrument. ”可知是指演奏乐器,应用play,动词形式和or前的collecting一样,故填(p)laying。
25.句意:无论我们的爱好是什么,互联网可以将我们与同样喜欢做这些事情的人联系起来,即使他们住在世界的另一边。根据“the Internet can c...us with others who also enjoy doing them”可知互联网可以把我们连接在一起,connect“连接”,动词,can后加动词原形,故填(c)onnect。
26.句意:如果人们总是在网上交换真实的个人信息,那么是的,这些友谊可以是真实而有意义的。根据“If people always e...true personal information online”可知是指交换信息,exchange“交换”,是动词,if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时,主语是people,动词用原形,故填(e)xchange。
27.句意:但我们需要记住,我们在社交媒体上看到的往往不是一个人的全部真相。根据“what we see on social media is often not the whole t...about a person.”可知网上看到的一个人往往不是这个人的全部真实信息,truth“事实,真相”符合语境,故填(t)ruth。
28.句意:但微笑的照片可能会掩盖真正的问题。根据“But smiling photos can h...real problems”可知微笑会把问题掩盖,hide“隐藏”,动词,位于can后,应用原形,故填(h)ide。
29.句意:我们甚至可能与罪犯分享我们的信息。根据“we could even be s...our information with criminals.”可知是指和罪犯分享信息,share“分享”,动词,结合be可知动词应用现在分词,故填(s)haring。
30.句意:虽然科技改变了我们获得朋友的方式,但友谊的意义和我们对朋友的渴望保持不变。根据“technology has changed the way we acquire friends, the meaning of friendship and our longing for friends remain the same. ”可知前后是转折让步关系,应用although引导让步状语从句,故填(A)lthough。
31.(n)ever 32.(s)ilence 33.(n)ervous 34.(e)nded 35.(r)elationship
31.句意:事实上,我也从来没有和父亲说过这些话。根据“When I was a child, I didn’t hear the words “I love you” from my father.”和“either”可知,我也从来没有对父亲说过“我爱你”,never“从未”,符合语境。故填(n)ever。
32.句意:电话另一端有片刻的沉默。根据“There was a moment of...”及结合首字母可知,我对父亲说完“我爱你”之后,父亲感到有点尴尬和不知所措,所以电话那端有片刻的沉默,silence“沉默”,符合语境。故填(s)ilence。
33.句意:她似乎有些担忧。根据“Fifteen minutes later, my mother called and asked if everything was ‘OK’.”可知,母亲询问我是否一些都好,是因为她对我的反常的举动有些担忧,nervous“担忧的”,符合语境。故填(n)ervous。
34.句意:几周后,父亲在结束我们的电话交谈时说:“儿子,我爱你。” end...with“以……结束”,句子的时态为一般过去时,所以空处用end的过去式ended。故填(e)nded。
36.includes 37.designed 38.operated 39.history 40.covers 41.telling 42.continues 43.best 44.how 45.charm/culture
37.句意:由中国工程院院士、建筑师张金秋设计。根据“by architect(建筑师) Zhang Jinqiu,”和“the museum is operated by Nanjing Museum ”可知,句子主语是博物馆,横线上要表达“被设计,由……设计”,且与句子主语存在逻辑上的被动关系,故用动词的过去分词。故填designed。
41.句意:它有11个主题展览,讲述了隋朝(581-907)修建的隋唐大运河的历史。根据句子结构可知,主语是it,代指博物馆,谓语是“has 11 themed exhibitions”, 横线上的是状语,不能用谓语动词形式,考虑到与主语之间是主动的关系,即博物馆讲述着隋朝的大运河历史,故应该用现在分词。故填telling。
42.句意:这些运河连接着中国南部和北部,继续被用于运输、灌溉和防洪。根据横线后接动词不定式,且上文提到运河修建的时间,下文提到运河被用于交通,灌溉和防洪,可以看出来横线的词应该表示“继续,后续”,结合语境,continue符合,which引导非限定性定语从句,指代前句“These canals connect southern and northern China”,故定语从句中的谓语动词要用单三形,故填continues。
44.句意:展示运河规模巨大以及人们如何改变自然的最佳藏品。根据下文“people changed nature”中句子成分主谓宾全了,判断横线上的词为状语,又因为运河是人们修建改变自然的结果,判断“人们如何改变自然”符合语境,故填how。
45.句意:这是人们感受运河文化的最佳场所。根据“the... of”判断中间用名词,根据上下文,“博物馆是人们感受运河文化/魅力的最佳场所”符合语境,故填charm/culture。
46.(i)ncluded 47.(r)eal 48.(m)edicine 49.(s)ociety 50.(A)lthough 51.(b)irth 52.(i)nvited 53.(a)dded 54.(m)odern 55.(u)nderstood
46.句意:他的一些文章,如《从百草园到三味书屋》、《故乡》等,被收入语文教材。根据“such as From Baicao Garden to Sanwei Study and My Old Home, are...in Chinese textbooks.”可知,此处说的是一些文章被收录入课本,be included in“被纳入”,故填(i)ncluded。
47.句意:鲁迅出生于1881年9月25日,本名周树人。根据首字母提示及“name was Zhou Shuren”可知,周树人是鲁迅的真名,real“真实的”,形容词作定语,修饰其后的名词,故填(r)eal。
48.句意:小时候,鲁迅的父亲因病去世,他去日本学医。根据首字母提示及“as his father died of illness”可知,他去日本学医,medicine“医学”,故填(m)edicine。
49.句意:但后来他决定写文章来展示社会的黑暗面,试图启发普通人。根据“he decided to write articles to show the dark side of the...trying to enlighten(启蒙)common people”及首字母提示可知,他写文章揭露社会的黑暗面,society“社会”,故填(s)ociety。
50.句意:尽管许多年过去了,人们仍然记得并谈论这位伟大的作家。根据“many years has passed, people still remember and talk about this great writer”及首字母提示可知,此处缺少连词,应用although引导让步状语从句,故填(A)lthough。
51.句意:2021年是鲁迅诞辰140周年。根据首字母提示及“The year 2021 was the 140th anniversary(周年)of LuXun’s”可知,此处指的是birth“诞生”,故填(b)irth。
52.句意:陈邀请他的孙子周令飞一起唱歌。根据“his grandson Zhou Lingfei to join the singing.”及首字母提示可知,他邀请他的外孙一起唱歌,invite sb to do sth“邀请某人做某事”,是固定结构,陈述过去的事情,动词用过去式,故填(i)nvited。
53.句意:此外,陈在MV中加入了创意和想象力。根据首字母提示及“creativity and imagination to the MV.”可知,他在MV中加入了创意和想象力,add“添加”,是动词,陈述过去的事情,动词用过去式,故填(a)dded。
54.句意:例如,陈想象鲁迅去过现代,他甚至有一部智能手机。根据首字母提示及“and he even had a smart phone.”可知,他想象鲁迅在现代,modern“现代的”,是形容词,修饰其后的名词,故填(m)odern。
55.句意:人们常说鲁迅的作品很难理解。根据“So I want to bring him alive with a song...I believe that it is a good way to help more young people learn about Lu Xun and his works and spirit.”及首字母提示可知,人们认为鲁迅的作品很难理解,understand“理解”,此处是不定式的被动结构,动词应用过去分词,故填(u)nderstood。
56.(c)ook 57.(c)alled 58.(s)lowly 59.(w)aiting 60.(y)ellow 61.(f)ood 62.(s)helter 63.(c)ustomers 64.(d)isappeared 65.(w)armth
56.句意:我太累了,不想给自己做饭。根据“so I ordered a pot of chicken upon my phone.”可知,不想做饭,cook“烹饪”符合题意,空前有不定式符号to,故此空用动词原形。故填(c)ook。
57.句意:半小时后,一个外卖员打电话给我说他到了。根据“a delivery worker c…me that he’d arrived”可知,应该是打电话告诉作者。call“打电话”,根据“arrived”可知,此处是一般过去时,故动词用其过去式。故填(c)alled。
58.句意:我走得很慢,因为我担心他会把食物放在我的社区门口,然后匆匆离开。根据“because I thought he would leave the food at the gate of my community and leave in a hurry.”可知,作者认为外卖员会把食物放在社区门口,然后匆匆离开,因此走得慢。slowly“慢地”,副词修饰动词walked。故填(s)lowly。
59.句意:当我走到大门口时,我看见他在倾盆大雨中等着,没有带伞。根据“I saw him w…in the pouring rain”可知,外卖员正在门口等待,wait“等待”符合题意,see sb doing sth.“看见某人正在做某事”。故填(w)aiting。
60.句意:雨不停地落在他的脸上、脚上和黄色的制服上。根据“his y…uniform”可知,应该是“黄色的制服”,yellow符合题意。故填(y)ellow。
61.句意:我点了点头,他用颤抖的、湿漉漉的手指把食物递给我。根据“Chicken soup”以及“he handed the f…to me”可知,他把食物递给我,food“食物”符合题意。故填(f)ood。
62.句意:你为什么不早点离开找个避雨的地方?根据“find some s…from the rain”可知,此处表示“找个避雨的地方”。shelter“遮蔽物,庇护处”,在此处是不可数名词。故填(s)helter。
63.句意:我的工作是为顾客提供安全的食品。根据“I work to bring food safely to our c…”可知,此处表示“顾客”,其对应的英文表达是customer,此处用其复数表示泛指。故填(c)ustomers。
64.句意:然后他转身消失在雨中。根据“Then he turned around and d…in the rain.”可知,他消失在了雨中。disappear“消失”,and连接的成分一致,故此空应该用过去式。故填(d)isappeared。
65.句意:冷雨不停地下着,我的心里却升起了一缕暖意。根据“The cold rain kept falling, but”可知,此处表示转折,故此处表示“心里却升起了一缕暖意”,此空应填一个名词,warmth“温暖”符合题意。故填(w)armth。
66.(c)alled 67.(b)ut 68.(w)idely 69.(H)undreds 70.(g)rowing
66.句意:它被称作艾草。此处介绍艾草这种植物,结合首字母可知应是“被称作”be called。故填(c)alled。
67.句意:它尝起来不好吃但是闻起来很好。根据“It tastes unpleasant...smells very good.”可知前后是转折关系,故填(b)ut。
68.句意:这本书被广泛地认为是中药的经典。空处修饰“is believed”应用副词,结合首字母可知是widely“广泛地”。故填(w)idely。
69.句意:几百年之后,在蕲春,湖北省的中心,李时珍出生并被养大的地方,艾草仍服务于当地百姓。根据“...of years later”可知是hundreds of“数百”。首字母大写。故填(H)undreds。
70.句意:当地人的生活通过种植艾草正变得越来越好。根据“The life of local people is getting better and better by g...wormwood”可知是通过种植艾草变得更好,grow“种植”,by是介词,后接动名词。故填(g)rowing。
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  • 2023-2024江苏中考英语专项特训:短文填空(含解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月23日  所属分类:作业答案