
Unit 4-6 阶段检测卷-英语六年级上册人教新起点版
1.Andy was very _____ because his grandma was very sick. ( )
A.happy B.surprised C.worried D.excited
2.Tom’s mother looked very angry because ______.( )
A.today is her birthday B.Tom made the room a mess
C.Tom got an A on English test D.she bought a beautiful coat
3.Everyone ______ excited yesterday, because we won the football match. ( )
A.is B.are C.were D.was
4.Zhang Peng worked very hard and then his dream ______. ( )
A.come true B.came true C.comes true D.will come true
5.I didn’t finish my homework yesterday. My teacher was very ______. ( )
A.scared B.angry C.excited D.happy
6.Chinese .
7.story .
8.invention .
9.woman .
10.horse .
A.作家 B.发明家 C. 画家 D.科学家 E. 诗人
11.inventor ( )
12.artist ( )
13.scientist ( )
14.poet ( )
15.writer ( )
( ) Yes, I do. He was a scientist.
( ) Why is he famous
( ) He was the first person to find out why apples fall.
( ) Do you know Newton
17.is, coming, vacation, winter, the (.)
18.Christopher Columbus, the, explorer, America, who, discovered, was, first (.)
19.going, am, I, for, match, a, football, train, to (.)
20.went, every, weekend, I, swimming (.)
21.I, play, to, computer games, like (.)
Michael Jordan is the most famous basketball player in the world. He was born in Brooklyn, New York. He didn’t like to talk to other people about himself. He was also very short. He didn’t play very well when he joined the basketball team in his high school at first. But the next year things changed greatly for him as he grew much taller.
Michael Jordan became famous when he joined the university basketball team in North Carolina. Michael used his speed and strength(力量)to reach the basket again. He played so well that people called him “Air Jordan”.
After college, Michael became a basketball team member in the Chicago Bulls. The NBA was very surprised at this high-flying player. He was named “Rookie”(新秀)of the year in 1985 and “Most Valuable(价值的)Player” in 1987. He once set a record(创纪录)by getting 63 points in one game.
22.Jordan is a basketball superstar in ____. ( )
A.England B.America C.Canada D.Japan
23.When he joined the basketball team in his high school, he ____ at first. ( )
A.didn’t play very well B.played very well
C.grew much taller D.set a record
24.He began to become famous in ____. ( )
A.the university basketball team B.the NBA
C.his high school at first D.the Chicago Bulls
25.He is often called “____”. ( )
A.Rookie B.the NBA
C.Air Jordan D.Most Valuable Player
26.The NBA was very surprised at the superstar when ____. ( )
A.he was young
B.he joined the basketball team in his high school
C.he joined the university basketball team
D.he joined the Chicago Bulls
The winter vacation is coming. I am going to read some books about Canada, because I am going there to meet my pen pal, Ted.
I hear there is a lot of snow in Canada, so I want to learn to ski. Ted is a skiing fan and he is going to teach me. I think it will be hard, but I want to have a try!
I am excited! A wonderful winter vacation is waiting for me.
27.The winter vacation is coming. ( )
28.I am going to read some books about Canada. ( )
29.Ted isn’t my pen pal. ( )
30.There is a lot of snow in Canada. ( )
31.Ted is a skiing fan. ( )
6.Chinese 7.stories 8.inventions 9.women 10.horses
11.B 12.C 13.D 14.E 15.A
16. 2 3 4 1
17.The winter vacation is coming.
18.Christopher Columbus was the first explorer who discovered America.
19.I am going to train for a football match.
20.I went swimming every weekend.
21.I like to play computer games.
【详解】I我,play玩,to介词,computer games电脑游戏,like喜欢。根据所给句号可知是个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:我喜欢玩电脑游戏。某人喜欢做某事,主语+like(s)+to do sth.。故答案为I like to play computer games.
22.B 23.A 24.A 25.C 26.D
27.T 28.T 29.F 30.T 31.T
【分析】27.题干句意:寒假快到了。根据The winter vacation’ is coming. 可知题干正确,故答案为T。
28.题干句意:我打算读一些关于加拿大的书。根据I am going to read some books about Canada.可知题干正确,故答案为T。
29.题干句意:Ted不是我的笔友。根据because I am going there to meet my pen pal, Ted.可知Ted是我的笔友。故答案为F。
30.题干句意:在加拿大有很多雪。根据I hear there is a lot of snow in Canada.可知题干正确,故答案为T。
31.题干句意:Ted是一个滑雪迷。根据Ted is a skiing fan and he is going to teach me.可知题干正确,故答案为T。
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发布日期:2023年12月22日  所属分类:作业答案