2024中考英语复习二轮专题特训 题型一 完成对话 (含详细解析)

2024中考英语复习二轮专题特训 题型一 完成对话
Group 1
Eva: Andy, today I read a passage about environmental pollution. It lets me 1. _______ that we are facing many environmental problems now.
Andy: So we do. And there are different 2. _______ of pollution. A lot of animals are in danger of extinction (灭绝) . Sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic is shrinking (缩减) .
Eva: We have to protect the environment and the planet from now on, and it 3. _______ with us. What can we do to help protect the environment Do you have any ideas
Andy: Sure. We can use 4. _______ transport as much as possible. We have a well-developed subway and bus network. It can take us to most places. Traveling by bus or subway can not only reduce air pollution, but also help solve traffic problems.
Eva: What’s more, bike sharing is also a good 5. _______ for short journeys. By riding bikes, we can reduce carbon emissions (碳排放) as well as have a healthier body because riding is a kind of 6. _______.
Andy: That’s a good way.
Eva: We should also reduce the use of disposable products (一次性用品). They are a big problem for the sea 7. _______ because they may eat those products and die of this.
Andy: Therefore, instead of 8. _______ plastic bags, we should try paper or cloth bags when we go shopping as possible as we can.
Eva: Clothing is also a big source of pollution. Don’t you think so We often 9. _______ many new clothes and throw them away after wearing them only a few times. Those clothes that are thrown then 10. _______ waste.
Andy: You are right. To reduce this waste, I think we should think twice the next time when shopping. At the same time, we can give away our unwanted clothes to those in need.
Eva: Yes. We need to pay attention to those problems in our daily life and make efforts to protect our only home.
Group 2
Sophia: Linda, I have been thinking about my school life recently. Mine seems a little 1. _______ compared with that of other students who have colorful activities to take part in.
Linda: I guess you must pay more attention to study. School is not only a great place to learn, but also 2. _______ students great chances to make friends and try new things.
Sophia: Your words remind me that maybe I can join 3. _______ clubs.
Linda: Right. Clubs help you to meet more people, including teachers and classmates. You can
4. _______ your ideas and communicate with others in clubs.
Sophia: I just hear that there is a news-reading club in our school. Now I am considering being a
5. _______ of it. In this way, I can know the latest news about what is 6. _______ in the world.
Linda: What else are you 7. _______ in Think about the things that make you feel happy at school.
Sophia: I enjoy playing soccer and love art. I 8. _______ wish there will be more kinds of food in the canteen (食堂).
Linda: Then you can think what you can do to 9. _______ these ideas. You can join the school soccer team and make a plan for building a school garden.
Sophia: It seems that I have a lot more to learn and do in school except studying and finishing homework. Thanks for your 10. _______ which really help me a lot.
Linda: Schools provide a fair environment for students. Anyone can make a difference and improve their school life here. Just enjoy it!
Group 3
A: Wow, how beautiful it is! Where did you take these pictures
B: In Qingdao, Shandong province. I 1._______ a happy holiday with my family there. My father drove us along a windy coast line and on beautiful mountain roads. The road trip gave us a wonderful experience.
A: Amazing! I love road trips, too. They’re usually cheaper than other kinds of travel. By driving your own car, you can save 2._______ on airline tickets and taxi fares.
B: You’re right. What’s more, you can always change your travel plans as you go along the journey. You can even stay in the 3._______ place for several days or travel more places in a day. It can help to control your budget (预算).
A: Yes. Can you tell me 4._______ more about your trip
B: Sure. We had the chance to get off the normal way and discovered new places on the road trip.
A: Wow. What are they
B: We enjoyed a sunset in the mountains and the 5._______ of birds singing in the forest, which allowed us to get a deeper understanding of nature. And my brother replaced my father 6._______ he was tired. He also became a better driver and learned how to deal with unexpected situations.
A: That is so cool. By the way, how do you 7._______ about this special trip
B: I think being in nature is more important than any other advantage of road trips. You can hardly worry about anything and simply enjoy the journey. The sights along the way will relax you and help you clear your 8._______.
A: Thank you for your sharing. I 9._______ to drive on beautiful roads and enjoy the beauty of nature one day.
B: I believe your 10._______ will come true.
Group 4
D—Daniel J—Jenny
D: Jenny, what do you usually do on weekends
J: In my spare time, I usually go fishing either with my friends or by 1.________.
D: Why do you like fishing I think it’s too 2.________. You just sit there for a whole day and do nothing.
J: I enjoy fishing because it makes me feel connected with 3.________. You’re surrounded (围绕) by lots of trees, plants and beautiful butterflies. When you 4._________ fish, you can let them go because you can’t take them out of the water. Sitting by the water helps me 5._________ on one thing more easily, which will do some good to my life and study.
D: Wow. It seems that you really have fun in fishing.
J: Yeah. I really enjoy it. When I go fishing, I love to go with friends who have similar 6._________ and hobbies with me. By the way, what’s your hobby
D: To be honest, I like doing some meaningful things in my spare time. Last year, I did community service with an organization. So I started a club to 7._________ kindness with my friends this year. We go by a saying, “In the world, no matter 8._________ you can be, be kind.”
J: You guys are so cool. What are you exactly doing
D: Small things that make this world a 9._________ place. We usually pick up rubbish in the park and street, feed some homeless animals like cats and dogs and do some other volunteer works.
J: Can I join you this weekend
D: Of course. It is too 10. _______ today, I need to go home. And I will tell you the exact time tomorrow.
J: OK. Thank you.
Group 5
A: Mom, the rubber spacers (牙套) in my teeth are terrible. I always feel uncomfortable, 1.______ when having a meal. I hate them. Can I 2.________ them out
B: Oh, my dear. I know that you feel uncomfortable, but you have to put up with this for your teeth’s 3.________. When you want to remove the spacers, do 4.________ to keep your hands busy. Draw, write or play basketball. You can even try sitting on your hands!
A: But mom, I even don’t want to eat or speak.
B: Ok, dear. I’ll be 5.________ this Saturday. We can go to the 6.________ if there’s any way to make the spacers more comfortable. You can also ask him how the spacers work and what they are doing for your teeth. Once you know their purpose, you may find it 7.______ to leave them in.
A: OK, I’ll have a try.
B: I’ve told you many times. Brush your teeth more 8._______. It’s a basic way to prevent your teeth from getting bad. Most importantly, don’t eat too many sweet 9.________, or your teeth will hurt someday.
A: I will, mom. It’s really terrible when my teeth hurt.
B: It’s never too late to 10.________ our teeth. If you keep my words in mind, you will get rid of these spacers soon.
A: Thank you, mom.
Group 6
Lucy: Congratulations to you, Peter! What great progress you have made in the exam!
Peter: Thank you, Lucy.
Lucy: Can you share your learning methods with me I want to study more efficiently (高效地),
1. _______ I’m terrible at time management. I don’t know how to organize my study to make good use of time.
Peter: Of course! Maybe with the Pomodoro Technique (番茄时间管理法), you will be 2. ______ at how to plan your time.
Lucy: Pomodoro Technique What a strange name! What is it
Peter: It is a 3. _______ time management method that I am using. A university student named Cirillo 4. _______ it. Cirillo was born in Italy, and pomodoro means a tomato there. He was used to 5. _______ his reading speed with a tomato-shaped kitchen timer. So it is called the Pomodoro Technique. Since I used this method, I have been able to review more 6. _______ than before. This allows me to have more free time.
Lucy: Sounds great! So what should I do if I use this method
Peter: The method calls for 25 minutes of focused study followed by a 5-minute 7. _______. That is to say, during the first period, you should take notes and decide what you need to complete. Next, set the timer for 25 minutes. As for the third step, just pay attention to your task until the timer 8. _______. The last five minutes is for fun.
Lucy: I got it! So what should I do if I have a task which requires over two 9. _______
Peter: Don’t worry. You just repeat the process four times.
Lucy: I see. I will have a try. Thanks a lot.
Peter: It’s my pleasure! Hope my 10. _______ can help you!
Group 7
A: Linda, recently I didn’t sleep well because I couldn’t help staying up late. It is a big 1. _______ for me. I could only sleep six hours at night.
B: Good sleeping habits are 2. _______ for health. You have to make sure you get enough sleep.
A: As far as you concerned, how long should students sleep every day
B: In 2016, an American report said that the best sleep time for teenagers is 8-10 hours every day. If not, teenagers may 3. _______ the interest in studying.
A: According to my life experience, the sleep time depends on the 4. _______. My grandparents always go to bed at about 11:00 p.m. and get up 5. _______ at 5:00 a.m. So maybe teenagers need more sleep while old people need less sleep.
B: That does make sense. Many teens may not have enough sleep 6. _______ their body clock starts to change. When you’re 10 years old, your body might tell you that you’re tired and remind you to 7. _______ at 8 or 9 p. m. But when you reach 13 or 14, it comes two hours later and tells you that at 10 or 11 p. m. It takes time to get used to this change. So, teens often feel sleepy in the morning.
A: I agree with you. And it’s unlucky that the beginning of the school day in many parts of the world does not meet teens’ 8. _______ for sleep.
B: This means teens may only get seven hours of sleep for school. Some high schools even have
9. _______ the school rule because of this. Instead of starting at 7:30 a. m., for example, they are starting around 8:30.
A: That’s a good change. I think I should also try some 10. _______ ways to fall asleep more quickly. Do you have any good advice for me
B: You can try to breathe slowly and deeply. Remember that just empty your mind and focus on your breathing.
A: I see. I will have a try. Thanks a lot.
B: It’s my pleasure!
Group 8
A: Peter, I have good news to tell you. I join the debate (辩论) club in our school. Debating is a very exciting and interesting 1. _______ for me.
B: Really To be honest, I don’t like joining clubs as I want to spend more time on study.
A: School life is more than learning. You won’t know the fun 2. _______ you join it. Debating can help students develop teamwork and problem-solving skills. And it can also help them 3. _____ themselves with organized words.
B: What does it do good to you personally
A: It gives me a chance to 4. _______ interesting things, learn other points of view and make my voice heard.
B: According to what I’ve heard, in an organized debate, there are two 5. _______ who will be given a topic and told which side they are. Could you tell me more
A: Sure. Then both sides prepare a speech and speak it out in a set time in the first round. In the rest of time, these two sides speak in turns, telling their thoughts and 6. ______ to argue against the other side.
B: According to what you say, then I think it must be very important to 7. _______ information because you have to know more about what you will talk about and how to reply to others.
A: You are totally right. It’s very necessary to do that if you want to have a 8. _______ performance. And sometimes it’s 9. _______ that you argue for something you don’t agree with. But that’s all part of the fun and will help you to consider other people’s points of view.
B: Is there anything else that need to pay attention to
A: Yes. You need to speak 10. _______ to let others get your idea, but don’t shout. You can challenge the other side’s idea, but you should never attack (攻击) them.
B: I will consider joining this club. Maybe I will see you in a debating.
Group 9
T—Tom L—Lily
T: Hey, Lily, you look so worried. What’s wrong
L: I’m so nervous. It is only twenty 1. away from eight o’ clock. I have waited for the Bus No.82 for half an hour, but it didn’t come.
T: But I 2. that your family just bought a new car last year. Why not ask your father to drive you to school in the morning
L: Yes. But I usually go to school by bus and sometimes I even ride a bike 3. of taking a car.
T: That sounds very meaningful. But taking a car can save a lot of time.
L: I agree with you. But it’s 4. for our environment. Nowadays, most of people are having a different idea on cars. They 5. cycling and using public transportation to driving.
T: You are making a kind of change. It is a good way to help us protect our environment.
L: Yes. You know, some studies have shown that the earth has been polluted 6. because of the waste gas from cars. And cycling and taking public transportation are not only helpful to our earth but also good for our health.
T: You are right. Nowadays, most of students have little time to do 7. because they are so busy with their study. Cycling to and from school 8. them with opportunities to do sports to keep healthy without costing any of their extra time.
L: Exactly, it seems that cycling and using public transportation is a win-win method.
T: Of course. And I will take buses or ride bicycles to school, too. I believe our earth will be
9. than before if everyone plays a part in protecting the environment.
L: You make a right 10. . Let’s do something good for both ourselves and the earth.
Group 10
A—Amy J—Jack
A: Jack, when did you come to London
J: In my first year of middle school, I spent my childhood in New York City. Then I 1._______ my parents here. They moved to London for work, so I had to come here to 2._______ at a new school.
A: Wow, it must be quite a challenge to come to a 3._______ place without knowing anyone at such a young age. Will you go back to the U.S. in the future
J: I don’t know yet. 4._______ I’ll stay here. I want to work at a university. And there are more universities here in London than in New York. That way, I’ll have more 5._______ when I’m looking for a job. London also has more museums! You know I like to visit museums on weekends.
A: That’s true. It seems that you have 6._______ got used to and like the life in London. Are there any things you like about New York And are there any 7._______ of the quality (质量) of life between the two cities
J: Well, I like the seaside beaches. And public transport there is cheaper than that in London. I’ve read somewhere that the average salary (平均工资) in New York is higher. But the quality of life there is 8._______ than it is in London. London is better in education and health-care. But in general, living in London is more expensive.
A: Yes, I agree with you. London has more universities and affordable public health-care. But the 9._______ of living is also high. You know what I like most about London Its green spaces! This city has many parks and about eight million trees. It’s really helpful to 10._______ our environment. I’m proud to be a Londoner!
J: Yes, London does do well in that. That’s also one of the things that attract me to stay in London.
Group 1
1. realize/know【解析】句意:这让我______我们现在正面临着很多环境问题。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少动词。根据语境和空前“I read a passage about environmental pollution”可知,此处应是表示意识到或者了解到。let sb. do sth.让某人做某事,为固定用法,因此空处应用动词原形。故填realize/know。
2. types/kinds【解析】句意:有不同_____的污染。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少名词。根据空后“A lot of animals are in danger of extinction (灭绝). Sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic is shrinking (缩减).”可知,此处应是表示有不同类型/种类的污染,空前有different且系动词为复数形式are,因此空处应用名词复数。故填types/kinds。
3. starts/begins 【解析】句意:我们从现在开始必须保护环境和这个星球,并且这以我们_____。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少动词作谓语。根据空后“What can we do to help protect the environment ”可知,此处应是表示从我们开始做起。句子时态为一般现在时,句子主语为it,因此空处应用动词第三人称单数。故填starts/begins。
4. public【解析】句意:我们可以尽可能多地使用______交通。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少形容词作定语。根据下句“We have a well-developed subway and bus network.”可知,此处应是表示公共交通。故填public。
5. choice【解析】句意:除此之外,共享单车对短途旅行来说也是一个好的______。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少名词作表语。根据语境和常识可知,此处表示好的选择。空前有a,空处应用名词单数。故填choice。
6. exercise【解析】句意:通过骑自行车,我们可以减少碳排放并且有一个更健康的身体,因为骑车也是一种______。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少名词作表语。根据空前“have a healthier body”可知,此处应是表示骑车也是一种锻炼。exercise为不可数名词。故填exercise。
7. animals【解析】句意:对于海洋_____来说,这是一个大问题,因为它们可能会吃掉这些物品,因此死亡。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少名词。根据空后“because they may eat those products and die of this”和语境可知,此处应是表示对于海洋动物来说。根据语境可知,海洋动物不止一种,空处应用可数名词复数。故填animals。
8. using/taking【解析】句意:因此,购物的时候,我们应该尽可能尝试纸袋子或者布袋而不是_____塑料袋。根据空后“we should try paper or cloth bags when we go shopping as possible as we can”可知,此处应是表示使用或带着塑料袋,介词后应用动词的动名词形式。故填using/taking。
9. buy【解析】句意:我们经常______很多新衣服并且在只穿了几次后就扔掉。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少动词作谓语。根据句中的“throw them away after wearing them only a few times”可知,此处指经常买新衣服。句子时态为一般现在时,主语是We,空处应用动词原形。故填buy。
10. become【解析】句意:这些被扔掉的衣服就会______垃圾。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少动词作谓语。根据空前“Those clothes that are thrown”可知,此处应是表示扔掉的衣服会变成垃圾。句子时态为一般现在时,主语为名词复数,空处应用动词原形。故填become。
Group 2
1. boring【解析】句意:我的校园生活和其他参加了丰富多样的活动的学生相比,似乎有点______。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少形容词作表语。根据空后“compared with that of other students who have colorful activities to take part in”可知,此处应是表示自己的校园生活有点无聊。故填boring。
2. offers/gives【解析】句意:学校不仅是学习的地方,还_____学生很棒的机会来交朋友和尝试新事物。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少动词作谓语。根据语境和常识可知,此处应是表示提供了很棒的机会。句子时态为一般现在时,主语为名词单数,因此空处应用动词的单三形式。故填offers/gives。
3. some/different【解析】句意:你的话提醒我或许我可以参加_____社团。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少形容词作定语。根据下文“Clubs help you to meet more people, including teachers and classmates.”可知,此处应是表示一些社团或者不同的社团。故填some/different。
4. share【解析】句意:你可以在社团里和别人______你的想法以及和别人交流。根据空后“your ideas and communicate with others”可知,此处应是表示分享自己的想法。空前有情态动词can,空处应用动词原形。故填share。
5. member【解析】句意:现在我正在考虑成为该社团的一名______。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少名词。根据空前“a news-reading club”可知,此处指成为该社团的一名成员。空前有a,空处应用可数名词单数形式。故填member。
6. happening【解析】句意:以这种方式,我可以知道最新的关于世界正在______的事情的新闻。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少动词。根据空前“the latest news”可知,此处应是表示世界上正在发生的事情。句子时态为现在进行时,空处应用动词的现在分词。故填happening。
7. interested【解析】句意:你还对什么_____?分析句子结构可知,此处缺少形容词作表语。根据空后“Think about the things that make you feel happy at the school.”和语境可知,此处应是表示感兴趣的事情。故填interested。
8. also【解析】句意:我_____希望食堂可以有更多种类的食物。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少状语修饰谓语动词。根据上句“I enjoy playing soccer and love art.”可知,此处应是表示还希望。故填also。
9. achieve【解析】句意:然后你可以想一想你可以做什么来______这些想法。根据下句“You can join the school soccer team and make a plan for building a school garden.”并结合语境可知,此处应是表示实现你的想法。根据空前的不定式标志词to可知,此处应用动词原形。故填achieve。
10. suggestions【解析】句意:谢谢你的______,让我受益良多。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少名词。根据上文提到的一些让校园生活更加丰富多彩的建议可知,此处应是表示建议。根据空后定语从句谓语动词help可知,此处应为可数名词复数。故填suggestions。
Group 3
1. spent/had【解析】句意:我和家人在那里_____一个愉快的假期。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少动词作谓语,且此处描述过去发生的事,应用一般过去时。根据空后 “a happy holiday with my family there...The road trip gave us a wonderful experience.”可知,此处表示他和家人在那里度过了一个愉快的假期。故填spent/had。
2. money【解析】句意:自己开车你可以节省机票和出租车的_____。分析句子结构可知,此处填名词或代词作宾语。根据空前“They’re usually cheaper than other kinds of travel.”可知,此处表示可以节省机票和出租车的费用。故填money。
3. same【解析】句意:你甚至可以在_____地方待上几天,或者一天内去更多的地方。分析句子结构可知,此处应填形容词作定语。根据空后“or travel more places in a day”可知,此处表示可以在同一个地方待上几天,或者一天内去更多的地方。故填same。
4. something【解析】句意:你能告诉我关于你旅行更多的_____吗?分析句子结构可知,此处填名词或不定代词作宾语。根据空前“Can you tell me”可知,此处为委婉的请求:能否告诉我更多关于旅行的事情,且渴望得到肯定回答。故填something。
5. sound【解析】句意:我们欣赏了山上的日落和森林中的鸟鸣的_____,这让我们对大自然有了更深入的了解。分析句子结构可知,空前有定冠词the,故此处应填名词。根据空后“of birds singing in the forest”可知,此处表示森林中的鸟鸣声。故填sound。
6. when【解析】句意:我父亲累的_____,我哥哥代替了他。分析句子结构可知,空前后是两个句子,应用连词进行连接。根据句意以及逻辑关系可知,空前后两句的内容是同时发生的。故填when。
7. feel【解析】句意:顺便问一下,对这次特别的旅行你_____如何?分析句子结构可知,此处缺少动词。空前有助动词do,此处应填动词原形。根据how的提问,以及答语“I think being in nature is more important than any other advantage of road trips.”可知,此处应是询问对这次特别的旅行有何感受。故填feel。
8. mind【解析】句意:沿途的风景会让你放松,帮助你理清_____。分析句子结构可知,空前有形容词性物主代词your,此处应填名词。根据空前“relax you and help you clear your”可知,此处表示沿途的风景会让你放松,帮助你清醒头脑。故填mind。
9. expect/hope【解析】句意:我_____有一天能在美丽的道路上行驶,享受大自然的美丽。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少动词作谓语,且为描述愿望,应用一般现在时。根据空后“drive on beautiful roads and enjoy the beauty of nature one day”可知,此处表示希望/期待。句子时态为一般现在时,主语为I,空处应用动词原形。故填expect/hope。
10. wish【解析】句意:我相信你的_____将会实现。分析句子结构可知,空前有形容词性物主代词your,此处应填名词。根据空后“come true”可知,此处表示愿望会实现。故填wish。
Group 4
1. myself【解析】句意:在我有空的时候,我要么和我的朋友们去钓鱼要么_______去钓鱼。根据空前“either with my friends or”可知,此处指要么和朋友一起去钓鱼,要么自己去钓鱼。by oneself独自,单独,为固定搭配。故填myself。
2. boring【解析】句意:我认为那很_______。分析句子结构可知,此处应填形容词。根据下文“You just sit there for a whole day and do nothing.”可知,此处指无聊的。故填boring。
3. nature【解析】句意:我喜欢钓鱼因为它可以让我感觉到与_______连接。分析句子结构可知,此处应填名词。根据空后“You’re surrounded (围绕) by lots of trees, plants and beautiful butterflies.”可知,此处指与自然相连接。故填nature。
4. catch【解析】句意:当你_______鱼的时候,你可以放了它们,因为你不能把它们带出水面。分析句子结构可知,此处应填动词。根据空后“you can let them go because you can’t take them out of the water.”可知,此处指抓到鱼,且时态为一般现在时,主语you后应用动词原形。故填catch。
5. focus【解析】句意:坐在水边帮助我更容易_______在一件事情上,这对我的生活和学习有好处。分析句子结构可知,此处应填动词。根据空后“one thing”及常识可知,此处指集中注意力于一件事情上,focus on专注于……,为固定搭配;help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事。故填 (to) focus。
6. interests【解析】句意:当我去钓鱼的时候,我喜欢和那些和我有相似的_______和爱好的朋友们一起去。分析句子结构可知,此处应填名词。根据空后“hobbies”可知,此处指兴趣爱好,且此处应用名词的复数形式与hobbies并列。故填interests。
7. spread【解析】句意:所以我今年和我的朋友们开设了一个俱乐部来_______善良。分析句子结构可知,此处应填动词。根据空前“I did community service”可知,此处指传播善良,且动词不定式to后应用动词原形。故填spread。
8. what【解析】句意:我们有一句话:“在这个世界上,无论你是_______,都要善良。”分析句子结构可知,此处考查让步状语从句。根据空后“you can be, be kind”可知,此处应用关系词what,构成no matter what来引导让步状语从句。故填what。
9. better【解析】句意:小的举动可以让这个世界成为一个_______地方。分析句子结构可知,此处应填形容词。根据下文“We usually pick up rubbish in the park and street, feed some homeless animals like cats and dogs and do some other volunteer work.”可知,此处指小事会让这个世界成为一个更美好的地方。故填better。
10. late【解析】句意:今天太_______,我要回家了。分析句子结构可知,此处应填形容词。根据下文“And I will tell you the exact time tomorrow.”可知,此处指的是今天太晚了。故填late。
Group 5
1. especially【解析】句意:我总是感觉不舒服,________吃饭的时候。分析句子结构可知,此处应填副词。根据空后“when having a meal”可知,此处应是特指某一种情境,especially符合语境。故填especially。
2. pick【解析】句意:我可以把他们________除了吗?分析句子结构可知,此处应填动词。根据下文“When you want to remove the spacers, do 4.________ to keep your hands busy.”可知,此处指想把牙套取出来,pick sth. out把某物取出,为固定搭配。空前有情态动词can,因此动词应用原形。故填pick。
3. health【解析】句意:我知道你感觉不舒服,但是为了你牙齿的________,你不得不忍受它们。分析句子结构可知,此处应填名词。根据下文 “...prevent your teeth from getting bad.”可知,此处指为了牙齿的健康,health符合语境。故填health。
4. something【解析】句意:当你想摘掉牙套的时候,做________来让你的手忙起来。分析句子结构可知,此处应填名词。根据下文“Draw, write or play basketball. You can even try sitting on your hands!”可知,此处指做一些事情,something符合语境。故填something。
5. free【解析】句意:我这周六有________。分析句子结构可知,此处应填形容词。根据下文“We can go to the 6.______ if there’s any way to make the spacers more comfortable.”可知,此处指空闲的,free符合语境。故填free。
6. dentist/doctor【解析】句意:我们可以去看________,看是否有一些让牙套戴起来更舒服的方法。分析句子结构可知,此处应填名词。根据下文“You can also ask him how the spacers work and what they are doing for your teeth.”可知,此处指看牙医/医生。go to the dentist/doctor去看牙医/医生。故填dentist/doctor。
7. easier【解析】句意:一旦你知道了它们的目的,你会发现带它们________。分析句子结构可知,此处应填形容词。根据空前“Once you know their purpose...”可知,此处指更容易适应牙套,此处指前后作对比,应用形容词的比较级,easy的比较级easier符合语境。故填easier。
8. often【解析】句意:更加________刷你的牙齿。分析句子结构可知,此处应填副词。根据下文“It’s a basic way to prevent your teeth from getting bad.”及常识可知,要经常刷牙,often符合语境。故填often。
9. candies【解析】句意:更重要的是,不要吃太多甜的________,否则你的牙有一天会疼的。分析句子结构可知,此处应填名词。根据空前“sweet”及空后“or your teeth will hurt someday”可知,此处指糖果,且too many后应用可数名词的复数形式,candies符合语境。故填candies。
10. protect【解析】句意:________我们的牙齿何时都不晚。分析句子结构可知,此处应填动词。根据下文“If you keep my words in mind, you will get rid of these spacers soon.”可知,此处指保护牙齿永远都不晚。protect符合语境,不定式to后应用动词原形。故填protect。
Group 6
1. but【解析】句意:我想更有效率地学习,_______我的时间管理能力很差。分析句子结构可知,前后分句为两个结构完整的句子,此处缺少连词。根据逻辑关系可知,此处为转折关系,表示我想更有效率地学习,但我的时间管理能力很差。故填but。
2. better/good【解析】句意:也许使用番茄时间管理法,你就能________规划你的时间。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少形容词。根据上文“I want to study more efficiently (高效地),
1. ________ I’m terrible at time management.”可知,此处应是表示也许使用番茄时间管理法,你就能(更)擅长规划你的时间。be good at sth. 擅长某事,为固定搭配。故填better/good。
3. useful/helpful【解析】句意:它是我正在使用的一种________时间管理方法。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少形容词作定语。根据下文“Since I used this method, I have been able to review more 6. ________ than before. This allows me to have more free time.”可知,此处应是表示它是我正在使用的一种有用的/有帮助的时间管理方法。故填useful/helpful。
4. created【解析】句意:一位名叫Cirillo的大学生________它。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少动词作谓语。根据下文“He was used to 5. ________ his reading speed with a tomato-shaped kitchen timer.”可知,此处应是表示一位名叫Cirillo的大学生创造了它。由于此处是发生在过去的事情,因此本句时态应用一般过去时,空处需填动词的过去式。故填created。
5. recording【解析】句意:他习惯用一个西红柿形状的厨房计时器________自己的阅读速度。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少动词。此处考查固定搭配be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事。根据空后“his reading speed with a tomato-shaped kitchen timer”可知,此处应是表示他习惯用一个西红柿形状的厨房计时器记录自己的阅读速度。故填recording。
6. quickly【解析】句意:自从我用了这个方法后,我的复习速度比以前更_______。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少副词。根据下文“This allows me to have more free time.”可知,此处应是表示自从用了这个方法后,“我”的复习速度比以前更快了。故填quickly。
7. break/rest【解析】句意:这种方法需要25分钟的集中学习,接着_______5分钟。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少名词。根据下文“The last five minutes is for fun.”可知,此处应是表示这种方法需要25分钟的集中学习,接着休息5分钟,空前有不定冠词a。故填break/rest。
8. rings【解析】句意:至于第三步,只需关注你的任务,直到计时器_______。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少从句的谓语。根据空前“until the timer”可知,此处应是表示只需关注你的任务,直到计时器响起。本句时态为一般现在时,从句主语为the timer,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填rings。
9. hours【解析】句意:那么,如果我有一个任务需要两个_______以上的时间,我该怎么办呢?分析句子结构可知,空处需填可数名词复数形式。根据下文“You just repeat the process four times.”可知,此处应是表示如果我有一个任务需要两小时以上的时间。故填hours。
10. advice/suggestion【解析】句意:希望我的________能帮到你!分析句子结构可知,空前为形容词性物主代词,空处需填名词。根据对话内容可知,此对话中Peter向Lucy分享了使用番茄时间管理法来提升时间管理的这一建议。故填advice/suggestion。
Group 7
1. problem 【解析】句意:对我来说,这是一个大_______。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少名词作表语。根据语境并结合空后的“I could only sleep six hours at night.”可知,此处指对自己来说是一个大问题。空前有a,空处应用可数名词单数形式。故填problem。
2. important/necessary【解析】句意:好的睡眠习惯对健康是________。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少形容词。根据空后“You have to make sure you get enough sleep.”可知,此处应是表示好的睡眠习惯是重要的/必要的。故填important/necessary。
3. lose【解析】句意:如果不是,青少年可能会________对学习的兴趣。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少谓语动词。根据语境和常识可知,睡眠不足会让学生失去对学习的兴趣。空前有情态动词may,空处应用动词原形。故填lose。
4. age【解析】句意:根据我的生活经验,睡眠时间取决于________。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少宾语。根据下文“My grandparents always go to bed at about 11:00 p.m. and get up
5. _______ at 5:00 a.m.”可知,此处应是表示睡眠时间取决于年龄。故填age。
5. early【解析】句意:我的祖父母总是十一点上床睡觉,早上五点________起床。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少副词。根据空后“at 5:00 a.m.”可知,此处应是表示起床早。故填early。
6. because【解析】句意:许多青少年可能睡眠不足_______他们的生物钟开始改变了。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少连词。根据空前后两分句句意可知,空前为结果,空后为原因,空处应用because来引导原因状语从句。故填because。
7. rest/sleep【解析】句意:当你十岁的时候,你的身体在八点或者九点的时候告诉你你累了,然后提醒你去_______。根据空前“your body might tell you that you’re tired”可知,此处应是指提醒“你”去休息或睡觉。remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事,为固定用法,空处应用动词原形。故填rest/sleep。
8. need【解析】句意:有一件不幸的事情,世界上许多学校开始上课的时间不满足学生对睡眠的_______。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少名词作宾语。结合上文提到的学生对睡眠时间的需求可知,此处指满足学生对睡眠的需求。故填need。
9. changed【解析】句意:一些中学甚至已经因为这个_______学校规则。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少谓语动词。根据下文“Instead of starting at 7: 30 a. m., for example, they are starting around 8:30.”可推知,此处应是表示改变了学校规则。此处句子时态为现在完成时,且have已给出,空处应用动词的过去分词。故填changed。
10. useful/helpful【解析】句意:我认为我也应该尝试一些_______方式更快地进入睡眠。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少形容词作定语。根据下文“You can try to breathe slowly and deeply. Remember that just empty your mind and focus on your breathing.”可知,此处指有用的方法。故填useful/helpful。
Group 8
1. activity【解析】句意:辩论对我来说是一个非常令人激动和有趣的_______。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少名词。根据上文“I join a debate (辩论) club in our school”可知,此处表示辩论是一个有趣的活动。故填activity。
2. unless【解析】句意:________你加入它,你将不能知道它的乐趣。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少连词。根据空前后两分句句意可知,此处应用unless引导条件状语从句。故填unless。
3. (to) express【解析】句意:辩论还可以帮助他们用组织好的语言________她们自己。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少动词。根据空后“with organized words”可知,此处应表示表达自己。help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事,空处应用动词原形。故填express。
4. discuss/share【解析】句意:它给了我机会去________有趣的事情,去了解其他的观点并且让我的声音被听见。根据空后的“learn other points of view and make my voice heard”可推知,此处应表示讨论/分享有趣事情的机会。分析句子结构可知,此处为动词不定式作后置定语修饰名词chance,空处应用动词原形。故填discuss/share。
5. teams/groups【解析】句意:根据我所听到的,在一场组织有序的辩论中,有两支________,他们会被给予一个主题并告知他们属于哪一方。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少名词作表语。根据下文“Then both sides prepare a speech”并结合常识可知,此处指有两支队伍,且空处应用可数名词复数形式。故填teams/groups。
6. opinions/reasons【解析】句意:在剩余的时间里,两队轮流发言,表达他们的想法和_______来反驳另一方。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少名词。根据空后“to argue against the other side”可知,此处应表示表达观点/理由,根据空前的thoughts可知,空处应用可数名词复数形式。故填opinions/reasons。
7. collect【解析】句意:根据你说的,我认为_______信息肯定很重要,因为你必须为你即将要讲的和如何反驳其他人准备充分。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少动词。根据空后的“information”可推知,此处应表示收集信息。空处应用动词原形。故填collect。
8. good/perfect/better【解析】句意:如果你想有一个_______的表现,这是非常有必要的。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少形容词作定语。根据空后“performance”可知,此处应表示(更)好的/完美的表现。故填good/perfect/better。
9. possible【解析】句意:有时候,为一些你不同意的观点而辩论也是______。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少形容词。根据下文“But that’s all part of the fun and will help you to consider other people’s points of view.”可知,此处应表示这是有可能的。故填possible。
10. clearly【解析】句意:你需要________讲话以让别人知道你的想法,但不要大喊。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少副词。根据空后的“to let others get your idea”可知,此处指清楚地讲话。故填clearly。
Group 9
1. minutes【解析】句意:还有二十 就八点了。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少名词。根据下句 “I have waited for the Bus No.82 for half an hour, but it didn’t come.”可知,此处指还有二十分钟就八点了。空前是twenty,此处应用可数名词复数。故填minutes。
2. remember/hear【解析】句意:但是我______你家去年才买了一辆新车。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少动词。根据下句“Why not ask your father to drive you to school in the morning ”可知,此处表示我记得/听说你家去年才买了一辆新汽车。故填remember/hear。
3. instead【解析】句意:但我通常乘公共汽车去学校,有时我甚至骑自行车______坐车。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少副词。根据句意可知,此处考查固定搭配“instead of”代替,而不是。故填instead。
4. bad【解析】句意:但是它对我们的环境有______。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少形容词。根据下文“the earth has been polluted 6. ”可知,此处表示它对环境有害,be bad for... 对……有害,为固定搭配。故填bad。
5. prefer【解析】句意:比起开车,他们______骑车或使用公共交通工具。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少动词。根据句意及空后动词的形式可知,此处表示使用了“prefer doing sth. to doing sth.”句式,表示“比起……更喜欢……”。故填prefer。
6. seriously【解析】句意:你知道的,一些研究表明因为汽车产生的废气,地球已经被______污染了。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少副词。根据上下文语境可知,此处表示已经被严重污染。故填seriously。
7. exercise【解析】句意:如今,大多数学生没有时间去______因为他们忙于学习。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少名词。根据下文中的“to do sports to keep health”可知,此处表示锻炼。故填exercise。
8. provides【解析】句意:骑车上下学给他们______运动的机会以保持健康而不耗费任何额外的时间。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少动词。根据句意可知,此处表示提供机会,provide sb. with sth.给某人提供某物,为固定搭配。主语是“Cycling”,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填provides。
9. better/more beautiful【解析】句意:如果每个人都参与到保护环境中来,我相信我们的地球会变得比之前______。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少形容词。根据句意可知,此处表示地球会变得更好/更美丽,根据than可知,此处应用形容词比较级。故填better/more beautiful。
10. decision/choice【解析】句意:你做了一个正确的_____。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少名词作宾语。根据上文“And I will take buses or ride bicycles to school, too. I believe our earth will be 9. than before if everyone plays a part in protecting the environment.”可知,此处表示做了一个正确的决定/选择。空前有冠词a,此处应用名词的单数形式。故填decision/choice。
Group 10
1. followed【解析】句意:然后我 我的父母来到这儿。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少谓语动词。根据下文中的“They moved to London for work”可知,此处应是表示跟随父母来到这儿,结合上一句中的“spent”可知,此处时态为一般过去时。故填followed。
2. study/learn【解析】句意:他们搬到伦敦工作,所以我不得不来到这里在一个新的学校 。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少非谓语动词。根据空后的“at a new school”可知,此处表示来到新的学校学习,to后应跟动词原形。故填study/learn。
3. strange/new【解析】句意:哇,这么小的年纪就来到一个谁都不认识的 地方,一定是个不小的挑战。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少形容词作定语。根据句中的“without knowing anyone at such a young age”可知,此处应是表示来到一个陌生的/新的地方。故填strange/new。
4. Maybe/Perhaps【解析】句意: 我会留在这儿。分析句子结构可知,此处不缺成分,可填副词。根据上文中“‘Will you go back to the U.S. in the future’”及上句“I don’t know yet.”可知,此处应是表示Jack可能会留在这里。注意句首单词首字母应大写。故填Maybe/Perhaps。
5. choices/chances【解析】句意:这样,我在找工作的时候就会有更多的 。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少名词作宾语。根据上文“I want to work at a university. And there are more universities here in London than in New York.”可知,此处应是表示Jack在找工作的时候会有更多的选择/机会。故填choices/chances。
6. completely/totally【解析】句意:你看起来已经 习惯并喜欢伦敦的生活了。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少副词。根据上文及句意可知,此处应是表示Jack似乎已经完全习惯并喜欢上了伦敦的生活。故填completely/totally。
7. differences【解析】句意:两个城市的生活质量有什么 吗?分析句子结构可知,此处缺少名词作表语。根据答语中谈到伦敦和纽约生活质量的差异可知,此处应是表示不同,根据句中的“are”可知,应填名词复数。故填differences。
8. lower【解析】句意:但是那儿的生活质量比伦敦 。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少形容词作表语。根据上文“I’ve read somewhere that the average salary (平均工资) in New York is higher.”可知,此处应是表示虽然纽约的平均工资比伦敦更高,但生活质量却更低,空后有than,此处应用形容词比较级。故填lower。
9. cost【解析】句意:但是生活 也高。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少名词。根据上句“London has more universities and affordable public health-care.”可知,此处应是表示虽然伦敦有更多的大学和可负担得起的公共医疗保健服务,但生活成本也很高。故填cost。
10. protect【解析】句意:它对 我们的环境确实有帮助。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少动词。根据上文“This city has many parks and about eight million trees.”可知,此处应是表示对保护环境有帮助,空前有不定式to,空处应用动词原形。故填protect。

  • 2024中考英语复习二轮专题特训 题型一 完成对话 (含详细解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月22日  所属分类:作业答案