Unit 1 What’s the matter (Section B 1a-1d)单词语法专练

Unit 1 What’s the matter 同步练习
Section B 1a-1d第1课时
1. Mike hurt _________ (him) while playing soccer on the playground yesterday.
2. If you don't feel well, you should take some _________ (medicine), and then you will feel better.
3. He took _________ (he) temperature this morning and found he had a fever.
4. _________ (press) the doorbell and then someone will open the door for you.
5. If you are tired,you can take _________ (break) for a while.
1. --- Please don’t throw paper on the ground. --- ______, I won't.
A. Excuse me B. That's all right C. Sorry D. It doesn't matter
2. Many people ______ all the money to buy houses in big cities.
A. ate up B. ran out C. ran of D. ran out of
3. ---I'll have a tennis game tomorrow. I'm a little nervous.
---Believe in ______. You are the best in your club .
A. herself B. myself C. yourself D.himself
4. You ______ take photos here. Can’t you see the sign “No Photos”
A. won't B. shan't C. mustn’t D. needn’t
5. ---What happened to Jim --- He got a hit ______ head
A. in the B. in a C. on the D. on a
Today ________ a really busy day in my office. One boy ________ himself in P.E. class. He
felt sick and ________ down because of the hot sun. He cut his knee. I ________ the cut and put some medicine ________ it. Then I put a bandage on it. I also ________ his temperature. Luckily he didn't have a ________.
One girl had a ________. I told her to put her head ________ and press the sides of her nose
to stop the blood. Another boy got hit on the head ________ a baseball bat. He was taken to the hospital to________ an X-ray. I hope that everyone can be careful and take good ________ of their body. 四、完成句子。(每题不超过4个单词)
Teachers often tell us ________________ class.
2. Mr.Smith 嗓子哑了,不能说话。(lose)
Mr Smith had a sore throat and ________________.
3. Lily 昨晚头疼得很厉害。(hurt)
Lily's head ________________ last night .
4. ---他怎么啦
--- What's the matter with him
--- He ate some bad food and ________________.
5. 我们常常听到一群鸟在树上唱歌。(sing)
We often hear some birds ________________ the tree.
Jim is a little boy who stays with his grandma. He likes sweets and cakes. He always eats some
food with sweets before he goes to bed. And as soon as he gets up in the morning, he can find some cakes on the table in his bedroom.
One morning, before Jim got up, his grandma took some cakes to his bedroom. She saw Jim
crying in bed.
“What's the matter, dear ” his grandma asked in a hurry. “I've a bad toothache,” said Jim.
So his grandma had to take him to the dentist s. Jim was looked over and the dentist pulled out
the bad tooth for him at last.
Two days later Jim felt better and went back to school. Mrs. Hunt asked, “What was the matter with you those days, Jim ”
“I had a bad toothache, madam," answered Jim.
“Oh, I'm sorry to hear that,” said Mrs. Hunt. “Is it better now ” “I don't know, madam. It was
left with the dentist."
1. Who does Jim live with
2. When does Jim eat some food with sweets
3. What was the matter with Jim one morning
4. How long was Jim away from school
Unit 1 What’s the matter 同步练习
Section B 1a-1d第2课时
1. 流鼻血 ______________ 2. 用水冲洗它 ______________
3. 感到恶心 ______________ 4. 进来 ______________
5. 伤到自己 ______________ 6. tell sb. to do sth. ______________
1. I had a headache,so the doctor asked me to get a(n) _________.
2. I felt _________, so my mother took me to see a doctor.
3. Don't stand in the sun for too long,or you may have a(n) _________.
4. Bob hurt his right _________ while running, but there was nothing serious.
5. Tony cut his hand. The doctor put a(n) _________ on it.
1. You may have _________ stomachache if you drink too much cold water.
2. Last week, he fell _________ from his bike and broke his leg. hap
3. If you have a nosebleed,you should put you head _________ first.
4. I will go to the hospital to get an X-ray, because something is wrong _________ my knees.
5. Jack got hit _________ the head and was taken to the hospital.
Now and then we all get ill. Then we usually go to see a doctor. Doctors know a lot about what makes us ill.They may give us some medicine to take. 1______
But sometimes the doctor's medicine doesn't work. A sick person does not get well 2______ This happened to one man.He was in hospital,but he wasn't well.Then he found a new “doctor” inside himself. This “doctor” was his own sense of humor (幽默感). He saw funny films. He read funny books. And something wonderful happened. 3_______ Then he was able to sleep and rest. His own happy feelings helped him to feel well again. And he told his story in a book. He said that laughing was his best “medicine”. His doctor thought so, too.
Another man was ill,and he had a terrible pain in his back. 4______ So the man began to “picture” his pain. In his brain he “drew” a picture of a dog. He imagined it as a real dog. And it was biting (咬) his back. It was hurting him.Then the man talked softly to the dog. He put his hand on the dog's head. He made friends with the dog. And his pain went away.
5______ But more and more people are this getting well in this way. So call on the “doctor”
inside your own head, and stay healthy and happy.
A. The pain or hurt won't go away.
B. Laughing took away his pain.
C. The medicine often makes us well again.
D. The doctors could not stop it from hurting.
E.These stories may surprise you.
One morning, when Tom woke up, he had a bad 1_________ and a sore throat. Tom went to the clinic (诊所). There were a lot of people 2_________ in a room, and Tom had to wait for a long time before seeing the doctor. At last, the doctor was free and the nurse showed Tom into the doctor's room.
“Sit down, please,” the doctor said. “What's the 3_________ with you ” “Well,” Tom said, “I have a bad headache and a sore throat, and I can't stop sneezing(打喷嚏).” “You've just got a cold,” the doctor said. “There's no cure (治愈) for it. I'm sorry, but I can't give you anything that will make it 4_________. Just go home, drink a lot of hot water, and take 5_________ for a few days.” Tom was not happy.
“There must be 6_________ you can give me, doctor,” he said. “I don't want to be like this for several days.” The doctor thought for a moment. Then he said, “OK. Go home and get into a hot shower. Stay in it for half an hour 7_________ the water is cold. Then put on your swimming suit and run around the streets until you are really cold. Then lie 8_________ on the grass.” Tom was 9_________.
“But doctor,” he said, “if I 10_________ what you are telling me, I’ll get pneumonia(肺炎). That's much more serious than an ordinary(普通的) cold.” “I know,” the doctor said, “but there's a cure for pneumonia.”
A: Good morning, young boy. 1_________________________________
B: Good morning, doctor. I don't feel well. I have a headache.
A: Do you have a fever
B: 2_________________________________. My mother took my temperature just now. She said it was OK.
A: Oh, I think you may have a cold.
B: 3_________________________________
A: You should drink much hot water.
B: OK. What else should I do
A: Well, you should also go to bed early and have a good rest.
B: 4_________________________________
A: Yes. It's nothing serious, so you can go to school tomorrow.
B: 5_________________________________.
A: You're welcome.
nosebleed, X-ray, bandage, knee, sick
surprise, good, something,wait, do, break, down, headache, until, matter

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发布日期:2023年12月22日  所属分类:作业答案