Unit 5 hat were you doing when the rainstorm came Section A 1a-2d单词语法专练(无答案共2课时)人教版八年级下册

Unit 5 What were you doing when…同步练习
Section A 1a-2d第1课时
1.She was looking at me in a very (奇怪的)way.
2.Mike (打败)me in the 100-meter race yesterday.
3.The weather in this (地区)is warm in spring. 4.Are these news (报道) true
5.We (开始)to read half an hour ago.
6.We     (plant) many trees last year.
7.It began to rain outside while Tom     (have) supper.
8.My sister   still   (watch) TV when I   (go) to bed last night.
9.Are you      (kid) It’s impossible to finish so much work in such short time.
10.I helped the old man     (stand) up and     (take) him to hospital.
My sister was watching TV w she was having supper.
My mother was cooking in the k when I got home yesterday.
When the rainstorm s came, what were you doing
He is a s man.
My a didn’t go off, so I got up late.
1. Father still (sleep) when I (get) up yesterday morning.
2. Grandma (cook) breakfast while I (wash) my face this morning.
3. Mother (sweep) the floor when I (leave) home.
4. The students (have) a biology class when the visitors (come).
5. The driver (drive) home when it (rain) last night.
6. Some students from Class Four (play) basketball when I (see) them on the playground.
Doctor Liu was on duty last night. He still (work) in the hospital at 10:00 pm.
7. The street seller (sell) clothes when he (find) a purse on the ground.
8. Mr Wang spends a lot of time writing his novel every day. He still (work) at midnight last night.
9. I (read) a history book when someone (knock) at the door.
1. My brother came back home while I homework.
A. am doing B. were doing C. was doing D. are doing
2. --I went to see you yesterday evening. But you weren’t in. Where were you then
--I a walk by the lake with my husband.
A. was having B. am having C. have had D. had
3. It heavily when I left the cinema.
A. rains B.will rain C. is raining D. was raining
4. --Why didn’t you go to the cinema with us this afternoon
--I at the station for my uncle.
A. was waiting B. have waited C. am waiting D. will wait
5. I met a friend of mine I was walking in the park.
A. before B. when C. after D. if
1. 老师走进教室时,吉姆正在黑板上画画。
2. 我回家时爷爷正在看报。
3. 昨天上午下雨时,我们正在家看电视。
4. 你昨天晚上8点钟在干什么?
Unit 5 What were you doing when…同步练习
Section A 1a-2d第2课时
1. 去上班
2. 等公共汽车
3. 步行回家
4. 发出响声
5. 洗澡
6. 在街上
7. 打篮球
8. 做作业
9. 接电话
10. 在厨房
二 单项选择题:
1. Don’t go out, it is raining ___.
A. hardly B. heavily C. heavy D. big
2. Mrs. Jones    in the garden at this time yesterday.
A.worked B.was working C.will work D.works
3. He found a key on the ground and ___.
A. pick it up B. pick it out C. picked up D. picked it up
4. I’m sorry I didn’t answer your call because I    online.
A.was studying B.studied C.am studying D.studies
5. She doesn’t ___ staying at home alone.
A. want B. would like C. feel like D. decide
6.The manager of the hotel was waiting at the gate    the guests arrived.
A.while B.when C.unless D.after
7.What book ____ you ______ when I ____ you at four yesterday afternoon
A. did, read, was seeing B. did, read, saw
C. were, reading, saw D. were, reading, was seeing
8. She    an English magazine when I came in.
A.reads B.is reading C.will read D.was reading
9.While mother _______ some washing, I _____ a kite for Kate.
A. did, made B. was doing, made
C. was doing, was making D. did, was making
10. — Did you see Dorothy She just came back from abroad.
— Yes. But she    someone, so I nodded(点头) to her and went away.
A.phones B.is phoning C.was phoning D.will phone
三、 完成句子:
1. 她没犯任何错误就做完了所有练习。
She finished doing all the exercises __________ _________ mistakes.
2. 昨晚七点到八点他们在看电视。
They     TV from seven to eight last night.
3. 当老师开始喊我的名字时,我的心跳很快。
When the teacher started to call out my name, my heart _________ ____________so quickly.
4. 我进教室的时候学生们正在讨论物理竞赛。
The students     the physics competition  I came into the classroom.
5. 当她的朋友们在游泳时,她在做什么
What  she     her friends     
A: 1.___
B: I was flying a kite.
A: 2.___
B: By the river. A lot of children were flying kites there ,too.
A: It blew yesterday, didn’t it
B: 3.___ It was good weather for flying a kite.
A: 4.___
B: Lucy and Lily. They both bought two new kites and got there earlier than I did.A: Did you enjoy yourselves yesterday
B: 5.___
A. Who helped you to mend the kite
B. What were you doing yesterday afternoon
C. Who did you fly kites with
D. Yes, but the wind wasn’t strong.
E. Were you very busy yesterday
F. Where did you fly the kite
G. Yes, we did. We played there for about three hours.

  • Unit 5 hat were you doing when the rainstorm came Section A 1a-2d单词语法专练(无答案共2课时)人教版八年级下册已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月22日  所属分类:作业答案