
1-5 BABBC 6-10 ACBCB 11-15 BCABA 16-20 BCBBC
21-23 BCC 24-27 CCBB 28-31 CAAC 32-36 ECABD
37.Benson Lossing.
39.When he was cleaning old boxes in his house.
40.Inside a display case at the library.
41-45 ABCCB 46-50 BABAC
51.driving 52.men 53.their 54.are required 55.in 56.but 57.unusual 58.
to eat 59.An 60.follow
61.they weren't allowed to use their mobile phones.
62.We know that not everyone will support the ban,
1.W:Hey,Jack!Your hair is too long.You should have your hair cut.
M:I see.I'll do that this afternoon.
2.W:Dad,can I ride my bike to Grandma's house tomorrow
M:Yes,but I'll ride my bike and go with you.I'm worried about your safety.
3.M:Tina,do your parents support you in becoming a singer when you grow up
W:Not really.They want me to be a pianist like my grandpa.
4.M:Who do the earrings belong to Are they Susan's
W:No.Susan hasn't got her ears pierced.They are Susan's mom's.
5.W:Did you find a part-time job,Marcus
M:Yes,in a restaurant.But I only work on Sundays.I'm not allowed to work part-time
from Mondays to Saturdays.
M:Sandy,would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight
W:I'm sorry,Ben.I'm not allowed to go out on school nights.
M:What about the day after tomorrow It's a Friday.
W:Oh,sure.What kind of movie would you like to watch
M:A comedy.
W:Do you know Lin Gang,the boy in the eighth grade
M:Sure.He is the running star in our school.He runs even faster than the students in the
ninth grade.
W:It is said that he is not on our school team anymore.
neve.rtorc book w chekedyrtued to the
According to Chris Kreiden,direetor of the ibythe name of the bookisAr
library by a mystery man this May.
how did this book make itsway back o the rary nearlycenury terIstared
the United States and it was written by Benson Lossing.
witha mystery:A mn returned the book without levingany informtion.In the book,a
library worker found alibrary note with the date"Februry 21.1927On the back of the
book,another note reads,"This book may be kept for two weeks."
What places had the book been to Who had it been with These questions didn't stay
unanswered for long.The mystery was solved after Kreiden shared the story with the local
newspaper.That's when Jim Perry who returned the book saw it was making headlines.
"I didn't know how special it was,"said Perry.He explained that he found the book while
cleaning old boxes in his house.He said the book had been in his family for five generations
(and was probably checked out by his grandfather-in-law.
Now the book is kept inside a display case()at the library,reminding people of a
simple yet important message:It's never too late to return your library book.
37.Who wrote the book A History of the United States
38.Did the man leave any information when he returned the book
39.When did Perry find the book
40.Where is the book kept now
Are all inventors scientists No.Anyone can make an invention.All it takes is a good
41 and some hard work.That's what happened to Murray Spangler in 1907.
Spangler was a cleaner at astore.He started to42every night after the store closed.
He liked his job,but it was a lo of work to clean all that space.He was43.He wished
tothink of better wayo thesror Each night as he worked,he thought about
what kind of a machine he coul make.After a while,he some ideas.He got a group
of things likenod box and ra(电风扇).Then he fitted(安装)them together.He
tried his invention at home.It worked!With great45,he took it to the store.

  • 湖南省邵阳市2023-2024九年级上学期第一次联考英语试题(含答案听力音频)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月22日  所属分类:作业答案