Unit 7 Would you like a pie?阅读强化专项卷(含答案)

Hello. My name is Mike. I’m 10. I like cakes and cola(可乐). I like black and blue. This is Miss Li. She likes red and white. She likes pies and sweets. This is my friend Ben. He likes yellow. He likes ice creams and hot dogs.
( )1.Mike is 12.
( )2.Mike likes red and blue.
( )3.Miss Li likes pies and sweets.
( )4.Ben likes blue.
( )5.Ben likes ice creams and hot dogs.
One day Mr. and Mrs.White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White can’t open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and shouts, “What are you doing with my car ” Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the car’s number and they are frozen there. It isn’t their car.
( )1.Mr. and Mrs. White drive for _______.
A.fishing B.shopping C.business
( )2.They stop their car _______.
A.at the parking spot B.near the sea C.near the store
( )3.They want to put the things _______.
A.in a big bag B.in their car C.in others car
( )4.Mr. White can’t open the car, so _______.
A.they walk home B.they ask a policeman to help C.they call a taxi
( )5.The car _______ their car.
A.isn’t B.is C.are
Shop assistant: Welcome! Can I help you
Mike: I’d like an ice cream.
Helen: I’d like a hot dog. Would you like a hot dog, Liu Tao
Liu Tao: No, thank you.
Helen: What about a pie
Liu Tao: Yes, please.
Shop assistant: What about you, girl
Yang Ling: I’d like a hot dog. I’d like a sweet, too.
( )1.Mike would like ________.
A.a hot dog B.a sweet C.an ice cream
( )2.Liu Tao would like ________.
A.a pie B.a hot dog C.a sweet
( )3.Helen and Yang Ling both (两个都) would like ________.
A.a pie B.a hot dog C.an ice ream
Waitress(女服务员): Good morning. Can I help you
Mr Brown: Yes. I’d like a hot dog. What would you like, Helen
Helen: An ice cream, please.
Mr Brown: What about a pie, Tim
Tim: Yes, please.
Mr Brown: OK. Would you like an egg, Mike
Mike: No, Dad. A cake, please.
Waitress: OK. Here you are. Anything else
Mike: No, thank you.
( )1.Mr Brown would like a pie.
( )2.Helen would like an ice cream.
( )3.Tim would like a cake.
( )4.Mike would like an egg.
( )5.They are in the classroom.
Liu Tao: Would you like a cake, a hot dog and a pie, Mike and Helen
Helen: Yes, please.
Mike: No, thank you.
Liu Tao: What about an egg, a sweet and an ice cream
Mike: Yes, please. What about you, Liu Tao
Liu Tao: I’d like a hot dog, an ice cream and a pie.
cake hot dog egg sweet ice cream pie
Liu Tao
M=Mike L=Liu Tao W=Waitress (女服务员)
M: Would you like a hot dog
L: Yes, please. How about you, Mike
M: I’d like an egg and a pie.
W: OK! Here you are.
M: Wow! A red egg.
L: Yes, and a green pie.
W: And the hot dog is orange. It’s nice.
( )1.Mike would like a hot dog.
( )2.Liu Tao would like a cake and an egg.
( )3.The egg is red.
( )4.The pie is blue.
( )5.The hot dog is orange.
A=Amy S=Su Hai W=Waitress (女服务员)
A: Would you like a hot dog
S: Yes, Please. How about you, Amy
A: I'd like a pie and an egg.
W: OK! Here you are.
A: Wow! A red hot dog.
S: Yes, and a green pie.
W: And the egg is blue. It's nice.
( )1.Amy would like a hot dog.
( )2.Su Hai would like a pie and an ice cream.
( )3.The hot dog is red.
( )4.The pie is orange.
( )5.The egg is blue.
三、CA B
五、Mike:egg;sweet ;ice cream
Helen:cake;hot dog; pie
Liu Tao:hot dog ;ice cream;pie

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发布日期:2023年12月22日  所属分类:作业答案