
1.全卷满分90分。考试时间为100分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
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第I卷(选择题 共56分)
从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1.—What do you think of ________ honest boy I talked about yesterday
—Personally speaking, as ________ university student, he needs to be energetic.
A.an, a B.an, the C.the, a D.the, an
2.You can travel or read to make sure ________ your body ________ spirit is on the way.
A.neither; nor B.either; or C.both; and D.not; but
3.After Steven sent some e-mails, he surfing the Internet.
A.starts B.has started C.will start D.started
4.Although a great deal of money ________ at the charity show last month, the cost of living in the poor area ________ quickly, so we still need to do much work to help the poor people.
A.was raised; is rising B.was raised; were raised C.rose; were raised D.rose; has risen
5.I can’t remember ________ exactly Nick left the village. I only remember it was a Sunday.
A.how B.when C.where D.why
6.—The government has a new policy to reduce the students’ pressure.
—It’s great. Homework _______ too much of the students’ spare time.
A.makes up B.takes up C.sets up D.puts up
7.Zoe likes the car very much, but its price goes ________ her ability to pay.
A.among B.against C.below D.beyond
8.—Have you ever heard of intelligent house furnishings(智能家居)
—Yes, and they are ________ used in people’s homes nowadays.
A.certainly B.widely C.quietly D.clearly
9.—Amy, could you tell me ________
—Sorry, dear. I have no idea because I was working in my study.
A.what is Lily like B.where has Sam gone C.who did the washing D.when will Sandy leave
10.— Shall I give you a ride since it’s snowing heavily
A.It couldn’t be better B.Got it C.I can’t agree more D.Don’t mention it
There are many stories and legends(传说)about the history of Chinese New Year. The first and most 11 is the legend of Nian. There are two versions(版本)of it.
As the story goes, there was a monster in ancient times with a body of a bull, a head of a lion, and a horn of a unicorn(麒麟). It was a dangerous animal that lived in the mountains and bunted for a 12 . Towards the end of winter, when there was nothing to eat, Nian would visit the villages and attack and cat whatever it saw, 13 the villagers to live in fear.
One night when Nian came down the mountain, some villagers started fires, put up boards painted bright 14 , and stayed up all night long to make all kinds of loud sounds. When the monster came to the village, the sight in the village makes it so 15 , and it ran back into the mountains. The next morning, the villagers had a big 16 .
The following year, all he villagers came together and 17 that when it was time for Nian’s annual visit, they would start a fire in front of every door, hang a red painted board in front of every house, and not go to sleep 18 rather make noise by the strong beating of drums and gongs(锣), along 19 the heavy use of firecrackers.
In the second version of the legend of Nian, the monster lived at the bottom of the sea most of the year and would only go onto land on the last day of the Chinese lunar calendar to attack and eat both villagers and animals. The villagers learnt from an old man that Nian was afraid of loud noises and the color red, and began setting off fireworks and attaching “couplet” poems on red paper on their 20 door every New Year’s Eve.
Over time all the villagers 21 that the monster Nian was afraid of three things: the bright red color, fire, and noise. Every year they repeated the custom and it has been 22 from generation to generation(代代相传)until today, and thus the custom of Guo Nian was established based on the legends of Nian.
11.A.well-known B.exciting C.stupid D.important
12.A.live B.living C.life D.alive.
13.A.causing B.making C.advising D.pushing
14.A.white B.blue C.red D.black
15.A.scared B.worried C.amazed D.surprised
16.A.celebration B.lunch C.holiday D.laugh
17.A.accepted B.knew C.agreed D.told
18.A.because B.so C.though D.but
19.A.with B.over C.on D.under
20.A.small B.side C.back D.front
21.A.watched B.realized C.wondered D.saw
22.A.passed down B.passed away C.passed out D.passed by
23.The above material is probably from ________.
A.a website for buying books B.a book review
C.a poster in a book shop D.an advertisement in a newspaper
24.If you buy a second-hand hardcover box set from Amazon, you’ll pay ________.
A.$62.99 B.$139.00 C.$88.88 D.$34.35
25.Which is NOT TRUE according to the material
A.People in China can buy this box set from Amazon.
B.The books were written and illustrated by J.K.Rowling.
C.There are all together seven books in this box set.
D.You can read the Kindle eBook on your phone with the free Kindle app.
A travel journal (日志) is one of the best ways to keep a long journey in memory. Many details that don’t seem important while you are writing your travel journal often turn out to be so memorable.
________. When you are on a busy journey, it is easy to forget to write. You may promise yourself that you will write later, but that almost never happens. Take a few minutes every day and put down your memories. It doesn’t have to be long, just on a regular basis (定期).
Use your “down time” for your travel journal. There is a surprising amount of sitting around while traveling. You can always put down a few lines in your travel journal when you are on trains, waiting for planes, drying your clothes or waiting in line.
________. They include the day, where you are, who you are with, maybe even the weather and what you eat. Years later when you read your journal, you will know exactly what you were doing on that day.
________. Listing facts is fine but that isn’t why you travelled. A long journey is a time for careful thoughts. Memories of these feelings disappear quickly with time. Writing about the experiences while the memories are fresh is important.
Keep ticket stubs (存根). Whenever you use a ticket for a train or a museum or a ride. Tape the stubs to your journal. They are pieces of history from your journey. Years later you can look at the ticket stubs and see exactly what you were doing on a specific day and how much it cost.
26.According to the ticket stubs, we can learn the following EXCEPT ________.
A.the costs of our trip B.our feelings at that time
C.the things we were doing D.the places we were visiting
27.What’s the writer’s main purpose of writing the passage
A.To advise us the ways to write a travel journal.
B.To explain the importance of keeping ticket stubs.
C.To tell us the activities that make the journey memorable.
D.To encourage us to have a long journey as often as possible.
28.What’s the correct order of the three missing sentences
1.Never forget to write about how you feel.
2.Get into the habit of writing your travel journal every day.
3.At the beginning, write down the first details people usually forget easily.
A.2→3→1 B.1→3→2 C.3→2→1 D.2→1→3
What is this Japanese ikebana(花道) No, it’s Chinese traditional flower arrangement. They seem similar, but actually differ.
Recalling experiences in flower arrangement competitions abroad, Zhang Yan said her works were often mistaken for ikebana. “Some were quite astonished when I told them I’m from China. We need more publicity on Chinese traditional flower arrangement.”
Zhang Yan first know about flower arrangement in college from an optional course she took. Back then, she never imagined that a single course could be the starting point of her life-long career. Now, she hopes to do her part to introduce the art form to the world.
The art of Chinese traditional flower arrangement has been handed down since 1046 BC. Historical records show it served as offerings at temples, decorations in palaces and art at homes.
“Though it has a long history, the image of flower arrangement is still limited to the bouquets in flower shops,” Zhang said, “If people are familiar with the history of it, they would take pride in its centuries-old history and try to make it well-known.”
As it was included in the second batch of National intangible Cultural Heritage(国家非物质文化遗产), more and more people including Zhang’s own daughter now are learning Chinese traditional flower arrangement. “Whether she makes it her career or not, I hope she can continue to hold an ability to enjoy the beauty around her,” Zhang added.
“Unlike its Western counterpart, Chinese traditional flower arrangement emphasizes(强调) simplicity,” Zhang said. The arranger must decide on what is truly necessary in his or her work and remove the rest. Sometimes learners are moved to tears because they began to reflect on what is truly necessary in their lives. The healing(治疗) effect of Chinese traditional flower arrangement is realized when the arranger come to terms with what they truly want.
In Zhang’s view, there are more to Chinese traditional flower arrangement besides its therapy effects, and the key lies in the exploration of traditional Chinese culture.
“It came from traditional Chinese culture, and it is part of it,” Zhang argued. “Only when it absorbs enough nutrition from traditional Chinese culture can it bloom and be world-known. And our mission now is to inherit and develop traditional Chinese culture.”
29.Which of the following has the similar meaning with “astonished” in Paragraph 2
A.Unhappy B.Surprised C.Nervous D.Excited
30.What do you know about Chinese traditional flower arrangement from the passage
A.It has had a history of 1046 years since it was handed down.
B.When you arrange flowers, you’d better use as many flowers as you can.
C.Zhang’s words show there’s still a long way before making it world-known.
D.In ancient China, it was often used as decorations in many temples and palaces.
31.My friend is a busy office lady under great pressure, what may happen to her after doing flower arrangement according to Paragraph 7
A.She may find it difficult to choose from so many flowers and give up.
B.She is sure to be a master of the flower arrangement.
C.She may find it relaxing and think of running a flower shop.
D.She may reflect on her life and work to make some wise choices.
32.What’s the best title of this passage
A.Traditional Art Form in Danger
B.The History of a Traditional Chinese Art Form
C.Art That Blooms(开花) from Traditional Culture
D.Zhang Yan - A Master of Chinese Traditional Chinese Flower Arrangement
Ever since the earliest people painted on cave walls, we have used art to explore our experiences and what it means to be human. But what if a work of art wasn’t created by a human This is a question that’s being asked more and more as artists begin programming robots to create everything from paintings and sculptures to music and literature.
In 1973, British-born painter Harold Cohen wrote a computer program called AARON. At first, AARON only made simple outlines whose color and details Cohen would later add. Fifty years later, AARON is able to paint people, landscapes and just about anything else a human could paint.
So, can AARON be called an artist or creative In 2010, Cohen explained that although he wrote the first computer code that AARON follows, “AARON can produce unlimited numbers of images.” So according to Cohen, the simple answer is yes, AARON is creative.
It’s not just paintings that robots are creating, though. Last year, a robot called Shimon made its first album(音乐专辑) on Spotify. Built by a team at Georgia Tech’s Center for Music Technology in the US, Shimon began life as a simple robot piano player. Over the years, however, it has learned how to work with other musicians, write songs and compose. Shimon does this by studying much music to know types and then uses that information to create works.
It may be cool to hear a song created by a robot, but is there any other reason to build robots that can play music According to Gil Weinberg, one of Shimon’s creators, because the robot is able to do things that a real musician might not think of, he and his team hope and believe that these new abilities would push human collaborators(合作者) to new directions that could not be achieved in human-to-human teamwork.
Whether or not you believe that art created by robots is just as creative as art created by humans, there’s no doubt that robotic art assistants(助手) could have very good influence on artists. For one, they could cut down the time which an artist needs to do basic parts of art creation.
33.Which of the following is TRUE about ARRON and Shimon
A.All people think ARRON is a great artist.
B.ARRON can paint people and landscapes at first.
C.Shimon is expected to push humans to achieve more.
D.Shimon can do things that human musicians can’t do.
34.Why can the robot be an assistant to help the artists
A.It may do better jobs than those real artists.
B.It can create the art works as well as the real artist.
C.It can make the artists spend less time creating art works than before.
D.It can do some basic parts of the art creations to help artists save time.
35.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage
A.B.C. D.
36.What is the author’s opinion about the robots that create art
A.Supportive. B.Worried. C.Neutral(中立). D.Doubtful.
Growing up in southern China, Liu Bingyao studied yangqin for 20 years before coming to study at Mount Holyoke College. But of course, her primary focus (重点) was always on her schoolwork. 37 .
But then last fall, she founded a Chinese music ensemble (乐团), bringing Chinese music to Massachusetts. 38 , then she took a course in music. “In the class, we talked about music from different parts of the world—India, Africa, Japan, Indonesi—but no one talked about Chinese music,” Liu said. “I thought, I should do something to bring this music to this area.”
“My goal (目标) is to get Chinese music and Chinese instruments onto the stage to show everyone what we have,” she said. “ 39 .”
“Bingyao does not sit around waiting for chances to knock,” Liu’s music professor Greenbaum said. “She learned and explored.”
Of the ensemble’s 14 members, six students play guzheng. Others play pipa and three kinds of Chinese flutes. Liu plays the only yangqin. The ensemble now performs (表演) at campus events.
“Coming to Mount Holyoke, I feel like I’ve got closer to the culture I grew up with,” Liu said. “ 40 .” But now I can see how precious (珍贵的) the environment I grew up in is.”
A.Before I came here, I took it for granted (想当然)
B.Music was just an extracurricular (课外的) activity
C.This turn of events began in Liu’s first semester (学期)
D.She developed an early interest in Chinese culture
E.We have something beautiful here, and I want to share it with everyone
F.Folk songs described working and daily life such as fishing and farming
第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共34分)
The skill for making Jiangzhou Chengni inkstones can be dated back to the Han Dynasty. 41 , it was lost at the end of the Ming Dynasty. In 1986, Lin Yongmao, a man from Xinjiang county, Shanxi, and his son Lin Tao decided 42 (bring) back this ancient skill. To find clues, they visited libraries to read about the inkstone.
Although they learned about the basis, bringing 43 (its) back to life was no easy task. They walked over the riverbed and collected different kinds of mud(泥) to find 44 (good) one. Moreover, they spent sleepless nights 45 (keep) a close watch on the kiln(窑). It takes over a year and more than 10 steps to make a Chengni inkstone. The key steps are to filter(过滤) mud. The mud requires to be filtered over and over again 46 it feels like flour(面粉).
After many failures, they 47 (success) in making thee Chengni inkstones in 1991. Lin Xiaolin, Lin Tao’s son, is a third-generation inheritor(继承人). In 2019, after returning 48 his studies abroad, the 33-year-old created new ways to make the Chengni inkstone by controlling the temperature.
In 2013, Lin Tao built the China jiangzhou Chengni Inkstone Cutural Park. The number of 49 (visit) has increased to 10,000 up till now. “Passing on the skill holds the key to keeping it 50 (live),” he said.
How meaningful !
Bad weather .
How long
Since , you should .
Simon pop music.
, reading novels .
Name: Reading Time: 14:40 every day Channel: CCTV-10
How long: 10 minutes Hostess: Li Pan
Content: Book lovers share their ideas, and explain the details.
Reviews of the TV programme: meaningful, open up our mind.
Dear Tom,
How are you doing these days
What’s your favourite TV programme Please write to me.
考查冠词用法。根据“... honest boy I talked about yesterday”可知此处特指昨天提到过的那个诚实的男孩,用定冠词the;第二空泛指一名大学生,university以辅音音素开头,其前用不定冠词a。故选C。
考查连词辨析。neither…nor…既不……也不……;either…or…或者……或者……;both…and…两者都;not…but…不是……而是……。根据“ … your body … spirit is on the way.”可知,谓语用的is,排除C项;根据“You can travel or read”可知,表示“要么身体在路上要么精神在路上”,用either…or…连接。故选B。
【详解】试题分析:句意:Steven发了一些电子邮件之后,他就开始上网冲浪。start开始,是一个动词。根据句意和上句话中Steven sent some e-mails可知,这里应该用一般过去时。故选D。A是一般现在时;B是现在完成时;C是一般将来时。
考查动词辨析。raise筹集,及物动词;rise上升,不及物动词。第一空根据“a great deal of money at the charity show last month,”可知,这里动作应该是发生在过去,而且money是动作的承受者,句子使用被动语态,应该是一般过去时的被动语态:were/was+动词的过去分词,故第一空是was raised;第二空根据“the cost of living in the poor area”可知,物价上涨描述的是正在发生的事情,需用现在进行时。故选A。
考查宾语从句引导词。how怎样;when什么时候;where在哪里;why为什么。根据“I only remember it was a Sunday.”可知,不记得他离开的具体时间,用when引导宾语从句。故选B。
考查动词短语。makes up编造;takes up占据;sets up创建;puts up张贴。根据“The government has a new policy to reduce the students’ pressure.”可知政府出台政策减轻学生的压力,说明家庭作业应是占据了很多时间。故选B。
考查介词辨析。among在……之中;against反对;below低于;beyond超出。由“but”可知,前后是转折关系,虽然喜欢但是买不起,应该是超出了支付范围,go beyond超出……范围。故选D。
考查副词辨析。certainly确定地;widely广泛地;quietly安静地;clearly清晰地。根据“used in people’s homes”可知,表达的是智能家居被广泛地使用,用副词widely。故选B。
【详解】句意:——艾米,你能告诉我谁洗的衣服吗? ——对不起,亲爱的。我不知道,因为我在书房里工作。
考查情景交际。It couldn’t be better再好不过了;Got it明白了;I can’t agree more我完全同意;Don’t mention it不用介意。根据问句“Shall I give you a ride since it’s snowing heavily ”可知,前者提出给后者帮忙,因此这里A项“再好不过了”符合语境。故选A。
11.A 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.D 21.B 22.A
well-known广为人知的;exciting令人兴奋的;stupid愚蠢的;important重要的。由“There are many stories and legends about the history of Chinese New Year.”可知下文要讲的是最有名最广为人知的一个传说。故选A。
cause导致;make让,使,制作;advise建议;push推。由“the villagers to live in fear”可知是年造成的结果,cause...to do“导致……”。故选A。
white白色;blue蓝色;red红色;black黑色。由下文“when it was...hang a red painted board”可知是红色的木板。故选C。
scared感到害怕的;worried感到担心的;amazed感到惊奇的;surprised感到惊讶的。由下文“it ran back into the mountains.”可知年兽感到了害怕。故选A。
celebration庆祝;lunch午餐;holiday假日;laugh大笑。由前文“the sight in the village makes it so scared, and it ran back into the mountains.”可知村民们成功赶走了年兽,因此举行了庆祝活动。故选A。
because因为;so所以;though虽然,即使;but但是,相反。由“not go to sleep...rather make noise...”可知前后的动作是相反的。故选D。
with和;over在……上;on在……上;under在……下。由“not go to sleep...rather make noise...”可知此处是并列关系,介词词组along with“随着,随同……一起”。故选A。
small小;side一边,侧面;back后面;front前面。由前文“they would start a fire in front of every door, hang a red painted board in front of every house”可知是在前面贴对联。故选D。
watch观看;realize实现,意识到;wonder想知道;see看到。由“the monster Nian was afraid of three things: the bright red color, fire, and noise. ”可知是村民们逐渐意识到年兽害怕三件东西。
pass down传递下去;pass away去世,消失;pass out晕倒;pass by经过。由“Every year they repeated the custom”可知这种习俗是被传递了下去。
23.A 24.C 25.B
24.细节理解题。根据文中的信息“Hardcover”下面的信息“10 used from $88.88”可知,如果从亚马逊购买二手精装套装,需要付费$88.88,故选C。
25.细节理解题。根据文中“by J.K. Rowling(Author), Mary Grandpre(illustrator)”可知,图书的作者的J.K. Rowling,而插图作者是Mary Grandpre,故选B。
26.B 27.A 28.A
26.细节理解题。根据“Keep ticket stubs (存根). Whenever you use a ticket for a train or a museum or a ride. Tape the stubs to your journal. They are pieces of history from your journey. Years later you can look at the ticket stubs and see exactly what you were doing on a specific day and how much it cost.”可知,从保留的票根中看不出当时的感受。故选B。
27.主旨大意题。根据“A travel journal (日志) is one of the best ways to keep a long journey in memory. Many details that don’t seem important while you are writing your travel journal often turn out to be so memorable.”可知,作者写这篇文章的主要目的是建议我们如何写旅行日记。故选A。
28.细节理解题。根据“Take a few minutes every day and put down your memories. It doesn’t have to be long, just on a regular basis (定期).”可知,这里是说养成每天写旅行日记的习惯,此为2;根据“They include the day, where you are, who you are with, maybe even the weather and what you eat. Years later when you read your journal, you will know exactly what you were doing on that day.”可知,这里介绍了日记的内容,此为3;根据“Memories of these feelings disappear quickly with time. Writing about the experiences while the memories are fresh is important.”可知,这里是说不要忘记写下你的感受,此为1。因此正确的顺序是2→3→1。故选A。
29.B 30.C 31.D 32.C
29.词句猜测题。根据第二段的“Some were quite astonished when I told them I’m from China. We need more publicity on Chinese traditional flower arrangement.”可知当我告诉他们我来自中国时,有些人非常……。我们需要对中国传统插花进行更多的宣传。因为别人会有误会,因此对她的来历是很惊讶的,划线单词和surprised同义。故选B。
30.推理判断题。根据第五段的“‘Though it has a long history, the image of flower arrangement is still limited to the bouquets in flower shops,’Zhang said,‘If people are familiar with the history of it, they would take pride in its centuries-old history and try to make it well-known.’”(虽然它历史悠久,但插花的形象仍然仅限于花店里的花束,”张说,“如果人们熟悉它的历史,他们会为它数百年的历史感到自豪,并试图让它广为人知)可知,让人们都知道中国传统插花还有很长的路。故选C。
31.推理判断题。根据第七段的“The arranger must decide on what is truly necessary in his or her work and remove the rest…. The healing(治疗) effect of Chinese traditional flower arrangement is realized when the arranger come to terms with what they truly want.”可知插花者必须决定他或她的工作中真正需要什么,并删除其余的......中国传统插花的治疗效果是在插花者接受他们真正想要的东西时实现的,因此我朋友很有可能会反思生活和工作并作出一些明智的选择。故选D。
33.C 34.D 35.B 36.A
33.细节理解题。根据“he and his team hope and believe that these new abilities would push human collaborators(合作者)”可知,Shimon有望推动人类取得更多成就,故选C。
34.细节理解题。根据“For one, they could cut down the time which an artist needs to do basic parts of art creation.”可知,它可以做一些基本的艺术创作,帮助艺术家节省时间,故选D。
36.推理判断题。根据“Whether or not you believe that art created by robots is just as creative as art created by humans, there’s no doubt that robotic art assistants(助手) could have very good influence on artists”可知,作者对机器人创造艺术持有支持的态度,故选A。
37.B 38.C 39.E 40.A
37.根据“But of course, her primary focus was always on her schoolwork.”可知重点在学习上,音乐只是课外活动,B项“音乐只是一种课外活动”符合语境。故选B。
38.根据“then she took a course in music”可知音乐不在作为课外活动,情况出现转折,C项“这一转折始于刘的第一个学期”符合语境。故选C。
39.根据“My goal is to get Chinese music and Chinese instruments onto the stage to show everyone what we have”可知要在舞台上把中国音乐和乐器展示给每个人,这是在分享,E项“我们这里有一些美丽的东西,我想和大家分享”符合语境。故选E。
40.根据“But now I can see how precious the environment I grew up in is.”可知在到Mount Holyoke之前以为自己成长的环境是理所当然的,现在才时到它的珍贵,A项“在我来到这里之前,我认为这是理所当然的”符合语境。故选A。
41.However 42.to bring 43.it 44.the best 45.keeping 46.until 47.succeeded 48.from 49.visitors 50.alive
41.句意:然而,它在明末失传了。根据“The skill for making Jiangzhou Chengni inkstones can be dated back to the Han Dynasty.”可知,此句与文章下一句是转折关系,however“但是”符合句意,位于句首首字母大写。故填However。
42.句意:1986年,来自山西新疆县的林永茂和他的儿子林涛决定把这项古老的技能带回来。decide to do“决定做某事”,故填to bring。
43.句意:尽管他们了解了这个基础,但让它恢复生机并非易事。bring sth back to life“使……恢复生机”,此处需要宾格,故填it。
44.句意:他们走过河床,收集不同种类的泥,以找到最好的一种。根据“collected different kinds of mud”可知,寻找最好的一种,需要最高级,故填the best。
45.句意:此外,他们彻夜难眠,严密看守着窑炉。spend sth doing“花……做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填keeping。
46.句意:泥浆需要反复过滤,直到摸起来像面粉。根据“it feels like flour”可知,泥浆需要反复过滤,直到摸起来像面粉,until“直到”符合句意,故填until。
47.句意:在多次失败后,他们于1991年成功制作了三款承尼砚台。根据“in 1991”可知,句子时态是一般过去时,succeeded符合句意,故填succeeded。
48.句意:2019年,从国外留学归来后,33岁的他通过控制温度,创造了制作成泥砚的新方法。return from“从……返回”,from符合句意,故填from。
49.句意:到目前为止,参观人数已增加到一万人。根据“The number of”可知,游客增加到一万人,visitors符合句意,故填visitors。
50.句意:他说:“传承这项技能是让它保持活力的关键。”根据“keep sth adj”可知,此处需要形容词,alive“活着的”符合句意,故填alive。
51.it is to donate money to the development of education
【详解】“做某事是……的”it is adj. to do sth.;“为……捐款”donate money to ...;“教育的发展”the development of education。根据“How meaningful ...!”可知用“How+形容词+主谓+其他”结构。故填it is to donate money to the development of education。
52.made it more difficult for us to carry out dangerous tasks/makes it more difficult for us to carry out dangerous tasks
【详解】根据语境可知,这件事情可以是发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时态,也可以是现在的事实,用一般现在时态;又根据中英文对照可知,本题考查“make it + 形容词 + for sb to do sth”结构,表达“使某人做事……”。结合汉语提示,更难:more difficult;我们:us(for之后用宾格);执行:carry out;危险任务:dangerous tasks。故填made it more difficult for us to carry out dangerous tasks/makes it more difficult for us to carry out dangerous tasks。
53.will those foreign students be away from their university
【详解】how long 后接持续性动词,故此处“离开”应是be away from;外国学生foreign students;那些those;他们的大学their university。根据所给中文可知时态是一般将来时。故填will those foreign students be away from their university。
54. you have fallen behind improve yourself by managing time better
【详解】fall behind“落后”,根据“已经”可知,前半句用现在完成时have/has done的结构,主语you是第二人称,助动词用have。improve yourself“提升你自己”,should是情态动词,后接动词原形;by“通过”,介词,后接动名词;manage time better“更好地管理时间”,故填you have fallen behind;improve yourself by managing time better。
55.has such a good sense of music that he has composed many pieces of
【详解】“有”have;“如此好的乐感”such a good sense of music;“如此……以至于”such ... that,引导结果状语从句;“创编”compose;“许多首”many pieces of。主句陈述一般事实,用一般现在时,主语Simon后接第三人称单数形式has;再由“已经”可知从句用现在完成时,主语“he”后接助动词has。故填has such a good sense of music that he has composed many pieces of。
56. Compared with looking through the news online calms me down
【详解】“与……相比”compare wtih ...;“浏览”look through;“新闻”the news;“在线”online;“让某人平静下来”calm sb. down;“我”在动词之后用宾格me。此处读小说被用来与在线浏览新闻相比,用过去分词compared;根据句意可知用一般现在时,句子主语是动名词,谓语用动词第三人称单数形式。故填Compared with looking through the news online;calms me down。
57.One possible version:
Dear Tom
How are you doing these days Today, I’d like to introduce my favourite TV programme to you. It’s a fantastic programme named Reading with a purpose of sharing good books. It starts at 14:40 every day on CCTV-10. It is not long and it lasts only ten minutes. The hostess Li Pan, who has a nice voice, recommends a good book at a time. In the programme, some book lovers are invited to share their ideas and explain the details of the books.
The TV programme is meaningful and educational. These different kinds of books are from all over the world. Moreover, it opens up my mind and allows me to learn a lot about history, science, culture, and so on.
What’s your favourite TV programme Please write to me.
Li Hua

  • 九年级英语上学期期末考试02(常州专用)2023-2024九年级英语上册单元重难点易错题精练(牛津译林版)(含解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月22日  所属分类:作业答案