Unit 3 My weekend plan(含答案)

小学英语 六年级 上 第三单元达标测试卷 人教版PEP
时间: 60 分钟 满分: 100分
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分
一、选择恰当的选项补全单词。 (每小题1分,5分)
( )1. tr p(旅行) A. i B. a C. e
( )2. di tion ry(词典) A. c;a B. o;a C. c;e
( )3. w d(单词) A. ir B. ar C. or
( )4. v s t(拜访) A. i;i B. i;a C. a;i
( )5. sup market(超市) A. ir B. ar C. er
二、选出不同类的一项。 (每小题 1分,5分)
( )1. A. tonight B. tomorrow C. day
( )2. A. post office B. pet shop C. post card
( )3. A. mooncake B. poem C. ice cream
( )4. A. lesson B. dinner C. lunch
( )5. A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. tomorrow
A. comic book B. take a trip C. see a film
D. read a magazine E. visit my grandparents
( )1.—Do you have word books
A. They here are. B. Here they are. C. Here are they.
( )2. I'm going to buy a book plants.
A. for B. to C. about
( )3. is Amy going to do this afternoon
——She's going to read books.
A. Where B. What C. Who
( )4. are you going
—This afternoon.
A. What B. Where C. When
( )5. I'm going to a CD in the bookstore.
A. buy B. buying C. bought
( )6. Robin and I going to read a poem.
A. am B. is C. are
( )7.—How is Amy going tomorrow
A. Beijing B. By plane C. On the weekend.
( )8. He's going to visit grandparents with his mother.
A. he B. his C. him
( )9.—Where are you going this afternoon
A. I'm going to buy some comic books.
B. I'm going to the bookstore.
C. I'm going to visit my aunt.
( )10. My aunt is going to make mooncakes for .
A. National Day B. Children's Day
C. the Mid-Autumn Festival
1. He has lots of (book).
2. Why not (see)a film
3. Do you (has) any mooncakes
4. My family are (have)a big dinner now.
5. They (be) going to see a film tomorrow.
六、连词成句。(注意字母大小写及标点符号)(每小题 2 分,10分)
1. buy are to what you going ( )
2. comic lots I books have of (.)
3. a to am I see going film (.)
4. go not Tuesday why on ( )
5. I you can help ( )
七、用方框中所给单词填空。(每小题 2 分,10分)
When Where What Why How
1.— can I get to the zoo —You can go by bus.
2. do you go to school on foot Because my home is near.
3. are you going after lunch I am going to the bookstore.
4.— are you going —I am going at 4 o’clock.
5.— are you going to do —I am going to play football.
Mike:It's sunny. Let's go to play.
Jack:That's nice.1.
Mike:Let's go to the park.
Jack:Cool! 2.
Mike:But how can we get there
Jack:We can walk there.3.
Mike:When are we going
A. It's not far. B. Where are we going
C. How about eleven o'clock D. We'll have a great time there!
E. OK.
九、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 (每小题2 分,10分)
My name is Mike. I'm going to be happy this weekend. I'm going to have a field trip in the nature park with my parents. We're going there by car on Saturday. I'm going to catch butterflies. My father is going to do an experiment(做实验). My mother is going to take pictures. We're going to have a picnic there, too.We're going to have hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken. On Sunday,I'm going to visit my grandparents with my mother. We're going to do housework for grandparents.
( )1. We are going to have a field trip .
A. this weekend B. next weekend C. on Sunday
( )2. We're going to the nature park .
A. by subway B. by car C. by bus
( )3. I am going to catch butterflies in .
A. the nature park B. my grandparents' garden C. school
( )4. My parents and I are going to in the nature park.
A. have a picnic B. take pictures C. play games
( )5. I will visit my grandparents with my .
A. parents B. father C. mother
十、书面表达。(10 分)
同学们,我们做事应该有计划,快乐的周末就要到了,你能告诉我你准备做什么吗 拿起你的笔写下来吧。
要求:条理清楚,用词恰当,以“My Weekend”为题目写一篇小短文,不少于7句话。
My Weekend

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发布日期:2023年12月22日  所属分类:作业答案