
第Ⅰ卷 选择题 ( 共100分)
( )1.A.Ask the teacher for it. B.Spell it, please. C. I like ping-pong.
( )2. A. Your T-shirt is under the bed. B.Your T-shirt is on the table.
C. Your T-shirt is on the bed.
( )3 .A.You can call me at 987-9878. B.You can call me at 897-9878.
C.You can call me at 897-9887.
( )4 .A.He has eight tennis balls. B.He has eight soccer balls.
C. He doesn't have eight soccer balls.
( )5. A. Where is my schoolbag B. Where is your schoolbag
C. Where is my volleyball
( )6. What is that
A pencil. B. A ring. C. A dictionary.
( )7. What color is the boy's schoolbag
A. Green. B.Red. C.Brown.
( )8.Who is Cindy
A. Frank's cousin. B.Frank's sister. C. Frank's mother.
( )9.What class is Mark in
A. He is in Class 2. B.He is in Class 3. C.He is in Class 4.
( )10. Where is the ping-pong bat
Under the bed. B. On the table. C. On the bed
( )11.Do they want to go to the library
We don't know. B.No, they don't. C. Yes, they do.
( )12. Who doesn't have a ping-pong bat
A.Johnny. B.Derek. C.Kate.
( )13. _______only has one bat.
A.Derek B.Kate C.Johnny
( )14.Johnny has _______ bats.
A.one B.two C.three
( )15.What's Johnny's phone number
It's 284-5687. B.It's 284-6587. C.It's 254-5687
( )16.This is Lily's______
A.family photo B.classroom C.schoolbag
( )17.Lily's _____ are nice.
A.parents B.grandparents C.friends
( )18.Who is the teacher
A.Lily's uncle. B.Lily's mother. C. Lily's father.
( )19.What color is the ring
A.Red. B. Yellow. C.White.
( )20.Where's Lily's brother
On the bed. B. Under the desk. C.On the sofa.
Hello, I 21 ______ a rabbit(兔子).My 22_____ is Peter Smith. My 23 _____name is Peter. My24 ______ name is Smith. I’m three 25______ old. Look! This is my 26___ . A bed, a desk, a chair and a bookcase 27_____ in it! My room is 28___ !My pencil box is 29____ the desk. The clock and the radio are on the desk, too. I 30_____ a model plane. It's red. It's on the sofa. My schoolbag is 31____. It's on the chair. I like my schoolbag because (因为) I like blue very much. I have ten books. Where are my books 32_____ are in the bookcase. Oh, 33___ are my carrots They are not in34______ room. They are 35______ the kitchen(厨房).
( ) 21. A. am B. is C. are D. be
( )22. A.name B .number C. birthday D. phone
( ) 23. A. first B. last C. full D. English
( ) 24. A. first B. last C. full D. English
( ) 25. A. year B. years C. year old D. years old
( )26 .A. friend B. school C. room D. family
( )27. A.is B. are C. am D.be
( ) 28.A. healthy B. easy C. difficult D. tidy
( )29. A.at B. on C. under D.in
( )30. .A. have B.am C. has D. gets
( )31. A. purple B white C. black D. blue
( )32 .A. These B. Those C. They D. It
( )33. A. how B. who C. what D. where
( )34.A.my B. your C. his D. her
( ) 35. A. on B. in C. under D. of
Mom: The game is at 2:30.We must leave(离开),John.
John: OK.(36)________ .
Mom: The blue one
John: Yes. (37)___________.
Mom: It's on the bed.
John: I see. (38)___________
Mom: Well, are they on the desk
John: Oh, yes, they're here. (39)_________
Mom: You're welcome. (40)____________
John: Yeah. I'm ready(准备好的).
A. What about my keys
B. It is not on the sofa.
C. Where is my jacket
D. Can you go(走)now
.E. Thank you for your help, Mom.
Gina Smith: I have three soccer balls, five volleyballs and six basketballs. I love sports, but I don't play them.
Li Jian: I like basketball. It's easy for me. I have two basketballs. I play basketball with my classmates.
Wang Gang : Soccer is difficult. I like ping - pong. I have three ping-pong balls.
Frank Brown: I don't have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. We love soccer. We play it at school.
41._________ has 3 soccer balls.
A. Frank Brown B. Gina Smith C. Frank's brother D.Wang Gang
42. Frank has _______ soccer balls.
A.zero B.three C.four D.one
43. _______thinks soccer is difficult
A. Wang Gang B. Frank C. Gina D. Li Jian
44. Gina and Li Jian both have________
A. soccer balls B .basketballs C .volleyballs D. Ping-pong balls
45. Li Jian plays basketball with________
A .his brother B .his classmate C. his father D. his friends
Zhao Qi and Zhao Ling are twin brother and sister. They are 12 years old. They both like watching TV. Zhao Qi likes watching sports games on TV. He thinks they're very interesting. Zhao Ling likes watching A Bite of China (《舌尖上的中国》),because she likes delicious food.
One evening, after having dinner with their parents, Zhao Qi watches a soccer game on TV. But his sister wants to watch A Bite of China.
“Zhao Qi, I think sports are boring. What about watching A Bite of China " Zhao Ling asks. “Why The soccer game is really interesting, and I want to watch it now, "Zhao Qi says. Zhao Ling isn't happy, so she asks her mother for help.
“Oh, my dear daughter! How about watching it on the computer " her mother says. So the twin brother and sister can watch their favorite programs(节目) at the same time. They have a happy evening.
( )46. What does the underlined word “delicious" mean in Chinese
A.丑陋的 B.枯燥的 C.美满的 D.美味的
( )47.Zhao Ling is not happy at first (起初)because______
A. she can't watch her favorite program
B. she doesn't like her brother
C. she can't play soccer
D .she doesn't like delicious food
( ) 48. Zhao Ling watches A Bite of China_________
A. on TV B. on her Pad C. on her mobile phone D. on the computer
( )49. Who helps Zhao Qi and Zhao Ling solve the problem(解决问题)?
Their mother. B. Their father. C .Zhao Qi. D.Zhao Ling
( )50. Which of the following is TRUE
A. Zhao Qi thinks sports games are boring.
B. Zhao Qi plays soccer in the evening.
C. Zhao Ling and Zhao Qi are of the same age(年龄).
D. Zhao Ling and Zhao Qi watch the soccer game together
My name is Tom. I am an English boy. My parents are in Shanghai now. They work here. I have a sister and a brother. My sister and I are students of a middle school in Shanghai. My brother doesn't go to school.We love China. We have a nice house(a place with rooms) in Shanghai. My room is big. You can see a bed,a desk, a chair and a sofa. I have a computer, too. My books and computer are on my desk . On weekends(Saturdays and Sundays) I often play computer games with my brother. They are some pictures on the wall. I like my room very much and I always keep it tidy,
( )51. Tom's parents are in _______ now.
A. Shanghai B. Beijing C. America D. Jinan
( )52、 There are________ people in Tom's family.
A. Four B. five C. six D. seven
( )53. We can see _______in Tom's room.
A. a clock and a map B. a picture and a clock .
C. a chair and a sofa D. nothing
( )54. Tom and his brother often ________on weekends.
A. play soccer B. watch TV
C. play computer games D.play sports
( )55.. Which of the following is TRUE
A. Tom's sister has a computer. B. Tom's room is big and tidy.
C. Tom's grandparents are in China. D. Tom likes to play computer games
Hello, my name is Eric. I have a big family. Come and meet my family. This is my grandfather Frank Green and this is my grandmother Cindy Green. They are old but they are very energetic(有活力的). This is my father Dale Green and that is my mother Alice Green. Gina is my sister. She is a nice girl. She is six. Oh, who's the little boy in my mom's arms He's my younger brother, Jack.He is only two years old. I love him, I love my family.
( )56. My grandfather's name is______
A. Cindy Green B. Frank Green C. Dale Green D. Alice Green
( )57. Frank is Eric's______
A. Father B. brother C. grandfather D. son
( )58. Eric and Gina are_____
A. Sisters B. brothers C. brother and sister D. father and mother
( )59. There are_________ people(人) in my family.
Four B. five C.six D. seven
( )60. Which of the following is NOT true
A.My name is Eric Green.
B.My sister is Gina Green.
C.My grandparents aren’t energetic, because they are old.
D.Jack is two years old.
I'm Paul. I'm eleven. 61________. They are Jim, Frank and Mary. We like sports very much. My favorite(最喜欢的) sport is basketball. 62__________ I think playing basketball is interesting. But Jim and Frank think it is boring to play basketball. Their favourite sport is soccer.63___________. They have five soccer balls.64__________ . Her favorite sport is volleyball. She plays it very well. 65___________ But she has only one volleyball. Sports are good for us.
A.Mary is a nice girl.
B.He is my brother's friend.
C.I have four basketballs.
D.It's relaxing for her to play volleyball.
E. I have three good friends.
F. They only watch it on TV.
G. They play soccer every afternoon at school.
第II卷 非选择题(共50分)
66.Does your grandfather like ______________( go) to the park
67.They ____________ ( have ) some baseballs.
68. This is not Jenny’s notebook . ____________( she) is yellow.
69. You can see____________ (they) books on the desk
70..Anna’s three _____________ (dictionary) are on her desk
B) 阅读填空。阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号内单词正确形式填空。
“Hi, Jane.I found a pencil box in our classroom.Is it___________ (71) (your) ”Ben asks.“No, it isn't. Mine is red, but this one is blue,”says Jane.“It may be________(72) (Bob).”
“It can't be his. His pencil box is orange,”Ben says.
“___________(73) is in the pencil box ” Jane asks.
“Three pencils, two erases and two keys,”Ben says.
“Two keys Let(让)me see.Oh, ___________(74) (it) are John's,”Jane says.
“We must__________(75) (find) him. Do you know his phone number "Ben says.
“Well, he doesn't have a phone,”Jane says. “Now he is in Classroom 7B.We can go there to find him.”
“OK. Let's go.”
A: Where are the pencils B:___________________________________.
(Tom have) A:______________________________ B:Yes, he does.
A: Spell it, please. B:______________________________
A: ___________________________ B: That sounds interesting.
A:_________________________________ B:She is my sister
names Things she/he has where Things she/he doesn’t have
Linda 2 baseballs On the table 9 ping-pong balls
David 4 basketballs Under the chair 6 tennis balls
Bob 1 volleyball In the bookcase 10 soccer balls

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发布日期:2023年12月22日  所属分类:作业答案