Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents(Section A 2a-2d)补充作业(2课时含答案)

Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents 同步练习
Section A 2a-2d第1课时
Ⅰ. 翻译下列单词或短语。
1. 允许;准许
2. 错误的;不对的
3. 猜测;估计
4. 协议;交易
5. 成功地发展;解决
6.They're both good at     (run).
7.I found them     (read) books when I arrived here.
8.We don't allow     in our offices, but we allow people     in the smoking rooms. (smoke)
9.Mike won't go to bed until he     (finish) watching the soccer match.
10.I don't have any free time    (do) things I like.
Why not              us
I                         my best friend yesterday.
Mom is talking with Aunt Li               . 
His mother     still          him. 
         the passage quickly and answer the questions.
16.—What's     with her
—She has a bad cold.A.matter B.trouble C.ill D.wrong
17.Here are some books. Please     to the library.
A.give them back B.give back it
C.give it back D.give back them
18.     go shopping with us, Lily
A.How about B.Would you mind
C.Would you like D.Why don't you
19.     homework makes the students have little free time.
A.Too many B.Too much
C.Much too D.Too little
20.—Our team lost the basketball game and I feel very sad.
—    . I believe you can do better next time.
A.It's right B.It's exciting
C.It's not a big deal D.It's not a good idea
A: Hello! This is Lucy. May I speak to Amy
B: Hi, Lucy! Speaking, please!
A: I'm not happy today. I don't want to do anything.
B: 21.   
A: I argued with my mother. I spent too much pocket money. 22.   
B: You should talk to her and say sorry.
A: Yes, I know I should. But it's not easy.
B: 23.     You should save your pocket money.
A: You are right. 24.     What can I do to make her happy
B: What about buying something useful for her by saving your pocket money
A: 25.     Thanks for your advice. Goodbye!
B: Bye!
A.What’s up B.It’s really difficult for parents to make money.
C.That sounds great.
D.Though she is wrong, it’s not a big deal.
E.What should I do
F.Now she is still angry with me.
G.Could I borrow some money
Parents helped us in all sides when we were very young. As we grow older, we may help them. Families can succeed in reaching goals when all family members help one another.
What makes real family members Whoever we are,our family members are the most important in our lives. Family members support each other in many ways besides money or helping around the house. We can share our hopes, dreams or problems when we communicate with them. We can also get a strong feeling of satisfaction and confidence with their help.
Building good family relationships needs a lot of efforts. Firstly, everyone in the family needs to get along well with each other and shouldn't have conflicts. Secondly, family members should share thoughts and feelings while eating meals, traveling or working together. Thirdly, we should talk with each other about our worries and then solve them together because family members can encourage one another to set goals and achieve dreams. Finally, we are supposed to spend time listening to family members. Listening shows we care about them as much as they care about us.
In a word, family members can make us full of energy and powerful all the time.
26.Who helped us in all sides when we were young
A.Teachers. B.Friends.
C.Classmates. D.Parents.
27.What's the most important in our lives according to the passage
A.Money. B.Dreams.C.Family members. D.Problems.
28.What does the underlined word “conflicts” mean
A.Discussions. B.Fights.
C.Happiness. D.Kindness.
29.How many ways are there to build good family relationships in Paragraph 3
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
30.What can our family members encourage us to do
A.To set goals and achieve our dreams.
B.To get good grades.
C.To spend time traveling.
D.To avoid arguments with others.
Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents 同步练习
Section A 2a-2d第2课时
一 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子
1.He got a lot of money from the     (交易). 
2.Our teachers don't     (允许;准许) us to go out on school nights.
3.We     (猜测) that he is about forty and comes from London.
4.Your answer to the question is w    .I will tell you the right one soon.
5.That's the best way to w     out the problem.
二 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. Where is my photo I want to put these new pictures in it.
2. When the train got to the station, it was 7:00 pm.
3. My aunt has a car. She to work every day.
4. Will you help me to a new shirt for me
5. Rose was too tired last night. She fell soon
A: It’s Nick’s birthday next Sunday. What 1 I get him
B: What’s the best gift he 2 ever received
A: A bike.
B: 3 did he get it
A: 4 his tenth birthday.
B: Who 5 it to him
A: His parents.
B: What a 6 guy! I think you should get him 7 special. What about 8 It can learn to speak like a man!
A: No, I’m afraid not. Because his mother doesn’t want him to 9 a pet. I think I’m 10 to buy a big birthday cake.
B: Not bad.
1. -- go to a movie tonight --It’s a good idea.
What about B. Would you like C. Why not D. How about
2. --It’s a fine day, isn’t it --Yes. Why not fishing in the country.
A. go B. to go C. going D. goes
3. This piece of music beautiful.
A. looks B.sounds C. tastes D. smells
4. You must your little brother.
A. take care B. look care C. take care of D. look after of
5. wasn’t easy to win the match.
A. It B. That C. This D. They
Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents 同步练习
Section A 2a-2d第1课时
1、Ⅰ. 1 allow 2 incorrect 3 guess 4 deal 5 solve
Ⅱ.6.running 7.reading 8.smoking; to smoke
9.finishes 10.to do
Ⅲ.11.hang out with 12.got into a fight with
13.on the phone 14.is; angry with/at
15.Look through
17.A 18.D 19.B
Ⅴ.21—25 AEBFC
27.C 。
28.B 29.D 
Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents 同步练习
Section A 2a-2d第2课时
一1.deal 2.allow 3.guess 4.wrong 5.work
2、翻译下列单词或短语。用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。1album 2 nearly 3 drives 4 choose 5 sleepy
3、补全对话。(每空一词)1should 2 has 3When 4 On 5 gave 6 happy 7 something 8 parrot 9 raise 10 going
choose, album, drive, sleep, near

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发布日期:2023年12月22日  所属分类:作业答案