
听力选择(共20小题, 计20分)
1-5 ACCBA 6-10 CBABA 11-15 CBBAA 16-20 CCBAB
二、选择填空(共15小题, 计15分)
21—25 BCCCC 26—30 DCBBD 31—35 DDDDC
三、完形填空(共10小题, 计10分)
36-40 BADCA 41-45 ACDBD
四、阅读理解(共20小题, 共 40分)
46-50 ACBDA 51-55 CACBA 56-60 ADAAD 61-65 CDBBA
五、口语交际(共5小题, 计5分)
66—70 A B F G D
六、词汇运用(共10小题, 计10分)
71. to see 72. to celebrate 73. them 74. smallest 75. were picking
76. grass 77. was made 78. surprised 79. calmly 80. yourself
七、英汉互译(共5小题, 计10分)
81. 如果你不理解这些新单词,你可以在字典中查找。
82. 我喜欢舒缓的音乐, 它能帮助我在漫长的一周工作后得到放松。
83. They go out of their way to make me feel at home.
84. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.
85. In China, you are supposed to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time.
八、阅读表达(共5小题, 计10分)
86. In Weifang./In Weifang, Shandong Province.
87. In 1984.
88. Kites with bright colors and different shapes.
89. 26./Twenty-six(years old).
90. To spread the Chinese culture around the world.
九、书面表达(共1题, 计20分)
91. One possible vision:
Boys and girls,
  Welcome to our English Broadcast! I'm Li Hua, thechairman of the Students’ Union. Recently quite a few students in our school couldn't have lessons as usual because they had a cold. This affected their studies. In order to make you stronger, I'll give you some useful advice.
  Firstly, it's important to have a healthy eating habit. Youshould eat more vegetables and fruit but less junk food. Secondly, you'd better sleep well. Don't stay up late. Besides, do exercise every day. You can take a walk or run. Lastly, a good attitude towards life is also good for your health.
I'm looking forward to seeing you happier and healthier!
That's all! Thanks for your listening!2023-2024学年上学期第三次质量检测 初三英语试题
1. 本试卷分第I卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分, 共16页。满分120分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束后, 将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。
2. 答卷前, 考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、座号填写在试卷和答题卡规定的位置上。
3. 第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑; 如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。答案不能答在试题卷上。
4. 第Ⅱ卷必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答, 答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置, 不能写在试题卷上; 如需改动, 先划掉原来的答案, 然后再写上新的答案; 不准使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
第 I 卷 ( 选 择 题 ,共 80 分 )
1. A. Of course. B. Yes, I do. C. I don't mind it.
2. A. At eight o’clock. B.200 yuan. C. It's on your bed.
3. A. Every day. B. It makes me strong. C. Basketball.
4. A. Who knows B. That's right. C. No idea.
5. A. Very well. B. They're friendly. C. I'm fine.
(二) 听小对话,选择正确的图片。对话读两遍。
6. How does Amy feel today
7. Where do Anna's grandparents live
8 . What does Tom always do to relax
9 . What does the girl's father do
10. What is Leo’s favorite subject
11. Where will the girl go tomorrow
A. To the beach. B. To the zoo. C. To the mountains.
12. What will the weather be like tomorrow
A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
13. What does the man think of the bear
A. Lazy. B. Funny. C. Dangerous.
14. What does the woman stop the man from doing
A. Feeding the bear. B. Getting close to the bear. C. Taking photos of the bear.
15. What animals are they going to see
A. Tigers. B. Elephants. C. Giraffes.
16. When will Tom go camping with John
A. This Friday. B. This Saturday. C. This Sunday.
17. How does Tom advise to go to the village
A. By car. B. On foot. C. By bus.
18. What does Tom ask John to bring
A. Some snacks. B. A tent. C. A chair.
19. What time does Tom want to meet John that day
A. At 4 pm. B. At 5pm. C. At 6pm.
20. Who is Judy
A. John's sister. B. Tom's sister. C. Tom's mother.
二、选择填空(共15 小题, 计15 分 )
从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
21. France is _______European country, and I visited _____country three years ago.
A. An; the B. a ; the C. an; a D. the; the
22. The red skirt ________ my mother bought for me is made of cotton.
A. that B. when C. who D. whose
23.—Do you know March 21st is World Sleep Day Sleeping is important to us.
—Yes, a good sleep gives us_________and makes us happy.
A. truth B. fame C. energy D. culture
24. — I don’t want to talk to Tom anymore.
— Don’t be angry. He is just so _______, but in fact he is kind to us, you know.
A. patient B. helpful C. direct D. active
25. —What’s the article about, David
—It’s about some tricks on how to save and spend money ______.
A. cheaply B. kindly C. wisely D. comfortably
26._____interesting TV program The Reader is! I watch it every week.
A. How a B. How an C. What a D. What an
27. I think the girl who is cleaning the floor ________ be Mary, because I saw her reading in the library just now.
A. must B. might C. can't D. shouldn't
28. —Don’t be so rude. You should ________ like a gentleman.
—Sorry. I will be more polite.
A. perform B. behave C. provide D. consider
29. — Sorry, sir. But is this umbrella yours
— Oh, sorry. I just took it    . Mine is under the seat.
A. in total B. by mistake C. in person D. by accident
30. —A number of students in my school ________ from other countries.
—Yes, the number of the foreign students ________ over 30.
A.are, are B.is, is C.is, are D.are, is
31. —The meeting _________ because of the smog in Northern China last week.
—Oh, it s too bad! We should take action to improve the air quality.
A. put out B. was put out C. put off D. was put off
32. —What do you think of the plan
—It’s great! ________the students ________ our teacher likes it very much.
A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Neither; nor D. Not only; but also
33. -What a heavy rain!
-So it is. I prefer________ at home rather than________ on such a rainy day.
A. watching TV; to going out B. watch TV ; to go out
C. watch TV; go out D. to watch TV; go out
34. —Your stamps are so fantastic. Could you please tell me _______
—Oh, I bought them in the post office next to the bank.
A. why did you buy them B. where did you buy them
C. why you bought them D. where you bought them
35. — I wonder if I can learn English well.
— ________. All things are difficult before they are easy.
A. I am afraid so B. It’s my pleasure.
C. It takes time D. It’s a piece of cake
三、完形填空(共 10 小题, 计 10 分)
通读下面的短文, 然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
It was nine on a cold winter night. I hurried to go home from work on my motorbike.
At the last crossing, while I was waiting for the green light, I saw an old man 36 toward me. He 37 me and I felt a little nervous. The old man said slowly, “Excuse me. Could you please help me ” I looked at him up and down. He seemed to be about 38 _.
The old man took out a 10 yuan and said to me, “Do you see the old lady 39 is selling baked(烤) sweet potatoes over there Could you just take the money and help me 40 one from her ” He pointed at an old lady selling something about fifty meters away in the corner.
“But why don't you go and buy it by yourself ” I was puzzled (困惑的). The old man continued, “That old lady is my wife and it's her first day to sell baked sweet potatoes. Just now I called her. She told me that there was only one sweet potato left and she wouldn't go home 41 all the sweet potatoes were 42 out. But I know she can't stand the cold because her legs hurt. I'm very worried about her.”
At 43 time, I felt really warm and moved. Without taking the money, I rode to the old lady 44 and bought the last one. As I waved goodbye to the old man, I see him standing there 45 a thankful smile.
36.A. walk B. walking C. walks D. walked
37.A.stopped B. stops C. will stop D. was stopping
38.A. 70 year B. 70 years C. 70-year-old D.70 years old
39.A.which B. whom C. who D. what
40.A.to buy B. bought C. buying D. buys
41.A. until B. while C. because D. although
42.A. sell B. selling C. sold D. sells
43.A. those B. these C. this D. that
44.A. quick B. quickly C. quicker D. more quickly
45.A. in B. by C. on D. with
四、阅读理解(共20 小题, 计30 分 )
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D四个选项中, 选出能正确回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。
Below you’ll find some wonderful books that have been added to our store’s collection in the past 30 days.
I Am a Pencil Sam Swope took a job teaching writing to third-graders in New York City. His students were immigrants(移民) or the children of immigrants, speaking 11 languages and having many different beliefs. Every single student, with the help of this creative teacher, made great progress in writing.  Cover price: $59.88  Price: $19.95 pages:320 Publishing house: Holt Paperbacks; 1st edition
What It Takes to Pull Me Through A reporter from the US News World Report, David L.Marcus, takes us inside a special school for troubled teens. The great stresses are put on these teens, which make them lose their nature. Cover price: $35.86   Price: $15.00 pages:338 Publishing house: Houghton Mifflin
The Most Scenic Drivers in America Translated into several languages for the first time in 1997, this travel book, written by Robert J.Dolezal, includes 200 photos of the wonderful places along 120 routes. The latest version also provides maps, the latest information on state parks and travel suggestions. Cover price: $47.88   Price: $23.88 pages: 400 Publishing house: Reader's Digest Association
The Fortunes Davies distills 150 years of Chinese-American history in his timely new novel. In Gold, the first of its four sections, Ah Ling, 14, the son of a Hong Kong woman, seeks his fortune in California. Cover price: $49   Price: $27 pages: 288 Publishing house: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
46. In the book I Am a Pencil, what is the teacher like
A. Creative. B. Patient. C. Understanding. D. Kind.
47. Which book is about troubled teens
A. I Am a Pencil. B. The Most Scenic Drivers in America.
C. What It Takes to Pull Me Through. D. The Fortunes.
48. Tom wants to buy The Fortunes and I Am a Pencil. How much will he spend
A. $57. B. $47. C. $109. D. $87.
49. If you like traveling, which book will you buy
A.I Am a Pencil. B. The Fortunes.
C. What It Takes to Pull Me Through. D. The Most Scenic Drivers in America.
50. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A product ad. B. A thanks note.
C. A survey report. D. A guide book.
What should you do if there is a fire at school Do you know how to protect yourself in a large crowd Every year since 1996, on the last Monday of the last week in March, the National Day of Education on the Safety of Elementary and Middle School Students is held. This year it falls on March 30. It offers us a chance to learn more about school safety.
  A 2010 survey from People’s Daily shows that the worst accidents were a result of stampedes , fires and traffic. Experts suggest that right safety measures could avoid 80 percent of these accidents, China Education Daily reported. When facing an accident, the first and most important rule is to stay calm. But different accidents mean different ways of dealing with them.
A stampede happens in a place where a large crowd is gathered. When students around you begin to push, stand still(静止地)and try to hold onto something, or stay in a corner until the crowd leaves. If you fall down in a moving crowd, cover your head with both hands. Lean to one side, curl your body and bend your legs.
When there’s a fire, you can’t get outside by stairs. You can get to the fire escape through a fire exit door or a window. Stay calm and follow teachers’ instructions. Leave the classroom and use a piece of cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you don’t breathe in smoke.
If you take a school bus on your way home or to school, remember to wear your safety belt and don’t walk around when the bus is moving. If you walk to school or go by bike, follow traffic rules. Wait for the green traffic light, and look left and right for cars before you cross the road.
51. What do experts suggest to avoid school accidents
A. Following the teachers’ instructions.
B. Stopping the students running and playing .
C. Teaching students right safety measures.
D. Holding a safety meeting every year.
52. What does the underlined word “stampede” mean in Chinese
A. 踩踏 B. 惩罚 C. 停电 D. 校园欺凌
53. When there’s a fire, you should do the following things EXCEPT_____.
A. use a piece of cloth to cover your mouth and nose
B. stay calm and follow teachers’ instructions
C. get outside by stairs
D. get to the fire escape through a fire exit door
54. According to the passage , which of the statements is TRUE
A. The National Day of Education on the Safety falls on the same day every year.
B. It’s useful to wear your safety belt when taking a school bus.
C. In a stampede, you should try to push through the crowd .
D. In a fire, you should stay in a corner until the others leave.
55. What is the passage mainly about
A. How to deal with school safety accidents.   
B. Why school safety is important.
C. Never be afraid during a fire.
D. Introduce the results of a new survey.
"Have you gotten vaccinated(接种疫苗) " You must have heard the question a thousand times. This question has become a common way to greet others in China since the country rolled out(推岀)mass COVID-19 vaccinations in December.
China is also providing vaccines for other countries. It is sending COVID-19 vaccines to 28 countries and providing help for 69 countries in need. Most of these countries are developing nations, such as Pakistan, Mongolia and Mexico. The leaders of these countries are taking the lead in receiving vaccine shots, including Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Chilean President Sebastian Pinera.
According to the World Bank, some wealthier nations have already locked up many vaccine doses. They are for their own citizens. Some of them have ordered enough vaccines to vaccinate the citizens two or three times. For countries that have not yet developed or gotten a vaccine, China may be the only helper. China is one of the few nations that can produce vaccines on a large scale.
China has joined COVAX, an organization founded by the World Health Organization, to make sure that all members get the vaccine in the future. China has decided to offer 10 million vaccines to COVAX.
56. When did our country roll out the vaccination
A. In December. B. In 2019. C. In January. D. I don’t know.
57. Which country is NOT the one China providing help to
A. Pakistan. B. Mongolia. C. Mexico. D. Britain.
58. Why have some wealthy countries locked up the vaccines
A. They are for people in their own country.
B. They don’t really have vaccines.
C. They can’t produce vaccines at all.
D. The World Health Organization asks the countries to do it.
59. From the passage we can know that_________.
A. Chinese like to help others
B. The World Health Organization isn’t an organization
C. There are three kinds of vaccines in the world
D. All the people in China like the vaccines
60. Which of the following is true
A. China is the only country that can produce vaccines.
B. The Chinese leaders have gotten vaccinated.
C. Some wealthier nations can help the other countries, too.
D. China will sent vaccines to the COVAX.
Basket full of dreams
A set of photos of a boy carrying his tennis rackets in a bamboo basket has gone viral (走红).
The boy, Wang Fa, 14, is a member of the Va ethnic group (佤族) from Yunnan. After wining the under-14 title (冠军) in the Guangzhou stop of the 2022 ASICS Tennis Junior Tour, an audience (观众) member from Yunnan gave him the bamboo basket as a gift and the photos were taken.
“We always carry bamboo baskets when we work in the field. This is a typical farming tool of the Va ethnic group. I carried my rackets in this basket to honor my hometown,” Wang said after the match.
Before tennis, Wang was just an ordinary boy from a village. But in 2016, he was chosen by a local club as one of the first 10 local children to learn to play professional tennis, “I was nervous at the beginning because the outside world was so different from my home,” he said, adding that tennis has helped him make more friends and get a better education.
Over the past six years, Wang, along with other players at the Yunnan Wild Elephants Tennis Club, has trained hard to improve his skills and physical strength. The children would get up at 6:30 a.m, and practice for more than six hours a day, Every day, they need to swing a racket more than 7,000 times and run 9 kilometers.
“If it were not for tennis, I would still be helping out my family with farmwork back home,” Wang said
Wang’s parents didn’t want him to learn tennis at first because they couldn’t afford it. But the tennis club offered to teach him for free. Wang’s hometown, the mountainous Cangyuan Va autceomous county, was just lifted out of poverty (脱贫) in 2019, reported China Daily. For Wang, winning the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour title was the beginning of a hopeful future. “I will aim for the top spots (位置) on the professional stage,” he said.
61. How old was Wang Fa when he started to play professional tennis
A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight. D. Nine.
62. Where did Wang Fa get the bamboo basket in the photos
A. His parents gave it to him to carry rackets.
B. It was the one that he used to do farmwork.
C. It was one of the prizes from the competition.
D. One of the game audience members gave it to him.
63. Paragraph 4 is written to ________.
A. describe Wang’s life in the club
B. show how Wang’s life has changed
C. explain why Wang chose this activity
D. present Wang’s talents in his young age
64. What can we learn from Wang’s words in Paragraph 6
A. He thinks that the training is tiring.
B. He is thankful for joining the tennis club.
C. Competition is serious in the tennis club.
D. He likes doing farmwork more than playing tennis.
65. What do we know about Wang Fa
A. He is hopeful about his future.
B. He helped his family out of poverty.
C. His parents don’t support his dream.
D. He needs to make more money for the club.
五、口语交际 (共5 小题, 计5 分 )
A: Hey, Henry.
B: Hi, e in and take a seat.
A: I didn't see you at school today. _66_____
B: I went to a speech competition.
A: Great. Did you win
B: Yes. I won the first place.
A: __67_____I always know you can do it.
B: Thanks. ___68_____
A: Yes. We had an exciting geography class. We learned much about food around China.
B: ____69____I missed it.
A: Cheer up, Henry. ____70____I have the textbook with me.
B: Thank you, Bill. It's really kind of you.
A: You are welcome.
A. What happened B. Congratulations(祝贺你), Henry. C. I had a headache in the morning. D. I am here to help you. E. Have you travelled around China F. Anything interesting at school G. What a pity!
2023-2024学年上学期第一次质量检测 初三英语试题
第 II 卷 ( 非 选 择 题 ,共40 分 )
词汇应用(共10 小题, 计10 分 )
阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空, 必要时可加助动词或情态动词。
  When I was a child, I loved to visit my grandparents’ farm. There was always something new to do, 71________(see) and to enjoy.
  One day, I, together with my brothers and sisters, went to my grandparents' farm 72___________(celebrate) my birthday. We all liked eating strawberries and we went to pick 73 __________(they). We each took a basket. But I was lazy. I took the 74 _________(small) basket. While the others 75__________(pick) strawberries, I had a rest. Before we returned, I put a lot of 76_________ (grass) in my basket and then I put a few strawberries on top. The basket looked full. My grandfather said he was proud of my hard work.
The next morning my grandmother made many pies. There was a big pie which
77 __________(make) just for me. It looked nice! But when I began to eat it, I found there was nothing but grass under the top strawberries! You can guess how 78_________ (surprise) I was.
My grandfather looked at me 79 _________(calm) and said, “When you cheat others, you cheat 80__________ (you).” He didn't need to say more but taught me a good lesson.
七、英汉互译(共5 小题, 计5 分 )
将下列英语句子译成汉语, 汉语句子译成英语。
81. If you don’t understand the new words, you can look them up in the dictionary.
82. I like smooth music that helps me to relax after a long week at work.
83. 他们尽力使我感觉像在家里一样。(go out of one’s way)
84. 青少年应该被允许自己选择衣服。(should be done)
85. 在中国,第一次见到某人时,你应该握手。(be supposed to )
八、阅读表达(共5 小题, 计5 分)
  Known as the birthplace of kites, Weifang in Shandong Province has a long history of making kites. Made from bamboo and decorated with traditional Chinese paintings, Weifang kite-making was included in the national-level intangible cultural heritage(国家级非物质文化 遗产) lists in 2006. The International Kite Festival has been held in Weifang every year since 1984.
  Yang Hongwei, 56, is an inheritor(传承人) of Weifang kite making skill. She was born in a kite-making family. Yang often saw kites with bright colors and different shapes in her grandfather's workshop.
  Having a special connection with kites, Yang learned the skill from her grandfather at the age of 16. After practicing the skill for 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992.
  In her free time, she also travels to different countries including Germany, Australia, the US and New Zealand to tell people about Chinese stories seen on kites and the traditional ways of making kites. “I'm an inheritor of the culture. It is also an important job of mine to spread the Chinese culture around the world,” she said.
86. Where is the birthplace of kites
87. When was the International Kite Festival first held in Weifang
88. What did Yang Hongwei often see in her grandfather's workshop
89. How old was Yang Hongwei when she opened her own shop
90. According to Yang Hongwei, what is an important job of hers
九、书面表达(共1 题, 计20分)
近段时间,某中学不少学生因感冒不能正常上课,影响了学习。为此,学生会主席李华准备利用 English Broadcast时间建议学生养成良好的生活习惯和加强体育锻炼,以提高身体素质。请你根据下表提示,为他准备一份英语发言稿。
现象 因感冒不能上课,影响了学习
建议 生活习惯 健康饮食
加强锻炼 参加体育活动
其他 ……
期望 ……
参考词汇:affect vt. 影响
1. 短文须包含要点提示中的所有信息,可适当发挥;
2. 词数:80 左右(短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);
3. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名和地名。
Boys and girls,
Welcome to our English Broadcast! I'm Li Hua, the chairman of the Students’ Union.
That's all! Thanks for your listening!_

  • 山东省滨州市2023-2024九年级上学期12月月考英语试题(含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月22日  所属分类:作业答案