
1.Yangzhou is _______ city full of _______ history, culture and mouthwatering food.
A. the; a B. a; a C. the; the D. a; /
2.The children have painted since _______ could first pick up a brush.
A. they B. them C. their D. themselves
3.Slow cooking seems to hold the taste of the meat much _______.
A. good B. well C. better D. best
4.Everyone will have to get out of their houses _______ meet their neighbours.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
5.I _______ China for three months and this is the first time I’ve tried on hanfu.
A. have gone to B. have been to C. have arrived in D. have been in
6.Science is my favourite subject, so I have prepared _______ the STEAM Club.
A. join B. joining C. to join D. to joining
7.Paper cut-outs of “double happiness” are often _______ in the married couple’s home to bring good wishes.
A. put back B. put up C. put on D. put off
8.—What places of interest are there in Yangzhou
—I recommend the Slender West Lake. A boat tour is a wonderful _______!
A. movement B. attraction C. experience D. research
9.We need to tell people to just do one small thing well _______ 100 things poorly.
A. as well as B. instead of C. according to D. because of
10.While everyone _______ the comics page, I picked up a copy to see what was so funny.
A. is laughing at B. laughed at C. laughs at D. was laughing at
11.—I like your teapot. It has a very funny but interesting shape.
—Thank you. It’s a work of art, but it is also _______ for tea making.
A. natural B. practical C. equal D. general
12.Sand turns to glass when it _______ by lightning.
A. hits B. is hit C. is hitting D. will be hit
13.We don’t _______ much from the kids because they can’t understand the value of this work.
A. express B. excuse C. expect D. explain
14.—I’m wondering _______ at a low price.
—You can book one through our official APP.
A. how I can buy the air ticket B. how can I buy the air ticket
C. when I can buy the air ticket D. when can I buy the air ticket
15.—I’ve made little progress in my maths, Li Ming. I’m really worried.
—_______, Liu Mei. It takes time.
A. Sounds good B. Don’t mention it C. That’s a good idea D. Don’t worry
1.China has helped end 70% of poverty worldwide since _______ late 1970s, according to _______ World Bank.
A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a
2.Place names often have interesting connections _______ the local landscape and people.
A. in B. on C. at D. to
3._______ astronauts go on spacewalks, they wear spacesuits to keep themselves safe.
A. Though B. Till C. When D. Unless
4.Xia Sen _______ a simple life and saves her money for donations.
A. lives B. lived C. was living D. will live
5.—Tell me, Grandma. _______ is your favourite person in the whole wide world
—That’s easy! It’s you!
A. What B. Who C. How D. Whom
6.We youths do our best for our dreams and together a small success can give us a sense of _______.
A. achievement B. department C. treatment D. entertainment
7.Protect your hearing. Don’t wait until you _______ hear a thing.
A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. can’t
8.In such cheerful conversation, the time _______ all too quickly.
A. went up B. went down C. went by D. went back
9.It’s _______ of the boy to leave the tap running.
A. endless B. homeless C. meaningless D. careless
10.—May I speak to Wang Li
—Sorry, she is not at home. She _______ since last month.
A. left B. has left C. has been away D. went away
11._______ the people locked inside, the firemen broke down the door.
A. Reach B. To reach C. Reaching D. To reaching
12.People in cold areas _______ warm colours to calm colours in their homes.
A. protect B. prefer C. pronounce D. practise
13.—I hear that you took part in a forest clean-up activity last Sunday.
—Yes, it _______ by our school green club to protect forests.
A. organizes B. organized C. was organized D. will be organized
14.—Excuse me, could you tell me _______
—You can take No. 6 bus there. It’s about 15 minutes’ ride.
A. how far is the Slender West Lake B. how far the Slender West Lake is
C. how can I get to the Slender West Lake D. how I can get to the Slender West Lake
15.—My pet dog died yesterday. I’m in a bad mood.
—_______. I know how it feels.
A. Sorry to hear that B. That’s not the case C. Never mind D. It’s a pleasure
1.As _______ teacher, it’s important to be _______ good role model for their students.
A. the; a B. a; the C. a; a D. the; the
2.—Which colour do you like, red or blue
—_______. I like green.
A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. None
3.China’s first Mars rover, Zhurong, touched down on the Red Planet _______ May 15, 2021.
A. on B. in C. at D. to
4.I can’t believe you made the life—like cat out of paper. How _______ you are!
A. loyal B. creative C. helpful D. organized
5.—_______ do you play basketball with your friends
—Only once a week.
A. How long B. How much C. How soon D. How often
6.—Have you watched the film Gulliver’s Travels
—Yes, I _______ it during the Spring Festival. What about you
A. watch B. watched C. will watch D. have watched
7.We _______ see which way to go if the stars do not twinkle(闪耀)so.
A. can not B. should not C. must not D. need not
8.—How did you come to Baoying
—By high-speed rail. It _______ me only 28 minutes to get here.
A. spent B. paid C. lost D. took
9.In many countries, people put their fingers up to their mouths _______ silence.
A. ask for B. asking for C. to ask for D. asked for
10.—We can always find something good in a bad _______ if we look for it.
—It’s so true. Let’s make full use of what comes.
A. situation B. direction C. instruction D. competition
11.He said that he would pass the exam and this _______ to be true.
A. turned out B. put out C. broke out D. tried out
12._______ we always wait for another day, fruitlessly our life will pass away.
A. Until B. If C. Although D. Whether
13.—Do we have to read anything next week, Mr. Wu
—Sure, You _______ to read Black Beauty from pages 58 to 85.
A. were expected B. will expect C. are expecting D. are expected
14.—By the way, could you tell us _______
—From the Internet.
A. why are you interested in our company B. why you are interested in our company
C. where did you hear about our company D. where you heard about our company
15.—Are your parents against your leaving home to work in Shanghai
—_______. They say there are more chances in big cities.
A. Don’t mention it B. Of course not C. That’s all right D. With pleasure
1.“Hello, my dear friend. What a lucky day _______ I’m sure you will do well in this exam.” Which of the following fits in the blank best
A. ! B. , C. D. .
2.—Good news! The Chinese women table tennis team won a gold and a silver again.
—Great! No matter who wins the medals, it is the _______ of our country.
A. price B. pioneer C. pride D. pain
3.Zhang Hua, our monitor, is organized and thoughtful enough to _______ time well.
A. reduce B. manage C. control D. influence
4.Most neighbours _______ the habit of square dancing to create a quieter environment for us.
A. get into B. care about C. carry on D. give up
5.Tips: For our own safety, we’d better not stand under big trees on _______ days in summer.
A. sunny B. cloudy C. rainy D. foggy
6.Please look at the board. How long is Sunshine Science Museum open on Wednesday afternoon
Sunshine Science Museum Open: Tue—Fri 9:00-12:00 14:00-18:00 Sat—Sun 8:30-12:00 13:00-20:00 Closed: Mon
A. 3 hours B. 7 hours C. 3.5 hours D. 4 hours
7.The news Besides A and B, C appears beautifully in the sky makes us excited _______ “C” is C919 from China, with many Jiangsu elements(元素).
A. because B. so C. though D. then
8.—Tony, remember it’s rude to _______.
—OK, mom. I will keep it in mind. Thank you!
A. push in before others B. wait in a line
C. say “please” all the time D. greet each other
9.—Can anyone give me an example of an event in the past
—I can. _______
A. Shenzhou XVI will come back. B. Quan Hongchan won the gold medal.
C. I am taking the English exam. D. My classmate is going to watch a film.
10.—No photos here, please. We must learn to keep secrets for the safety of our motherland.
—_______ I forgot teachers had told us.
A. No way! B. Why not C. Sorry, I won’t. D. That’s all right.
1.200 families won 2021 Jiangsu Most Beautiful Families Award this year, and 15 families from Taizhou were _______ them.
A. among B. between C. over D. on
2._______ cultures such as Chinese knot, Chinese paper-cutting and Chinese opera are deeply loved by students.
A. Social B. Modern C. Traditional D. Natural
3.Schools should _______ students to form good working habits through labor(劳动)education.
A. force B. encourage C. warn D. promise
4.—It is impossible to finish the difficult task in such a short time on my own _______ both of us work together.
—No problem. Let’s start!
A. if B. but C. because D. unless
5.COVID-19(新冠肺炎) _______ the world, and many people’s life changes a lot.
A. influenced B. is influencing C. is influenced D. was influenced
6.—_______ is China Tiangong space station from us
—About 400 kilometers above the earth.
A. How much B. How often C. How far D. How long
7.Look at part of one page from an English-Chinese dictionary, which of the following words can be looked up on this page
A. necessary B. modest C. navy D. need
8.The government is _______ elevators(电梯)in the old buildings of some communities so that people,
especially the elderly can go up and down easily.
A. putting away B. putting out C. putting in D. putting through
9.—What a sunny day! Why not go camping with your friends
A. It’s my pleasure. B. You’d better not. C. No, I don’t mind. D. That sounds great.
10.Read the Tang poem A spring morning on the right. Its theme is about _______.
A spring morning
Meng Haoran
This spring morning in bed I’m lying.
Not wake up till I hear birds crying.
After one night of wind and showers.
How many are the fallen flowers!
A. history B. sights C. friendship D. festivals
1.The landing of China’s rover(登陆车)Zhurong on Mars shows China has made great _______ in space
A. progress B. project C. product D. protection
2.—I often see the sign in schools. What does it mean
—Students _______ bring mobile phones to school.
A. needn’t B. can’t C. couldn’t D. wouldn’t
3.It's reported that, _______, people with college education can make more money than those without.
A. in general B. in public C. in time D. in all
4.—Sir, I have trouble doing the voluntary work for the 20th Games of Jiangsu Province in Taizhou.
—Don’t worry. A lot of support _______ soon.
A. is offered B. will be offered C. was offered D. were offered
5.—Why do you choose to use Beidou Navigation(导航)Satellite System, Mr. Li
—Because I think it has many advantages _______ GPS(全球卫星定位系统).
A. on B. in C. over D. of
6.The old man, Bai Fangli, donated about¥350,000 to over 300 students _______ he lived a simple life himself.
A. until B. unless C. because D. though
7.The documentary For the Sake of Peace(《为了和平》)brings the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea(抗美援朝战争) _______ on screen.
A. living B. lively C. alive D. live
8.We should pay much attention to saving natural resources. Otherwise, they will _______ one day.
A. put out B. run out C. get out D. sell out
9.—I think Taizhou is a wonderful place to live.
—_______. And it was chosen as one of China’s top 100 happiest cities in 2020.
A. That’s all right B. Believe it or not C. That’s a good idea D. I can’t agree more
10.The chart shows that to be more popular, the largest number of students in schools would like to _______.
A. take more exercise to be stronger B. make more friends in a new school
C. ask more money from their parents D. study harder to improve their abilities
1.—Betty began to play _______ violin at the age of four.
—No wonder she plays so well.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
2.About 12,000 people took part in the 2023 Suqian Marathon _______ April 2.
A. at B. on C. in D. to
3.Miss Xu goes jogging in Huanghe Park every morning _______ it rains.
A. unless B. till C. since D. as
4.—The girl’s beautiful pronunciation caught our _______ in yesterday’s English speech competition.
—Yes, many students couldn’t help cheering for her.
A. condition B. attention C. invention D. position
5.Hua Hua—a panda at Chengdu Giant Panda Base is _______ because of her cute looks.
A. popular B. public C. proper D. private
6.According to the traffic rules, people _______ ride e-bikes without wearing helmets.
A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. may not D. might not
7.—Our school will invite Mr. Wang _______ us a talk on environmental protection next week.
—That’s wonderful!
A. give B. to give C. giving D. gave
8.—My father and I _______ a lot of photos at the same place in the past ten years.
—Those photos must be your valuable memories.
A. have taken B. will take C. take D. were taking
9.—There _______ a lot of new magazines in our school reading room.
—Oh, really Shall we go there this afternoon
A. is B. was C. are D. were
10.—China won all the gold medals at the 2023 World Table Tennis Championships.
—_______ exciting news!
A. What a B. How a C. How D. What
11.—Sandy is well organized.
—Exactly. _______ in her room is in good order.
A. Something B. Everything C. Nothing D. None
12.The energy from the sun and the wind costs little and will never _______.
A. turn out B. put out C. cut out D. run out
13.—Sleeping for a while after lunch can help us study better in the afternoon.
A. I can’t agree more B. I’d like to C. Don’t mention it D. It doesn’t matter
14.—I wonder _______.
—My best friend James.
A. how can you spend the coming summer holidays
B. how you can spend the coming summer holidays
C. who will you spend the coming summer holidays with
D. who you will spend the coming summer holidays with
【解析】考查宾语从句。wonder后缺少宾语,用宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述语序,排除AC;再由“My best friend James.”可知对人提问,用who引导宾语从句,排除B,故选D。句意:“我想知道你打算和谁一起过暑假。”“我最好的朋友詹姆斯。”
15.—Judy, when you are in a strange place, you’d better do as the local people do.
—That’s it. _______.
A. Practice makes perfect B. Many hands make light work
C. When in Rome, do as Romans do D. A friend in need is a friend indeed
1.My brother often plays _______ football with his classmates after school.
A. a B. an C. / D. the
2._______ spring, the days are often windy and bright. It’s a perfect time to fly a kite.
A. on B. In C. At D. With
3.—Good news! The Shenzhou XIV manned spacecraft has been sent into space successfully.
—That _______ exciting and encouraging!
A. turns B. tastes C. sounds D. smells
4._______ clever girl Kitty is! She can come up with some creative ways to finish the project.
A. What B. How a C. How D. What a
5.—People in our town planted _______ trees on Tree Planting Day.
—Good job! Everyone can do something to make our town greener.
A. hundred B. hundred of C. hundreds D. hundreds of
6.Yesterday, Lin Tao’s speech on how to be a good volunteer was _______ wonderful that we couldn’t stop cheering for him.
A. so B. very C. too D. quite
7.—All of us _______ follow the traffic rules when going out.
—Exactly! Safety comes first.
A. might B. must C. may D. could
8.—Miss Li, can you tell me how to improve my writing skills
—Certainly. I advise you _______ a diary in English every day.
A. to keep B. keeping C. kept D. keep
9.—Andy, what were you doing at this time yesterday afternoon
—I _______ the film The Battle at Lake Changjin with my sister.
A. watch B. watched C. was watching D. am watching
10.Amy did very well in her report. She is _______ to pay attention to every detail.
A. enough careful B. careful enough C. enough careless D. careless enough
11.Each of us in our group wants to make friends with Gary, because he is modest and never _______ .
A. shows off B. takes off C. puts off D. gives off
12.My grandma is good at paper-cutting. She can cut out pictures in the _______ cartoon characters.
A. ability B. weight C. shape D. quality
13.—Would you like to go to the youth centre with me tomorrow
—_______ I can’t wait for the robot show there.
A. Yes, that’s right. B. Sure, I’d love to. C. Of course not. D. Not at all.
14.—Jenny, do you know _______
—Er, next Tuesday.
A. when the sports meeting will take place B. when will the sports meeting take place
C. where the sports meeting will take place D. where will the sports meeting take place
15.Jack always gives his friends help when they need it, because he “ _______ ”.
A. It’s never too old to learn B. I never rains but it pours
C. Actions speak louder than words D. A friend in need is a friend
1.Kitty sometimes eats _______ orange or some grapes after lunch.
A. an B. a C. the D. /
2.The Communist Party of China will have its 100th birthday _______ July 1st, 2021.
A. in B. on C. for D. at
3.—Mum, where is David
—He _______ to see the science fiction film Back to the future.
A. is going B. goes C. has gone D. was going
4.This year’s Beijing Music Awards will be covered _______ on Sunshine TV this Saturday.
A. lively B. alive C. living D. live
5.Mary shut the window just now _______ she could keep the insects out.
A. so that B. when C. till D. after
6.—_______ do you go to the school library
—Twice a week.
A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How much
7.The policeman told the children _______ in the river. It’s too dangerous!
A. to not swim B. not to swim C. not swim D. not swimming
8.—Suzy, your room is really in a mess.
—Sorry, Mum. I’ll _______ right now.
A. tidy up B. put up C. look up D. stay up
9.Mr. Huang was born in Nanjing, but Suqian has become his second _______.
A. family B. house C. village D. hometown
10.—Is _______ here
—Yes. We are all ready.
A. somebody B. neither C. everybody D. none
11.—_______ nice music lesson Mrs. Wu gave us today!
—Yes. We enjoyed it very much.
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
12.—Sandy, is Mr Li in the teachers’ office now
—I am not sure. He _______ be there.
A. must B. can’t C. mustn’t D. may
13.—It’s really kind of you to help me with Maths, Jack.
A. It doesn’t matter B. All right C. You’re welcome D. Never mind
14.—Sam, can you tell me _______
—She is a nurse.
A. what Alice’s job is B. what is Alice’s job
C. what Alice’s job was D. what was Alice’s job
15.Dad never says that he is good at cooking, but in fact he is. He always cooks delicious meals for us, that is _______.
A. every dog has its day B. put all your eggs in one basket
C. a miss is as good as a mile D. actions speak louder than words
1.In the picture, people are celebrating _______.
A. Spring Festival B. Mid-Autumn Festival
C. Lantern Festival D. Dragon Boat Festival
2.Of all the _______, I love summer best.
A. seasons B. subjects C. colours D. hobbies
3.No one helped me. I did it all _______ myself.
A. for B. of C. by D. about
4.Please move your car away, sir. This is “_______” area.
A. No smoking B. No parking C. No swimming D. No littering
5.My cousin is _______. He never forgets the things he needs to do.
A. energetic B. curious C. organized D. confident
6.I loved the book so much that I could hardly _______.
A. put it up B. put it down C. put it on D. put it out
7._______ other nurses in the hospital have worked here longer than Helen; only Lucy and Mary started working here before her.
A. All B. Most C. Some D. Few
8.I saw Harry in February and I _______ him since then.
A. didn’t see B. won’t see C. haven’t seen D. don’t see
9.Mum opened the door _______ because she didn’t want to wake up her baby.
A. angrily B. loudly C. quickly D. quietly
10.If you put all your eggs in one basket, you _______ losing everything all at one time.
A. risk B. enjoy C. avoid D. consider
11.Let’s take the simple steps today _______ we will save the world for our grandsons and granddaughters
A. unless B. until C. so that D. though
12.The Monkey King is a traditional Chinese character. It _______ by people of all ages.
A. is loved B. was loved C. will love D. is loving
13.I have decided to go to Beijing and _______ one of my old friends there.
A. visiting B. visited C. visits D. visit
14.—I guess you want to go fishing.
—_______. That’s exactly what I was thinking.
A. You read my mind B. You are welcome C. You never know D. It’s up to you
15.Amy: You can just drop me here.
Tom: But we are two blocks away from the office.
Amy: It’s fine. I had a big lunch, and feel like a bit of walk.
What does Amy want to do
A. Have lunch. B. Take a walk. C. Call her office. D. Drive a car.
1.Which sign says “Turn left”
A. B. C. D.
2.People usually _______ in the kitchen.
A. sleep B. chat C. cook D. study
3.Today is much _______ than yesterday. Nice!
A. cool B. cooler C. coolest D. the coolest
4._______ is our duty to make our country better and stronger.
A. It B. This C. That D. One
5.—I love this T-shirt. _______ does it cost
—50 yuan. Why not try it on
A. How long B. How often C. How old D. How much
6.We need to guard _______ any possible danger around us.
A. for B. over C. with D. against
7.I have the habit of _______ the unknown words in the dictionary or on the Internet.
A. looking up B. looking for C. looking at D. looking after
8.Dad sometimes goes to the supermarket with us _______ he hates going shopping.
A. because B. so C. though D. if
9.—Daniel has gone to Beijing on business.
—Oh, I didn’t know. When _______
A. has he left B. was he leaving C. did he leave D. will he leave
10.Why does John act so _______ Look, he’s speaking faster, his face becomes redder and you can almost see fire in his eyes.
A. happily B. angrily C. calmly D. sadly
11.—Can we play games here
—Better not. If you _______, please go to the open space there.
A. must B. can C. may D. will
12.From my _______ on the top of the TV tower, I can have a perfect view of our city.
A. tradition B. condition C. position D. situation
13.I _______ by aliens on my way home the other day. Do you believe me
A. have attacked B. was attacked C. was attacking D. am attacked
14.—Are you going to Helen’s birthday party tomorrow
—_______. I might have to work.
A. It depends B. Thank you C. Good idea D. With pleasure
15.Please read the poem on the right. Which word is the most suitable for _______
A Spring MorningBy Meng Haoran This spring morning in bed I’m lying, Not to awake till birds are crying. After one night of wind and ▲ , How many are the fallen flowers
A. rains B. storms C. snows D. showers
1.In the picture, the students are _______.
A. swimming B. playing ball games C. flying kites D. doing morning exercises
2.I have my own advantages and my friends have _______.
A. his B. hers C. theirs D. ours
3.Miss Li studied at a college in Beijing from 2016 _______ 2020.
A. to B. of C. in D. with
4.Which colour do you like _______, purple, orange or pink
A. well B. good C. better D. best
5.In my school days, I _______ a lot of reading in English every day. That was how I learned English at that time.
A. do B. did C. have done D. will do
6.If you don’t think something will happen and then it happens, you will feel _______.
A. surprised B. stressed C. scared D. satisfied
7.I was full, _______ the ice cream looked so good that I couldn’t help trying it.
A. and B. but C. so D. or
8._______ you raise your feet off the floor I’d like to see if my pen is under the desk.
A. Must B. Can C. Should D. May
9.Mary, put on the _______ to keep your hands warm.
A. gloves B. glasses C. socks D. jeans
10.I learned to skate quickly. At first, I fell down a few times, but now I _______ fall down.
A. always B. often C. sometimes D. seldom
11.The 19th Asian Games _______ in Hangzhou in September 2022.I can’t wait!
A. were held B. will be held C. have held D. are held
12.Agatha Christie was a female writer _______ is considered the queen of crime novels.
A. what B. whose C. who D. which
13.—Amy had so many phone calls today.
—Yes. As soon as one call was over, another call _______.
A. took up B. showed off C. handed out D. came in
14.—How many members are there in your club
—Eight this term, but there will be twenty _______ next term.
A. at least B. at present C. at all D. at once
15.—Will you be able to finish the report before Thursday
—Yeah, _______, buddy.
A. that’s right B. don’t mention it C. no worries D. forget it
1.I usually have _______ lunch with my classmates at school.
A. / B. a C. an D. the
2._______ spring, our city is full of green trees and beautiful flowers.
A. At B. In C. On D. Of
3.—Mr Wu, _______ can I keep the guitar
—For five days.
A. how often B. how soon C. how long D. how much
4.—Sir, may I take photos here
—Sorry, look at the sign. You _______ take photos in the museum.
A. could B. may C. mustn’t D. needn’t
5.The C919, China’s self-made large plane, is now in use. _______ exciting the news is!
A. How B. How an C. What D. What an
6.My teacher Miss Chen often helps me with my English. I thank _______ very much.
A. she B. her C. hers D. herself
7.As a student, you should keep a _______ between your schoolwork and your hobbies.
A. diary B. record C. secret D. balance
8.—Su Hai, what will you do for the coming Father’s Day
—I _______ a beautiful card for my father.
A. design B. designed C. will design D. was designing
9.—Chen Dan, do you know _______
—Bus No.3 will take you there.
A. what is Star Park like B. what Star Park is like
C. how can I get to Star Park D. how I can get to Star Park
10.—Would you mind showing me how to enter the computer system
—_______. Just click here.
A. Sure B. Of course not C. That’s right D. I hope so
1.Autumn is _______ best season to visit the Great Wall in China.
A. / B. a C. an D. the
2.—Mrs Wang, when is World Reading Day
—It is _______ April 23 every year.
A. in B. at C. on D. by
3.—_______ do you visit your grandparents, Simon
—Twice a month.
A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How much
4.—Miss Li. I don’t want to say sorry to Daniel.
—I’m afraid you _______. After all, you broke his glasses.
A. may B. have to C. mustn’t D. needn’t
5._______ good book you offered us! It really helps us a lot.
A. How B. How a C. What D. What a
6.We would like to buy electric cars _______ they produce less air pollution.
A. because B. so C. though D. but
7.Tim _______ the pen on the floor and handed it to his classmate.
A. put up B. picked up C. looked up D. took up
8.—I called you at 3 p.m. yesterday, but you didn’t answer.
—I _______ an experiment on Chemistry in the school lab.
A. was doing B. am doing C. did D. do
9.—Mum, I found a wallet on the bus this morning.
—I think you should give it to the police and they may know _______.
A. how is the owner B. who is the owner C. how the owner is D. who the owner is
10.—You’d better not eat too many sweets. It’s bad for your teeth.
—_______. Maybe it’s time for me to change my eating habits.
A. I don’t think so B. Never mind C. You’re welcome D. Thanks for your advice
1.I always run for half _______ hour every day to keep fit.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
2.—What time does the library open in the morning
—It opens _______ 9 a.m.
A. in B. on C. at D. between
3.—_______ is singing over there
—My sister. She likes singing.
A. How B. Who C. What D. When
4.Both Sandy and Millie _______ interested in cooking. They often learn to cook at weekends.
A. am B. is C. are D. be
5.—Why don’t you buy the beautiful T-shirt
—It’s too _______ , I don’t have enough money to buy it.
A. new B. old C. cheap D. expensive
6.Pandas are so cute. Most children like _______.
A. they B. them C. their D. themselves
7.—Kevin, it’s Friday. You _______ get up early tomorrow morning.
—Great! I’m so tired these days.
A. must B. mustn’t C. may D. needn’t
8._______ great scientist Yuan Longping is! He spent all his life on the research of rice.
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
9.Please remember to _______ the TV before leaving the room.
A. turn off B. show off C. let off D. get off
10.—Here comes the bus. Is everyone here
—No. Sam _______ a meeting in the school hall now.
A. have B. had C. will have D. is having
11.There is a lot of traffic in the street. Please drive _______.
A. careful B. careless C. carefully D. carelessly
12.I love cola and hamburgers, _______ they are not healthy.
A. or B. so C. but D. and
13.—_______ is it from your school to your home
—It’s about 10 minutes’ walk.
A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How much
14.—Can you imagine _______ in 2035
—I’m sure it will be better.
A. how our life was B. what will our life be like
C. how was our life D. what our life will be like
15.—Excuse me, where is Xiyou Theme Park
—_______. I’m new here.
A. Sorry, I don’t know B. This way, please
C. It doesn’t matter D. No, I don’t think so
1.Travelling to Yancheng, _______ beautiful seaside city, is a fantastic experience.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
2.Girls in our class show interest in _______. Some like painting and others like dancing.
A. art B. sports C. fashion D. literature
3.Lucy and Lily are twins. Even their parents find it hard to tell the differences _______ them.
A from B. with C. between D. among
4.We’ll have a picnic in the park this Sunday _______ there is a heavy rain.
A. whether B. unless C. since D. because
5.—Coffee or milk, Jeff
—_______ is OK. I care little about it.
A. Both B. None C. Either D. Neither
6.Safety comes first. Everyone on the coach _______ wear the seat belt.
A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t
7.Millie _______ a lot about sea-salt culture since she came to Yancheng.
A. learns B. learned C. will learn D. has learned
8.Good news comes that China has sent Shenzhou XIV to space _______ the unknown world.
A. explore B. explored C. exploring D. to explore
9.—What should we take when going birdwatching
—You’d better take a pair of binoculars which will help you see more _______.
A. quietly B. clearly C. politely D. seriously
10.Spud Webb _______ at first because of his height, but he didn’t lose heart.
A. refuses B. refused C. was refused D. will be refused
11.Mr. Li often looks up _______ information on Health Yancheng app before going to hospital.
A. Personal B. medical C. national D. musical
12.UNICEF is part of the United Nations. It was _______ in Europe in 1946.
A. set up B. put up C. cut down D. put down
13.—Can you tell me _______
—Never spend too much time on screen.
A. how we can have bright eyes B. why we should protect our eyes
C. where we can see an eye doctor D. when we should do eye exercises
14.—Mum, to lose weight, I’ll eat less and exercise more.
—You promised many times. Remember _______.
A. a miss is as good as a mile B. many hands make light work
C. the grass is always greener on the other side D. actions speak louder than words
15.—To live a green life, we should do something actively.
—_______. Let’s start from now on.
A. Never mind B. I agree C. It doesn’t matter D. That’s all right
1.As an old saying goes, “He who has never been to _______ Great Wall is not a true man.”
A. a B. an C. the D. /
2.China successfully landed a spacecraft _______ Mars in May, 2021.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
3.Read the book Cute Pets, _______ you will know how to take care of your cat.
A. or B. so C. and D. but
4.No one is _______. The key is to learn from mistakes and never stop.
A. careful B. generous C. famous D. perfect
5.During Dr Mar’s last visit, he _______ on 150 patients on the ORBIS plane.
A. operates B. is operating C. will operate D. operated
6.—Why are you laughing, Daniel
—There is _______ funny in the e and see.
A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing
7.Yuan Longping and his team have solved the problem of _______ for many people.
A. hunger B. health C. pollution D. population
8.The biggest challenge we all face is to prevent further environmental disasters. We _______ take action before it is too late.
A. can B. must C. may D. might
9.Alice often _______ the fun of doing DIY with us. She is so creative!
A. shares B. provides C. makes D. gives
10.Rainbows _______ when sunlight passes through small drops of water in the sky.
A. produce B. produced C. are produced D. were produced
11.Cloth shoes became popular during the Ming Dynasty, _______ in Sichuan province.
A. hardly B. nearly C. really D. especially
12.Last September, Thunderstorm was shown _______ Cao Yu, one of China’s greatest playwrights.
A. remember B. remembering C. remembered D. to remember
13.—Hello! I’d like to speak to the Customer Service Department.
—Please _______ and I’ll put you through.
A. hold on B. carry on C. come on D. go on
14.—Jim is planning a trip to Shanghai this weekend, but still doesn’t decide _______.
—Why not take the high-speed railway It’s fast and comfortable.
A. who will he visit B. what he will do
C. how he’s going there D. whom is he going with
15.—China has done a great job of dealing with poverty(贫困).
—_______. We’re so proud of being Chinese.
A. Fantastic B. Don’t mention it C. I have no idea D. Good luck
1.China is _______ country with a history of more than 5,000 years.
A. the B. a C. an D. /
2.Your school library looks as modern as _______. Can you show me around
A. we B. us C. our D. ours
3.The instrument EyeHarp is specially designed _______ disabled people to play music with eyes.
A. in B. as C. for D. over
4.Earthquakes can be very dangerous. We _______ learn to protect ourselves.
A. might B. should C. could D. would
5.To make the environment much better, more trees _______ next year.
A. plant B. will plant C. are planted D. will be planted
6.—_______ have you been a member of the Youth League
—For three years.
A. How long B. How many C. How often D. How far
7.This kind of SmartWatch _______ Mr Li’s daily needs. He wears it all the time.
A. satisfies B. hides C. carries D. brings
8.—Sarah, do you know _______
—It’s on April 23.
A. what is World Book Day B. what World Book Day is
C. when is World Book Day D. when World Book Day is
9.It won’t take long to clean the hall when we do it together. You know, _______.
A. the early bird catches the worm B. many hands make light work
C. a friend in need is a friend indeed D. actions speak louder than words
10.—Thanks for inviting me to the Garden Flower Expo.
A. That’s right B. I’m fine C. You’re welcome D. Great idea
1.Me and My Winter Games is _______ interesting film. It’s a gift for Beijing 2022.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
2.Our English teacher, Miss Li, is kind and patient. We all like _______.
A. she B. her C. hers D. herself
3.The traffic light is green. Let’s go _______ the road.
A. against B. among C. across D. above
4.The hat is not the right _______ for me. I’d like a smaller one.
A. size B. style C. colour D. material
5.There isn’t _______ in the classroom. All the students are having a PE lesson in the playground.
A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody
6.Kitty, these books are _______ heavy for you _______ carry. Let me help you.
A. as…as B. too…to C. such…that D. so…that
7.We learned _______ to work as a team by completing the task.
A. what B. which C. how D. who
8.We are _______ that the Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world.
A. friendly B. brave C. nervous D. proud
9.The public sign in the library means people _______ smoke there.
A. could B. must C. couldn’t D. mustn’t
10.—_______ do you play volleyball, Amy
—Three days a week.
A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How much
11.The traditional Chinese lunar calendar _______ a year _______ 24 solar terms(节气).
A. divides, into B. mixes, with C. translates, into D. covers, with
12.On April 16th, astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu came back to Earth from the Tiangong space station _______.
A. widely B. especially C. highly D. safely
13.—Could you please tell me _______
—You can take No. 2 Bus.
A. when was the nearest hospital built B. how can I get to the nearest hospital
C. when the nearest hospital was built D. how I can get to the nearest hospital
14.Keep practising, and you’ll be an excellent football player. _______.
A. No pain, no gain B. A friend in need is a friend indeed
C. It never rains but it pours D. When in Rome, do as the Romans do
15.—Shall we go birdwatching tomorrow
—_______! I’d love to.
A. Good luck B. Best wishes C. Sounds great D. You’re welcome
1.—Shall we play _______ basketball this afternoon
—Good idea! Do you have _______ basketball
A. the; a B. a; a C. /; / D. /; a
2.Which underlined letter pronounces differently from the others
A. dog B. pollute C. knock D. strong
3.Miss Li, a humorous teacher, taught _______ maths last term.
A. us B. our C. ours D. ourselves
4.Jim, you’d better not _______ too much time on your mobile phone.
A. cost B. spend C. take D. pay
5.The Communist Party of China will have its 100th birthday _______ July 1st, 2021.
A. in B. at C. on D. around
6.What an amazing robot! It _______ cook more than 5, 000 dishes.
A. shall B. need C. must D. can
7.The _______ Lianyungang-Xuzhou High-speed Railway was open to the public this year.
A. 180 kilometer long B. 180 kilometers long C. 180-kilometer-long D. 180-kilometers-long
8.Wait politely, please. Don’t _______ on others.
A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut short
9.Look at the sign, please. You can park your car on _______ side of the street.
A. both B. other C. either D. all
10.Drinking tea is usually seen as a _______ lifestyle in China.
A. strict B. boring C. clean D. healthy
11.—_______ is the concert going to start
—I’ve no idea. Why not check the ticket
A. What time B. What about C. How long D. How often
12.David Attenborough _______ 40 documentaries over the past 67 years. A Life on Our Planet is his latest work.
A. makes B. made C. has made D. is making
13.Tomorrow is Earth Day. Let’s discuss _______.
A. when shall we give out the leaflets B. what we can do to recycle things
C. how should we save more energy D. whether can we make our city greener
14.Keep on dancing, and you’ll be better at it. _______.
A. Practice makes perfect B. Bum the candle at both ends
C. It never rains but it pours D. A friend in need is a friend indeed
15.—Tom, turn off the tap. Don’t leave it running.
A. Better not B. Sorry, I will C. Not at all D. You’re welcome
1.Yangzhou is _______ city full of _______ history, culture and mouthwatering food.
A. the; a B. a; a C. the; the D. a; /
【解析】考查冠词。第一个空泛指“一个城市”,city以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a,排除AC;根据“full of...history, culture...”可知此处指充满历史、文化等的城市,此处history是不可数名词,排除B,故选D。句意:扬州是一座充满历史、文化和令人垂涎的美食的城市。
2.The children have painted since _______ could first pick up a brush.
A. they B. them C. their D. themselves
3.Slow cooking seems to hold the taste of the meat much _______.
A. good B. well C. better D. best
4.Everyone will have to get out of their houses _______ meet their neighbours.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
【解析】考查连词。and和;but但是;or或者;so因此。“get out of their houses”与“meet their
5.I _______ China for three months and this is the first time I’ve tried on hanfu.
A. have gone to B. have been to C. have arrived in D. have been in
【解析】考查动词短语。have gone to去了(而且现在还在)某地;have been to去过了(而现在没在)某地; have arrived in已经到了,短暂性动词; have been in(现在)在某地。根据“for three months”可知,应是在中国三个月了,且应与延续性动词连用,故选D。句意:我来中国三个月了,这是我第一次穿汉服。
6.Science is my favourite subject, so I have prepared _______ the STEAM Club.
A. join B. joining C. to join D. to joining
【解析】考查非谓语动词。prepare to do sth“准备做某事”,固定短语,所以空处用动词不定式,故选C。句意:科学是我最喜欢的科目,所以我已经准备加入 STEAM俱乐部了。
7.Paper cut-outs of “double happiness” are often _______ in the married couple’s home to bring good wishes.
A. put back B. put up C. put on D. put off
【解析】考查动词短语。put back放回去;put up张贴;put on穿上;put off推迟。“Paper cut-outs of ‘double happiness’ ”是一种剪纸,人们会把它贴在家里,故选B。句意:“双喜字”的剪纸经常被贴在新婚夫妇的家里,以表达美好的祝愿。
8.—What places of interest are there in Yangzhou
—I recommend the Slender West Lake. A boat tour is a wonderful _______!
A. movement B. attraction C. experience D. research
【解析】考查名词。movement移动,转移;attraction有吸引力的事物;experience经历;research研究。根据“A boat tour is a wonderful”可知,此处说的是一种体验/经历,故选C。句意:“扬州有哪些名胜古迹?”“我推荐瘦西湖。乘船游览是一种美妙的体验!”
9.We need to tell people to just do one small thing well _______ 100 things poorly.
A. as well as B. instead of C. according to D. because of
【解析】考查介词短语。as well as和,也;instead of而不是;according to根据;because of由于。根据“do one small thing well … 100 things poorly”可知,要好好地做一件事,而不是糟糕地完成100件事,故选B。句意:我们需要告诉人们做好一件小事就可以,而不是糟糕地完成100件事。
10.While everyone _______ the comics page, I picked up a copy to see what was so funny.
A. is laughing at B. laughed at C. laughs at D. was laughing at
【解析】考查动词的时态。laugh at“嘲笑”,本文是while引导的时间状语从句,强调从句动作正在进行时主句动作发生,结合“I picked up a copy”可知,从句时态用过去进行时(was/were doing),故选D。句意:当每个人都在笑漫画页时,我拿起一本,想看看是什么这么好笑。
11.—I like your teapot. It has a very funny but interesting shape.
—Thank you. It’s a work of art, but it is also _______ for tea making.
A. natural B. practical C. equal D. general
【解析】考查形容词。natural自然的;practical适用的,实际的;equal平等的;general普遍的。根据“It’s a work of art, but it is also...for tea making.”可知是指茶壶是一件艺术品,也适用于泡茶,故选B。句意:“我喜欢你的茶壶。它有一个非常有趣但有趣的形状。”“谢谢。它是一件艺术品,但它也可以用来泡茶。”
12.Sand turns to glass when it _______ by lightning.
A. hits B. is hit C. is hitting D. will be hit
13.We don’t _______ much from the kids because they can’t understand the value of this work.
A. express B. excuse C. expect D. explain
【解析】考查动词。express表达;excuse原谅;expect要求,指望;explain解释。根据“because they can’t understand the value of this work.”可知,不能对孩子有太高的期望,故选C。句意:我们对孩子们期望不高,因为他们无法理解这项工作的价值。
14.—I’m wondering _______ at a low price.
—You can book one through our official APP.
A. how I can buy the air ticket B. how can I buy the air ticket
C. when I can buy the air ticket D. when can I buy the air ticket
【解析】考查宾语从句。根据“I’m wondering”可知,句子含宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除B和D;答句是订机票的方式,用how提问,故选A。句意:“我想知道什么时候能买到便宜的机票。”“您可以通过我们的官方APP预订。”
15.—I’ve made little progress in my maths, Li Ming. I’m really worried.
—_______, Liu Mei. It takes time.
A. Sounds good B. Don’t mention it C. That’s a good idea D. Don’t worry
【解析】考查情景交际。Sounds good听起来不错;Don’t mention it别提了;That’s a good idea这个主意真不错;Don’t worry别担心。根据“It takes time.”可知,此处应是安慰对方不要过于担心,故选D。句意:“李明,我的数学进步不大。我真的很担心。”“别担心,刘梅。这需要时间。”
1.China has helped end 70% of poverty worldwide since _______ late 1970s, according to _______ World Bank.
A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a
【解析】考查冠词。空格一处表示年代,用“the+年份复数”,表示“在几世纪几十年代”,排除AC;World Bank“世界银行”是专用名词,前加定冠词the,故选B。句意:据世界银行称,自20世纪70年代后期以来,中国已帮助消除了全球70%的贫困人口。
2.Place names often have interesting connections _______ the local landscape and people.
A. in B. on C. at D. to
【解析】考查介词。in在……里;on在……上;at在;to到。根据“Place names often have interesting connections...the local landscape and people”可知地名和当地景观和人有联系,have connections to...“和……有联系”,故选D。句意:地名通常与当地景观和人有着有趣的联系。
3._______ astronauts go on spacewalks, they wear spacesuits to keep themselves safe.
A. Though B. Till C. When D. Unless
【解析】考查状语从句。Though虽然;Till直到;When当……时候;Unless除非。根据“astronauts go on spacewalks, they wear spacesuits to keep themselves safe”可知当宇航员太空行走时,他们会穿宇航服,用when引导时间状语从句,故选C。句意:当宇航员进行太空行走时,他们会穿着宇航服来保护自己的安全。
4.Xia Sen _______ a simple life and saves her money for donations.
A. lives B. lived C. was living D. will live
【解析】考查动词的时态。根据“and saves her money for donations”可知句子描述现在的情况,用一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单三,故选A。句意:夏森过着简朴的生活,攒钱捐款。
5.—Tell me, Grandma. _______ is your favourite person in the whole wide world
—That’s easy! It’s you!
A. What B. Who C. How D. Whom
【解析】考查特殊疑问句。What什么;Who谁;How怎样;Whom谁。根据“It’s you”可知上文询问人,且疑问词在句中作主语,用疑问代词who,故选B。句意:“爷爷,告诉我,全世界你最喜欢的人是谁?”“这很简单。是你!”
6.We youths do our best for our dreams and together a small success can give us a sense of _______.
A. achievement B. department C. treatment D. entertainment
【解析】考查名词。achievement成就;department部门;treatment治疗;entertainment娱乐。根据“a small success can give us a sense of”可知,表达成就感,用名词“achievement”,故选A。句意:我们年轻人尽我们最大的努力实现我们的梦想,共同取得一个小小的胜利就会给我们一种成就感。
7.Protect your hearing. Don’t wait until you _______ hear a thing.
A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. can’t
【解析】考查情态动词。needn’t不必;mustn’t禁止;shouldn’t不应该;can’t不能。根据“Protect your hearing. Don’t wait until you...hear a thing”可知此处表示“现在就开始保护听力,等不能听到声音再保护就晚了”,使用can’t,故选D。句意:保护你的听力。不要等到你什么也听不见了。
8.In such cheerful conversation, the time _______ all too quickly.
A. went up B. went down C. went by D. went back
【解析】考查动词短语。went up上升;went down沉下;went by流逝;went back追溯。根据“the time”及“too quickly”可知,表达时间流逝地快。用短语“went by”,故选C。句意:在这么欢快的对话中,时间流逝得很快/时间过得真快。
9.It’s _______ of the boy to leave the tap running.
A. endless B. homeless C. meaningless D. careless
【解析】考查形容词。endless无止境的;homeless无家可归的;meaningless无意义的,无价值的;careless粗心大意的。根据“to leave the tap running”,可知表达这个男孩走的时候没关水龙头很粗心,故选D。句意:这个男孩离开时忘记关水龙头,真是粗心大意。
10.—May I speak to Wang Li
—Sorry, she is not at home. She _______ since last month.
A. left B. has left C. has been away D. went away
【解析】考查动词的时态。根据“since last month”可知句子应使用现在完成时have/has done,排除AD;且此处应用延续性动词,而left“离开”是非延续动词,排除B,故选C。句意:“我可以和王丽通话吗?”“对不起,她不在家。从上个月开始,她就离开了。”
11._______ the people locked inside, the firemen broke down the door.
A. Reach B. To reach C. Reaching D. To reaching
【解析】考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,“the people locked inside”的目的是“the firemen broke down the door”,作目的状语用动词不定式,故选B。句意:为了接触被锁在里面的人,消防员破门而入。
12.People in cold areas _______ warm colours to calm colours in their homes.
A. protect B. prefer C. pronounce D. practise
【解析】考查动词。protect保护;prefer更喜欢;pronounce发音;practise练习。根据“People in cold areas...warm colours to calm colours”以及常识可知寒冷地区的人更喜欢暖色系,prefer...to
13.—I hear that you took part in a forest clean-up activity last Sunday.
—Yes, it _______ by our school green club to protect forests.
A. organizes B. organized C. was organized D. will be organized
【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。根据“last Sunday”可知是过去的事,是一般过去时。主语“it”指的是“a forest clean-up activity”,和动词之间是被动关系,表达“被组织”用一般过去时的被动结构“was organized”,故选C。句意:“我听说你上周日参加了森林清理活动。”“是的。我们学校的环保俱乐部组织了这次活动来保护森林。”
14.—Excuse me, could you tell me _______
—You can take No. 6 bus there. It’s about 15 minutes’ ride.
A. how far is the Slender West Lake B. how far the Slender West Lake is
C. how can I get to the Slender West Lake D. how I can get to the Slender West Lake
【解析】考查名词从句。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除AC;根据“You can take No. 6 bus there”可知上句询问应如何去某地,用how引导宾语从句,故选D。句意:“打扰一下,你能告诉我怎么去瘦西湖吗?”“你可以在那里乘坐6路公交车。大约15分钟的车程。”
15.—My pet dog died yesterday. I’m in a bad mood.
—_______. I know how it feels.
A. Sorry to hear that B. That’s not the case C. Never mind D. It’s a pleasure
【解析】考查情景交际。Sorry to hear that很抱歉听到这个消息;That’s not the case事实并非如此;Never mind没关系;It’s a pleasure别客气。根据“My pet dog died yesterday. I’m in a bad mood”可知此处应对别人的不幸遭遇表示同情,选项A符合语境,故选A。句意:“我的宠物狗昨天死了。我的心情不好。”“很抱歉听到这个消息。我知道那是什么感觉。”
1.As _______ teacher, it’s important to be _______ good role model for their students.
A. the; a B. a; the C. a; a D. the; the
2.—Which colour do you like, red or blue
—_______. I like green.
A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. None
【解析】考查代词。Either两者中任何一个;Both两者都;Neither两者都不;None三者或三者以上都不。根据选项“red or blue”和空后“I like green.”可知,空处应是表示“两者都不”,故选C。句意:“你喜欢什么颜色,红色还是蓝色?”“(红蓝)都不喜欢。我喜欢绿色。”
3.China’s first Mars rover, Zhurong, touched down on the Red Planet _______ May 15, 2021.
A. on B. in C. at D. to
【解析】考查介词。on其后加星期或具体的时间;in其后加早中晚/季节/月份/年份等;at其后加时间点等;to到。根据“May 15, 2021”可知,是具体的某一天,故选A。句意:中国首个火星探测器“祝融号”于2021年5月15日在火星上着陆。
4.I can’t believe you made the life—like cat out of paper. How _______ you are!
A. loyal B. creative C. helpful D. organized
【解析】考查形容词。loyal忠诚的;creative有创造力的;helpful有帮助的;organized有组织的。根据“I can’t believe you made the life—like cat out of paper”可知,感叹对方很有创造力,故选B。句意:真不敢相信你用纸做了一只栩栩如生的猫。你多么有创造力呀!
5.—_______ do you play basketball with your friends
—Only once a week.
A. How long B. How much C. How soon D. How often
【解析】考查特殊疑问句。how long多久,多长;how much多少;how soon多久以后;how often多久一次。根据回答“Only once a week.”可知,此处是问频率,应该用how often提问,故选D。句意:“你多久和你的朋友打一次篮球?”“一周一次。”
6.—Have you watched the film Gulliver’s Travels
—Yes, I _______ it during the Spring Festival. What about you
A. watch B. watched C. will watch D. have watched
【解析】考查动词的时态。根据“during the Spring Festival”可知,动作发生在过去,用一般过去时,故选B。句意:“你看过《格列佛游记》这部电影吗?”“看过,我在春节期间看的。你呢?”
7.We _______ see which way to go if the stars do not twinkle(闪耀)so.
A. can not B. should not C. must not D. need not
【解析】考查情态动词。can not不能;should not不应该;must not不必、不允许;need not不需要。根据“if the stars do not twinkle(闪耀)so.”结合“We … see which way to go”,可知如果星星不这样闪烁,我们就不能看见往哪个方向走,因此用can not“不能”,故选A。句意:如果星星不这样闪烁,我们就不能看到该走哪条路。
8.—How did you come to Baoying
—By high-speed rail. It _______ me only 28 minutes to get here.
A. spent B. paid C. lost D. took
【解析】考查动词。spent花费,主语是人;paid付款,主语是人;lost失去;took花费,主语是it或物。根据“It…me only 28 minutes to get here.”可知,此处是“it takes/took sb+时间+to do sth”句型,故选D。句意:“你是怎么来宝应的?”“坐高铁。只花了我28分钟就到了这里。”
9.In many countries, people put their fingers up to their mouths _______ silence.
A. ask for B. asking for C. to ask for D. asked for
【解析】考查非谓语动词。分析“people put their fingers up to their mouths…silence”可知,此处表示目的,用动词不定式作目的状语,故选C。句意:在许多国家,人们把手指放在嘴里(表示)要求安静。
10.—We can always find something good in a bad _______ if we look for it.
—It’s so true. Let’s make full use of what comes.
A. situation B. direction C. instruction D. competition
【解析】考查名词。situation情况;direction方向;instruction指导;competition比赛。根据“We can always find something good in a bad…”可知,此处指“在不好的情况下/在逆境中”,故选A。句意:“如果我们去寻找,总能在逆境中找到好的东西。”“太对了。让我们充分利用所得到的。”
11.He said that he would pass the exam and this _______ to be true.
A. turned out B. put out C. broke out D. tried out
【解析】考查动词短语。turned out结果是;put out扑灭;broke out爆发;tried out试验。根据“He said that he would pass the exam and this…to be true.”可知,此处强调结果,故选A。句意:他说他会通过考试的,结果果真如此。
12._______ we always wait for another day, fruitlessly our life will pass away.
A. Until B. If C. Although D. Whether
13.—Do we have to read anything next week, Mr. Wu
—Sure, You _______ to read Black Beauty from pages 58 to 85.
A. were expected B. will expect C. are expecting D. are expected
【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。根据上文“Do we have to read anything next week, Mr Wu ”结合“Sure, You … to read Black Beauty from pages 58 to 85.”可知主语和谓语动词expect之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,因此用被动语态,句子时态是一般现在时,因此用一般现在时的被动语态,即be+动词的过去分词,主语是you,be动词用are,expect的过去分词是expected,故选D。句意:“吴老师,下周我们一定要读一些什么吗?”“当然,你们要读《黑骏马》从58页到85页。”
14.—By the way, could you tell us _______
—From the Internet.
A. why are you interested in our company B. why you are interested in our company
C. where did you hear about our company D. where you heard about our company
【解析】考查名词从句。此处是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除AC;根据答语“From the Internet.”可知,强调出处,故选D。句意:“顺便问一下,你能告诉我们你是在哪里听说我们公司的吗?”“从互联网上。”
15.—Are your parents against your leaving home to work in Shanghai
—_______. They say there are more chances in big cities.
A. Don’t mention it B. Of course not C. That’s all right D. With pleasure
【解析】考查情景交际。Don’t mention it不客气;Of course not当然不;That’s all right没关系;With pleasure乐意效劳。根据“They say there are more chances in big cities.”可知,父母不反对,故选B。句意:“你的父母反对你离开家到上海工作吗?”“当然不。他们说在大城市有更多的机会。”
1.“Hello, my dear friend. What a lucky day _______ I’m sure you will do well in this exam.” Which of the following fits in the blank best
A. ! B. , C. D. .
【解析】考查感叹句。根据“What a lucky day...”可知,此处是“What+a+adj+可数名词单数”感叹句,故选A。句意:“你好,我亲爱的朋友。多么幸运的一天 _______ 我相信你会在这次考试中取得好成绩。”下列哪一项最适合空白处?
2.—Good news! The Chinese women table tennis team won a gold and a silver again.
—Great! No matter who wins the medals, it is the _______ of our country.
A. price B. pioneer C. pride D. pain
【解析】考查名词。price价格;pioneer先驱;pride骄傲;pain痛苦。根据“No matter who wins the medals, it is the...of our country.”可知,无论谁获奖都是祖国的骄傲,故选C。句意:“好消息!中国女子乒乓球队再次获得一金一银。”“太棒了!无论谁赢得奖牌,都是我们国家的骄傲。”
3.Zhang Hua, our monitor, is organized and thoughtful enough to _______ time well.
A. reduce B. manage C. control D. influence
【解析】考查动词。reduce减少;manage管理;control控制;influence影响。根据“Zhang Hua, our monitor, is organized and thoughtful enough to...time well.”可知,有条理,所以能很好地管理自己的时间,故选B。句意:张华,我们的班长,有条理,有思想,能很好地管理时间。
4.Most neighbours _______ the habit of square dancing to create a quieter environment for us.
A. get into B. care about C. carry on D. give up
【解析】考查动词短语。get into陷入;care about关心;carry on继续;give up放弃。根据“Most neighbours...the habit of square dancing to create a quieter environment for us.”可知,创造更安静的环境,所以是放弃跳广场舞,故选D。句意:为了给我们创造一个更安静的环境,大多数邻居都放弃了跳广场舞的习惯。
5.Tips: For our own safety, we’d better not stand under big trees on _______ days in summer.
A. sunny B. cloudy C. rainy D. foggy
【解析】考查形容词和常识。sunny晴朗的;cloudy多云的;rainy下雨的;foggy多雾的。根据“we’d better not stand under big trees on...days in summer”和常识可知,夏天下雨天最好不要站在大树下,故选C。句意:温馨提示:为了自身安全,夏天下雨天最好不要站在大树下。
6.Please look at the board. How long is Sunshine Science Museum open on Wednesday afternoon
Sunshine Science Museum Open: Tue—Fri 9:00-12:00 14:00-18:00 Sat—Sun 8:30-12:00 13:00-20:00 Closed: Mon
A. 3 hours B. 7 hours C. 3.5 hours D. 4 hours
【解析】考查常识。根据“Tue—Fri 14:00-18:00”可知,周三下午开放时间是14点到18点,共计4小时,故选D。句意:请看告示牌。阳光科学馆星期三下午开放多久?
7.The news Besides A and B, C appears beautifully in the sky makes us excited _______ “C” is C919 from China, with many Jiangsu elements(元素).
A. because B. so C. though D. then
【解析】考查连词。because因为;so所以;though虽然;then当时。“‘C’ is C919 from China, with many Jiangsu elements”是“The news Besides A and B, C appears beautifully in the sky makes us excited”的原因,用because引导原因状语从句,故选A。句意:除了A和B,天空中出现了美丽的C,这让我们很兴奋,因为“C”是来自中国的C919,带有很多江苏元素。
8.—Tony, remember it’s rude to _______.
—OK, mom. I will keep it in mind. Thank you!
A. push in before others B. wait in a line
C. say “please” all the time D. greet each other
【解析】考查常识。push in before others插队;wait in a line排队;say “please” all the time总是说“请”;greet each other互相问候。根据常识可知,插队是不礼貌的,故选A。句意:“托尼,记住在别人前面插队是不礼貌的。”“好的,妈妈。我会记住的。谢谢您!”
9.—Can anyone give me an example of an event in the past
—I can. _______
A. Shenzhou XVI will come back. B. Quan Hongchan won the gold medal.
C. I am taking the English exam. D. My classmate is going to watch a film.
【解析】考查时态。根据“in the past”可知,此处需要一般过去时,故选B。句意:“谁能给我举一个过去的例子?”“我可以。全红蝉赢得金牌。”
10.—No photos here, please. We must learn to keep secrets for the safety of our motherland.
—_______ I forgot teachers had told us.
A. No way! B. Why not C. Sorry, I won’t. D. That’s all right.
【解析】考查情景交际。No way!没门;Why not 为什么不;Sorry, I won’t.对不起,我不会了;That’s all right.没关系。根据“No photos here, please. We must learn to keep secrets for the safety of our motherland.”可知,此处应该为不当行为致歉,故选C。句意:“请不要拍照。为了祖国的安全,我们必须学会保守秘密。”“对不起,我不会了。我忘了老师告诉过我们。”
1.200 families won 2021 Jiangsu Most Beautiful Families Award this year, and 15 families from Taizhou were _______ them.
A. among B. between C. over D. on
【解析】考查介词。among(三者及以上)之间;between(两者)之间;over超过;on在……上。根据“200 families won 2021 Jiangsu Most Beautiful Families Award this year, and 15 families from Taizhou were...them.”可知,200个家庭中,15个来自泰州,用among表示“在……之间”,故选A。句意:200个家庭获得了2021年江苏省最美家庭奖,其中有15个来自泰州的家庭。
2._______ cultures such as Chinese knot, Chinese paper-cutting and Chinese opera are deeply loved by students.
A. Social B. Modern C. Traditional D. Natural
【解析】考查形容词。Social社会的;Modern现代的;Traditional传统的;Natural自然的。根据“Chinese knot, Chinese paper-cutting and Chinese opera”可知中国结、中国剪纸、中国戏曲都是中国传统文化,故选C。句意:中国结、中国剪纸、中国戏曲等传统文化深受学生喜爱。
3.Schools should _______ students to form good working habits through labor(劳动)education.
A. force B. encourage C. warn D. promise
【解析】考查动词。force强迫;encourage鼓励;warn警告;promise许诺。根据“Schools should...students to form good working habits through labor(劳动) education.”可知,是鼓励学生通过劳动教育形成良好的工作习惯,故选B。句意:学校应当鼓励学生通过劳动教育形成良好的工作习惯。
4.—It is impossible to finish the difficult task in such a short time on my own _______ both of us work together.
—No problem. Let’s start!
A. if B. but C. because D. unless
【解析】考查状语从句。if如果;but但是;because因为;unless除非。根据“It is impossible to finish the difficult task in such a short time on my own...both of us work together.”可知,前后句是条件关系,除非两个人一起努力,否则不能完成任务,故选D。句意:“除非我们两个一起努力,否则我一个人不可能在这么短的时间内完成这项艰巨任务的。”“没问题。让我们开始吧!”
5.COVID-19(新冠肺炎) _______ the world, and many people’s life changes a lot.
A. influenced B. is influencing C. is influenced D. was influenced
6.—_______ is China Tiangong space station from us
—About 400 kilometers above the earth.
A. How much B. How often C. How far D. How long
【解析】考查特殊疑问句。How much多少;How often多久一次;How far多远;How long多长。根据“About 400 kilometers above the earth.”可知问的是距离,故选C。句意:“中国天宫空间站离我们有多远?”“距地球大400公里。”
7.Look at part of one page from an English-Chinese dictionary, which of the following words can be looked up on this page
A. necessary B. modest C. navy D. need
8.The government is _______ elevators(电梯)in the old buildings of some communities so that people,
especially the elderly can go up and down easily.
A. putting away B. putting out C. putting in D. putting through
【解析】考查动词短语。putting away收起来放好;putting out扑灭;putting in安装;putting through接通。根据“so that people, especially the elderly can go up and down easily.”可知是为了方便老人上下楼,所以政府给老建筑安装电梯,故选C。句意:政府正在一些社区的老建筑中安装电梯,以便人们,特别是老年人可以轻松上下。
9.—What a sunny day! Why not go camping with your friends
A. It’s my pleasure. B. You’d better not. C. No, I don’t mind. D. That sounds great.
【解析】考查情景交际。It’s my pleasure这是我的荣幸;You’d better not你最好不;No, I don’t mind不,我不介意;That sounds great听起来不错。根据“Why not go camping with your friends ”可知此处是表示建议,应回答“听起来不错”,故选D。句意:“多么阳光明媚的一天! 为什么不和你的朋友一起去露营呢?”“听起来不错。”
10.Read the Tang poem A spring morning on the right. Its theme is about _______.
A spring morning
Meng Haoran
This spring morning in bed I’m lying.
Not wake up till I hear birds crying.
After one night of wind and showers.
How many are the fallen flowers!
A. history B. sights C. friendship D. festivals
【解析】考查常识和名词。history历史;sights风景;friendship友谊;festivals节日。根据诗歌内容“This spring morning in bed I’m lying. Not wake up till I hear birds crying. After one night of wind and showers. How many are the fallen flowers!”可知,《春晓》这首诗是描述风景的,故选B。句意:阅读右边的唐诗《春晓》。它的主题是关于风景的。
1.The landing of China’s rover(登陆车)Zhurong on Mars shows China has made great _______ in space
A. progress B. project C. product D. protection
【解析】考查名词。progress进步、进展;project项目;product产品;protection保护。根据“The landing of China’s rover Zhurong on Mars shows China has made great ... in space exploration.”可知,空格处表达取得了“进展”,故选A。句意:中国“祝融号”火星探测器登陆火星,表明中国在太空探索方面取得了巨大进步。
2.—I often see the sign in schools. What does it mean
—Students _______ bring mobile phones to school.
A. needn’t B. can’t C. couldn’t D. wouldn’t
3.It's reported that, _______, people with college education can make more money than those without.
A. in general B. in public C. in time D. in all
【解析】考查介词短语。in general一般来说;in public公开地;in time及时;in all总共。根据句意,受过大学教育的人比没有受过大学教育的人能赚更多的钱,这是一般情况,故选A。句意:据报道,一般来说,受过大学教育的人比没有受过大学教育的人能赚更多的钱。
4.—Sir, I have trouble doing the voluntary work for the 20th Games of Jiangsu Province in Taizhou.
—Don’t worry. A lot of support _______ soon.
A. is offered B. will be offered C. was offered D. were offered
【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。主语和动词之间是动宾关系,故应用被动语态;再结合时间状语“soon”可知,应用一般将来时的被动语态,构成形式为:will be done;offer的过去分词是offered,故选B。句意:“先生,我在泰州参加江苏省第20届运动会的志愿工作遇到了困难。”“别担心。很快就会提供大量的支持。”
5.—Why do you choose to use Beidou Navigation(导航)Satellite System, Mr. Li
—Because I think it has many advantages _______ GPS(全球卫星定位系统).
A. on B. in C. over D. of
【解析】考查介词。on在……上面;in在……里;over超过;of……的。have advantages over胜过,比……更有优势,故选C。句意:“李先生,你为什么选择使用北斗卫星导航系统?”“因为我认为它比全球卫星定位系统有很多优势。”
6.The old man, Bai Fangli, donated about¥350,000 to over 300 students _______ he lived a simple life himself.
A. until B. unless C. because D. though
7.The documentary For the Sake of Peace(《为了和平》)brings the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea(抗美援朝战争) _______ on screen.
A. living B. lively C. alive D. live
【解析】考查形容词。living活着,指没有死,可修饰人,也可修饰物;lively活泼的,精力充沛的;alive活着的,着重于状态;live活的,真的,只修饰物。bring sth alive on screen意为“使某物鲜活地呈现在屏幕上”,固定搭配,故选C。句意:纪录片《为了和平》将抗美援朝战争活生生地呈现在银幕上。
8.We should pay much attention to saving natural resources. Otherwise, they will _______ one day.
A. put out B. run out C. get out D. sell out
【解析】考查动词短语。put out扑灭;run out用完;get out出去;sell out卖完。根据“We should pay much attention to saving natural resources.”可知,如果我们不节约自然资源,总有一天会用完,故选B。句意:我们应该注意节约自然资源。否则,总有一天它们会(被)用完。
9.—I think Taizhou is a wonderful place to live.
—_______. And it was chosen as one of China’s top 100 happiest cities in 2020.
A. That’s all right B. Believe it or not C. That’s a good idea D. I can’t agree more
【解析】考查情景交际。That’s all right没关系;Believe it or not信不信由你;That’s a good idea这是个好主意;I can’t agree more我完全同意。根据后句“And it was chosen as one of China’s top 100 happiest cities in 2020.”可知,应是表示同意以上观点,故选D。句意:“我认为泰州是个很好的生活地方(宜居地)”“我完全同意。它被评为2020年中国最具幸福感城市100强之一。”
10.The chart shows that to be more popular, the largest number of students in schools would like to _______.
A. take more exercise to be stronger B. make more friends in a new school
C. ask more money from their parents D. study harder to improve their abilities
【解析】考查动词短语。take more exercise to be stronger为了更强壮多做锻炼;make more friends in a new school在新学校交更多朋友;ask more money from their parents从父母那里要更多的钱;study harder to improve their abilities为了提高他们的能力更努力学习。根据图表可知,表示能力的那个柱状图最高,因此这是学校大部分学生做的事,故选D。句意:该图表显示,为了更受欢迎,学校的大部分学生都想要更加努力地学习以提高他们的能力。
1.—Betty began to play _______ violin at the age of four.
—No wonder she plays so well.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
【解析】考查冠词。a不定冠词,表泛指,后接以辅音音素开头的单词;an不定冠词,表泛指,后接以元音音素开头的单词;the定冠词;/零冠词。violin是乐器,乐器前应加定冠词the。play the violin“拉小提琴”,故选C。句意:“贝蒂四岁开始拉小提琴。”“怪不得她拉得这么好。”
2.About 12,000 people took part in the 2023 Suqian Marathon _______ April 2.
A. at B. on C. in D. to
【解析】考查介词。at后接具体时刻;on后接具体一天;in后接年、月、季节等;to到。April 2指具体的一天,其前应加介词on,故选B。句意:4月2日,约1.2万人参加了2023宿迁马拉松比赛。
3.Miss Xu goes jogging in Huanghe Park every morning _______ it rains.
A. unless B. till C. since D. as
【解析】考查状语从句。unless除非;till直到……为止;since自从;as因为。“it rains”是“徐小姐每天早上都去黄河公园慢跑”的否定条件,用unless引导条件状语从句,故选A。句意:除非下雨,徐小姐每天早上都去黄河公园慢跑。
4.—The girl’s beautiful pronunciation caught our _______ in yesterday’s English speech competition.
—Yes, many students couldn’t help cheering for her.
A. condition B. attention C. invention D. position
【解析】考查名词。condition条件;attention注意;invention发明;position位置。根据“Yes, many students couldn’t help cheering for her.”可知引起了大家的注意,故选B。句意:“在昨天的英语演讲比赛中,这个女孩优美的发音引起了我们的注意。”“是的,许多学生忍不住为她欢呼。”
5.Hua Hua—a panda at Chengdu Giant Panda Base is _______ because of her cute looks.
A. popular B. public C. proper D. private
【解析】考查形容词。popular受欢迎的;public公共的;proper正确的;private私人的。根据“because of her cute looks.”可知,大熊猫花花因为其可爱的外表而大受欢迎,故选A。句意:成都大熊猫基地的一只熊猫花花因其可爱的外表而广受欢迎。
6.According to the traffic rules, people _______ ride e-bikes without wearing helmets.
A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. may not D. might not
【解析】考查情态动词。mustn’t禁止;needn’t不必;may not可能不;might not可能不。根据“According to the traffic rules”可知是规则,结合常识可知禁止骑电动车不戴头盔,故选A。句意:根据交通规则,人们禁止骑电动车不戴头盔。
7.—Our school will invite Mr. Wang _______ us a talk on environmental protection next week.
—That’s wonderful!
A. give B. to give C. giving D. gave
【解析】考查非谓语动词。invite sb. to do sth.“邀请某人做某事”,故选B。句意:“下周我们学校将邀请王先生给我们做一个关于环境保护的演讲。”“那精彩的!”
8.—My father and I _______ a lot of photos at the same place in the past ten years.
—Those photos must be your valuable memories.
A. have taken B. will take C. take D. were taking
【解析】考查动词的时态。根据“in the past ten years”可知,此处是现在完成时,结构是have/has done,故选A。句意:“在过去的十年里,我和父亲在同一个地方拍了很多照片。”“那些照片一定是你珍贵的回忆。”
9.—There _______ a lot of new magazines in our school reading room.
—Oh, really Shall we go there this afternoon
A. is B. was C. are D. were
【解析】考查There be句型。There be,意为“有”。本句表示客观事实,应为一般现在时,主语a lot of new magazines是复数,故用be动词are,故选C。句意:“我们学校阅览室里有很多新杂志。”“哦,真的吗?我们今天下午去那里好吗?”
10.—China won all the gold medals at the 2023 World Table Tennis Championships.
—_______ exciting news!
A. What a B. How a C. How D. What
11.—Sandy is well organized.
—Exactly. _______ in her room is in good order.
A. Something B. Everything C. Nothing D. None
【解析】考查不定代词。Something一些事情;Everything所有;Nothing没有什么;None没有一个。根据“Sandy is well organized.”可知,桑迪是有条理的人,所以她房间的所有东西都井井有条,故选B。句意;“桑迪很有条理。”“完全正确。她房间里的一切都井井有条。”
12.The energy from the sun and the wind costs little and will never _______.
A. turn out B. put out C. cut out D. run out
【解析】考查动词短语。turn out结果是;put out扑灭;cut out切断;run out用完,耗尽。根据“The energy from the sun and the wind”可知,此处指风能和太阳能永远不会耗尽,故选D。句意:来自太阳和风能的能源成本很低,而且永远不会耗尽。
13.—Sleeping for a while after lunch can help us study better in the afternoon.
A. I can’t agree more B. I’d like to C. Don’t mention it D. It doesn’t matter
【解析】考查情景交际。I can’t agree more我完全同意;I’d like to我想要;Don’t mention it别提了;It doesn’t matter没关系。根据“Sleeping for a while after lunch can help us study better in the afternoon.”可知,此处对对方的观点进行评价,故选A。句意:“午饭后睡一会儿可以帮助我们在下午更好地学习。”“我完全同意。”
14.—I wonder _______.
—My best friend James.
A. how can you spend the coming summer holidays
B. how you can spend the coming summer holidays
C. who will you spend the coming summer holidays with
D. who you will spend the coming summer holidays with
【解析】考查宾语从句。wonder后缺少宾语,用宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述语序,排除AC;再由“My best friend James.”可知对人提问,用who引导宾语从句,排除B,故选D。句意:“我想知道你打算和谁一起过暑假。”“我最好的朋友詹姆斯。”
15.—Judy, when you are in a strange place, you’d better do as the local people do.
—That’s it. _______.
A. Practice makes perfect B. Many hands make light work
C. When in Rome, do as Romans do D. A friend in need is a friend indeed
【解析】考查谚语。Practice makes perfect熟能生巧;Many hands make light work众人拾柴火焰高;When in Rome, do as Romans do入乡随俗;A friend in need is a friend indeed患难见真情。根据“when you are in a strange place, you’d better do as the local people do”可知,到一个陌生的地方时,我们应该入乡随俗,故选C。句意:“朱迪,当你在一个陌生的地方,你最好像当地人一样。”“就是这样。入乡随俗。”
1.My brother often plays _______ football with his classmates after school.
A. a B. an C. / D. the
【解析】考查冠词。a不定冠词,常用在辅音音素开头的单词前;an不定冠词,常用在元音音素开头的单词前;the定冠词。球类运动前不加任何冠词,play football“踢足球”,故选C。句意:我哥哥经常放学后和他的同学踢足球。
2._______ spring, the days are often windy and bright. It’s a perfect time to fly a kite.
A. on B. In C. At D. With
3.—Good news! The Shenzhou XIV manned spacecraft has been sent into space successfully.
—That _______ exciting and encouraging!
A. turns B. tastes C. sounds D. smells
【解析】考查动词。turns转变;tastes尝起来;sounds听起来;smells闻起来。根据“Good news! The Shenzhou XIV manned spacecraft has been sent into space successfully”可知是这个消息听起来很令人兴奋,故选C。句意:“好消息!神舟十四号载人飞船已经成功发射到太空。”“这听起来令人兴奋和鼓舞!”
4._______ clever girl Kitty is! She can come up with some creative ways to finish the project.
A. What B. How a C. How D. What a
5.—People in our town planted _______ trees on Tree Planting Day.
—Good job! Everyone can do something to make our town greener.
A. hundred B. hundred of C. hundreds D. hundreds of
【解析】考查数词的特殊用法。空前没有具体的数字,是概数的表达,应用hundreds of“数百”表示,故选D。句意:“我们镇上的人在植树节那天种了数百棵树。”“干得好!每个人都可以做些事情让我们的城市变得更绿色。”
6.Yesterday, Lin Tao’s speech on how to be a good volunteer was _______ wonderful that we couldn’t stop cheering for him.
A. so B. very C. too D. quite
【解析】考查副词。so如此,修饰形容词或副词;very非常;too太;quite相当。根据“wonderful that we couldn’t stop cheering for him”可知此处是“so+adj./adv. that...”引导的结果状语从句,表示“如此……以致于”,故选A。句意:昨天,林涛关于如何做好志愿者的演讲是如此的精彩以致于让我们忍不住为他欢呼。
7.—All of us _______ follow the traffic rules when going out.
—Exactly! Safety comes first.
A. might B. must C. may D. could
【解析】考查情态动词。might可能;must必须;may可能;could可能。根据“All of us … follow the traffic rules when going out”可知,此处指必须遵守交通规则,故选B。句意:“外出时,我们所有人都必须遵守交通规则。”“确实!安全第一。”
8.—Miss Li, can you tell me how to improve my writing skills
—Certainly. I advise you _______ a diary in English every day.
A. to keep B. keeping C. kept D. keep
【解析】考查非谓语动词。advise sb. to do sth.“建议某人做某事”,动词不定式作宾语补足语,故选A。句意:“李老师,你能告诉我如何提高我的写作技巧吗?”“当然。我建议你每天用英语写日记。”
9.—Andy, what were you doing at this time yesterday afternoon
—I _______ the film The Battle at Lake Changjin with my sister.
A. watch B. watched C. was watching D. am watching
【解析】考查动词的时态。根据问句“were you doing”可知,答语也用过去进行时表示过去某个时刻正在发生的事情,故选C。句意:“Andy,昨天下午这个时候你在干什么?”“我跟我的妹妹正在看电影《长津湖》。”
10.Amy did very well in her report. She is _______ to pay attention to every detail.
A. enough careful B. careful enough C. enough careless D. careless enough
【解析】考查形容词以及enough。careful仔细的;careless粗心的。根据“pay attention to every detail”可知,对每一个细节都很注意,说明是一个很细心的人,排除C和D选项。enough修饰形容词要放在其后,故选B。句意:艾米的报告做得很好。她很细心,对每一个细节都很注意。
11.Each of us in our group wants to make friends with Gary, because he is modest and never _______ .
A. shows off B. takes off C. puts off D. gives off
【解析】考查动词短语。shows off炫耀;takes off脱下;puts off拖迟;gives off发出;根据“because he is modest and never”可知,她从不炫耀,故选A。句意:我们小组中的每个人都想和加里交朋友,因为他很谦虚,从不炫耀。
12.My grandma is good at paper-cutting. She can cut out pictures in the _______ cartoon characters.
A. ability B. weight C. shape D. quality
【解析】考查名词。ability能力;weight重量;shape形状;quality质量;根据“cut out pictures in the...cartoon characters”可知,是剪出卡通人物的形状,故选C。句意:我奶奶擅长剪纸。她能把图片剪成卡通人物的形状。
13.—Would you like to go to the youth centre with me tomorrow
—_______ I can’t wait for the robot show there.
A. Yes, that’s right. B. Sure, I’d love to. C. Of course not. D. Not at all.
【解析】考查情景交际。Yes, that’s right是的,那是对的;Sure, I’d love to是的,我愿意;Of course not当然不;Not at all一点也不。根据“I can’t wait for the robot show there”可知此处是接受别人的邀请,选项B符合语境,故选B。句意:“你明天愿意和我一起去青年中心吗?”“当然,我愿意。我等不及看那里的机器人表演了。”
14.—Jenny, do you know _______
—Er, next Tuesday.
A. when the sports meeting will take place B. when will the sports meeting take place
C. where the sports meeting will take place D. where will the sports meeting take place
【解析】考查名词从句。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除BD;根据“next Tuesday”可知上文询问时间,用when引导宾语从句,故选A。句意:“珍妮,你知道运动会什么时候举行吗?”“额,下周二。”
15.Jack always gives his friends help when they need it, because he “ _______ ”.
A. It’s never too old to learn B. I never rains but it pours
C. Actions speak louder than words D. A friend in need is a friend
【解析】考查谚语。It’s never too old to learn活到老,学到老;I never rains but it pours祸不单行;Actions speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩;A friend in need is a friend患难见真情;根据“Jack always gives his friends help when they need it”可知,在朋友需要帮助时提供帮助,可知用“患难见真情”符合,故选D。句意:杰克总是在朋友需要的时候给他们帮助,因为他“患难见真情”。
1.Kitty sometimes eats _______ orange or some grapes after lunch.
A. an B. a C. the D. /
2.The Communist Party of China will have its 100th birthday _______ July 1st, 2021.
A. in B. on C. for D. at
【解析】考查介词。in用于年/月/季节等泛指的时间前;at用于具体的钟点前;on用于具体的某一天前;for后接一段时间;根据“July 1st, 2021”可知,具体的一天前用介词on,故选B。句意:中国共产党将于2021年7月1日迎来100岁生日。
3.—Mum, where is David
—He _______ to see the science fiction film Back to the future.
A. is going B. goes C. has gone D. was going
【解析】考查动词的时态。大卫“看电影”的动作发生在过去,并且对上文两人之间的对话产生影响,故为现在完成时态,结构是have/has done,故选C。句意:“妈妈,大卫在哪?”“他去看科幻电影《回到未来》了。”
4.This year’s Beijing Music Awards will be covered _______ on Sunshine TV this Saturday.
A. lively B. alive C. living D. live
5.Mary shut the window just now _______ she could keep the insects out.
A. so that B. when C. till D. after
【解析】考查状语从句。so that为了;when当……时;till直到;after在……之后;根据空格前后句可知,关窗户的目的是挡住昆虫,此处应用so that引导目的状语从句,故选A。句意:玛丽刚才关上了窗户,以便把昆虫挡在外面。
6.—_______ do you go to the school library
—Twice a week.
A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How much
【解析】考查特殊疑问句。How long多长时间;How often多久一次;How soon多久以后;How much多少。根据答语“Twice a week.”可知,此处对频率提问,故用how often引导特殊疑问句,故选B。句意:“你多久去一次校图书馆?”“一周两次。”
7.The policeman told the children _______ in the river. It’s too dangerous!
A. to not swim B. not to swim C. not swim D. not swimming
【解析】考查非谓语动词。tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人不做某事。根据“It’s too dangerous!”可知,警察告诉孩子不要在河里游泳,故选B。句意:警察告诉孩子们不要在河里游泳。太危险了!
8.—Suzy, your room is really in a mess.
—Sorry, Mum. I’ll _______ right now.
A. tidy up B. put up C. look up D. stay up
【解析】考查动词短语。tidy up收拾,整理;put up张贴;look up查找;stay up熬夜。根据“your room is really in a mess”可知,苏西要收拾房间,故选A。句意:“苏西,你的房间真是一团糟。”“对不起,妈妈。我马上收拾。”
9.Mr. Huang was born in Nanjing, but Suqian has become his second _______.
A. family B. house C. village D. hometown
10.—Is _______ here
—Yes. We are all ready.
A. somebody B. neither C. everybody D. none
【解析】考查不定代词。somebody某人;neither两者都不;everybody每个人;none没有;根据“Yes. We are all ready.”及语境可知,此处是问“每个人都到了吗”,故选C。句意:“大家都到齐了吗?”“是的。我们都准备好了。”
11.—_______ nice music lesson Mrs. Wu gave us today!
—Yes. We enjoyed it very much.
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
【解析】考查感叹句。“nice music lesson”是名词,用“what (a/an +形容词)+名词+主语+谓语动词”的结构。“lesson”是可数名词,“nice”是辅音音素开头的单词。用不定冠词“a”,故选B。句意:“吴女士今天给我们上了多么好的一节音乐课!”“是的。我们都非常喜欢。”
12.—Sandy, is Mr Li in the teachers’ office now
—I am not sure. He _______ be there.
A. must B. can’t C. mustn’t D. may
【解析】考查情态动词。must一定;can’t不能;mustn’t禁止;may也许,可能;根据“I am not sure.”可知,此处指的是不太肯定的推测,应用may表示,故选D。句意:“桑迪,李先生现在在教师办公室吗?”“我不确定。他也许在那儿。”
13.—It’s really kind of you to help me with Maths, Jack.
A. It doesn’t matter B. All right C. You’re welcome D. Never mind
【解析】考查情景交际。It doesn’t matter没关系,回答他人的致歉;All right好,可以;You’re welcome不客气,回答他人的致谢;Never mind没关系,安慰他人。上文对杰克帮助自己的行为表达感谢,杰克应回答“不客气”,故选C。句意:“杰克,你帮我学数学真是太好了。”“不客气。”
14.—Sam, can you tell me _______
—She is a nurse.
A. what Alice’s job is B. what is Alice’s job
C. what Alice’s job was D. what was Alice’s job
【解析】考查名词从句。此处是what引导的宾语从句,从句应为陈述句语序,故排除B、D两项;根据“She is a nurse.”可知,时态是一般现在时,故排除C选项,故选A。句意:“山姆,你能告诉我爱丽丝的工作是什么吗?”“她是一名护士。”
15.Dad never says that he is good at cooking, but in fact he is. He always cooks delicious meals for us, that is _______.
A. every dog has its day B. put all your eggs in one basket
C. a miss is as good as a mile D. actions speak louder than words
【解析】考查俗语。every dog has its day风水轮流转;put all your eggs in one basket孤注一掷;a miss is as good as a mile失之毫厘谬以千里;actions speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩/行胜于言。父亲从来不说自己善于烹饪,却为家人做美味的饭菜,这就是事实胜于雄辩,故选D。句意:爸爸从不说他擅长烹饪,但事实上他擅长。他总是为我们做美味的饭菜,那就是事实胜于雄辩。
1.In the picture, people are celebrating _______.
A. Spring Festival B. Mid-Autumn Festival
C. Lantern Festival D. Dragon Boat Festival
【解析】考查常识。Spring Festival春节;Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节;Lantern Festival元宵节;Dragon Boat Festival端午节。图片中的人们正在赛龙舟,故人们正在庆祝端午节,故选D。句意:在图片中,人们正在庆祝端午节。
2.Of all the _______, I love summer best.
A. seasons B. subjects C. colours D. hobbies
【解析】考查名词。seasons季节;subjects科目;colours颜色;hobbies爱好。根据“I love summer best.”可知,此处指在所有季节中最喜欢夏季,故选A。句意:在所有的季节中,我最喜欢夏季。
3.No one helped me. I did it all _______ myself.
A. for B. of C. by D. about
【解析】考查介词。for为了;of……的;by通过;about关于。根据“No one helped me”可知,此处指“我”独自做的,by oneself“某人自己,独自”,故选C。句意:没有人帮我。这一切都是我一个人做的。
4.Please move your car away, sir. This is “_______” area.
A. No smoking B. No parking C. No swimming D. No littering
【解析】考查情景交际。No smoking禁止吸烟;No parking禁止停车;No swimming禁止游泳;No littering禁止乱扔垃圾。根据“Please move your car away”可知,要把车开走,所以是禁止停车,故选B。句意:先生,请把您的车开走。这里是“禁止停车”区域。
5.My cousin is _______. He never forgets the things he needs to do.
A. energetic B. curious C. organized D. confident
【解析】考查形容词。energetic精力充沛的;curious好奇的;organized有条理的;confident自信的。根据“He never forgets the things he needs to do.”可知,他从不忘记他需要做的事情,说明他很有条理,故选C。句意:我的表哥很有条理。他从不忘记他需要做的事情。
6.I loved the book so much that I could hardly _______.
A. put it up B. put it down C. put it on D. put it out
【解析】考查动词短语。put up张贴;put down放下;put on穿上;put out扑灭。根据“I loved the book so much”可知,“我”非常喜欢这本书,几乎放不下,故选B。句意:我太喜欢这本书了,简直爱不释手。
7._______ other nurses in the hospital have worked here longer than Helen; only Lucy and Mary started working here before her.
A. All B. Most C. Some D. Few
【解析】考查代词和形容词。All全部的;Most大部分;Some一些;Few很少的。根据“only Lucy and Mary started working here before her.”可知,医院的所有护士中,只有露西和玛丽比海伦在这家医院工作的时间长,说明很少的护士比海伦在这家医院工作的时间长,故选D。句意:医院里很少有其他护士比海伦在这里工作的时间长;只有露西和玛丽在她之前开始在这里工作。
8.I saw Harry in February and I _______ him since then.
A. didn’t see B. won’t see C. haven’t seen D. don’t see
【解析】考查动词的时态。根据“since then”可知,时态应为现在完成时,结构是have/has done,故选C。句意:我在二月份见过哈利,从那以后就再也没见过他。
9.Mum opened the door _______ because she didn’t want to wake up her baby.
A. angrily B. loudly C. quickly D. quietly
【解析】考查副词。angrily生气地;loudly大声地;quickly快速地;quietly轻声地。根据“because she didn’t want to wake up her baby.”可知,因为不想吵醒孩子,所以轻声开门,故选D。句意:妈妈轻声地开门,因为她不想吵醒她的孩子。
10.If you put all your eggs in one basket, you _______ losing everything all at one time.
A. risk B. enjoy C. avoid D. consider
【解析】考查动词。risk冒……的风险;enjoy喜欢;avoid避免;consider考虑。根据“If you put all your eggs in one basket, you…losing everything all at one time.”可知,如果把鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,就会有失去全部的风险,故选A。句意:如果你把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,你就有可能一次失去一切。
11.Let’s take the simple steps today _______ we will save the world for our grandsons and granddaughters
A. unless B. until C. so that D. though
【解析】考查状语从句。unless除非;until直到;so that以便;though尽管。分析句子可知,我们现在采取行动的目的是为了我们的后代,故用so that引导目的状语从句,故选C。句意:我们从今天开始采取一些措施吧,这样我们将会为我们的后代子孙拯救世界。
12.The Monkey King is a traditional Chinese character. It _______ by people of all ages.
A. is loved B. was loved C. will love D. is loving
13.I have decided to go to Beijing and _______ one of my old friends there.
A. visiting B. visited C. visits D. visit
【解析】考查非谓语动词。decide to do sth.“决定做某事”,空格处应为动词原形,省略了动词不定式符号to,故选D。句意:我决定去北京看望我在那里的一位老朋友。
14.—I guess you want to go fishing.
—_______. That’s exactly what I was thinking.
A. You read my mind B. You are welcome C. You never know D. It’s up to you
【解析】考查情景交际。You read my mind你读懂了我的心思;You are welcome不客气;You never know你永远不会知道;It’s up to you这取决于你。根据“I guess you want to go fishing.”及“That’s exactly what I was thinking.”可知,“我”想去钓鱼,对方猜中了我的想法,故You read my mind符合语境,故选A。句意:“我猜你想去钓鱼。”“你读懂了我的心思。这正是我的想法。”
15.Amy: You can just drop me here.
Tom: But we are two blocks away from the office.
Amy: It’s fine. I had a big lunch, and feel like a bit of walk.
What does Amy want to do
A. Have lunch. B. Take a walk. C. Call her office. D. Drive a car.
【解析】考查情景交际。Have lunch.吃午餐;Take a walk.散步;Call her office.打电话给她的办公室;Drive a car.开车。根据“I had a big lunch, and feel like a bit of walk.”可知,Amy吃完午餐后想走走,故选B。句意:Amy: 你把我送到这里就行。Tom: 但是我们离办公室还有两个街区。Amy: 没事。我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐,想散散步。Amy想做什么?
1.Which sign says “Turn left”
A. B. C. D.
2.People usually _______ in the kitchen.
A. sleep B. chat C. cook D. study
【解析】考查动词。sleep睡觉;chat聊天;cook做饭;study学习。根据“in the kitchen.”可知,在厨房里应是做饭,故选C。句意:人们通常在厨房做饭。
3.Today is much _______ than yesterday. Nice!
A. cool B. cooler C. coolest D. the coolest
4._______ is our duty to make our country better and stronger.
A. It B. This C. That D. One
【解析】考查it作形式主语。固定句型it’s+形容词/名词(for sb.) to do sth.“做……对某人来说……”。“duty”是名词,“to make our country better and stronger.”是真正的主语,it的句中作形式主语,故选A。句意:让我们的国家变得更好、更强大是我们的责任。
5.—I love this T-shirt. _______ does it cost
—50 yuan. Why not try it on
A. How long B. How often C. How old D. How much
【解析】考查特殊疑问句。How long多长时间,对一段时间提问;How often多久一次,对频率提问;How old多大,对年龄提问;How much多少钱,对价格提问。根据“50 yuan.”可知,此处是提问价格,用How much,故选D。句意:“我喜欢这件T恤。它要多少钱?”“50元。为什么不试穿一下呢?”
6.We need to guard _______ any possible danger around us.
A. for B. over C. with D. against
【解析】考查动词短语。for为了;over在……之上;with带有;against反对。guard against“防止,提防”,是固定搭配,故选D。句意:我们需要防范身边任何可能的危险。
7.I have the habit of _______ the unknown words in the dictionary or on the Internet.
A. looking up B. looking for C. looking at D. looking after
【解析】考查动词短语。looking up查阅;looking for寻找;looking at看着;looking after照顾。根据“the unknown words in the dictionary”可知是在字典里查单词,故选A。句意:我有在字典或网上查生词的习惯。
8.Dad sometimes goes to the supermarket with us _______ he hates going shopping.
A. because B. so C. though D. if
【解析】考查状语从句。because因为;so因此;though尽管;if如果。根据“Dad sometimes goes to the supermarket with us...he hates going shopping.”可知,尽管讨厌购物,还是和我们去超市,用though“尽管”,引导让步状语从句,故选C。句意:爸爸有时会和我们一起去超市,虽然他不喜欢购物。
9.—Daniel has gone to Beijing on business.
—Oh, I didn’t know. When _______
A. has he left B. was he leaving C. did he leave D. will he leave
【解析】考查动词的时态。根据“Daniel has gone to Beijing on business.”可知,“离开”的动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时,疑问句借助于助动词did,故选C。句意:“Daniel去北京出差了。”“哦,我不知道。他什么时候离开的?”
10.Why does John act so _______ Look, he’s speaking faster, his face becomes redder and you can almost see fire in his eyes.
A. happily B. angrily C. calmly D. sadly
【解析】考查副词。happily高兴地;angrily生气地;calmly平静地;sadly悲伤地。根据“you can almost see fire in his eyes.”可知,此处是指为什么表现得如此愤怒,故选B。句意:为什么约翰表现得如此愤怒?看,他说话的速度更快了,他的脸变得更红了,你几乎可以看到他的眼睛里在冒火。
11.—Can we play games here
—Better not. If you _______, please go to the open space there.
A. must B. can C. may D. will
【解析】考查情态动词。must必须;can能够;may可以;will将要。根据“Better not.”可推测,此处是指如果一定要玩,到那边的空地去。must“必须”符合语境,故选A。句意:“我们可以在这里玩游戏吗?”“最好不要。如果必须的话,请去那边的空地。”
12.From my _______ on the top of the TV tower, I can have a perfect view of our city.
A. tradition B. condition C. position D. situation
【解析】考查名词。tradition传统;condition条件;position位置;situation形式,情况。根据“on the top of the TV tower,”可知,此处是要表示一个位置,故选C。句意:从我在电视塔顶部的位置,我可以完美地看到我们的城市。
13.I _______ by aliens on my way home the other day. Do you believe me
A. have attacked B. was attacked C. was attacking D. am attacked
【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。根据时间状语“the other day”可知,本句是一般过去时;再根据“by aliens”可知,此处是一般过去时的被动语态(was/were done),故选B。句意:前几天我在回家的路上被外星人袭击了。你相信我(我说的话)吗?
14.—Are you going to Helen’s birthday party tomorrow
—_______. I might have to work.
A. It depends B. Thank you C. Good idea D. With pleasure
【解析】考查情景交际。It depends视情况而定;Thank you谢谢;Good idea好主意;With pleasure我很乐意。根据“I might have to work.”可知,此处是指去不去聚会得视情况而定,故选A。句意:“你明天要去海伦的生日聚会吗?”“视情况而定。我可能不得不上班。”
15.Please read the poem on the right. Which word is the most suitable for _______
A Spring MorningBy Meng Haoran This spring morning in bed I’m lying, Not to awake till birds are crying. After one night of wind and ▲ , How many are the fallen flowers
A. rains B. storms C. snows D. showers
1.In the picture, the students are _______.
A. swimming B. playing ball games C. flying kites D. doing morning exercises
【解析】考查看图匹配动词或动词短语。swimming游泳;playing ball games玩球类游戏;flying kites放风筝;doing morning exercises做早操。根据图片可知,学生们正在做早操,故选D。句意:在图片中,学生们正在做早操。
2.I have my own advantages and my friends have _______.
A. his B. hers C. theirs D. ours
【解析】考查名词性物主代词。his他的;hers她的;theirs他们的;ours我们的。根据“my friends”,可知是我有我自己的优点,我的朋友也有他们的优点,故选C。句意:我有我自己的优点,我的朋友也有他们的优点。
3.Miss Li studied at a college in Beijing from 2016 _______ 2020.
A. to B. of C. in D. with
4.Which colour do you like _______, purple, orange or pink
A. well B. good C. better D. best
【解析】考查副词的级。well好,副词原级;good好,形容词原级;better较好,比较级;best最好,最高级。根据“purple, orange or pink”可知比较的对象有三个,因此是考查副词well的最高级,其最高级为 best,副词的最高级前可以不用the,故选D。句意:你最喜欢哪种颜色,紫色、橙色或粉色?
5.In my school days, I _______ a lot of reading in English every day. That was how I learned English at that time.
A. do B. did C. have done D. will do
【解析】考查动词的时态。do一般现在时;did一般过去时;have done现在完成时;will do一般将来时。根据下文“That was how I learned English at that time.”可知,是过去发生的事情,所以句子时态要用一般过去时,因此B选项正确。这里要注意,every day虽然常与一般现在时连用,但此句语境是描述过去每天发生的事情,故选B。句意:在我上学的时候,我每天都阅读大量英语。那时我就是这样学习英语的。
6.If you don’t think something will happen and then it happens, you will feel _______.
A. surprised B. stressed C. scared D. satisfied
【解析】考查(过去分词转化而来的)形容词。surprised惊讶的;stressed有压力的;scared害怕的;satisfied满意的。根据“If you don’t think something will happen and then it happens”可知,出乎意料,所以感到惊讶,故选A。句意:如果你认为某事不会发生,然后它发生了,你会感到惊讶。
7.I was full, _______ the ice cream looked so good that I couldn’t help trying it.
A. and B. but C. so D. or
【解析】考查连词。and而且,表示并列;but但是,表示转折;so所以,表示因果;or或者,表示选择。根据“I was full,”以及“the ice cream looked so good that I couldn’t help trying it.”可知前后句之间表达的是转折关系,因此应用but连接,故选B。句意:我吃饱了,但冰淇淋看起来太好吃了,我忍不住要尝一尝。
8._______ you raise your feet off the floor I’d like to see if my pen is under the desk.
A. Must B. Can C. Should D. May
【解析】考查情态动词。Must必须,表示责任或者义务;Can能,可以,表示能力或者请求,表示请求时多用在询问客观上是否“可以”;Should应该,常用来提建议;May可以,表示请求,多用于征求对方意见,用在疑问句时,主语常常是I。根据“I’d like to see if my pen is under the desk.”可知是询问对方是否“可以”把脚抬离地面,因此用can,故选B。句意:你可以把脚抬离地面吗?我想看看我的钢笔是否在课桌下面。
9.Mary, put on the _______ to keep your hands warm.
A. gloves B. glasses C. socks D. jeans
【解析】考查名词。gloves手套;glasses眼镜;socks袜子;jeans牛仔裤。根据“to keep your hands warm”可知,手套让手暖和,故选A。句意:玛丽,戴上手套让你的手暖和点。
10.I learned to skate quickly. At first, I fell down a few times, but now I _______ fall down.
A. always B. often C. sometimes D. seldom
【解析】考查副词。always总是;often经常;sometimes有时;seldom几乎不、少。根据“At first, I fell down a few times,”和转折词but,可知应是说现在我很少摔倒了,故选D。句意:我很快学会了滑冰。起初,我摔倒了几次,但现在我很少摔倒了。
11.The 19th Asian Games _______ in Hangzhou in September 2022.I can’t wait!
A. were held B. will be held C. have held D. are held
【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。根据题干,可知主语“The 19th Asian Games”(第十九届亚运会)和其谓语“hold”(举行)之间是被动关系,且题干时间状语“in September 2022”表示的语境是将来时态,因此设空处应用一般将来时态的被动语态,即will be held符合语境,故选B。句意:第十九届亚运会将于2022年9月在杭州举行,我等不及了。
12.Agatha Christie was a female writer _______ is considered the queen of crime novels.
A. what

  • 01单项选择-(2021-2023)三年中考英语真题分项汇编二(江苏专用)(解析和原卷)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案