2023-2024上海市金山区高三上学期一模英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

I. Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. At 12:30. B. At 13:00. C. At 13:30. D. At 14:00.
【原文】W: It’s twelve thirty. You’re meeting Mr. Dawson an hour and a half later. Do you feel like some lunch
M: Sure. Thanks a lot.
Q: When will the man meet Mr. Dawson
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. A professor. B. A waitress. C. An actress. D. A librarian.
【原文】M: Can I stay here for just another minute I really need to look something up on Shakespeare.
W: Sorry. But everyone is supposed to put books back to the shelves after the closing bell.
Q: What is probably the woman
3. 此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Worried. B. Angry. C. Surprised. D. Delighted.
【原文】W: It never occurred to me that your schedule in Moscow was so tight that you could not even send me a postcard.
M: Come on! At least I got you this present. Why don’t you like it
Q: How does the woman probably feel right now
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. The man is eager to see his parents.
B. The man’s friends should come later.
C. The man’s apartment needs tidying up.
D. The man should buy a vacuum cleaner.
【原文】M: My friends are coming to see my apartment this weekend.
W: Looks like I’d better lend you my vacuum cleaner then.
Q: What does the woman imply
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. She thinks the news is like music.
B. She is happy to hear the news.
C. She is upset about the test result.
D. She doubts she passed the test.
【原文】M: Mary, you’ve passed the driving test!
W: Wow, it’s really music to my ears.
Q: What does the woman mean
6. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Because she is sick.
B. Because she doesn’t see why to go out.
C. Because the weather is bad.
D. Because they have something else to do.
【原文】M: You’re sick, aren’t you Otherwise, I don’t see why you want to cancel the outing.
W: I’m good. But look at the snowstorm outside. I don’t want to get stuck in it.
Q: Why did the woman cancel the outing
7. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. He is excited to see the star.
B. He is indifferent about the star.
C. He is unsure about his feelings towards the star.
D. He doesn’t want to see the woman’s favorite star.
【原文】W: My favorite star is coming this weekend. Would you like to go with me
M: You know she is the last person I want to see.
Q: What does the man imply
8. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. She’s regretted taking yoga.
B. Her health has improved greatly.
C. Her present condition is just so so.
D. She’s considering more exercise classes.
【原文】M: You look terrific since you started taking yoga.
W: Thanks a lot. I’ve never felt so good in my life.
Q: What does the woman mean
9. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. She is worried about Lucy.
B. She has bad news about Lucy.
C. She has heard from Lucy recently.
D. She thinks everything is OK with Lucy.
【原文】M: I haven’t heard from Lucy for a long time. I’m wondering whether everything is going on well with her.
W: No news is good news.
Q: What does the woman mean
10. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Mary can pick him up next Friday.
B. Mary can attend the meeting next Friday.
C. He has to change his plan for next Friday.
D. He is available for the meeting next Friday.
【原文】W: I know I promised to pick you up at the airport next Friday. But something has come up. They’ve called a special meeting that day.
M: That’s OK. Mary said she was available as a backup.
Q: What does the man mean
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and one longer conversation and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
A. Doing puzzles.
B. Visiting the official website.
C. Reading “Making Memories”.
D. Purchasing popular fiction books.
A. To help people strengthen their memories.
B. To broaden the horizons of the passionate readers.
C. To provide readers with high-quality fiction works.
D. To recommend the rising stars in the literature field.
A. To promote a renewed program.
B. To teach how to strengthen memories.
C. To warn people to improve poor memories.
D. To appeal to people to be passionate readers.
【答案】11. A 12. C 13. A
【原文】Poor memories have been a heated topic in recent years. That’s why this month, our columns will be focusing on memory, specifically the factors that can boost or break down our brainpower. On page 47, you will read “Making Memories” for tips on strengthening your ability to recall. One tip I personally recommend is to do puzzles, and the Brain Games section on page 106 is great for you to start with. Reading is another way to keep your mind sharp, though finding when and what to read can be big challenges.
For this problem, we can also help. Our select editions have been providing readers with carefully chosen quality fiction books since the 1950s. This month, we are relaunching this program with a brand new look and name: Fiction Favorites. This new name captures our main mission: to provide passionate readers with the best fiction out there, featuring both rising stars in the literature field and the already top bestselling authors. Each edition of Fiction Favorites is packed with four types of novels, all of which are hand-picked by an excellent editor team. Once purchased, they will be delivered straight to your home. So if you are already attracted by this introduction, subscribe now by opening the camera on your cellphone and pointing it at the black “scan me” box below or by visiting us at our official website.
11. Which tip does the speaker personally recommend to strengthen people’s memories
12. What’s the main mission of the renewed program, Fiction Favorites
13. What’s the main purpose of this passage
14. A. Rich soil. B. Enough water. C. Some crops. D. Little shade.
A. Because it had a lot of trees.
B. Because it was always raining there.
C. Because it was located near a big city.
D. Because it had a wetland with water and rich soils.
A. The history of Saudi Arabia.
B. The climate change in Saudi Arabia.
C. The development of civilization in AlUla.
D. The hunting techniques of the first people in AlUla.
【答案】14. D 15. D 16. C
【原文】Surviving without water is tougher than surviving without food, and this is a big challenge in the dry deserts of Saudi Arabia. The deserts don’t have much shade, and the sands aren’t great for plants to grow. It might seem unlikely for farms, cities, and civilizations to develop there, but that’s what happened in the AlUla valley. Even in the desert, there are spots with water that support life. AlUla is one such place in the vast deserts of Saudi Arabia.
The story of AlUla started millions of years ago when a wetter climate shaped a big water catchment, like a giant bowl to collect and store water. Most of the water flowed underground and got trapped. Over time, more water was collected until it reached the surface, creating a wetland. This wetland allowed plants to grow and provided food for many living creatures. AlUla’s first people lived like hunter-gatherers, seeking shade under giant trees, hunting animals, and drinking from natural springs.
But AlUla wasn’t just about water; it also had rich soils, perfect for growing crops. Later, this attracted settlers who built a civilization and grew crops like fruits and wheat. In this way, AlUla became a place where people settled, developed agriculture, and the civilization thrived and grew.
14. Which one is a feature of most deserts in Saudi Arabia
15. Why was AlUla habitable
16. What is this passage mainly about
A. The importance of a balanced diet.
B. The benefits of applying sunscreen.
C. The risks of common household chores and activities.
D. The importance of protecting our eyes and how to do it.
A. The color of the lenses (镜片).
B. The style of the sunglasses.
C. The UV protection ability of the sunglasses.
D. The brand of the sunglasses.
A. Because our eyes can get exhausted.
B. Because they can be time-consuming.
C. Because they can pose risks to the eyes.
D. Because there are small rocks that may hit us.
20 A. Every 20 seconds. B. Every 20 minutes. C. Every 2 hours. D. Every 4 hours.
【答案】17. D 18. C 19. C 20. B
【原文】M: We watch our salt and fat intake to protect our hearts. We apply sunscreen to protect our skin. But what can we do to protect our eyes Let’s welcome Professor Beth today to give us some tips. Hi professor.
W: Hi. Actually, it’s not just skin that needs to be protected from the sunlight. Eyes need this protection, too.
M: That’s news to me. How can we do this
W: For example, wearing sunglasses can block out 99% to 100% of UV light.
M: You mean those cool-looking glasses with dark lenses
W: Well actually, dark lenses aren’t necessarily UV-protected, and can thus be more harmful to your eyes.
M: So, we should pay attention to the UV protection ability of the sunglasses.
W: Exactly. Another surprising thing is that gardening, home repairs and sports can all pose risks to the eyes.
M: These are all common household chores and activities! What should we do
W: Wearing sports glasses as eye protectors can be useful, so as to avoid accidents like being hit by small rocks.
M: That sounds pretty easy and effective. Now that the program is coming to an end, are there any other tips you’d like to give us, professor
W: Though it’s already common knowledge, it’s still worth mentioning that staring at a screen for long can leave eyes exhausted and result in further consequences. A mere 20-second break every 20 minutes can be of great help.
M: It seems fairly practical but I believe many will still find it hard to develop this habit. Even 2 hours in front of a screen feels like a flash. Thank you today for your sharing, Professor Beth.
17. What is the main idea of this conversation
18. What feature of sunglasses should be paid most attention to
19. Why should we be careful when doing common household chores and activities
20. How often should we take a break from staring at a screen
II. Grammar and vocabulary
Section A
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.
What’s Good About Social Network
Do you remember when social media felt good When friends got reunited years after graduation But then came all the fake news, targeted advertising, and fear of leaking personal information... You began questioning ___21___ why you had spent all the time on it. This was ___22___ happened to many, including me. Though social media was always something I needed, the life when it was needed for sheer entertainment has gone.
But occasionally, I ___23___ (remind) how powerful a tool it always is. It remains unparalleled in its original, uncommercialized mission ___24___ (serve) as a connector of people and a facilitator of friendship. I’m thinking about this after having just returned from breakfast with my friend, Rob. I ___25___ (not see) him since I was 16. We fell out of touch because he lived in Scotland while I lived in London, two opposite ends of this country. But last month I ran across something when I was browsing through Facebook. It was a photo of a little girl ___26___ I didn’t know, winning first prize in a school talent show. A photo unusually ___27___ (post) by Rob, which was his first post on Facebook, was tagged with the name of the school his daughter attended, which was not in Scotland, but just five miles from my house.
Were it not for social media, I would never have known that Rob had moved to my neck of the woods. Both of us were amazed at how incredible it was that we’d spent years living so near, shopping in the same grocery stores, taking the same commuter buses and going to the same cinema, without ever ___28___ (bump) into each other. Truth is, ___29___ we had, I’m not sure I would have recognized him without his profile picture. So ____30____ all the considerations and criticisms about how social media disturbs our lives, it is nice to know that it’s still worth pressing Like. Anyway, social media is irreplaceable to us.
【答案】21. yourself##yourselves
22. what 23. am reminded
24. to serve
25. haven’t seen
26. who##whom##that
27. posted 28. bumping
29. although##though##while
30. despite
考查代词。句意:你开始质疑自己为什么花这么多时间在社交媒体上。根据空后的“why you had spent all the time on it”和主语You可知,这里是说你开始质疑自己。应用you的反身代词yourself(你自己)或yourselves(你们自己),作宾语。故填yourself/yourselves。
考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:但偶尔,我会想起它一直是一个多么强大的工具。根据句中的occasionally可知,这里表示习惯性的动作,应用一般现在时。主语I和remind之间是动宾关系,应用被动语态,且主语为I,所以be动词应用am。故填am reminded。
考查非谓语动词。句意:它最初的、非商业化的使命是作为人们的纽带和友谊的促进者,这是无与伦比的。mission to do sth.意为“做……的使命”,不定式作后置定语。故填to serve。
考查时态。句意:我从16岁起就没见过他。根据句中的时间状语从句“since I was 16”可知,这里应用现在完成时,故填haven’t seen。
考查定语从句。句意:这是一张我不认识的小女孩的照片,她在学校才艺表演中获得一等奖。分析句子结构,空处引导一个定语从句,指代先行词a little girl,指人,且在从句中作know的宾语,所以可用关系代词who, whom或that引导。故填who/whom/that。
考查非谓语动词。句意:Rob不同寻常地发布了一张照片,这是他在Facebook上的第一条帖子,上面标着他女儿就读的学校的名字,这所学校不在苏格兰,但离我家只有五英里。分析句子结构,空处应用非谓语动词。逻辑主语A photo和post之间是动宾关系,所以应用过去分词,作后置定语,故填posted。
考查状语从句。句意:事实是,即使我们有(撞上过对方),如果没有他的个人资料照片,我也不确定我会认出他。句中的“we had”和“I would have recognized him without his profile picture”之间是让步关系,所以应用although/though/while引导让步状语从句。故填although/though/while。
考查介词。句意:因此,尽管人们对社交媒体如何扰乱我们的生活进行了种种考虑和批评,但很高兴知道它仍然值得关注。“all the considerations and criticisms about how social media disturbs our lives”和“it is nice to know that it’s still worth pressing Like”之间是让步关系,应用介词despite构成介词短语作让步状语,意为“尽管”。故填despite。
Section B
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. housed B. overcome C. mounting D. distress E. marveling F. instrument G. chain H. facilitate I. pilot J. confused K. striking
Unlocking The Vatican Museums
Gianni Crea has, almost every morning for the past decade, unlocked the doors to the Vatican Museums. He has seen the splendor of the Sistine Chapel and admired the textures of ancient Egypt. “Yes, I’m a key keeper. But the doors I open are the ones to the history of art, and it’s here that exists the biggest and most beautiful history in the world,” says Crea.
The Vatican Museums have ___31___ collections since the 15th century, including tens of thousands of artworks and artifacts spanning prehistory to modern times. The most ___32___ one of them, according to Crea, is Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel. He recalls being ___33___ with emotion the first time he accompanied the former head key keeper to open the chapel more than 20 years ago. Since then, he’s witnessed people of all faiths ___34___ at the chapel’s loveliness, something the church believes is increasingly vital during these unsettled times.
“In the difficult current context the world is experiencing, in which sadness and ___35___ seem to have the upper hand, art is more necessary than ever, because beauty is always a source of joy,” Pope Francis said last year.
There is also ___36___ scientific evidence to support this view. A 2019 WHO analysis revealed that artistic and cultural activities ___37___ physical and psychological health. In fall 2022, physicians at Brussels’ hospitals partnered with the city to launch a six-month ___38___ study examining the benefits of “museum prescriptions as supplemental treatment for stress, burnout, and anxiety”. It’s the first investigation of its kind in Europe and is expected to have ___39___ effects across the continent. And in the wake of the pandemic (疫情), which forced the Vatican Museums to close three times between 2020 and 2021, there’s a growing movement for wider and easier access to the arts for people’s well-being. “The Vatican Museums must open their doors to people from all over the world, as a(n) ___40___ of dialogue between cultures and religions,” Pope Francis wrote in his 2015 publication.
“Everyone can find something beautiful and moving here,” says Crea, who always welcomes travelers from around the world to accompany him during his morning routine on select dates. “The Vatican Museums will give you an understanding of art and history regardless of your faith.”
【答案】31. A 32. K
33. B 34. E
35. D 36. C
37. H 38. I
39. G 40. F
考查动词。句意:自15世纪以来,梵蒂冈博物馆一直收藏着成千上万件史前到现代的艺术品和手工艺品。根据“collections since the 15th century, including tens of thousands of artworks and artifacts spanning prehistory to modern times”以及句意“收藏”可知应填动词house,根据上文have可知为现在完成时。故选A。
考查形容词。句意:据Crea说,其中最引人注目的是米开朗基罗的西斯廷教堂。根据“Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel”以及句意“引人注目的”可知应填形容词striking,故选K。
考查动词。句意:他回忆起20多年前,他第一次陪同前首席钥匙管理员为教堂揭幕时的激动心情。根据“with emotion the first time he accompanied the former head key keeper to open the chapel more than 20 years ago”以及句意可知应填overcome,结合上文being可知为being done形式。故选B。
考查动词。句意:从那以后,他见证了各种信仰的人们惊叹于教堂的美丽,教会认为在这个动荡的时代,这一点越来越重要。根据“at the chapel’s loveliness”以及句意“惊叹”可知应填marveling,为现在分词作宾补。故选E。
考查名词。句意:教宗方济各去年说:“在当前世界正在经历的困难背景下,悲伤和痛苦似乎占了上风,艺术比以往任何时候都更有必要,因为美总是快乐的源泉。”根据“sadness and”以及句意“痛苦”可知应填名词distress,作主语,故选D。
考查形容词。句意:也有越来越多的科学证据支持这一观点。根据“scientific evidence to support this view”以及句意“增长的”可知应填形容词mounting,故选C。
考查动词。句意:世卫组织2019年的一项分析显示,艺术和文化活动有助于身心健康。根据“physical and psychological health”以及句意“有助于”可知应填动词facilitate,为一般现在时,主语为复数名词,谓语用原形。故选H。
考查名词。句意:2022年秋天,布鲁塞尔医院的医生与该市合作,开展了一项为期六个月的试点研究,研究“博物馆处方作为压力、倦怠和焦虑的补充治疗”的好处。根据“physicians at Brussels’ hospitals partnered with the city to launch a six-month”以及句意“试点研究”可知短语为pilot study,故选I。
考查名词。句意:这是欧洲首例此类调查,预计将在整个欧洲大陆产生连锁效应。根据“across the continent”以及句意“连锁效应”可知短语为chain effect,故选G。
考查名词。句意:教皇方济各在2015年的出版物中写道:“梵蒂冈博物馆必须向来自世界各地的人们敞开大门,作为文化和宗教之间对话的工具。”根据“of dialogue between cultures and religions”以及句意“工具”可知应填名词instrument,作宾语,故选F。
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Mathematics has an image problem: far too many people are put off by it and conclude that the subject just isn’t for them. But one of the biggest problems is how maths is ____41____, as cold and dry.
I have a different approach which is to relate abstract maths to questions of politics and social justice. I have taught fairly maths-phobic (恐惧) art students in this way and have seen their attitudes ____42____. They now believe maths is ____43____ them and can genuinely help them.
At a basic level, maths is founded on logic, so when I am teaching logic, I use examples from ____44____ events rather than the old-fashioned type of problem. Instead of studying the logic of a statement like “all dogs have four legs”, I might discuss the statement “all immigrants are illegal”.
But I do this with specific mathematical structures too. ____45____, I teach a type of structure called an ordered set, which is subject to an order relation such as “is less than”. We then study and ask which functions are “order-preserving”. A typical example might be the function that takes a(n) ____46____ number and maps it to the number obtained from multiplying by 2. We would then say that if x < y then also 2x < 2y, so the function is order-preserving.
____47____, rather than sticking to this type of dry mathematical example, I introduce issues like privilege and wealth. If we think of one ordered set with people ordered by status, we can make a function to another set where the people are now ordered by ____48____ instead. If someone has a higher status, are they automatically wealthier We can also ask about working hours and ____49____: if someone works more hours, do they ____50____ earn more The answer there is clearly not.
My approach is controversial because, traditionally, maths is supposed to be ____51____ and apolitical (与政治无关的). I have been ____52____ by people who think my approach will be off-putting (令人烦恼的) to those who don’t care about social justice. However, the dry approach is off-putting to those who do care. In fact, I believe that all academic disciplines should address our most important issues. Abstract maths is about making thorough logical arguments, which is linked to everything. I don’t ____53____ that students agree with me about politics, but I do ask that they construct thorough arguments to back up their thoughts and develop the crucial ability to analyze the logic of people they ____54____.
Maths isn’t just about numbers and equations (方程式); it is about studying different ____55____ systems. We can apply it to balls rolling down different hills, but we can also apply it to pressing social issues. I think we should do both, for the sake of society and to be more inclusive towards different types of students in maths education.
41. A. dismissed B. presented C. doubted D. neglected
42. A. transformed B. defined C. illustrated D. examined
43. A. credited to B. relevant to C. separated from D. independent of
44. A. economic B. mathematical C. current D. virtual
45. A. In particular B. For example C. After all D. In addition
46. A. ordinary B. odd C. absolute D. limited
47. A. However B. Moreover C. Otherwise D. Therefore
48. A. power B. wealth C. health D. intelligence
49. A. profit B. status C. income D. promotion
50. A. particularly B. specifically C. habitually D. necessarily
51. A. applicable B. neutral C. biased D. theoretical
52. A. criticized B. tolerated C. ignored D. assessed
53. A. oppose B. claim C. assume D. demand
54. A. disagree with B. run across C. rely on D. benefit from
55. A. legal B. operating C. logical D. grading
【答案】41. B 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. B 46. A 47. A 48. B 49. C 50. D 51. B 52. A 53. D 54. A 55. C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是最大的问题之一是数学是如何被冷冰冰地呈现出来的。A. dismissed解散;B. presented代表,呈现;C. doubted怀疑;D. neglected忽视。根据上文“Mathematics has an image problem: far too many people are put off by it and conclude that the subject just isn’t for them.(数学有一个形象问题:有太多的人对它望而却步,认为这门学科不适合他们)”可知,此处指数学被呈现的方式有问题,被冷冰冰地呈现出来。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我用这种方法教过一些对数学相当恐惧的艺术类学生,我看到他们的态度发生了转变。A. transformed转换;B. defined定义;C. illustrated说明;D. examined检查。根据后文“can genuinely help them”可知,态度发生了转变。故选A。
考查形容词短语辨析。句意:他们现在相信数学与他们息息相关,而且能真正帮助他们。A. credited to赞扬;B. relevant to有关的;C. separated from分开;D. independent of不依赖。根据后文“can genuinely help them”可知,认为数学可以帮助到他们,即与他们息息相关。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在基本层面上,数学是建立在逻辑的基础上的,所以当我教逻辑的时候,我用时事的例子,而不是老式的问题。A. economic经济的;B. mathematical数学的;C. current目前的;D. virtual虚拟的。根据后文“events rather than the old-fashioned type of problem”可知,作者用的是时事的例子,而不是老式的问题。故选C。
考查介词短语辨析。句意:例如,我教授一种称为有序集的结构类型,它受制于诸如“小于”之类的顺序关系。A. In particular特别;B. For example例如;C. After all毕竟;D. In addition此外。根据上文“But I do this with specific mathematical structures, too.(但我也用特定的数学结构来做)”可知,后文主要是作者对于上文提到的内容进行举例说明。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一个典型的例子可能是一个函数,它接受一个普通的数字,并将其映射到乘以2得到的数字。A. ordinary普通的;B. odd奇怪的;C. absolute完全的;D. limited有限的。根据后文“number and maps it to the number obtained from multiplying by 2”以及数学相关概念,函数是接受一个普通的数字,并将其映射到乘以2得到的数字。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,我并没有拘泥于这种枯燥的数学例子,而是引入了特权和财富之类的问题。A. However然而;B. Moreover此外;C. Otherwise否则;D. Therefore因此。结合前后文语境可知为转折关系,应用however。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我们考虑一个按地位排序的有序集合,我们可以对另一个按财富排序的有序集合建立一个函数。A. power力量;B. wealth财富;C. health健康;D. intelligence聪明。呼应上文“like privilege and wealth”指按财富排序的有序集合。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们也可以问关于工作时间和收入的问题:如果某人工作时间更长,他们是否习惯性地挣得更多?A. profit利润;B. status地位;C. income收入;D. promotion晋升。根据后文“earn more”可知,此处指工作时间和收入的问题。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们也可以问关于工作时间和收入的问题:如果某人工作时间更长,他们是否习惯性地挣得更多?A. particularly特别是;B. specifically专门地;C. habitually习惯地;D. necessarily必要地。根据上文“if someone works more hours, do they”以及常识,如果某人工作时间更长,他们是否习惯性地挣得更多。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的方法是有争议的,因为传统上,数学被认为是“中立的”和非政治性的。A. applicable适用的;B. neutral中立的;C. biased有偏见的;D. theoretical理论的。根据后文“apolitical”可知,指数学被认为是“中立的”和非政治性的。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:有人批评我,认为我的做法会让那些不关心社会公正的人感到不快。A. criticized批评;B. tolerated忍受;C. ignored忽视;D. assessed评估。根据后文“people who think my approach will be off-putting to those who don’t care about social justice.”可知,有人认为作者的做法会让那些不关心社会公正的人感到不快,即批评作者。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我并不要求学生们在政治问题上与我意见一致,但我确实要求他们构建全面的论据来支持他们的想法,并培养分析他们不同意的人的逻辑的关键能力。A. oppose反对;B. claim声称;C. assume认为;D. demand要求。根据后文“students agree with me about politics”可知,此处指要求学生和作者意见一致。故选D。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我并不要求学生们在政治问题上与我意见一致,但我确实要求他们构建全面的论据来支持他们的想法,并培养分析他们不同意的人的逻辑的关键能力。A. disagree with不同意;B. run across遇到;C. rely on依靠;D. benefit from受益于。上文“students agree with me about politics”提到作者不要求学生们在政治问题上与自己意见一致,即想要培养学生学会分析和自己意见不一致的人的能力。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:数学不仅仅是数字和方程式;它是关于学习不同的逻辑系统。A. legal合法的;B. operating操作的;C. logical逻辑的;D. grading动词,定等级。呼应上文“Abstract maths is about making thorough logical arguments, which is linked to everything.(抽象数学是关于进行彻底的逻辑论证,它与一切都有联系)”指数学关于学习不同的逻辑系统。故选C。
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
One summer night in a seaside cottage, a boy felt himself lifted from bed. Then, with the swiftness of a dream, he was held in his father’s arms out onto the nearby beach. Overhead the sky blazed with stars. “Watch!” Incredibly, as his father spoke, one of the stars moved. In a line of golden fire it flashed across the astonished heavens. And before the wonder of this could fade, another star leaped from its place, then another, plunging towards the restless sea.
“What’s this ” the child whispered.
“Shooting stars. They come every year on a certain August night. I thought you’d like to see the show.”
That was all: just an unexpected glimpse of something mysterious and beautiful. But, back in bed, the child stared for a long time into the dark, knowing that all around the quiet house, the night was full of the silent music of the falling stars.
Decades have passed, but I remember that night still, because I was the fortunate boy whose father believed that a new experience was more important for a small boy than an unbroken night’s sleep. No doubt I had all the usual childhood entertainment, but those are forgotten now. What I remember is the night of the shooting stars, and the day we rode in a caboose (列车末尾的职工车厢), the telegraph we made that really worked, and the “trophy table” in the dining room where we children were encouraged to exhibit things we had found — anything unusual or beautiful — snake skins, seashells, flowers, arrowheads... I remember the thought-provoking (引人深思的) books left by my bedside that pushed back my horizons and sometimes actually changed my life.
My father had, to a marvellous degree, the gift of opening doors for his children, of leading them into areas of splendid newness. This subtle art of adding dimensions to a child’s world doesn’t necessarily require a great deal of time. It simply involves doing things more often with our children instead of for them or to them.
56. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 mean
A. The child was still immersed in the beautiful scenery just now.
B. The child was too frightened to fall asleep because of darkness.
C. The child wanted to listen more to the music about falling stars.
D. The child felt grateful to his father for what he showed him.
57. All the things the author remember from his childhood are ________.
A. unusual and novel B. dangerous and demanding
C. strange and uncommon D. educational and thought-provoking
58. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. Parents should interfere more with their children’s learning.
B. Parents should push their children to try to do everything on their own.
C. Parents should devote energy to exploring new things for their children.
D. Parents should encourage children to be curious and explore new things in life.
59. What’s the best title for this passage
A. Limitless knowledge B. Father, the hero of my life
C. Curiosity aroused that night D. The unusual things in my life
【答案】56. A 57. A 58. D 59. C
词句猜测题。根据画线句前面的“That was all: just an unexpected glimpse of something mysterious and beautiful.(仅此而已:只是对神秘而美丽事物的意外一瞥。)”并结合上文父亲抱着熟睡的作者去看流星的场景可知,在这个夜晚,作者看到了神秘而美丽的流星雨,再根据画线句“But, back in bed, the child stared for a long time into the dark, knowing that all around the quiet house, the night was full of the silent music of the falling stars.(但是,回到床上,孩子在黑暗中凝视了很长一段时间,知道在安静的房子周围,夜晚充满了星星落下的无声音乐。)”可推知,作者回到床上躺着后,依然沉浸在刚刚看到的美丽景色之中。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第五段中的“I was the fortunate boy whose father believed that a new experience was more important for a small boy than an unbroken night’s sleep(我是一个幸运的男孩,他的父亲认为,对一个小男孩来说,一次新的经历比一个完整夜晚的睡眠更重要)”和“What I remember is the night of the shooting stars, and the day we rode in a caboose (列车末尾的职工车厢), the telegraph we made that really worked, and the ‘trophy table’ in the dining room where we children were encouraged to exhibit things we had found — anything unusual or beautiful — snake skins, seashells, flowers, arrowheads...(我记得的是流星的夜晚,我们坐在列车末尾的职工车厢里的那一天,我们制作的真的很管用的电报,还有餐厅里的‘奖杯桌’,在那里我们这些孩子被鼓励展示我们发现的东西——任何不寻常或美丽的东西——蛇皮、贝壳、花、箭头……)”可推出,作者记得的童年里的那些事物都非常独特、新颖。故选A。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“My father had, to a marvellous degree, the gift of opening doors for his children, of leading them into areas of splendid newness. (我父亲有一种了不起的天赋,那就是为他的孩子们打开大门,带领他们进入一个崭新的领域。)”可知,父亲为他的孩子们打开大门,带领他们进入一个崭新的领域,激发出了他们探索的兴趣。由此可推测出,父母应该鼓励孩子们保持好奇心,探索生活中的新事物。故选D
主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文首先描述了几十年前的一个夏日夜晚父亲抱起熟睡的作者,带作者去看流星,再根据第五段中的“Decades have passed, but I remember that night still, because I was the fortunate boy whose father believed that a new experience was more important for a small boy than an unbroken night’s sleep.(几十年过去了,但我仍然记得那个夜晚,因为我是一个幸运的男孩,他的父亲认为,对一个小男孩来说,一次新的经历比一个完整的夜晚更重要。)”和最后一段中的“My father had, to a marvellous degree, the gift of opening doors for his children, of leading them into areas of splendid newness. (我父亲有一种了不起的天赋,那就是为他的孩子们打开大门,带领他们进入一个崭新的领域。)”可知,那个夜晚父亲让作者体验了新的事物,父亲总能够激发孩子们去探索新事物,使孩子保持好奇心。由此可推测出,C项“那晚激发的好奇心”最适合作本文标题。故选C。
What’s UP Here, let’s take a look at some excellent book reviews for this month.
Dead Good Detectives Jenny McLachlan This is the story of a 12-year-old girl called Sid who loves playing horror games with her friends. But when she accidentally releases the ancient ghost pirate, Bones, Sid is launched into an adventure! However, there is someone hiding in the shadows, intended to send Bones back into the mysterious inn that he came from. This is a funny, exciting book that l would recommend to people who love lots of laughs.
Totty Shirley Galligan To find his home, Totty the turtle goes on an impressive adventure with the help of his friends, and has different obstacles to overcome. He wakes up with a plastic bag stuck around his neck, swims through an oil spill and gets caught in a fishing net. My favourite part was when his friend, the whale, helped him out of the garbage mountain, and he was rescued by the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre. If you like sea animals and care for the environment then this is a good book for you!
Fact Book of The Month: Aliens Joalda Morancy Ever wondered what incredible creatures might live beyond our planet This mind-blowing book teaches you everything about the search for alien lifeforms in our solar system and beyond. Meet the robots sent to Mars to look for Martians, find out how to spot an advanced alien civilization and discover what really goes on at Area 51! Do aliens exist And is it only a matter of time before we find them !
60. Who do you think are the intended readers of this column
A. Scientists and astronauts. B. Kids and teenagers.
C. Parents of middle school kids. D. Environmentalists.
61. John, who falls for what happens beyond Earth, will most probably buy ________.
A. Dead Good Detectives B. Totty
C. Fact Book of The Month: Aliens D. None
62. What may be the main idea of Totty
A. To praise the value of friendships.
B. To introduce various kinds of sea animals.
C. To encourage the spirits of overcoming difficulties.
D. To show how human behaviors affect sea creatures.
【答案】60. B 61. C 62. D
推理判断题。根据内容可知Dead Good Detectives讲的是和朋友冒险的故事;Totty讲的是海洋动物的故事;而Fact Book of The Month: Aliens讲的是与外星生命有关的内容,由此可推知,儿童和青少年是本专栏的目标读者。故选B。
细节理解题。根据Fact Book of The Month: Aliens部分中“Ever wondered what incredible creatures might live beyond our planet This mind-blowing book teaches you everything about the search for alien lifeforms in our solar system and beyond.(有没有想过在我们的星球之外生活着什么不可思议的生物?这本令人兴奋的书教你在太阳系内外寻找外星生命形式的一切)”可知,约翰爱上了地球之外发生的事情,他很可能会买Fact Book of The Month: Aliens。故选C。
细节理解题。根据Totty部分中“To find his home, Totty the turtle goes on an impressive adventure with the help of his friends, and has different obstacles to overcome. He wakes up with a plastic bag stuck around his neck, swims through an oil spill and gets caught in a fishing net. My favourite part was when his friend, the whale, helped him out of the garbage mountain, and he was rescued by the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre. If you like sea animals and care for the environment then this is a good book for you!(为了找到他的家,乌龟托蒂在朋友的帮助下进行了一次令人印象深刻的冒险,并且有不同的障碍需要克服。他醒来时发现脖子上缠着一个塑料袋,他游过了漏油点,却被渔网缠住了。我最喜欢的部分是他的朋友,鲸鱼,帮助他走出垃圾山,他被海龟救援中心救了出来。如果你喜欢海洋动物,关心环境,那么这是一本很适合你的书!)”可知,《托蒂》的主旨是展示人类行为如何影响海洋生物。故选D。
If a scientist sees a unicorn (独角兽), she’ll probably want to see more than one before telling the world about her discovery. But sometimes one unicorn is enough.
In 2007 an astronomer named Duncan Lorimer reported finding a new kind of astronomical event. It was a brief stream of energy so powerful that it could reach Earth from a galaxy billions of light-years away. He called it a fast radio burst (FRB). This remarkable find, if real, could make huge contributions to the study about universe. He predicted there would be many more – but that year, he spotted just one.
It’s not unheard of for one event to kick off a whole new field of scientific inquiry. Still it’s rare. When Lorimer’s paper came out in the journal, it was not surprising that many were skeptical. “Sometimes, what seems like a remarkable scientific discovery turns out to be an error in the data,” some commented.
Later, a young graduate student was assigned the task of finding more FRBs. Using the same radio telescope Lorimer once used, she found more bursts that just looked like FRBs. But because of the ways they appeared in the telescope data, she was virtually certain that they were some other kind of radio interference and gave them another name: perytons. As years ticked by and no more FRBs were discovered, some astronomers began to conclude Lorimer had found nothing more than an unusual example of one of these perytons.
Good news: in 2011, there was a report of a second FRB. Four more were found in 2013. Bad news: all of them came from the same Lorimer’s radio telescope. But ultimately, in 2014, there was a report from another radio telescope. More discoveries started showing up from other telescopes on a somewhat regular basis. At last the conversation about FRBs shifted – from whether they were real to where they came from.
Years of research have passed by since then. Now, Victoria Kaspi, a physics professor and principal investigator on the FRB team, predicts that once the more advanced telescopes come online in 2024, the location and distance of most FRBs detected can be found out, which will provide “golden opportunities for astronomers to study the large-scale structure of the universe”.
Finally, this “unicorn” story came to a somehow surprising end. Several years ago, a team reanalyzed the same data from the radio telescope by which Lorimer found the first FRB. There was one more that they had previously missed. Since then, other teams have analyzed even older data and found FRBs in those datasets too.
“They were just sitting there, waiting to be discovered by better techniques,” Lorimer says.
63. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word in paragraph 3
A. Optimistic. B. Curious. C. Supportive. D. Doubtful.
64. Why did the author mention unicorns in the first paragraph
A. To suggest that the new scientific discovery was a myth.
B. To imply magical creatures may actually exist in the world.
C. To symbolize the previously unknown and unseen discoveries.
D. To quote an incident that once happened in the field of science.
65. Why was it bad news that other FRBs found also came from Lorimer’s telescope
A. Because it might mean the results were not reliable.
B. Because they were all found by a young graduate student.
C. Because these were given the name perytons and were not real FRBs.
D Because not every astronomer had the same type of telescope as Lorimer.
66. What can we imply from this passage
A. It’s possible for just one event to start a new field of scientific research.
B. New scientific discoveries can’t be made without advanced research techniques.
C. Scientists shouldn’t deny new discoveries even if they lack evidence temporarily.
D. Scientists should be careful to distinguish new discoveries from errors in the datasets.
【答案】63. D 64. C 65. A 66. C
词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“Sometimes, what seems like a remarkable scientific discovery turns out to be an error in the data(有时候,看似了不起的科学发现,其实是数据上的错误)”可知,许多人对洛里默的论文持怀疑态度,认为是数据上的错误。故划线词意思是“怀疑的”。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第一段“If a scientist sees a unicorn (独角兽), she’ll probably want to see more than one before telling the world about her discovery. But sometimes one unicorn is enough.(如果一位科学家看到了独角兽,在告诉全世界她的发现之前,她可能会想要看到更多的独角兽。但有时一只独角兽就足够了)”以及第二段“In 2007 an astronomer named Duncan Lorimer reported finding a new kind of astronomical event. It was a brief stream of energy so powerful that it could reach Earth from a galaxy billions of light-years away. He called it a fast radio burst (FRB). This remarkable find, if real, could make huge contributions to the study about universe. He predicted there would be many more – but that year, he spotted just one.(2007年,一位名叫邓肯·洛里默的天文学家报告发现了一种新的天文现象。它是一股短暂的能量流,如此强大,可以从数十亿光年外的星系到达地球。他称之为快速射电暴(FRB)。这一非凡的发现,如果是真的,将对宇宙的研究做出巨大贡献。他预测会有更多,但那一年,他只发现了一个)”可推知,作者在第一段提到独角兽是象征以前未知和看不见的发现。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第五段“Bad news: all of them came from the same Lorimer’s radio telescope. But ultimately, in 2014, there was a report from another radio telescope. More discoveries started showing up from other telescopes on a somewhat regular basis. At last the conversation about FRBs shifted – from whether they were real to where they came from.(坏消息:它们都来自同一台洛里默射电望远镜。但最终,在2014年,另一个射电望远镜发布了一份报告。更多的发现开始从其他望远镜中定期出现。最后,关于快速射电暴的讨论从它们是否真实转向了它们来自哪里)”可知,说洛里默望远镜也发现了其他快速射电暴是个坏消息是因为这可能意味着结果不可靠。故选A。
推理判断题。根据最后一段““They were just sitting there, waiting to be discovered by better techniques,” Lorimer says.(“它们就在那里,等待着被更好的技术发现,”Lorimer说)”可推知,即使暂时缺乏证据,科学家也不应该否认新发现。故选C。
Section C
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
Strengthen Bonds With Your New Pet
Welcoming a new pet can be a magical moment for a lot of families. Unfortunately, many new pet owners struggle to bond with them. The following steps may help.
This should go without saying but spending time with your pets can greatly help you form a strong relationship. Pets love to be included in every activity of their humans, whatever the activities are. ___67___ Cats love playing with yarn (纱线) balls and fishing pole toys. Dogs are outgoing and usually love playing games with tennis balls such as fetch. So it’s also important to learn what type of play your pet enjoys.
Most people forget that training and teaching them tricks is a healthy outlet as well.___68___ Whether you’re teaching them simple commands like ‘sit’ or something more complex like ‘turn around’ or ‘bow’, they’re sure to enjoy your company and will love you all the more for your attention, company and praises. Pets also love being rewarded with treats. ___69___ Moreover, when they begin to anticipate treats for good behaviour, they are more likely to be on their best behaviour, further making you and your pets grow closer.
One more thing to notice is that taking care of a pet can be a wonderful experience and also be quite frustrating. For new pet owners, it can be confusing, especially if you don’t understand what your pet needs or wants at any given time. ___70___ This might take a day or two, or might take months. But eventually, you will reap what you sow.
A. Training will ease your annoyance as your pets tend to obey more and behave better.
B. Giving them an extra piece of chicken for a job well done is essential for a strong relationship.
C. They usually communicate through body language so you need to pay attention to them.
D. You should always learn to be patient and accept that there will be a period of adjustment.
E. But playtime is still a necessary and effective activity to share fun moments together.
F. The Internet is a good place to figure out how you can train them efficiently.
【答案】67. E 68. A 69. B 70. D
根据上文“This should go without saying but spending time with your pets can greatly help you form a strong relationship. Pets love to be included in every activity of their humans, whatever the activities are.(这应该是不言而喻的,但花时间和你的宠物在一起可以极大地帮助你建立牢固的关系。宠物喜欢参与主人的每一项活动,无论活动是什么)”以及后文“Cats love playing with yarn (纱线) balls and fishing pole toys. Dogs are outgoing and usually love playing games with tennis balls such as fetch. So it’s also important to learn what type of play your pet enjoys.(猫喜欢玩纱线球和鱼竿玩具。狗是外向的,通常喜欢玩网球游戏,比如捡球。所以了解你的宠物喜欢什么类型的游戏也很重要)”可知,后文提到了宠物爱玩的物品和游戏,可知本句提到了游戏活动。故E选项“但游戏时间仍然是一种必要和有效的活动,可以一起分享快乐的时刻”符合语境,故选E。
根据上文“Most people forget that training and teaching them tricks is a healthy outlet as well.(大多数人忘记了训练和教它们技巧也是一种健康的发泄方式)”以及后文“Whether you’re teaching them simple commands like ‘sit’ or something more complex like ‘turn around’ or ‘bow’, they’re sure to enjoy your company and will love you all the more for your attention, company and praises.(无论你是教它们简单的指令,比如“坐下”,还是更复杂的指令,比如“转身”或“鞠躬”,它们肯定会喜欢你的陪伴,并且会因为你的关注、陪伴和赞美而更加爱你)”可知,本句承接上文继续说明训练对宠物的好处。故A选项“训练会减轻你的烦恼,因为你的宠物会更听话,表现得更好”符合语境,故选A。
根据上文“Pets also love being rewarded with treats.(宠物也喜欢得到奖励)”可知,本句承接上文,具体说明该给宠物什么样的奖励。故B选项“如果他们工作做得好,给他们一块额外的鸡肉是建立牢固关系的必要条件”符合语境,故选B。
根据上文“For new pet owners, it can be confusing, especially if you don’t understand what your pet needs or wants at any given time.(对于新宠物主人来说,这可能会令人困惑,特别是如果你不知道你的宠物在任何时候需要什么或想要什么)”可知,本句主要对如何对待新宠物提出建议。故D选项“你应该学会有耐心,接受会有一段调整期”符合语境,故选D。
IV. Summary Writing
71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
Benefits of Green Spaces
We all know the value of taking a walk in the fresh spring weather. It allows your mind to relax and forget about the problems in everyday life. Studies have commonly shown the benefits of being around green spaces, including gardens, urban parks and forests.
But did you know that being in contact with these natural surroundings during childhood could positively impact your mental health as an adult A study by the Institute for Global Health surveyed 3,600 people from all over Europe.
The all-adult study gave participants a questionnaire (问卷) on how frequently they used natural spaces during childhood — for example, playing in a garden or riding a bike at the park. They were also asked about the importance they put on using such places. Volunteers were then given a psychological test, which included a variety of questionnaires and problem-solving activities, to analyze their nervousness and feelings of depression within a four-week period. The results consistently showed that the people who were more exposed to natural spaces had higher mental health scores compared to those with lower childhood exposure — as did those who attached higher importance to using green spaces. The study’s assistant, Wilma Smith, wrote that the results “show the importance of childhood exposure to natural spaces for the development of a nature-appreciating attitude and a healthy psychological state in adulthood”. She also stressed the importance of “recognizing the implications of growing up in environments with limited opportunities for exposure to nature”.
According to the study, 73 percent of Europe’s population only has limited access to natural spaces. So we call on policymakers to improve the availability of natural spaces for children.
While this study was based in Europe, a lack of green space can affect anyone, anywhere. So remember to make time to expose yourself to nature, as your mental health is just as important as the physical one.
【答案】One possible version:
Researches show exposure to nature during childhood has a positive impact on mental health in adulthood. Those using natural spaces more frequently and attaching greater importance to using them score higher in psychological tests including problem-solving abilities and negative feelings’ analysis. Therefore, availability of natural spaces should be improved by governments and being exposed to nature should be highlighted.
①But did you know that being in contact with these natural surroundings during childhood could positively impact your mental health as an adult A study by the Institute for Global Health surveyed 3,600 people from all over Europe.
②Volunteers were then given a psychological test, which included a variety of questionnaires and problem-solving activities, to analyze their nervousness and feelings of depression within a four-week period. The results consistently showed that the people who were more exposed to natural spaces had higher mental health scores compared to those with lower childhood exposure — as did those who attached higher importance to using green spaces.
③While this study was based in Europe, a lack of green space can affect anyone, anywhere. So remember to make time to expose yourself to nature, as your mental health is just as important as the physical one.
2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3要点进行分说。
Researches show exposure to nature during childhood has a positive impact on mental health in adulthood.
Those using natural spaces more frequently and attaching greater importance to using them score higher in psychological tests including problem-solving abilities and negative feelings’ analysis.
Therefore, availability of natural spaces should be improved by governments and being exposed to nature should be highlighted.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Those using natural spaces more frequently and attaching greater importance to using them score higher in psychological tests including problem-solving abilities and negative feelings’ analysis.运用现在分词作定语对原文第三段进行了概括。
[高分句型2] Therefore, availability of natural spaces should be improved by governments and being exposed to nature should be highlighted.用动名词作主语对最后一段进行了概括。
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
72. 凡今天购买这款手机的顾客可享七折优惠。(discount) (汉译英)
【答案】Customers who purchase this mobile phone today can enjoy a 30% discount.
【详解】考查定语从句和时态。主语为复数名词customers,后跟who引导的定语从句,表示“今天购买这款手机”翻译为purchase this mobile phone today;表示“可享七折优惠”翻译为can enjoy a 30% discount。为一般现在时。故翻译为Customers who purchase this mobile phone today can enjoy a 30% discount.
73. 如今网红营销名目繁多,警方提醒公众谨防上当受骗。(there be) (汉译英)
【答案】Nowadays, there are many types of internet celebrity marketing (influencer marketing). The police remind the public to be careful not to fall for scams.
【详解】考查固定短语和时态。表示“如今”应用副词nowadays;表示“网红营销名目繁多”应用there be句型,翻译为there are many types of internet celebrity marketing (influencer marketing);后一句主语为the police;表示“提醒公众……”短语为remind the public to;表示“谨防上当受骗”翻译为be careful not to fall for scams。为一般现在时。故翻译为Nowadays, there are many types of internet celebrity marketing (influencer marketing). The police remind the public to be careful not to fall for scams.
74. 相比其栩栩如生的外表,机器人看家护院的功能是一个更大的卖点。(sell) (汉译英)
【答案】Compared to its lifelike appearance, the robot’s function of guarding the house is a bigger sell.
【详解】考查非谓语动词和名词。句子描述一般性事实,应用一般现在时。“与……相比”为短语be compared to,“栩栩如生的”为形容词lifelike,“外表”为名词appearance,“相比其栩栩如生的外表”作状语,应用非谓语动词形式,“相比”和主语“机器人”是被动关系,应用过去分词形式作状语,翻译为compared to its lifelike appearance,“机器人”为主语,翻译为the robot,“功能”为名词function,“看护”为动词guard,作介词of的宾语,应用动名词形式,“看家护院”为guarding the house,作介词of的宾语,“更大的”为形容词bigger,“卖点”为名词sell,故整句翻译为Compared to its lifelike appearance, the robot’s function of guarding the house is a bigger sell.。
75. 这个国家不顾人民的安危将废水排入大海,这个行为受到了当地渔民和邻国人民的强烈抗议。(which) (汉译英)
【答案】This country ignored the safety of people dumping wastewater into the sea, which sparked strong protest from local fishermen and people in neighbouring countries.
【详解】考查定语从句、时态和非谓语。表示“这个国家”应用this country;表示“忽视”应用ignore;表示“人们的安危”应用the safety of people;表示“将废水排入大海”应用dump wastewater into the sea,dump和this country为逻辑主谓关系,需用现在分词形式作状语;表示“受到了强烈抗议”应用spark strong protest;表示“来自当地渔民和邻国人民”应用from local fishmen and people in neighbouring countries;句子陈述过去发生的事情,使用一般过去时,ignore和spark的过去式分别是ignored和sparked;“这个行为受到了当地渔民和邻国人民的强烈抗议”处理为非限制性定语从句,先行词是主句,在定语从句中作主语,需用关系代词which引导。故翻译成:This country ignored the safety of people dumping wastewater into the sea, which sparked strong protest from local fishermen and people in neighbouring countries。
VI. Guided Writing
76. Directions: Write an English composition in 120—150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 你的选择;
2. 你的理由。
【答案】Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to express my opinion on the upcoming opening ceremony performance for our school's sports meet. I suggest that our class participate in the Chinese traditional instrument performance, such as playing guzheng or erhu.
Firstly, this choice will allow us to showcase our cultural heritage and appreciation for traditional Chinese music. Instruments like guzheng and erhu are emblematic of Chinese culture, and their unique sound and music have been popular around the world for generations. Secondly, the instrument performance will also provide a unique and exciting break from the usual sports-related activities.
In conclusion, I believe that our class participating in the Chinese traditional instrument performance will not only enrich the cultural diversity of the opening ceremony but also present a unique opportunity for us to share our cultural identity with the rest of the school. Thank you for considering my suggestion.
Li Hua
总之:in conclusion→in short
原句:Instruments like guzheng and erhu are emblematic of Chinese culture, and their unique sound and music have been popular around the world for generations.
拓展句:Not only are instruments like guzheng and erhu emblematic of Chinese culture, but also their unique sound and music have been popular around the world for generations.
【点睛】[高分句型1] I suggest that our class participate in the Chinese traditional instrument performance, such as playing the guzheng or erhu. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] In conclusion, I believe that our class participating in the Chinese traditional instrument performance will not only enrich the cultural diversity of the opening ceremony but also present a unique opportunity for us to share our cultural identity with the rest of the school. (运用了not only…but also…句型)金山区2023学年第一学期质量监控
I. Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. At 12:30. B. At 13:00. C. At 13:30. D. At 14:00.
2. 此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. A professor. B. A waitress. C. An actress. D. A librarian.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Worried. B. Angry. C. Surprised. D. Delighted.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. The man is eager to see his parents.
B. The man’s friends should come later.
C. The man’s apartment needs tidying up.
D. The man should buy a vacuum cleaner.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. She thinks the news is like music.
B. She is happy to hear the news.
C. She is upset about the test result.
D. She doubts she passed the test.
6. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Because she is sick.
B. Because she doesn’t see why to go out.
C. Because the weather is bad.
D. Because they have something else to do.
7. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. He is excited to see the star.
B. He is indifferent about the star.
C. He is unsure about his feelings towards the star.
D. He doesn’t want to see the woman’s favorite star.
8. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. She’s regretted taking yoga.
B. Her health has improved greatly.
C. Her present condition is just so so.
D. She’s considering more exercise classes.
9. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. She is worried about Lucy.
B. She has bad news about Lucy.
C. She has heard from Lucy recently.
D. She thinks everything is OK with Lucy.
10. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Mary can pick him up next Friday.
B. Mary can attend the meeting next Friday.
C. He has to change his plan for next Friday.
D. He is available for the meeting next Friday.
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and one longer conversation and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
A. Doing puzzles.
B. Visiting the official website.
C. Reading “Making Memories”.
D. Purchasing popular fiction books.
A. To help people strengthen their memories.
B. To broaden the horizons of the passionate readers.
C. To provide readers with high-quality fiction works.
D. To recommend the rising stars in the literature field.
A. To promote a renewed program.
B. To teach how to strengthen memories.
C. To warn people to improve poor memories.
D. To appeal to people to be passionate readers.
14. A. Rich soil. B. Enough water. C. Some crops. D. Little shade.
A. Because it had a lot of trees.
B. Because it was always raining there.
C. Because it was located near a big city.
D. Because it had a wetland with water and rich soils.
A. The history of Saudi Arabia.
B. The climate change in Saudi Arabia.
C. The development of civilization in AlUla.
D. The hunting techniques of the first people in AlUla.
A. The importance of a balanced diet.
B. The benefits of applying sunscreen.
C. The risks of common household chores and activities.
D. The importance of protecting our eyes and how to do it.
A. The color of the lenses (镜片).
B. The style of the sunglasses.
C. The UV protection ability of the sunglasses.
D. The brand of the sunglasses.
A. Because our eyes can get exhausted.
B. Because they can be time-consuming.
C. Because they can pose risks to the eyes.
D. Because there are small rocks that may hit us.
20. A. Every 20 seconds. B. Every 20 minutes. C. Every 2 hours. D. Every 4 hours.
II. Grammar and vocabulary
Section A
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.
What’s Good About Social Network
Do you remember when social media felt good When friends got reunited years after graduation But then came all the fake news, targeted advertising, and fear of leaking personal information... You began questioning ___21___ why you had spent all the time on it. This was ___22___ happened to many, including me. Though social media was always something I needed, the life when it was needed for sheer entertainment has gone.
But occasionally, I ___23___ (remind) how powerful a tool it always is. It remains unparalleled in its original, uncommercialized mission ___24___ (serve) as a connector of people and a facilitator of friendship. I’m thinking about this after having just returned from breakfast with my friend, Rob. I ___25___ (not see) him since I was 16. We fell out of touch because he lived in Scotland while I lived in London, two opposite ends of this country. But last month I ran across something when I was browsing through Facebook. It was a photo of a little girl ___26___ I didn’t know, winning first prize in a school talent show. A photo unusually ___27___ (post) by Rob, which was his first post on Facebook, was tagged with the name of the school his daughter attended, which was not in Scotland, but just five miles from my house.
Were it not for social media, I would never have known that Rob had moved to my neck of the woods. Both of us were amazed at how incredible it was that we’d spent years living so near, shopping in the same grocery stores, taking the same commuter buses and going to the same cinema, without ever ___28___ (bump) into each other. Truth is, ___29___ we had, I’m not sure I would have recognized him without his profile picture. So ____30____ all the considerations and criticisms about how social media disturbs our lives, it is nice to know that it’s still worth pressing Like. Anyway, social media is irreplaceable to us.
Section B
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. housed B. overcome C. mounting D. distress E. marveling F. instrument G. chain H. facilitate I. pilot J. confused K. striking
Unlocking The Vatican Museums
Gianni Crea has, almost every morning for the past decade, unlocked the doors to the Vatican Museums. He has seen the splendor of the Sistine Chapel and admired the textures of ancient Egypt. “Yes, I’m a key keeper. But the doors I open are the ones to the history of art, and it’s here that exists the biggest and most beautiful history in the world,” says Crea.
The Vatican Museums have ___31___ collections since the 15th century, including tens of thousands of artworks and artifacts spanning prehistory to modern times. The most ___32___ one of them, according to Crea, is Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel. He recalls being ___33___ with emotion the first time he accompanied the former head key keeper to open the chapel more than 20 years ago. Since then, he’s witnessed people of all faiths ___34___ at the chapel’s loveliness, something the church believes is increasingly vital during these unsettled times.
“In the difficult current context the world is experiencing, in which sadness and ___35___ seem to have the upper hand, art is more necessary than ever, because beauty is always a source of joy,” Pope Francis said last year.
There is also ___36___ scientific evidence to support this view. A 2019 WHO analysis revealed that artistic and cultural activities ___37___ physical and psychological health. In fall 2022, physicians at Brussels’ hospitals partnered with the city to launch a six-month ___38___ study examining the benefits of “museum prescriptions as supplemental treatment for stress, burnout, and anxiety”. It’s the first investigation of its kind in Europe and is expected to have ___39___ effects across the continent. And in the wake of the pandemic (疫情), which forced the Vatican Museums to close three times between 2020 and 2021, there’s a growing movement for wider and easier access to the arts for people’s well-being. “The Vatican Museums must open their doors to people from all over the world, as a(n) ___40___ of dialogue between cultures and religions,” Pope Francis wrote in his 2015 publication.
“Everyone can find something beautiful and moving here,” says Crea, who always welcomes travelers from around the world to accompany him during his morning routine on select dates. “The Vatican Museums will give you an understanding of art and history regardless of your faith.”
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Mathematics has an image problem: far too many people are put off by it and conclude that the subject just isn’t for them. But one of the biggest problems is how maths is ____41____ as cold and dry.
I have a different approach which is to relate abstract maths to questions of politics and social justice. I have taught fairly maths-phobic (恐惧) art students in this way and have seen their attitudes ____42____. They now believe maths is ____43____ them and can genuinely help them.
At a basic level, maths is founded on logic, so when I am teaching logic, I use examples from ____44____ events rather than the old-fashioned type of problem. Instead of studying the logic of a statement like “all dogs have four legs”, I might discuss the statement “all immigrants are illegal”.
But I do this with specific mathematical structures, too. ____45____, I teach a type of structure called an ordered set, which is subject to an order relation such as “is less than”. We then study and ask which functions are “order-preserving”. A typical example might be the function that takes a(n) ____46____ number and maps it to the number obtained from multiplying by 2. We would then say that if x < y then also 2x < 2y, so the function is order-preserving.
____47____, rather than sticking to this type of dry mathematical example, I introduce issues like privilege and wealth. If we think of one ordered set with people ordered by status, we can make a function to another set where the people are now ordered by ____48____ instead. If someone has a higher status, are they automatically wealthier We can also ask about working hours and ____49____: if someone works more hours, do they ____50____ earn more The answer there is clearly not.
My approach is controversial because, traditionally, maths is supposed to be ____51____ and apolitical (与政治无关的). I have been ____52____ by people who think my approach will be off-putting (令人烦恼的) to those who don’t care about social justice. However, the dry approach is off-putting to those who do care. In fact, I believe that all academic disciplines should address our most important issues. Abstract maths is about making thorough logical arguments, which is linked to everything. I don’t ____53____ that students agree with me about politics, but I do ask that they construct thorough arguments to back up their thoughts and develop the crucial ability to analyze the logic of people they ____54____.
Maths isn’t just about numbers and equations (方程式); it is about studying different ____55____ systems. We can apply it to balls rolling down different hills, but we can also apply it to pressing social issues. I think we should do both, for the sake of society and to be more inclusive towards different types of students in maths education.
41. A. dismissed B. presented C. doubted D. neglected
42. A. transformed B. defined C. illustrated D. examined
43. A. credited to B. relevant to C. separated from D. independent of
44. A. economic B. mathematical C. current D. virtual
45. A. In particular B. For example C. After all D. In addition
46. A. ordinary B. odd C. absolute D. limited
47. A. However B. Moreover C. Otherwise D. Therefore
48. A. power B. wealth C. health D. intelligence
49. A. profit B. status C. income D. promotion
50. A. particularly B. specifically C. habitually D. necessarily
51. A. applicable B. neutral C. biased D. theoretical
52. A. criticized B. tolerated C. ignored D. assessed
53. A. oppose B. claim C. assume D. demand
54. A. disagree with B. run across C. rely on D. benefit from
55. A. legal B. operating C. logical D. grading
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
One summer night in a seaside cottage, a boy felt himself lifted from bed. Then, with the swiftness of a dream, he was held in his father’s arms out onto the nearby beach. Overhead the sky blazed with stars. “Watch!” Incredibly, as his father spoke, one of the stars moved. In a line of golden fire it flashed across the astonished heavens. And before the wonder of this could fade, another star leaped from its place, then another, plunging towards the restless sea.
“What’s this ” the child whispered.
“Shooting stars. They come every year on a certain August night. I thought you’d like to see the show.”
That was all: just an unexpected glimpse of something mysterious and beautiful. But, back in bed, the child stared for a long time into the dark, knowing that all around the quiet house, the night was full of the silent music of the falling stars.
Decades have passed, but I remember that night still, because I was the fortunate boy whose father believed that a new experience was more important for a small boy than an unbroken night’s sleep. No doubt I had all the usual childhood entertainment, but those are forgotten now. What I remember is the night of the shooting stars, and the day we rode in a caboose (列车末尾的职工车厢), the telegraph we made that really worked, and the “trophy table” in the dining room where we children were encouraged to exhibit things we had found — anything unusual or beautiful — snake skins, seashells, flowers, arrowheads... I remember the thought-provoking (引人深思的) books left by my bedside that pushed back my horizons and sometimes actually changed my life.
My father had, to a marvellous degree, the gift of opening doors for his children, of leading them into areas of splendid newness. This subtle art of adding dimensions to a child’s world doesn’t necessarily require a great deal of time. It simply involves doing things more often with our children instead of for them or to them.
56 What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 mean
A. The child was still immersed in the beautiful scenery just now.
B. The child was too frightened to fall asleep because of darkness.
C. The child wanted to listen more to the music about falling stars.
D. The child felt grateful to his father for what he showed him.
57. All the things the author remember from his childhood are ________.
A. unusual and novel B. dangerous and demanding
C. strange and uncommon D. educational and thought-provoking
58. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. Parents should interfere more with their children’s learning.
B. Parents should push their children to try to do everything on their own.
C. Parents should devote energy to exploring new things for their children.
D. Parents should encourage children to be curious and explore new things in life.
59. What’s the best title for this passage
A. Limitless knowledge B. Father, the hero of my life
C. Curiosity aroused that night D. The unusual things in my life
What’s UP Here, let’s take a look at some excellent book reviews for this month.
Dead Good Detectives Jenny McLachlan This is the story of a 12-year-old girl called Sid who loves playing horror games with her friends. But when she accidentally releases the ancient ghost pirate, Bones, Sid is launched into an adventure! However, there is someone hiding in the shadows, intended to send Bones back into the mysterious inn that he came from. This is a funny, exciting book that l would recommend to people who love lots of laughs.
Totty Shirley Galligan To find his home, Totty the turtle goes on an impressive adventure with the help of his friends, and has different obstacles to overcome. He wakes up with a plastic bag stuck around his neck, swims through an oil spill and gets caught in a fishing net. My favourite part was when his friend, the whale, helped him out of the garbage mountain, and he was rescued by the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre. If you like sea animals and care for the environment then this is a good book for you!
Fact Book of The Month: Aliens Joalda Morancy Ever wondered what incredible creatures might live beyond our planet This mind-blowing book teaches you everything about the search for alien lifeforms in our solar system and beyond. Meet the robots sent to Mars to look for Martians, find out how to spot an advanced alien civilization and discover what really goes on at Area 51! Do aliens exist And is it only a matter of time before we find them !
60. Who do you think are the intended readers of this column
A. Scientists and astronauts. B. Kids and teenagers.
C. Parents of middle school kids. D. Environmentalists.
61. John, who falls for what happens beyond Earth, will most probably buy ________.
A. Dead Good Detectives B. Totty
C. Fact Book of The Month: Aliens D. None
62. What may be the main idea of Totty
A. To praise the value of friendships.
B. To introduce various kinds of sea animals.
C. To encourage the spirits of overcoming difficulties.
D. To show how human behaviors affect sea creatures.
If a scientist sees a unicorn (独角兽), she’ll probably want to see more than one before telling the world about her discovery. But sometimes one unicorn is enough.
In 2007 an astronomer named Duncan Lorimer reported finding a new kind of astronomical event. It was a brief stream of energy so powerful that it could reach Earth from a galaxy billions of light-years away. He called it a fast radio burst (FRB). This remarkable find, if real, could make huge contributions to the study about universe. He predicted there would be many more – but that year, he spotted just one.
It’s not unheard of for one event to kick off a whole new field of scientific inquiry. Still it’s rare. When Lorimer’s paper came out in the journal it was not surprising that many were skeptical. “Sometimes, what seems like a remarkable scientific discovery turns out to be an error in the data,” some commented.
Later, a young graduate student was assigned the task of finding more FRBs. Using the same radio telescope Lorimer once used, she found more bursts that just looked like FRBs. But because of the ways they appeared in the telescope data, she was virtually certain that they were some other kind of radio interference and gave them another name: perytons. As years ticked by and no more FRBs were discovered, some astronomers began to conclude Lorimer had found nothing more than an unusual example of one of these perytons.
Good news: in 2011, there was a report of a second FRB. Four more were found in 2013. Bad news: all of them came from the same Lorimer’s radio telescope. But ultimately, in 2014, there was a report from another radio telescope. More discoveries started showing up from other telescopes on a somewhat regular basis. At last the conversation about FRBs shifted – from whether they were real to where they came from.
Years of research have passed by since then. Now, Victoria Kaspi, a physics professor and principal investigator on the FRB team, predicts that once the more advanced telescopes come online in 2024, the location and distance of most FRBs detected can be found out, which will provide “golden opportunities for astronomers to study the large-scale structure of the universe”.
Finally, this “unicorn” story came to a somehow surprising end. Several years ago, a team reanalyzed the same data from the radio telescope by which Lorimer found the first FRB. There was one more that they had previously missed. Since then, other teams have analyzed even older data and found FRBs in those datasets too.
“They were just sitting there, waiting to be discovered by better techniques,” Lorimer says.
63. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word in paragraph 3
A. Optimistic. B. Curious. C. Supportive. D. Doubtful.
64. Why did the author mention unicorns in the first paragraph
A. To suggest that the new scientific discovery was a myth.
B. To imply magical creatures may actually exist in the world.
C. To symbolize the previously unknown and unseen discoveries.
D. To quote an incident that once happened in the field of science.
65. Why was it bad news that other FRBs found also came from Lorimer’s telescope
A. Because it might mean the results were not reliable.
B. Because they were all found by a young graduate student.
C. Because these were given the name perytons and were not real FRBs.
D. Because not every astronomer had the same type of telescope as Lorimer.
66. What can we imply from this passage
A. It’s possible for just one event to start a new field of scientific research.
B. New scientific discoveries can’t be made without advanced research techniques.
C. Scientists shouldn’t deny new discoveries even if they lack evidence temporarily.
D. Scientists should be careful to distinguish new discoveries from errors in the datasets.
Section C
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
Strengthen Bonds With Your New Pet
Welcoming a new pet can be a magical moment for a lot of families. Unfortunately many new pet owners struggle to bond with them. The following steps may help.
This should go without saying but spending time with your pets can greatly help you form a strong relationship. Pets love to be included in every activity of their humans, whatever the activities are. ___67___ Cats love playing with yarn (纱线) balls and fishing pole toys. Dogs are outgoing and usually love playing games with tennis balls such as fetch. So it’s also important to learn what type of play your pet enjoys.
Most people forget that training and teaching them tricks is a healthy outlet as well.___68___ Whether you’re teaching them simple commands like ‘sit’ or something more complex like ‘turn around’ or ‘bow’, they’re sure to enjoy your company and will love you all the more for your attention, company and praises. Pets also love being rewarded with treats. ___69___ Moreover, when they begin to anticipate treats for good behaviour, they are more likely to be on their best behaviour, further making you and your pets grow closer.
One more thing to notice is that taking care of a pet can be a wonderful experience and also be quite frustrating. For new pet owners, it can be confusing, especially if you don’t understand what your pet needs or wants at any given time. ___70___ This might take a day or two, or might take months. But eventually, you will reap what you sow.
A. Training will ease your annoyance as your pets tend to obey more and behave better.
B. Giving them an extra piece of chicken for a job well done is essential for a strong relationship.
C. They usually communicate through body language so you need to pay attention to them.
D. You should always learn to be patient and accept that there will be a period of adjustment.
E. But playtime is still a necessary and effective activity to share fun moments together.
F. The Internet is a good place to figure out how you can train them efficiently.
IV. Summary Writing
71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
Benefits of Green Spaces
We all know the value of taking a walk in the fresh spring weather. It allows your mind to relax and forget about the problems in everyday life. Studies have commonly shown the benefits of being around green spaces, including gardens, urban parks and forests.
But did you know that being in contact with these natural surroundings during childhood could positively impact your mental health as an adult A study by the Institute for Global Health surveyed 3,600 people from all over Europe.
The all-adult study gave participants a questionnaire (问卷) on how frequently they used natural spaces during childhood — for example, playing in a garden or riding a bike at the park. They were also asked about the importance they put on using such places. Volunteers were then given a psychological test, which included a variety of questionnaires and problem-solving activities, to analyze their nervousness and feelings of depression within a four-week period. The results consistently showed that the people who were more exposed to natural spaces had higher mental health scores compared to those with lower childhood exposure — as did those who attached higher importance to using green spaces. The study’s assistant, Wilma Smith, wrote that the results “show the importance of childhood exposure to natural spaces for the development of a nature-appreciating attitude and a healthy psychological state in adulthood”. She also stressed the importance of “recognizing the implications of growing up in environments with limited opportunities for exposure to nature”.
According to the study, 73 percent of Europe’s population only has limited access to natural spaces. So we call on policymakers to improve the availability of natural spaces for children.
While this study was based in Europe, a lack of green space can affect anyone, anywhere. So remember to make time to expose yourself to nature, as your mental health is just as important as the physical one.
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
72. 凡今天购买这款手机的顾客可享七折优惠。(discount) (汉译英)
73. 如今网红营销名目繁多,警方提醒公众谨防上当受骗。(there be) (汉译英)
74. 相比其栩栩如生的外表,机器人看家护院的功能是一个更大的卖点。(sell) (汉译英)
75. 这个国家不顾人民的安危将废水排入大海,这个行为受到了当地渔民和邻国人民的强烈抗议。(which) (汉译英)
VI. Guided Writing
76. Directions: Write an English composition in 120—150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 你的选择;
2. 你的理由。

  • 2023-2024上海市金山区高三上学期一模英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案